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Unit 16

Comprehensive Abilities through Comparative Studies

Highlights of the Unit 单元要点概述

I. Comparative Sties of English and Chinese Languages from a Macroscopic View Point 英汉语言宏观对比

II. Practical Abilities Attained from Translation Studies and Criticism 通过比较研究和翻译批评提高实际能力

Reflections and Practice思考与练习



I. 英汉语言宏观对比

1. 综合性语与分析性语

2. 紧凑与松散

3. 形合与意合

4. 繁复与简单

5. 物称与人称

6. 被动与主动

7. 静态与动态8. 抽象与具体9. 间接与直接

10. 替换与重复

II. 通过比较研究和翻译批评提高实际能力

1. 语感能力

2. 语境分析能力

3. 逻辑思维能力




So far we have covered all the translation techniques and skills. However,techniques and skills alone are of little use unless applied in adequate practice. Besides,one's translation abilities are based on a two-way course,i. e.,a good command of both one's mother tongue and the English language,and therefore,a comparative study of the syntax and the basic structure of the source language and the target language would be of great help for enhancing our comprehensive abilities. Comparative studies may be conducted in both macroscopic and microscopic spheres,namely,the comparison at language level and in various individual cases. Since it is impossible for us to go into various individual cases in detail,we may focus our topic on the former.

I. Comparative Studies of English and

Chinese Languages from a Macroscopic

View Point

According to some linguists,noticeably Mr. Lian Shuneng in his Contrastive Studies on English and Chinese,ten contrasts indicate the disparity between the English and the Chinese languages.

1. Synthetic vs. Analytic

English is a synthetic language marked with inflexions (曲折变化形式),while Chinese is an analytic language without any inflection,which is usually implied in the context or explicitly shown in such words as "着、了、过" etc. For example:

● During the wartime,years like these would have meant certain death for many people.

Many would have become beggars and others would have been compelled to sell their children. 战争期间碰到这样的年景,很多人肯定会死去,很多人会逃荒要饭,很多人会被迫卖儿卖女。

● Thus encouraged, they made a still bolder plan for the next year. 由于受到这样的鼓


● But for many,the fact that poor people are able to support themselves almost as well

without government aid as they did with it is in itself a huge victory. 但在许多人看来,穷人现在能不靠政府救济养活自己,而且生活得几乎和过去依靠政府救济时生活得一样好,这件事本身就是一个巨大的胜利。

2. Compact vs. Diffusive

English sentences are compact tightly combined with connectives or prepositions,while Chinese is diffused,that is,loose in structure..

● Now the integrated circuit has reduced by many times the size of the computer of which it forms a part, thus creating a new generation of portable minicomputer. 现在集成电路成了计算机的组成部分,使计算机的体积大大缩小,从而产生了新一代的便携式微型计算机。

● A notion has taken hold in the US to the effect that the only people who should be encouraged to bring children into the world are those who can afford them. 在美国有一个根深蒂固的观点,说是只有对那些抚养得起子女的人,才应鼓励其生育。

● Although lonely in a new land,he was described by his fellow workers and students as cheerful,of a friendly nature,honest,and modest. 虽然他单身一人,又处在异乡客地,但正如他的同事和学生描述的那样,他为人愉快开朗,温文尔雅,诚实谦虚。

3. Hypotactic vs. Paratactic

In English,clauses or phrases are coordinated with or subordinated to one another syntactically while in Chinese they are placed one after another without coordinating connectives.

● The many colors of a rainbow range from red on the outside t o violet on the inside. 彩虹有多种颜色,外圈红,内圈紫。

● He had a disconcerting habit of expressing contradictory ideas in rapid succession. 他有一种令人难堪的习惯,一会儿一个看法,自相矛盾,变化无常。

● The present onslaught of vehicles poses a serious threat协urban life and pedestrian peace of mind.车辆横冲直撞,严重地威胁着城市生活,路上行人无不提心吊胆。

4. Complex vs. Simplex

English sentences are long and complex,while Chinese sentences are short and simple. For example:

● Many man-made substances are replacing sin natural materials because either the quality of the natural product can not meet our ever-increasing requirement,or, more often,because the physical properties of the synthetic substance,which is the common name for man-made materials,have been chosen,and even emphasized, so that it would be of the greatest use in the fields in which it is to be applied. 人造材料通称为合成材


5. Impersonal vs. Personal

There are more impersonal structures in English than in Chinese,as shown in the following examples:

● What has happened to you? 你出了什么事儿啦?

● An idea suddenly struck me. 我突然想到一个主意。

● A strange peace came over her when she was alone. 她独处时感到一种特别的安宁。

● Not a sound reached our ears. 我们没有听到任何声音。

● A great elation overcame them. 他们欣喜若狂。

● Alarm began to take entire possession of him. 他开始变得惊恐万状。

● From the moment we stepped into the People's Republic of China, care and kindness surrounded us on every side. 一踏上中华人民共和国国土,我们就随时随地受到关怀与照顾。

● The thick carpet killed the sound of my footsteps. 我走在厚厚的地毯上,听不见一点脚步声。

● Excitement deprived me of all power of utterance. 我兴奋得说不出话来。

● The truth finally dawned on her. 她最终明白了真相。

6. Passive vs. Active

As we have mentioned in the previous units,the passive voice is extensively used in English,while Chinese sentences are usually active.

● A few years ago it was thought unusual that programs could ever be called up by viewers to be displayed on their TV screens at home. 几年前人们还以为,观众居然能够打电话要求在自己家里的电视屏幕上播出节目是一种稀罕的事情。

● Electrical energy can be stored in two metal plates separated by an insulating medium. Such a device is called a capacitor,or a condenser,and its ability to store energy is termed capacitance. It is measured in farads. 电能可储存在由一绝缘介质隔开的两块金属极板内。这样的装置称之为电容器,其储存电能的能力称为电容。电容的测量单位是法拉。

7. Static vs. Dynamic

English is static,with agent nouns being frequently used to replace verbs,while Chinese is dynamic,with more verbs being used in a single sentence.

● He is a good eater and a good sleeper. 他能吃又能睡。

● You must be a very bad learner; or else you must be going to a very bad teacher. 你一定很不善于学习,要不然就是教你的人很不会教。

● The computer is a far more careful and industrious inspector than human beings. 计算机比人检查得更细心、更勤快。

8. Abstract vs. Concrete

In expressing the same idea English seems more abstract while Chinese, more concrete.

● The absence of i ntelligence is an indication of satisfactory developments. 没有消息即表明有令人满意的进展。

● A high degree of carelessness,pre-operative and post-operative,on the part of some of the hospital staff, took place. 医院某些医护人员在手术前后都非常粗心。

9. Indirect vs. Direct

Some English sentences seem to be indirect in affirmation Lion while Chinese sentences are straightforward.

● I couldn't feel better. 我觉得身体好极了。

● I couldn't agree with you more. 我太赞成你的看法了。

● He can't see you quick enough. 他很想尽快和你见面。

● This book is quite beyond me. 这本书我实在看不懂。

● Every person has the right to be free from hunger. 人人有不挨饿的权力。

● If you have a car, you are independent of trains and buses. 如果你有小汽车,就不用去坐火车或挤公共汽车。

10. Substitutive vs. Repetitive

Generally speaking, there are not use so many repetition in English as in Chinese.

● You should help her since you have promised to do so. 你既然答应了要帮助她就应当帮助她。

● He hated failure; he had conquered it all his life, risen above it, and despised it in

others. 他讨厌失败,他一生中曾战胜失败,超越失败,并且藐视别人的失败。

● Men and nations working apart created these problems; men and nations working

together must solve them. 人与人之间、国与国之间离心离德,便产生这些问题,人与人之间、国与国之间齐心协力,定能解决这些问题。

I. Practical Abilities Attained from

ranslation Studies and Criticism

The mastery of a foreign language is a long-term task that entails constant efforts. And so is translation. A conscientious translator should learn to develop and hence various abilities, among others, language sensibility, contextual analysis logical thinking,etc.

One of the effective ways of ability development,in the author's view,is to compare translated versions and the originals with a critical eye,so as to develop a good taste and acquire a keen sense of distinguishing right from wrong.

1. Language Sensibility

Language sensibility here means a good understanding of a given word or phrase. Take the commonly used word "time" for example. It's all right for us to translate the phrase "increase...by (to) X times" into "增加了(增加到)X倍", as shown in the following two cases:

1) The output of coal has been increased 3. 5 times since 1982. 煤产量比1982年增长了


2)The annual total of telephone calls between the UK and Canada has increased seven times. 英国和加拿大之间的年通话总量增长了6倍。

However,when it comes to "reduce...by(to)X times", quite a lot of people copy this English pattern,rendering it as "降低了(降低到)X倍". For example:

3)The new equipment will reduce the error probability by seven times.

Improper Version:


4) By adopting the new process of production the loss of metal was reduced 8.2 times

Improper Version:



Apparently,the translator lacks the proper understanding of the English word "time" and mixes it up with the Chinese expression "倍". Actually, "times" here means "equal fractional parts of which an indicated number equal a comparatively greater quantity",i.

e., seven times smaller(原本的七分之一). Therefore,sensible Chinese versions for samples 3 and 4 should be:

Proper Version 3:


Proper Version 4:


Another example is the translation of the English double negative:

5) There are no places left on the earth that the foot of man has not trodden.

Chinese Version A:


Chinese Version B:


Either version A or B fails to convey tie emphasis of the original double negative;besides,the original "trodden"(踩、踏)is not accurately expressed in the Chinese versions,furthermore, "man" here refers to human beings,instead of an individual man..

Revised Chinese Version:


6) A little fly dropped on her knee,on her white dress. She watched it,as if it had fallen on a rose. She was not herself.

Improper Chinese Version:


She was not herself: She was not conducting herself in a usual or fitting manna. e. g. She is not quite herself today.(她今天身体有些不舒服。)

Revised Chinese Version:


7) Gardens are not made by singing "Oh, how beautiful" and sitting in the shade.(R. Kipling)

Improper Chinese Version:


This is the passive voice of "to make sth by doing..."(通过做……完成某事), plus a negative word "not".

Revised Chinese Version:


8) When a woman dresses to kill,the victim is apt to be time.

Improper Chinese Version:


The translator overlooked the phrase "be dressed to kill"(穿着过分考究的),which is adroitly linked with another phrase "kill time"(消磨时间),to create the effect of a pun.

Revised Chinese Version:


2. Contextual Analysis

As we have mentioned in Unit 2,context plays an indispensable role in translation,and "each word,when used in a new context,is a new word." The translation of the following paragraph is a good example of this saying.

Original English 1:

The big question is,just how progressive has China become,especially in the villages? Obviously,development occurs on many different levels and phases. A powerful nation without Western ethics or socialist ethics would confront the rest of the world with difficult problems,especially in the nuclear age. It is very much in the future interest of the rest of the world,and especially of the people of the United States,that China should continue on the road to socialism and its historical high ethics as progressively as possible. There is no alternative-none but the unthinkable.(Helen Snow: My China Years)

Improper Chinese Version:


Contextual analysis of the original English:

progressive: moving forward or onward ("前进,进展" instead of "先进")

different levels and phases(不同层次和方面)

confront the rest of the world with difficult problems:to cause to meet,bring face-to-face (使世界面对难题,instead of "带着难题面对外部世界")

it is... that China should; emphatic sentence(正是……中国应当)

in the interest of("为了……利益", instead of "非常有利")

none but the unthinkable: no other way except the unthinkable way(除此道路外,别无出路)

Revised Chinese Version:


And there is another example of contextual analysis:

Original English 2:

" Woman begins by shouting 'Don't! Stop!' to a man's advance and 'Don't stop!' to his retraeat."

Improper Chinese Version:


This sentence parodies O. Wilde's "Woman begins by resisting a man's advances and ending by blocking his retreat." The Chinese version is not faithful to the original in meaning, nor to the context, let alone the original f1avor.

Revised Chinese V ersion:


Contextual analysis is needed not only in English-Chinese translation,but also in Chinese-English Translation. Sometimes,a seemingly trivial error may spoil the whole effort,as is shown in the following example.

Chinese Original:



English Version:

...I left Beijing for Xuzhou to join father in hastening home to attend grandma's funeral. When I met father in Xuzhou,the sight of the disorderly mess in our courtyard and the thought of grandma started tears trickling down my cheeks. Father said,“Now that t hings' ve come to such a pass,it's no use crying. Fortunately,Heaven always leaves one a way out.”

Father paid off debts by selling or pawning things. He also borrowed money to meet the funeral expenses.…After the funeral was over,father was to go to Nanjing to look for a job and I was to return to Beijing to study,so we started out together.


A careful reader with some context knowledge cannot help wondering at the end of the English version:since father was to go to Nanjing and I was to return to Beijing, how could "we started out together"?Actually the phrase "our courtyard" leads to the confusion. According to the Chinese context, the courtyard was in Xuzhou, where father was making a living. So, instead of "our courtyard", "院" here should be translated as "the courtyard".

3. Logical Thinking

Logical thinking is another inseparable ability in the process of translation. More often than not,when we focus our attention on literal meaning of some given words and try to copy existing sentence patterns,we are prone to commit logical fallacies. Let's look at the following examples:

1) Very wonderful changes in matter take place before our eyes to which we pay little attention.

Improper Version:



What is the object of "很少注意的"?Is it "物质"(matter), or "奇异的变化"(wonderful changes)?The original English is explicit enough;however, the Chinese version seems very ambiguous. The question may be answered in either way. A logical analysis tells us that "which" here refers to "changes". Therefore, we may revise the Chinese version:


2)The most powerful traveling telephones are the ones used on ships. Here there is no problem of weight,as there is on airplane.

Improper Version A:

功率最大的旅行电话是在船上使用的。这里没有重量的问题,像在飞机上那样。Improper Version B:


Version A out the ships and airplane, therefore it makes a mistake. Version B has made some improvement. Still, there is a logical fallacy: Is there really "no problem of weight"

on airplane(不像飞机上那样存在着重量问题)?Yes, there is.

Revised Chinese Version:


3) The atom as we know is built on scientific investigations and theories.

Improper Version:


This Chinese version lacks logical thinking, or to be specific, lacks common sense. The atom here refers to the theory of atom, instead of a specific atom.

Revised Version:


4) Epitaph: a belated advertisement for a line of good that has permanently discontinued.

Improper Chinese Version:


What is the logical relationship between "epitaph" and "a line of good"?Obviously,the translator has "good"(善行)for "goods"(商品).

Revised Chinese Version:


5)Lo Cho-ying, full of enthusiasm, said, "Put 50 in a plane naked. It's only three hours!"

improper Chinese Version:


The above Chinese version is against logical reason. Who on earth has seen naked armies in a plane? Actually, "naked" here does not mean "nude", nor "without clothing", but "lacking furnishing or decoration". For example, a naked room(空荡荡的房间), be naked of weapon(不带武器), etc.

Revised Chinese Version:


6)For more than two years two unyielding men,equally determined,mutually hostile,supposedly allies,wrestled over the fate of China.

Improper Chinese Version:


Again there is a serious logical mistake. If we read the Chinese version without consulting the original sentence,we may feel puzzled at the author's attitude towards these two unyielding men, —they seemed to be Chinese people's great saviors who“为中国的命运搏斗着”.The fact is just opposite, for we know "wrestle over" here means "to struggle for the control over"(争夺主宰权).

Revised Chinese Version:


Language sensibility,contextual analysis and logical thinking are three inseparable abilities linked with one another. These comprehensive abilities may be attained only through constant efforts and translation practice over a long period of time. And once these abilities are developed in our minds,they may benefit us all the time. They may help us,consciously or unconsciously,gain substantial know-how and put what we have learned from textbooks into actual translation practice.

Eflections and Practice

I Discuss the following questions.

1. What are the relationships between translation theories,skills and practical abilities?

2. What are the major contracts that indicate the disparity between the English and the

Chinese languages? Which of them are you familiar with?

3. Cite some more examples to illustrate the major disparity between English and

Chinese in your own experience.

4. What are the*practical abilities proposed by、author? Do you agree or disagree with

the author? Why or why not?

5. What is your idea of the best way of acquiring translation abilities? Express your idea

with your own experience.

II Compare the different Chinese versions with the original English and then comment on them.

1. Their accent couldn't fool a native speaker.

Chinese Version A:


Chinese Version B:


Chinese Version C:


2. John is tall like I am the Queen of Sheba.

Chinese Version A:


Chinese Version B:


Chinese Version C:


3. He bent solely upon profit.

Chinese Version A:


Chinese Version B:


Chinese Version C:


4. Would there be any possibility of having breakfast on the train before we are decanted at Munich?

Chinese Version A:


Chinese Version B:


Chinese Version C:


5. She then uncrossed her legs.

Chinese Version A:


Chinese Version B:


Chinese Version C:


6. "Did you say 'pig' or 'fig'?" said the Cat.(Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)

Chinese Version A:


Chinese Version B:


Chinese Version C:


7. We had plenty of company in the way of wagonloads and mule-loads of tourists—and dust.(Mark Twain, A Tramp Abroad)

Chinese Version A:


Chinese Version B:

跟我们做伴的人真不少,有乘马车的,有骑骡子的—路尘飞扬。Chinese Version C:


8.("It's an order from President Bush.")(“这是布什总统的命令。”)"I don't care if it is from bush,tree,or grass."

Chinese Version A:


Chinese Version B:


Chinese Version C:


9. Money is the last thing he wants,and you won't succeed by offering it. Chinese Version A;


Chinese Version B:


Chinese Version C:


10. He was not the eldest son of his father for nothing.

Chinese Version A:


Chinese Version B:


Chinese Version C:


III Compare the English versions with the original Chinese and try to fund out the problems.

1. 这里又是典故之城……“黄粱美梦”、“毛遂自荐”、“负荆请罪”、“完璧归赵”等众多成语典故,脍炙人口,给人启迪。

Being a town of allusions,it certainly has numerous greatly inspired allusions,such as "Golden Millet Dream(Pipe Dream)", "Mao Sui Recommending Himself(V olunteering one's service)", "Bearing the Rod for Punishment", "Returning the Jade Intact to Zhao", etc., which are widely loved and quoted by people.

2. 自十一届三中全会以来,我地区广大干部和群众坚持四项基本原则,坚持改革开放,把工作重点转移到社会主义现代化建设上来,团结奋斗,在物质文明和精神文明建设上都取得了巨大成就。

Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee,the broad masses of cadres and people in our prefecture,adhering to the Four Cardinal Principles and persisting in reform and opening,have shifted the emphasis of work to socialist modernization construction,united in struggle and achieved great successes in building both material and spiritual civilization.

3. 中华大地,江河纵横;华夏文化,源远流长……


The divine land of China has its rivers flowing across;the brilliant culture of China has its mot tracing back long....

The lightsome dragon-boats appear on tire river as though the stars twinkle in the Milky Way. The richly decorated pleasure boats look like a scene of mirage. The splendid awnings in green and gold chain into a palace of crystal. Is this a fairyland or a~dream? Looking above,you can see the beautiful doves flying about. Looking below,you can see the sailing lamps glittering. Cracking are the fireworks,which present you with a picture of fiery trees and silver flowers. Circling are the lantern-dancers,who present you with a variation of exquisite manners. Over there the motorboats are plowing the water, thus a tide stirs up. Over there, the marksmen are shooting to their targets; thus colorful beads whirl around. Besides, the bird's chirping ,the potted landscape's charm, the exhibition of arts and painting, all claim a strong appeal to you, Therefore, we should say: Chunjiang is a city of no night; its Dragon-boat Festival a gathering of heroes.


Why do firms repurchase stock to acquire another firm Robin S. Wilber Published online: 3 August 2007 Abstract:This study investigates firms that repurchase their stock to finance an acquisition. Since research shows that cash-financed acquisitions perform better than stock financed acquisitions, why do firms that have available cash initiate the extra transactional step. I find these firms are well compensated for their efforts, especially in the long run. On average, these firms have negative abnormal returns prior to their repurchase announcements and thus may choose repurchasing to signal undervaluation. Furthermore, the stock acquisition step allows these firms to share risk, counteract the negative effects of dilution, and enjoy a tax advantage for their efforts. Keywords: Acquisitions Method of payment Repurchases 1 Introduction This study investigates the enigmatic decision by a firm to take on the extra transactional step to repurchase its shares with cash and then use those shares to finance an acquisition, rather than use the cash to directly finance the acquisition. It would seem to be far easier, if a firm has the cash available, to acquire the target firm with the cash. This is even more of an enigma when it is well known that cash offerings perform better than stock offerings. I find that firms that in a sample of 96 firms that repurchase shares to finance an acquisition from 1995–2002 are well compensated for their efforts. The most compelling argument as to why firms would take on the extra financing step is to achieve the best of both the stock-financing acquisitions and cash-financing acquisitions. These firms experience risk sharing with the target firms, counteract the negative effects of dilution by repurchasing shares first, and enjoy a tax advantage for their efforts. This is important to firms that want to use stock financing but are concerned about the historical negative returns of firms acquiring another firm with stock. Also this is an important research topic that has not been addressed. The organization of this paper proceeds as follows. The first part discusses merger and acquisition literature. The second section develops the hypotheses and methodology. The third section reports the empirical findings and the last section summarizes and concludes. 3 Prediction, data and methodology


关于基于FPGA的波形发生器论文翻译的译文 FPGA 技术介绍 概述 场域可程式化闸阵列(FPGA) 技术正持续发展,而全世界FPGA 市场的产值,则预估可从2005 年的19 亿美金提升到2010 年的27 亿 5 千万美金。FPGA 是在1984 年由Xilinx 公司所发明,从简单的胶合逻辑(Glue logic) 晶片,演变为可取代客制的特定应用积体电路(ASIC) 与处理器,适用于讯号处理与控制应用。为何FPGA 技术如此成功?此篇文章将介绍FPGA,并说明数项让FPGA 如此独特的优点。 何谓FPGA? 最笼统来说,FPGAs 即为可再程式化的晶片。透过预先建立的逻辑区块与可程式化路由资源,不需更改面包板或焊锡部分,即可设定这些晶片以建置客制硬体功能。使用者可于软体中开发数位运算系统(Computing task) 并将之编译为组态档案或位元流(Bitstream),可包含元件接线的相关资讯。此外,FPGA 完全为可重设性质,当使用者重新编译不同的电路设定时,可立刻拥有不同的特性。在过去,工程师必须深入了解数位硬体设计,才能够使用FPGA 技术。然而,高阶设计工具的新技术可针对图形化程式区或 C 程式码,转换为数位硬体电路,即变更了FPGA 程式设计的规则。 FPGA 整合了ASIC 与处理器架构系统的最佳部分,使FPGA 晶片可应用于所有产业。FPGA 具有硬体时脉的速度与可靠性,且其仅需少量即可进行作业;可降低客制化ASIC 设计的费用。可重新程式设计的晶片,具有与软体相同的弹性,却不受限于处理核心的数量。与处理器不同的是,FPGA 为实际的平行架构,因此不同的处理作业并不需要占用相同资源。每个独立的处理作业均将指派至专属的晶片区块,不需影响其他逻辑区块即可自动产生功能。因此,当新增其他处理作业时,应用某部分的效能亦不会受到影响。 FPGA 技术的5 大优点 效能–透过硬体的平行机制,FPGA 可突破依序执行(Sequential execution) 的固定运算,并于每时脉循环完成更多作业,以超越数位讯号处理器(DSP) 的计算功能。BDTI 为着名的分析公司,并于某些应用中使用DSP 解决方案,以计算FPGA 的处理效能2。于硬体层级控制I/O 可缩短回应时间并特定化某些功能,以更符合应用需求。


8.5循环流化床锅炉的设计 以下是循环流化床锅炉的设计主要步骤: 1.燃烧的计算 2.热量和质量平衡 3.炉设计 4.热吸收 5.机械零件设计 6.燃烧和排放性能 本节将讨论上面的步骤序列,最后通过一个例子说明了设计方法。 8.5.1燃烧计算 燃烧计算(也称为化学计量计算)提供气体和固体的数据是后续设计的基础。它可以确定空气的量:单位质量燃料和燃烧产生的烟气。燃烧计算结果也有助于说明设备的能力,如风扇、给料器和除灰系统。化学计量方程式的计算在附录2中给出了详细讨论。 8.5.2 热平衡 只有一小部分燃烧热是利用蒸汽的产生。这部分体积是用来进行锅炉热平衡的计算。循环流化床锅炉的热平衡,虽然类似于其他类型的锅炉,并不是完全相同的。 它需要一些特殊的考虑。 在传统的燃煤锅炉中,烟气的露点温度是由烟气中二氧化硫限制的。流化床锅炉中,较低的烟气温度及烟气中的二氧化硫浓度的设定是相对自由的,原因是他是炉内脱硫。因此, 在循环流化床锅炉中烟气损失可能低于煤粉锅炉。表8.2是对比老一代CFB锅炉与传统粉燃煤锅炉(PC)的热损失。这里,CFB锅炉使用一个非冷却旋风分离器并且烟囱温度较高,导致更高的表面损失和烟气损失。表8.2还表明, 对流辐射和未燃烧损失在煤粉炉和循环流化床锅炉里是不同的。对流辐射损失 表8.3给出了一个对流辐射损失为110兆瓦的循环流化床锅炉使用非制冷热旋风的不同部位的测量结果。很明显的,从这个例子可以知道热旋风失去了很大的热量是由于其非常高的温度。因此,新的循环流化床锅炉使用汽冷或水冷旋风分离器与煤粉炉的热损失相一致。未燃尽的灰碳损失 这是可燃物的损失。这是一个函数的一些设计和操作。可燃物损失的形式可以是未燃烧的碳氢化合物或一氧化碳。 表 ----8.2 煤粉炉和旧的循环流化床锅炉之间煤损失的比较。 未燃烧固体碳的主要部分。从商业循环流化床锅炉厂提供的数据估计,在底灰中未燃碳约为0.2~4%和4~9%的粉煤灰。高效旋风分离器通常具有较低的可燃物损失。未燃碳损失UCL,百分比可以计算为 Xc(不是碳酸盐)是在固体废物中的碳成分,W是单位质量的燃料灰。 一个110兆瓦循环流化床锅炉的锅炉热损失,锅炉房平均温度27度 表8.3 8.5.3质量平衡 质量平衡等这些重要的部分,例如煤灰之间的颗粒收集器和床漏。在循环流 327900100 c a cl X W U HHV ??? =

文言文翻译(修改) (1)

文言文翻译 一、方法导引 (一) 1、至和元年七月某日,临川王某记。(《游褒禅山记》) 2、褒禅山亦谓之华山。唐浮图慧褒始舍于其址,而卒葬之。(《游褒禅山记》) 小结:,皆保留不动。 二、方法探究 (二) 1、师道之不传也久矣!(《师说》) 2、所以遣将守关者,备他盗之出入与非常也。(《鸿门宴》) 3、既其出,则或咎其欲出者。(《游褒禅山记》) 4、填然鼓之,兵刃既接。(《寡人之于国也》) 5、夫晋,何厌之有?(《烛之武退秦师》) 小结:,翻译时可删除不译。(三) 1、甚矣,汝之不惠!(《愚公移山》) 2、蚓无爪牙之利,筋骨之强。(《劝学》) 3、客有吹洞箫者,倚歌而和之。(《赤壁赋》) 4、使负栋之柱,多于南亩之农夫。(《阿房宫赋》) 5、固一世之雄也,而今安在哉?(《赤壁赋》) 6、唯兄嫂是依。(《祭十二朗文》) 小结:,要按照现代汉语的语法规范调整语序。 (四) 1、秦时与臣游,项伯杀人,臣活之。(《鸿门宴》) 2、问之,则曰:“彼与彼年相若也,道相似也。”(《师说》) 3、一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭。(《曹刿论战》) 4、沛公军霸上。(《鸿门宴》) 5、旦日飨士卒,为击破沛公军!(《鸿门宴》) 6、然力足以至焉,于人为可讥,而在己为有悔。(《游褒禅山记》) 小结:,需要增补。 (五) 1、狗彘食人食而不知检,涂有饿莩而不知发。(《寡人之于国也》

2、若舍郑以为东道主,行李之往来,共其乏困。(《烛之武退秦师》) 3、天下云集响应,赢粮而景从。(《过秦论》) 4、臣诚恐见欺于王而负赵,故令人持璧归。(《鸿门宴》) 5、廉颇者,赵之良将也。(《廉颇蔺相如列传》) 6、公之视廉将军孰与秦王?(《廉颇蔺相如列传》) 小结:,翻译时要把古代词汇换成现代词语。 (六) 1、臣生当陨首,死当结草。(《陈情表》) 2、视事三年,上书乞骸骨,征拜尚书。(《张衡传》) 3、主人下马客在船。(《琵琶行并序》) 4、金城千里,子孙帝王万世之业也。(《过秦论》) 5、臣以为布衣之交尚不相欺,况大国乎?(《廉颇蔺相如列传》) 6、城非不高也,池非不深也,兵革非不坚利也。(《得道多助,失道寡助》) 7、酿泉为酒,泉香而酒洌。(《醉翁亭记》) 小结:,需要意译,使句意完整、贯通、准确。 三、翻译训练 1、任末好学勤记(王嘉《拾遗记》) 任末年十四,学无常师,负笈从师,不惧险阻。每言:“人若不学,则何以成?”或依林木之下,编茅为庵,削荆为笔,刻树汁为墨。夜则映星月而读,暗则缚麻蒿以自照。观书有会意处,题其衣裳,以记其事。门徒悦其勤学,更以净衣易之,非圣人之言不视。临终诫曰:“夫人好学,虽死犹存;不学者,虽存,谓之行尸走肉耳。” 2、贾人渡河 济阳之贾人,渡河,亡其舟,栖于浮苴之上,号焉。有渔者以舟往救之,未至,急号曰:“我,济上之巨室,能救我,予尔百金。”渔者载而升诸陆,则予十金。渔者曰:“向许百金而今予十金,无乃不可乎?”贾人曰:“若,渔者也,一日之获几何?骤得十金,犹为不足乎?”渔者黯然而退。他日,贾人浮吕梁而下,舟薄于石,又覆。而渔者在焉。人或曰:“盍救诸?”渔者曰:“是许金而不酬者也。”立而观之,遂没。


五年级上册文本及词汇朗读资料 Unit 1 My day 1.A Let’s talk Zhang Peng: When do you finish class in the morning? 张鹏:你什么时候上完课? Pedro: We finish class at 1 o’clock.Then we eat lunch at home. 佩德罗:我们一点下课。然后我们在家吃午饭。 Zhang Peng: Wow!When do you go back to school after lunch? 张鹏:哇!午饭后你什么时候回学校? Pedro: At 2:30.Classes start at 3 o’clock. 佩德罗:2:30。三点开始上课。 Zhang Peng: When do you usually eat dinner in Spain? 张鹏:你通常什么时候在西班牙吃晚饭? Pedro: Usually at 9:30 or 10 o’clock. 佩德罗:通常在9:30 或十点。 Zhang Peng: Wow! That’s too late! 张鹏:哇!太晚了! 2.B Let’s talk SShopkeeper: Why are you shopping today? 店主:你今天为什么购物? Sarah: My mum worked last night.So I’m shopping today. 莎拉:我妈妈昨晚工作了。所以我今天购物。 Shopkeeper: Good girl!So what do you do on the weekend? 店主:好女孩!那么你周末做什么? Sarah: I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father. 莎拉:我经常看电视,和爸爸打乒乓球。 Shopkeeper: That sounds like a lot of fun. 店主:听起来很有趣。 Sarah: Yes, but I’ m also hard-working.I usually wash clothes.Sometimes I cook dinner. 莎拉:是的,但我也很勤奋。我通常洗衣服。有时我做饭。 Shopkeeper: You’re so busy!You need a robot to help you! 店主:你这么忙!你需要一个机器人来帮助你! 3.单词: eat breakfast 吃早饭have …class 上……课play sports 进行体育运动exercise 活动;运动 do morning exercises 早锻炼 eat dinner 吃晚饭 clean my room 打扫我的 房间 go for a walk 散步 go shopping 去买东西;购 物 take 学习;上(课) dancing 跳舞;舞蹈 take a dancing class 上 舞蹈课 when 什么时候;何时


在电力系统紧急情况下控制输电网的完整性摘要——处理多种可导致系统电压不稳定的紧急策略已经包含在一个研究 电力系统扰动的动态过程的方案中。认可的方案允许真实可靠的简单逻辑,为保护输电网和防止发生在全球电力互联系统崩溃而造成数百万美元损失提供了一种方法。被提议的自动整理措施仅仅需要很低费用的一系列措施,它能够适应多个突发事件。对紧急事件适时的反应将使更高的电能在输电线上流动,通过利用最初系统的快速恢复能力,使系统电压稳定在安全水品之内,无需增加费用。 1、绪言 电力系统充满自动控制和保护装置目的是为了确保它的快速性,能及时反映不断攻击电力系统的多种振动。但是对于更严重的、不期望的干扰、手动支持物可以降低操作这段人工回应,为的是快速解决干扰后的现象,但是大多数是不会成功的。电力供应工业致力于尝试和资本以确保电力系统足够强大在高需求的时间段内应对一部分严重干扰。尽管整个世界的互联电网系统正在被广泛的长时间的停电所影响,例如:北美西部互联电网在1996年6月2日和8月10日的停电直接影响到数百万的消费者,损失共计10亿美元。最大损失发生在EHV传输线网络已经被干扰之后,并且这始终伴随着数量较多的偶发事件,比任何电力系统中考虑到的更为严重。 上述强调的是:电力系统缺乏的是一种独立安全系统的保护,而不是输电网完整的传输。没有什么特殊情况的话,系统操作人员组成了最后一道防线来阻挡那些不可预期的、数量巨大的的偶发事件,但是它们不能够及时的发生回复,不能按照期望终止陷入瘫痪的电力系统。人们对于操作人员遇到干扰时没有自动装置的支持比自动装置的支持比有自动控制和保护的情况要严重的多,这点明显不满意。这种缺陷作为一种现有标准的出现是为了防止可预见的干扰。这篇论文讲述了一个策略,它能够及时自动回复,并且应对不可预见、数量巨大的可以出现在互联电网中任何地方的偶发事件。发展这种策略的过程意味着揭露缺陷、质疑当前的方法,并阐明任务。绝大多数电力系统紧急情况的一般策略是被略述,但特殊的主体还将控制系统电压的稳定和在互电网中最普遍出现的中断现象。 2、自动应急控制 相当多的调查努力继续致力于电力系统的崩溃和损失仍旧没有实质性的解决方案。才用到方案在努力简化之下已被分割成几个部分,但是没有找到一个电力系统方面完整全面的方案,作为可接受的智慧被嵌入到的事项也在设法阻碍方案的解决。相反它以被认可作为一个完整的、系统问题伴随着所有设想正在呗完全质疑。为了解决下面的问题制定一个清晰的方案是很必要的:——计划标准接受可预测的干扰。 ——紧随大面积停电之后的是比在计划之内的标准更为严重的数量巨大的偶发事件。 ——数量巨大的偶发事件可以出现在电网的任何地方。 ——干扰的鉴定是发生在事件之后。 ——在鉴定之后,如果直流电是将会是存在的,那么准确及时的回答是必要的。 ——控制安排必要可靠,表现在他被需要时工作的正确性。 一个工程方面的解决方案根本性的努力是找一个满意度工程方案应该遵守


2009年智能计算技术和自动化的第二次国际会议研究提供恒压空气的空气压缩机的无人看管智能控制系统 中国矿业技术大学电气与信息工程专业的何分友,鲍威宁,张冰,唐代杨 江苏电气驱动及控制工程技术研究中心 地址:中国江苏省徐州市 邮编:221008 邮箱:bob_wn@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e918716910.html, 摘要——针对空气压缩机的控制系统的问题,我们研究和设计了一个提供恒压空气的空气压缩机的自动智能控制系统。考虑到空气压缩机控制系统时间上的延迟,就设计了一个基于PLC的模糊PID控制器。PLC是整个控制系统的关键设备,此外,现场设备与专用逆变空气压缩机、远程监控、故障诊断、实时数据库这些技术设备结合构成了一个完整的网络。最终,整个系统对恒压气体的无人值守的完全自动化就完成了。 关键词:模糊PID;校正;远程监控;故障诊断

1.引言 随着世界能源危机的到来,政府为了经济的可持续发展积极推广节能技术。空气压缩机、压缩气体,以提高气体的压力或者运输的气体,广泛应用于许多领域的国民经济和国防,特别是在石油、化工、制药等行业。空气压缩机成为必要的设备在许多流程的工业部门。他们是类高耗能装置消耗中国总发电量的15%以上。但原有的控制策略和低效率导致高能源浪费。节能优化和改进的空气压缩机系统在“十一五”期间被国家发展和改革委员会列为节能专项规划的长期的主要项目。 2 传统的空气压缩机的问题 目前,加载/卸载时调用的控制方法采用大型工业空气压缩机供应系统,导致一些以下问题: (1)当空气压力还过得去,空气压缩机不停止直到压力达到我们设定的上限,这样的后果就是造成浪费。 (2)气源的检修进入气动元件,通过减压阀减压,造成浪费。 (3)当卸料,自动进气阀关闭,低压阀打开的同时,造成浪费。 (4)电动机启动电流的幅值高, 在同一网络影响电网的稳定性和其它电气设备。 (5)现场嘈杂,工作条件很差。 此外,我们开始用变频控制工业空气压缩机。由于使用普通的变频器,系统有不良的表现和许多不足之处,导致该控制方法并没有扩散。存在的问题是概括如下: (1)转换器的设计没有紧密结合的压缩机的性能特点,如工频全压启动的设计和高环境温度。 (2)常规PID算法的闭环控制系统,从而导致频率的大波动以及影响节能效果。 (3)控制器和转炉分离,导致在电气接线操作和维护上有许多问题。 针对上述问题,我们研究和设计了一个提供恒压空气的空气压缩机的无人看管智能控制系统。黑龙江省的国有大矿的空气压缩机的控制系统可作为一个例子。


建筑结构在冲击负载作用下连续倒塌分析方法 摘要:建筑物在冲击负载作用下的连续倒塌已经引起了全世界的极大关注。对于一个经济的,安全的,能够抵抗冲击负载作用下连续倒塌的建筑结构设计,连续倒塌分析是必不可少的。因为连续倒塌的灾难性特点,和为了抵抗它而潜在的建造和改造建筑物的高额费用,所以连续倒塌分析方法是绝对必要且可信的。对于工程师们而言,他们估算连续倒塌的方法不仅仅要求精确和简要,而且容易上手,立竿见影。因而,最近许多研究者都在发展可靠有效和直接的连续倒塌分析方法上花费了很多的精力。在最近的干物上,当前在文献资料中找得到的关于连续倒塌的分析方法被重新审阅。人们广泛讨论它们的适宜性、适用性和可靠性。我们也提出了最近刚刚完成的关于钢筋混凝土框架在爆破荷载下的连续倒塌新分析方法。 关键词:连续倒塌分析;建筑结构;爆炸荷载;冲击荷载 连续倒塌被定义为“由于一个基本的局部构件失效在构件之间扩散最终造成整个结构或者是不成比例的一大部分倒塌”。其含义为一个或者一组关键承重构件的失效造成周围构件的失效和部分或者是整个结构的倒塌。建筑结构的连续倒塌可能由一系列的意外和人为的因素造成,比如:错误的建造顺序,偶然过载造成的局部失效,爆炸和地震造成的关键组件的损坏。这篇论文仅仅研究了特殊荷载(如:爆炸和冲击),造成的建筑结构连续倒塌的分析。 随着最近Alfred P.Murrah联邦大楼和世界贸易中心(WTC)的倒塌,许多的研究更多的关注如何建造抵抗由于爆炸和冲击荷载造成连续倒塌的建筑。对于一个经济的,安全的,能够抵抗冲击负载作用下连续倒塌的建筑结构设计,连续倒塌分析是必不可少的。因为连续倒塌的灾难性特点,和为了抵抗它而潜在的建造和改造建筑物的高额费用,所以连续倒塌分析方法是绝对必要且可信的。对于工程师们而言,他们估算连续倒塌的方法不仅仅要求精确和简要,而且容易上手,立竿见影。因而,最近许多研究者都在发展可靠有效和直接的连续倒塌分析方法上花费了很多的精力。


第二章 荷载与设计方法 2 - 1规范和标准 这本书自始至终贯穿的设计原则基于当前被美国国家高速公路和交通运输协会(AASHTO)采用的第15版(1992)的“公路桥梁规范标准”。这份文件由美国国家高速桥梁和结构组织委员会(AASHO)于1921年开始编制。规范和设计方法逐渐开发与发展,以及一些部门被认可并使用国家高速公路部门和组织从事公路桥梁设计工作。一份完工的规范文件于1926年创作出来,修正于1928年,印刷出版于1931年。 继1931年发布了第一版标准规范,协会陆续于1935、1941、1944、1949、1953、1957、1961、1965、1969、1973、1977、1983、1989年发布了修订后的版本。现行的第15版是基于钢筋、混凝土和木材设计不断试验和发展的结果。因此,就内容和范围上,这些规范将继续作为一个发展中的文件,不断修正以反映新知识和科技成果。年度临时规范通常作为补充材料添加到文件。美国国家高速公路和交通运输协会(AASHTO)的目的是美国国家高速公路和交通运输协会提供一个标准或指引。在这种情况下,规范规定的最低要求与当前实际相一致,但修改可能表示适应本地或特殊条件。因为他们主要适用于最通常和常见的桥梁形式,外加的设计指导方针可能对于不寻常或特别长的桥梁是必要的。结合美国国家高速公路和交通运输协会文件,完全相关的桥梁理论和设计是当前“钢筋施工手册”,当前ACI的“混凝土代码”和当前的ASTM规范。在邻国加拿大,关于桥梁设计的重要技术文件是“安大略公路桥梁设计规范”和出版物“公路桥梁设计”-加拿大国家标准。其他AASHTO规范在本书的这一章中提及。


Rules of Golf 高尔夫规则 Definitions 定义 Addressing the Ball 击球准备 The Definition is amended so that a player has addressed the ball simply by grounding his club immediately in front of or behind the ball, regardless of whether or not he has taken his stance. Therefore, the Rules generally no longer provide for a player addressing the ball in a hazard. (See also related change to Rule 18-2b) 击球准备的定义修改成了,如果球员将球杆放在球前或者球后,便视为做好击球准备,而不管球员是否做好了站位,也就是说,由于在沙坑击球前是干头不能接触到沙坑的,所以沙坑里是没有做好击球准备的说法的。如果发生做好击球准备后球移动的情况,在本次修订中18-2b的修订,见下 Rules 规则 Rule 1-2. Exerting Influence on Movement of Ball or Altering?Physical Conditions 对球的运动施加影响或者改变球的物理条件?The Rule is amended to establish more clearly that, if a player intentionally takes an action to influence the movement of a ball or to alter physical conditions affecting the playing of a hole in a way that is not permitted by the Rules, Rule 1-2 applies only when the action is not already covered?in another Rule. For example, a player improving the lie of his ball is in breach of Rule 13-2 and therefore that Rule would apply, whereas a player intentionally improving the lie of a fellow-competitor’s ball is not a situation covered by Rule 13-2 and, therefore, is governed by Rule 1-2. 本次修订使规则1-2的应用说明更加清晰。如果球手故意违反其它规则去影响球的运动或改变它的物料条件,(由于有其它规则)并不算违反规则1-2。而如果球手对球施加的影响并没有相应的规则解释或涵盖,规则1-2适用。举例:球员改善自己的球位属于违反规则13-2,按13-2处置便是(罚2杆),不用涉及1-2;但13-2对球员有意改善其他人球位的行为没有明确,便应该执行1-2。 Rule 6-3a. Time of Starting 出发时间 Rule 6-3a is amended to provide that the penalty for starting late, but within five minutes of the starting time, is reduced from disqualification to loss of the first hole in match play or two strokes at the first hole in stroke play. Previously this penalty reduction could be introduced as a condition of


英语B级统考复习资料 翻译题库 1. A dolphin is always well-known as a clever and friendly animal. 海豚以聪明和友好的动物闻名。2. A friend of mine from high school is working in England now. 我的一个高中同学现在正 在英格兰工作。 3. A lot of natural resources in the mountain area are to be exploited and used.那个山区有许多自然 资源有待于开发利用。 4.After I get home, I'll call you. 到 家以后,我会给你打电话。 5.Air is all around us.空气无处不在。 6.Air pollution is more serious than water pollution.空气污染比 水污染更严重。 7.All that glitters is not gold.闪光 的东西,未必都是金子。 8.All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事总是由难而易。 9.Americans usually eat three meals a day. 美国人通常一天吃三顿饭。10.Apples here like water and sunshine. 这里的苹果喜欢水和阳光。11.Are you fond of music?你喜欢 音乐吗? 12.As a result, our personal income rose an average of 13 per cent last year alone. 结果, 仅去 年一年我们人均收入平均增长 13%。 13.As is known to all, China is a developing country. 众所周知, 中国是一个发展中国家。 14.Before leaving the classroom, please turn off the lights.离开教 室前,请关灯。 15.Beijing Olympic Games can make Chinese people work harder. 北京奥运会能让中国 人工作更努力。 16.Bill hit his car into a wall last night.昨 晚比尔开车时车撞到了墙上。17.Bill hit his car into a wall last night.昨 晚比尔开车时车撞到了墙上。 18.Bob and Peter found out that they were twin brothers.鲍勃和 皮特发现他们是双胞胎兄弟。 19.Both Ann and Mary are suitable for the job.安和玛丽都很适合这 份工作。 20.Business success depends on hard work..事业上的成功依靠 努力。 21.But I’ve got room for only two of you in the house.但我在房子 里只留了你们两个人的空间。 22.By 1900, states had laws against selling cigarettes to young people.1900年以前,各州法令 规定禁止向年轻人售卖香烟。 23.Call me tomorrow if you have time.你明天如果有空给我电话。 24.Can you finish your work in time? 你能及时完成工作吗? 25.Could you give me a cup of coffee, please?请你给我一杯咖 啡好吗? 26.Could you show me the way to the train station? 你可以告诉 我去火车站的路吗? 27.Could you tell me how to get to the bank/your university?你能告 诉我去银行/你的大学怎么走吗? 28.Could you tell me how to get to the bank? 你可以告诉我如何去 银行吗? 29.Could you tell me how to go to your university?请你告诉我如 何去你的大学,可以吗? 30.Could you tell me where the post office is?你能告诉我邮局在哪 儿吗? 31.David will get a birthday gift from his sister. 戴维将从他的姐 姐那里得到一份生日礼物。 32.Did you get that E-mail from me. 你收到我发的那封电子邮件了吗? 33.Do you feel better now? 你现在 感觉好些了吗? 34.Do you go swimming every day? 你每天都去游泳吗? 35.Do you have anything to say? 你 有什么要说的吗? 36.Do you know where the post office is你知道邮局在哪儿吗? 37.Do you like traveling?你喜欢旅 游吗? 38.Do you mind my smoking here? 你介意我在这儿抽烟吗? 39.Do you think students should do a part-time job?你认为学生应该 去做兼职吗? 40.Do you want to go out or stay at home你想出去还是留在家里? 41.Does the computer have instructions on it? 电脑上面有 使用说明吗? 42.Don’t trust him no matter what he says. 不管他说什么都别相 信他。 43.Don't tell me what to do! 别对我 指手画脚! 44.Don't you think smoking is harmful to your health?你不认为 抽烟对你的身体有害吗? 45.Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up. 历史每重演 一次,代价就增加。 46.Each year some of his money is given to the best scientists and writers of the world. 每年, 他拿出一部分钱给世界上最优 秀的科学家和作家。 47.Eastern culture is different from western.东西文化存在差异。 48.Either you must improve your work, or I shall dismiss you. 你 必须改进工作, 否则, 我解雇 你。 49.Everyone enjoys being praised instead of criticized.每个人都喜 欢被表扬而不是受到批评。 50.Everything considered, their plan is still workable.所有因素都考

港澳俄高校中英文翻译 修改

港澳俄高校中英文翻译 1香港大学,英语The University of Hong Kong 2香港中文大学,英文The Chinese University of Hong Kong 3香港科技大学,英语The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 4香港城市大学,英文City University of Hong Kong 5香港专业教育学院, 英文The Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education 6香港教育学院 外文名:The Hong Kong Institute of Education 7香港浸会大学, 英语Hong Kong Baptist University 8香港岭南大学, 英语Lingnan University 9香港树仁大学, 英语Hong Kong Shue Yan University 10香港公开大学, 英语The Open University of Hong Kong 11澳门大学,英语University of Macau 12澳门科技大学,英语Macau University of Science and Technology 13澳门理工学院, 英语Macao Polytechnic Institute 14莫斯科鲍曼技术大学,英语Bauman Moscow State Technical University 15萨哈林国立大学, 英语Sakhalin State University 16库班国立体育、运动与旅游大学,英文Kuban State


Naming of Parts By Henry Reed Today we have naming of parts. Yesterday, 今天我们来认识零部件, We had daily cleaning. And tomorrow morning, 昨天还给他们做了清洁。 We shall have what to do after firing. But today, 明早射击后再做该做的事。 Today we have naming of parts. Japonica 今天,今天先来认识零部件。 Glistens like coral in all of the neighboring gardens, 那花园里的山茶花像珊瑚般闪闪发光 And today we have naming of parts. 今天我们来认识零部件 This is the lower sling swivel. And this 这个是个支枪扣。 Is the upper sling swivel, whose use you will see, 这也是支枪扣, When you are given your slings. And this is the piling swivel, 当你拉动时,这是枪栓 Which in your case you have not got. The branches 你就会看到它的用处。 Hold in the gardens t heir silent, eloquent gestures, 看,那些树枝寂静地伸张在花园里 Which in our case we have not got. 我们不能拥有它。 This is the safety-catch, which is always released 这是保险栓, With an easy flick of the thumb. And please do not let me 拇指轻轻弹,便会打开它 See anyone using his finger. You can do it quite easy 不要让我看到有人在碰它 If you have any strength in your thumb. The blossoms 拇指一发力,你可轻轻打开它 Are fragile and motionless, never letting anyone see 盛开的花朵是脆弱的,一动不动, Any of them using their finger. 不要让我看到有人触碰它们 And this you can see is the bolt. The purpose of this 你看到的是枪栓 Is to open the breech, as you see. We can slide it 看到了吧,这是要打开枪膛


Myrinet的- 一个千兆每秒局域网 (根据主题演讲由查尔斯L.塞茨介绍) 南妮特J.博登,丹尼·科恩,罗伯特E. Felderman 艾伦·E. Kulawik,查尔斯L.塞茨,雅科夫N. Seizovic,和闻景苏Myricom公司,325 N.圣塔安尼塔大道阿卡迪亚,CA 91006 摘要:Myrinet的是局域网络(LAN)的基础上,一种新型用于数据包通信和“massivelyparallel内切换技术处理器“(MPP的)。想想的Myrinet作为MPP消息传递可以跨越校园的尺寸,而不是作为一个广域网络比这是在近距离操作的电信网络。该技术措施对使Myrinet的现实纳入发展(1)稳健,25米沟通渠道,流量控制,数据包 成帧,和错误控制 (2)自初始化,低延迟,直通开关; (3)主机接口,可以映射网络,选择路线,并 从网络地址的路由,以及手柄分组交通翻译; (4)简化主机软件,可以直接沟通用户进程与网络之间。背景。 为了理解如何Myrinet的不同于传统的局域网如 以太网和FDDI,它是有帮助的开始的Myrinet的家谱。Myrinet的是植根于两个ARPA资助的研究项目的结果,加州理工学院马赛克,一个实验,细粒度多机[1],而USC

信息科学研究所(USC / ISI)ATOMIC局域网[2,3],这是用马赛克组件构建。Myricom公司,公司是一家初创公司这两个研究项目的成员创立。 多机消息传递网络:一个多机[4,5]是一个MPP架构包括计算节点的集合,每个它自己的存储器,通过消息传递网络相连。加州理工学院马赛克是一个实验,“挑战极限”多机设计并朝向一个系统具有高达数万小编程,单芯片的节点,而不是几百个电路板尺寸的节点。该细粒度多机放置在messagepassing更极端的要求网络由于较大数量的节点和一个更大的计算之间的相互依存关系处理不同的节点上。该 对于马赛克开发消息传递网络技术[6]实现其目标如此之好,它被用在其他几个MPP系统,包括中粮英特尔三角洲和Paragon多计算机,斯坦福DASH多处理器,以及麻省理工学院的灰西鲱多。 草案94年11月16日- 2 - 要显示IEEE MICRO 1995年2月 在常见的局域网,多机的消息传递网络发送和在分组的形式接收数据。任何节点可发送分组到任何其他节点。一个包由一个字节序列的开始的一个路由头,这是通过路由电路检查,通过操纵该分组网络。首标后面是一个任意长度的有效负载,这是数据传送到目的地。该分组由一个挂车终止 (或尾部),其可包括一个校验和的最大长度分组,在网络
