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1、具体分析,现代城市的涵义主要从【 ACD 】区别于农村地区。

A 人口数量和密度

B 人口构成

C 产业构成

D 行政管辖

2、【 C 】社会大分工是人类社会中城市形成的直接原因。

A 第一次

B 第五次

C 第三次

D 第四次

3、城市出现在【 D 】。

A 原始社会

B 奴隶社会 C从奴隶社会向封建社会的过渡时期 D从原始社会向奴隶社会的过渡时期

4、城市管理学的研究方法有【 ABCD 】。

A 系统分析方法

B 理论联系实际的方法

C 综合分析方法

D 定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法

5、总体来看,古代城市的经济功能较弱,主要以【 AC 】为主。

A 军事功能

B 社会功能

C 政治功能

D 文化功能

6、一般认为,城市化的影响因素包括【 ABCD 】。

A 人口的流动

B 总人口的增长

C 技术进步 D经济增长

7、【 D 】是城市化的后续动力。

A 农业现代化

B 科技现代化

C 工业化

D 信息化

8、与传统的公共管理相比较,【 ABCD 】成为新公共管理的重要字眼。

A 市场导向 B结果趋向 C绩效标准 D顾客导向

9、我国城市政府的行政管理体制可以归纳为【ABCD 】。

A首长负责制 B纵向层级的集权制 C层级制与职能制相结合


10、以下关于新公共管理理论说法正确的是【B 】。

A 更加注重对内部系统的管理

B 强调管理对象的外部化



11、现代企业成长理论认为,成长经济理论主要包括【 ABC 】,认为企业必须对能够扩展生产领域的知识和能力进行不断积累才能得以成长。

A企业资源基础论 B企业动力能力论 C企业知识基础论 D企业管理基础论

12、一般认为,增长极通过【 ACD 】对区域经济产生组织作用。

A支配效应 B 几何效应 C 溢出效应 D乘数效应

13、在我国城市中,城市政治权力系统包括【 ABCD 】。

A 市法院 B中共市委 C 市检察院 D市政府

14、在我国城市中,城市政治权力系统包括【 ABD 】。

A 市人大 B中共市委 C 市政协 D市政府

15、【 A 】在城市国家机构中处于国家权力机关的地位。

A 市人大 B中共市委 C 市政协 D市政府

16、市人民代表大会的职权主要是,具有地方【ABCD 】。

A 任免权

B 监督权

C 决定权

D 立法权

17、【 A 】是市人民代表大会的执行机关,是城市国家行政机关。

A 市人民政府

B 市人民法院

C 市人民检察院

D 市政协

18、在我国城市中,下列的【ABD 】属于城市政治参与主体。

A 市政协

B 市民

C 街道办事处 D城市居委会

19、在我国,市人民团体特指【ABD 】。

A 市妇联

B 市共青团

C 市红十字协会D市工会

20、市政管理体制的内容包括【 ABCD 】。

A 市行政管理体制 B市公共事务管理体制 C市政府构成体制 D市建制体制

21、我国目前的建制市包括【 ABCD 】。

A 副省级市

B 县级市

C 地级市 D直辖市

22、中共市委对【ABCD 】起着领导作用,处于领导地位。

A市人民政府 B市人民法院 C 市人民检察院 D市人大

23、下列的城市政府职能中,【AD 】属于传统职能。

A 消防

B 城市规划

C 环境保护 D治安管理

24、【D 】是市政体制存在的前提。

A 市行政管理体制 B市公共事务管理体制 C市政府构成

体制 D市建制体制

25、在市政决策领导体系中,【D 】在决策中处于核心地位。

A市人大及其常委会 B市政府组成 C 市政协D中共市委

26、市政管理体制的核心问题是在【B 】过程之中,各部门如何实现其职能。

A 市行政管理体制 B市公共事务管理体制 C市政府构成体制 D市建制体制

27、城市发展战略通常由【ABCD 】组成。

A 战略措施

B 战略反馈

C 重点战略 D战略依据和战略愿景

28、城市发展战略依据主要通过【ABCD 】获取。

A 优劣机威分析方法

B 竞争——合作分析方法

C 政经社技分析方法

D 历史分析方法

29、世界银行组织认为可持续城市是指一个【ABCD 】的城市。

A 适于居住

B 银行信赖

C 治理和管理良好 D有竞争力

30、【 BCD 】属于初级城市发展战略观。

A营销导向B需求型 C供给型 D资源型

31、城市营销的主要内容包括【ABCD 】。

A 产品

B 城市营销主体

C 目标市场需求 D目标市场

32、城市现代化目标体系,主要包括【ABCD 】。

A 生活质量指标

B 生态环境指标

C 社会进步指标 D经济发展指标

33、可持续发展理论的内容包括【ACD 】的协调与统一。

A 生态可持续发展

B 文化可持续发展

C 经济可持续发展 D社会可持续发展

34、组织与各成员均善于学习的指的是【ABCD 】。

A 全过程学习 B团体学习

C 全员学习 D终身学习

35、美国城市基础设施项目中政府主导的主要是【BC 】。

A供水B道路 C污水处理 D供电

36、我国土地储备的运行模式包括【ABCD 】。

A上海模式 B杭州模式 C南通模式 D武汉模式

37、城市基础设施具有【ABCD 】的特性。

A地方公共物品性与效益的外部性 B运行的协调性与系统性

C经营管理的垄断性与多样性 D建设的同步性与超前性

38、现代城市成长管理从【A 】萌生。

A 美国

B 英国

C 法国

D 德国


判断: 《中华人民共和国公司法》所称上市公司,是指其股票在证券交易所上市交易的股份有限公司。√ 《中华人民共和国公司法》所称公司是指依照《中华人民共和国公司法》在中国境内与国外设立的有限责任公司和股份有限公司。× 《中华人民共和国合伙企业法》所称合伙企业,是指自然人、法人和其他组织依照《中华人民共和国合伙企业法》在中国境内设立的普通合伙企业和有限合伙企业。√ 《中华人民共和国企业破产法》自2007年6月1日起施行。√ 保荐人的资格及其管理办法由国务院证券监督管理机构规定。√ 保荐人应当遵守业务规则和行业规范,诚实守信,勤勉尽责,对发行人的申请文件和信息披露资料进行审慎核查,督导发行人规范运作。√ 保险法律制度是调整保险活动中保险人与投保人、被保险人以及受益人之间法律关系的一切法律规范的总称。√保险公司保证金除用于清算时清偿债务外,非经保监会批准,不得动用。√ 保险公司成立后须按照其注册资本金总额的20%提取保证金,存入保监会指定的银行。√ 保险公司是指依照我国保险法和公司法的规定,经过保险监督管理委员会的批准设立的从事财产保险或者人身保险活动的一种公司。√ 保险合同成立后,保险人可以根据自己的承保能力,决定继续履行保险合同还是解除保险合同。× 保险合同成立后,投保人在任何情况下都可以随时解除保险合同。√ 保险合同是被保险人与保险人约定保险权利义务关系的协议。√ 保险合同是一种有名合同。√ 保险欺诈行为指当事人故意隐瞒真实情况,致使对方做出错误判断的行为;√ 保险人依法向第三者请求赔偿时,不影响被保险人就未取得赔偿的部分向第三者请求赔偿。√ 保险是指投保人根据合同约定,向保险人支付保险费,保险人对于合同约定的可能发生的事故引起发生所造成的财产损失承担赔偿保险金责任,或者当被保险人死亡、伤残、疾病或者达到合同约定的年龄、期限时承担给付保险金责任的商业保险行为。√ 保险危险指保险人承保责任范围内的各种火灾、爆炸、水灾、坍塌、山崩、地震等各种自然灾害与人为灾难事故的总称。√ 保证不得附有条件;附有条件的,不影响对汇票的保证责任。√ 背书指在票据背面或粘单上记载有关事项并签章的票据行为。√ 被聘任的合伙企业的经营管理人员,超越合伙企业授权范围履行职务,或者在履行职务过程中因故意或者重大过失给合伙企业造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任。√ 被聘任的合伙企业的经营管理人员应当在合伙企业授权范围内履行职务。√ 本票的出票人必须具有支付本票金额的可靠资金来源,并保证支付。√ 本票的出票人资格必须由中国人民银行审定。√ 本票的基本当事人有出票人与收款人。√ 本票是出票人签发的,承诺自己在见票时或者在指定日期无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据。√ 财产保险的对象是指投保人投保的财产和相关的利益。√ 财产保险合同,因第三者对保险标的的损害而造成保险事故的,保险人自向被保险人赔偿保险金之日起,在赔偿金额范围内代位行使被保险人对第三者请求赔偿的权利。√ 财产保险合同是指以财产和其有关利益为保险标的的保险合同。√ 承兑是汇票付款人明确表示于到期日支付汇票金额的一种票据行为,表示愿意承担票据义务的行为。√ 除合伙协议另有约定或者经全体合伙人一致同意外,合伙人不得同本合伙企业进行交易。√ 除合伙协议另有约定外,合伙人向合伙人以外的人转让其在合伙企业中的全部或者部分财产份额时,不须经其他合伙人一致同意。×


如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢! 一、交际英语 1、- Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift. - ___B___ A:Never mind B:I'm glad you like it. C:Please don't say so. D:No, It's not so good. 2、Would you go to the concert with me?_____A____, but I'm very busy now. A:I'd like to B:Sure C:No problem D:Certainly 3、- Thank you for inviting me. - _____C______ A:I really had a happy time. B:Oh, it's too late. C:Thank you for coming. D:Oh, so slowly? 4、- Hello, I'm Harry Potter. - Hello, my name is Charles Green, but _____C______. A:call my Charles B:call me at Charles C:call me Charles D:call Charles me 5、- Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office? - ___D___ Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You can't miss it. A:I beg your pardon? B:What do you mean? C:You're welcome. D:Mm, let me think. 二、阅读理解 1、Mrs. Weeks was reading a newspaper story to her class. 威克斯老师正在读报纸上的一个故事给她班上的学生听。The story said: "Were you ever in a hospital when you were small? How did you feel?" The doctors in Children's Hospital are asking for money for children's toys. Some children in the hospital must stay in bed for many weeks. Toys are needed to keep the sick children happy and quiet. Money for them can be sent to the hospital. After Mrs. Weeks read the story,she said,"This story gave me an idea." "You want us to bring some money for the toys." "We could bring some of our own toys for the children in the hospital, "said the boys and the girls one after another. "Well, your ideas would be nice, "Mrs. Weeks said,"but mine is different." "We could make some toys, "shouted one of them. Mrs. Weeks smiled. "Do you think you could make toys?" she asked. "Yes, yes, "the whole class answered. "Great! Let's begin to make toys tomorrow, "said Mrs. Weeks. On Saturday afternoon,Mrs. Weeks took the children to the hospital with the toys made by her students. The children in the hospital felt very happy to see the toys. So did the children in the class. A few days later,Mrs. Weeks read another newspaper story to the class: Some school pupils brought toys to Children's Hospital last week. The toys were made by the pupils of Grade Three in Green Street School. The doctors said,"We have never had so many wonderful toys. Our children are very happy with them. They say,'THANK YOU,GRADE THREE.'" (1)、The first newspaper story was mainly about sick children in children's Hospital. T A:T B:F (2)、Let the class make some toys and give them to the children in the hospital was in Mrs. Weeks' mind. T A:T B:F (3)、At first,the doctors in Children's Hospital wanted to get some money to buy toys for the sick children. T A:T B:F (4)、From the passage we can learn that what Mrs. Weeks really wanted to do is to ask her class to save money for toys. F A:T B:F (5)、The author's tone in this passage is enthusiastic. T A:T B:F 2、Places to stay in Britain are as varied as the places you visit. 在英国,住的地方随着你游览地点的不同而有所区别。Whatever your budget is the choice -from basic barn to small hotel, from tiny cottage to grand castle - is all part of fun. Hostels Cheap, good-value hostels are aimed at all types of like-minded travelers, who prefer value over luxury and you don't have to be young or single to use them. Britain's independent hostels and backpackers hostels also offer a great welcome. Facilities and prices vary, especially in rural areas, where some hostels are a little more than a bunkhouse (临时住房) while others are remarkably comfortable -almost like bargain hotels. Youth Hotels Founded many years ago to "help all, especially young people of limited means, to a greater knowledge, love and care of the countryside", the Youth Hotels Association is still going strong in the 21st century. The network of 230 hotels is a perfect gateway for exploring Britain's towns and countryside. B&Bs The B&B (bed and breakfast) is a Great British institution, In essence you get a room in somebody's house, and small B&Bs may only have one guest room, so you'll really feel like part of the family. Larger B&Bs may have four or five rooms and more facilities, but just as warm as a welcome. In country areas your B&B might be in a village or an isolated farm surrounded by fields. Prices reflect facilities: and usually run from around £12 to £20 per person. City B&Bs charge about £25 to £30 per person, although they're often cheaper as you go further out to the suburbs. Pubs & Inns


1、日常活动/主要工作(职业活动)/社交生活 Dear bob, I’ll tell you something above my daily life in this email and hope you will find it interesting. I usually get up early and go to work at 8 o’clock. I have lunch in the office . And I come back home at six. As a secretary , I deal with phone calls , emails and faxes during work hours . I also do the paper work for the manager . After work , I like to do shopping with friends or watch TV at home . sometimes I also like to chat on the internet. Best regards, Michelle 2、童年的梦想/目前的情况/对未来的希望 1st august 2005 Dear Jennifer, Thank you for telling me about yourself, I’d like to let you know more about me too. As a child , I wanted to be a detective , I thought a detective was really great because he could solve criminal cases to do justice . But my dream never came true. I’m mow a librarian dealing with books every day . The work is nothing thrilling, but I like it , Since there are more and more electronic materials, I hope that we will have an e-library built soon . Looking forward to hearing from you again. Best regards, Ian 3、事件发生的时间和地点/人物/事件的经过 One day last week, a girl parked her car outside a fashion house, As soon as she was inside , two men opened the car door , started the engine and drove away in just one minute , When the girl recovered from the shock, she called 110 . Luckily, there was a police patrol car nearby . So the girl got in the police car and they drove in the direction where the thieves escaped . Twenty minutes later , they found the car waiting at a busy crossroad for the traffic lights to turn green . Needless to say , the car thieves were caught red-handed. 4、自主(autonomous)学习与过程教育/自主学习与合作 (collaborative)学习/你自己的学习情况 Autonomous learning is an important learning style in distance education . It is an essential skill for distance learners because they study alone most of the time They do not meet their tutors or classmates very often . However ,distance learners can learn a lot from each other . So autonomous learning learner . I have to do most learning tasks by myself . Meanwhile we have group activities every two weeks to complete some learning tasks or share experiences . I have found both forms of learning very helpful. 5、有一种观点认为:声调生活比乡村生活好/你对这种观点的看法 /你的结论 Some people believe that town life is better than country life . I don’t agree with this . Town life can be convenient to us in many spects . For example , you can move around easily, shopping can be more fun in a big shopping mall and you can enjoy a more colorful nightlife . But there are also many disadvantages , It is much nosier than in the country . Air pollution is more serious , It is not easy to park your car . It costs more to live in town. To name but a few is enough Therefore, I prefer country life. 6、保持身体健康的重要性/保持身体健康的方法/重申保持身体健 康的意义 Nowadays more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy, Without a healthy body, we can do nothing . For me there are three main ways to keep healthy . First , it is necessary ot keep a balanced diet , which is the basis of good health , It is better for us to have more fruit and vegetables everyday , Secondly , it is important to take regular exercises , such as swimming , jogging and so on . Last but not least , it is euxenite to keep in a good mood . Relaxation and entertainment are ways go renew our spirits and release our stress . When we make healthy habits a part of our everyday life, we are bound to keep healthy. 7、哪一种是你最喜欢的交通方式/阐述你的理由/做出结论 In a modern city , there are many means of transportation , such as subway , taxi , bus and so on .But my favorite means of transportation is by bike. First , riding a bike is good for keeping healthy . I spend one hour riding a bike to my office on my working day , and I think it is a good form of physical exercise . Secondly , it is money-saving ,Recently , the private car drivers always complain the price of gas is higher and higher but if you ride a bike , it will cost you nothing ,Thirdly, it is beneficial for protecting the environment , so it is a “green” form of transportation . Therefore , although it has some disadvantages, I like riding a bike best . 8、描述你家的位置/各信房间的功能/表达你对家居条件的态度 My home is a newly-built house in the north of the city . We have three rooms in addition to the kitchen and bathroom . The first room is the main room or living room . It is for having meals . relaxing , reading , watching television and so on . It is the busiest room in the house .The second room is my daughter’s bedroom . She sleeps and tresses there . The third room belongs to my wife and me . It seems quite spacious because we have little furniture . We sleep . prepare 精品文档


一、单选、 16 1694年,英国商人建立(B),标志着现代银行业的兴起和高利贷的垄断地位被打破。B.英格兰银行 20 2001年以来,在中国人民银行的资产负债表中,最主要的资产项目为(B)。B.国外资产 20 2006年我国国际收支状况是(B)。B.双顺差 BX 保险公司有多种不同的分类方式,依据(B),保险公司分为商业性保险公司和政策性保险公司。B.经营目的CB 从本质上说,回购协议是一种(D)协议。D.质押贷款 CB 成本推动说解释物价水平持续上升的原因侧重于(D)。D.供给与成本 CQ 长期金融市场又称(C)。C.资本市场 CZ 从总体上看,金融创新增强了货币供给的(B)B.内生性 DQ 短期金融市场又称(C)。C.货币市场 FL 弗里德曼的货币需求函数强调的是(A)。A.恒久收入的影响 FZ 负责协调各成员国中央银行之间的关系,素有"央行中的央行"之称的国际金融机构是(A)。A.国际清算银行 GF 股份制商业银行内部组织结构的设置分为所有权机构和经营权机构。所有权机构包括股东大会、董事会和监事会。(B)是常设经营决策机关。B.董事会 GJ 国际外汇市场最核心的主体是(B)。B.外汇银行 GJ 国际资本流动可以借助衍生金融工具所具有的(D),以一定数量的国际资本来控制名义数额远远超过其自身的金融交易。 D.杠杆效应 HB 货币市场上的货币供给曲线和货币需求曲线的交点(E点)决定的利率称之为(C)。C.均衡利率 JJ 经济泡沫最初的表现是(C)。C.资产或商品的价格暴涨 JJ 经济全球化的先导和首要标志是(A)。A.贸易一体化 JR 金融机构适应经济发展需求最早产生的功能是(B)。B.支付结算服务 JR 金融市场监管中公开原则的含义包括价格形成公开和(D)。D.市场信息公开 JR 金融同业自律组织如行业协会属于(D)。D.管理兼政策性金融机构 JR 金融二论的代表人物是(C)。C.麦金农和萧 KE 凯恩斯的货币需求函数非常重视(C)。C.利率的作用 KE 凯恩斯把储存财富的资产划分为(D)。D.储蓄与投资 LX 利息是(D)的价格。D.借贷资本 MQ 目前各国的国际储备构成中主体是(B)。B.外汇储备 MQ 目前我国人民币汇率实行的是(A)。A.以市场供求为基础的、参考一揽子货币进行调节、有管理的浮动汇率制MY 美元与黄金内挂钩,其他国家货币与美元挂钩是(B)的特点。B.布雷顿森林体系 1word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.


2018年1月中央电大本科《商法》期末考试试题及答案 说明:试卷号:1058 课程代码:01267 适用专业及学历层次:法学;本科 考试:形考(纸考、比例30%);终考:(纸考、比例70%) 一、单项选择题 1.商法的调整对象是(D)。 A.市场经济关系 B.市场经营活动关系 C.政府对经济的调控关系 D.商事关系 2.某市国有资产管理部门决定将甲乙两个国有独资公司撤销,合并成立甲股份有限公司,合并后的甲股份公司仍使用原甲公司的字号,该合并事项已经有关部门批准,现欲办理商业登记。应办理的登记是(C)。 A.解散登记 B.变更登记 C.设立登记 D.注销登记 3.下列选项中不能担任公司法定代表人的是(A)。 A.董事 B.经理 C.董事长 D.执行董事 4.下列关于有限合伙企业的说法中错误的是(C)。 A.有限合伙企业至少应当有一个普通合伙人 B.有限合伙人可以同本有限合伙企业进行交易 C.有限合伙人可以执行合伙事务,但不得对外代表有限合伙企业 D.有限合伙企业仅剩有限合伙人的,应当解散;有限合伙企业仅剩普通合伙人的,转为普通合伙企业 5.以下为A建筑公司破产案件中当事人提出的破产抵销主张,其中不能合法成立的选项是(D)。 A.甲工厂主张抵销23万元:“万科公司收取我厂141万元预付工程款后,未履行合同即宣告破产;在此之前,我厂有23万元给万科公司的结算款,付给的汇票因记载不当被银行退回。” B.乙工厂主张抵销49万元:“破产案件受理前,万科公司欠我厂设备货款120万元;万科公司曾退回一台质量不合格的机器,其已付价金为49万元,双方达成协议按退货处理。”C.丁公司主张抵销142万元:“我公司欠万科公司工程款256万元;在万科公司破产宣告前,我公司作为保证人向银行偿付了万科公司所欠的142万元债务。” 1


真题一 一、交际英语 1、- Hello, I'm David Chen. Nice to meet you. - _______ A:Are you? B:Nice to meet you too. C:Yes. D:Very nice. 答案:B 2、-- Happy birthday to you! -- _______________ A:Happy birthday to you! B:I am very glad. C:That's all right. D:Thank you. 答案:D 3、- Mr. Jones, this is Sean, an English teacher from the United States. - ______________ A:What can I do for you?

B:Nice to meet you. C:Please keep in touch. D:Haven't seen you for ages. 答案:B 4、- I'm sorry. I lost the key. - ________ A:Well, it's OK. B:No, it's all right. C:You are welcome. D:You are wrong. 答案:A 5、- Could I speak to Don Watkins, please? - ________ A:Speaking, please. B:Oh, how are you? C:I'm listening. D:I'm Don. 答案:A 二、阅读理解 1、Snowflakes look like white stars falling from the sky. But there have been times when snow has looked red, green,


2. 货币流通具有自动调节机制的货币制度是(B. 金币本位制)。 3. 货币市场上的货币供给曲线和货币需求曲线的交点(E 点)决定的利率称之为(C. 均衡利率)。J 1. 经济泡沫最初的表现是(C. 资产或商品的价格暴涨)。 2. 经济全球化的先导和首要标志是(A. 贸易一体化)。 3. 金融机构适应经济发展需求最早产生的功能是(B. 支付结算)。 4. (D. 即期汇率)是国际外汇市场上最重要的汇率,是所有外汇交易汇率的计算基础。 5. 金融市场监管中公开原则的含义包括价格形成公开和(D. 市场信息公开)。 6. 金融同业自律组织如行业协会属于(A. 管理性金融机构)。 7. “金融二论”的代表人物是(C. 麦金农和萧)。 8. 金融工具的价格与其盈利率和市场利率分是哪种变动关系(A. 同方向,反方向)。K 1. 开发银行多属于一个国家的政策性银行,其宗旨是通过融通长期性资金以促进本国经济建设和发展,这种银行在业务经营上的特点是(A. 不以盈利为经营目标)。 2. 凯恩斯的货币需求函数非常重视(C. 利率的作用)。 3. 凯恩斯把储存财富的资产划分为(B. 货币与债券)。L 1. 利息是(D. 借贷资本)的价格。3. 目前各国的国际储备构成中主体是(B. 外汇储备)。 4. 目前我国人民币汇率实行的是(A. 以市场供求为基础的、参考一揽子货币进行调节、有管理的浮动汇率制)。 5. 马克思的货币理论表明(B. 货币是固定充当一般等价物的商品)。N 1. 能够体现一个国家自我创汇能力的国际收支差额是(B. 经常项目差额)。P 1. 票据到期前,票据付款人或指定银行确认记明事项,在票面上做出承诺付款并签章的行为称为(D. 承兑)。Q 1. 期限在一年以内的短期政府债券通常被称为(B. 国库券)。S 1. 生产过程从生产要素的组合到产品销售的全球化称之为(B. 生产一体化)。 2. 生产过程从生产要素的组合到产品销售的全球化称为(D. 生产一体化)。 3. 商业银行的提现率与存款扩张倍数的变化是(B. 反方向)。 4. 商业信用是以商品形态提供的信用,提供信用的一方通常是(B. 卖方)。 5. 商业信用是以商品形式提供的信用,提供信用的一方通常是(C. 卖方)。


中央电大本科《商法》历年期末考试判断题题库 说明:试卷号:1058 课程代码:01267 适用专业及学历层次:法学;本科 考试:形考(纸考、比例30%);终考:(纸考、比例70%) 2018年7月试题及答案 三、判断题 16.所谓商事关系,大体上说,就是一定社会中通过市场经营活动而形成的社会关系。(对) 17.商法的一项任务,就是尽量减少商事关系中的不确切、不稳定因素,提高行为的可预见性,以增强人们的安全感,调动人们从事交易的积极性。(对) 18.如果法律有特别规定,公司也可以成为对所投资企业的债务承担连带责任的出资人。(对) 19.隐名合伙就是合伙人不公开其姓名的合伙。(错) 20.破产财产在清偿破产费用和共益债务后,对破产人所欠职工的工资和税款,按同一比例予以清偿。(错) 21.企业破产法上的和解协议对债务人和所有债权人都具有约束力。(错) 22.汇票未按照规定期限提示承兑的,持票人丧失对其前手的追索权。(对) 23.信息公开是证券发行和交易的基本制度。(对) 24.人身保险的被保险人因第三人的行为而发生死亡、伤残或者疾病等保险事故的,保险人向被保险人或者受益人给付保险金后,享有向第三者追索的权利。(错) 25.受益人是指人身保险合同中由被保险人或者投保人指定的享有保险金请求权的人,投保人、被保险人可以为受益人。(对) 2018年1月试题及答案 三、判断题 16.商事组织就是人们为从事商品生产和交换而结成的经济实体。(对) 17.商法,又称为商事法,是指以商事关系为调整对象的法律规范的总称。(对) 18.独立董事必须出席董事会,但不必对每一项议案表态。(错) 19.共享利润和共担风险不是合伙关系的基本准则。(错) 20.债权人逾期申报债权的,视为自动放弃债权,不受法律保护。(错) 21.别除权的行使不参加集体清偿程序。(对) 22.有价证券可分为完全有价证券和不完全有价证券,票据属于不完全有价证券。(错) 23.收购要约中提出的各项收购条件,适用于被收购公司所有的股东。(对) 24.保险合同成立后,保险人可以根据自己的承保能力,决定继续履行保险合同还是解除保险 1


一、交际用语 A 1.Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver? (Yes, thanks doctor. But I still feel dizzy) 2.Afternoon, sir. Where to? (Please get me to the airport) 3.Ami , I want this report typed today. (It’ll be ready in the afternoon, sir) 4.Are there any good shows on TV tonight? (-Titanic is on the movie channel) 5.Are there any drug-stores around here? (-No, it isn’t) 6.Are you sure about that? (Oh, yes, I’m absolutely positive) 7.Are you on holidau here? (-No, we aren’t,We live here) 8.Could you please tell me how to get to the nearest bus stop? (It’s on the right corner just ahead) C 9.Can I help you to get it down? (Thanks. It’s so nice of you) 10.Can you tell me how much a T-shirt like this costs? (About forty-five dollars) 11.Could I thak to Prof. Lee? (Yes, speaking) 12.Can you help me clear up the mess? (No problem) 13,Can you tell me where I can park the car? (Well, just over there) D 14.Don’t take too long at the coffee shop. It’s 14:15. (I see .We have 30 minutes left) 15.Do you think the exam will be put off? (Not likely) 16.Do you mind if I read the newspaper on the table? (Go ahead, please) 16-1.Do you know if the Andersons are still living there? (Yes they are) E 17.Excuse me, does this bus go to the bookstore? (No. you’d change at the next stop) 18.Excuse me .Is this table taken? (Yeah. I’m saving these seats for friends) 19.Excuse me, when is the next flight from London due to arrive? (In half an hour) 20.Excuse me, I didn’t mean to bother you (That’s quite all right) 21.Excuse me, which is the express train to Tokyo? (On you right. It’ll leave in 5 minutes) 22.Excuse me, which bus goes to the city museum? (You can take No.102 bus) G 23.Go that way and take a seat. (Yes,that’s a good way) H 24.How’s the movie? Interesting? (Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV) 25.Help yourself to the steak, Maggie (Thanks you, Helen. It’s been a nice dinner) 26.Have you ever been to Tokyo? (No, but I hope to go there next year) 27.Have a nice holiday, Ted (Thank you ,and you too) 28.Hello! Can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight to Detroit? (I’m sorry, but it’s completely booked) 29.Hurry up, the lecture begins at 2:00 (Don’t worry. we’ve got 20 minutes) 30.Have you got a table for four, Waiter? (Yes, sure. This way, please) 31.Hey, Barara.You look so pale (I’m iust getting over the flu) 32.How much is it altogether? (It’s free) 33.How long will you be away from Italy? (About a month) 34.How often do you have listening classes in a week? (Every Monday and Friday) 35.How was the iourney to London? (It went very well) 36.How are you this morning? (Very well, thank you) I 37.I wish you success in your career. (The same to you) 38.I heard your motorcar was stolen. (Mine wasn’t but Bill’s was) 39.I’m sorry. Bob’s not in his office (Can you take a message for me) 40.I’ve ordered pizza and salad. What else do you want? (A beer is fine for me. I’m not hungry yet) 41.I’m sorry to be late. Thank you for waiting. (Oh. I don’t mind. I ‘ve been here 10 minutes)or(that’s ok) 42.I’m trying to call Marie, but there’s no answer. (Really? Maybe she’s out) 43.I wonder of you could help me. (Of course) 44.I have an appointment with Dr.Johnson (Please wait for a minute.He is busy now) 45.I’ve got 2 tickets for the match,Shall we go and watch it together? (Why not?Let’s go) 46.I don’t think I’m late Excuse me, what’s the time? (Itsays 8:00. But it’s 5 minutes slow) 47.I haven’t seen Belly for 10 years. (Neither have I) 48.I don’t like the sports porgrams on Sundays (Neither do I) 49.In my opinion,you’d better take a couple of days off. (I’ll take your advice) 50.Is there anything serious,doctor? (No.Just atay in bed and drink more water) 51.It is a great race! Do you agree? (Yes, it’s teally exciting) 52.Is my TV program disturbing you? (Yes, I’m trying to write my paper) 53.I’d like to know if everybody is here (Everyone except Tom) 54.I have got a pain in my neck (I’m sorry to hear that) 55.I feel quite ill (You’d better have a rest) 56.Is there anything I can do for you? (Yes, It’s very kind of you)

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