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L.D. Efficient Reduction for Wait-Free Termination Detection in a Crash-Prone Distributed S

L.D. Efficient Reduction for Wait-Free Termination Detection in a Crash-Prone Distributed S
L.D. Efficient Reduction for Wait-Free Termination Detection in a Crash-Prone Distributed S

E?cient Reduction for Wait-Free Termination Detection in a Crash-Prone Distributed System Neeraj Mittal1 ,Felix C.Freiling2,S.Venkatesan1,and Lucia Draque Penso2 1Department of Computer Science,The University of Texas at Dallas,Richardson, TX75083,USA,{neerajm,venky}@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ff1918740.html, 2Department of Computer Science,RWTH Aachen University,D-52056Aachen, Germany,{freiling@,lucia@i4.}informatik.rwth-aachen.de

Abstract.We investigate the problem of detecting termination of a

distributed computation in systems where processes can fail by crash-

ing.Speci?cally,when the communication topology is fully connected,

we describe a way to transform any termination detection algorithm A

that has been designed for a failure-free environment into a termination

detection algorithm B that can tolerate process crashes.Our transfor-

mation assumes the existence of a perfect failure detector.We show that

a perfect failure detector is in fact necessary to solve the termination

detection problem in a crash-prone distributed system even if at most

one process can crash.

Letμ(n,M)andδ(n,M)denote the message complexity and detection

latency,respectively,of A when the system has n processes and the un-

derlying computation exchanges M application messages.The message

complexity of B is at most O(n+μ(n,0))messages per failure more

than the message complexity of A.Also,its detection latency is at most

O(δ(n,0))per failure more than that of A.Furthermore,the overhead

(that is,the amount of control data piggybacked)on an application mes-

sage increases by only O(log n)bits per failure.

The fault-tolerant termination detection algorithm resulting from the

transformation satis?es two desirable properties.First,it can tolerate

failure of up to n?1processes,that is,it is wait-free.Second,it does not

impose any overhead on the fault-sensitive termination detection algo-

rithm until one or more processes crash,that is,it is fault-reactive.Our

transformation can be extended to arbitrary communication topologies

provided process crashes do not partition the system.

Key words:distributed system,termination detection,faulty processes,

wait-free algorithm,failure detector,algorithm transformation

Work by Neeraj Mittal was performed in part while visiting RWTH Aachen University and supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft(DFG)within the Graduiertenkolleg“Software for Mobile Communication Systems”.

Lucia Draque Penso was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft(DFG)as part of the Graduiertenkolleg“Software for Mobile Communication Systems”at RWTH Aachen University.


One of the fundamental problems in distributed systems is to detect termination of an ongoing distributed computation.The termination detection problem was independently proposed by Dijkstra and Scholten[1]and Francez[2]more than two decades ago.Since then,many researchers have studied this problem and,as a result,a large number of e?cient algorithms have been developed for detecting termination(e.g.,[3–14]).Most of the termination detection algorithms in the literature have been developed assuming that both processes and channels stay operational throughout an execution.Real-world systems,however,are often prone to failures.For example,processes may fail by crashing and channels may be lossy.In this paper,we investigate the termination detection problem when processes can fail by crashing.We assume that process crashes do not result in restarting of the primary computation.

One of the earliest fault-tolerant algorithm for termination detection was proposed by Venkatesan[15],which was derived from the fault-sensitive(that is,fault-in tolerant)termination detection algorithm by Chandrasekaran and Venkatesan[9].Venkatesan’s algorithm achieves fault-tolerance by replicating state information at multiple processes.However,it assumes a prespeci?ed bound k on the maximum number of processes that can fail by crashing.Its message complexity is O(kM+c),where M is the number of application messages ex-changed by the underlying computation and c is the number of channels in the communication topology.As a result,the overhead incurred by the algo-rithm depends on the maximum number of processes that can fail during an execution rather than the actual number of processes that fail during an exe-cution.Moreover,the algorithm assumes that it is possible to send up to k+1 (possibly di?erent)messages to di?erent processes in an atomic manner.Unlike other fault-tolerant termination detection algorithms,however,Venkatesan’s al-gorithm does not assume that the communication topology is fully connected and works as long the topology is(k+1)-connected[15].

Lai and Wu[16]and Tseng[17]modify fault-sensitive termination detection algorithms by Dijkstra and Scholten[1]and Huang[8],respectively,to derive two di?erent fault-tolerant termination detection algorithms.Both algorithms assume that the communication topology is fully connected.However,unlike Venkatesan’s algorithm,both have low message complexity of O(M+fn+n), where n is the initial number of processes in the system f is the actual number of processes that fail during an execution.The algorithm by Lai and Wu[16] has high detection latency of O(n)whereas the algorithm by Tseng[17]has high application and control message overheads of O(M)and O(f log n+nM), respectively.

Shah and Toueg give a fault-tolerant algorithm for taking a consistent snap-shot of a distributed system in[18].Their algorithm is derived from the fault-sensitive consistent snapshot algorithm by Chandy and Lamport[19].As a re-sult,each invocation of their snapshot algorithm may generate up to O(c)control messages.It is easy to verify that,when their algorithm is used for termination detection,the message complexity of the resulting algorithm is O(cM)in the worst-case.Similarly,G¨a rtner and Pleisch[20]give an algorithm for detecting an arbitrary stable predicate in a crash-prone distributed system.(Note that

termination is a stable property.)In their algorithm,every relevant local event

is reliably and causally broadcast to a set of monitors,thereby increasing the

message complexity signi?cantly.

In this paper,when the communication topology is fully connected,we de-

scribe a way to transform any fault-sensitive termination detection algorithm

A into a fault-tolerant termination detection algorithm B.Our transformation assumes the existence of a perfect failure detector,which we show is necessary

to solve the problem.Letμ(n,M)andδ(n,M)denote the message complexity

and detection latency,respectively,of A when the system has n processes and

the underlying computation exchanges M application messages.The message-

complexity of B is O(f(n+μ(n,0)))messages more than the message com-

plexity of A.Also,the detection latency of B is O(fδ(n,0))more than the

detection latency of A.For most termination detection algorithms,when the

topology is fully connected,μ(n,0)is either O(n)or O(c),andδ(n,0)is O(1).

(For example,for the Dijkstra and Scholten’s algorithm[1],μ(n,0)=O(n)and

δ(n,0)=O(1)when their algorithm is adopted for a non-di?using computa-

tion.)Further,the application and control message overheads of B are at most

O(f log n)and O(f log n+n log M)more than those for A.(Message overhead

refers to the amount of control information piggybacked on a message.)The over-

head of O(n log M)applies only to those control messages that are exchanged

whenever a crash is detected.The fault-tolerant termination detection algorithm

resulting from the transformation satis?es two desirable properties.First,the it

can tolerate failure of up to n?1processes,that is,it is wait-free.Second,it does

not impose any overhead on the fault-sensitive termination detection algorithm

if no process actually crashes during an execution,that is,it is fault-reactive.

Typically,generalized transformations tend to be ine?cient compared to cus-

tomized/specialized transformations.However,when our transformation is ap-

plied to fault-sensitive termination detection algorithms by Dijkstra and Scholten

[1]and Huang[8],the resulting fault-tolerant algorithms compare very favorably

with those by Lai and Wu[16]and Tseng[17].Speci?cally,when our transforma-

tion is applied to Dijkstra and Scholten’s algorithm[1],the resulting algorithm

has the same message-complexity and detection latency as the algorithm by Lai

and Wu[16].However,the message overhead—application as well as control—is

higher for our algorithm.On the other hand,when our transformation is applied

to Huang’s weight throwing algorithm[8](which is similar to Mattern’s credit

distribution and recovery algorithm[7]),the resulting algorithm has the same

message-complexity and detection latency as that of the algorithm by Tseng[17]

but has slightly higher application message overhead(O(log M+f log n)versus

O(log M)).Surprisingly,the overhead of control messages exchanged due to pro-

cess crashes by our algorithm,which is given by O(f log n+n log M),is much

lower than that of Tseng’s algorithm[17],which is given by O(f log n+nM).

For comparison between various fault-tolerant termination detection algorithms,

please refer to Table1.The results of applying our transformation to some im-

portant termination detection algorithms are given in[21].

The main idea behind our approach is to restart the fault-sensitive termina-

tion detection algorithm whenever a new failure is detected.A separate mecha-

nism is used to account for those application messages that are in-transit when

the termination detection algorithm is restarted.Arora and Gouda[22]also

Venkatesan[15]Lai and Wu[16]Tseng[17]Our Approach [this paper]

Message Complexity O(kM+c)O(M+fn+n)O(M+fn+n)



Detection Latency O(M)O(n)O(f+1)

δ(n,M)+ O(fδ(n,0))

Application Message

Overhead k-way duplication-O(log M)?


O(f log n)

Control Message Overhead Termination


O(log n+log M)O(f log n+log M)O(log M)?


O(f log n) Failure


-O(f log n+log M)O(f log n+nM)

O(f log n)+

O(n log M)

Assumptions FIFO channels+

atomic multicast

fully connected


fully connected


fully connected


?Assuming an e?cient implementation of weight throwing scheme such as the one described in[7] n:initial number of processes in the system

c:number of channels in the communication topology

f:actual number of processes that crash during an execution

k:maximum number of processes that can crash during an execution

M:number of application messages exchanged

μ(n,M):message complexity of the fault-sensitive termination detection algorithm with n processes and M application messages

δ(n,M):detection latency of the fault-sensitive termination detection algorithm with n processes and M application messages

α(n,M):application message overhead of the fault-sensitive termination detection algorithm with n processes and M application messages

β(n,M):control message overhead of the fault-sensitive termination detection algorithm with n processes and M application messages

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ff1918740.html,parison of various fault-tolerant termination detection algorithms. provide a mechanism to reset a distributed system.Their approach is di?erent from our approach in many ways.First,the semantics of their reset operation is di?erent from the semantics of our restart operation.Speci?cally,if their reset mechanism is applied to our system,then it will not only reset the termination detection algorithm but will also reset the underlying distributed computation (whose termination is to be detected).Further,application messages exchanged by the underlying computation before it is reset will be discarded.If a failure occurs near the completion of the underlying computation,the entire work needs to be redone if the distributed reset procedure is used.In contrast,in our case, the distributed computation continues to execute without interruption.(When there are process crashes,we assume that the primary computation may be able to cope with process failures without the need to restart itself.)Therefore,in our case,application messages exchanged before the termination detection algo-rithm is restarted,especially those exchanged between correct processes,cannot be ignored.Arora and Gouda’s approach is more suitable for applications that can be reset on occurrence of a failure whereas our approach is more suitable for applications that continue to execute despite failures.Second,in their approach, the system may be reset more than once for the same failure.This may hap-pen,for example,when multiple processes detect the failure of the same process at di?erent times.Third,their reset operation,which is self-stabilizing in na-

ture,is designed to tolerate much broader and more severe kinds of faults such as restarts,message losses and arbitrary state perturbations than just crash failures.Not surprisingly,their reset operation has higher message and time complexities than our restart operation.Fourth,their approach is non-masking fault-tolerant,which implies that the safety speci?cation of the application may be violated temporarily,even if there is a single crash fault.When translated to our problem,this means that the termination detection algorithm may falsely announce termination,a case which our approach avoids.

We build upon the work by Wu et al[23].We do this in the context of the failure detector hierarchy proposed by Chandra and Toueg[24],a way to compare problems based on the level of synchrony required for solving them.We show that termination detection needs the synchrony assumptions of a perfect failure detector to be solvable even if at most one process can crash.This result can be used to further understand the relationship between termination detection and other problems in fault-tolerant distributed computing,such as consensus and atomic broadcast.

Our transformation can also be extended to an arbitrary communication topology provided process crashes do not partition the system.(In case par-titioning occurs,termination is detected separately in each partition.)For an arbitrary topology,however,the increase in message-complexity and detection latency per failure is higher than that for fully connected topology.Due to lack of space,we only focus on the transformation for fully connected topology in this paper.Details of the transformation for arbitrary topology can be found elsewhere[21].

This paper is organized as follows.In Sect.2,we present our model of a crash-prone distributed system and describe what it means to detect termination in such a system.We discuss our transformation in Sect.3.In Sect.4we determine the type of failure detector which is necessary for solving termination detection. Finally,we present our conclusions and outline directions for future research in Sect.5.

2Model and Problem De?nition

2.1System Model

We assume an asynchronous distributed system consisting of multiple processes, which communicate with each other by exchanging messages over a set of com-munication channels.There is no global clock or shared memory.

Processes are not reliable and may fail by crashing.Once a process crashes, it halts all its operations and never recovers.We use the terms“non-crashed process”,“live process”and“operational process”interchangeably.A process that crashes is called faulty.A process that is not faulty is called correct.Note that there is a di?erence between the terms“live process”and“correct pro-cess”.A live process has not crashed yet but may crash in the future.Let P={p1,p n,...,p n}denote the initial set of processes in the system.We as-sume that there is at least one correct process in the system at all times.

We assume that all channels are bidirectional but may not be FIFO(?rst-in-?rst-out).Channels are reliable in the sense that if a process never crashes,

then every message destined for it is eventually delivered.A message may,how-ever,take an arbitrary amount of time to reach its destination.Unless otherwise stated,we assume that the communication topology is fully connected,that is, every pair of operational processes can directly communicate with each other.

We assume the existence of a perfect failure detector[24],a device which gives processes reliable information about the operational state of other pro-cesses.Upon querying the local failure detector,a process receives a list of cur-rently suspected processes.A perfect failure detector satis?es two properties[24]: strong accuracy(no correct process is ever suspected)and strong completeness (a crashed process is eventually permanently suspected by every correct pro-cess).By varying de?nitions of completeness and accuracy,di?erent types of failure detectors can be de?ned.For example,the eventually perfect failure de-tector satis?es eventually strong accuracy(eventually no correct process is ever suspected)and strong completeness.

2.2Termination Detection in a Crash-Prone System

Informally,the termination detection problem involves determining when a dis-tributed computation has ceased all its activity.The distributed computation satis?es the following four properties or rules.First,a process is either active or passive.Second,a process can send a message only if it is active.Third,an active process may become passive at any time.Fourth,a passive process may become active only on receiving a message.Intuitively,an active process is involved in some local activity,whereas a passive process is idle.In case both processes and channels are reliable,a distributed computation terminates once all processes become passive and stay passive thereafter.In other words,a distributed com-putation is said to be classically-terminated once all processes become passive and all channels become empty.

In a crash-prone distributed system,once a process crashes,it ceases all its activities.Moreover,any message in-transit towards a crashed process can be ignored because the message cannot initiate any new activity.Therefore,a crash-prone distributed system is said to be strictly-terminated if all live processes are passive and no channel contains a message in-transit towards a live process. Wu et al[23]establish that,for the strict-termination detection problem to be solvable in a crash-prone distributed system,it must be possible to?ush the channel from a crashed process to a live process.A channel can be?ushed using either return-?ush[15]or fail-?ush[16]primitive.Both primitives allow a live process to ascertain that its incoming channel from the crashed process has become empty.

In case neither return-?ush nor fail-?ush primitive is available,Tseng sug-gested freezing the channel from a crashed process to a live process[17].When a live process freezes its channel with a crashed process,any message that arrives after the channel has been frozen is ignored.(A process can freeze a channel only after detecting that the process at the other end of the channel has crashed.)We say that a message is deliverable if it is destined for a live process along a chan-nel that has not been frozen yet;otherwise it is undeliverable.We say that the system is e?ectively-terminated if all live processes are passive and there is no deliverable message in-transit towards a live process.Trivially,strict-termination

implies e?ective-termination but not vice versa.Deciding which of the two ter-mination conditions is to be detected depends on the application semantics.We believe that detecting e?ective-termination is su?cient in most cases.

Wu et al[23]also show that in order for strict-termination detection to be solvable,process faults must be detectable.Translated into the terminology of Chandra and Toueg[24],the failure detector used should satisfy strong complete-ness.We ful?ll this requirement by assuming the existence of a perfect failure detector,which additionally satis?es strong accuracy.We justify this assumption later by proving that we need at least a perfect failure detector to solve even e?ective-termination detection in a crash-prone distributed system.Further,we assume that it is possible to freeze the channel from a crashed process to a live process(that is,application allows messages from crashed processes to be discarded).Hereafter,we focus on e?ective-termination detection.The transfor-mation results in Section3,however,remain valid even for strict-termination detection assuming that channels can be?ushed instead of frozen.

For convenience,we refer to messages exchanged by the underlying dis-tributed computation as application messages and to messages exchanged by the termination detection algorithm as control messages.The performance of a termination detection algorithm is measured in terms of three metrics:mes-sage complexity,detection latency and message overhead.Message complexity refers to the number of control messages exchanged by the termination detection algorithm in order to detect termination.Detection latency measures the time elapsed between when the underlying computation terminates and when the ter-mination detection algorithm actually announces termination.Finally,message overhead refers to the amount of control data piggybacked on a message by the termination detection algorithm.

We call a termination detection algorithm fault-tolerant if it works correctly even in the presence of faults;otherwise it is called fault-sensitive or fault-intolerant.In this paper,we use the terms“crash”,“fault”and“failure”in-terchangeably.

3From Fault-Sensitive Algorithm to Fault-Tolerant Algorithm

We assume that the given fault-sensitive termination detection algorithm is able to detect termination of a non-di?using computation,when any subset of pro-cesses can be initially active.This is not a restrictive assumption as it is proved in[25]that any termination detection algorithm for a di?using computation, when at most one process is initially active,can be e?ciently transformed into a termination detection algorithm for a non-di?using computation.The transfor-mation increases the message complexity of the underlying termination detection algorithm by only O(n)messages and moreover,does not increase its detection latency.We also assume that,as soon as a process learns about the failure of its neighbouring process,it freezes its incoming channel with the process.

Due to lack of space,we only describe the main idea behind our transfor-mation.Further,we only state the main lemmas and theorems that are used to

prove its correctness and analyze its performance.The formal description of the algorithm and omitted proofs can be found in[21].

3.1The Main Idea

The main idea behind our transformation is to restart the fault-sensitive termi-nation detection algorithm algorithm on the set of currently operational processes whenever a new failure is detected.We refer to the fault-sensitive termination detection algorithm—an input to our transformation—by A,and to the fault-tolerant termination detection algorithm—the output of our transformation—by B.Before restarting A,we ensure that all operational processes agree on the set of processes that have failed.This is useful as explained further.

Consider a subset of processes Q.We say that a distributed computation has terminated with respect to Q(classically or strictly or e?ectively)if the respective termination condition holds when evaluated only on processes and channels in the subsystem induced by Q.Also,we say that Q has become safe if(1)all processes in P\Q have failed,and(2)every process in Q has learned about the failure of all processes in P\Q.We have,

Theorem1.Consider a safe subset of processes Q.Assume that all processes in Q stay operational.Then a distributed computation has e?ectively-terminated with respect to P if and only if it has classically-terminated with respect to Q.

The above theorem implies that if all alive processes agree on the set of failed processes and there are no further crashes,then it is su?cient to ascertain that the underlying computation has classically-terminated with respect to the set of operational processes.An advantage of detecting classical termination is that we can use A,a fault-sensitive termination detection algorithm,to detect termination.We next show that even if one or more processes crash,A does not announce false termination.

Theorem2.When a fault-sensitive termination detection algorithm is executed on a distributed system prone to process crashes then the algorithm still satis?es the safety property,that is,it never announces false termination.

Now,when A is restarted,a mechanism is needed to deal with application messages that were sent before A is restarted but are received after A has been restarted.Such application messages are referred to as stale or old application messages.Clearly,the current instance of A may not be able to handle an old application message correctly.One simple approach is to“hide”an old appli-cation message from the current instance of A and deliver it directly to the underlying distributed computation.However,on receiving an old application message,if the destination process changes its state from passive to active,then, to the current instance of A,it would appear as if the process became active spontaneously.This violates one of the four rules of the distributed computation. Clearly,the current instance of A may not work correctly in the presence of old application messages and therefore cannot be directly used to detect termination of the underlying computation.

We use the following approach to deal with old application messages.We superimpose another computation on top of the underlying computation.We refer to the superimposed computation as the secondary computation and to the underlying computation as the primary computation.As far as live processes are concerned,the secondary computation is almost identical to the primary com-putation except possibly in the beginning.Whenever a process crashes and all live processes agree on the set of failed processes,we simulate a new instance of the secondary computation in the subsystem induced by the set of operational processes.The processes in the subsystem are referred to as the base set of the simulated secondary computation.We then use a new instance of the fault-sensitive termination detection algorithm to detect termination of the secondary computation.The older instances of the secondary computation and the fault-sensitive termination detection algorithm are simply aborted.We maintain the following invariants.First,if the secondary computation has classically termi-nated then the primary computation has classically terminated as well.Second,if the primary computation has classically terminated,then the secondary compu-tation classically terminates eventually.Note that the new instances of both the secondary computation and the fault-sensitive termination detection algorithm start at the same time on the same set of processes.

We now describe the behavior of a process with respect to the secondary computation.Intuitively,a process stays active with respect to the secondary computation at least until it knows that it cannot receive any old application message in the future.Consider a safe subset of processes Q.Suppose an instance of the secondary computation is initiated in the subsystem induced by Q.A process p i∈Q is passive with respect to the current instance of the secondary computation if both of the following conditions hold:

1.it is passive with respect to the primary computation,and

2.it knows that there is no old application message in transit towards it from

any process in Q

An old application message is delivered directly to the primary computation and is hidden from the current instance of the secondary computation as well as the current instance of the fault-sensitive termination detection algorithm. Speci?cally,only those application messages that are sent by the current in-stance of the secondary computation are tracked by the corresponding instance of the fault-sensitive termination detection algorithm.(In other words,all appli-cation messages are exchanged through the current instance of the termination detection algorithm except for old application messages.)It can be veri?ed that the secondary computation is“legal”in the sense that it satis?es all the four rules of the distributed computation.Therefore the fault-sensitive termination detection algorithm A can be safely used to detect(classical)termination of the secondary computation even in the presence of old application messages.First, we show that,to detect termination of the primary computation,it is safe to detect termination of the secondary computation.

Theorem3.Consider a secondary computation initiated in the subsystem in-duced by processes in Q.Then,if the secondary computation has classically ter-minated with respect to Q,then the primary computation has classically termi-nated with respect to Q.

Next,we prove that,to detect termination of the primary computation,it is su?cient to detect the termination of the secondary computation under certain conditions.

Theorem4.Consider a secondary computation initiated in the subsystem in-duced by processes in Q.Assume that the primary computation has classically terminated with respect to Q and each process in Q eventually learns that there are there are no old application messages in transit towards it sent by other processes in Q.If all processes in Q stay operational,then the secondary com-putation eventually classically terminates with respect to Q.

We next describe how to ensure that all operational processes agree on the set of failed processes before restarting the secondary computation the fault-sensitive termination detection https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ff1918740.html,ter,we describe how to ascertain that there are no relevant old application messages in transit.We assume that both application and control messages are piggybacked with the complement of the base set of the current instance of the secondary computation in progress, which can be used to identify the speci?c instance of the secondary computation. Achieving Agreement on the Set of Failed Processes:Whenever a process crashes,one of the live processes is chosen to act as the coordinator.Speci?cally, the process with the smallest identi?er among all live processes acts as the co-ordinator.Every process,on detecting a new failure,sends a NOTIFY message to the coordinator containing the set of all processes that it knows have failed. The coordinator maintains,for each operational process p i,processes that have failed according to p i.On determining that all operational processes agree on the set of failed processes,the coordinator sends a RESTART message to each operational process.A RESTART message instructs a process to initiate a new instance of the secondary computation on the appropriate set of processes,and, also,start a new instance of the fault-sensitive termination detection algorithm to detect its termination.

It is possible that,before receiving a RESTART message for a new instance,a process receives an application message that is sent by a more recent instance of the secondary computation than that of the secondary computation currently in progress at that process.In that case,before processing the application message, it behaves as if it has also received a RESTART message and acts accordingly. Tracking Old Application Messages:A process stays active with respect to the current instance of the secondary computation at least until it knows that it cannot receive any old application message from one of the processes in the relevant subsystem.To that end,each process maintains a count of the number of application messages it has sent to each process so far and,also,a count of the number of application messages it has received from each process so far.

A process,on starting a new instance of the secondary computation,sends an OUTSTATE message to the coordinator;the message contains the number of application messages it sent to each process before restarting the secondary computation.The coordinator,on receiving an OUTSTATE message from ev-ery operational process,sends an INSTATE message to all live processes.An

INSTATE message sent to process p i contains the number of application mes-sages that each process has sent to p i before starting the current instance of the secondary computation.This information can be easily computed by the coordinator after it has received an OUTSTATE message from all live processes.

Clearly,once a process has received an INSTATE message from the coordina-tor,it can determine how many old application messages are in transit towards it and at least wait until it has received all those messages before becoming passive for the?rst time with respect to the current instance of the secondary computation.

3.2Proof of Correctness

We now prove that our transformation produces an algorithm B that solves the e?ective-termination detection problem given that A is a correct fault-sensitive algorithm for solving the classical termination detection problem.The following proposition can be easily veri?ed:

Proposition1.Whenever an instance of A is initiated on a process set Q,all processes in P\Q have in fact crashed and all channels from processes in P\Q to Q have been frozen.

First,we prove the safety property.

Theorem5(safety property).If B announces termination,then the under-lying computation has e?ectively terminated.

Next,we show that B is live.That is,

Theorem6(liveness property).Once the underlying computation e?ectively terminates,B eventually announces termination.

3.3Performance Analysis

Letμ(n,M)andδ(n,M)denote the message complexity and detection latency, respectively,of A when the system has n processes and the underlying computa-tion exchanges M application messages.We now analyze the message complexity and detection latency of the fault-tolerant termination detection algorithm B. Let f denote the actual number of processes that fail during an execution of B. Lemma1.The number of times A is restarted is bounded by f.

To compute the message complexity of B,we assume thatμ(n,M)satis?es the following constraint for k≥1:


i=1μ(n,M i)≤μ(n,k i=1M i)+(k?1)μ(n,0)(6.1)

For all existing termination detection algorithms that we are aware of,μ(n,M) is linear in M.It can be veri?ed that ifμ(n,M)is a linear function in M,then the inequality(6.1)indeed holds.

Theorem7(message complexity).The message complexity of B is given by μ(n,M)+O(f(n+μ(n,0))).

We now bound the detection latency of B.To compute detection latency in an asynchronous distributed system,it is typically assumed that message delay is at most one time unit.Moreover,we assume that the failure detection latency is bounded by one time unit as well.

Theorem8(detection latency).The detection latency of B is given by δ(n,M)+O(fδ(n,0)).

We next bound the message overhead of B.Letα(n,M)andβ(n,M)denote the application and control message overhead,respectively,of A when the sys-tem has n processes and the underlying computation exchanges M application messages.

Theorem9(application message overhead).The application message over-head of B isα(n,M)+O(f log n).

Finally,we bound the control message overhead of B.Note that control mes-sages can be categorized into two groups.The?rst group consists of control mes-sages exchanged by di?erent instances of A.The second group consists of control messages exchanged as a result of process crash,namely NOTIFY,RESTART, OUTSTATE and INSTATE.We refer to the messages in the?rst group as ter-mination detection messages and to the messages in the second group as failure recovery messages.

Theorem10(control message overhead).The control message overhead of B for termination detection messages is given byβ(n,M)+O(f log n)and for failure recovery messages is given by O(f log n+n log M).

4The Weakest Failure Detector for Termination Detection

Failure detectors are not only an abstraction to yield information about the op-erational state of processes,they can also be regarded as synchrony abstractions since they are usually implemented using heartbeat messages and timeouts[26]. For example,an eventually perfect failure detector is strictly weaker than a per-fect failure detector,and,therefore,can be implemented with weaker synchrony assumptions(namely those of partial synchrony[27]instead of full synchrony). Proving that a certain type of failure detector is necessary for solving a prob-lem gives an indication about the minimal amount of synchrony needed to solve that problem.In this section,unless otherwise stated,“termination”refers to “e?ective-termination”.

We now show that a perfect failure detector is necessary for solving termina-tion detection in a crash-prone distributed system.To that end,we transform an instance of a fault-tolerant termination detection algorithm into a perfect failure detector at one process q,that is,q is able to reliably detect process crashes.A

perfect failure detector can then be implemented by using n parallel instances of the transformation algorithm,one per process.

Assume that we are given an algorithm A that can detect termination of an arbitrary computation among n processes even in the presence of process crashes.We now set up n independent computations C i,one for each process p i.The computation C i is such that process p i is initially active and all pro-cesses apart from p i are passive.In the computation no messages are sent and received and p i never becomes passive.Now consider some process q=p i and the corresponding computation C i.Process q starts an instance of the termi-nation detection algorithm A with respect to the computation C i.Whenever A announces the termination of C i,q henceforth permanently suspects p i.The same actions are performed for every other process in the system,that is,q invokes n parallel instances of A,one for each computation C i.

We now show that this algorithm implements a perfect failure detector if A correctly solves the e?ective-termination detection problem.First consider strong accuracy(a process is never suspected before it crashes)and assume that q suspects p i.It follows from our transformation that A has announced termination of the computation C i.This means that all processes in C i are either crashed or passive.Since C i is such that p i is never passive,it implies that p i has crashed.

Now consider strong completeness(eventually every crashed process is sus-pected by every correct process)and assume that p i has crashed and q is correct. Once p i crashes,clearly the termination condition holds for the computation C i. Since A is a correct termination detection algorithm,A eventually announces termination of C i at q.Upon announcing termination,q starts suspecting p i, concluding the proof.

Overall,this shows that if we can solve termination detection in a crash-prone distributed system,then we can also implement a perfect failure detector in such a system.Hence,it is impossible to solve termination detection when one or more processes can crash assuming only a failure detector that is strictly weaker than a perfect failure detector.In other words,a perfect failure detector is necessary for solving the e?ective-termination detection problem.

The weakest failure detector for a problem is a failure detector that is neces-sary and su?cient to solve that problem.We show above that a perfect failure detector is necessary.Our transformation in Sect.3shows that a perfect failure detector is also su?https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ff1918740.html,bining the two,we can conclude that a perfect fail-ure detector is the weakest failure detector for solving the e?ective-termination detection problem.The result holds as long as at least one process can crash and assuming that channels can be frozen.Therefore,it generalizes the result of Wu et al[23],which shows that a failure detector must be complete.Our result also further clari?es the relationship between the termination detection problem and the consensus problem:Wu et al[23]show that termination detection is at least as hard to solve as consensus.By relating termination detection to the failure detector hierarchy of Chandra and Toueg[24],our result has two interest-ing corollaries.First,termination detection is strictly harder than consensus in environments where a majority of processes remains correct.This follows from the result that in such cases the weakest failure detector for consensus is strictly

weaker than a perfect failure detector[24].Second,when any number of processes can crash,termination detection is actually equivalent to consensus[28].

5Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper,we presented a transformation using a perfect failure detector that can be used to convert any termination detection algorithm for a fully connected communication topology that has been designed for a failure-free environment into a termination detection algorithm that can tolerate process crashes.Our transformation does not impose any additional overhead on the system(besides that imposed by the underlying termination detection algorithm)if no process actually crashes during an execution.Moreover,when applied to fault-sensitive termination detection algorithms by Dijkstra and Scholten[1]and Huang[8], the resulting fault-tolerant termination detection algorithms compare very fa-vorably with those by Lai and Wu[16]and Tseng[17].Our transformation can be generalized to an arbitrary communication topology provided process crashes do not partition the system.We also proved that a perfect failure detector is the weakest failure detector for solving the termination detection problem in a crash-prone distributed system.This holds even if at most one process can crash.

As part of future work,we plan to investigate the termination detection problem when crashed processes may recover and channels may be lossy.We also plan to apply ideas proposed in this paper to transform other fault-sensitive algorithms—such as for detecting other stable properties—into fault-tolerant algorithms.


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