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转基因作物便宜、好种、产量大,因此,许多农户都乐于种植换基因作物,像传统的非转基因大豆产地东北,本地大豆逐年减少种植,取而代之的是转基因大豆,这种情况很有可能造成非转基因作物种子的停产和灭绝。First, genetically modified food(GMF) to cause serious damage to life health.

According to the latest scientific research results: there is a huge uncontrollability, transgenic technology can produce gene mutation and harm of unpredictable, unknown disease;And will produce antibiotic resistance, and the new toxins, increase the body's allergic reaction, and to reduce the nutritional value of food or important ingredients.Especially for children's growth caused serious damage.

Second, poses a great threat to the ecological genetically modified (gm) crops

1, for several years after planting genetically modified (gm) crops, because of transgenic plants and its toxicity of herbicide, the soil will no longer original crops.2, the pollen drift pollution of genetically modified (gm) crops, makes the natural seed cease to exist.3, the properties and toxicity of genetically modified (gm) crops, can bring destruction to the adjacent plants, destruction of biodiversity.4, the pollen of the genetically modified plants will kill bees and butterflies, the United States has reported appear a lot of bees disappear.5, secondary pests outbreak, and unable to deal with super bug, instead of increase in the amount of pesticides.

A change of scene

Genetically modified food in the process of cultivation, growth, and there are a lot of difference between genetically modified (gm) crops, soil and the surrounding ecological environment will cause certain effect, and this effect also is not necessarily positive.

Pests to upgrade

Itself and kill pests genes of genetically modified food, but can rely on eliminating pests, evolution, characteristics of the higher against sex, may cause pesticides can kill.

Reduction of genetically modified crops

Cheap and good kind of genetically modified (gm) crops, large output, as a result, many farmers are happy to genes in crops, like traditional non-gmo soybean producing area of northeast, local soy reduce growing year by year, instead of transgenic soybeans, this kind of situation is likely to cause the seed production and extinction of genetically modified (gm) crops.










五是对环境的威胁。在许多基因改良品种中包含有从杆菌中提取出来的细菌基因,这种基因会产生一种对昆虫和害虫有毒的蛋白质,生态学家们认为那些不在改良范围之内的其它物Influence fertility

The experimental results on the food fed by the mice showed that the transgenic food could have a serious impact on the reproduction and fertility of mice. After the general 3-4 generation, it would be possible for the human beings to have the same problem.

the possible impact of may affect the ecological environment, such as super weeds, the influence of the biological diversity and destroy the ecological balance.More serious, genetically modified (gm) crops could expand the "genetic pollution", which may destroy biodiversity, lead to the annihilation of the individual species, affecting the biodiversity.

GM foods in the United States are not allowed for food, genetically modified food may cause a harm to human body: 1. Increase the accumulation of food in the original trace amounts of toxins; 2. The crops in the immune or cause sensitive materials, the human body to produce abnormal or allergic reaction; 3. Will reduce the nutritional value of food; 4. To take the improvement of food, make the body resistance.

To be aware of the existence of genetically modified food is the following five major risks:

One is the problem of toxicity. Some researchers believe that the artificial extraction and addition of genes may reach the effect that some people want to achieve, but also increase and accumulate the original trace toxins in food.

Two is an allergic reaction problem. For a food allergic person sometimes also to a kind of before they are not allergic to food allergies.

Three is a nutritional problem. Scientists believe that the foreign gene will destroy the nutrients in the food in a way that people don't understand at the present.

Four is the resistance to antibiotics. When scientists add a foreign gene to plants or bacteria, the gene is linked to other genes, and the food will be passed on to the human body to produce resistance.

















九、农业部幼儿园也禁止转基因Five is a threat to the environment. Extracted from Bacillus bacterial genes are contained in many genetically modified varieties, the gene will produce a poisonous insect and pest proteins, ecologists think that do not fall within the scope of improvement of other species may become a victim of improved species, biologists fear in order to cultivate some more excellent properties, its characteristics is likely will spread through the medium of pollen to wild species. Austria's Government in November 11, 2008 released the latest scientific research, for the first time to prove that genetically modified corn will lead to a decrease in the ability of mice. Turkey experts said the experimental rat to eat genetically modified products cancer Australia and the United States of America

The incidence of chronic gastritis in transgenic feed is high, and the weight of the female pig is increased by 25%

By the end of 2009, the United States Department of health also published a scientific paper, indicating that genetically modified foods can cause damage to the internal organs.

The world's top scientists genetically modified (gm),

Scotland, the path DE pryzbilla Dr The research also

demonstrated the idea, according to he found that the transgenic corn is genetically modified corn

toxicity of 3000 times.

No matter how the brick house is advocating the genetically modified, as long as we remember: One, Americans do not eat, at present, animal feed is also strictly controlled

Two, the EU is absolutely prohibited (including animal feed)

Three, the special food is strictly prohibited Four, the world will strictly prohibit genetically modified food

Five, the Asian Games is strictly prohibited genetically modified food

Six, Africans are not to import the import of genetically modified







2007年,法国科学家证实,世界最大的种子公司美国孟山都公司出产的一种转基因玉米对人体肝脏和肾脏具有毒性。2008年,美国科学家也证实了长时间喂食转基因玉米的小白鼠免疫系统会受到损害,该研究成果发表在同年《农业与食品化学》杂志上。2009年12月22日,法国生物技术委员会最终宣布,转基因玉米“弊大于利”。Seven, the Universiade is genetically modified food

Eight, Russia has confirmed that genetically modified food to the three generation of animals Nine, the Ministry of agriculture is also banned in the nursery

1 in Germany, there are farmers with genetically modified corn fed cows, cattle began to severe diarrhea and stopped production of milk, and finally led to the death of 70 cows.

2 in India, 200000 farmers use genetically modified seeds, because the debt is bankrupt and committed suicide.

3.in Brazil, years ago began planting of genetically modified crops, resulting in a large number of Brazilian women infertility, infertility rate was 44%. Which means close to half of the families of the unprecedented.

4. In Guangxi, China, the promotion of genetically modified maize ("kill fine corn") nearly a decade found that more than half (56.7%), the semen quality of male college students not qualified, no fertility. It also means they will be unprecedented.

Yuan admits that the reason for the existence of genetically modified crops, safety concerns, mainly that some GM crops, especially insect resistant transgenic varieties, contain a substance called Bt toxin. Because worms eat the Bt toxic protein can be poisoned, so long-term intake of the substance of whether harmful it is hard to say.

2001 "Mexican maize genetic pollution incident", 2002 "sneak in a genetically modified corn U. S. soybean event", in 2006 has also appeared "GM salmon escape incident".

In 2007, French scientists confirmed that the world's largest seed company Monsanto Company produces a kind of genetically engineered corn to the human liver and kidney is toxic. In 2008, American scientists also confirmed the long time GM maize fed mice immune system will be damaged. The results of the study published in the same year < of




7. summarizing a discussion 讨论总结

b. I’m afraid i disagree. 恐怕我是持反对意见的。

c. I don’t think so. 我不那样认为。

d. I don’t think…我认为……不是那样的。

e. on the other hand…另一方面……

f. on the contrary. 相反的。

g. that’s not (entirely)true. 那不(完全)正确。

h. I can’t possibly agree with you. 我不可能同意你。

i. I hate to disagree with you,but…我不喜欢反对你,但……

英语辩论常用短语荟萃 1.stating an opinion 陈述观点 a.in my opinion…我的意见是…… b.personally I think……我个人认为…… c.I believe that……我相信……agricultural and Food Chemistry > magazine. December 22, 2009, announced the final French biotechnology Council, transgenic corn "more harm than benefit".d.

3 increase mortality

Russia in a study found that GM food to bring us harm is unimaginable. Found in animal experiments, mice fed GM soy food, the rats more than half was born during the first three weeks of death, the mortality rate is those who did not eat soybean transgenic mice of 6 times. India government said in February 9th will be a temporary ban on GM crops

I think that……我觉得……

e.the point is that……我的观点是……

f.if you ask me……如果你问我……

g.I’d like to say this:……我会这样说……

h.I’d like to point out that 我想指出的是……

i.speaking for myself 站在自己的立场上说……

j.as far as I’m concerned,…就我


k.in my experience…根据我的经验……

2.challenging an opinion 质疑某种观点

a.that can’t be true 那不可能是真的.

b.but what about…?但关于……方面呢?

3.clarifying a point 阐述观点

a.what I said was…我刚才说的是……

b.what I mean to say was…我的意思是说……

c.let me repeat what I sai


d.let me rephrase what I said.让我重申刚才所说的.

4.agreeing with an opinion 同意观点

a.of course 当然.



d.that’s tru


e.so do I.(neither do I.)我也这样认为.(不这样认为.)

f.I agree completely.我完全赞同.

g.I agree with you entirely.我完全同意你所说的.

h.you’re absolutely right.显然你是对的.

i.that’s a good point.这个看法不错.

j.I couldn’t agree with you more.我绝对赞成你. k.that’s just what I think.我就是那样认为的. l.I feel the same way.我也持同样的想法.

5.disagreeing with an opinion 反对意见.


b.I’m afraid i disagree.恐怕我是持反对意见的.

c.I don’t think so.我不那样认为.

d.I don’t think…我认为……不是那样的.

e.on the other hand…另一方面……

f.on the contrary.相反的.

g.that’s not (entirely)true.那不(完全)正确.

h.I can’t possibly agree with you.我不可能同意你.

i.I hate to disagree with you,but…我不喜欢反对你,但……

j.all right,but don’t you think…?好吧,但难道你不觉得……

k.but that’s different.但那是不一样的.

6.asking for an opinion 询问意见

a.well…what do you think (about…)?…你觉得怎么样?

b.b.do you agree?(don’t you agree?)你同意吗?(你是不是同意?)

c.c.what’s your view on the matter?就这件事你的看法呢?

d.d.how do you see it?你怎么看它?

e.e.let’s have your opinion.让我们听听你的意见!

f.f.do you think that…?你认为……吗?

7.summarizing a discussion 讨论总结

a.then we agree.然后我们取得一致.

b.basically we’re in agreement.我们基本上有共识.

g.c.I think we have agreed to disagree.我想我们有相同点和不同点.

h.d.I see we have different opinions.我知道我们意见有分歧

1 How to agree strongly with an opinion

I couldn't agree more!

That's absolutely true!


I take your point.

I'd go along with you there.

I'm with you on that.

That's just what I was thinking.

That's a good point.

That's just how I see it.

That's exactly my opinion.

2 How to half agree with an opinion Yes,perhaps.


Yes,in a way.


Yes,I agree up to a point.

Well,you've got a point there.

There's something in that,I suppose.

I guess you could be right.

Yes,I suppose so.

That's worth thinking about.

3 How to disagree politely with an opinion

I am not sure really.

Do you think so?

Well,it depends.

I'm not so certain.

Well,I'm not so sure about that.

I'm inclined to disagree with that.

No,I don't think so really.

4 How to disagree strongly with an opinion

I disagree.

I disagree with you entirely.

I'm afraid I don't agree.

I'm afraid you are wrong there. 1如何同意强烈的意见
































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