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1Analyse the relationship between organisational goals,objectives and policies and explain their contribution to effective management in the case study. Goal:To start a Chocolate Company, settle down and do the best.

It makes all the staff come here are moving forward

Objective:Securing sales and developing new products was being met.

Suzy simply could not develop the market with the existing staff levels,J.O.C needed to expand.

Suzy had targeted these markets in Ayrshire and Borders.

These are making the company become more powerful.

Policy:Pour the chocolate as a gift in the restaurant and the hotel inside send out.

Employees in the work have a common goal

Approached the local college.

These will highlight the brand, enhance employee cohesion, find new and useful employees.

Relationship:Each policy will contribute to the achievement of objectives, every objectives are to promote the realization of the goals.

2 Identify the main differences between the formal organisation and informal organisation.

(1).Purpose. Formal organization in order to achieve organizational goals and consciously established.

(2).Structure.Formal organization structure typically used to illustrate.

(3)Formal organization is the result of planning rather than spontaneous formation. Characteristics of its organization reflects a certain degree of management thinking and beliefs. The informal organization can form spontaneously as hobbies, etc.

(4)Formal organization. Formulate various rules and regulations constrained individual behavior, to achieve consistency organizations. While informal organizations more freedom.

3 Explain the composition of the open system theory and explain how it applies in the case study.

Inputs:money,get the money when Suzy resignation

Information,Suzy visit to Europe to get information

Organisation Processes:

Internal:Suzy and Leon met every Monday to discuss potential developments and to visit customers and to meet with suppliers.Hafiz have to manage chocolate production in the factory,and he met Suzy on Monday to discuss the weekly production programme.It show a unified coordination and interdependence between the various systems within the organization.

External:Political,Bank to provide him with support to help her identify the problem, so she did not bankrupt

Outputs:Get the highest quality products and benefits.

4 Identify different stakeholders in the case study and explain their influence and interest.

Shareholder--Suzy.She has some discretion to determine the profitability of the company of her earnings.

Employees--such as:Leon,Hafiz.Their management company, or pay the labor. If the high profitability of the company which they will easily long wages or dividends. Government/Bank--Amina,She helped J.O.C not bankrupt,Corporation Bank re presentative government, can be obtained profits tax.

Suppliers--Dominican Republic and lvory Coast.For the production of raw materials, production company what to buy what suppliers.

5 Recommend an effective control strategy that applies to the case study and justify its suitability.

(1).Establish reward and punishment system,this allowed teams to maintain standards and encourage a positive culture...

(2)Entered into a strict management system to regulate employee behavior. Of course, this restriction should not be too strict, but there must be.

(3)Between employees and between employees and leaders need to communicate frequently consulted on the development of the company's employees.Suzy each week one of them to be and to talk about the staff there may be work to do.

(Peng Chongling)


“Escape to Wild”是一家成功的公司,专门通过邮购和小型的零售专营店来销售户外休闲服饰。它作为一家私营公司小规模的经营了超过15年的,一直到六年前,一位经理被聘请来扩展公司业务。首先,公司增加了邮购目录上的商品数,并且用了更大的仓库来存放和配送货物。四年前,“Escape to Wild”开了第一家自己的零售专营店,到现在,已经有了10家零售专营店,并有计划再多开五间店。两年前,公司建立了自己的网站,实现了网上购物,这部分的业务发展迅速,还带了了很多海外的订单。这位新经理上任以来,公司员工已由原来的20人发展到300人,业务也变得更大更复杂,持续需要加强员工来源已经成为这家户外服饰专营公司最强烈的需求,需要更多的员工是这家公司的当务之急。 “Escape to Wild”公司没有明确的人力资源部门。部门经理们根据自己部门的职责招聘新人,负责确定他们的薪酬水平。薪酬管理业务已经外包,员工培训一般是临时组织的,财务主管负责处理员工的合同和特殊情况,例如产假和加薪。 在这个快速发展的时期,公司已经开始将更多的精力投入到服务正在增加的客户群中。到目前为止,公司中员工的关系比较良好,但是,公司的现状表明是时候建立规定和程序从而能用更系统的方法去解决人力资源的问题。 在最近的公司管理层会议上,部门经理们不断的抱怨说他们花了太多的时间在处理一些日常的行政问题上,而这些问题明明都可以由人力资源部门来解决,如果公司能有一个这样的部门。不断增加的员工数量使得财务部门花大量的时间来处理与人事相关的问题。同时,部门经理们也会因为工作描述,招聘和甄选的实际操作,以及员工的薪酬待遇等问题产生矛盾。一个管理层的人员最近参加了一个关于员工法案的研讨会,法律


1. Human Resource Management was introduced as a term to reflect how organisations achieed the best from their employees. It was reconised that the best way to compete in an ever-increasing worldwide market was to have highly motivated people. Human Resource Management refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the personnel aspects of your management job, specifically, acquiring, training, appraising, rewarding, and providing a safe, ethical, and fair environment for your company’s employee s. 2. (1) Human resources management is said to incorporate and develop personnel management tasks, while seeking to create and develop teams of workers for the benefit of the organization. Personnel management is often considered an independent function of an organization. Human resource management, on the other hand, tends to be an integral part of overall company function. Personnel management is typically the sole responsibility of an organization's personnel department. With human resources management, all of an organization's managers are often involved in some manner, and a chief goal may be to have managers of various departments develop the skills necessary to handle personnel-related tasks. a.Emerging of Personnel Management/Social justice Evolution of Personnel management started in 19th century. During the 19th century’s governments began to feel pressure from the working class masses who started to question and defy the power of the aristocracy. This was called the social reform. The working class began to form workplace combinations and trade organizations to provide a collective voice for their rights. The fist Trade Union Conference held in 1868. The personnel function arises from the work of nineteenth century social reformers. b.Grouth in PM 1914-1939/Human bureaucracy The exact growth of personnel management started during First World War. Include the supply of welfare officer made mandatory by government and the title labour manager or employment manager came in the year 1920 in engineering industry and other industries where the factories was very importanty to handle absence、recruitment and so on. Second world war increased the importance of having personnel department In the early twentieth century, personnel began to move away from its primary focus on welfare. This was a period in which large-scale industrial organisations began to emerge. Personnel as a specialism started to take shape, with responsibility to look at areas such as organisational design and staffing. Some social scientis ts’ studies promoted the development of PM. For examples: Frederick Taylor and Elton Mayo c.Consent by negotiation During the 1950s and 1960s, the personnel function widened its role in organisations to include a bargaining role. Industrial relations became a key personnel role. The statutory duty placed on nationalised industries required them to negotiate with unions representing employees. University courses began to appear for personnel specialists. Personnel management perform different function such as Collective bargaining role, Implementation of legislation role, Social conscience of the business role, Growing performance improvement role. d. Organisation and integration


组织及人力资源管理 一、填空题 1.组织是把共同工作的群体和个人构造成一个来达到一定的目标。2.职能部门化是把相同或类似的归并在一起,作为一个职能部门。3.许多管理者常犯的一个通病是给予下属较多的和较少的权力。 4.在组织中权力的长处在与可以同意指挥,同意步调,效率和节约。5.职能职权是明确限于一定事务的,通常由部门对其他部门行使的权力。 二、选择题 1.人类社会之所以需要正式的组织机构是由于()。 A.它在无休止地变革 B.人们需有效地协作以达成群体的部标 C.需要寻求最佳组织结构 D.便于发挥少数精英的才智 2.把从事相同或类似活动的工作安置在一个部门的部门划分方式是()。 A.产品部门化 B.用户部门化 C.职能部门化 D.过程部门化 3.管理人员不愿授权的一个原因是()。 A.害怕失败 B.害怕下属干得太出色 C.让下属对决策负责 D.宁可避免风险和不确定型 4.解决直线与参谋间冲突的一个主要方法是()。 A.赋予直线管理人员职能职权 B.让直线人员更多地依靠参谋人员的知识 C.允许直线人员压制参谋人员 D.把直线与参谋的活动结合起来 5.把组织任务分解成更小的组成部门,称为()。 A.组织结构 B.劳动分工 C.组织设计 D.分散化 6.专业话的利益包括()。 A.增加转换时间 B.发展专业化设备 C.增加培训时间 D.发展职工多方面技能 7.职能部门化的一个主要缺点是()。 A.需要较多的综合管理人员 B.易产生本位主义 C.管理成本上升 D.使高层管理部门增加了困难 8.产品部门化的优点包括()。 A.便于区域性协调 B.有助于集中用户的需要 C.能提高决策速度和有效性 D.简化了培训 9.银行设立商业信贷部属于()。 A.职能部门化 B.用户部门化

HND人力资源管理 outcome3

Contents 1. Introduction 2. Findings 2.1 Managerial Work 2.1.1 managerial activities 2.1.2 managerial role 2.2 Mechanisms that could measure managerial performance 2.3 Behavioral theory of leadership 2.4 Transformational theory of leadership 2.5 John Adair's Action Centered Leadership 2.5.1 The reasons why ACL may prove to be important 3. Conclusion 4. Reference

1. Introduction Scotia Airways is located next to Glasgow International Airport. My report will assess the main features of managerial work and explain the main roles and activities of managers. And I will describe the value of two mechanisms that could be used to measure managerial performance and justify how each could be used to assess managerial performance and identify and explain a behavioral theory of leadership and transformational theory of leadership. At last I will analyze how theories of leadership could be used to improve how managers lead staff through this change. 2. Findings 2.1 Managerial Work Management is all about running an organization in a steady state, ongoing administration, organizing structures, establishing systems and processes, controlling in particular by financial means. It can also be defined as the effective use and coordination of resources such as capital, plant, materials and labor in order to achieve defined objectives with maximum efficiency. 2.1.1 managerial activities Managerial activities can be described as following: forecasting, planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. Forecasting means the manager can predict future events. Planning When managers are making planning, it required that the plan to meet anticipated demand. The board of directors express their hopes of the company, and their requires to the company, and then the managers analysis the external environment and the condition of the company. Making planning based on the analysis result. If the plan can get agreement from the board, the managers will convey the goals to every department an d staff. If the plan can’t get the agreement


第五章 组织 第一节 组织工作的性质和目的 目标确定后,就需要一个合适的组织结构予以实现。或者,如果已经有了一个组织,根据目标的变化也有可能需要改变组织结构。组织结构是指组织中正式确定的使工作任务得以分解、组合和协调的框架体系。组织结构可以分解为复杂性、正规化与集权化三种成分。复杂性是指组织分化的程度,正规化是指组织依靠规则和程序引导员工行为的程度,集权化是指权力的分布。组织设计就是要设立或变革一个组织的结构。 一、部门、层次和管理跨度 1、组织的划分:部门 随着组织的不断发展,职能越来越多,分工越来越细。当职能分工细到一定程度的时候,一个层次的管理就不行了,这时必须把职能相近或者靠近的部门合并在一起,并挑选一个能力较强的人来管理。这样,部门就形成了,如图5-1所示。 部门化的基础是专业化分工。随着组织的继续发展,专业化分工会继续加深,部门也会继续分化。传统观点认为,专业化分工会提高劳动生产率。但是,现代的观点认为,专业化分工固然可以提高劳动生产率,但有个度的问题。过分的专业化分工,会让人感到工作枯燥乏味,从而影响工作效率。如图5-2所示。 将若干职位组合在一起的依据和方式称为部门化。常用的部门化方式有如下五种: (1)职能部门化 职能部门化是指依据所履行的职能将若干职位组合在一起形成部门的方式。如图5-2就是一种职能部门化的形式。 图5-1 部门 专业化分工 图5-2 专业化分工与劳动生产率 高 低 低高 劳动生 产 率

图5-2 职能部门化 (2)产品部门化 产品部门化是指按产品或服务的要求将若干职位组合在一起形成部门的方式,如图5-3所示。 图5-3 产品部门化 (3)地区部门化 根据情况,企业还可以按照地理区域进行工作的组合,这样就形成了地区部门化,如图5-4所示。 图5-4 地区部门化 (4)过程部门化 过程部门化也叫流程部门化,是指按照工作或业务流程来组合工作的部门划分方式,如某机械制造企业有铸工车间、锻工车间、加工车间、装配车间等部门,如图5-5所示。 图5-5 过程部门化 (5)顾客部门化 顾客部门化是指根据目标顾客的不同来组合工作的部门划分方式,如图5-6所示。


Individual Report F84T 34 Managing People and Organisations Outcome 1 NAME: u SCN: CLASS:

Contents Introduction (2) Section 1: Relationship between goals, objectives and policies (2) Section 2: Differences between the formal and informal organization (3) Section 3: Open System Theory (3) Section 4: Different stakeholders (4) Section 5: Effective control strategy (5) Conclusion (6) Reference (6)

Introduction The purpose of the report is what to understand more fully the organization management. I learned company's departments’ work together in order to achieve the company's goals. This report has five sections which are relationship between goals, objectives and policies,differences between the formal and informal organization,open System Theory, different stakeholders and effective control strategy. Section 1: Relationship between goals, objectives and policies The relationship between goals, objectives and policy facilitates to the effective management. Goals and objectives provide the desired results, and the policy is guiding people how to do. Feasible policies can help the realization of the aims and objectives of better. Goals: Goals are long-term. Consumer goals are to provide to the customer the demand of consumers.Shangri-La Hotels maintain a high quality of customer service. This is the Shangri-la Hotel's consumer goals. Product goals are to provide customers with high quality product. Craig insisted on selecting the freshest fruits and vegetables this is the Shangri-la Hotel product goals. Service goals are to provide customers with high standards of service. The Shangri-la Hotel promises when customers need the waiter, waiter arrive within five minutes to the customer side. This is the Shangri-la Hotel's service goals. Objectives: Objectives are short-term. Objectives are more specific than the goals; it can determine the specific direction. Objectives can help an organization determine a number of factors such as the time factor and the causal factors. The Shangri-la Hotel promises when customers need the waiter, waiter arrive within five minutes to the customer side. The Shangri-la Hotel maintained a 3-star Michelin chef. These are the Shangri-la Hotel's objectives. SMART make objectives more effective more efficient concrete. Kitchen staff training date is by May 1999. Waiting staff to attend table within 3 minutes.


(1)项目领导小组 项目领导小组由建设方和开发方的主管领导组成,作为项目的发起方,主要职责是参与项目重大决策,对关键问题的决策,协调各职能部门的工作,参与项目阶段点(里程碑)的确认,以及进行双方高层间的沟通。 (2)项目经理 项目经理统一协调项目中软件、硬件、第三方软硬件供货等事宜。并领导项目硬件实施小组开展工作。项目软件经理统一协调应用软件系统的调研、设计、开发、测试、实施的组织、协调工作,负责软件部分的项目管理。这些工作包括项目计划的制订,项目队伍的管理,计划的监控执行、质量保证协调、文档制订等。另外还与项目经理、项目领导小组、客户方各部门进行沟通和协调工作。 (3)软件开发经理 项目软件经理本角色负责对所辖项目的全部软件活动,负责控制项目的软件资源,就软件部分向项目经理实施承诺。项目软件经理还负责开发计划编制、评审分配需求和软件开发计划、参与软件工程内部的定期审核,对照软件开发计划跟踪技术进展、性能和问题项与有关人员共同解决审核中出现的问题。 (4)软件构架师 软件架构设计师负责总体架构的设计,并保证总体架构在具体的设计开发过程中得到贯彻实施。这些总体架构包括软件系统的业务需求框架、系统总体模块划分、系统设计总体原则制订、编码规范

制订、应用开发框架规划等工作。 (5)数据整合小组 数据整合小组按需求说明,对系统输入信息进行整合,确定数据格式要求,读入方式、存储方式等等,由开发人员专责处理。 (6)文档管理小组 项目文档小组按照ISO9000规范制订项目的文档规范,整理各种项目文档,并监督各开发小组的项目文档写作情况。 从项目管理的角度看,项目还需要有外围支撑的项目管理团队来支持,这些团队是诸多项目开展的公共资源。根据我公司ISO9001项目管理要求及软件工程的要求我方有成熟的项目管理平台,以支持项目领导小组和项目工作小组的工作。

HND人力资源管理 outcome4

Contents 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Findings 2.1 Current Organizational Structure 2.1.1 the Characteristic of Hierarchical Structures 2.1.2 Span of Control 2.1.3 Departmentalization 2.1.4 Communication Patterns 2.1.5 the Chain of Command 2.2 Future Organizational Structure 2.2.1 the Characteristic of Hierarchical Structures 2.2.2 Span of Control 2.2.3 Departmentalization 2.2.4 Communication Patterns 2.2.5 Chain of Demand 2.3 Contingency Approach that help determine the Future structure 2.3.1 Task 2.3.2 Technology 2.3.4 Size 2.4 Relationships 2.4.1 Line Relationship 2.4.2 Functional Relationship 2.4.3 Staff Relationship 2.4.4 Lateral Relationship 2.5 Authority, Responsibility and Delegation 3.0 Conclusion 4.0 Reference 1.0 Introduction

人力与组织管理outcome4 hnd

Report for Managing People and Organisation Outcome 4 Name: Jianyu LU Student ID: 105438222

Date: 2011/01/13 Table of content 1.Introduction 2.Findings a)The type of structure and hybrid structure of Barbour Brown Engineering Ltd. b)Additional description of the group c)The using of theory to help to define the structure d)The line, staff and functional structure after merger e)The Authority, Responsibility and Delegation show the new structure 3.Conclusion

1.Introduction This report has mainly analysis the Barbour Brown Engineering Ltd. merger with John Colbert Civil Engineering Contractors and re-structures the internal structure. Also according to authority and contingency theory aspect need to rebuilt. In the report, I will explain the current. 2.Findings ⑴The type of structure and hybrid structure of Barbour Brown Engineering Ltd. The types of structure have divided in two, Tall and Flat structure. Tall structure, which could called narrow span, have many levels of authority relative to the organisation’s size. This method of control could make it easy on close supervision and fast communicate, but it may cause the delay of work process because of information must through several levels, up and down before prepare doing. Flat structure could also called wild spans, it has few levels but wilder spans of control, for instances one manager may control eight employees around. By using this type of structure, the staff and supervision will be more effective on communication, yet the problem of management will be arise cause of the limited of managers’ ability. Flat structure may be more science of organisation and more suitable for Barbour Brown


企业组织体制的几种形式 【问题】讲解一下企业组织体制的几种形式 【教师提示】西方学者威廉姆森根据钱德勒的考证将公司内部管理的组织形态分为U型 (一元结构 )、H 型 (控股结构 )和M型 (多元结构 )三种基本类型。 1、U型组织结构 产生于现代企业发展早期阶段的U型结构(United structure),是现代企业最为基本的组织结构,其特点是管理层级的集中控制。 U型结构具体可分为以下三种形式: (1)直线结构(Line structure)。直线结构的组织形式是沿着指挥链进行各种作业,每个人只向一个上级负责,必须绝对地服从这个上级的命令。直线结构适用于企业规模小、生产技术简单,而且还需要管理者具备生产经营所需要的全部知识和经验。这就要求管理者应当是“全能式”的人物,特别是企业的最高管理者。 (2)职能结构(Functional structure)。职能结构是按职能实行专业分工的管理办法来取代直线结构的全能式管理。下级既要服从上级主管人员的指挥,也要听从上级各职能部门的指挥。 (3)直线职能制(line and function system)。直线职能制结构形式是保证直线统一指挥,充分发挥专业职能机构的作用。从企业组织的管理形态来看,直线职能是U型组织的最为理想的管理架构,因此被广泛采用。 2. H型组织结构 H型结构(Holding company,H-form)即控股公司结构,它严格讲起来并不是一个企业的组织结构形态,而是企业集团的组织形式。在 H型公司持有子公司或分公司部分或全部股份,下属各子公司具有独立的法人资格,是相对独立的利润中心。 控股公司依据其所从事活动的内容,可分为纯粹控股公司(Pure holding company)和混合控股公司(Mixed holding company)。纯粹控股公司是指,其目的只掌握子公司的股份,支配被控股子公司的重大决策和生产经营活动,而本身不直接从事生产经营活动的公司。混合控股公司指既从事股权控制,又从事某种实际业务经营的公司。 H型结构中包含了U型结构,构成控股公司的子公司往往是U型结构。 3. M型组织结构 M型结构(Multidivisional structure)亦称事业部制或多部门结构,有时也称为产品部式结构或战略经营单位。这种结构可以针对单个产品、服务、产品组合、主要工程或项目、地理分布、商务或利润中心来组织事业部。

HND 人力资源 案例 中文 翻译

Section A Barbour Brown有限公司是一个工程顾问公司,由David Barbour和Neil Brown在14年前建立,位于一个大片农村地区中的主要城镇。最初,该公司仅仅专注于国内的工程项目,例如道路和下水道的铺设,由于当时的私人房屋建设迅速发展。 80年代,Neil和David都为一家在那个城镇中有办事处的大公司(Floyd and Fleming有限公司)工作.David做过分支经理,而Neil,一个有企业家精神的年轻人,参与了结构发展的部分,之后在中东地区工作了两年。1989年Floyd和Fleming公司决定撤除分支办事处并集中经营他们在城市里的工作。 Neil最近从中东地区工作归来,享受了做自己老板的自由和灵活。他和David讨论了合伙继续在那个小镇经营工程咨询服务的可能性。David有在当地工作的经验,他意识到小镇里有足够的小型工程,来维持公司运营。他还有足够的储蓄和资产,可以用于管理买断。Neil 同样有国外工作所得的储蓄。有了这些资源,这两个人有足够的资本来买下当时Floyd和Fleming公司的办公室。他们制订了一项经营计划来保证额外用于买断的资金。用来支持这项创业的筹资,从银行贷款和苏格兰发展机构的拨款中获得。以五年内不得在中央地带接受和执行工作为条件,管理买断被同意了。 1990年新的Barbour和Brown工程有限公司开张了。公司团队包括David, Neil和其它两位合格的工程师组成:Jack,一个志存高远的毕业生;James一个30岁却还未获得资格认证的工程师。另外还有两个合格的技师和一个学徒技师 Section B 在接下来的14年中公司稳定地发展,主要集中于核心的国内工程业务。公司通过从事当地的工作来发展,由于Neil和Brown坚信内部投资的原则,他们总是支持当地其它公司的发展。为此他们让当地的承办人,保险经纪人和会计来给他们提供服务。实际上,只要可能,他们推荐John Colbert工程承包公司来从事建设工作已经成了一条不成文的规定。Neil Brown和John Colbert曾经是大学期间的校友并且一直是好朋友。可以依赖John的公司提供的服务,成为了获取合同的一个重要优势,因为这不仅在设计阶段,也在建设阶段增加了该公司保证高质量服务的能力。 该公司的主要目的是提供高质量的服务,因此员工具备最先进的技术尤为重要。这使得该公司可以尽可能高效地提供高规格设计。员工被激励去升级他们的技能,当他们获取资格认证的时候,会发给奖金。当地的学院被用来培训那些学徒,但是由于培训需求的缺乏,费用正



各业务部门的主要职能如表1-2 表1-2主要职能

公司重视对各类员工的绩效考核,本着公平公正公开的原则,制定科学合理的绩效考核体系。通过对员工个人完成工作的情况,分别按季度和按年进行考核,并结合部门考核的结果对员工进行管理。 每季度部门员工由部门主管按照行政管理部门所给标准对部门员工进行评分,而部门主管则由总经理进行评分,将每季度的绩效考核评分取平均值作为年终绩效考核评分,然后按照一定比例评定年终考核等级,分别有ABC三个等级,所评等级与所获年终奖金将直接挂钩。 2.薪酬设计 薪酬管理是企业人力资源管理的核心内容。合理有效的薪酬体系不但能激发员工的积极性与主动性,促进员工努力实现组织目标,提高组织的效益,而且能在人才竞争日益激烈的知识经济下吸引和保留更多的人才。

公司对员工的薪酬待遇有以下几点: (1)基本薪水:基本薪水是永久薪酬,定期每月支付一次。 (2)奖金:根据季度绩效考核和年度考核的评分来发放。 (3)公司福利:包括基本的五险一金,还有交通餐饮补贴,不定期的组织出游等集体活动。 3.员工激励 员工激励制度主要是为了吸引优秀人才,留住优秀员工,提高员工的工作积极性。采取的手段主要是物质方面的激励和精神方面的激励。 (1)物质方面:有竞争力的薪酬,季度与年终奖金,针对优秀员工和老员工,设置一些有物质奖励的奖项,还可以为员工增加一些福利政策,如在公司三年以上且年度绩效考核合格者可以申请最高限额为多少的无息贷款。 (2)精神激励:如通报表扬,荣誉证书,带薪假期,各种进修培训的机会;关心员工身体健康,免费定期体检等等。


一、人力资源规划 、企业组织信息的收集与汇总 、组织机构的设置 、如何绘制组织机构图 、组织机构的调整与分析(诊断、变革、整合) 1、岗位设置情况 ㈡企业人员计划的制定 2、人员需求分析、供给分析及平衡分析 3、人力资源需求预测 1、企业人力资源管理制度的制定 ㈢人力资源管理制度规划及管理费用预算 2、人力资源管理费用预算的编制与执行 1、企业竞争战略的分析 ㈣企业人力资源管理战略规划 2、企业人力资源开发战略与策略的制定 二、招聘与管理 1、工作岗位分析和能力分析 1、吸引策略,选拔方法及运用 2、招聘信息的收集与整理 2、特殊政策与应变方案 ㈠人员招聘的前提 3、招聘程序和策略㈡招聘实施 3、面试的完善与录用 4、招聘渠道分析与选择 5、招聘规划 4、员工信息的管理 三、培训与开发 ㈠建立培训制度 1、制定员工发展规划 1、根据组织发展需要制定 2、培训需求分析,确定培训对象和培养目标人力资源发展计划 ㈡制定培训规划 3、培训方法的选择㈣制定培训开发计划 2、制定员工生涯发展规划 3、建立学习型组织 4、制定培训规划、计划与经费预算 1、确定培训机构 1、收集培训效果信息 ㈢培训管理与实施 2、确定教材、课程及教师㈤培训效果评估 2、设计培训效果评估方案 3、培训经费的确定 3、设计培训效果评估工具 4、自学成才管理 4、撰写培训评估报告 四、绩效管理 1、准备阶段 1、考评参与者的培训与动员 2、实施阶段 2、确定绩效面谈的方式 ㈠绩效管理系统的设计 3、考评阶段㈢绩效管理系统的有效运行 3、改进工作绩效的策略 4、总结阶段 4、绩效管理中的矛盾与解决方法 5、应用与开发阶段 5、绩效考评数据的处理 1、考评指标体系的设计 6、绩效考评数据与效果的分析㈡绩效考评指标和标准体系设计 2、考评标准的设计 1、绩效考评方法的选择 ㈣绩效考评方法的选择与应用 2、绩效考评方法的应用 五、薪酬福利管理


Section 1:The Structure at Present in Shangri-la Hotel At present, flat structure is used in the management of the hotel. Hybrid management structure is used. Craig used the centralized and line approach to manage the restaurant .Ailsa used the decentralized and team approach to manage the hotel. In the hotel, all of the work was divided into four types according to different products or services: chambermaids, reception, kitchen staff and waiting staff.

Flat structure: it means that a business has few vertical level of management and a wide span of control. As a result, the relationship between manager and subordinate will be closed, the flow of information will be quick, and it will save administrative expenses. However, because of wide spans, the communication between the same level department and employees will be difficult. In the case, for example, in the kitchen, there were only two levels: Craig, the manager; kitchen staffs and waiters. Craig directly gave the subordinates their different tasks. So it was a flat structure. Centralization& Decentralization: the centralization means that the important decisions are taken the must tasks to top this After Ailsa used this approach. She divided all staffs in the hotel into several teams, such as the reception team managed by Antonio, the cleaning staff team, and the chambermaids team. Every team had their own specific work to do, and every team number involves in the management. So it was a team approach. Product or service: it means that the entire organization is divided into different departments according to the products or service supplied to customers. In the case, is was divided into four types: chambermaids, reception, kitchen staff and waiting staff. For example, in the management

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