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M5 Unit 2 练习

M5 Unit 2 练习
M5 Unit 2 练习

Unit 2The United Kingdom 一.根据词性与汉语意思写出单词。

1. _______________ n. 矛盾;冲突

2. _______________ n. 描写;描述

3. ________________n.收集;收藏品

4. _______________ adj.便利的;方便的

5. _______________adj.高兴的

6. _______________ n.吸引;吸引人的事物

7. ________________ adj.壮丽的;辉煌的;

8. __________________n.塑像;雕像

9. ________________ n.筹备;安排;整理

10. ________________ n.错误;谬误;过失


1.Soldiers, policemen and nurses wear u__________.

2.The dress is a__________in all sizes at this shop.

3.The explanation in the note c__________the difficult sentence.

4.The Loop Railway was being c__________ at that time.

5.The children were t__________ with joy at the sight of the Christmas tree.

6.Sophia cleaned and __________(整理)two of the bedrooms in the morning.

7.Choose furniture that’s __________(与……一致)with the modern style of the house.

8.You and I can do some __________(观光), till I go back to Cambridge.

9.He seems to think that the delay is to suit your __________(便利).

10.The __________(关系)of mother and child is the closest in the world.



The old woman only wears this coat __________ __________ __________.

27.你犯了个错, 你漏了个字母“t”。

You’ve made a mistake ─you’ve __________ __________ the letter“t”.

28.吴老师不在的话, 谁来代她的课?

Who will __________ __________ __________ __________ Miss.Wu when she is away?.


Many special ceremonies__________ __________ __________ __________ famous men.


The House of Commons __________ __________ 658 members.


The house __________ __________ __________ several flats.


It’s difficult __________ __________ __________ __________ a habit.

34.她听到那消息就崩溃了, 但很快就恢复过来了。.

She __________ __________ when she heard the news, but quickly __________.

35.使他极为高兴的是, 他的小说被接受出版。

__________ __________ __________ __________, his novel was accepted for publication.


Don’t __________ __________ __________ __________ she says.


1. 但如果你学过英国历史,就能弄清楚这个问题。

You can if you study British history.

2. 首先是英格兰。威尔士于13世纪同英格兰联合了起来。

First there was England. Wales it in the thirteenth century.

3. 如今只要有人提起英格兰,你就会发现威尔士总是包括在内的。

Now when people refer to England you Wales .

4.然而,爱尔兰的南部却不愿组建联合王国,它分离出去,并建立了自己的政府。However, the southern part of Ireland was and to form its own government.

5. 值得赞扬的是,这四个国家的确在一些方面共同合作,例如在货币和国际关系方面;但是有些制度仍然区别很大。

the four countries do work together in some areas (eg, the currency and international relations), but they will have very different institutions.

6. 在这四个国家中,英格兰是最大的。为了方便起见,它大致可以划分为三个地区。England is the largest of the four countries, and it is divided roughly into three zones.

Unit 2The United Kingdom



1. conflict

2. description





7.splendid 8.statue 9.arrangement 10.error


11.uniforms 12.available 13.clarified 14.constructed 15.thrilled 16.arranged 17.consistent 18.sightseeing 19.convenience



21.on special occasions22.left out

23.take the place of24.are in memory of 25.consists of26.was divided into

27.to break away from

28.broke down; recovered

29.To his great delight

30.be influenced by what


1. clarify this question

2. was linked to

3. find included as well

4.unwilling broke away

5. To their credit

6. for convenience

Unit 2The United Kingdom



1. conflict

2. description







9.arrangement 10.error


11.uniforms 12.available 13.clarified 14.constructed 15.thrilled

16.arranged 17.consistent 18.sightseeing 19.convenience 20.relation


21.on special occasions22.left out23.take the place of24.are in memory of25.consists of 26.was divided into27.to break away from28.broke down; recovered29.To his great delight30.be influenced by what


1. clarify this question

2. was linked to

3. find included as well

4.unwilling broke away

5. To their credit

6. for convenience

8B Unit2单元练习卷

牛津8BUnit2综合测试题 笔试部分(100分) I.词汇 A.根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The girl looks beautiful in the ______(shine) red silk. 2. The water in the river is_______(harm). You can drink it without cooking. 3. Can you tell me the ______(mean) of this word? 4. The Green family had a ______(delight) holiday last week. B.根据句意及所给汉语提示完成单词。 1. -Do you know where the Oriental Pearl______(塔) is? -Yes. It’s in Shanghai. 2. Many people in Harbin like_______(滑雪) in winter. 3. The fans _______(鼓掌)and screamed when the famous singer appeared on the stage. 4. Overwork will do ______(伤害) to your health. C.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1. The film is about the Long M_______? Have you ever seen it? 2. I’m going to fly there. Would you buy two a_______ tickets for me? 3. Let’s buy some pens and pencils at the s__________ shop. 4. When Tim saw me, he w_______ his hand to me. 5. You must wait for your turn in l_________. II.选择填空。 1. A boy with two dogs_____ when the earthquake rocked the city. A. were sleeping B. is asleep C. was sleeping D. are asleep 2. Yesterday I was just to go out _____ someone telephoned me. A. when B. while C. as D. that 3. The pupils hurried to the classroom______ the bell rang. A. until B. as soon as C. if D. so that 4.-What do you think of my answer to the questions? -Sorry. What’s that? I______ about something else. A. thought B. had thought C. am thinking D. was thinking 5.-This dress was last year’s style. -I think it still looks perfect____ it has gone out this year. A. so that B. even though C. as if D. ever since 6.-Where are we going to have dinner this evening? -I’d like to have some ______ in a Japanese restaurant. A. hamburgers B. fish and chips C. pizza D. sushi 7. -Can you tell me Kitty’s address. -I don’t know, either. But I’ll tell you her address as soon as she ______ to m e. A. writes B. write C. wrote D. written 8.-I’m going on a trip to Japan after the exam. -Really? ___________! A. Have a nice time B. Congratulations C. OK D. It’s nice of you


八年级上册Unit2周测试卷 制卷:审核:备课组时间:总分:得分班级姓名一.单项选择(共15分) ( )1. _________ great fun it is! And ______ good time I'm having! A. What a ; what B. What; what a C. How a; how D. How; how a ( )2. Which of the following things is in Denmark? A. The Statue of Liberty. B. The Little Mermaid. C. The Sydney Opera House . D. Tower Bridge. ( )3. He with his family, but now he on his own. A. used to live; is used to living B. is used to living; used to live C. used to live; used to living D. is used to live; is used to living ( )4. –He's just back from work, _______? - _______. He won't come back until tomorrow. A. hasn't he; Yes, he has B. Hasn't he; No, he hasn't C. isn't he; Yes, he, is D. isn't he; No, he isn't ( )5. –She _________. Please be quiet! –What? It's seven a.m. I ______ for an hour. A. has just fallen asleep; have got up B. has just slept; have got up C. has just fallen asleep; have been up D. has just been asleep; have been up. ( )6. Hurry up. The play ________ for about half an hour. A. has begun B. had begun C. has been on D. began ( )7. There may be _________ in Mount Huang, but the weather is very nice. A. some rains B. some rain C. some rainy D. a lot of rains ( )8. Everyone is here _________ Tom and Lily. They _________ Shanghai. A. except for; have been to B. besides; have gone to C. beside; have been to D. except; have gone to ( )9. -_______ did your uncle leave his hometown? –He _______ for nearly twenty years. A. When; has left B. When; has been away C. How long; has left D. How long; has been away ( )10. - ______ Tom with his sister _________ the Leaning Tower of Pisa? - Yes, only once. A. Have; been in B. Has; been to C. Has; gone to D. Have; been to ( )11. Jim has many hobbies, ______ swimming, hiking, sailing. A. for example B. such as C. such for D. as the example of ( )12. We screamed and laugh _______ the whole trip. A. across B. through C. over D. on ( )13.—_____ to the United States? —No, never, but I went to Canada a few years ago. A. Have you been B. Have you gone C. Did you go D. Will you go ( )14. She has never been to Paris, ________? A. has she B. hasn't she C. does she D. doesn't she ( )15. –I'm going on a trip to Hong Kong after the exam. –Really? __________. A. Have a nice time. B. Congratulations. C. Ok. D. It's nice of you. 二.完形填空(共15分) Each of us makes mistakes from time to time. In fact, we can 16 a lot from our mistakes.


浅谈短跑途中跑的教学方法 【摘要】短跑中最重要的环节就是途中跑,它的任务就是达到最快速度。所以,途中跑直接关系到短跑成绩的好坏。这里,我谈一下如何提高途中跑教学的一点方法。 【关键词】短跑途中跑教学方法 【正文】 短跑是田径运动的基础,它对其他运动具有重要的作用。途中跑是短跑中距离最长的,占短跑的70%—80%;由此看来短跑成绩的好坏主要取决于途中跑的技术。因此,提高途中跑的技术是短跑教学的核心。 一、途中跑的技术练习 学习途中跑时要让学生知道在跑的过程中,动作要自然、大方、向前的要领,使学生在脑海中对动作有一种深刻的印象,再安排教学顺序对学生进行训练。 (一)50米反复跑3—5次,了解每个学生跑的情况。 (二)原地摆臂练习。要求:以肩关节为轴,前后自然摆臂,前摆时肘关节要露在胸前,后摆时手要露在背后,摆动协调有力。 (三)反复跑50—60米。要求:用50%—60%的速度,体会摆动腿前摆着地动作。 (四)原地高抬腿。要求:折叠高抬,向前摆动。和跑的衔接过渡要自然、连贯。 (五)变速加速跑。要求:站立式起跑后最高速度跑,等坚持不住时放松跑,反复练习体会最高速度的动作。 (六)20—30米小步跑。让学生体会跑的着地技术。

(七)直道进弯道跑。在直道上先跑15—20米左右,接着跑进弯道再跑20米左右。要求在进入弯道前身体逐渐向内倾斜。 (八)弯道进直道跑。弧顶开始起跑,接着进入直道。要求在跑出弯道的前几步,身体逐渐正直。 二、途中跑的身体练习 短跑成绩取决于跑的过程中的反应速度、加速能力、最大速度的保持能力。途中跑要求学生要有良好的速度力量和速度耐力。因此提高学生短跑途中跑的能力就要加强学生的身体练习。 (一)速度力量 1.上肢力量的练习:负重摆臂练习,注意节奏要有慢到快;也可以做引体向上、卧推等练习。 2.腰、腹部力量的练习:仰卧起坐,负重仰卧起坐;仰卧举腿,负重转体等。 3.下肢力量的练习:肩负下蹲、弓箭步、小步跑、原地双脚跳。跳台阶、跳栏架、上、下斜坡跑等可以增强下肢的爆发能力。 (二)速度耐力 1.20米—30米折返跑,强度在80%以上。 2.200—400米的重复跑; 3.100—200米的计时跑; 4.直道加速弯道减速跑、弯道加速直道减速跑的变速跑。 三、途中跑错误动作的纠正方法 (一)摆臂紧张,姿势不正确。纠正方法:进行徒手或负重摆臂练习。


初二英语上8Bunit2测试题 1. He has been away . A. since a month B. for a month C. for a month ago D. in a month 2.—have you lived here? —Since 1995. A. How far B. How long C. How often D. How soon 3. Do you know how long English? A. has he learned B. he has learned C. has he begun to learn D. he has begun to learn 4.great fun it is to fly in a balloon! A. What B. What a C. How a D. How 5. His sister’s never been to the Summer Palace, ? A. is he B. has he C. has she D. isn’t she 6. This time yesterday we trees. A、were planting B、are planting C、planted D、plant 7. The girl sat in the corner quietly none of us noticed she was there. A、such; that B、too; to C、so; that D、very; that 8 .We six days a week, but now we only work five days. A. used work B. are used to work C. used to working D. used to work 9. I in this city since I five. A. have lived ; was B. live ; was C. have lived ; have been D. live ; have been 10. He came to China 1998. A. after B. in C. for D. since 11. When did your father _____ your mother? A. marry B. marry to C. marry with D. get married 12. ---I’m going to have a holiday. ---_________ A.Goodbye. B. You’re right. C. It’s good. D. Have a good time 13. ---Have you ever been to the Great Wall? --- No,_____. A. haven’t B. hasn’t C. not D. never 14. He _____ be at home, because the light is on. A. must B. can’t C. can D .might 15. which of the following things is in Japan? A. The Leaning Tower B. The Great Wall C. The Golden Gate D. Mount Fuji 16. Uncle John his hometown for twelve years. A、left B、has left C、has gone D、has been away from


实践技能训练 实训(一)交换机的基本配置 实践目的 1.掌握交换机各种操作模式之间的切换方法 2.熟悉交换机各种操作模式下的基本操作 3.会查看交换机系统和配置信息 预备知识 交换机的配置方式有多种,如果是第一次配置交换机则必须使用控制(Console)端口进行配置。Console端口配置的方法是按“开始”|“所有程序”|“附件”|“通讯”|“超级终端”的步骤,打开“连接描述”窗口,输入连接名称,然后在弹出的“连接到”窗口中选择连接端口,并按交换机说明书设置相关参数即可。 通过Console端口设置了交换机相关配置后,还可以通过Telnet配置交换机。方法是执行“开始”|“运行”命令,在打开的“运行”窗口中输入命令“telnet IPaddress”连接交换机,这里IPaddress是交换机的管理地址。 另外,我们还可以通过浏览器、TFTP等方式配置交换机。 交换机的命令操作模式一般有:用户模式、特权模式、全局配置模式和端口模式等。 1.用户模式:用户登录到交换机后所处的第一个命令操作模式。在这个模式下只 能执行有限的一些命令,如查看系统信息、改变终端设置、简单测试等。此模 式下的交换机提示符为Switch> 2.特权模式:用户模式的下一级模式。在该模式下,可以执行ISO提供的所有命 令,如管理交换机配置文件、查看交换机配置信息等。特权模式下的交换机提 示符为Switch# 3.全局配置模式:是特权模式的下一级模式。我们可以在全局配置模式下配置全 局性的信息,如交换机的名字、登录信息等。此模式下的交换机提示符为 Switch(config)# 4.端口模式:属于全局配置模式的下一级模式。该模式下可以对交换机端口的描 述信息、通信方式、传输速率、VLAN划分等进行配置。端口模式下的交换机 提示符为Switch(config-if)# 5.VLAN数据库配置模式:属于全局配置模式的下一级模式。在此模式下可以进 行VLAN的创建、配置、删除等操作。端口模式下的交换机提示符为 Switch(config-vlan)# 实践设备: 交换机1台 实践拓扑图

8B Unit2 Travelling单元综合测试卷(A)

8B Unit2 Travelling单元综合测试卷(A) 一、单词拼写(10分) A)根据句意与汉语注释,写出单词得正确形式 1、I used to live in the_______(农村)and-l enjoyed the good environment there、 2.The_______(魔法)is frightening(令人惊恐得)sometimes, but many children like to watch it. 3、 The night view of the city is very_______(美妙得)、We like it very much、 4.The students shouted with joy when they heard the_______(激动人心得)news、 5、I have to pick up my friend in the_______(机场), so I can't go shopping with you、 6、 It is a_______(直接得)result of your careless action、 You should be careful next time、 7、 We have to go to work every day_______(除了)on some important days、 B)根据对话内容,写出所缺单词 8、-I heard you are_______ for London? -Yes、 I will take a boat there tomorrow morning、 9、 -So your dog has been_______ for five years? What happened? -Five years ago, a car hit it and took its life、 10、 -I_______ you so much, Linda、 Where did you go last month? -Oh, my leg was badly hurt and I had to stay in hospital、 二、单项填空(20分) ( )1、-Tomorrow is Sunday、 How do you spend it? -I want to go on _______ trip to_______ Great Wall、 A、 a; the B、 /; the C、 the; a D、the; / ( )2、-What's your hobby, Diana? -Well, I have many hobbies, _______ dancing, singing and water sports、 A、 instead of B、 because of C、 such as D、for example ( )3、-I'd like to introduce my best friend to you, Peter、 -Thank you, Lucy、 But we_______ already、 A、 meet B、 have met C、 will meet D、 met ( )4、-Where is the Statue of Liberty?-It's in _______、 A.France B.the USA C.Denmark D.Canada ( )5、The book_______Lucy's、100k!Her name is on the book cover、



教学技能练习题 一、单项选择 1.教师教育机构萌芽于() A.17世纪初 B.17世纪末 C.18世纪初 D.18世纪末 2.教学技能是教师在已有经验基础上,通过实践练习和反思体悟形成的一系列() A.教学行为方式 B.心智活动方式 C.教学行为和心智活动方式 D.操作活动方式3.教学技能发展的最高形态是() A.教学技巧 B.教学技艺 C.教学艺术 D.教学自动化 4.教师在教学过程中,旁人可以插话帮助教师改进教学的教学技能训练方法是() A.介入教学 B.教育教学实习 C.微格教学 D.模拟教学 5.介入教学是一种() A.教学方法 B.教学技能 C.学习方法 D.教学技能训练方法 6.利用现代教学技术手段来训练教师教学技能的实践性较强的方法是() A.微格教学 B.介入教学 C.录音训练法 D.模拟教学

7.教案的最重要的部分是() A.概况 B.教学过程 C.板书设计 D.教学后记 8.整个教学技能的核心是() A.备课技能 B.课堂教学技能 C.学法指导技能 D.教学反思技能 9.课堂教学中最简单和最常用的一种导入方法是() A.直接导入 B.复习导入 C.情景导入 D.问题导入 10.教师通过提出富有启发性的问题,进而引出新的教学内容的方法是() A.直接导入 B.复习导入 C.情景导入 D.问题导入 11.教师从探讨题意入手导入新课的方法是() A.直接导入 B.审题导入 C.情景导入 D.问题导入 12.课堂教学最主要最常用的方式是() A.课堂导入 B.课堂讲授 C.课堂提问 D.课堂板书 13.教师通过语言对教材内容进行解释、说明、分析、论证等,引导学生理解和掌握知识的讲授方式是() A.讲述 B.讲读 C.讲解 D.讲演 14.布鲁姆把课堂提问划分为回忆提问、理解提问等六


51卷第2期(总第190期)中国造船V ol.51 No.2 (Serial No. 190) 2010年6月 SHIPBUILDING OF CHINA June. 2010 文章编号:1000-4882 (2010) 02-0184-06 船艇机舱综合模拟训练系统的设计研究 余世林1,陈辉2,宁海强1,王术新1 (1.镇江船艇学院,镇江,212003; 2.武汉理工大学能动学院,武汉,430063) 摘要 从船艇机舱装备的使用管理要求出发,结合船队实际训练需要,吸收各种轮机模拟训练器研究的成功经验,综合运用虚拟技术、故障诊断技术和网络技术等,开发船艇机舱综合模拟训练系统。具体介绍了系统结 构、系统组成和功能、系统设计和实现方法,提出了一种集船艇机舱装备的操作使用和管理、监控报警、故 障诊断、虚拟维修、考核评分等功能的综合模拟训练系统。经实践证明,该系统功能全面,结构设计合理, 实现方法简便可行,可替代实船开展机电人员培训,效率高、周期短、成本低。 关键词:船艇机舱;综合模拟;故障诊断;虚拟维修 中图分类号:U676.4 文献标识码:A 0 引言 随着计算机软硬件技术、图形显示技术、通讯技术、人工智能等相关技术的发展,虚拟现实技术也取得了突破性进展,并广泛应用于军事、机械、建筑等领域[1]。利用虚拟技术开发的各种轮机训练模拟器、虚拟维修训练系统已应用于实际,取得了良好的使用效果。 船艇机舱设备复杂,涉及学科领域广泛;尤其在浅滩、大风浪等特殊工况下,管理要求高,故障诊断难度大,维修困难。因受装备条件、地理条件、气候条件等方面的限制,利用实船进行训练很难实施;这样就导致许多训练课目难以达到训练要求。因此,必须综合应用先进仿真技术、研制船艇机舱综合模拟训练系统、替代实装进行机舱综合训练、改善当前船艇机舱综合训练现状、丰富培训手段和方法、降低训练成本、提高训练效果,从而对培养高水平船艇机电管理专业技术人才,提高船艇机舱的综合保障水平具有重要意义。 1 系统结构和工作流程 1.1系统结构 船艇机舱综合模拟训练系统的结构示于图1,该系统的核心是实时仿真支撑平台,由支撑平台进行集中管理和调度各个功能子系统,实时反映各子系统的运行状态和训练过程。该系统主要由船艇机舱仿真系统、操作管理模拟平台、故障模拟系统、监控报警系统、虚拟拆装系统和考核评分系统组成。 收稿日期:2009-08-28;修改稿收稿日期:2010-04-26 基金项目:某总部科研项目(2007YY037)

牛津译林版八年级下册(新):8B Unit2 Travelling单元综合测试卷(A)

8B Unit2 Travelling单元综合测试卷(A) 一、单词拼写(10分) A)根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式 1.I used to live in the_______(农村)and-l enjoyed the good environment there. 2.The_______(魔法)is frightening(令人惊恐的)sometimes, but many children like to watch it. 3. The night view of the city is very_______(美妙的).We like it very much. 4.The students shouted with joy when they heard the_______(激动人心的)news. 5.I have to pick up my friend in the_______(机场), so I can't go shopping with you. 6. It is a_______(直接的)result of your careless action. You should be careful next time. 7. We have to go to work every day_______(除了)on some important days. B)根据对话内容,写出所缺单词 8.-I heard you are_______ for London? -Yes. I will take a boat there tomorrow morning. 9. -So your dog has been_______ for five years? What happened? -Five years ago, a car hit it and took its life. 10. -I_______ you so much, Linda. Where did you go last month? -Oh, my leg was badly hurt and I had to stay in hospital. 二、单项填空(20分) ( )1.-Tomorrow is Sunday. How do you spend it? -I want to go on _______ trip to_______ Great Wall. A. a; the B. /; the C. the; a D. the; / ( )2.-What's your hobby, Diana? -Well, I have many hobbies, _______ dancing, singing and water sports. A. instead of B. because of C. such as D. for example ( )3.-I'd like to introduce my best friend to you, Peter. -Thank you, Lucy. But we_______ already. A. meet B. have met C. will meet D. met ( )4.-Where is the Statue of Liberty?-It's in _______. A.France B.the USA C.Denmark D.Canada ( )5.The book_______Lucy's.100k!Her name is on the book cover. A. may be B. mustn't be C. must be D. can't be ( )6.Our foreign teacher _______ Wuxi for three years. A.came to B. has been in C.has gone to D.has come t。 ( )7. - _______ has your grandpa lived here? -Since last year. A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How far


社会实践能力训练 1.适应能力 适应能力反映了个人的综合素质,它和一个人的知识技能、思想品德以及创造能力等有着密切的关系。一个人如果拥有较强的适应能力就可以比较快的适应一个全新的环境,即便是在比困境下也可以将不利的因素转化为有利因素,进而获得成功。 2.际关系处理能力 人际关系能力所指的就是人际反应能力和人际感受能力的综合,人际感受能力是对别人以及别人和自身关系的察觉能力,人际反应能力则是对别人以及别人对自身影响的行为应对能力。人际关系的处理不止是针对毕业生的,每一个人都应当具备人际关系处理能力。在学校期间如果不具备较好的人际关系处理能力就容易和同学之间产生矛盾,不利于结交更多的朋友;如果在职场过程中不具备较好的人际关系处理能力,就会处理不好与同事、上级之间的关系,严重的就会淘汰。因此对于运动训练专业学生毕业生来说应当具备良好的人际关系处理能力,以便于在今后的就业中去的积极的作用。 3.组织管理能力和决策能力 每一个人在工作的过程中都会不同程度地使用组织管理能力,这是当代社会对于人才提出的新的要求。在大学生进行活动的时候,进行培养组织管理能力时应当注意两点:第一个就是要适时的抓住机遇进而锻炼自己;第二个就是要向他人学习,取长补短。决策能力就是一个人在面临多种选择的时候能够果断、及时地做出选择的能力,它能够让你通过比较少的努力而去的较大的收获。在进行培养决策能力时应当要注意以下几点:增强自己的信心;克服盲目从众的心理;注意掌握全局,不要刻意要求尽善尽美。 4.表达能力和沟通能力 表达能力主要包含了文字的表达能力、口头表达能力以及数字表达能力等方面。在这里就要掌握以下几点:首先就是要敢于说出来,这是将口才练好的前提条件;再者就要做到有话可说,这是将口才练好的基础条件;其次就是要善于谈话,这是将口才练好的关键条件。文字表达能力同时也是各类高级人才所必须具备的一个基本素质,而目前应届毕业生他们的文字表达能力总体来说并不是很好,

牛津英语8B Unit2 单元周考试测试卷(有答案)

牛津英语8B Unit2 周测试卷 一.根据句意及所给中文提示、首字母或英文解释,写出句子所缺单词,每空限填词。 1.Li Ming l______Nantong for Shanghai this morning. 2.---- What do you think of the cake?- It's _______ (very nice to taste). 3. Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf is a very good Chinese c_______ film. 4. I'll meet you at the ________ (a place where planes can take off and land). 5. Simon lives in a big family. But he doesn't know all his______ (亲戚)names. 6. Who can find a ______ (very great) way to deal with air pollution? 7. I don't think it is safe to drive at high ______ (速度). 8. Children like to play on the ______ (something that forms beaches). 9. We can often see ______ (no longer alive) dogs and cats killed by cars on the road. 10. Because of the bad weather, our______(生意) hasn't been good for weeks. 11. - -What's the main c________in the play?- -Snow White. 12. It is about two hours’ bus r_______ to the centre of the city. 二、根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Sandy with her parents______ (wait) for a bus when I passed by. 2. How many cities ___________ you ____________ (travel) to over the last five year. 3. ______ (final) , we got to the top of the mountain. 4. Mr Li told us that sound________( travel) through air at the speed of 340 metres per second.3. 5.Young people usually think ______________(travel) is exciting. 6. You can do anything you like except ___________(make) any noise. What’s Mr Wu’s ______ (fly) number? I want to meet him at the airport. 7. ---- Where _________ he ____________ (go) just now? ---- I ______________ (not ask) him because he just came back. 8. I've lost my pen. _________ you __________ (see) it anywhere? 9.The boy hurried____________ (catch) the early bus. 10.. We were all amazed at the (beautiful) of the sunrise. 三、单项选择。 1. ---Did you enjoy the trip to Hong Kong? ---- Yes, very much. The_______ Space Mountain ride made me quite________. A. exciting; exciting B. excited; excited C. exciting; excited D. excited; exciting 2. (2018.太仓二模)----I haven't seen John for some time, ------He and his family______ to Beijing to visit his grandparents. They will come back tomorrow morning. A. went B. will go C. have been D, have gone


8BUnit2综合测考试题及答案 姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________ 一、完成句子(共4题) 1.词汇;根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The girl looks beautiful in the ______(shine) red silk. 2. Jay sang the song________(beautiful). 3. The water in the river is_______(harm). You can drink it without cooking. 4. Can you tell me the ______(mean) of this word? 5. The Green family had a ______(delight) holiday last week. 【答案】1. shiny 2. beautifully 3. harmless 4. meaning 5. delightful 难度:中等知识点:构词法 2.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1. The film is about the Long M_______? Have you ever seen it? 2. I’m going to fly there. Would you buy two a_______ tickets for me? 3. Let’s buy some pens and pencils at the s__________ shop. 4. When Tim saw me, he w_______ his hand to me. 5. You must wait for your turn in l_________. 【答案】1. March 2. air 3. stationery 4. waved 5. line 难度:中等知识点:单词拼写 3.句型转换;按要求改写句子。 1.Simon gets up at half past six every morning.(用yesterday morning替换every morning) Simon_____ ______ up at half past six yesterday morning. 2. I was watching TV when you called me.(改为一般疑问句) _____ ______ watching TV when I called you? 3. Alex was doing his homework from eight to ten last night.(改为否定句) Alex_____ ______ his homework from eight to ten last night. 4. I was __________________ at that time.(对划线部分提问) ____ were you____ at that time? 5.The trip is __________________.(对划线部分提问) ____ do you ____ ____ the trip? 【答案】1. was getting 2. Were you 3. wasn’t doing 4. What, doing 5. What, think about 难度:中等知识点:句型转换 4.句子翻译 1.这是我在中国的第二天。 This is _____ _____ _____ in China.


附录一:实践技能训练 实训(一)交换机的基本配置 实践目的 1.掌握交换机各种操作模式之间的切换方法 2.熟悉交换机各种操作模式下的基本操作 3.会查看交换机系统和配置信息 预备知识 交换机的配置方式有多种,如果是第一次配置交换机则必须使用控制(Console)端口进行配置。Console端口配置的方法是按“开始”|“所有程序”|“附件”|“通讯”|“超级终端”的步骤,打开“连接描述”窗口,输入连接名称,然后在弹出的“连接到”窗口中选择连接端口,并按交换机说明书设置相关参数即可。 通过Console端口设置了交换机相关配置后,还可以通过Telnet配置交换机。方法是执行“开始”|“运行”命令,在打开的“运行”窗口中输入命令“telnet IPaddress”连接交换机,这里IPaddress是交换机的管理地址。 另外,我们还可以通过浏览器、TFTP等方式配置交换机。 交换机的命令操作模式一般有:用户模式、特权模式、全局配置模式和端口模式等。 1.用户模式:用户登录到交换机后所处的第一个命令操作模式。在这个模式下只 能执行有限的一些命令,如查看系统信息、改变终端设置、简单测试等。此模 式下的交换机提示符为Switch> 2.特权模式:用户模式的下一级模式。在该模式下,可以执行ISO提供的所有命 令,如管理交换机配置文件、查看交换机配置信息等。特权模式下的交换机提 示符为Switch# 3.全局配置模式:是特权模式的下一级模式。我们可以在全局配置模式下配置全 局性的信息,如交换机的名字、登录信息等。此模式下的交换机提示符为 Switch(config)# 4.端口模式:属于全局配置模式的下一级模式。该模式下可以对交换机端口的描 述信息、通信方式、传输速率、VLAN划分等进行配置。端口模式下的交换机 提示符为Switch(config-if)# 5.VLAN数据库配置模式:属于全局配置模式的下一级模式。在此模式下可以进 行VLAN的创建、配置、删除等操作。端口模式下的交换机提示符为 Switch(config-vlan)# 实践设备: 交换机1台 实践拓扑图

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