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1. John said that he didn’t quite ____and asked me to repeat what I had said.

A. snatch up

B. summon up

C. catch on

D. watch out

2. On weekend my grandma usually ____ a glass of wine.

A. subscribes

B. engages

C. hangs

D. indulges in

3. At the party we found that shy girl ____her mother all the time.

A. depending on

B. coinciding on

C. adhering to

D. clinging to

4. The schoolmaster ____the girl’s bravery in his opening speech.

A. applauded

B. enhanced

C. elevated

D. clapped

5. The Space Age ____in October 1957 when the first artificial satellite was launched by the Soviet Union.





6. As you have seen, the value of a nation’s currency is a ____of its economy.





7. If the world is to remain peaceful the utmost effort must be made by nations to limit local ____.





8. Some studies confirmed that this kind of eye disease was ____in tropical countries.





9. David likes country life and has decided to ____farming.

A.go in for

B.go back on

C.go through with

D.go along with.

10. I am afraid that you have to alter your ____ views in light of the tragic news that has just arrived.





11. Jack was about to announce our plan but I ____

A.put him through

B.turned him out

C.gave him up

D.cut him short

12. Many people think of deserts as ____ regions, but numerous species of plants and animals have adapted to life there.





13. The politician says he will ____ the welfare of the people.

A.prey on

B.take on

C.get at

D.see to

14. A budget of five dollars a day is totally ____for a trip round Europe.





15. If you ____the bottle and cigarettes,you’ll be much healthier.

A.take off

B.keep off

C.get off

D.set off

16. Bill is example of a severely disabled person who has become ____ at many survival skills.





17. The ties that bind us together in common activity are so____ that they can disapppear at any moment.





18. Diamonds have little ____value and their price depends almost entirely on their scarcity.





19. The kitchen was small and ____so that the disabled could reach everything without difficulty.





20. The original elections were declared ____ by the former military ruler.





21. Some criminals were printing ____dollar bills until they were arrested.





22. The directions were so ____that it was impossible to complete the assignment.





23. Because a degree from a good university is the means to a better job, education is one of the most ____areas in Japanese life.





24. A terrible traffic accident happened; people were saddened when they watched the ____.





25. Some people think that a ____translation, or word for word translation, is easier than a free translation.






1. C)【句意】约翰说他不大明白,要我再说一遍。

【难点】 catch on意为“理解”,用于口语;snatch up意为“抓住某

物”;summon up意为“鼓起(勇气等);watch out意为“当心,监视,注意”。

2. D)【句意】每逢周末我祖母都要喝上一杯酒享受一下。

【难点】 indulge in意为“沉湎于”;engage in或be engaged in意为“忙于,从事于”;subscribe to意为“预订(书报等)”;hang on意为“坚持”。

3. D) 【句意】聚会时我们发现那个腼腆的姑娘总是紧紧抓住她母亲。

【难点】 cling to意为“紧紧抓住”;depend on意为“依靠,取决

于”;coincide意为“相符,与…一致”;adhere to意为“粘附,遵守,坚持”。

4. A)【句意】校长在开幕词中赞扬了这位姑娘大无畏的精神。

【难点】 applaud意为“鼓掌”,表示赞许;clap作“鼓掌”解时与applaud同义,却无“称赞”之意;enhance是“提高(价值),增加(美丽)”的意思;elevate意为“提高(思想觉悟,嗓门等),振奋(精神,情绪等)”。

5. D) 【句意】太空时代始于1957年10月,那时第一颗人造卫星是由苏联发射升空的。

【难点】 commence意为“开始”,作及物或不及物动词均可;initiate是及物动词,意为“开始,发起,创始,倡议”;originate可作及物动词和不及物动词,作不及物动词,意为“发源,来自,产生”,作及物动词,意为“引起,创始,发明”;embark意为“开始”,后接on。

6. D) 【句意】正如你所看到的那样,一个国家货币的币值反映了这个国家的经济情况。

【难点】 reflection意为“反映”;response意为“反响”;revelation意为“透露”;reaction意为“反应”。

7. A) 【句意】要想让世界保持安宁,各国必须尽最大努力减少地区冲突。

【难点】 collisions意为“冲突”;combat意为“战斗”;contradiction意为“(意见等)相互矛盾,冲突”;conflict意为“冲突(指处于战争状态或激烈的争吵)”。

8. C) 【句意】某些研究证明,这种眼病在一些地处热带的国家中流行。

【难点】 prevalent意为“流行的”;perpetual意为“永恒的”;prospective意为“预期的”;provocative意为“挑衅的”。

9. A) 【句意】戴维喜爱乡村生活,决心从事农业。

【难点】 go in for意为“从事,进行”;go back on 意为“违背”;go through with意为“将…进行到底”;go along with意为“赞同,支持”。

10. D) 【句意】根据得到的不幸消息,你所持的乐观看法恐怕要变变了。

【难点】 optimistic意为“乐观的”;pessimistic意为“悲观的”;indifferent 意为“冷漠的”;distressing意为“使人痛苦”。

11. D) 【句意】杰克正准备宣布我们的计划时,我打断了他。

【难点】 cut short意为“打断(某人)”;put somebody through意为“为某人接通电话”;turn someone out意为“驱逐某人,使某人离开”;give someone up 意为“把某人交给,招供出某人”。

12. C) 【句意】很多人认为沙漠地区一片荒凉,可仍有无数的动植物适应在那里生存。

【难点】 barren意为“不毛的”;void意为“无效的,空的”;virgin意为“未经开发的”;wretched意为“可怜的,讨厌的,拙劣的”。

13. D)【句意】这位政治家说他将保证人民享有的福利。

【难点】 see to意为“负责处理”;prey on意为“捕食,折磨”;take on意为“承担”,后接表示“任务”之类的词”;get at意为“意指,意思是”。

14. A)【句意】到欧洲旅行,五美元一天的预算是不够的。

【难点】 inadequate意为“不足的”;incapable意为“无能力的”;incompatible意为“不相容的”;invalid意为“无效的,作废的”。

15. B)【句意】如果你戒烟戒酒,你的身体就会好多了。

【难点】 keep off意为“远离”;take off意为“起飞”;get off意为“(从汽车、火车等交通工具)下来;set off意为“激起,引起,动身,启程”。

16. A)【句意】严重残疾的人也能熟练地掌握很多生存技能,比尔就是例证。

【难点】 proficient意为“熟练的”;persistent意为“持续的,不懈的”;consistent意为“坚持的”;sufficient意为“充分的,足够的”。

17. D)【句意】将我们维系在一起进行共同活动的纽带是不牢靠的,随时都会消失。

【难点】 feeble意为“软弱的”;trivial意为“微不足道的”;fatal意为“致命的”;tentative意为“尝试性的”。

18. D) 【句意】钻石本身没有什么价值。它昂贵的价格完全是物以稀为贵的缘故。

【难点】 intrinsic意为“内在的”;extinct意为“灭绝的”;permanent意为“永久的”;surplus意为“过剩的”。

19. B) 【句意】这间厨房小巧紧凑,残疾人可以很方便地取物。

【难点】 compact意为“小巧的”;conventional意为“传统的”;compatible意为“协调的”;concise意为“简洁的”。

20. A) 【句意】原先的选举被前军事独裁者宣布为无效。

【难点】 void意为“无效的”;vulgar意为“粗俗的”;surplus意为“过剩的”;extravagant意为“奢侈的”。

21. B) 【句意】有几个犯罪分子被捕前一直在印假美钞。

【难点】 fake意为“假的”;decent意为“体面的,适当的”;patent意为“公开的,显然的”;suspicious意为“可疑的”。

22. D) 【句意】指示太不明确,无法完成这项任务。

【难点】 ambiguous意为“含糊的”;ingenious意为“奇妙的”;ambitious意为“有抱负的”;notorious意为“臭名昭著的”。

23. B)【句意】由于名牌大学的学位可以使人找到好的工作,因此在日本,教育是最具竞争的领域。

【难点】 competitive意为“竞争的”;sophisticated意为“老于世故的”;considerate意为“考虑周到的”;superficial意为“肤浅的”。

24. C)【句意】发生了一场可怕的交通事故。当人们看到那些可怜的受害者时,感到很难过。

【难点】 pathetic意为“可怜的”;panic意为“恐慌,使受惊(用作名词或动词),in a panic意为“惊慌失措”;patriotic意为“爱国的”;periodic意为“定期的”。

25. A) 【句意】有人认为直译,即逐字翻译,比意译更容易。

【难点】 literal意为“字面的”;literary意为“文学的”;liberal意为“自由的”;linear意为“线性的”。

1. Women wearing the gowns were said to look ____ they had just stepped out of bed.

A. as

B. that

C. as that

D. as though

2. Your mother will never see you again if you do not marry Mr. Collins, and I will never see you again if you ____.

A. will

B. do

C. have

D. married

3. The composers soon began to write musical dramas about Bible stories ____ in church.

A. to perform

B. performing

C. to be performed

D.be performed

4. At least he was there in time to tell his adventures to Jim while Jim did ____ of the work.

A. three fourths

B. three fourth

C. threes fourths

D. threes fourth

5. Eventually they went on strike and achieved a reduction in hours to ____ .

A. a 52 hour week

B. a 52 hours week

C. an hour 52 week

D. 52 hours week

6. You want to tell me, and I have no objection ____ it.

A. to hear

B. to hearing

C. hearing

D. having heard

7. “I ____ poetry as the food of the love,” said Darcy.

A. have been used to considering

B. have used to consider

C. use to consider

D. used to considering

8. We have had a most delightful evening.I wish you ____ there.

A. have been

B. have gone

C. had been

D. are

9. Elizabeth could not refuse, ____ she foresaw little pleasure in the visit.

A. since

B. for

C. though

D. when

10. For a long while he waited, not daring to descend from his hiding place ____ they should come out and catch him in the act.

A. when

B. lest

C. that

D. where


1. D)【句意】据说,穿长袍的女人就像刚从床榻上下来似的。

【难点】look as though (if ) 后接虚拟语气。

2. B)【句意】如果你不嫁柯林斯先生,你母亲就不会见你;如果你嫁,我就永远不会见你。

【难点】do 在本句是助动词,替代marry Mr Collins。

3. C)【句意】不久,作曲家开始写有关《圣经》故事的音乐剧,想在教堂演出。

【难点】to be performed 是不定式的被动语态,作定语,修饰musical dramas。

4. A)【句意】至少在吉姆做完3/4工作的时候,他及时赶到将他的历险告诉了吉姆。


5. A)【句意】最后,他们举行罢工,并成功地将工作时间缩短到每星期五十二小时。

【难点】连字符将两个或两个以上的词连接起来的时候,该词可能会成为形容词,如:three year old 三岁的,wait and see 观望的。本句中,52 hour 是形容词,修饰week。

6. B)【句意】你想告诉我,我不反对。

【难点】have no objection to doing sth 意为“不反对做某事”,其中to 是介词,后接动名词。

7. A)【句意】“我已习惯于把诗看作是爱的源泉”,达西说。

【难点】本句考查used to 和be used to 的区别。used to 是半助动词,后接动词原形,意为“过去常常”,be used to后接 doing 意为“习惯于”。

8. C)【句意】我们度过了一个愉快的晚上,我但愿你也去了。

【难点】wish后接虚拟语气的从句,由于动作应发生在过去,所以用了had been。

9. C)【句意】尽管伊丽沙白预见到这次访问不会愉快,但她不能拒绝。

【难点】since是“因为,鉴于”; for 是“因为”; though 为“尽管”,when 为“当…时候”。

10. B)【句意】他等了好久,不敢从藏身处下来,他害怕他们出来,把他当场抓获。

【难点】lest 后接should +动词原形的虚拟语气句。

1. The new washing machines are ____ at the rate offifty a day.

A. turn up

B. turn down

C. turned out

D. turned in

2. ____ should any money be given to a small child.

A. On no account

B. From all accounts.

C. Of no account

D. By all accounts

3. While in London, we paid a visit to the hospital founded ____ the nurse Florence Nightingale.

A. in line with

B. in favor of

C. in honor of

D. in place of

4. Visitors are asked to ____ with the regulations.

A. contrast

B. consult

C. comply

D. conflict

5. He thought he could talk Mr.Robinson ____ buyingsome expensive equipment.

A. on

B. of

C. round

D. into

6. The republication of the poet’s most recent works certainly ____ his national reputation.

A. magnify

B. strengthen

C. enlarge

D. enhance

7. Although the two players are ____ in the tennis court, they are really good friends.

A. partners

B. enemies

C. rivals

D. companions

8. His body temperature has been ____ for three days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.

A. uncommon

B. disordered

C. abnormal

D. extraordinary

9. The final document was of course, supposed to mend the damage ______ upon the world by the war.

A. imposed

B. impressed

C. compelled

D. compressed

10. The drowning child was saved by Dick’s ____ action.

A. acute

B. alert

C. profound

D. prompt


1. C)【句意】新洗衣机以每天50台的速度生产出来。

【难点】turn out意为“生产”;turn up意为“开大(收音机、煤气等)”;turn down意为“把…调低,拒绝”;turn in意为“上交”。

2. A)【句意】绝不应该给小孩子钱。

【难点】on no account意为“绝不”;from all accounts和by all accounts意为“根据说法”,并非固定搭配,而of no account意为“丝毫不重要”是从成语of…

account(“有…重要性”)演化而来的,account可加some, great, little, small等限定词进行修饰,表示程度。

3. C)【句意】在伦敦时,我们访问了为纪念弗劳伦斯南丁格尔护士而建立的医院。

【难点】in honor of意为“为…的荣誉”;in line with意为“与…一致”; in favor of意为“支持,赞成”;in place of意为“代替”。

4. C)【句意】要求参观者遵守规则。

【难点】comply with意为“遵守”。其它三个词都可与介词with搭配:consult with意为“和…商量”;contrast with意为“与…形成对比”;conflict with意为“与…抵触”。

5. B)【句意】他想他能说服鲁宾逊先生买一些昂贵的设备。

【难点】除talk之外,还可用persuade或reason表达同一意思。另外,talk或reason sb. out of (doing) sth.意为“说服某人不做某事”。

6. D)【句意】这位诗人新作再版无疑会提高他在国内的知名度。

【难点】enhance意为“提高”;magnify意为“放大,扩大(使某物看起来比本身大)”;strengthen意为“加强,变强(使身体强壮,使某物更加牢固,结实)”;enlarge 意为“扩大(使某物变大,或变宽)”。

7. C)【句意】这两位网球选手场上是对手,场下是朋友。


8. C)【句意】他的体温一连三天都不正常,最高时达到40.5度。

【难点】abnormal意为“不正常的”;uncommon意为“不寻常的”;disordered 意为“失调的”;extraordinary意为“格外的”。

9. A)【句意】最后的文件当然是弥合战争给世界造成的创伤。


10. D)【句意】迪克行动迅速地救起了落水儿童。




2. 只有他希望我留下来,我才留下来。

3. 只要你高兴,我做什么都没关系。

4. 只有你也去,我才愿意去。

5. 要是玛丽也被邀请,我就来。

6. 如果他们来晚了,我们总是可以在那个酒吧里坐一坐

7. 你应当给房子保险,以防发生火灾

8. 现在不下雨了,我们立刻出发吧。


Only if the red light comes on is there any danger ahead.

I will only stay if he wants me.

So long as you are happy, it doesn’t matter what you do.

I will go providing that you go too.

I will come on condition that Mary is invited too.

In case they are late, we can always sit in the bar.

You should insure your house in case there is a fire. Now that it has stopped raining, let’s start at once

1. 多亏一系列的新发明,医生能成功地治疗这种病了。

2. 在我50岁时,我注意到一个变化就是我比以前更容易累了。

3. 我将继续学英语,无论我要作出怎样的牺牲

4. 很多年轻人靠信用卡生活,他们的生活质量是用他们能够借多少来衡量,而不是他们能挣多少。

5. 如果这项技术能够应用于新技术开发,我们的努力就得到了回报。

6. 我的电脑无法启动,操作系统一定出了问题。

7. 与扬州相比较,这个城市更加繁荣。

8. 直到他完成了任务,他才发现他已经病得很重了。

9. 通过这个项目,很多人受到了培训,决定自己创业。

10. 研究发现人身体状态不佳根缺乏锻炼有关。


<大学英语语法>考查试题 一.选择正确答案填入相应的空格处:(70%) forest guards often find campfires thet have not been ______completely. down B. put out C. put away over 2..Of all the economically important plants, palms have been______. least studied the least less and less study the less is a continuous supply of fuel oil. things needed is needed is needed their need 4.The survey indicates that each Chinese family averaged_____of daily television usage in 1994than in 1993. many as 60 minutes B. 60 minutes more C. 60 minutes C. more 60 minutes 5.All evidence the court has collected boils_____to the fact that he is a spy. A. down B. off C. up D. overluggage, the group of tourists hurried to the airport.2009-2010学年第二学期() A. After packed packed packing was always nervous_____ in city traffic. driving B. driving driving driving 8. I saw Alan skimming over the water and, finally, ____ into it.


【Vocabulary and Structure】专项练习100题 1. It is well known that Tomas Edison __________ the electric lamp. A. discovered B. Found C. developed D. invented 2. I couldn’t enter the lab because I had ____________ the key in my office. A. taken B. left C. missed D. got 3. I regret ____________ you that we are unable to offer you employment. A. informing C. to inform B. having informed D. to have informed 4. The chairman has informed us that he ____________a few minutes late after the meeting begins. A. has arrived C. could arrive B. should arrive D. may arrive 5. She had made __________many mistakes in the article that we couldn’t catch what she meant. A. such B. that C. so D. as 6. I sincerely ____________him to make great progress with his new job in a short tine. A. expect B. believe C. think D. instruct 7. Is ____________ necessary to complete the design before National Day? A. this B. that C. it D. such 8. She said she would live in London for ____________ four or five years. A. another B. others C. other D. the others 9. Mr. Smith used to smoke ____________but he has given it up now. A. badly B. seriously C. heavily D. hardly 10. Thousands of people took part in when the old temple ____________. A. was rebuilding C. would be rebuilt B. was being rebuilt D. had been rebuilt 【1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.A7.C8.A9.C10.B】 11. ____ with each other, two systems can work better. A) When combine C) When combined B) When combining D) When they combined 12. It's important that everyone ____ here on time. A) is B) will be C) must be D) be 13. The stormy weather gradually gave _____ to a period of sunshine. A) room B) way C) space D) place 14. I could not do anything except just _____ for him to come round. A) waiting B) to wait C) waited D) wait 15. I can't _____ the sight of that poor man. A) suffer B) endure C) bear D) put up 16. Wang Ming ____ ill. I saw him playing basketball a moment ago. A) needn't have been C) couldn't have been B) must have been D) can't be 17. ____ that her son had fallen from a tree and broken his leg, she hurried back home.


科目:英语时间:2018年3月8日教师:郭旭 一、教学目的: 1.使学生能够熟练掌握购物时所需的日常用语,并能够在所创设的情 境中进行简单的对话。 2.培养学生在购物的过程中恰当使用礼貌用语的习惯。 二、教学重难点: 1.口语发音; 2.注意正确语调的使用。 三、教具准备: 1.教材相配套的教学录音带 2.教师自制的单词卡 3.多媒体课件、奖励品 四、教学过程 1.通过幻灯片展示让学生了解与购物相关的单词, 如:shopping mall,super market,sale,cash, card, 2.播放一段卡通,向学生们展示购物时所能用到的日常用语, 如:What can I do for you. What would you like? I want to buy … 3.通过跟读和个别纠正的方式使学生们进一步熟悉所学内容,注意语 音、语调的模仿。 4.创设情境,让学生在情境中进行反复的操练。

科目:英语时间:2018年3月15日教师:郭旭 一、教学目标: 1.能够听说认读本课时有关教室内的主要单词 2、以our classroom为话题进行英语口语训练,以简单常用的口语 描述our classroom. 二、教学重点: 学习What’s in the classroom?并灵活运用句型This is....It is....There are....表达自己的意愿。教学难点:能用英语 口语简单描述“our classroom” 三、教具准备: 1.教材相配套的教学录音带 2.教师自制的单词卡 3.多媒体课件、奖励品 四、教学过程: 1. 教师出示单词卡,让学生进行认读。(并把单词卡贴到黑板上)2.引导学生用以上单词做问答练习,如:What’s this? What’s in the classroom? What colour is it? 在学生回答出问题后, 教师可再追问: How many__ are there in your classroom? 使学生能用复数进行回答。 3.教师在学生学习了对话的基础上,扩充词汇量:There are many things in the classroom. What are they?


高三英语练习4 II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A 25. With the economic crisis ________ hand, and the unemployment rate on the rise, career planning will definitely benefit you. A. in B. on C. by D. at 26. Although house prices are unpredictable, most people believe that they will not rise by more than ________ five percent. A. any other B. the other C. another D. other 27. ---Mrs. White looks old for her age. ---Yes. It worries her most ___________her hair is turning gray. A. while B. if C. that D. for 28. ___________, the more severe the winters are. A. The more north you go B. The farther you go the north C. The more you go north D. The farther north you go 29. Despite a lot of research, scientists can not figure out ________ quite a number of insects, birds and animals are dying out. A. that B. as C. why D. when 30. Mary, born of a poor family, can’t be admitted to a university next fall ________ she can afford her further study. A. unless B. for C. as D. if 31. Educators claim that children ________ to English-speaking environment will learn the language more quickly. A. being exposed B. to be exposed C. having exposed D. exposed 32. You will know what it is like ________ most of your time listening to dull reports in a meeting room. A. spending B. having spent C. to spend D. to have spent 33.________ the prices and functions of different types of cameras before you make up your mind which to buy. A. Compare B. Comparing C. Compared D. To compare 34. What a beautiful sight! Wild flowers of different colors spread all over the hills and around the lake, ________ to the beauty of the valley. A. to add B. being added C. adding D. added 35. Henry set up a club for football fans, ___________ he invited all his friends. A. to which B. to whom C. for whom D. from which 36. The children in Sichuan look forward with hope ___________a chance to receive further education in their rebuilt hometown. A. for getting B. of getting C. to get D. to getting 37. ---I didn’t see her last night at the party. --- You ___________. But you came too late. A. could have B. can’t have C. must have D. ought have 38. The customers complained that not only ___________high, but he didn’t do a good repair job. A. he charged B. was he charged C. did he charge D. he was charged


1. The problem ________ when the students refused to do their homework. A. arose B. aroused C. rose D. raised 2. When he suddenly ________ up the subject of genetic engineering, there was an embarrassed silence. A. took B. brought C. showed D. came 3. ________ so many people in the United States been out of work as today. A. More than ever before B. In the past, there have never C. Never before have D. Formerly, there never were 4. It ________ as a shock to realize that I was not alone in the room. A. came B. appeared C. arrived D. reached 5. Since William had been seriously ill for several months, his parents were worried about ________ to return to school full-time. A. he wanted B. he wanting C. him to want D. his wanting 6. The association is ________ to raising funds to help the blind. A. conducted B. committed C. concentrated D. concerned 7. I won't ________ those children making a noise in my house! A. allow B. let C. have D. permit 8. The TV station, in ________ to massive popular demand, decided to continue the soap opera (肥皂剧). A. regard B. relation C. respect D. response


一、选择题 1.--Mary failed the exam yesterday. --- Give her a phone call. We should ______. A.cheer up her B.cheer up C.cheer her up D.cheered up 2.Because of his mistakes when dealing with the electricity problems, last Friday he was by the company. A.got off B.took off C.kicked off 3.People often make a wish before candles when they celebrate birthday. A.bringing out B.laying out C.finding out D.blowing out 4.We can’t trust him. He always some excuses for doing something wrong. A.makes up B.sets up C.takes up D.puts up 5.As the road to the airport is under repair, we will have to _______ early to get there in time. A.turn off B.take off C.put off D.set off 6.George couldn’t wait to _________ his new car. A.put off B.set off C.take off D.show off 7.—You look so sad. What happened? 一The exam to be much harder than I thought. A.broke out B.carried out C.put out D.turned out 8.—Who is your favorite singer, Mike? —TF Boys. They are very ____ boys and girls. A.proud of B.popular with C.strict with D.worried about 9.______ a light when necessary. You will bring light to other people and yourself. A.Try on B.Get on C.Turn on D.Put on 10.— Can I speak to Mrs Green? — Sorry, wrong number. Please to 114 and check the number. A.put out B.put off C.put through D.put away 11.--You hate that TV play, don’t you? --Not _______. I just think it’s a bit boring. A.likely B.exactly C.nearly D.carefully 12.The math problem is so difficult that only few students can _______. A.work on it B.work for it C.work it over D.work it out 13.You should go to see him since he is so seriously ill. ________, he is your brother. A.In all B.First of all C.Above all D.After all 14.—It’s everyone’s duty to join the Clean Your Plate Cam paign. —Sure. We should try to _______all the food that we’ve ordered. A.give up B.eat up C.turn up D.show up 15.---Jack, you seemed _______ at the party.


英语小练习(4) 一.词形变换: sandwich (复数)_________ strawberry (复数)___________ peach (复数)_____ diary (复数)_______ discuss (现在分词)_______ lock (过去分词)_______ challenge (动名词)__________ interest (形容词)________ _________ chat (现在分词)_______ glad (副词)_______ class (复数)______ donate (名词)____ they (宾格)______ we (名物)______ easy (副词)______ choose (名词)_______ decide (过去式)_______ kind (副词)_______ wealthy (名词)_______ especial (副词)________ differ(名词)_______ far (比较级)_______develop (名词)__ 二.把下列主动语态的句子变为被动句。 1.We built a new library in our school last year. 2.We will have a talk on Chinese history in the school hall next week. 3.They produce silk in Suzhou. 4.Did they build a bridge here last year ? 5.My brother often mends his watch . 6.We must water the flowers every morning. 7.They have finished three great projects so far. 8.Look! They are cleaning the classroom. 三.语法填空:


1.I'd like to take __________ of this opportunity to thank all of you for your efforts. A. profit B. benefit C. occasion D. advantage 2.In copying this paper, be careful not to leave __________ any words. A. out B. alone C. off D. behind 3.When doing the wash, it is important to _______ white and colored clothing. A. compare B. separate C. establish D. contrast 4.We finally __________ an agreement after a lot of hard argument. A. reached B. did C. arrived D. drove 5.It is desirable that the airplane ___________ as light as possible. A. is B. were C. be D. had been 6.We came finally __________ the conclusion that she had been telling lies all the time. A. of B. into C. to D. at 7.I am not used to speaking _________ public. A. in B. at C. on D. to 8.He didn't live up to __________ had been expected of him.


初中英语专题训练题 专题一:词汇部分(名词、数词、冠词) A:名词专项 可修饰名词的常用词: 1)修饰可数名词与不可数名词:some, any, a lot of, lots of, plenty of 2)饰可数名词的有:many, (a)few, a large (great) number of 3)只修饰不可数名词的有:much, (a)little, a great deal of 2、难点 1)名词所有格的归纳 1、a student's room, students' rooms, father's shoes。 2、Children's Day 3、a friend of my father's 4、a twenty minutes' walk,ten miles' journey,a boat's length,two pounds' weight, ten dollars' worth。 (说明:表示时间、距离、长度、重量、价格、世界、国家等名词的所有格要用 's)5、a map of China,the end of this term,the capital of our country, the color of the flowers。 (说明:无生命名词的所有格则必须用of结构) 6、Li Lei and Wang Fei's bedroom, an hour and a half's talk (说明:表示两个名词共有一样东西时,在第二个名词后面加's) 7、Jim's and Peter's desks; Joe's and David's books


1. 学校生活School life 例一要点: Jack is a Year 8 student at a school near London. His favorite subject is Chinese. He thinks learning foreign languages is fun. His school has a reading week every term. Jack and his classmates love it. They can read many books and magazines from the school library. Jack loves his school very much. 例二要点: Nancy is 14 years old. She’s in the seventh grade. Twice a week, she plays volleyball after school. She loves this game and spends a lot of time practising. Every Monday, Nancy goes to a Buddy Club. There older students talk to new students about school life. Her buddy Julie helps her learn all about her new school . Julie is her good friend. 2. 阅读Reading 例一要点: I enjoy reading the books of Robert Louis Stevenson because I find them really exciting. For example, Treasure Island tells the story of a young boy. He sails the sea to look for hidden treasure. His story gives me a lot of confidence. After reading the book, I’m not as shy as I used to be. I also want to travel and have exciting experiences in the future. 例二要点: I love reading. I spend over seven hours a week reading different types of books. I am interested in history books, but I like novels best. My friends give me lots of advice on books. We often meet together and discuss what to read. Reading is always a wonderful time. Good books help me relax after a busy day. They also open up a whole new world to me. 3. 自己动手做Do it yourself 例一要点: My cousin Andrew is crazy about DIY. He loves to repair things and decorate his house. But when he finishes, The house always looks terrible.


1. They were given nothing, __________________ (除了干面包和水作晚餐外). 2. ______________________________, (迈克一定还没有找回他的自行车) for he came by bus this morning. 3. _________________(他可能离开去英格兰了。) But so far, nobody is sure of that. 4. _______________________ (杰克说的一切你都不必当真): he is a dreadful liar. 5. I don’t see the necessity _____________________ (向你解释我的行为). 6. It is absolutely necessary in the globalization race that _____________ (我们抱有政治理想). 7. Later, at home, _____________________________ (贝蒂就数落他是一个懦夫). 8. For many students, _______________________ (大学充其量是一个社交中心). 9. When saving his wife, __________________________ (他冒着自己丧生的危险). 10. ___________________________(并非所有的美国人都崇拜运动), but athletics are an important part of their culture. 1. Jack’s shirt was burned by ____ f rom the fire. A) spots B) spills C) sparks D) sprays 2. The wood was so rotten that, when we pulled, it ____ into fragments. A) broke off B) broke away C) broke up D) broke through 3. We shall have to ____ the meeting unti l next week, I’m afraid. A) postpone B) conduct C) replace D) last 4. To our ____, Geoffrey’s illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared. A) entertainment B) judgment C) relief D) relaxation 5. The working of the machine ____ that of the human brain. A) compromises with B) competes with C) communicates to D) corresponds to 6. The attack was the latest in a series of border ____ in that area. A) accidents B) incidents C) events D) occurrences 7. The children will not be allowed to come with us if they don’t ____ themselves better. A) direct B) accustom C) adjust D) behave 8. The oppressed peasants rose up in armed ____. A) revolt B) rebel C) chaos D) challenge 9. I had to shake him several times to ____ him from his sleep. A) rouse B) stimulate C) motivate D) prompt 10. Three days after the trial the prisoner was ____ secretly, and the body was buried under a tree inside the prison. A) murdered B) convicted C) executed D) punished 11. His skin was ____ from years of working outdoors. A) elastic B) clums C) coarse D) delicious 12. Three people were killed in a head-on ____ between a bus and a car. A) collapse B) conflict C) collision D) crush 13. Ruth has gone back to California ____. She will not return to the East. A) for long B) before long C) ever since D) for good 14. When the singer appeared, the audience started to ____ loudly. A) claim B) crack C) clap D) crash


大学英语四级练习题单项选择题-5 1.His proposal is __A_____ to all of us and you do not need to tell us mor e about it. A.apparent B.appearing C.approaching D.apart 2.This mountain range has many high __A_____ and fertile valleys. A.peaks B.hills C.phases D.pink 3.He gave us a good __C_____ of his experience. A.demonstration B.frequency C.descripton D.instruction 4.You have your choice of three __A_____ of ice cream. A.varieties B.tops C.respects D.decks 5.This sick man was __D_____ in a blanket. A. input B.issued C.ensured D.wrapped 6.This is the military ___B_____. Nobody is allowed to get in without per mission. A.bond B.zone C.butter D.zoo 7.Rock music usually ___B____ the young people in most countries. A.applies to B.appeals to C.amazes D.actress


《英语口语训练》课程标准 学分:8 参考学时:120 一、课程概述 本课程是高职学院应用英语专业的一门必修课程。通过学习本课程,能使学生在掌握一定词汇量的基础上,学习口语表达的一些基本技巧和方法,循序渐进地学会口语交流。使学生能在一般社交场合能使用英语本族人普遍接受的语言与英语国家人士交谈,做到正确表达思想,语音语调自然,无重大语法错误。依据学生掌握英语口语交际能力的需要,该标准把学生的口语交际能力细分为六大能力,以提高、培养学生的五大能力教学任务,并根据任务设计教学活动,设定教学课时、考核方案。 二、课程目标 《英语口语训练》课的最终目标是提高学生的口语能力,使其能够使用英语进行日常交流、表达思想,依据这一纵向目标,本课程标准把课程总体目标分为六个能力目标:词汇能力、流利程度、语音语调的标准性、功能句型的使用、基本语法的正确性及文化意识的强弱。六大能力相互关联,缺一不可,应贯穿于口语教学的始终,并穿插进行,单独或同时存在于课堂教学的各个环节。 三、课程内容

2.主要内容与要求 任务一:任务重点为日常交流中所需基本词汇,主要包括: 1 个人信息 2 性格特点 3 兴趣爱好 4 健康问题 5 交通 6 食物 7 服装服饰 8 家庭设施 9 家庭成员 10 公共设施 11 常见动植物 12 旅游 13 天气 14 时间日期 15 中西方节日 要求学生掌握并熟练使用日常交流各方面的基本词汇,能够以足够的词汇量就某一话题,或为达到某一日常生活目的用英语进行交流。 任务二:此任务旨在提高学生口语表达的流利程度,在用英语表达自己时不再结结巴巴,能够以句子为单位进行交流。达到这一任务过程中,学生的语言输入和输出相结合,通过句子、文章的背诵、复述等手段提高流利程度。语言输入材料应来自教材和补充课外内容,如


2010春季班高一英语练习(四) Choices 1. My Big Fat Greek Wedding is reported _____ millions of dollars in Europe and America. A. to have made B. making C. to be made D. having made 2. Old Hans did not feel well and suggested _____ a complete medical examination. A. giving B. to be given C. being given D. to give 3. _____ your poor health, you may as well quit your job soon. A. Regardless of B. As far as C. In spite of D. With regard to 4. Who did the teacher _____ the letter of thanks for the whole class? A. has write B. has written C. have write D. have written 5. It is widely recognized that children are curious _____ nature. A. by B. in C. of D. against 6. People appreciate _____ with him because he has a good sense of humor. A. to work B. to have worked C. working D. to be working 7. It is estimated that to repair the damaged warship would be as costly as _____ a new one. A. to have been built B. to build C. building D. having built 8. You can not rely on that fellow. What he does seldom agrees _____ what he says. A. to B. with C. on D. of 9. Albert Einstein was one of the 20th century’s greatest geniuses, whose _____ to explain the workings of universe really _____ the development of such things as nuclear energy, space travel and so on. A. force/resulted in B. talent/lay in C. attempt/led to D. gift/resulted from 10. A gang of youths had been seen _____ fireworks at each other near the shop, and this might have had something to do with the fire starting. A. to be throwing B. to have thrown C. throw D. throwing 11. Ideally _____ for Broadway theatres and Fifth Avenue, the New York Park hotel is a favorite with many guests. A. having been located B. being located C. locating D. located 12. The use of radar as well as the two-way radio _____ for the police to intercept most speeders. A. makes it possible B. make it possible C. makes possible D. make it a possibility 13. Life is like a long race _____ we compete with others to go beyond ourselves. A. why B. what C. that D. where 14. It is my honor to _____ you with this symbol of our friendship. A. present B. award C. reward D. offer 15. She stood by the entrance to _____ her guests as they passed. A. accept B. receive C. serve D. agree 16. We can easily think of many cases common to almost every occasion _____ make lecturers stressed and depressed when they are delivering a speech. A. where B. why C. which D. what 17. In order to avoid _____ disrespectful, you might as well use the term “people with a disability” instead of “handicapped”. A. regarding B. being regarded C. considering D. being considered 18. By the end of last month, China’s urban unemployment rate _____ 9.4 percent.
