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【最新】难忘的夏令营英语作文-精选word文档 (3页)

【最新】难忘的夏令营英语作文-精选word文档 (3页)



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It was the first day of our winter holiday.All of us were very happy.Why?Because we have one months to do things we love to

do.We are free.Although we have some homework.But we can finish them in several days.And the rest time we can make good use of.My

god!We have been very tired after hard studying.In winter holidays,I want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f86818223.html,st but not the least,I will have a good rest.


It was the second day of our winter holiday.I felt good.I felt I’m free.I had a lot of time to do things I like.My parents are in Beijing.So I live alone but I don’t feel lonely.But I didn’t do something special.I stayed at home and watched TV.Oh!I wrote an English daily composition.It was my homework.Today,I have slept for 14 hours.I thought I was very tired.It was time for dinner.I must go!I am very hungry.


It was the third day of our winter holiday.Today,there are many business in my mother’s company.So my mother told me to help my uncle who is the manager of my mother’s company.I sat in my mother’


难忘的第一次作文范文八篇 在我的人生中有许许多多的第一次,第一次做饭、第一次走夜路、第一次登台表演、第一次去旅游……但是我印象最深的,莫过于小时候第一次自己在家的那次经历,下面是关于难忘的第一次作文范文八篇的内容,欢迎阅读! 作文一:难忘的第一次 在我过去的日子里,印象深刻甚至刻骨铭心的事有许多件,但那一次对我勇气的考验、性格的磨练是前所未有的。 那天是星期一,早晨,学校要升旗,我象往常一样匆匆来到学校,走进沸沸扬扬的教室,书包还没放下,一们老师叫住了我,我顿时纳闷了,老师清早找我啥事呢?我问:“老师,找我有什么事?”老师说“你看,上周口令员杨思娴转学走了,你来当口令员行不行?”我听了,为之一惊,我最胆小怕丑,别说当着全校人的面,就是全班人的面我也不敢,要我去,那不是要我的命吗。在一二年级的时,年纪小,童言稚语说错了,也没关系,现在六年级了,而且不是几个人在一起,而是在几百人前面,要是说错了,那多难为情啊,面子往哪搁啊。我真想一口咬定不干,却又说不出口;又想,老师叫我当升旗口令员,是认为我可以,是对我的胜任,我不能辜负他们对我的期望,刀山我也上了。我于是大义凛然答应了老师,老师高兴地走了。 过了一会儿,要升旗了,我的心怦怦直跳,生怕没说好出丑,冷汗不知不觉的从背上滚到了大腿,渗入衣服里,我不禁又预习了几遍口令,“升旗仪式现在开始,全体肃立,一、出旗,二、升国旗,奏国歌……” 到了激动人心的时候了,我登上了升旗台,热血沸腾,紧张得不行,我告诫自己,要稳住,不能心慌,定了定神,顿时稳住了,口号象流水似的流了出来,终于说完了,说的还不错,声音洪亮,吐字清楚。我心里的千斤鼎终于放了下来,我成功了。我虽然汗珠不住的滚,见同学们纷纷向我竖起了大拇指,我得意的笑了。 啊,难忘的第一次,这一次,我懂得了一个道理,万事都要去尝试,不要胆怯;困难并不可怕,只要勇于克服,相信自己,我能行。 作文二:难忘的第一次


Good evening,dear professors,it’s my great honor to have an opportunity for your interview.I’m Chen Lei from the ××University,majoring in Logistics Engineering.Now let me introduce myself briefly. In the past three years,I have enjoyed an unforgettable life in my university.I have obtained not only the fundamental knowledge of my specialty but also many friends. And generally speaking,I’m studious and open-minded,good at English and writing,and have great passion for my major.Though not to be the smart one,I believe the words that curiosity quotient plus passion quotient makes more than intelligent quotient.Therefore,as prizes,I won the scholarship of my profession.And what impressed me so much was the time of participating in the academic activities,including the competition of the logistics simulation,delivering a paper and carrying on a creative project with my classmates.Though not to be the leader of these activities,I have learned so much that radically build me up,like the spirit of co-operation,the ability to search data,using the thoughts,methods and knowledge of mathematics to solve practical problems and so on.All in all,I’m perseverant and hard-working when doing things I’m interested in. In my spare time,I enjoy reading books of various areas.I always believe the words said by Franklin D Roosevelt,if a man empties his purse into his head,no man can take it away from him,for the investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. So today,I come here to apply for the master of logistics engineering,I hope I could have a better understanding in it.And I know here are so many remarkable professors,I could have learned how to study but to be a better person if I could be accepted successfully. I’m really desired to study in the ××University,that’s all,thank you very much for your listening.


Young People Should Have Ideals To different people, the word "ideal" may mean different things. To some, it may mean success and fame in their career; to others, a peaceful life. Very often, we have ideals for the "self" and no ideal for society, let alone the people of the world. Is it a sound attitude toward life? In my opinion, a youth should have ideals. But it is more important that these ideals are not merely centered on the "self". They should be also the ideals of the majority of people. Then you would get strength and confidence toward life for you are striving for the benefits of your fellowmen. The setting up of an idea does not merely mean to go without doing anything. Real and concrete action should be taken. For us students, the most important thing to do is to study diligently. We study hard not to become bookworms, but to make us well-equipped and well-prepared for the pursuit of our ideals. Sometimes, in striving toward our ideas, we may encounter certain difficulties and failures. But we should not give up or lose hope, for as long as we try, there is always a way out.


难忘的第一次作文600字9篇 每个人都有难忘的第一次,在人生的道路上会经历许多事情。下面是为你了“难忘的第一次作文600字”,希望能帮助到您。 我的表弟是一个分字不清的人。经常把“巨”弄成“臣”,“曰”弄成“日”,“兵”弄成“丘”。弄得舅妈没办法,只好让我去教表弟分这几个字。 可我又没当过老师,怎么教?这可让我绞尽脑汁。突然我想到了编故事教字的方法可我又不知道怎么编,这可让我想破脑袋。 几个小时后,我叫正在玩的表弟过来,对表弟说:“快点拿出本子和笔来,我教你辩字。”贪玩的表弟死活都不拿出本子和笔来。我只好使出杀手锏来,对表弟说:“如果你不乖乖听话,我就叫舅妈一年不让你出去玩,一年不让你看电视。”这些权利可是表弟的“生命”,若没有这些权利他生不如死。他只好乖乖投降。 我开始教了。我对他说:“‘臣’和‘巨’是同事。‘巨’参观完‘臣’的房子后对‘臣’说:‘老弟,你真厉害,我们俩分得房子一样大,你却装修成了三室两厅。唉!” “曰”和“日”是好朋友,它们一起去买衣服。曰好不容易看中了一件,却穿不上。“日”笑着对“曰”说:“你那么胖,快减肥吧!” "兵”对“丘”说:“战争真无情,夺去了你的双脚。”“丘”答道:“是啊,战争真可怕。我现在退役在家休息,而你是现役军人,如果你壮烈牺牲了,我会向你到敬的,同时我也会泣不成声的。”

我教完了,我叫表弟用这六个字组词。“不错,用词全对,看来我教的不错。”我哈哈大笑,那句话飘荡在我的笑声中…… 是啊,人生有许多第一次,每一个第一次都可以在其中成长,可哪一个第一次可以让你感觉到乐在其中呢? 星期日下午,一个阿姨带着我和她的女儿一起去高榜山爬山。 刚到山脚下时,我抬头望着高榜山,只见山顶上有一座高大而美丽的塔。“高榜山应该不高吧!我都看见山顶了。”我好奇的问。阿姨笑了笑说:“等你爬了就知道有多高了。”原来,这句话不是哄我的、,而是确有其事啊!弯弯曲曲的山路,又长又陡,虽然建了水泥路,但是走起来还是很费体力的。我看着这条山路,忽然觉得这似乎好像是人生的道路一样,虽然曲折,虽然难走,但我们每个人都必须经历这条路,也必须要坚持走到终点。 我走在路上,温暖的阳光送来了阵阵幽香和宜人的芬芳,我看见路两旁的花草树木陡争妍斗艳起来,陶醉在幽香的我不禁伸起手,摘起花来,阿姨叫住我:“花虽然美丽,但不要采摘哦!”我又把手缩了回去。是啊!人生的道路上确实有很多诱惑吸引着我们,但我们千万要接受这诱惑,因为贪欲会让人丧心病狂,会让人失去了自已的理智,从而就做出不正确的事。 爬着爬着,我的脚也酸了。于是找了个亭子休息起来。从山上看上下,真的别有一番风味,迷人的风景,让我如痴如醉;任大脑在美中陶醉,任心潮在美中起伏。当我看到其他人还在不停地向上爬,心里又跑出了一个道理来:“有的人只顾向上爬,不顾周围的风景还


夏令营活动作文400字(精选8篇) 夏令营活动作文400字(精选8篇) 在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家都写过作文吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。写起作文来就毫无头绪?以下是小编为大家收集的夏令营活动作文400字(精选8篇),供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 夏令营活动作文1今天,我和夏令营的同学们一起学做馒头,我们做了许多各式各样的馒头。 第一步是揉面。老师已经提前帮我们和好面团了,我们直接开始揉面。我先在盆底撒上面粉,再将面团放进盆里,往前一推,再往回一拉,再往前一推,再往回一拉,面团像胶水一样粘住我的手,我费了好大的劲,面团才“离开”了我的手。我想:哎呀,揉面团可真费劲啊!紧接着,同学们也一个一个地揉面团。不一会儿,面团就变得白白的、软软的,像个白白胖胖的小娃娃。 第二步就是做馒头了。我从盆里拿出一点面团,揉了揉,准备做五角星。我先将面团搓成圆,再往下一拍,弄出五个

角,再来回翻动,最后就放进蒸笼。我看看旁边的同学们,做馒头时,有的坐在位置上,专心地在做馒头造型;有的一边在跟旁边的同学说话,一边在做馒头,;还有的在教室里走来走去,将自己的作品给同学们欣赏。大家做得馒头的形状各种各样:有刺猬形的、有甜甜圈形的、有五角星形的、有花朵形的、有老鼠形的、有飞机形的等等。 大约过了20分钟,馒头煮好了。一股香喷喷的味道飘了过来,钻进了我的鼻子。我拿起一块馒头细嚼慢咽的吃起来,甜中带着一点点酸,酸中带着甜,好吃极了!我心里想:哎呀!我自己做得竟然比妈妈做得还好吃呢! 这次做馒头,我不仅学会了做馒头,而且我发现自己做得比妈妈做得好吃。 夏令营活动作文2美好的暑假开始了,我报的夏令营也要结束了。 在夏令营,我一共度过了6天5夜。前面几天过的很苦。都干了些什么?洗衣服呀、走路呀、划龙舟呀、还有“勇士训练宫”。最好玩的当然是最后一天的项目:东方绿舟之恐龙嬉水。 我换好泳衣,戴上了泳帽和泳镜就开始玩了。 我来到了门口一不小心就被机器霸王龙给喷了一脸“口水”,我大叫了一喊:“好凉呀!”我嘴上这么说,心里却想:真凉快,我还想再玩一次。接下来,随着老师的一声令下,


夏令营活动的英语作文 This August I went to a two-week long English camp which was held by English Beacon in Yantai city, Shandong Province. There were over a hundred middle school students from all over the country and thirty experts in English teaching participating in this exciting camp. While we were there, it was required that we speak only English to our teachers and with each other. There were many activities which were funny and helped us to strengthen our oral English skills, such as, the Second Annual National Debate for Middle School Students,the Third National English Speech Competition for Middle School Students and English parties. We also visited many places of interest. Learning English was exciting and the teachers were very friendly and helpful. This camp was a real life-changing experience that I will never forget. Dear leader, I am very glad that your school will hold the English Summer Camp that contains many courses ,such as gardening,cooking, self-defence, nursing and so on.I want to register to attend a course bout gardening ,because I have liked flowers 、grasses etc since I was a little child. I especially like playing in the garden where I can enjoy the beauty of nature.For one thing ,I hope to gain a bit more knowledge of gardening so that it can help me to major in the gardening after attending college.Besides I wish to get much more information about gardening so as to study it more easily when I enter the university。What's more,I can realize the bitterness of the gardeners to treasure the plants much more. For another,after graduation from college I will devote my life to cultivate the flowers and grasses to turn our country into a more beautiful state and make many more foreigners come to visit our country。 Yours, 亲爱的领袖,

【优质】大学英语作文范文-word范文模板 (2页)

【优质】大学英语作文范文-word范文模板 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 大学英语作文范文 1. 成功的四个步骤 four steps to a successful four steps to a successful the first time in life? then grasp your chance with your perfect performance on the dating night, by learning the following principle in heart. dress properly. while everyone wants to give an impressive debut on the first date, you should avoid wearing something too bizarre to be accepted. if you are still in school, a sportswear can fulfill your purpose. for businessman or grownups, casual clothes are recommended. never put up your working uniforms,no matter how well you like that armani suit. it is no work. a few accessories such as a pair of sunglasses or silver loops on the wrist can add up to the romance sphere. take a bath before dating. and if you like, spray a little perfume, but unless you're sure that he or she likes the smell,don't use ones that are too strong. watch your manner. you're no prince of the scotland nor cinderella in the legend. proper manners will ensure a lasting relationship while bad ones scare away your sweetheart. and do make sure you do not boast about your fortune, for, not everyone are green addicts. and your way of smiling, or your greatestoath, should neither be "coy" nor "by st. loy!" after the nun in chaucer. be a little sensitive than merely innocent. do make sure you do not intrude his or her privacy on the first date. for there maybe something deeply concealed within the inner core of every heart, of which the owner doesn't share often with anyone but his intimacy. finally, wish you good luck. may you get your hearts combined and start a new journey in the miracle of life and love. stay tuned till a borderline is reached, and keep on through out the whole way. 简评看来第一次约会真是令人兴奋并紧张期待的。为第一次约会所提出的建议也是仁者见仁、智者见智。王永同学用词简单、结构精炼,读起来节奏快,例如:“dress properly....if you are still in school,a sportswear can fulfill your purpose.for businessman orgrowmups,casual clothes are recommended.”这样的文章结构像是在提醒我们时不我待,要抓住机会,抓紧时间。


《难忘的第一次作文》 难忘的第一次作文(1): 难忘的第一次 在我脑海里,有许许多多的难忘的事,其中有一件事最令我难忘,那就是我第一次做饭。 那是那一年的夏天,中午我放学回到家,一回到家,我就大声喊道:这天谁做饭啊?饿死我了。走到餐厅,才发现爸爸妈妈不在,着急的我这是在餐桌上看到了一张字条,上方写道:儿子,这天我们不回来了,你自我做饭吃吧。看到这张字条,心里想:哼!不就是做饭么,谁不会,这天我就露俩手给他们瞧瞧。我该做甚么呢?就做我最爱吃的鸡蛋面把。 我先拿来俩颗鸡蛋,左手拿着鸡蛋,右手固定住碗用力的在碗上磕了一下,不聊鸡蛋被我磕碎了,蛋黄都洒在了我的手上,没办法还得重磕,我又把另一颗鸡蛋拿在手上,吸取了上次的教训,我这次稍微用力的一磕鸡蛋,正好磕在了碗里,我高兴的手舞足蹈,然后,在用力搅拌,搅拌好了,我就开始和面,面活好了我就用菜刀切,这些面被我左切一下,右切一下,让我切的乱七八糟,面切好了,我在打开电磁炉,里面的水开了,我就把鸡蛋和面条放进去一齐煮熟,等上七八分钟,面就好了,这中途,我就打开电视,开始看我最喜爱的电视剧了,过了一会,走到餐厅看到面早就熟了,我赶紧把面倒进碗里,幸好还没有坏道低,还能吃了。我听爸爸说加点醋和辣子味儿会跟好点,然后我就加了一些醋和辣子,最后我尝了尝我的杰作。呀,还不错就是有点辣了,我得意的点点一头,嘴里还吃着自我做的面。等妈妈爸爸回来尝尝我的面,必须会开心死的。 这就是我难忘的第一次,每次想到这件事我都会捧腹大笑,你呢? 难忘的第一次作文(2): 难忘的第一次 每个人都有难忘的第一次,让我最难忘的是在去年暑假的是时候。 去年放暑假的时候,我暂时住在外公家,立刻就要中午12点了,我和表姐还有表弟正从外面回来,肚子正饿的咕咕叫的时候,却发现所有的人竟然都睡着了。我外公家的人都有睡午觉的习惯,除了表姐和表弟,而我又不忍心把他们都吵醒。心里想了又想,虽然没有煮过饭,可是每个事物都会有第一次啊!以后才会慢慢熟的,光想没有用,只好叫上表姐和表弟来开工,可是,又有一道难题放在我的面前了:做点什么好呢?我左思右想,嗯,就做个


难忘的夏令营的作文400字 2021-12-08 【第1篇】 8月4日早晨,骄阳似火,我背着行囊怀着无比激动的心情开始了为期五天四夜的夏令营之旅。此次夏令营之旅没有父母陪伴,只有小伙伴、教练及教官同行。 我们乘坐的大巴在上午8时30分准时出发。一路上,小伙伴们有说有笑,开心极了。两个小时的车程很快就过去了,大巴在离目的地还有五公里的休息区停下。经过短暂的休息,我们就头顶烈日徒步走完剩余五公里,到达最终目的地—非常基地。到达基地后,第一件事就是教官带我们到宿舍并指派床位。安顿好后,我们所有的充满激情与挑战的活动项目将在这里陆续开展,如陶艺、沙雕、勇往直前、跋山涉水、天网、攀高峰、勇过旋桥、丛林寻宝、拔河、伤员救助、激光真人CS、篝火晚会等。其中,我最喜欢的是跋山涉水项目,它是由一块木板和十个轮胎组成的一款运动设施项目。刚开始攀上时,觉得非常简单,可是越到后面越害怕,一是因为我有点恐高,二是因为轮胎的摆动幅度越来越大,在教官的鼓励下,我终于走完了全程。下来后,我觉得非常刺激,如果有机会,我还会再玩一次。 此次旅行,不再有爸爸妈妈的呵护,洗衣、洗澡、整理床铺等需要自己动手,但我依然很开心。没有爸爸妈妈陪伴的初次历练,在我脑海里留下深刻印象,让我铭记在心。 此次夏令营,活动缤纷,和小伙伴一起,激情四溢,体验之旅,难以一一言表,我还想再来一次! 【第2篇】 这个暑假我参加了小记者横店、绍兴夏令营活动,第一次离开爸爸妈妈的身边,心里既万分期待又忐忑不安,在这样的心情下我踏上了夏令营的旅途。 夏令营的第一站是横店的5A级景点“奇幻谷”,你们想知道“奇幻谷”是什么样的吗?听我娓娓道来。“奇幻谷”可大了,有欢乐水世界、蹦极、空中旋转、


夏令营活动的英语作文 如何写夏令营活动的英语作文,有哪些优秀模板可以参照,下面是小编为大家推荐夏令营的英语作文的内容,希望能够帮助到你,欢迎大家的阅读参考。 夏令营活动的英语作文【1】 This August I went to a two-week long English camp which was held by English Beacon in Yantai city, Shandong Province. There were over a hundred middle school students from all over the country and thirty experts in English teaching participating in this exciting camp. While we were there, it was required that we speak only English to our teachers and with each other. There were many activities which were funny and helped us to strengthen our oral English skills, such as, the Second Annual National Debate for Middle School Students,the Third National English Speech Competition for Middle School Students and English parties. We also visited many places of interest. Learning English was exciting and the teachers were very friendly and helpful. This camp was a real life-changing experience that I will


<<<<<<精品资料》》》》》 五年级英语作文范文集 例文一My English Teacher Miss Tang is my English teacher. She's very pretty. She is tall and thin. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. Her hair is long. She likes cats very much. And she likes singing and dancing, too. Her English is very good. We often play games in English classes. She is very kind to us. We all love her. 例文二My English Teacher Miss White is my English teacher. She's very young and pretty. She is very shy.She has two big eyes and a small mouth. She likes singing and dancing. Her English is very good. She's kind. We all like her very much. 五年级英语作文范文集 例文一My English Teacher Miss Tang is my English teacher. She's very pretty. She is tall and thin. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. Her hair is long. She likes cats very much. And she likes singing and dancing, too. Her English is very good. We often play games in English classes. She is very kind to us. We all love her. 例文二My English Teacher Miss White is my English teacher. She's very young and pretty. She is very shy.She has two big eyes and a small mouth. She likes singing and dancing. Her English is very good. She's kind. We all like her very much. 五年级英语作文范文集 例文一My English Teacher Miss Tang is my English teacher. She's very pretty. She is tall and thin. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. Her hair is long. She likes cats very much. And she likes singing and dancing, too. Her English is very good. We often play games in English classes. She is very kind to us. We all love her. 例文二My English Teacher Miss White is my English teacher. She's very young and pretty. She is very shy.She has two


难忘的第一次作文-教学目标及难点重点: 1、让学生彼此分享成长的故事,记录生活中难忘的瞬间。 2、指导学生把内容说具体,表达自己的真情实感。 3、学会欣赏和修改习作,培养学生习作兴趣。 重、难点:指导学生把内容说具体,表达自己的真情实感。 教法、学法及教学过程 教法: 1、谈话法。2、分组交流法。3、巡视指导点拨法。4、当堂评定法。 学法: 1、讨论法。2、快速成文法。3、学生修改法。 教学过程:习作指导——习作练习——习作评改——前作文——中作文——后作文(一)前作文:未成曲调先有情 1、话题交流,真情融汇 2、举三选一,开启心路(第一次得奖、第一次说谢谢、第一次给妈妈洗脚、第一次去北京、第一次当小老师、第一次自己坐车、第一次受挫折 (二)中作文:读写结合我能写 1、充分练说,从说到写 2、阅读佳作,从读到写 3、快速行文,一气呵成。 难忘的第一次作文开头和结尾可以这么写 直接回忆(凤头)——事情经过(猪肚)——照应开头(豹尾) 可以用这样的方式开头: ①一想起我第一次打电话的情景,我就觉得十分好笑。 ②人的生命是一个美好的过程,人的成长犹如花开那样灿烂和美丽。一件事即使重复做了几次,但印象最深的还是第一次,那是…… ③“大马路,宽又宽,警察叔叔站中间。红灯亮了停一停,绿灯亮了我再行。”这首儿歌是我在幼儿园时学的,现在依然记忆犹新。每当我唱着这首儿歌,就想起来第一次真真切切地当一次警察,第一次感受当警察的滋味。 …… 可以用这样的方法结尾: ①现在,想起我第一次打电话的情景,我当时是多者幼稚可笑啊。 ②在成长的历程中,这是我刻骨铭心的“第一次”。 ③这一次使我明白了,每个人都曾经过许许多多的第一次。正是因为有了“第一次”才有了第二次、第三次,才有了人生的开始,人生的光彩,人生的辉煌。


小学生夏令营的作文 导语:夏令营的活动真丰富,这一天令人久久不能忘怀。下面是小编整理的一些夏令营的优秀作文,欢迎查阅。 小学生夏令营作文一: 我终于盼到了夏令营的日子,我一大早就起来催妈妈早点送我去学校乘车。 一到学校,我兴奋得不得了。今天的天气很阴凉,这应该谢谢太阳公公。 乘上大客车,不知不觉,我们就到了无锡的三国城。因为我最喜欢看《三国演义》,所以这儿很吸引我。三国城里的景点非常多,有“三英战吕布”、诸葛亮的“茅屋“和“八卦阵”……在“三英战吕布“的地方,我停留了很长时间。我仿佛看到刘备、关羽、张飞奋战吕布的激烈情景。吕布身披银甲,手持单戟,十分威猛。刘、关、张三人也毫不示弱,他们齐心协力,终于把吕布打败了。吕布的赤兔马夜行千里,刘备三人怎么追也追不上。 诸葛亮的“八卦阵“是个迷宫。我们一进入迷城,就迫不及待地想走出去。可是道路迂回曲折,看得我们眼花缭乱。最终我们还是赢得了胜利,突围成功! 无锡的特产有酱骨头、泥娃娃等。我花了一元钱给信佛的爸爸买了六个罗汉,爸爸非常高兴。

这次夏令营,让我开阔了眼界,丰富了知识。我打算努力学习,年年评到“三好学生”,因为我还想去夏令营。 小学生夏令营作文二: 七月十一日,我去了“宁波市青少年绿色学校”进行了三天的夏令营活动。 那天早晨,我高兴地上了车。在车上,我心想:终于离开无聊的家了,好期待那里的活动呀!到了那,我放好行礼,就开始了第一天的活动。“水枪大战活动,预备,开始。”我们拿着水枪你喷我,我喷你。哈哈,把衣服弄得湿淋淋的。回到学校后,我换了衣服,就要洗衣服啦!放好洗衣粉,水,用手搓一搓。唉呀!真累呀。好想让奶奶帮我洗衣,可是现在奶奶又不在这,只能自己洗了。洗好了衣服,我们又去摘番茄。好红的番茄,在阳光下像红宝石一样,闪闪发光。 第二天的活动可真丰富呀,有:双人走钢丝、飞夺沪定桥、划趣舟、智慧之光里探索科学。下午,我们又去了奇E 国当了一次小大人。奇E国里有许多工作的地方。当摄影师、魔术师……去沙艺坊学沙画,去活字印刷,了解怎样印刷……通过这次去奇E国,我知道了大人工作有多辛苦,赚钱有多不容易。晚上我们进行了篝火晚会,大家围在火炉旁又唱又跳,开心极了。第三天,我们进行了逃生演习,我知道了,该怎样逃生,逃生的时候,怎样动作最标准。 七月十三日下午三时,我回到了家。心想:我终于知道


英语作文:参加夏令营 如何写一篇关于参加夏令营的英语作文呢?以下是小编收集的关于《参加夏令营英语作文》,仅供大家阅读参考! 英语作文:参加夏令营 Dear leader, I am very glad that your school will hold the English Summer Camp that contains many courses ,such as gardening,cooking, self-defence, nursing and so want to register to attend a course bout gardening ,because I have liked flowers 、grasses etc since I was a little child. I especially like playing in the garden where I can enjoy the beauty of one thing ,I hope to gain a bit more knowledge of gardening so that it can help me to major in the gardening after attending I wish to get much more information about gardening so as to study it more easily when I enter the university。What's more,I can realize the bitterness of the gardeners to treasure the plants much more. For another,after graduation from college I will


初二英语作文参考范文 1.请以“Talking about English Learning”为题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你对英语学习的看法以及你学习英语成功的经验,并给学习有困难的同学提几条学好英语的建议。要点如下:1)Why do you learn English? 2)How do you learn English? 3)Your suggestion 要求: 1.短文应包括所有要点,要点顺序可以自己安排。词数80左右。短文开头已给出,不记入总词数。2.要求语句通顺连贯,能表达自己的真实思想。3.所提建议应不少于两条。 Talking about English Learning English is the most important and useful language in the world. It is also one of the subjects in schools. So I have learned English for many years. In class, I try to listen to the teacher carefully and speak English as much as possible(尽可能多的). After class, I often review the lessons, listen to English tapes, watch English programs on TV, read English news papers and so on. I study hard, so I’m good at it. By the way, here are some suggestions about how to learn English well for you. First, believe yourself, try to read or speak English loudly. Second, you had better learn English words by heart. Third, it is a good idea to use English as much as possible. Finally, why not find an English pen friend and write email messages to each other in English? Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.(世上无难事,只怕有心人) So I believe our English will be better and better. 2.你的美国朋友John这个寒假要到中国来学习汉语,请你给他一些建议。告诉他如何能更好地学好汉语。可能会用到的词语:Chinese class, listen to, talk with, write emails. 要求:语句通顺,书写工整,可用所给词语,也可适当发挥。字数80-100,不含已给出部分。 Dear John, I’m so glad to hear you will come to my country to learn Chinese in this winter holiday.______________________________________________________________ Dear John, I’m so glad to hear you will come to my country to learn Chinese in this winter holiday. I think it is the best way to improve your Chinese. When you get here, you may go to a Chinese language school. Remember to speak Chinese as much as possible in class. You can read some Chinese newspapers or books. You can see some famous Chinese films or listen to the radio in Chinese. It can improve your listening. Besides (除此之外), how about writing to me in Chinese? It is good for your writing. I hope I can give you some help. See you soon. Yours, Lin Tao Dear John, I’m glad to hear you will come to Beijing. In your last letter, you asked me for some advice about how to learn Chinese. I think you’d better go to Chinese classes. You can make more friends there and talk with them in Chinese. It is a good idea /useful to listen to some Chinese radio programs and read some Chinese newspapers. Why not buy a Chinese dictionary? If you don’t know the meaning of a word, it can help you./ you can look up the word in the dictionary. Of course, I can also help you. I think Chinese is easy

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