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1. What did the man order? (饮食话题)

A. Beef and coffee.

B. Beef and ice

C. Beef and tea

2. Why is the woman tired? (工作话题)

A. Her job is difficult.

B. Her job isn?t interesting.

C. She has long working hours.

3. What are the two speakers probably talking about? (假期话题)

A. Some shells.

B. A seaside holiday.

C. Playing games.

4. When does the train leave?(时间话题)

A. At 2:30.

B. At 3:00.

C. At 3:30.

5. Where does the man want to go? (问路话题)

A. To the museum.

B. To the hospital.

C. To the library.





6. What does the man plan to wear during the summer months?

A. A cool hat

B. Jeans.

C. T-shirts

7. When will the man plan to leave

A. He is not sure yet.

B. Next week C . Next Monday.

8. Why does the man plan to take a good pair of shoes?

A. Because he can?t buy good shoes there.

B. Because he plans to do a lot of walking.

C. Because his friend asked him to buy one.


(根据周瑜、徐群力中考英语专题训练听力改编) (工作生活话题)

9.Where is the conversation probably happening? A. In Italy. B. In Japan. C. In America.

10. Which section does the woman probably not interested in? A. Store Sales. B. Weather Report C. Daily News . 11. When does the woman usually read newspapers?

A. After 8:00 pm.

B. After 3:00 pm.

C. Any time during the day.


(根据高一上英语听力材料改编) (生活休闲话题)

Check (√)the movies that are mentioned in the listening

12.What?s “A night at the Movies”?

A. An advertisement.

B.A book

C.A TV program. 13. How many movies are mentioned in the listening?

A. Four.

B. Five.

C. Seven. 14.What is the movies “A Man?s Best Friend” about ?

A .Dancing. B. A cat. C. Space travel. 15.Which is Mark?s opinion? A. You and Me is very funny.

B. Beyond the Moon is worth seeing.

C. A Man?s Best Friend is the be st one. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和D )中选出最佳选项。 A


I lived in Dallas nearly all my life with my parents and elder sister. I was raised to respect others and value education.“You can be anything you want to be ,”my parents always say. My parents are never without a helpful word of advice or a bit of encouragement when life gets tough. I always knew that going to college was expected of me. After all ,both of my parents are college graduates with many degrees. Even after I decided that I'd rather get married to a man who was so clearly wrong for me than go to college at 16,they never stopped telling me that they loved me and that I could do anything I wanted to do. Thankfully ,they talked some sense into me(开导我别干傻事).

I graduated from high school and currently attend the University of Oklahoma. I want to make the world a better place. And I know that my parents are the reason for this.

Every time I call home to tell them about a grade I received ,they tell me how proud of me they are. I know there are college students out there that have no one to call home to when they get an …A? on a project and I feel lucky to have my parents.

Don't get me wrong. We've had our share of problems. I was the angry teenager and they were the terrible parents that wouldn't let me stay out all night or let me get my tongue pierced (穿透).But we managed to work through those issues. They never stopped loving me or believing in


Without their constant love and encouragement,I can't be successful .My parents taught me to always fight for what I believe in. And so I'm working toward something really great and can only hope that I continue to make them proud.

16.We can know from the passage that the author's parents ________. (细节理解题)

A.are very strict with children B.never give advice to children

C.live in Dallas all their lives D.are both well-educated

17.What made the author change her attitude towards life? (细节理解题)

A.A man she met when she was 16. B.Her parents' love and instruction.

C.The advice from her older sister. D.Her parents' criticism and punishment.

18. According to Paragraph 3 the following are true EXCEPT that ________. (推理判断题)

A.the author likes to show off her achievements

B.not every college student has supportive parents

C.the author feels lucky to have such good parents

D.the author's parents give her much encouragement

19. What can we infer from the passage? (推理判断题)

A.The author feels very sorry for her parents.

B.The author is a fashionable but troubled teen.

C.Nothing can prevent the author's parents loving her.

D.There is no gap between the author and her parents.

20.The author writes the passage to ________. (写作意图题)

A.encourage us never to give up B.remind us to have a great aim in life

C.express her gratitude to her parents D.talk about her growing experiences


(社会行为方面的生活感悟性文本,根据浙江省余姚市中考模拟试卷完形改编,题目自编)When I was in college, I remember hea ring about a book titled “Looking Out for Number One”. I never read the book, but the title has always stuck with me. I think it was because the title turned me off. I hadn?t been taught to be so selfish that I should be focused on only me . I thought I needed to be helping others and, along the way, I would also be helping myself. Now, I realize I should have at least considered learning more about looking out for number one.

Over 30 years after seeing the book about looking out for number one I?m realizin g number one, me, is the person I should be concerned about first. Jeffrey Gitomer asks the question, “Who is the most important person in the world?” Most people answer, the customer. He then asks, if there were only two people left in the world, the customer and you, who would you want to survive ? Now the answer is me.

It makes me sense that if we can?t help ourselves first, we will never be prepared to help others. We all need to learn to control our lives and make the best decisions for ourselves. That will put us in a position to help others in the future . But many of us are slow to understand this.

It has been said that happiness will bring success, but success doesn?t always bring happiness. We all want to be happy and successful. For some of us can be very happy when our basic needs are met and our family are safe. Others will seek high levels of success thinking that will bring happiness. I?m sure we can think of a person who is very successful, according to the world?s standards (标准), but they don?t appear to be happy at all. This is because they have been so busy working for somebody else?s goals that they haven?t considered their own needs.

21. Who does the writer think is the most important person in the world now? (细节理解题)

A. Others

B. Himself

C. The customer

D. Jeffrey Gitomer

22. The underlined words“turned me off” in Paragraph 1 probably mean “_____”.(词义猜测题)

A. made me excited

B. made me bored

C. made me surprised

D. made me pleased

23. From the third paragraph we can learn ________. (推理判断题)

A. we should help others instead of ourselves

B. we need help others make the best decisions

C. helping others can help control our lives

D. actually few of us understand this idea earlier

24. Why do some successful people not feel happy at all? (细节理解题)

A. Because they don?t believe success always brings happiness.

B. Because their basic needs are not completely met.

C .Because they seek for too high levels of success.

D. Because they haven?t been working for their own goals.

25. The best title for the passage is “______________”.(主旨大意题)

A. Considering Our Own Needs First

B. The Most Important in the World

C. Helping Others First

D. Happiness and Success



You?re running late for work and you can?t find your keys. What really makes you angry is that in your search, you pick up and move them without realizing. This may be because the brain system dealing with the task are working at different speeds, with the visual(视觉的)system unable to keep pace. So says Grayden Solman at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada.

T o study how we search, Solman?s team created a simple computer-based task about searching through a pile of colored shapes on a computer screen. V olunteers were asked to find a certain shape as quickly as possible, while the computer monitored their actions. “Between 10 and 20 percent of the time, they would miss the object,” says Solman, even though they picked it up. “We thought that was quite often.”

To find out why, the team developed a number of further experiments. To check whether volunteers were just forgetting their object, they gave a new group a list of things to remember before the search task, which they had to recall(回忆)afterwards.

The idea was to fill each volunteer?s “memory load”, so that they were unable to hold any other information in their short-term memory. Although this was expected to have a bad effect on their performance at the search task, the extra load made no difference to the percentage of mistakes volunteers made.

To check that the volunteers were paying enough attention to the things they were moving, Solman?s team created another task about a lot of cards mark ed with shapes that can only be seen while the card was being moved. Again, they were surprised to see the same level of mistake, says Solman.

Solman?s team think that the system in the brain that deals with movement is running too quickly for the visual system to keep up. While you are searching a messy house to find your keys, you might not be giving your visual system enough time to work out what each object is.

26.In your search for your keys, the surprising fact is that __________.(推理判断题)

A. it?s your anger that makes it hard to find them

B. you have really found them but without noticing

C. the brain systems are always working well

D. the visual system is always going wrong

27. In the computer-based task volunteers? task is to ____________.(细节理解题)

A. study how we search

B. create colored shapes

C. look for some shape

D. monitor others? actions

28. In all the experiments Solman?s team find that ____________.(细节理解题)

A. it?s more difficult for volunteers to recall afterwards

B. “memory load” has affected their performance much

C. different volunteers may make different mistakes

D. volunteers always have the same level of mistake

29. If we want to find our keys quickly we should ____________.(推理判断题)

A. improve our short-term memory by doing different tasks

B. pay enough attention to the things that are moving

C. slow the system in the brain that deals with movement

D. give visual system enough time to keep up with the brain

30. What does the passage mainly tell us?(主旨大意题)

A. The reason why we can?t find our keys.

B. The way that the brain deals with the task.

C. The experiments Solman?s team has done.

D. The mistakes that volunteers have made.



I have six lovely children—one of them now an adult, and a couple more almost there—and I give a lot of thought to what I think they should know as they grow up and go out into the world. What could I best teach them to equip them for life? This is what I?d like them to know:

31 Most people are afraid to do things because they are afraid they?re not good enough, afraid they?ll fail. But you are good enough---learn that and you won?t be afraid of new things, won?t be afraid to fail, won?t need the approval(同意) of others. You?ll be pre-approved—by yourself.

32 Many people look for happiness in food, drugs, alcohol, shopping, partying, sex…because they?re seeking external happiness. They don?t realize the tools for happiness aren?t outside them. They?r e right inside you: mindfulness, gratitude, compassion, thoughtfulness, the ability to create and do something meaningful, even in a small way.

33 As a young man, I thought I needed to go to college and then be employed, and that owning a business is for rich people. That was all wrong. It?s possible for almost anyone to start their own business, and while you?ll probably do badly at first, you;ll learn quickly. It?s a much better education than college.

34 That said, I?ve had some amazing teachers. They?re not always in school, though: they?re everywhere. A friend I met at work. My peers online. My mom, dad, brothers and sisters, grandparents, uncles and aunts. My wife. My kids. Failure. Teachers are everywhere, if you?re willing to learn. I didn?t learn from college..I learn from doing.

35 Thirty percent less if you can manage. Most people get a job and immediately

spend their income on a car loan, high rent or a large mortgage, buying possessions and eating out using credit cards. None of that is necessary. Don?t spend it if you don?t have it. Learn to go without, and be happy with less.




I stopped to watch my little girl busy playing in her room. In one hand was a plastic 36 ; in the other a toy broom. I listened as she was speaking to her make-believe little friend and I'll never forget the words she said, even thought it was imagined.

She said, "Suzie's in the corner because she's not been very 37 . She didn't listen to a 38 I said or do the things she should." In the 39 I saw her baby doll all dressed in lace and pink. It was 40 she'd been put there to sit alone and think.

My daughter 41 her "conversation", as I sat down on the floor. She said," I'm all fed up. I just don't know 42 to do with her any more. She cries whenever I have to work and wants to play games, too. She never lets me do the things that I just have to do. She tries to help me with the dishes, but her arms just cannot 43 . And she doesn't know how to fold towels. I don't have the 44 to teach. I have a lot of work to do and a big house to keep clean. I don't have the time to sit and play--- 45 what I mean?"

And that day I thought a lot about making some 46 in my life, as I listened to her words that cut me like a knife. I hadn't been paying enough attention to what I hold most 47 . I'd been caught up in responsibilities that increased 48 years.

But now my attitude has changed, because, in my heart, I realize that I've seen the world in a different light through my little darling's eyes. So, let the cobwebs (蜘蛛网) 49 the corners and the dust bunny rabbit rule the floor. I'm not going to worry about keeping up with them anymore.

I'm going to fill the house with 50 of a child and her mother, for we are only one childhood, and we will never get another.

36. A. table B. camera C. car D. phone

37. A. gentle B. happy C. good D. helpful

38.A. story B. word C. joke D. sentence

39. A. corner B. bed C. room D. box

40. A. possible B. clear C. common D. unusual

41. A. stopped B. continued C. repeated D. made

42. A. what B. whether C. why D. how

43.A. solve B. arrive C. rise D. reach

44.A. ability B. duty C. energy D. reason

45. A. mind B. see C. feel D. learn

46. A. influences B. changes C. plans D. troubles

47.A.clever B. heavy C. dear D. lovely

48.A.after B. to C. during D. over

49.A. have B. manage C. make D. stop

50.A. conversations B. messages C. imaginations D. memories



Jane:Boy,it?s really makes me tired. I didn?t know that cross-country skiing could be such hard work.

Paul: Yeah, but just think of how much exerc ise you?re getting. And with cross-country skiing you don?t have to fight the crowds. That?s 51 (考查连词)I like it. I hate fighting

the crowds and waiting for lifts.

Jane: Well, I agree 52 (考查介词)you there. And the price has really gone up for ski lift tickets. At least we can save lots of money by 53 (do)(考查动词结构)

cross-country skiing. But I?m still tired. How much 54 (far) (考查形容词比较级)

to the wooden house?

Paul: We should be there in about an hour.

Jane: Good. I can make 55 .(考查代词)It?d be ni ce to have a place to rest. Who did you say own the house?

Paul: It?s one of the wooden 56 (house)(考查名词复数)owned by the government.

They?re for summer hikers or winter skiers. I 57 (buy(考查动词过去式))it a

month ago.

Jane: Why were they 58 (build)?(考查动词被动语态)

Paul: In the very beginning, some were for the lookouts and some as shelter(避难处)for forest service workers. But now the government doesn?t use them anymore. We 59 (luck)

(考查词性之间的变化)there is one near for us to use.

Jane: What I?d love is a lot fire 60 (考查连接词)some soup on the stove.

Paul: You?re dreaming. The house is for shelter only.




61.Lucy,I am too t_________. Let?s stop to have a rest.(考查形容词)

62.Joan looked h________ in the mirror. She thought she was no longer young.(考查反身代词)

63. The library is open every day e_____ Monday. So you can?t borrow books on Monday.


64.Have you considered t________ part in the dinner with me tonight, dear?(考查动词结构)

65.We should be good l________ when people are talking to us.(考查名词复数)

66.Every night h_____ of old people dance at the square near our house.(考查数词)

67. Henry does his homework as c as Ben. He always makes a lot of mistakes.


68.Smoking is not a________ on the plane.(考查动词被动结构)

69.I bought this book last week, It b_________ to me.(考查动词单三试)

70.Practice makes p_________. I believe you?ll succeed in learning English.(考查形容词)



what people behave during the special period.______________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________





1. W: Are you ready to order now? we have coffee and tea ,which one would you like?

M: Yes, iced tea, please.

2. M:You seem very tired lately.

W:It?s my new job in that newly opened supermarket. It?s hard work, and the hours are long.

3. W: What did you do on the beach?

M: You know, walked on the beach that kind of things , and collected shells.

4. M: Could you tell me what time it is now?

W: It?s 2:30.

M: Do you think it will be OK if I go to the restroom?

W: Sure. Take your time. The train won?t leave until 3:00.

5. M: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the museum?

W: Walk along this street and turn right at the second crossing. The museum is right in front of you.

M: Thank you very much.

W: My pleasure.



听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8三个小题。现在,你有15秒的时间阅读这三个小题。W: Hey, Jack. Are you ready for your journey?

M: Well, not really. I still have to buy some clothes.

W: Well, what?s the weather like in the place where you?re going?

M: Well, uh, it?s really hot in summer, so I?m going to buy some shorts, sandals, and a few T-shirts.

W: What about in autumn?

M: People say that autumn can still be warm until November, so I?m going to buy some jeans and

a few casual shirts.

W: Are you going to take anything else?

M: They say it rains cats and dogs sometimes, so I?ll probably pick up a raincoat or an umbrella.

But, I?m going to take a good pair of shoes because I plan on walking a lot.

W: When are you leaving for your holiday?

M: I?m not sure. Maybe next month.

W: Have a good journey.


M:Excuse me, I?m a reporter from China Dail y. I?d like to know what types of newspaper people often read. Would you mind answering a few questions?

W:No,not at all.

M:Can you tell me where you?re from, please?

W:Er,I was born in Japan and grew up in Italy.

M:Oh,sounds interesting. Are you used to living here, in New York city?

W:Very much . And I?ve been working in a college for three years.

M:Woo,a college teacher. And when do you normally read newspapers?

W:Well,I?m busy during the day, so usually after 8:00 o?clock at night.

M:What sections do you prefer?

W:I?m mainly interested in the shopping. Other than that, I also like the news.


Good evening and welcome to A Night at the Movies.I?m Mark.Tonight we are going

to look at this week?s new films.

Now starting with Beyond the Moon.What a movie!What a movie!It?s the story of a flight to space that gets into trouble.A team of robots save the astronauts and the spaceship.The movie is full of space travel and lots of special effects.Go see this movie.

Next,we have A Man?s Best Friend.This is the funniest movie you will see all year.It?s about a cat that can talk.The cat causes problems for his owner.If you like good jokes and silly situations,this is the movie for you.You?ll laugh t he whole time.

And yet another movie is San Francisco.I liked it best.It?s about a girl who comes from a poor family.She works hard and becomes a famous singer.I don?t usually like this kind of movie,but this was different.The songs are great,and the danc ing?s excellent.

Our last movie is called You and Me Alone.It?s the same old story.Two teenagers meet at school.At first,they don?t like each other.Then things change,and they fall in love.Her family doesn?t like him,so they have to meet secretly.I thought the acting was bad and the dialogue was even worse.

This was A Night at the Movies.See you next week.









6-11 CAB CBA 12-15 CABB



16-20DBACC 21-25 BBDDA 26-30 BCDDA





36-40 DCBAB 41-45 BADCB 45-50 BCDAD


51.why 52.with 53.doing 54.farther/ further 55.it

56.houses 57.bought 58.built 59.lucky 60.and



61.tired 62.herself 63.except 64.taking 65.listeners

66.hundreds 67.carefully 68.allowed 69.belongs 70.perfect


One possible version:

Hello, I am Li Hua, Last week I made a survey at the subway station, I am very happy to see what people behave during the special period. Around the station, you can?t see cars parking along the streets, people stop their cars in the parking lot. When you get into the station, you will find people are waiting in lines for their tickets. To my surprise, there is few people smoking, eating or talking loudly in the station. The ground is very clean. All the litter have been thrown into the dustbins.

So you can see, Hangzhou citizens are trying their best to behave well. I think it?s our duty to act like that. Also I believe we?ll keep on it.


































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