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1. consecutive interpreting 即席翻译

2. fuzzy wording 模糊表达性

3. quality maxim 质准则

4. 一次性陈述one-time presentation

5. 语义场field

6. 临场准备last-minute preparation

7. 推导性重构inferential reconstruction

8. 百科知识 world knowledge 9. hyper-unit 超级单位

10. sight interpreting 视阅翻译

11. 即席翻译 consecutive interpreting

12. 功能单位 functional units

13. 推导性重构 inferential reconstruction

14. advanced preparation 会前准备 15. relevant maxim 关系准则

16. conference simultaneous interpreting 会


17. ideational scaffolding 心理框架

18. one-time presentation 一次性

19. 耳语传译 whispering interpreting

20. 国际会议口译协会 International Association of Conference 21. 交替翻译 alternating interpreting 22. 方式准则 Relevant Maxim 23. fuzzy wording 模糊表达性 24. simultaneous interpreting 同声传译 25. top-down 自上而下 26. 双语人 27. 视阅翻译 sight interpreting 28 语域 29. common core 英语共核

30. functional units 功能单位 31. inferential elaboration 推导性发挥 32. in-conference preparation 会中准备 33. whispering interpreting 耳语传译 34. 笔记阅读 note-reading 35. 国际译联FIT 36 目标语target language 37. 会议传译 conference simultaneous interpreting 38 量准则 Quality Maxim 39. last-minute preparation 临场准备 40 shorthand outlines 速记符号 句子翻译: 1. 初步核算,全年国内生产总值246619亿元,比上一年增长11.4%,加快0.3个百分点,连续5年增速达到或超过10%。 According to preliminary estimation,the gross domestic product (GDP) for the year was 24,661.9 billion yuan,up by 11.4 percent,or 0.3 percentage point higher than that in the previous year, representing a fifth successive year of over 10 percent growth. 2 从现代市场经济发展的理论和实践角度看,货币政策应该更加透明,更加和社会公众及业界取得共识,也就是更可预期的。 Viewed from the perspective of the theory and practice of modern market economy ?s development,our monetary policy should be more transparent,that is ,it should be more in line with the expectations of the public and of the business community. 3. 我们在确定今年的经济政策时,要防止经济增长由偏快转为过热。这样才能使我们更好地解决经济运行中的一些问题。 In making the economic policy for this year,we want to prevent a fast-growing economy from becoming an over-heated one.Only by so dong will it be possible for us to better address the problems occurring in the economy of this country. 4. 请问周行长,中国现有外汇储备已占世界外汇储备总量的20%,您认为这会给央行带来什么样的挑战。 I have a question for Mr.Zhou.The present foreign exchange reserves of China have accounted for 20 per cent of the world foreign exchange reserves.What kind of challenge do you think it will bring for the central Bank of China? 5周行长,您好, 备受关注的国有商业银行股份制改革已经进行三年,作为国有商业银行改革领导办公室的负责人,您如何评价改革的进展情况? Good morning,Mr.Zhou.The reform of state-owned commercial banks,which has been a focus,has been going on for 3 years.As a director of this reform leading office,what‘s your opinion about the progress of this reform? 6. 我们刚度过了最成功的一年,我们很高兴能够在此时向大家报告绩优配股的消息,不过我们仍在面对不稳定的时期,今天的议程所反映的,是在不久的将来所面临的挑战的严重性。 We‘ve just finished our most successful year and we are happy to be able to report record dividends at this time,but we are facing uncertain times.Our agenda today reflects the serious nature of the challenges in the near future. 7. 改革开放以来,我国的吸收外商投资工作取得了巨大成就,吸收外资额连续15年位居发展中国家首位。 Since the beginning of her Reform and Opening-up,China has made remarkable achievements in attracting foreign investment and has been the top foreign direct investment recipient among developing countries for 15 consecutive years.

8. 我们在认真履行自己的诺言,凡是对台湾同胞有利的事,我们一定要努力去做,而且要把它做好。We are conscientiously honoring what we have said,that is ,we will do everything in our power that is in the interest of our people in Taiwan.And we will try to do it well.

9 从总体来讲,随着中国社会主义市场经济的建立和成熟,货币政策应该更加透明、更加可预期,和社会公众、业界有更好的沟通,这是一个大趋势。

As a whole,with the establishment and maturity of our Chinese Socialist Market Economy,monetary policies should be more transparent ,more expectant,and have a better communication with the social public and business community.It is the mainstream.

10.谢谢媒体对我们金融改革的关注和支持,当然也谢谢媒体一贯对中央银行各项工作的关注和支持。Many thanks to the media community for all the attention to and support for our financial reform,and for your consistent concern and support for the central bank‘s work.


It is of great significance in the China-ASEAN history that the 3rd China-ASEAN Business&Investment Summit is held in conjunction with the China-ASEAN Commemorative Summit for the 15th anniversary of the establishment of China-ASEAN dialogue partnership.

12 在这里我想借用―同一个世界,同一个梦想‖的奥运理念,祝愿全世界客商以投洽会(CIFIT)为平台,在全球经济一体化进程中实现同发展、共繁荣的梦想。

Here,I want to borrow the Olympic slogan of ―One World,One Dream‖ and wish the business people from around the world the realization of their dreams for common development and common prosperity in the globalization process through the platform of the CIFIT.

13 中国幅员辽阔,自然资源丰富,廉价劳动力充裕,税收低,消费者市场不断增长,基础设施不断改善。此外,中国还有稳定的社会政治环境以及诱人的投资政策。

China is a massive land with abundant natural resources,cheap labor,low taxation,a growing consumer market,and improving infrastructure in addition to a stable social and political environment with attractive investment policies.


In this golden autumn season of October,we welcome in Guangzhou the opening of the 100th Session of China Export Commodities Fair,and our guests and friends from all over the world.

15 此次工商峰会以―创新促进合作‖为主题,立意高远,体现了鲜明的时代特点。科学技术是第一生产力,创新是人类社会发展最重要的动力。

This summit with the theme of Partnership through Innovation is set on a high vision and freshly aligned with the times.Science and technology is the first force of productivity whilst innovation is the most primary source of power for societal development.


We also encourage Chinese enterprises to go global,expand direct investment overseas according to international practice,and launch innovation-oriented cooperation with foreign partners in research and development ,production and marketing.


Tonight at the banquet,we have a guest speaker who will tell us all about what to expect from the new port facilities in Singapore,and how that will affect the business climate here.

18 另外,国家注资也获得了明显收益,实现了国有投资的保值增值,这也给下一步工作打下了基础。What‘s more,the state capital injection also gets obvious benefits and achieves the value insurance and increment of state investment.All this has helped lay a foundation for our further work.


The Chinese government attaches great importance to the development of bilateral economic and trade relations with Canada serving as a bridge linking the business communities of our two great nations.


We‘ve just finished our most successful year and we are happy to be able to report record dividends at this time,but we are facing uncertain times.Our agenda today reflects the serious nature of the challenges in the near future.

21We Americans admire your accomplishments, your economy, your hard work, creativity and vision, your efforts against hunger and poverty, and your work with us on peace and stability in Korea and South Asia.


22.The EU is a single and dynamic market of half billion people, using the euro — one of the world‘s two most important currencies.

欧盟现在是一个有活力的单一市场,有5亿人口,所使用的欧元是世界上最为重要的两种货币之一。23.Marketing naturally affects the other activities of the firm, such as finance, accounting, production, and personnel, and is also affected by them.


24.You see, I do business on a commission basis. A commission on your prices would make it easier for me to promote sales. Even 1 to 2 percent would help.


25.We would like His Honor to visit the city of Frankfurt at his earliest convenience, so as to give us an opport unity to return the warm reception and hospitality we‘ve enjoyed here.


26.The candidates then go through the client‘s own interview procedure, possibly along with the other candidates that apply directly to the company in response to the advertisement.


27.Maybe so, but I‘m afraid that in case of damage or pilferage, the insurance company will refuse compensation on the ground of improper packaging, or packaging unsuitable for sea voyage. 可能是吧。不过我担心一旦发生受损或盗窃,保险公司会以包装不当或不合适海运为由而拒绝赔偿。28.This morning, the stock markets in the Asian region all plummeted. And Shanghai Stock Exchange witnessed a 3% decline and Hong Kong 1.7% decline. At the same time, the RMB exchange rate against the US dollar has hit a historical high since 2005.


29.As to the price of technology, the minimum generally accepted is 5 percent of the sales price of all licensed items made and sold during the term of the agreement, in addition to an initial down payment of USD 100,000.


30.This is an exciting time for the computer industry worldwide, and we are excited to have the opportunity to participate in this workshop. Thank you for the invitation and the warm reception. 对全世界电脑工业界而言,这是令人兴奋的时刻,我们很高兴能有这个机会来参加研讨会,谢谢你们的邀请和热情接待。

31 On behalf of all the members of my mission, I would like to take this opportunity to extend our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation and the gracious hospitality we have received since we set foot on this charming land.


32.I am delighted to be back in Beijing for the 7th ASEM Summit and to be given this opportunity to address this important school that nurtures your nation‘s leaders of tomorrow.


33 We agree, but the know-how we promise to transfer to the joint venture company is what we are adopting in our production at the moment, and you‘ll pay for it in the form of royalties apart from a certain initial down payment, right?


34 What began as a seemingly isolated issue with sub-prime loans in the United States a year ago gradually spread, showing once again that in the world economy of today, markets and investments know no boundaries.


35.Now in Europe, the executive search industry is worth 10 billion dollars a year, with a lot of that business being conducted in the UK.


36 But we hope very much that Argentina will pull through this period, and I think that the reforms that Argentina has put in place over the years will stand it in good stead for the medium and long term, and I think the growth prospects are good.


37.In addition, even the sum of USD 100,000 hardly covers all the expenses spent on technological information, drawings, personnel training, etc., not to mention the traveling expenses we‘ll have to pay for this job of technology transfer.


38.We keep hearing all about the globalization of markets and supply chains and so on but why has global sourcing suddenly become so widespread?


39.I believe both the Chinese and Americans aspire to many of the same things: to provide for our families, to teach our children, to build our communities, to protect our earth, to shape our own futures and pass brighter possibilities on to our children.


40.I am delighted to be back in Beijing for the 7th ASEM Summit and to be given this opportunity to address this important school that nurtures your nation‘s leaders of tomorrow.



1Thank you for the key to your city and for this magnificent welcome. Here in this ancient capital, China seems very young to me tonight, blessed with both a proud history and promise of tomorrow. Xi‘an was perhaps the most open and culturally advanced city in the entire world. From this place, trade routes extended through Asia to Europe and Africa. And to this place great thinkers came, spreading philosophy and new ideas that have contributed to the greatness of Chin

I look forward to seeing the Terracotta Warriors, the old city walls, the Muslim Quarter. I look forward to learning more about China‘s great contributions to the store of human knowledge, from medince and printing to mathemetics and astronomy, discoveries on which so much of the whole world‘s progress is based. And I want to see more of a new nation you are building on a scale even the emperors couldn‘t have foreseen.

The China that gave us printing, now boasts fax machines, computers and cellular phones. Xi‘an is home to filmmakers, Internet explorers, businesspeople of every description. Here in this city, famous for calligraphy, a new chapter in China‘s story is being w ritten. We Americans admire your accomplishments, your economy, your hard work, creativity and vision, your efforts against hunger and poverty, your work with us on peace and stability in Korea and South Asia. A new day is dawning for the Chinese people, f or China‘s greatness lies as always with its people.




2 I'm Steve Brown from the Zeneca Public Affairs Department. I'm here today to tell you a little bit more about the merger between Zeneca and the Swedish pharmaceuticals company Astra. So, first of all, the boards of Astra and Zeneca have announced that there is to be an all-share merger of the two companies. The new company will be called AstraZeneca. I'll begin by going through the rationale for the merger and listing some of its benefits. Then I'll go on to give some details about the new board and talk about the financial effects of the merger. And finally, I'll give a brief summary of the terms, including details about dividends and so on.

The merger is a natural step for both partners as they both share the same science-based culture as well as a common vision concerning the future of the industry. The benefits of this move are many. To begin with, the merged group will have an enhanced ability to create long-term growth and increased value for its shareholders. Furthermore, it'll be able to deliver the full potential of its existing and future products through the joint strength and worldwide presence of its global sales and marketing operations. In fact, based on the joint pharmaceutical sales for last year, the AstraZeneca group will be the third largest pharmaceutical company in the world.




3 There is a fairly standard operating procedure for the delivery of headhunting assignments. It begins with the client giving the head hunter exclusive instructions and a brief to fill a vacancy. Head hunter‘s first task is to target potential companies, then individuals within these companies, either through desk research or strict extensive contact networks. The headhunters then speak to those individuals, who match the specified criteria closely, and are the most appropriate for the job in question.

The headhunter then meets a number of potential candidates, either at their own offices, or at a neutral location. Of course, these meetings have to be arranged and held with the utmost discretion. The headhunter then puts together the curriculum vitae and presents his findings to the client. At this meeting, the client is given a short list of about 8 candidates, and selects 3 or 4 of them for interview. This number gives a good chance of a successful candidate being hired. The candidates then go through the client‘s own interview procedure, possibly along with the other candidates that apply directly to the company in response to the advertisement. Afterwards, the headhunter gives professional advice to both sides and facilitates the offer process to make sure that the whole assignment ends with a successful hire.



4 In the area of services and support, HP now provides consulting services in Windows 95, NT and Desktop Exchange. We've created a joint Enterprise Solution Center with Microsoft. And we at HP have created a strong support offering for NT. We're collaborating in the area of high availability. I'll have more to say about that later, when I talk about our PC strategy. In the area of security, Microsoft has endorsed Ver Secure, the cryptography technology developed by HP that the United States government has just approved for export. HP OpenView is the only management platform that is certified for Microsoft BackOffice, and parts of OpenView are being bundled with the next release of Microsoft's Systems Management Server. In the area of messaging, HP is working with Microsoft on interoperability between HP OpenMail — our messaging backbone product —and Microsoft Exchange. And finally, we're working on customer-specific solutions in our Enterprise Solution Center, and we're collaborating on platforms geared to the particular needs of the telecom industry and small businesses. In 1997, HP helped to develop with the long distance service of China Telecom a network management system using HP OpenView which links over 400 switches across China. This key connection between China and the rest of the world is powered by HP 9000 servers and workstations. So... we have a firm commitment to integrating the Unix and NT environments... and lots of development efforts and results to show we're serious.

关于服务和支持,惠普现提供有关Windows95,NT和Desktop Exchange方面的咨询。我们与微软公司共同建立了一个企业解决方案中心。而惠普公司为NT提供强有力的支持。我们在高度可用性方面进行合作。稍后等我谈到PC战略时将对此详加论述。谈到安全问题,微软公司已表示支持惠普公司开发的安全加密技术VerSecure,这一技术最近刚获得美国政府的允许可以出口。HP OpenView 是目前唯一针对Microsoft BackOffice开发的管理平台,Openview的一部分正与微软的系统管理服务器捆绑在一起,拟在近期推出。在消息接发当面,目前惠普正在微软研发HP OpenMail——我们的消息接发主干产品——与Microsoft Exchange之间的互用性。

最后,我们的企业解决方案中心正在研制以客户为主的解决方案,我们的协作侧重电信业和小型企业需要的各类平台。1997年,中国邮电电信总局长途电话网三期网管工程采用HP Openview作为网管平台,对遍布中国的400多台长途交换机加强监测与控制。这一将中国和世界各地连在一起的系统是由HP9000服务器和工作站驱动的。因此,我们承诺可确保UNIX和NT环境的结合,我们的一系列开发努力和成果表明我们是认真的。

5This greater interdependence is not limited to the financial sector. The new challenges of today are global in nature and therefore, they demand a global response. This applies to issues such as climate change, energy security, terrorism prevention, trafficking and organized crime. We can no longer meet these challenges by closing the door and simply looking after our own house.

Instead, we must reach out and seek cooperation, wherever cooperation is more effective. The world is currently witnessing the broadest and deepest wave of globalization ever producing great opportunities but also some risks. Globalisation has helped hundreds of millions from poverty and provided businesses with the possibility to invest and expand abroad. But those same businesses know that they can no longer live on past achievements. Workers around the world fear for their jobs. Globalisation increases competition and exposes weaknesses and poor commercial decisions.

When we speak of globalization, it is important to understand that openness and interdependence are the rules of the game. That is why we are so strongly in favour of a truly multilateral approach. These challenges cannot be solved by protectionism, isolation and economic nationalism. We must continue to strive for open and inclusive societies and for open and modern economies.、




6 We have developed cooperation in all fields: from scientific research to education, from energy to the environment, from transportation to tourism, and in many other areas. We have supported China‘s accession to the WTO and have welcomed China‘s increasingly important role in various international organizations. In other words, we have demonstrated through our policies and actions, our interest in and support for your stability, prosperity and success. We will continue to engage in China‘s development, just as we wish for China itself to become more and more engaged in global affairs, in a way that reflects China‘s growing global position.

Our bilateral dialogue on human rights serves the same purpose. In this important year when we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is imperative to redouble our efforts in ensuring that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Human rights are universal; they belong to each and every individual around the world.

I hope you – the people of the great nation of China – will join us in celebrating the 60th anniversary and contribute to the spreading and consolidation of human rights.



7 One year after I joined Starbucks, I went on a trip to Italy, a business trip, for Starbucks and while visiting Italy, I became curious, and intrigued with the phenomenon of the Italian coffee bar. For example, there were 1500 coffee bars alone in the city of Milan and what I saw in the coffee bar was not just great coffee but the sense of community and human connection. Starbucks only sold pounds of coffee for home consumption. They never sold one cup of coffee. It was a different business. It was a business created for home use. So I rushed back from Italy with tremendous enthusiasm and excitement and sat down with the founders of the company and said, ―I‘ve seen the future. The future is the Italian coffee bar and what we can create is the sense of community‖. How enthusiastic and excited I was and that‘s that‘s how disappointed and non-interested they were. With the idea they…once again, they turned me down. We have different strategies. He was the owner; I was the employee. He was the boss, and he was in charge and I had to follow that, but the way that I thought about this over a period of almost two years is that I couldn‘t allow this incredible opportunity that I saw in Italy and what I thought was an opportunity to create a different kind of business in America to go by and so I guess you can say for almost about two years, I just continued to be so frustrated and disappointed, and disappointed in myself that I wasn‘t ta king action and that I found myself really unhappy and I had to kind of look myself in the mirror and say, ―Ok, it‘s up to you. You are responsible for what you want to do.‖ And that‘s why I decided to leave.



8 When you are trying to raise money from a sophisticated investor, you have to create for them

a very bright picture, a vision of what the company is going to look like and ultimately what it is you are trying to accomplish. But you also obviously have to create an economic return. I should tell you this: the first business plan was over a five-year period, I believe that we could open 100 stores. And things were going so badly that I actually rewrote the business plan and crossed out 100 and wrote 75 stores and even then, people said that there was no way that you were going to open 75 stores in five years. It‘s impossible. Well there were 11,000 today. When I walked into the Starbucks store for the first time, I had an emotional experience and that emotional experience was that I could feel and see that this rough diamond was not yet polished, but it had so many assets and so many unique characteristics that if positioned properly, could be something of extraordinary quality and so that gave me the idea and perhaps gave me the confidence. But also I recognized that the Starbuck‘s name, the name itself I believed, was a magic and the people who were working for the company were so passionate about the coffee and the customer. And I believe that, if given the opportunity to grow the business and expend it and I wasn‘t just kidding—I really believe that we could make history.






First,robustly developing bilateral trade in technology.To build an innovative country,China needs larger-scale technology import and re-innovation.By 2010,China‘s hi-tech import and export will have reached 800 billion USD.At present,the China-UK technology trade is less than ideally matched with our respective economic strength.I hope that the UK will pursue a more open policy to increase technology export to China and promote comprehensive,balanced and healthy development of bilateral trade.

Second,actively cooperating on innovation.China is implementing her national medium-and long-term scientific and technological development program by mobilizing all players involved in a bid to promote scientific progress and economic and social development.We welcome UK business to fully tap the broad market and scientific and technological resources in China,by setting up research and development centers here and forming technology alliances with local

enterprises.We also encourage Chinese enterprises to go global,expand direct investment overseas according to international practice,and launch innovation-oriented cooperation with foreign partners in research and development,production and marketing.

Third,reinforcing cooperation in energy and environmental protection.China is witnessing an increasing demand for environmentally-sound products and new energy while it endeavors to build a resources-conserving and environmentally-friendly society.The UK boasts leading experience and technology in energy conservation and environmental protection,and enjoys pronounced advantages in the R&D of renewable energy including wind power and bio-energy.We hope that business from both countries can expand cooperation in oil and gas exploitation,research and development of energy-saving technology,and utilization of alternative and renewable energy. Fourth,cementing cooperation in the protection of intellectual property rights.I have expounded repeatedly that the future competition between economies will be the competition in this connection.In recent years,China has built up a relatively complete legal regime on IPRs thanks to the gradually intensified efforts in this regard.China‘s attitude to IPR pr otection is always clear-cut,and its action always resolute.I hope that China and the UK can work together and strengthen IPR cooperation in order to provide a strong assurance for innovation.



There is no ready or unchanging path or model of development that suits all countries in the world.We must explore and improve our development path and model in keeping with China‘s national conditions.In doing so,we must adapt to new trends both at home and abroad and meet the people‘s growing expectation for a better life.We must make the Chinese society more vibrant.And we must truly keep up with the trend of the times and share the same destiny with the people.

History provides the basis for making new progress.It is also a source of inspiration guiding our efforts to pursue a better future.China remains the biggest developing country in the world.It still has a long way to go before it can basically achieve modernization and bring about common prosperity for all its people.Reform and opening-up are what have made fast development in China possible in the last 30 years;and they also hold the key to China‘s future development.Reform and opening-up are a crucial choice that has shaped China today,a choice made by the 1.3 billion Chinese people.The Chinese people are dedicated to the great cause of reform and opening-up,and will continue to build a society of initial prosperity in all respects and realize basic modernization in China and contribute further to the noble cause of peace and development of mankind.


中国经济实现持续快速发展得益于对外开放和积极有效利用外资。利用外资是对外开放基本国策的重要内容。28年来,外商在华累计投资设立了近60万家企业,涉及农业、制造业、服务业等几乎所有领域,成为促进中国经济增长不可或缺的重要因素。2006年,外商投资企业工业增加值、进出口额、引进技术、缴纳税收占全国的比重分别达到29%、59%、51%和21%,直接就业人员超过2800万人,占全国城镇劳动就业人口的10%以上。截至2006年底,来华投资的国家和地区近200个,世界500强企业中480多家在华投资,外商投资设立的研发机构超过850个。28年对外开放的实践证明,积极合理吸收外资促进了中国经济持续快速健康发展,在中国建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制中发挥了重要作用。Opening-up is China‘s basic state policy. Over the past 28 years of reform and opening-up, China has won remarkable achievements in economic and social development,, China‘s GDP has increased from 216.5 billion USD at the outset of the reform and opening-up to 2.6 trillion USD in 2006, with an annual growth rate of 9.6%,raising China‘s global ranking from No.15 to No.4.China‘s imports and exports have gone up from 20.6 billion USD to 1.7 trillion USD, up from No.32 to No.3.China has accumulatively attracted more than 700 billion USD of FDI, ranking No.1 for 16 consecutive years among developing countries. The overseas direct investment (financial sector investment not included)by Chinese enterprises has exceeded 73 billion USD and stood at 16.1 billion USD in the year of 2006 alone, jumping to the 13th place in the world.

China‘s sustained and rapid economic growth is attributed to the opening-up and the effective

utilization of foreign direct investment. Attracting FDI is an important element of the basic state policy of opening-up.28 years of foreign investment has resulted in nearly 600,000 companies in China, covering virtually all sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing and services. They have become an indispensable factor behind China‘s economic growth. In 2006 foreign invested enterprises accounted for 29%, 59%, 51% and21% respectively of China‘s tot al industrial added value, import and export volume, technology transfer, and tax revenue. These enterprises directly employ more than 28 million people, or more than 10% of the total workforce in Chinese cities and towns. By the end of 2006, nearly 200 countries and regions and more than 480 Fortune 500 companies had invested in China. Over 850 R&D facilities had been set up in China with foreign investment. The opening-up in the past 28 years is a testimony that wise and active use of foreign investment has promoted sustained, rapid and sound economic development in China and has played an important role in shaping and improving the socialist market economy.


Since the start of the reform and opening-up Shanghai‘s business exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN countries has made much headway, showing the following features. Firstly, a good foundation for development has been laid. China and ASEAN countries are important trade partners to each other. China is now the forth largest trading partner of ASEAN while ASEAN is the fifth largest trading partner of China. In 2005, Shanghai‘s trade volume with 10 ASEAN countries totaled US$22 billion, tripling that of 2000, with an annual growth rate of over 30%. The trade volume in the first eight months of this year also showed an increase of over 20% compared to the corresponding period of last year. Secondly, an interactive situation of developments has come into being. The mutual investment has kept growing with an expanding scope and deepening cooperation. By the end of 2005, 10 ASEAN countries‘ investment projects in Shanghai added up to 2,860 with the contractual foreign capital reaching US$6.48 billion. Meanwhile, ASEAN is one of the important regions for Shanghai‘s enterprises to undertake project contracting and overseas investment. By September 2006, Shanghai had 43 investment projects in ASEAN countries. The mutual investment covers the areas of textiles and garments, retail business, food processing, automobile parts real estate, international trade, agriculture, and mining industries. Thirdly, a broad prospect of development has emerged. China and ASEAN have identified ten key areas for cooperation such as agriculture, HR development, mutual investment, development of Mekong Valley, transportation, energy, culture, tourism and public health. We have also carried out extensive cooperation in more than twenty fields including law enforcement, youth exchanges and unconventional security. At present, the construction of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area is going on smoothly with over 7,000 varieties of commodity starting to have an all-round tariff cut. I believe that by 2010 when the Free Trade Area is completed, the bilateral economic and the trade cooperation will enter on a new phase of development, creating even better conditions for Shanghai‘s expansion of its economic and trade cooperation with ASEAN countries.



Guangzhou is the provincial capital of Guangdong as well as its political, economic, scientific, technological, educational and cultural center. It is located in the southern part of the province, on the northern edge of the Pearl River Delta. It lies between longitude 112 degrees 57 minutes

and 114 degrees 3 minutes east and latitude 22 degrees 26 minutes and 23 degrees 56 minutes north. Bordering on the South China Sea and adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, it is the communications and telecommunications hub and trading port of South China and is therefore known as the South Gateway to China. Guangzhou governs eight districts and four county-level cities, covering 105 sub-district offices and 76 towns, with a total area of 7,433.4 square kilometers and a population of more than 6.7414 million. The daily flowing population is over 1.7 million.

Guangzhou is a famous cultural city with a history of more than 2,000 years. As early as the Zhou Dynasty in the 9th century BC, there were exchanges between ―Baiyue‖ people at Guangzhou and people of the Chu State. Hence the name of Chu Ting, which was the earliest name of the city. In the thirty-third year of the reign of Qinshihuang, or the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty(214BC), Qin unified the regions south of the Five Ridges, where the three prefectures of Nanhai, Guilin and Xiang were set up, with counties under their jurisdiction. Nanhai Prefecture, for example, governed four counties including Panyu and Longchuan. In the year 226, Sun Quan, the King of Wu, in order to strengthen his rule, divided Jiaozhou into four prefectures and Guangzhou was thus established. Guangzhou is otherwise called Yangcheng, or the Five-Goat City. Legend has it that long long ago, five celestials, riding five goats with rice ears in their mouths, arrived in Guangzhou. The celestials gave the rice ears to the residents, wishing them good luck with bumper harvests and no famines from them on. The celestials flew away, leaving the five goats, which then turned into stone. In their memory, a special Five-Goat Sculpture was later built in the Yuexiu Park.


I think we have said a lot about the reform of the government institutions. And to address your question, I would like to add three more points.

Firstly, I think the government and all its institutions belong to the people. To abide by the Constitution and other laws is the basic principle that the government should follow in its work. The mission of the government is to protect the freedom, property and safety of the people. Serving the fundamental interests of the people is what we mean by providing public services to the people. While we need to further strengthen economic regulation and market supervision, we will also pay more attention to public administration and public services.

Secondly, the government should do its work in a way that features transparency and openness. Only when the government knows what happens at the community level and what people wants, can this government make progress. And only when people know what the government really does, can they give stronger support and make more constructive criticism against the work of the government. I think all my colleagues sitting at this podium and I myself are perfectly aware of one thing, that is, only when you have the interests of the people at heart, will they support you in the office.

And thirdly, I would like to make a point on public finance, an issue which is rarely talked about. In public finance, we will continue to press forward with the reform of the public finance system so that it can be better used to encourage and facilitate our efforts to readjust the economic structure, transform the economic development pattern, improve the livelihood of the people, and protect and improve the environment. As a matter of fact, it can be quite a stirring experience to read the history of the public finance of a country. If you read the history of this country, you will appreciate not only its economic development but also what is good in its social structure, and the existing equity and justice.

In the next five years, I‘m resolved to advance the public finance system reform, so that people‘s money will be better spent on serving the interests of the people.



During the two sessions of the NPC and the CPPCC, I have also taken some time to surf on the internet and I can see on the Internet that many Internet users have given their comments and left their postings as well as suggestions and some have even tried to share the burden on my shoulders. I can see these postings in the number of millions with the heating rates as high as over 100 million. So many people are interested in the goings-on of the two sessions with so much enthusiasm. They are so much concerned about the work of the government and followed the work of the government with interest. This has greatly touched me. I think all their comments including criticisms are a kind of trust, support, or encouragement given to the government.

And sometimes when I was surfing on the Internet, I was also pondering over the following lines ―What people are concerned about is what preoccupies my mind, and what preoccupies the minds of the people is what I need to address.‖ Our people have spent so much time and energy surfing on the Internet to leave postings and make suggestions on the work of the government because they want their government to solve problems. Of course on this occasion it is impossible for me to address all the questions left on the Internet.

It is true that there are so many problems and I can see that on top of all of these problems, the biggest concern is the price rise. Last year, particularly in the latter half, the prices level rose at an excessively fast rate, which has made the lives of people, particularly those low-income groups, more difficult. And how to control the price rise from growing too fast and how to hold down inflation is not only a concern of the people, but also an important responsibility that the government should take upon itself.

Yes, we did set goal as a predicted one that we need to hold down the CPI for this year to a level of about 4.8%. To be very honest with you, it is not an easy job to attain this goal. This is especially so given the fact that in the first two months of this year, China was hit by the disaster of sleet and snow-storms rarely seen in history. And this has made it even more difficult for us to control the inflation owning to the increased inflationary pressure on us. However, in spite of this, we have no plan to change this predicted goal, mainly out of the following two considerations:

First, we believe that by setting this goal we have shown the resolve of the government to control the price rise and curb inflation. I think this will also be the top priority on the agenda of the government this year.

Second, by so doing, we want to address people‘s concerns for price rises. When prices rise at a rather rapid pace, usually such concern is more fearful than the price rises themselves. And I think we have set this goal because we have well-founded confidence in what we have.




Since the beginning of her Reform and Opening-up, China has made remarkable achievements in attracting foreign investment and has been the top foreign direct investment recipient among developing countries for 15 consecutive years. In 2007, China‘s t otal inward investment reached 74.7 billion USD, showing a sound momentum that features steady growth, an optimized structure and better quality. It is fair to say that foreign investment has become a key component of China‘s national economy and one of the major driving forces for taxation, employment and economic growth. With 15 years of rapid growth in its inward foreign investment, China will enter in the few years ahead a crucial period when the quality of such investment will be improved overall. Foreign investment will gradually become a more and more important player in contributing to independent innovation, industrial upgrading and balanced regional development in China.

At the same time, China is at a new starting point in making outward investment. By the end of 2007, the outward investment aggregate almost hit 100 million USD. In 2007, China‘s non-financial outward investment reached 18.72 billion USD, nearly 8 times the amount in 2002,

which was 2.5 billion USD. Now in China, a nation with 1.3 billion people, the per capita GDP is already above 2,000 USD. Therefore, either in terms of the comprehensive national strength or of the actual needs of the business, China is already poised on a new standing point for outward investment.

As a result, the next CIFIT should be able to satify the practical needs of ―inviting in‖ and ―going global‖ in both form and content, grasp the historical opportunities brought about by economic globalization and the accelerated international industrial shift, capitalize on the positive factors in the economic and trade exchanges across the Taiwan Strait, and become a successful fair with distinctive features.


材料成型基础习题集 一.解释名词 1.开放式浇注系统:浇口的总截面积大于直浇口的截面积的浇注系统。合金在直浇口中不停 留而直接进入铸型的浇注系统。该浇注系统流动性好,但缺乏挡渣作用。 2.封闭式浇注系统:浇口的总截面积小于直浇口的截面积的浇注系统。直浇口被合金灌满而 使渣漂浮在上部,具有较好的挡渣作用,但影响合金的流动性。 3.顺序凝则:通过合理设置冒口和冷铁,使铸件实现远离冒口的部位先凝固,冒口最后凝固 的凝固方式。 4.同时凝则:通过设置冷铁和补贴使铸件各部分能够在同一时间凝固的凝固方式。 5.孕育处理:在浇注前往铁水中投加少量硅铁、硅钙合金等作孕育剂,使铁水产生大量均匀 分布的晶核,使石墨片及基体组织得到细化。 6.可锻铸铁:是白口铸铁通过石墨化退火,使渗碳体分解而获得团絮状石墨的铸铁。 7.冒口:是在铸型储存供补缩铸件用熔融金属的空腔。 8.熔模铸造:用易熔材料如蜡料制成模样,在模样上包覆若干层耐火涂料,制成型壳,熔出 模样后经高温焙烧,然后进行浇注的铸造方法。 9.离心铸造:使熔融金属浇入绕水平轴、倾斜轴或立轴旋转的铸型,在惯性力的作用下,凝 固成形的铸件轴线与旋转铸型轴线重合的铸造方法。 10.锻造比:即锻造时变形程度的一种表示方法,通常用变形前后的截面比、长度比或高度比 来表示。 11.胎模锻造:是在自由锻设备上使用可移动模具生产模锻件的一种锻造方法。 12.拉深系数:指板料拉深时的变形程度,用m=d/D表示,其中d为拉深后的工件直径,D 为坯料直径。 13.熔合比:熔化焊时,母材加上填充金属一起形成焊缝,母材占焊缝的比例叫熔合比。 14.焊缝成形系数:熔焊时,在单道焊缝横截面上焊缝宽度(B)与焊缝计算厚度(H)的比值 (φ=B/H)。 15.氩弧焊:是以氩气作为保护气体的气体保护电弧焊。 16.电渣焊:是利用电流通过液体熔渣产生的电阻热做为热源,将工件和填充金属熔合成焊缝 的垂直位置的焊接方法。 17.点焊:是利用柱状电极在两块搭接工件接触面之间形成焊点而将工件焊在一起的焊接方 法。 18.冷裂纹敏感系数:依据钢材板厚、焊缝含氢量等重要因素对焊接热影响区淬硬性的影响程 度。 二.判断正误 1、垂直安放的型芯都要有上下型芯头. (√) 2、熔模铸造不需要分型面. (√) 3、型芯烘干的目的主要是为了提高其强度. (√) 4、确定铸件的浇注位置的重要原则是使其重要受力面朝上. (╳) 改正:确定铸件的浇注位置的重要原则是使其重要受力面朝下. 5、钢的碳含量越高,其焊接性能越好. (╳) 改正:钢的碳含量越高,其焊接性能越差. 6、增加焊接结构的刚性,可减少焊接应力. (√)


材料成型工艺基础(第三版)部分课后习题答案 第一章 ⑵.合金流动性决定于那些因素?合金流动性不好对铸件品质有何影响? 答:①合金的流动性是指合金本身在液态下的流动能力。决定于合金的化学成分、结晶特性、粘度、凝固温度围、浇注温度、浇注压力、金属型导热能力。 ②合金流动性不好铸件易产生浇不到、冷隔等缺陷,也是引起铸件气孔、夹渣、縮孔缺陷的间接原因。 ⑷.何谓合金的收縮?影响合金收縮的因素有哪些? 答:①合金在浇注、凝固直至冷却至室温的过程中体积和尺寸縮减的现象,称为收縮。 ②影响合金收縮的因素:化学成分、浇注温度、铸件结构和铸型条件。 ⑹.何谓同时凝则和定向凝则? 答:①同时凝则:将浇道开在薄壁处,在远离浇道的厚壁处出放置冷铁,薄壁处因被高温金属液加热而凝固缓慢,厚壁出则因被冷铁激冷而凝固加快,从而达到同时凝固。 ②定向凝则:在铸件可能出现縮孔的厚大部位安放冒口,使铸件远离冒口的部位最先凝固,靠近冒口的部位后凝固,冒口本身最后凝固。 第二章 ⑴.试从石墨的存在和影响分析灰铸铁的力学性能和其他性能特征。 答:石墨在灰铸铁中以片状形式存在,易引起应力集中。石墨数量越多,形态愈粗大、分布愈不均匀,对金属基体的割裂就愈严重。灰铸铁的抗拉强度低、塑性差,但有良好的吸震性、减摩性和低的缺口敏感性,且易于铸造和切削加工。石墨化不充分易产生白口,铸铁硬、脆,难以切削加工;石墨化过分,则形成粗大的石墨,铸铁的力学性能降低。 ⑵.影响铸铁中石墨化过程的主要因素是什么?相同化学成分的铸铁件的力学性能是否相同? 答:①主要因素:化学成分和冷却速度。 ②铸铁件的化学成分相同时铸铁的壁厚不同,其组织和性能也不同。在厚壁处冷却速度较慢,铸件易获得铁素体基体和粗大的石墨片,力学性能较差;而在薄壁处,冷却速度较快,铸件易获得硬而脆的白口组织或麻口组织。 ⑸.什么是孕育铸铁?它与普通灰铸铁有何区别?如何获得孕育铸铁? 答:①经孕育处理后的灰铸铁称为孕育铸铁。 ②孕育铸铁的强度、硬度显著提高,冷却速度对其组织和性能的影响小,因此铸件上厚大截面的性能较均匀;但铸铁塑性、韧性仍然很低。 ③原理:先熔炼出相当于白口或麻口组织的低碳、硅含量的高温铁液,然后向铁液中冲入少量细状或粉末状的孕育剂,孕育剂在铁液中形成大量弥散的石墨结晶核心,使石墨化骤然增强,从而得到细化晶粒珠光体和分布均匀的细片状石墨组织。 ⑻.为什么普通灰铸铁热处理效果没球墨铸铁好?普通灰铸铁常用热处理方法有哪些?目的是什 么? 答:①普通灰铸铁组织中粗大的石墨片对基体的破坏作用不能依靠热处理来消除或改进;而球墨铸铁的热处理可以改善其金属基体,以获得所需的组织和性能,故球墨铸铁性能好。 ②普通灰铸铁常用的热处理方法:时效处理,目的是消除应力,防止加工后变形;软化退火,目的是消除白口、降低硬度、改善切削加工性能。 第三章 ⑴.为什么制造蜡模多采用糊状蜡料加压成形,而较少采用蜡液浇铸成形?为什么脱蜡时水温不应达到沸点? 答:蜡模材料可用石蜡、硬脂酸等配成,在常用的蜡料中,石蜡和硬脂酸各占50%,其熔点为50℃~60℃,高熔点蜡料可加入塑料,制模时,将蜡料熔为糊状,目的除了使温度均匀外,对含填充料的蜡料还有防止沉淀的作用。


00习题 要求: 1.将题目转化为Microsoft Word文档; 2.解题过程用Microsoft Word文档,公式用公式编辑器,只交电子文档作业; 3.期末考试前必须作对所有所给题目,否则不能参加期末考试,请于指定时间前交作业。第一题(2010年3月5日前交该题作业)星期五 1.21 Determine the smallest allowable cross-sectional areas of members BD, BE, and CE of the truss shown. The working stresses are 20 000 psi in tension and 12 000 psi in compression. (A reduced stress in compression is specified to reduce the danger of buckling.)

Solution The free-body diagram of homogeneous BC in Fig.(b). The equilibrium equation are 0243616,0=-?=∑Ay F P M , P=24(kips)=24000(lb) The free-body diagram of truss in Fig.(c). The equilibrium equation are 0368)16 648816 6448(316,0=?-+? ++?+?=∑BD Ay E P P M , P BD =-8.944(kips) (Compression) 088, 0=-=∑CE Ay B P P M P CE =24(kips) (Tension ) 016 64436707.0, 0=++ --=∑BD BE Ay y P P P F P BE =-11.32(kN) (Compression) The normal stress of a member CE, DE and DF is )./(1200089442in lb A lb A P BD BD BD BD ≤== σ (Compression) A BD =0.745(in.2) )./(12000113202in lb A lb A P BE BE BE BE ≤== σ (Compression)


二、计算题: 1.梁结构尺寸、受力如图所示,不计梁重,已知q=10kN/m,M=10kN·m,求A、B、C处的约束力。 2.铸铁T梁的载荷及横截面尺寸如图所示,C为截面形心。已知I z=60125000mm4,y C=157.5mm,材料许用压应力[σc]=160MPa,许用拉应力[σt]=40MPa。试求:①画梁的剪力图、弯矩图。②按正应力强度条件校核梁的强度。 3.传动轴如图所示。已知F r=2KN,F t=5KN,M=1KN·m,l=600mm,齿轮直径D=400mm,轴的[σ]=100MPa。试求:①力偶M的大小;②作AB轴各基本变形的力图。③用第三强度理论设计轴AB 的直径d。 4.图示外伸梁由铸铁制成,截面形状如图示。已知I z=4500cm4,y1=7.14cm,y2=12.86cm,材料许用压应力[σc]=120MPa,许用拉应力[σt]=35MPa,a=1m。试求:①画梁的剪力图、弯矩图。②按正应力强度条件确定梁截荷P。 5.如图6所示,钢制直角拐轴,已知铅垂力F1,水平力F2,实心轴AB的直径d,长度l,拐臂的长度a。试求:①作AB轴各基本变形的力图。②计算AB轴危险点的第三强度理论相当应力。

6.图所示结构,载荷P=50KkN,AB杆的直径d=40mm,长度l=1000mm,两端铰支。已知材料E=200GPa,σp=200MPa,σs=235MPa,a=304MPa,b=1.12MPa,稳定安全系数n st=2.0,[σ]=140MPa。试校核AB杆是否安全。 7.铸铁梁如图5,单位为mm,已知I z=10180cm4,材料许用压应力[σc]=160MPa,许用拉应力[σt]=40MPa,试求:①画梁的剪力图、弯矩图。②按正应力强度条件确定梁截荷P。 8.图所示直径d=100mm的圆轴受轴向力F=700kN与力偶M=6kN·m的作用。已知M=200GPa,μ=0.3,[σ]=140MPa。试求:①作图示圆轴表面点的应力状态图。②求圆轴表面点图示方向的正应变。③按第四强度理论校核圆轴强度。 9.图所示结构中,q=20kN/m,柱的截面为圆形d=80mm,材料为Q235钢。已知材料E=200GPa,σp=200MPa,σs=235MPa,a=304MPa,b=1.12MPa,稳定安全系数n st=3.0,[σ]=140MPa。试校核柱BC是否安全。


名词解释: 1.降解:聚合物在成型、贮存或使用过程中,因外界因素如物理的(热、力、光、电、超声波、核辐射等),化学的(氧、水、酸、碱、胺等)及生物的(霉菌、昆虫等)等作用下所发生的聚合度减少的过程。 2.比热容单位质量材料升高1度时所需的热量,单位KJ/Kg.K 3.表观密度指料粒在无外压力下包含空隙时的密度 4.解取向:在热的作用下取向的大分子链趋向紊乱无序的自发过程称为解取向。 5.拉伸取向:大分子链、链段等结构单元在拉伸应力作用下沿受力方向的取向。 6.偶联剂:增强塑料中,能提高树脂和增强材料界面结合力的化学物质. 偶联剂分子是一类多官能团物质,它的一端可与无机物表面的化学基团反应,形成牢固的化学键合,另一端则有亲有机物的性质,可与有机物分子反应或物理缠绕,从而把两种性质不同的材料牢固结合起来。 7.抗静电剂:是一类能够降低塑料表面电阻率,增大漏电速率,使静电不能在塑料表面积累的化合物. 8.注射速率:指注射机单位时间内的最大注射量,是螺杆的横截面积与其前进速度的乘积. 9.挤出胀大:亦称出口膨胀,是指塑料熔体被强迫挤出口模时,挤出物尺寸大于口模尺寸,截面形状也发生变化的现象。 10压延效应:是将接近粘流温度的物料通过一系列相向旋转着的平行辊筒的间隙,使其受到挤压或延展作用,成为具有一定厚度和宽度的薄片状制品。 1.熔点Tm 是指结晶性聚合物中大分子链从有序状态转变到无序粘流态所需要的温度。 2结晶度 不完全结晶的高聚物中晶相所占的质量分数或体积分数。 3.取向 高聚物分子和某些纤维状填料,在成型过程中由于受到剪切流动(剪切应力)或受力拉伸时而沿受力方向作平行排列的现象。 4.等规度 聚合物中等规异构体所占比例称为等规指数,又称等规度。 5固化速率:是热固性塑料成型时特有的也是最重要的工艺性能.它衡量热固性塑料成型时化学反应的速度 等规指数:聚合物中等规异构体所占的比例。 比热容:单位质量材料升高1℃时所需要的热量,单位为KJ/Kg?K。 熔体质量流动速率:在一定的温度和载荷下,熔体每10分钟从标准的测定仪所挤出的物料质量,单位g/10min。 热塑性塑料:加热时可以变软以至熔融流动并可塑制成一定形状,冷却后固化定


填空题 1.常用毛坯的成形方法有铸造、、粉末冶金、、、非金属材料成形和快速成形. 2.根据成形学的观点,从物质的组织方式上,可把成形方式分为、、 . 1.非金属材料包括、、、三大类. 2.常用毛坯的成形方法有、、粉末冶金、、焊接、非金属材料成形和快速成形作业2 铸造工艺基础 2-1 判断题(正确的画O,错误的画×) 1.浇注温度是影响铸造合金充型能力和铸件质量的重要因素。提高浇注温度有利于获得形状完整、轮廓清晰、薄而复杂的铸件。因此,浇注温度越高越好。(×) 2.合金收缩经历三个阶段。其中,液态收缩和凝固收缩是铸件产生缩孔、缩松的基本原因,而固态收缩是铸件产生内应力、变形和裂纹的主要原因。(O) 3.结晶温度范围的大小对合金结晶过程有重要影响。铸造生产都希望采用结晶温度范围小的合金或共晶成分合金,原因是这些合金的流动性好,且易形成集中缩孔,从而可以通过设置冒口,将缩孔转移到冒口中,得到合格的铸件。(O) 4.为了防止铸件产生裂纹,在零件设计时,力求壁厚均匀;在合金成分上应严格限制钢和铸铁中的硫、磷含量;在工艺上应提高型砂及型芯砂的退让性。(O) 5.铸造合金的充型能力主要取决于合金的流动性、浇注条件和铸型性质。所以当合金的成分和铸件结构一定时;控制合金充型能力的唯一因素是浇注温度。(×) 6.铸造合金在冷却过程中产生的收缩分为液态收缩、凝固收缩和固态收缩。共晶成分合金由于在恒温下凝固,即开始凝固温度等于凝固终止温度,结晶温度范围为零。因此,共晶成分合金不产生凝固收缩,只产生液态收缩和固态收缩,具有很好的铸造性能。(×)7.气孔是气体在铸件内形成的孔洞。气孔不仅降低了铸件的力学性能,而且还降低了铸件的气密性。(O) 8.采用顺序凝固原则,可以防止铸件产生缩孔缺陷,但它也增加了造型的复杂程度,并耗费许多合金液体,同时增大了铸件产生变形、裂纹的倾向。(O) 2-2 选择题 1.为了防止铸件产生浇不足、冷隔等缺陷,可以采用的措施有(D)。 A.减弱铸型的冷却能力; B.增加铸型的直浇口高度; C.提高合金的浇注温度; D.A、B和C; E.A和C。 2.顺序凝固和同时凝固均有各自的优缺点。为保证铸件质量,通常顺序凝固适合于(D),而同时凝固适合于(B)。 A.吸气倾向大的铸造合金; B.产生变形和裂纹倾向大的铸造合金; C.流动性差的铸造合金; D.产生缩孔倾向大的铸造合金。 3.铸造应力过大将导致铸件产生变形或裂纹。消除铸件中残余应力的方法是(D);消除铸件中机械应力的方法是(C)。 A.采用同时凝固原则; B.提高型、芯砂的退让性; C.及时落砂; D.去应力退火。 4.合金的铸造性能主要是指合金的(B)、(C)和(G)。 A.充型能力;B.流动性;C.收缩;D.缩孔倾向;E.铸造应力;F.裂纹;G.偏析;H.气孔。


生活中的材料力学 罗晖淼 摘要:在我们身边的每一个角落都运用到了材料力学的原理。学完材料力学之后,用另一个角度去剖析生活中的材料力学现象,别有一番风味。 关键字:应力集中,动载荷,稳定性 一:应力集中 大家可能都有过类似的体验,那就是有些零食的外包装非常平整美观,可是却 不实用,它们经常因为撕不开而遭到我们的嫌弃。相反,有些小零食的包装袋上会有一排锯齿的形状,而当我们沿着锯齿的凹槽撕的时候,无论这个包装所用的材料多么特殊,都能轻松地撕开一个大口子。这是为什么呢?这其实运用到了圣维南原理。当我们沿着锯齿的凹槽撕的时候,手指所加的力是垂直于包装袋的,因此切应力都集中在了凹槽处,即产生应力集中现象。此时凹槽处的切应力会急剧增大,那么只要手指稍稍用力,就很容易从这个凹槽将包装袋撕开。


掰成两段时,往往会先用指甲在黄瓜中间掐一个小缝,然后双手用力一掰,黄瓜就很容易被掰成两段。同样的,因为在小缝处应力集中,黄瓜上作用的两个力矩使得缝隙处的切应力急剧增大,于是黄瓜中间截面发生脆断。再比如撕布条,如果一块完整的布条要将其撕成两半是很困难的,除非有很大的力把它拉断,而我们一般人是没有那么大的力气的,怎么办呢?通常我们会用剪刀在布条上剪出一个小缺口,然后沿着缺口撕开布条,其原理和食品包装袋是一样的。 既然应力集中给我们的生活带来了这么多的便利,那是不是应力集中越多越好呢?其实并不是,在工程上,基本都需要避免应力集中。像那些大桥,飞机,机床,建筑等大型工业结构,为了保证其坚固耐用寿命长,容易发生应力集中的地方如铆钉连接都需要特别地注意。所以工字钢并不是标准的工字型,在直角处都改造成了弧线形过度,就是为了防止工字钢因应力集中而断裂。 工程上的这些问题可比生活中的小问题严重得多,一个小问题都有可能导致重大的事故。曾经有一起飞行事故:飞机起落架里的一个小零件由于应力集中而发生断裂,卡在那里,导致起落架无法放下。不过还好,凭借飞行员高超的技术最终还是平安降落了。 二:动载荷 这里其实运用到了冲击载荷的知识。自由落体冲击是的动荷因数为:


材料力学模拟试题 一、填空题(共15分) 1、(5分)一般钢材的弹性模量E=GPa;吕材的弹性模量E=GPa 2、(10分)图示实心圆锥杆受扭转外力偶作用,材料的剪切弹性模量为G,该杆的 η man1、(5(A)各向同性材料;(B)各向异性材料;(C 正确答案是 A 。 2、(5分)边长为d杆(1)是等截面,杆(2荷系数kd和杆内最大动荷应力ζd 论: (A)(kd)1<(kd)2,(ζdmax)1<((B)(kd)1<(kd)2,(ζdmax)1>((C) (kd)1>(kd)2,(ζdmax)1<((D)(kd)1>(kd)2,(ζdmax)1>(正确答案是 A 。 三、计算题(共75分) 1、(25

应力相等, 求:(1)直径比d1/d2; (2)解:AC轴的内力图:M AB (2) =3?10(Nm);M 5 BC 由最大剪应力相等:=ηmax= M n Wn 3 = 300?10 3 πd/16 3 = πd/16 2 ;

d1/d2= 由θ= MnlGI P 3/5=0.8434 ;??∴ θABθBC = 32M an1 4 Gπd1 ? Gπd232M 4 = MM n1n2 ? 2 (? 2d1 )=0.5 4 n2 2、(

3、(15分)有一厚度为6mm的钢板在板面的两个垂直方向受拉,拉应力分别为150Mpa和 5 55Mpa,材料的E=2.1×10Mpa,υ =0.25。求钢板厚度的减小值。 解:钢板厚度的减小值应为横向应变所产生,该板受力后的应力状态为二向应力状态,由广义胡克定律知,其Z向应变为: εz=- ν E (ζx+ζy)=- 0.25 9 则?Z=εZ 2.1?10 ?t=-0.146mm (150+55)?10=-0.0244 6 材料力学各章重点 一、绪论 1.各向同性假设认为,材料沿各个方向具有相同的 A 。 (A)力学性质; (B)外力; (C)变形; (D)位移。 2.均匀性假设认为,材料内部各点的 C 是相同的。(A)应力; (B)应变; (C)位移; (C)力学性质。 3.构件在外力作用下(A)不发生断裂;(B)保持原有平衡状态;


名称: 2015秋高分子材料成型原理期末复习资料 第一章 一、选择题 1、( B )属于化学合成高分子。 a、甲壳素 b、聚乳酸 c、淀粉 d、细菌纤维素 2、( D )属于高性能纤维。 a、粘胶纤维 b、聚酯纤维 c、聚丙烯腈纤维 d、碳纤维 3、( D )属于功能纤维。 a、粘胶纤维 b、聚酯纤维 c、聚丙烯腈纤维 d、导电纤维 第二章 一、选择题 1、“溶解度参数相近原则”适用于估计( B )的互溶性。 A、非极性高聚物与极性溶剂 B、非极性高聚物与非极性溶剂 C、极性高聚物与极性溶剂 D、极性高聚物与非极性溶剂 2.纤维素黄酸酯-氢氧化钠水溶液体系的平衡相图具有( C )特征,( )温度有利于纤维素黄酸酯溶解度的提高。 a、下临界混溶温度升高 b、上临界混溶温度升高 c、下临界混溶温度降低 d、上临界混溶温度降低 二、简答题 1、简述聚合物熔融的主要方法。 2、简述聚合物在螺杆挤压机中熔融的能量来源。 答:(1)装在机筒外壁的加热器,使能量在机筒沿螺槽深度方向自上而下传导。 (2)随着螺杆的转动,筒壁上的熔膜被强制刮下来移走,而使熔融层受到剪切作用,使部分机械能转变为热能。 3、简述选择聚合物溶剂的基本原则。 答:聚合物溶剂的选择原则: (1)聚合物与溶剂的极性相近 规律相似相溶:聚合物与溶剂的极性越接近,越容易互溶。 (2)溶度参数理论 对于非极性聚合物尽可能找到聚合物溶度参数δ相近的非极性溶剂对于极性较高或者易形成氢键的聚合物或者溶剂,只有当聚合物与溶剂的δd、δp、δh分别接近时才能很好地混溶。 (3)高分子-溶剂相互作用参数(哈金斯参数)…Χ1 Χ1越小,溶剂的溶解能力越大,一般Χ1<0、5为良溶剂。 4、聚氯乙烯的溶解度参数δ值与氯仿与四氢呋喃接近,但为什么四氢呋喃能很好地溶解聚氯乙烯而氯仿不能与聚氯乙烯混溶? 第三章 一、选择题 1.在聚合物物理改性的混合过程中,其混合机理不包括( B )作用。 a、剪切 b、弯曲 c、拉伸 d、分流、合并与置换 二、简答题 1、简述混合过程的三种基本运动形式及其聚合物加工中的作用。 2.根据Brodkey混合理论,聚合物共混体系与聚合物—添加剂体系涉及的混合机理有何差别? 3、简述分散混合过程中发生的作用。


《材料成形技术基础》考试样题答题页 (本卷共10页) 四、综合题(20分) 1、绘制图5的铸造工艺图(6分) 修 2、绘制图6的自由锻件图,并按顺序选择自由锻基本工序。(6分) 自由锻基本工序: 3、请修改图7--图10的焊接结构,并写出修改原因。 图7手弧焊钢板焊接结构(2分)图8手弧焊不同厚度钢板结构(2分) 修改原因:修改原因:

图9钢管与圆钢的电阻对焊(2分)图10管子的钎焊(2分) 修改原因:修改原因: 《材料成形技术基础》考试样题 (本卷共10页) 注:答案一律写在答题页中规定位置上,写在其它处无效。 一、判断题(16分,每空0.5分。正确的画“O”,错误的画“×”) 1.过热度相同时,结晶温度范围大的合金比结晶温度范围小的合金流动性好。这是因为在结晶时,结晶温度范围大的合金中,尚未结晶的液态合金还有一定的流动能力。 2.采用顺序凝固原则,可以防止铸件产生缩孔缺陷,但它也增加了造型的复杂程度,并耗费许多合金液体,同时增大了铸件产生变形、裂纹的倾向。 3.HT100、HT150、HT200均为普通灰口铸铁,随着牌号的提高,C、Si含量增多,以减少片状石墨的数量,增加珠光体的数量。 4.缩孔和缩松都是铸件的缺陷,在生产中消除缩孔要比消除缩松容易。 5.铸件铸造后产生弯曲变形,其原因是铸件的壁厚不均匀,铸件在整个收缩过程中,铸件各部分冷却速度不一致,收缩不一致,形成较大的热应力所至。 6.影响铸件凝固方式的主要因素是合金的化学成分和铸件的冷却速度。 7.制定铸造工艺图时,铸件的重要表面应朝下或侧立,同时加工余量应大于其它表面。8.铸造应力包括热应力和机械应力,铸造应力使铸件厚壁或心部受拉应力,薄壁或表层受压应力。铸件壁厚差越大,铸造应力也越大。 9.型芯头是型芯的一个组成部分。它不仅能使型芯定位,排气,同时还能形成铸件的内腔。10.为了防止铸钢件产生裂纹,设计零件的结构时,尽量使壁厚均匀;在合金的化学成分上要严格限制硫和磷的含量。 11.用压力铸造方法可以生产复杂的薄壁铸件,同时铸件质量也很好。要进一步提高铸件的机械性能,可以通过热处理的方法解决。 12.铸件大平面在浇注时应朝下放置,这样可以保证大平面的质量,防止夹砂等缺陷。13.自由锻的工序分为辅助工序、基本工序和修整工序,实际生产中,最常用的自由锻基本工序是镦粗、拔长、冲孔和轧制等。 14.制定铸造工艺图时,选择浇注位置的主要目的是保证铸件的质量,而选择分型面的主要目的是简化造型工艺。 15.把低碳钢加热到1200℃时进行锻造,冷却后锻件内部晶粒将沿变形最大的方向被拉长并产生碎晶。如将该锻件进行再结晶退火,便可获得细晶组织。


填空 1. 杆件的基本变形形式一般有 、剪切、 、弯曲四种,而应变只有线应变、 两种。 2.梁段上,只有弯矩没有剪力的弯曲形式称为 弯曲。 3.将圆轴的直径增大一倍,则圆轴的强度提高 倍 4.矩形截面梁截面宽b 高h ,弯曲时横截面上最大正应力 max σ出现在最大弯矩截面的 各点,=m ax σ 。 5.低碳钢试件受拉时,沿 方向出现滑移线;铸铁试件受拉时,沿 方向断裂。 6. 第三强度理论即 理论,其相当应力表达式为 。 7. 杆件的基本变形形式一般有拉压、 、扭转、 四种,而应变只有 、切应变两种。 8. 梁段上,既有弯矩又有剪力的弯曲形式称为 。 9. 将圆轴的直径增大一倍,则圆轴的刚度提高 倍。 10. 单元体中 的截面称为主平面,其上的正应力称为 。 11. 如下图所示的悬臂梁,长度m kN q m l /2,5==满跨均分布荷载,则A 端右邻截面上 弯矩是 ,要减小梁自由端的挠度,一般采取减小 的方法; 12. 工程上将延伸率≥δ 的材料称为塑性材料。 13. 所谓 ,是指材料件抵抗破坏的能材;所谓 ,是指构件抵抗变形的能力。 14. 圆截面梁,若直径d 增大一倍(其它条件不变),则梁的最大正应力降至原来的 。 15. 圆形截面的抗扭截面系数W p = 。 16. 矩形截面梁弯曲时横截面上最大切应力max τ出现在最大剪力截面的 各点,如果截面 面积为F S 截面面积为A ,则=τmax 。 17. 如图所示,1—1截面上的轴力为 ,2-2截面上的轴力为 。 18. 若要求校核工字形截面钢梁腹板与冀缘交接处一点的强度,则应该用 强度理论,其强度条件(用该点横截面上的正应力σ和剪应力τ来表示)表达式是 。 19.如下图示的圆截面杆受扭时,在其表面上一点处沿与杆轴成-45°角的斜面上将出现最大 的 应力,而在其横、纵截面上将出现最大的 应力。 20. 矩形截面梁在横力弯曲的情况下,横截面上的剪应力是沿截面高度按 规律变化的,在中性轴处的剪应力值等于 。 21. 低碳钢圆截面试件受扭时,沿 截面破坏;铸铁圆截面试件受扭时,沿 面破坏。 22. 轴向受力杆如图所示,1-1截面上的轴力为 。 23. 对图示梁进行剪应力强度计算时,最大剪力为 。


材料力学期末考试复习题及答案 配高等教育出版社第五版 一、填空题: 1.受力后几何形状和尺寸均保持不变的物体称为刚体。 2.构件抵抗破坏的能力称为强度。 3.圆轴扭转时,横截面上各点的切应力与其到圆心的距离成正比。 4.梁上作用着均布载荷,该段梁上的弯矩图为二次抛物线。 5.偏心压缩为轴向压缩与弯曲的组合变形。 6.柔索的约束反力沿柔索轴线离开物体。 7.构件保持原有平衡状态的能力称为稳定性。 8.力对轴之矩在力与轴相交或平行情况下为零。 9.梁的中性层与横截面的交线称为中性轴。 10.图所示点的应力状态,其最大切应力是 100Mpa 。 11.物体在外力作用下产生两种效应分别是变形效应运动效应。 12.外力解除后可消失的变形,称为弹性变形。 13.力偶对任意点之矩都相等。 14.阶梯杆受力如图所示,设AB和BC段的横截面面积分别为2A和A,弹性模量为E,则杆中最大正应力 为 5F/2A 。 15.梁上作用集中力处,其剪力图在该位置有突变。 16.光滑接触面约束的约束力沿接触面的公法线指向物体。 17.外力解除后不能消失的变形,称为塑性变形。 18.平面任意力系平衡方程的三矩式,只有满足三个矩心不共线的条件时,才能成为力系 平衡的充要条件。 19.图所示,梁最大拉应力的位置在 C 点处。

20.图所示点的应力状态,已知材料的许用正应力[σ],其第三强度理论的强度条件是 2τ《=【σ】 。 21.物体相对于地球处于静止或匀速直线运动状态,称为平衡。 22.在截面突变的位置存在应力集中现象。 23.梁上作用集中力偶位置处,其弯矩图在该位置有突变。 24.图所示点的应力状态,已知材料的许用正应力[σ],其第三强度理论的强度条件是。 25.临界应力的欧拉公式只适用于细长杆。 26.只受两个力作用而处于平衡状态的构件,称为而力构件。 27.作用力与反作用力的关系是。 28.平面任意力系向一点简化的结果的三种情形是力,力偶,平衡。 29.阶梯杆受力如图所示,设AB和BC段的横截面面积分别为2A和A,弹性模量为E,则截面C的位移为 7Fa/2EA 。 30.若一段梁上作用着均布载荷,则这段梁上的剪力图为斜直线。 二、计算题: 1.梁结构尺寸、受力如图所示,不计梁重,已知q=10kN/m,M=10kN·m,求A、B、C处的约束力。 2.铸铁T梁的载荷及横截面尺寸如图所示,C为截面形心。已知I z=60125000mm4,y C=157.5mm,材料许用压应力[σc]=160MPa,许用拉应力[σt]=40MPa。试求:①画梁的剪力图、弯矩图。②按正应力强度条件校核梁的强度。


《材料成型基础》复习题 成型—利用局部变形使坯料或半成品改变形状的工序 一、金属液态成型 1. 何谓铸造**?铸造有哪些特点?试从铸造的特点分析说明铸造是生产毛坯的主要方法? 答:熔炼金属,制造铸型,并将熔融金属浇入铸型,凝固后获得一定形状和性能铸件的成形方法,称为铸造1)可以生产出形状复杂,特别是具有复杂内腔的零件毛坯,如各种箱体、床身、机架等。 2)铸造生产的适应性广,工艺灵活性大。工业上常用的金属材料均可用来进行铸造,铸件的重量可由几克到几百吨,壁厚可由0.5mm到1m左右。 3)铸造用原材料大都来源广泛,价格低廉,并可直接利用废机件,故铸件成本较低。 缺点1)铸造组织疏松、晶粒粗大,内部易产生缩孔、缩松、气孔等缺陷,因此,铸件的力学性能,特别是冲击韧度低于同种材料的锻件。2)铸件质量不够稳定。 2. 何谓合金的铸造性能**?它可以用哪些性能指标来衡量**?铸造性能不好,会引起哪些缺陷? 铸造性能——合金易于液态成型而获得优质铸件的能力。 合金的铸造性能包括金属的流动性、凝固温度范围和凝固特性、收缩性、吸气性等。 3. 什么是合金的流动性**?影响合金流动性的因素有哪些?(P2) 流动性流动性是指熔融金属的流动能力;合金流动性的好坏,通常以“螺旋形流动性试样”的长度来衡量 流动性的影响因素1)合金的种类及化学成分{1、越接近共晶成分,流动性就越好。2、选用结晶温度范围窄的合金,以便获得足够的流动性。}2)铸型的特点3)浇注条件 4. 从Fe-Fe3C相图分析,什么样的合金成分具有较好的流动性**?为什么? 越接近共晶合金流动性越好。 凝固温度范围越窄,则枝状晶越不发达,对金属流动的阻力越小,金属的流动性就越强 5. 试比较灰铸铁、碳钢和铝合金的铸造性能特点。 6. 铸件的凝固方式依照什么来划分?哪些合金倾向于逐层凝固? 1. 合金的凝固方式(1)逐层凝固方式(图1-5a)合金在凝固过程中其断面上固相和液相由一条界线清楚地分开,这种凝固方式称为逐层凝固。常见合金如灰铸铁、低碳钢、工业纯铜、工业纯铝、共晶铝硅合金及某些黄铜都属于逐层凝固的合金。 2)糊状凝固方式(图1-5c)合金在凝固过程中先呈糊状而后凝固,这种凝固方式称为糊状凝固。球墨铸铁、高碳钢、锡青铜和某些黄铜等都是糊状凝固的合金。 (3)中间凝固方式(图1-5b)大多数合金的凝固介于逐层凝固和糊状凝固之间,称为中间凝固方式。中碳钢、高锰钢、白口铸铁等具有中间凝固方式。 7. 缩孔和缩松是怎样形成的?可采用什么措施防止? 形成缩孔和缩松的主要原因都是液态收缩和凝固收缩所致;防止措施:a)采用定向凝固的原则b)合理确定铸件的浇注位置、内浇道位置及浇注工艺c)合理应用冒口、冷铁和补贴 8. 合金收缩由哪三个阶段组成**?各会产生哪些缺陷?影响因素有哪些?如何防止? 1.液态收缩金属在液态时由于温度降低而发生的体积收缩。 2. 凝固收缩熔融金属在凝固阶段的体积收缩。液态收缩和凝固收缩是铸件产生缩孔和缩松的基本原因。 3. 固态收缩金属在固态时由于温度降低而发生的体积收缩。固态收缩对铸件的形状和尺寸精度影响很大,是铸造应力、变形和裂纹等缺陷产生的基本原因。 二)影响收缩的因素1. 化学成分不同成分的合金其收缩率一般也不相同。在常用铸造合金中铸钢的收缩最大,灰铸铁最小。 2. 浇注温度合金浇注温度越高,过热度越大,液体收缩越大。 3. 铸件结构与铸型条件铸件冷却收缩时,因其形状、尺寸的不同,各部分的冷却速度不同,导致收缩不一致,且互相阻碍,又加之铸型和型芯对铸件收缩的阻力,故铸件的实际收缩率总是小于其自由收缩率。这种阻力越大,铸件的实际收缩率就越小。 缩孔、缩松的防止措施 9. 何谓同时凝固原则和定向(顺序)凝固原则**?对图1所示阶梯型铸件设计浇注系统和冒口及冷铁,使其实现定向凝固。

西南交通大学 材料成型技术基础复习纲要

第一篇 金属铸造成形工艺 一.掌握铸造定义与实质及其合金的铸造性能。 A铸造:将熔融金属浇入铸型型腔, 经冷却凝固后获得所需铸件的方法。 B铸造实质:液态成形。 C合金:两种或两种以上的金属元素、或金属与非金属元素(碳)熔和在一起,所构成具有金属特性的物质。 D合金的铸造性能:是指合金在铸造过程中获得尺寸精确、结构完整的铸件的能力,流动性和收缩性是合金的主要铸造工艺特性。 二.掌握合金的充型能力及影响合金充型能力的因素。 A合金的充型能力:液态合金充满铸型,获得轮廓清晰、形状准确的铸件的能力。 B影响合金充型能力的因素: (1)铸型填充条件 a. 铸型材料; b. 铸型温度; c. 铸型中的气体 (2)浇注条件 a. 浇注温度(T) T 越高(有界限),充型能力越好。 b. 充型压力 流动方向上所受压力越大, 充型能力越好。 (3)铸件结构

结构越复杂,充型越困难。 三.掌握合金收缩经历的三个阶段及其铸造缺陷的产生。 A合金的收缩:合金从浇注、凝固、冷却到室温,体积 和尺寸缩小的现象。 B合金收缩的三个阶段: (1)液态收缩 合金从 T浇注→ T凝固开始 间的收缩。 (2)凝固收缩 合金从 T凝固开始→T凝固终止 间的收缩。 液态收缩和凝固收缩是形成铸件缩孔和缩松缺陷的基本原因。 (3)固态收缩(易产生铸造应力、变形、裂纹等。) 合金从 T凝固终止→T室 间的收缩。 四.了解形成铸造缺陷(缩孔,缩松)的主要原因及其防止措施。 A产生缩孔和缩松的主要原因:液态收缩 和 凝固收缩 导致。 B缩孔形成原因:收缩得不到及时补充; 缩松形成原因:糊状凝固,被树枝晶体分隔区域难以实现补缩。 C缩孔与缩松的预防: (1)定向凝固,控制铸件的凝固顺序; (2)合理确定铸件的浇注工艺 五.掌握铸件产生变形和裂纹的根本原因。 铸件产生变形和裂纹的根本原因:铸造内应力(残余内应力) 六.掌握预防热应力的基本途径。 预防热应力的基本途径:缩小铸件各部分的温差,使其均匀冷却。借助于冷铁使铸件实现同时凝固。


填空 1.杆件的基本变形形式一般有 _、剪切、_______ 、弯曲四种,而应变只有线应变、_______ 两种。 2.梁段上,只有弯矩没有剪力的弯曲形式称为_______ 弯曲。 3?将圆轴的直径增大一倍,则圆轴的强度提高_________ 倍 4.矩形截面梁截面宽b高h,弯曲时横截面上最大正应力max出现在最大弯矩截面的各 点,m ax ______________ 。 5?低碳钢试件受拉时,沿________ 方向出现滑移线;铸铁试件受拉时,沿 _______ 方向断裂。 6.第三强度理论即_________ 理论,其相当应力表达式为 ________ 。 7.杆件的基本变形形式一般有拉压、______ 、扭转、____ 四种,而应变只有____ 、切应变两种。 8.梁段上,既有弯矩又有剪力的弯曲形式称为_______ 。 9.将圆轴的直径增大一倍,则圆轴的刚度提高_______ 倍。 10.单元体中_____ 的截面称为主平面,其上的正应力称为_________ 。 11.如下图所示的悬臂梁,长度| 5m,满跨均分布荷载q 2kN/m ,则A端右邻截面上 弯矩是______ ,要减小梁自由端的挠度,一般采取减小______ 的方法; 12.工程上将延伸率____________ 的材料称为塑性材料。 13.所谓______ ,是指材料件抵抗破坏的能材;所谓__________ ,是指构件抵抗变形的能力。 14.圆截面梁,若直径d增大一倍(其它条件不变),则梁的最大正应力降至原来的_。 15.圆形截面的抗扭截面系数VP= _________ 。 16.矩形截面梁弯曲时横截面上最大切应力max出现在最大剪力截面的______ 各点,如果截面 面积为F s截面面积为A,则max ________________ 。 17.______________________________________ 如图所示,1 —1截面上的轴力为,2-2截面上的轴力为 18.若要求校核工字形截面钢梁腹板与冀缘交接处一点的强度,则应该用____________ 强度理 论,其强度条件(用该点横截面上的正应力b和剪应力T来表示)表达式是__________ 。19.如下图示的圆截面杆受扭时,在其表面上一点处沿与杆轴成-45 °角的斜面上将出现最大 的_______ 应力,而在其横、纵截面上将出现最大的_________ 应力。 20.矩形截面梁在横力弯曲的情况下,横截面上的剪应力是沿截面高度按_______ 规律变化的,在中性轴处的剪应力值等于 _。 21.低碳钢圆截面试件受扭时,沿 _截面破坏;铸铁圆截面试件受扭时,沿_面破坏。 22.轴向受力杆如图所示,1 —1截面上的轴力为_______ 。


第一章 一、选择题 1、均匀性假设认为.材料内部各点的是相同的。 A:应力 B:应变 C:位移 D:力学性质 2、各向同性认为.材料沿各个方向具有相同的。 A:力学性质 B:外力 C:变形 D:位移 3、在下列四种材料中. 不可以应用各向同性假设。 A:铸钢 B:玻璃 C:松木 D:铸铁 4、根据小变形条件.可以认为: A:构件不变形 B:构件不破坏 C:构件仅发生弹性变形 D:构件的变形远小于原始尺寸 5、外力包括: A:集中力和均布力 B:静载荷和动载荷 C:所有作用在物体外部的力 D:载荷与支反力 6、在下列说法中.正确的是。 A:内力随外力的增大而增大; B:内力与外力无关; C:内力的单位是N或KN; D:内力沿杆轴是不变的; 7、静定杆件的内力与其所在的截面的有关。 A:形状;B:大小;C:材料;D:位置 8、在任意截面的任意点处.正应力σ与切应力τ的夹角α=。 A:α=90O; B:α=45O; C:α=0O;D:α为任意角。 9、图示中的杆件在力偶M的作用下.BC段上。 A:有变形、无位移; B:有位移、无变形; C:既有位移、又有变形;D:既无变形、也无位移; 10、用截面法求内力时.是对建立平衡方程而求解的。 A:截面左段 B:截面右段 C:左段或右段 D:整个杆件 11、构件的强度是指.刚度是指.稳定性是指。 A:在外力作用下抵抗变形的能力; B:在外力作用下保持其原有平衡态的能力; C:在外力的作用下构件抵抗破坏的能力; 答案:1、D 2、A 3、C 4、D 5、D 6、A 7、D 8、A 9、B 10、C 11、C、B、A 二、填空 1、在材料力学中.对变形固体作了 . . 三个基本假设.并且是在 . 范围内研究的。 答案:均匀、连续、各向同性;线弹性、小变形 2、材料力学课程主要研究内容是:。 答案:构件的强度、刚度、稳定性;


第一章铸造 1.铸造:将液态金属在重力或外力作用下充填到型腔中,待其凝固冷却后,获得所需形状和尺寸的毛坯或零件的方法。 2.充型:溶化合金填充铸型的过程。 3.充型能力:液态合金充满型腔,形成轮廓清晰、形状和尺寸符合要求的优质铸件的能力。 4.充型能力的影响因素: 金属液本身的流动能力(合金流动性) 浇注条件:浇注温度、充型压力 铸型条件:铸型蓄热能力、铸型温度、铸型中的气体、铸件结构 流动性是熔融金属的流动能力,是液态金属固有的属性。 5.影响合金流动性的因素: (1)合金种类:与合金的熔点、导热率、合金液的粘度等物理性能有关。 (2)化学成份:纯金属和共晶成分的合金流动性最好; (3)杂质与含气量:杂质增加粘度,流动性下降;含气量少,流动性好。 6.金属的凝固方式: ①逐层凝固方式 ②体积凝固方式或称“糊状凝固方式”。 ③中间凝固方式 7.收缩:液态合金在凝固和冷却过程中,体积和尺寸减小的现象称为合金的收缩。 收缩能使铸件产生缩孔、缩松、裂纹、变形和内应力等缺陷。 8.合金的收缩可分为三个阶段:液态收缩、凝固收缩和固态收缩。 液态收缩和凝固收缩,通常以体积收缩率表示。液态收缩和凝固收缩是铸件产生缩孔、缩松缺陷的基本原因。 合金的固态收缩,通常用线收缩率来表示。固态收缩是铸件产生内应力、裂纹和变形等缺陷的主要原因。 9.影响收缩的因素 (1)化学成分:碳素钢随含碳量增加,凝固收缩增加,而固态收缩略减。 (2)浇注温度:浇注温度愈高,过热度愈大,合金的液态收缩增加。 (3)铸件结构:铸型中的铸件冷却时,因形状和尺寸不同,各部分的冷却速度不同,结果对铸件收缩产生阻碍。 (4)铸型和型芯对铸件的收缩也产生机械阻力 10.缩孔及缩松:铸件凝固结束后常常在某些部位出现孔洞,按照孔洞的大小和分布可分为缩孔和缩松。大而集中的孔洞称为缩孔,细小而分散的孔洞称为缩松。 缩孔的形成:主要出现在金属在恒温或很窄温度范围内结晶,铸件壁呈逐层凝固方式的条件下。 缩松的形成:主要出现在呈糊状凝固方式的合金中或断面较大的铸件壁中,是被树枝状晶体分隔开的液体区难以得到补缩所致。 合金的液态收缩和凝固收缩越大,浇注温度越高,铸件的壁越厚,缩孔的容积就越大。 缩松大多分布在铸件中心轴线处、热节处、冒口根部、内浇口附近或缩孔下方。

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