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飞蛾之死读后感 英文

飞蛾之死读后感 英文
飞蛾之死读后感 英文

The Appreciation of The Death of the Moth

To be honest, I could not understand this article at the very start. It should be said that I could not understand all of the Stream of Consciousness Novels including this one before realizing the writing background of them.

I can just say that I like the following words mightily, it shocked me deeply:“One’s sympathies, of course, were all on the side of life. Also, when there was nobody to care or to know, this gigantic effort on the part of an insignificant little moth, against a power of such magnitude, to retain what no one else valued or desired to keep, moved one strangely. Again, somehow, one saw life, a pure bead.” “As I looked at the dead moth, this minute wayside triumph of so great a force over so mean an antagonist filled me with wonder. Just as life had been strange a few minutes before, so death was now as strange .The moth having righted himself now lay most decently and uncomplainingly composed. O yes, he seemed to say, death is stronger than I am.”

After contacting with the writing background, this article by Woolf is very easy to make people think of the Second World War. Compared to the writers who more eager to direct describe people suffering the lives of war, Woolf avoided direct description. The article indirectly reflects the war haze by an insignificant moth, which brings the death of innocent and a sense of helplessness to human beings.

Why Woolf must go to describe the dying process of a moth? Just because of sympathy? It is clear that the meaning of the article to be more deep-seated. We all

know that the theme of this essay is life and death. It may be difficult to imagine for modern people, but some who was living in the war at that time will link the humble but great moth to his own life. A moth can do through with nature, with the directly fighting with death to display a life can have value, how much more will is a human?

I am afraid that this reflection of life and death is what the author really wanted to express.

The moth in the article, knowing that he is impossible to stack up the call of the nature, but still fight against with death for his own resistance, her courage, her spirit, in our human eyes become more and more great. Such behavior obviously can affect humans to think their own positions in nature and what actions can be taken.

In nature, human beings are really small, but this doesn't mean, we will give in to it. We must believe that we can conquer the nature and death as the moth do. Death, in fact, in another sense, is a rebirth. Spirit is always existed. I guess that Woolf's purpose is also here, with a moth which has no relation with human to cause human thoughts.

We are in a time of peace, life and death for us, are not as sensitive as those people who living in World War II. When we are face with difficulties and setbacks, there should be what a kind of attitude, we should give in to it or brave to face it. I believe that when we know how to do that, we also will be respected, and our personality in the hearts of others will become noble.

In a word, no matter it is good or bad, these above are my real thoughts of The Death of the Moth.


电影观后感作文300字两篇 《仙境之桥》品鉴会 星期日的下午,我坐在温州市少儿图书馆二楼多功能厅里,看《仙境之桥》,听品鉴会。 导师名叫侯白峰,我们叫他Mr. hou 。Mr. hou 先告诉我们这部电影是由外国的一位老奶奶编的,里面的主演是一位小男孩,他现在已经是外国的一个很厉害的导演了。还有一位小女孩,她现在长得很漂亮。好了,就让我讲讲内容吧! 八年级有一个小男孩,有一天来了一位女孩,很多人常常欺负她。有一天回家,她和小男孩一起走了一条路,原来小女孩就是他的邻居。 只到有一天,小女孩带着小男孩来到属于他们俩的地方,但必须先拯救那个地方,每次拯救都很成功,让我意想不到的是那里的松果居然是弹药,那里的巨人的脚底大概有10头大象那么大。除此之外,让全场人难过的就是小女孩荡绳子的时候,绳子断了,女孩掉到了水里死了,男孩很生气、很恼怒...... 侯老师说:“这部电影并不是悲伤的一部电影,而是一总幻想电影。”这次看电影让我学到了很多知识。 好看的《抢夺坚果店》 1 ————来源网络整理,仅供供参考

星期天的下午2:15,晓眉阿姨带我和海成哥哥来到新中国影都看《抢夺坚果店》。 来到电影院,我和海成哥哥一起进入了三号厅,只见厅门旁边有一个大大的“3”。我和海成哥哥来到第7排的1号椅子和2号椅子上。 电影即将开始,天花板的灯光刹那间关了,好像突然停电了。电影开始了,有一群松鼠,他们有一位首领。除此之外,还有一只流浪松鼠,还有一只老鼠,它们是被赶出去的。 冬天快到了,松鼠们的粮食很少,首领派了两只松鼠去找食物。我想告诉你,不知谁把松鼠们的大树给烧毁了。不久那只流浪松鼠发现了一个大仓库,里面装着很多坚果,松鼠准备全部搬走,正好那些人们在挖地道,地道通向银行,他们准备偷钱。 直到有一天,他们开车想运到另一个地方,松鼠们也在上面打闹,可不幸的是警察来了,不知道怎么的,地裂了,车子都掉了下去...... 这部电影非常有趣,让我明白了友谊的珍贵。电影看完后,我们还可以用票来换牛奶。 这部电影可真好看。 ————来源网络整理,仅供供参考 2


《呼啸山庄》读后感300字_中学生《呼啸山庄》读书笔记 《呼啸山庄》是英国女作家勃朗特姐妹之一艾米莉·勃朗特的作品,下面小编为大家收集整理了“《呼啸山庄》读后感300字”,欢迎阅读与借鉴! 《呼啸山庄》读后感300字1 《呼啸山庄》到底凭借什么成为了一部不朽之作呢?首先它没有受到城市里大众化的影响和控制,完全描绘出了一个原汁原味的山村荒野的景象。使人们领略了一个完全不同的世界。故事中的主人公都保留着原始的性格:爱起来不顾一切,恨起来不计后果。这一切的一切在我们这些长期受到传统礼仪的约束的人们看来就显得非常特别,非常有新鲜感。有人说《呼啸山庄》是“人间情爱最宏伟的史诗”要我说这都要归功于作者艾米莉?勃朗特极丰富想象力;极强烈的激情;极深刻的内心体验和她那把主题升华的才华和能力。我认为这些也就是为什么《呼啸山庄》能如此畅销的原因了。 当我回味着这本书的深刻内涵和本质时,我发现在《呼啸山庄》中我学到了许许多多,其中另我感触最深的是它教会了我保持人性的尊严和心灵的自由。无论我们面临着多么严峻的挑战或是多么残酷的考验,我们都应该向往自由。 《呼啸山庄》读后感300字2 书,一向是我的最爱,这不,寒假期间,我一下子把十大名着全买来了。其中,《呼啸山庄》给我的启示。 文中死亡希刺克厉夫既让人同情,又让人气恼。他爱凯瑟琳,为了她不顾一切,可因为凯瑟琳的虚荣最终使希刺克里夫成为魔鬼。他报复她,到头来痛苦的是他自己。 上一代的恩怨使无辜的孩子受到牵连,林顿因为父亲的不管不问,最终走向死亡。而哈里顿和凯蒂心中有爱,幸福的生活在一起。希刺克里夫不知为何,死于非命。故事的结局令人感慨万千,它使我明白,处心积虑地报复别人,不但会使自己身心疲惫,还会伤害到许多人。可结果,往往是徒劳无功,甚至是讽刺的。所以,应该宽容的对待别人。 合上书,心里思潮起伏。我站起身,眺望远方,思绪飞走了好远…… 《呼啸山庄》读后感300字3


The Happy Prince Oscar Wilde High above the city, on a tall column, stood the statue of the Happy Prince. He was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt. HIGH above the city, on a tall column, stood the statue of the Happy Prince. He was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt. He was very much admired indeed. ‘He is as beautiful as a weathercock,’ remarked one of the Town Councillors who wished to gain a reputation for he added, fearing lest people having artistic tastes; ‘only not quite so useful,’  should think him unpractical, which he really was not. ‘Why can’t you be like the Happy Prince’ asked a sensible mother of her little boy who was crying for the moon. ‘The Happy Prince never dreams of crying for anything.’ muttered a ‘I am glad there is some one in the world who is quite happy,’  disappointed man as he gazed at the wonderful statue. ‘He looks just like an angel,’  said the Charity Children as they came out of the cathedral in their bright scarlet cloaks, and their clean white pinafores. ‘How do you know’ said the Mathematical Master, ‘you have never seen one. ‘Ah! but we have, in our dreams,’ answered the children; and the Mathematical Master frowned and looked very severe, for he did not approve of children dreaming. One night there flew over the city a little Swallow. His friends had gone away to Egypt six weeks before, but he had stayed behind, for he was in love with the most beautiful Reed. He had met her early in the spring as he was flying down the river after a big yellow moth, and had been so attracted by her slender waist that he had stopped to talk to her. ‘Shall I love you’ said the Swallow, who liked to come to the point at once, and the Reed made him a low bow. So he flew round and round her, touching the water with his wings, and making silver ripples. This was his courtship, and it lasted all through the summer. ‘It is a ridiculous attachment,’ twittered the other Swallows, ‘she has and far too many relations;’ and indeed the river was quite full of Reeds. Then, when the autumn came, they all flew away.


呼啸山庄读后感英文版 本文是关于读后感的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 呼啸山庄读后感英文版 Many people in the world are trying to find a perfect companion.Some of these may marry and not know what their new husband or wife is like.This kind of situation often leads to separation or hostility. Other situations may develop between two friends that stem from jealousy, desire for revenge, uncaring parents, etc. Emily Bront?'s Wuthering Heights displays several characteristics of destructive relationships. Three of these are uncaring parents, marriage without knowing the person, and jealousy. Uncaring or unsympathizing parents are shown throughout this story to be an element of destructive relationships. Because Heathcliff gained all the attention from Mr. Earnshaw, Hindley became disassociated from his father. This separation continued until after Mr. Earnshaw had died.Another example is between Hindley and Hareton. Hindley became such a drunk and a gambler that he could not properly care for young Hareton. This led to a separation between Hareton and his father as well. One primary example


5年级读后感5篇 5年级读后感5篇(一) 《滴水穿石的启示》读后感 滴水穿石的精神让李时珍编撰出医学巨着《本草纲目》;滴水穿石的精神让爱迪生创造了数不清的生活用品;滴水穿石的精神让白石老人的绘画技艺达到了炉火纯青的境界;滴水穿石的精神让我们憧得了持之以恒,目标专一才能取得成功的道理。 最近,我们学完了《滴水穿石的启示》这篇课文。从前,我也读过类似的课文。不过,我觉得这种课文既无趣又难理解。可是,这一次,我被触动了。我深刻地了解了滴水穿石的精神有多么重要。通过这三位名人,我体会到成功前必须专注、刻苦。三位名人的例子让我思绪万千…… 在两年级暑假,我上了一个数学补习班。在补习班里,我们要读很多东西,要背很多东西。这需要很大的功夫。有一些同学半途而废,退学了。我也免不了有这样的想法。那时,我真的很纠结。不过,为了学好数学,我坚持!我在一次次跌倒中汲取了教训,在一次次成功中明白了道理。我就是要有滴水穿石的精神。不是吹嘘,现在在学校里我的数学成绩还是有进步的呢! 在我们的人生道路上,一定会碰到许多事,会遇到许多困难。当然,如果你半途而废,此事就会变得难上加难。不过只要你坚持不懈、

持之以恒,持有滴水穿石的精神,这事就会变得简单,你就会无往不胜! 5年级读后感5篇(二) 读《一千零一夜》有感 我最近读了一本书;;《一千零一夜》,这本书使我一生受用。 《一千零一夜》这本书讲了很久以前有一个国王,他每天都让他的丞相给他找一个美女,第二天就把她给杀了因此当地的人都把女儿送到外到地去,直到有一天他再也找不到女孩了这时候他的女儿看出了爸爸的心事说:“爸爸让我去吧,我会战胜困难的。”爸爸一开始不同意,可在女儿的一再要求下父亲勉强同意了。就这样那个女孩给国王讲了一晚的故事,可第二天女孩总说:“国王我有一些忘了让我回去想一下。”国王每天就这样放了他。过了一千零一夜国王就被这个女孩感动了,不再做以前的错事了。 读了《一千零一夜》让我明白了:知识和智慧可以战胜一切困难。 5年级读后感5篇(三) 《快乐王子》读后感 放暑假,妈妈在凤凰书城买了一本书,这本书的名字叫《快乐王子》,它是英国作家奥斯卡。王尔德所着的。这本书讲述的是一个助人为乐、乐于奉献的快乐王子的故事。 快乐王子的塑像耸立在市中心,他的身上缀满了纯金箔片,眼睛是用两粒闪闪发亮的蓝宝石做的,他的剑柄上还有一颗大大的红宝石。漂亮极了!可是,快乐王子为了帮助生活贫穷的人们,在小燕子


英语版呼啸山庄读后感5篇 《呼啸山庄》英文读后感 The whole story make peoples mood heavy. Fortunately, the end is happy. The author Emily Bronte lived an eccentric, closely guarded life. She was born in 1818, two years after Charlottethe author of Jane Eyre and a year and a half before her sister Anne, who also became an author. Her father worked as a church rector, and her aunt, who raised the Bronte children after their mother died, was deeply religious. Emily Bronte did not take to her aunts Christian fervor, the character of Joseph, a caricature of an evangelical, may have been inspired by her aunts religiosity. The Brontes lived in Haworth, a Yorkshire village in the midst of the moors. These wild, desolate expanseslater the setting of Wuthering Heightsmade up the Brontes daily environment, and Emily lived among them her entire life. She died in 1848, at the age of thirty. I like this book because it rest on the unforgettable characters. Wuthering Heights is based partly on the Gothic tradition, a style of literature that featured supernatural encounters, crumbling ruins, moonless nights, and grotesque

The happy prince快乐王子英文读后感

The happy prince The happy prince is a famous fairy tale written by Oscar Wilde. When I first heard the book’s name, I thought it must be an interesting story about the happy life of the prince or about the romantic love between the prince and princess. However, it was a sad story. The prince devoted himself to the happiness of others. I was greatly touched by what the prince and the little swallow have done. This book mainly tells the story about the happy prince and a swallow. They are the embodiments of the true, the good and the beautiful. In fact, the prince is just a statue standing high above the city. Once he was a happy prince living in the palace of Sans-Souci and he didn’t know what sorrow was. Now as a statue, his body was gilded with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt. He could see all the ugliness and all the misery of the city. He sympathized with the sufferings of the poor. The little swallow was going to Egypt to enjoy the warm spring. He was moved by the prince’s kindness. Later he became the messenger of the prince and was


呼啸山庄读后感大全 在寒假里,我读了呼啸山庄这部名着。它被称为是人间情爱的最宏伟史诗,向我们讲述了一个有关爱情和复仇的故事,情节曲折,紧扣人心,带给人一种超乎想象的震撼力。 读了此书,我首先对此书的作者有了很多的了解。呼啸山庄的作者艾米莉勃朗特在世上仅仅度过了三十个春秋,其一生都是非常不幸的,可以说是充满了孤苦和凄凉。她于1818年7月30日出生于英国北部约克郡一个贫穷的牧师家庭。早期曾和姐姐夏洛蒂一样就读于柯恩桥学校和伍勒小姐学校,并于姐姐到比利时学习了一段时间,但是绝大部分时间她还是在家自学。自幼爱好写作的她曾在十二岁时就和妹妹安妮一起创作了贡达尔史诗以及大量的抒情诗。1840年后,她呕心沥血写成了着名的呼啸山庄,并于1847年2月出版,可惜的是,仅仅一年后,她短短的一生便画上了凄凉的句号。 此外,我主要在写作上学到了很多东西,就是以下几个方面:我发现,文中的故事并不离奇,但给人的感觉十分粗犷,野蛮,并且能抓琢者的心。之所以这样,是因为作者为故事选择了一个独特的背景,即一片狂风呼啸的荒野。透过作者的描写,我们可以看到依然保持着大自然风貌和原始本性的故事主角。所以加上了这样没有被城市文明熏陶过的背景的渲染,使故事更加富有激情,原汁原味。可见,在写故事时加上适当的背景渲染,会使情节更有震撼力。 还有,在读故事时,我还发现作者描写人物外貌,人物对话和环境时语言十分独特,与中国文学一点也不一样。作者的语言中总带有一些自己的想象和联想。例如,作者描写埃德加时,有这样一句话哎,他要真有本事离开,就好想说一只

猫能舍得离开一只咬得快死的耗子,或是吃剩一半的鸟儿。再比如,文中还有一句写希思克利夫与埃德加对比的话一个就像是荒凉萧瑟的煤矿,一个却像是春暖花开,繁荣美丽的河谷这种独特的语言也是此书的魅力之一。所以我也学到了一点就是在写作是要有自己的风格。 这也许不是一个十分离奇的故事,可是,它却带给人们一种超乎想象的震撼力,使每一个读到它的人都心潮澎湃,久久不能平静。 今天,终于把呼啸山庄看完了。一个对爱情怀着无比圣洁的心情的人—希思克利夫,面对失去了这种圣洁的不幸,他采取了这人世间残酷的折磨,去报复他的对头,而且这种折磨居然伴随他度过了后半生。希思克利夫和凯瑟琳爱情,不够甜美,不够浪漫,但却是那样深刻,那样催人泪下。我最喜欢其中的几段话,于是就摘抄了下来: 我爱他脚下的土地,他头上的天空,我爱他碰过的一切东西,他说的每一句话,我爱他所有的表情,他的一举一动,爱他的整个人,爱他的一切。 这段话是当凯瑟琳?肖恩被恩太太问及为什么要答应埃德加?林敦的求婚时的表白,虽然我知道凯瑟琳爱埃德加远没有到这种地步,但是她的话还是令我感动。也许她这样的表白大概是说给希思克利夫的听的吧! 我活着的最大目的,就是他。即使别的一切全部消亡了,只要他留下来,我就能继续活下去;而要是别的一切都留下来,只要他给毁灭了,那整个世界就成了一个极其陌生的地方,我就不再像是他的一部分了。我对林敦的爱,就像林中的树叶。我很清楚,当冬天使树叶发生变化时,时光也会使叶子发生变化。而我对希思克利夫的爱,恰似脚下恒久不变的岩石,它虽然给你的欢乐看起来很少,可是必不可少。


电影仙境之桥观后感 《仙境之桥》是一部拍摄于XX年的美国奇幻电影,导语: 影片改编自在中国出生的美国女作家凯塞琳帕特森1977年的畅销儿童图书《通往特雷比西亚的桥》本文是品才网小编精心收集的,仅供参考! 电影仙境之桥观后感什么是好的电影呢?其实只要用心去看,会有好多电影值得我们去细细品味。它并不需要华丽。 仙境之桥是我在英语课上看到的,当初叫做寻找奇幻地,之所以要写下这篇观后感是因为却说被打动了,据说还有些女生在看这部电影时就哭了。而我现在也下载了这部电影的国语版,也算作为一生的珍藏吧。 先说说个人的感受吧,这是一部感人且励志的影片,它通过细小的细节的刻画诠释了友谊的厚重,尤其对于现在麻木的我们,这些整天忙碌的学生,试着想想,你儿时的玩伴现在叫上名字的还有几个,对于我们这些忘记了珍惜,忘记了童年的学生来说,他显得更加具有深刻的启示,它给我们带来的不仅是一份独特的生活体验,而是一份懂得,一份成长。 从学习者的角度来看这部影片,这又是一部值得学习的影片,无论对于学习写作还是拍摄dv等等的人来说,都是

如此,它用了独特的叙事手法,大部分场景取材与学校,在人们心中那个快乐的天堂,让人们觉得在这个安逸的地方,不会发生任何悲剧性的事,然而呢。还有通过家与学校的结合,来刻画主人公的心里的矛盾,从主人公内心的不断成长到最后所获的东西(其实所获得的每个人看完影片都会有不同的感受,到底是什么,在这就不说了,大家自己在影片中找寻吧),从题材来看,现实与奇幻的结合,揭示了现实与梦想的距离,也对比出了现实与理想的差别。通过一个小小的桥来连接,有心桥的寓意,个人是这么认为的。然而,这座桥是不断变化的,从绳索到独木桥再到木桥,每个阶段都有不同的含意。这也从某种层面上揭示了孩子需要家长和社会的关心,不然,那早就不会只是一个绳索了。本片最大的特点是对比手法的用运,理想与现实,富裕与贫穷,霸道与善良,颜料盒与狗等等。还有值得一提的就是悬念的运用了,只通过一句,“河水又涨高了”,就铺设了一个关键的为最后发生戏剧性转变的铺设性情节。还有就是欲抑先扬的手法控制观众心理,通过人们认为主人公开始收获自己的幸福是,反而后来事情的发生,让架设的悬念更具有鲜明的对吧,和深刻的意义。也从另一方面说明了人生其实是不可预知的。 最后,说说这部电影的背景,这是一部改编自小说的电影,当时作者的儿子发生了意外,为了纪念,作者写下了这

读《呼啸山庄》有感 英文版

The feeling of reading Wuthering Heights 1477 2014111783 周创会计三班Wuthering Heights by a tragic love story, to show a picture of society's life, outlines the society caused by the distortion of human nature and its dreadful events. The story is in fact gradually spread through four stages: the first phase describes the childhoods of Heathcliff and Catherine live in; a foundling and a miss in this special environment forms the special feeling, as well as their resistance against Hindley despotic tyranny. Phase Two focuses on describing Catherine from vanity, ignorance and stupidity, breaking with Heathcliff, became the mistress of Thrushcross Grange. Third stage how much ink in depicting Heathcliff in despair into revenge plot and action filled with hate. Despite Heathcliff's death would only give the final stages, was highlighted when he learnt that Hareton are revealed after falling in love with Katie, thought having a brand new change--human nature recovery, thus making this a frightening tragedy revealed a bunch of consolation to the light of hope. Therefore, Heathcliff's love hate revenge of a recovery of the human nature, the essence of the novel, and runs through a red line. Authors in this context, textual layout, changing scene, sometimes cloudy, the wilderness of their beds, rain sometimes and unrelenting, dark,


快乐王子英语读后感 导读: 快乐王子英语读后感 statue of the legislation in the city center onto a piece of pure gold. His eyes are two bright sapphires, there is a big ruby in his hand holds the hilt on sparkling. Can to help poor people, the Flying Swallow with the help of the pure gold and precious stones film gave people in need of help. Finally, the Flying Swallow has been frozen to death. The Happy Prince is also due to dilapidated and were removed. Later, someone asked The Happy Prince: "Do you help others, they destroyed themselves, worth it?" The Happy Prince without regret to say: As long as I have made to give others happiness, I have been happier. Is certainly worthwhile. Yes ah, this is how a simple if it! Others happy, is his happiness. Our happiness based on other people's happiness above. Britain's Prince Fan Zhongyan ancients of China's "first and worry about all over the world, after everyone else to enjoy," the famous saying. Which is not that we are advocating the moral life it? On the initiative of such thinking, in our lives appear as numerous as the Happy Prince, it is respected.


呼啸山庄英语读后感范文 《呼啸山庄》大家都看过吗?看过知道他的英文版读后感怎么写吗?下面是由小编整理的《呼啸山庄》英文读后感,欢迎大家查看。 Thoughts or reflections on reading Wuthering Heights The book was written by Emily Bronte, it published in 1847.But at that time, it seemed to hold little promise, selling very poorly and receiving only a few mixed reviews. I found this in our school library, I chose this book because the title attracted me. The book is structured around two parallel love stories, the first half of the novel centering on the love between Catherine and Heathcliff, while the less dramatic second half features the developing love between young Catherine and Hareton. In contrast to the first, the latter tale ends happily, restoring peace and order to Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange. In the story, the two houses, Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, represent opposing worlds and values. I spent twenty days reading this book. After reading this book, I felt for Heathcliff at first. Heathcliff begins his life as a homeless orphan on the streets of Liverpool, and then he tyrannized by Hindley Earnshaw. But he becomes a villain when he acquires power and returns to Wuthering Heights with money and the trappings of a gentleman. His malevolence proves so great and long—lasting. As he himself points out, his abuse of Isabella—his wife is purely sadistic, as he amuses himself by seeing how much abuse she can take and still come cringing back for more. Catherine represents wild nature, in both her high, lively spirits and her occasional cruelty. She loves Heathcliff so intensely that she claims they are the same person. However, her actions are driven in part by her social ambitions, which initially are awakened during her first stay at the Lintons, and which eventually compel her to marry Edgar. Catherine is free—spirited, beautiful, spoiled, and often arrogant, she is given to fits of temper, and she is torn between her both of the men who love her. The location of her coffin symbolizes the conflict that tears apart her short life. She is buried in a corner of the Kirkyard. In contrast to Catherine, Isabella Linton—Catherine’s sister—in—law represents culture and civilization, both in her refinement and in her weakness. Ultimately, she ruins her life by falling in love with Heathcliff. He never returns her feelings and treats her as a meretool in his quest for revenge on the Linton family. Just as Isabella Linton serves as Catherine’s foil, Edgar Linton serves as Heathcliff’s. Edgar grows into a tender, constant, but cowardly man. He is almost the ideal gentleman. However, this full assortment of gentlemanly characteristics, along with his civilized virtues, proves useless in Edgar’s clashes with his foil. He sees his wife obviously in love with


亲爱的朋友,很高兴能在此相遇!欢迎您阅读文档仙境之桥观后感范文5篇,这篇文档是由我们精心收集整理的新文档。相信您通过阅读这篇文档,一定会有所收获。假若亲能将此文档收藏或者转发,将是我们莫大的荣幸,更是我们继续前行的动力。 仙境之桥观后感范文5篇 《仙境之桥》里真诚美丽的莱利斯就是这样,她宛如天使赐予的钥匙,为杰斯敞开了通向另一个世界的大门……下面是的我们为你们整理的文章,希望你们能够喜欢 仙境之桥观后感 在这之前也看过一遍,不知道为什么却没有留下印象。现在第二遍看过之后,感动,感叹! 在纷乱的滚滚红尘物欲的这个世界,何时我们才能回到了自然的原点,洗涤掉我们喧嚣内心的尘埃,净化我们早已被外界污染的心灵伊甸园…… 曾经的心灵何时才能真正敞开,何时才敢于向这个复杂的世界、复杂的社会开放自己,渐渐的渐渐的,我们好似永久的迷失在自己圈定的小小个人世界中,看不到自己生命彩色的阳光,呼吸不到自己心灵清新的空气,每夜都在梦中呼唤自己灵魂的回归,可是却渐行渐远;自己的心灵已蒙上了世俗的灰尘,再也没有办法打开接受善意的阳光,直到作茧自缚窒息而死,却又不甘

的呼唤灵魂的救赎…… 其实梦未走远,让我们闭上眼睛,敞开心灵、感受世界…… 仙境之桥观后感 我的日子过得忙碌而充实,鲜有时间看电影,除非有人推荐说哪部片子特别好看,我才会在网上看一看。一天,我看到我的一个QQ好友新写了一篇文章,点开一读竟然是一篇影评之类的东西。他说看了《仙境之桥》后,觉得这部影片是少数比较好看的片子,且情绪从来没有这样被“牵绊”过。我猜这是一部异常凄美的爱情片子,谁知他写到最后竟然回忆起什么带红领巾的少年时代,让我大跌眼镜。我想这人比较爱熬夜,绝对是熬昏头了,才会把一部爱情片和少年时代丰富地联想上。我甚至认为文笔一向很好的他,这次没有把文章写好,没有把自己的意思表达清楚。 正因为如此,急性的我没有当时就上网去看这部影片。隔了一个多月吧,我突然来了兴趣想看看这部能让人“词不达意”的影片。准备了可口的零食,把《仙境之桥》调出来边看边吃。刚看我发现这是从主人翁少年时开始演的,我吃着零食,等着影片中的两个小主角长大,然后谈一场轰轰烈烈的恋爱,然后把我感动一下。影片中莱斯利带杰西去的森林到是挺如我意的,我本来就喜欢自然,还有那个美丽的音乐老师那种坐在课桌上的上课方式也让我着迷,唉!要是当初我有个老师也这样教过我就好了,


《呼啸山庄》英文读后感 篇一:呼啸山庄英文 呼啸山庄英文读后感 In this summer, I read another book Wuthering Heights. Wuthering Heights is written by Emily Bronte. After reading that book, the love and the hatred between Catherine and Heath Cliff still linger in my head. The story begun with a mistake that made by Lockwood, a temporary resident. He is seeking shelter from the blizzard he staggers through the door of Wuthering Heights, finding the atmosphere inside is just as cold as ice. The master of the house, Heath Cliff, provides a bed reluctantly and it seems like that he feels ill at ease with his visitor’s ing. There's a sad tale behind his indifference, one which the elderly housekeeper Nelly Dean is happy to share.


看了《快乐王子》读后感 看了《快乐王子》读后感1 在书店,从第一眼看到它,我的心就好像被它吸引了进去,莫名其妙的喜欢上了这本书《快乐王子》,是英国著名作家:奥斯卡·王尔德写的。 这本书讲述了快乐王子和小燕子为帮助穷人而牺牲自己的故事。在快乐王子活着的时候,在王宫里每天都过的非常开心,从不知道忧愁和贫穷是什么。他死后被塑成雕塑站在城市的上方,却看到了城市中的一切丑恶与苦难。于是,他拜托小燕子把他身上值钱的东西都给了穷人,最后他们死了,但却永远活在天堂中。 这个童话告诉我,我们应该帮助别人,这样自己也会快乐。它使我想到了一句话:帮助别人,快乐自己。“随风潜入夜,润物细无声。”帮助别人就好如淅淅沥沥的细雨,滋润着我们的一生。对别人的爱,好似一首田园诗,幽远纯净,雅致清淡,对别人的爱,好似一幅山水画,洗去铅华雕饰,留下清新自然,对别人的爱,好似一首深情的歌,婉转悠扬,轻吟浅唱。 看了《快乐王子》读后感2 今天我读了一本书,名字是《快乐王子》。这个故事很感人。 故事的大概内容是:从前,有一位用石头做的王子,眼睛是有红宝石做的,手上拿着一只拐棍,拐棍上有一颗跟瓶盖一样大的绿宝石。有一天,他碰见一只小燕子,过了几天,他们成了好朋友。一个月过

去了,快乐王子看见有一个小男孩发高烧,小孩的妈妈在照顾他,突然,小男孩给妈妈说:“妈妈,我想吃橘子。”妈妈听了,给小男孩说:“我们没有钱,孩子,你别吃了。”小男孩听了,大声的哭。快乐王子看见了,给小燕子说:“小燕子,请你把我拐棍上的绿宝石摘下来给那位妈妈,让他拿宝石去给孩子买橘子吧。”小燕子摘下宝石送到了那位母亲的手里。 读完这个故事,你学会了什么呢?我学会了:快乐王子的默默无闻、无私奉献。我要向快乐王子学习,做一个默默无闻、无私奉献的人。 看了《快乐王子》读后感3 快乐王子为什么不快乐?因为在他快乐的围墙内,却看不到围墙外的不幸。等他死了,被立成了高高的雕像,他才看见曾自以为快乐的国家是这么贫穷和困苦,就连用铅铸成的心都感受到了深切的悲伤。快乐王子想帮助那个生病的小男孩,可惜自己是个静止的雕像,于是请小燕子帮忙。 小燕子为了帮助快乐王子而答应留下来做快乐王子的信使,不惜推迟与小伙伴们汇合的时间,而寒冷的冬天就要来临……它的善良与快乐王子是多么相似啊! 一个人要怎样才能得到真正的快乐呢?是只顾自己不顾别人吗?看了《快乐王子》后我想我有了答案:善良的人都希望别人和自己一样幸福和快乐,所以他们会不遗余力地去帮助那些需要帮助的人。 这篇童话表达了快乐王子真诚地歌颂了直面人生舍已为人的赞

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