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Unit 6 Food Food and Culture [1] We all have ideas about what kinds of foods are good to eat. We also have ideas about what kinds of foods are bad to eat. As a result, people from one culture often think the foods that people from another culture eat are disgusting or nauseating. When the famous boxer Muhammad Ali visited Africa, for example, one member of his group became quite sick when he saw someone pick up a butterfly and eat it. Many people would find it disgusting to eat rats, but there are forty-two different cultures whose people regard rats as appropriate food. [2] Some people in Africa think African termites make a delicious meal. Many other people would probably be sick if they had to eat termites, but one hundred grams of termites contain more than twice as many calories and almost twice as much protein as one hundred grams of cooked hamburger. [3] However, food likes and dislikes do not always seem related to nutrition. For example, broccoli is first on a list of the most nutritious common vegetables, but it is twenty-first on a list of vegetables that Americans like most to eat. Tomatoes are sixteenth on the list of most nutritious vegetables, but they are first on the list of vegetables that Americans like most to eat. [4] But dislike is not the only reason why some cultures will not eat a certain food. In some cultures, certain foods are taboo. T aboo is a word from the language of the Fiji Islands that is used to describe something that is forbidden. Some foods are taboo in certain religions, but there are also other food taboos that are not

Two kinds分析文

Mike Huang ENG 111 CN Professor Miller Argument Paper 21 June , 2013 Jing-Mei's Mother Gave Her Stress Amy T an say:’’Mom believes any dreams come true in the united states,you can do everything you want to do’’. (T an 1 )At first, her mother took her to the barber shop, I hope she became China's Shirley T emple. In addition, the mother is still a day after dinner for her to be tested, the end result is tired of this test her, mother gave up hope for her daughter. Later, her mother saw a very good TV show, so take her to the neighbors to learn piano, her daughter does not agree to learn piano. A few weeks later , Old Chong and mother conspired to have her play in a talent show that was t o be held in the church hall, performing a mess, let her mother disappointed again. Finally, she can not stand all this, she did not want to do anything, she was his mother wanted to return to their. Therefore, she and her mother growing contradiction between. One day, she would play the piano, but his mother had died, she finally realized what had mother's hope


妈相信,在美国,任何梦想都能成为事实。你可以做一切你想做的:开家餐馆, 或者在政府部门工作,以期得到很高的退休待遇。你可以不用付一个子儿的现金, 就可以买到一幢房子。你有可能发财,也有可能出人头地,反正,到处是机会。 在我九岁时,妈就对我说:“你也能成为天才。你会样样事都应付得很出色的。 琳达姨算什么她那女儿,只不过心眼多一点而已。” 妈将一切未遂的心愿、希望,都寄托在美国这片土地上。她是在1949年来到美 国的。在中国,她丧失了一切:双亲,家园,她的前夫和一对孪生女儿。但她对过 去的一切,从不用悲恸的目光去回顾,眼前,她有太多的打算,以便将生活安排得 更好。 二 至于我将成为哪方面的天才,妈并不急于立时拍板定案。起初,她认为我完全 可以成为个中国的秀兰邓波儿。我们不放过电视里的秀兰邓波儿的旧片子,每 每这时,妈便会抬起我的手臂往屏幕频频挥动:“你——看,”这用的是汉语。而 我,也确实看见秀兰摆出轻盈的舞姿,或演唱一支水手歌,有时,则将嘴唇撅成个 圆圆的“0”字,说一声“哦,我的上帝”。 当屏幕上的秀兰双目满噙着晶莹的泪珠时,妈又说了:“你看,你早就会哭了。 哭不需要什么天才!” 立时,妈有了培养目标了。她把我带去我们附近一家美容培训班开办的理发店, 把我交到一个学员手里。这个学生,甚至连剪刀都拿不像,经她一番折腾,我的头发,成了一堆稀浓不均的鬈曲的乱草堆。妈伤心地说: “你看着,像个中国黑人了。” 美容培训班的指导老师不得不亲自出马,再操起剪刀来修理我头上那湿漉漉的 一团。“彼得潘的式样,近日是非常时行的。”那位指导老师向妈吹嘘着。 我的头发,已剪成个男孩子样,前面留着浓密的、直至眉毛的刘海。我挺喜欢 这次理发,它令我确信,我将前途无量。 确实刚开始,我跟妈一样兴奋,或许要更兴奋。我憧憬着自己种种各不相同的 天才形象,犹如一位已在天幕侧摆好优美姿势的芭蕾舞演员,只等着音乐的腾起, 即踮起足尖翩然起舞。我就像降生在马槽里的圣婴,是从南瓜马车上下来的灰姑娘……反正我觉得,我立时会变得十分完美:父母会称赞我,我再不会挨骂,我会应 有尽有,不用为着没有能得到某样心想的东西而赌气不快。 然而看来,天才本身对我,颇有点不耐烦了:“你再不成才,我就走了,再也 不来光顾你了,”它警告着,“这一来,你就什么也没有了。” 每天晚饭后,我和妈就坐在厨房桌边,她每天给我作一些智力测试,这些测试 题目,是她从《信不信由你》、《好管家》、《读者文摘》等杂志里收罗来的。在 家里洗澡间里,我们有一大堆这样的旧杂志,那是妈从她做清洁工的那些住户家里 要来的。每周,她为好几户住户做清洁工。因此这里有各式各样的旧杂志,她从中 搜寻着各种有关天才孩子的智力培养和他们成才的过程。 开始这种测试的当晚,她就给我讲了一个三岁神童的故事,他能诸熟地背出各 州的首府,甚至大部分欧洲国家的名字。另一位教师证明,这小男孩能正确无误地 拼出外国城市的名字。 “芬兰的首都是哪”于是,母亲当场对我开始测试了。 天呀,我只知道加州的首府!因为我们在唐人街上住的街名,就叫萨克拉曼多。 “乃洛比!”我冒出一个莫名其妙的,所能想象得出的最奇特的外国字。 测试的题目越来越复杂了:心算乘法,在一叠扑克牌里抽出红心皇后,做倒立

视听说第一册听力原文 2

Outside view Voice-over Welcome to Changing Lifestyles. Today we'll take a look at the changing role of fathers. In the 1950s and the 1960s, most fathers went to work every day and most mothers stayed at home to take care of the children. However, since the late 60s and the early 70s, family life has been changing dramatically. Instead of accepting the rigid roles imposed by society, many couples have been deciding to change their work-life balance. More mothers have been pursuing careers, while at the same time fathers have been devoting more time to caring for children and doing household chores. This is David Noll. David is 33 years old, husband and father of two girls. David is a modern father. He and his wife both pursue careers and share in raising the children and doing housework. Diane OK, well then are you going to go to the playground? Children 1 Right. Right, Mama. Diane Right. I love you. Children 2 Bububa. Diane Bye-bye. Children 1 Bye. Diane Bye-bye. Voice-over David's father Bob Noll was also a loving father, but David's role as a father was different. During the early part of his career, Bob went to work every day while his wife Shirley stayed home. Bob worked for 38 years at Westinghouse as an electrical engineer. Bob worked on some of the first computers ever produced. Bob had always been an involved father. But in 1970 Shirley decided to go back to work. That was when Bob's role as a father changed. Bob When Shirley went back to work, I had to change my, uh, role and start to do more cooking, um, driving the children here and there. When our children were growing up I took a lot of interest in them, what they were doing. David I think in many ways I, I was probably better prepared for the changing roles that I've had to take on by, by my father. Bob We did many things together and I tried to get them involved in other areas that they seemed to show interest in, such as theatre and magic. David He did a great deal more than I think many fathers, I mean I, I can think of childhood friends whose fathers, you know, were running businesses who, who participated almost at, not, not at all in their, in their, in their development. Um, and I think I had, I think I had a role model. Bob I remember David was interested in, he got very interested in magic and, and juggling, and he was an avid reader. Voice-over As a young man, David loved magic. But he pursued a career as a biochemist. Before having children, David spent 40 hours per week studying cellular DNA in a research lab. And his wife Diane spent 40 hours a week working as a lawyer in Washington DC. After the girls were born, David and Diane both cut back on their hours in order to take care of their daughters. As a research scientist, David's schedule was more flexible. So he took on more responsibility for the children's day-to-day care. David Well, I have been able, uh, to adjust my schedule so that I can be home at 5 o'clock, um, for the kids and if the children are sick, being able to come home, um, take them to the doctors. We go for a walk, we take the dogs up the street, go to the park, hang out at the park. And then we head back, uh, to the house and, and begin preparing dinner. Voice-over Since Bob retired ten years ago, he has been enjoying his role as a grandfather. He's been travelling with his wife, Shirley, and he's been playing tennis. Meanwhile, David is just beginning his journey as a father in a new era. David It can be difficult, especially when, you know, you're, you're taking on new roles for the first time. And it can be, it can be disconcerting and it can be more comfortable to take on those traditional roles. Um, I have, I think I have many more responsibilities than, than even most fathers do today, um, and certainly more, I, I think than when my father was, was raising his children. Um, but the, the difference is not the sort of classic role reversal. I'm, I'm not a stay-at-home Dad. We have an excellent babysitter who, that, who has allowed us, um, allowed both my wife and I the opportunities to continue pursuing our career. Voice-over While there are many differences in how David and Bob have raised their children, there are many important similarities. Listening in Passage 1 Host There's a question that's been argued about for a long time. Which is more important, your family environment or your genes? Well, a story has come up in the news about identical twins, separated at birth. They've just been reunited - and guess what - there are some amazing coincidences in their life stories. Here's the story - two American girls called Tamara and Adriana were separated at birth and adopted by two different sets of parents. And this is where the coincidences begin. Both families ended up living 25 miles apart. Both girls decided to study psychology at universities that are only a mile apart from each other. Isn't that strange? And this girl, who's a friend of both of them, insists they meet. Just before they meet, Adriana's mother tells her

two kinds译文

Two Kinds 译文 妈相信,在美国,任何梦想都能成为事实。你可以做一切你想做的:开家餐馆,或者在政府部门工作,以期得到很高的退休待遇。你可以不用付一个子儿的现金,就可以买到一幢房子。你有可能发财,也有可能出人头地,反正,到处是机会。 在我九岁时,妈就对我说:“你也能成为天才。你会样样事都应付得很出色的。琳达姨算什么?她那女儿,只不过心眼多一点而已。” 妈将一切未遂的心愿、希望,都寄托在美国这片土地上。她是在1949年来到美国的。在中国,她丧失了一切:双亲,家园,她的前夫和一对孪生女儿。但她对过去的一切,从不用悲恸的目光去回顾,眼前,她有太多的打算,以便将生活安排得更好。 至于我将成为哪方面的天才,妈并不急于立时拍板定案。起初,她认为我完全可以成为个中国的秀兰·邓波儿。我们不放过电视里的秀兰·邓波儿的旧片子,每每这时,妈便会抬起我的手臂往屏幕频频挥动:“你——看,”这用的是汉语。而我,也确实看见秀兰摆出轻盈的舞姿,或演唱一支水手歌,有时,则将嘴唇撅成个圆圆的“0”字,说一声“哦,我的上帝”。 当屏幕上的秀兰双目满噙着晶莹的泪珠时,妈又说了:“你看,你早就会哭了。哭不需要什么天才!” 立时,妈有了培养目标了。她把我带去我们附近一家美容培训班开办的理发店,把我交到一个学员手里。这个学生,甚至连剪刀都拿不像,经她一番折腾,我的头发,成了一堆稀浓不均的鬈曲的乱草堆。妈伤心地说: “你看着,像个中国黑人了。” 美容培训班的指导老师不得不亲自出马,再操起剪刀来修理我头上那湿漉漉的一团。“彼得·潘的式样,近日是非常时行的。”那位指导老师向妈吹嘘着。 我的头发,已剪成个男孩子样,前面留着浓密的、直至眉毛的刘海。我挺喜欢这次理发,它令我确信,我将前途无量。 确实刚开始,我跟妈一样兴奋,或许要更兴奋。我憧憬着自己种种各不相同的天才 形象,犹如一位已在天幕侧摆好优美姿势的芭蕾舞演员,只等着音乐的腾起,即踮起足尖翩然起舞。我就像降生在马槽里的圣婴,是从南瓜马车上下来的灰姑娘…… 反正我觉得,我立时会变得十分完美:父母会称赞我,我再不会挨骂,我会应有尽有,不用为着没有能得到某样心想的东西而赌气不快。 然而看来,天才本身对我,颇有点不耐烦了:“你再不成才,我就走了,再也不来光顾你了,”它警告着,“这一来,你就什么也没有了。” 每天晚饭后,我和妈就坐在厨房桌边,她每天给我作一些智力测试,这些测试题目,是她从《信不信由你》、《好管家》、《读者文摘》等杂志里收罗来的。在家里洗澡间里,我们有一大堆这样的旧杂志,那是妈从她做清洁工的那些住户家里要来的。每周,她为好几户住户做清洁工。因此这里有各式各样的旧杂志,她从中搜寻着各种有关天才孩子的智力培养和他们成才的过程。 开始这种测试的当晚,她就给我讲了一个三岁神童的故事,他能诸熟地背出各州的首府,甚至大部分欧洲国家的名字。另一位教师证明,这小男孩能正确无误地拼出外国城市的名字。 “芬兰的首都是哪?”于是,母亲当场对我开始测试了。 天呀,我只知道加州的首府!因为我们在唐人街上住的街名,就叫萨克拉曼多。 “乃洛比!”我冒出一个莫名其妙的,所能想象得出的最奇特的外国字。


P5 I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family.It was sunny and hot,so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel.My sister and I tried paragliding.I felt like I was a bird .It was so exciting!For lunch,we had something very special——Malaysian yellow noodles.They were delicious!In Weld Quay,a really old place in Georgetown,we saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago.I wonder what life was like here in the past.I really enjoyed walking around the town. What a difference a day makes!My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today.We wanted to walk up to the top,but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train.We waited over an hour it was raining really hard .We didn't have an umbrella so we were wet and cold.It was terrible!And because of the bad weather,we couldn't see anything below.My father didn't bring enough money,so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish.The food tasted great because I was so hungry! P13 Last month we asked our students about their free time activities.Our questions were about exercise,use of the Internet and watching TV.Here a re the results. We found that only fifteen percent of our student s exercise every day.Forty-five percent exercise four to six times a week.Twenty percent exercise only one to three times a week.And twenty per cent do not exercise at all! We all know that many students often go online,but we were surprised that ninety percent of the m use the Internet every day.The other ten percent use it at least three or four times a week.Most students use it for fun and not for homework. The answers to our questions about watching television were also interesting.Only two percent of the students watch TV one to three times a week .Thirteen percent watch TV four to six times a w eek.And eighty-five percent watch TV every day!Although many students like to watch sports,game shows are the most popular. It is good to relax by using the Internet or watching game shows,but we think the best way to relax is through exercise.It is healthy for the mind an d the body.Exercise such as playing sports is fun,and you can spend time with your friends and family as you play together.And remember,“old habits die hard”.So start exercising be fore it’s too late! P21 My mother told me a good friend is like a mirror.I’m quieter and more serious than most kids.That’s why I like reading books and I study harder in class.My best friend Yuan Li is quiet too,so we enjoy studying together.I’m shy so it’s not easy for me to make friends.But I think friends are like books—you don’t need a lot of them as long as they’re good.It’s not necessary to be the same.My best friend Larry is quite different from me.He is taller and more outgoing than me.We both like sports,but he plays tennis better,so he always wins.However,Larry often helps go bring out the best in me.So I’m getting better at https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f85151715.html,rry is much less hard-working,though.I always get better grades than he does,so maybe I should help him more.I don’t really care if my friends are the same as me or different.My favorite saying is,”A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.”My best friend Carol is really kind and very funny.In fact,she’s funnier

Two kinds Summary

《Two Kinds》梗概 Two Kinds by Amy Tan from the Joy Luck Club tells us a story among mothers and their own daughters. It reveals the bittersweet relationships between the mothers and the daughters. This passage mainly focuses on the relationship between Suyan Woo and her daughter Jing-mei. Although Suyan Woo has become the citizen of America, her mind is still traditional and her thought is rooted in Chinese culture. Consequently, she puts all her hope on her daughter, along with that of those twin babies and wants to change her into obedient child just like the traditional Chinese children. Nevertheless, Jing-mei receives the American-style education. She does n’t like the assignments her mother arranged and often plays tricks, becoming disobedient and having her own mind. She wants to have her own life style. As a result, their conflicts break out. What impresses me most in the passage is Suyan Woo forces Jing-mei to play the piano, hoping her to have achievements in it. While Jing-mei just wants to be herself, so she pays no interest in playing the piano on purpose.After her awful piano performance on the talent show of the China town, she has a fierce quarrel with her mother and refuses to play piano anymore. At last, she wins. When she grows up, she becomes mature, generally


第一单元 1 Boll was craving a hot turkey dinner and a slice of apple pie. After a hectic week treating patients with sore throats and ear infections at his family practice, the 52-year-old physician was ready for a night of home cooking and fellowship at his church’s annual fund-raising dinner. 2 Stepping inside the crowded gym at ’s United Church of Christ, Boll and his family found a long line of people waiting to be seated. He wasn’t surprised. The turkey feast had become a popular event in Mokena, Illinois, attended by hundreds from the surround-the good food and were willing to pay $10 to heap their plates and help pay for the church’s new community center. Boll and his wife, Dana, and their son, Kyle, 14, went every year. 3 After sitting down, Boll had barely placed his napkin in his lap when he heard a commotion on the other side of the room. ”Help!” a woman shouted. “Does anybody know how to do the Heimlich” 4 Jumping up from the table, the doctor could see a white-haired woman slumped over in her chair. “I’m a doctor. What’s going on” Boll said to the group gathered around 76-year-old Pat Rohrer. 5 “My mother-in-law choked on a piece of turkey,” answered a frantic Colleen Rohrer. “We’ve tried the Heimlich maneuver, but it’s not working.” Boll reached around Pat’s abdomen and pulled sharply upward with his fists. Nothing happened. Moving quickly, he lifted Pat up and onto the floor to get her into a better position. Twice again he tried the Heimlich, but she didn’t respond. 6 This can’t be happening, Boll thought. He worried he wouldn’t be able to help her. Looking up, he recognized Steve Hoblin, a nurse from the hospital near his office. “Steve, stick your fingers down her throat and see if you can sweep anything out,” he said. Hoblin reached in and pulled out a small piece of turkey. 7 But Pat still wasn’t breathing. In fact, she was rapidly turning blue. Apparently, some food was still lodged in her throat. Boll knew he needed to do something drastic---and fast---to get air into her lungs. His only chance was to perform an emergency tracheotomy. 8 “Call 911! And get me a sharp knife!” He shouted. His wife ran to the kitchen, and Hoblin handed over his pocketknife. 9 Boll had never done the operation before. He flashed back to the only time he’d seen one performed: during his residency 20 years earlier. That procedure had been done in a sterile, controlled environment by expert surgeons. How was a family doctor supposed to accomplish the same thing at a church dinner with a dull pocketknife 10 He was relieved to see that his wife had found a clean paring knife. Taking a deep breath, Boll carefully cut a small slit in Pat’s neck. As blood poured from the wound, he broke into a sweat. But Boll knew it was too late to stop. Two or three precious minutes had already passed. She couldn’t survive much longer without oxygen. Boll figured he had about 45 seconds to save her life. 11 Oblivious to the crowd breathlessly watching him work, Boll steadied his hands and continued. But the knife wouldn’t cut deep enough. Out of nowhere, a man handed Boll a switchblade. It had a tapered point, nice and sharp, with a three-inch blade that locked securely in place. Boll quickly finished the cut. 12 Then, as if she were reading his mind, Colleen handed him a tracheotomy tube. Her son, Shaun---Pat’s grandson---has a severe lung condition and needs a tube to keep his airway clear. But he could manage without it for an hour or so. 13 Pat was turning bluer by the second. Colleen helped Boll gently push the tube into Pat’s trach ea. Seconds ticked by like minutes, but the pair worked calmly, with precision---just like a surgical team, thought the doctor.

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