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Unit 8 A green world

Reading (1)


1 通过图片,标题和上下文猜测课文大意。

2 了解瑞士的环保措施。

3 增强学生保护环境的意识。



separate allow punish fine depend rich wisely produce difference plastic recycling limit resource


separate into cut down trees depend on/upon run out

make a difference (to sb/sth)


It is be autiful, and we should try to keep it that way.

In Switzerla nd, things like glass, plastic and paper are separated into different groups and then recycled.

For example,we are not allowed to cut down trees.

If we drop litter in a public place, we will be fined by the police.

We depend o n its rich resources to live,so it is important for us to protect it wisely.

These new types of energy cost very l ittle and will never run out.

Moreover, they produce lit tle pollution.

Remember that everyone can do something to make a difference!


Step I 导入

1 与学生就“绿色生活”进行交流,复习前一课时的内容,引导学生谈论环保这个话题。

2 教师展示瑞士的图片,问:

What do you know about this country?

引导学生根据图片回答:Switzerland is a beautiful country with high mountains and blue lakes. 学生回答,教师边将Switzerland 写在黑板上,带领学生朗读。

3 教师告诉学生:Kitty’s online friend Martina is a middle school student in Switzerland. She’s writing in her blog on World Environment Day. Let’s read her article to find out more information. 以此导入课文。

Step II 呈现

1 教师问:When’s World Environment Day? 让学生带着这个问题快速阅读课文,并获取答案:World Environment Day is 5 June.

2 让学生两人一组完成B1部分的练习,提醒学生可根据上下文猜测词义。让六个学生说出答案,全班核对答案。

3 教师播放录音,要求学生边听边完成B2部分的练习,全班核对答案。

4 指导学生阅读文章,然后两人一组谈论每段的大意,并划分文章的结构,完成B3



5 教师说:I’d like you to tell me more about Switzerland. Listen carefully and answer the questions. 教师播放课文第一段的录音,要求学生边听边回答以下问题;

(1)What is Switzerland like ?

(Switzerland is a country with high mountains and blue lakes.)

(2) What do peple there try to do ?

(They try to keep their country beautiful a nd clean.)

6 教师播放课文第二、第三段的录音,让学生轻声跟读,再让学生集体朗读这一部分,并回答以下问题:

(1)What can be recycled in Switzerland?

(Things like glass, plastic, paper, old clothes and shoes can be recycled.) (2)What does Martina’sfami ly do with their old clothes?

(They send their old jeans and T-shirts to an organization for recycled.) (3)Does Switzerland have laws to protect the environment、

(Yes, it does. It has many laws to protect the environment.)

(4)What will happen if you drop litter in a public pl ace in Switzerland?

(You will be fined by the police.)

7 教师播放课文第四、第五段的录音,学生集体跟读,然后两人一组讨论以下问题:

(1)What are the new ways to get energy?

(To get energy from the sun ,wind and water,)

(2)What are the advantages of these new types of energy?

(They cost very little and will never run out .Also, they produce little pollution.)

8 指导学生进一步理解文章,教师说:we often call Switz erland “Green Switzerland”. Do you understand the meaning of “green” here?让学生四人一组讨论,教师最后解释:“Green”here means protecting the environment. 中文释义即“环境保护的,赞成环保的”。

Step III 家庭作业

1 熟读课文,能力较强的学生背诵。

2 完成教师布置的相关练习。



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