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LeSSOn 54 StiCky fingers 粘糊的手指


What two interruptions did the Wnter have?

After breakfast, I Sent the Children to SChOOl and then I Went to the ShOPS? It WaS StiIl early When I

returned home? The Children Were at SChOOl Z my husband WaS at WOrk and the house WaS quiet? SO

I decided to make SOme meat PieS? In a ShOrt time I WaS busy mixing butter and flour and my hands

Were SOOn COVered With StiCky PaStry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. NOthing COUId

have been more annoying. I PiCked UP the receiver between two StiCky fingers and WaS dismayed

When I recognized the VOiCe Of Helen BateS? It took me ten minutes to PerSUade her to ring back later.

At IaSt I hung UP the receive匚What a mess! There WaS PaStry On my fingers, On the telephone, and

On the doorknobs? I had no SOOner got back to the kitchen than the doorbell rang IOUd enoUgh to

Wake the dead? ThiS time it WaS the POStman and he Wanted me to Sign for a registered letter!



[New WOrdS and express!Ons】

StiCky adj.粘的finger n ?手指

Pie n. 馅饼mix v.混合,拌和

PaStry n.面糊annoying adj.恼人的

receiver m电话的话筒dismay v.失望,泄气

recognize v.认出,听出PerSUade V.说服,劝说

mess n.乱七八糟doorknob n.门把手

Sign v. .签字register V.挂号邮寄


★ StiCky adj?粘的同义词adhesive, tacky, gluey z glutinous

变化形形变StiCkier StiCkieSt

StiCky fingers COVered With jam

meet a StiCky end [口]落得不好的下场,得到极不愉快的结果



(1) n.棍,手杖

COIIeCt dry StiCkS to make a fire

Walking-stick 手杖



eg: The needle StUCk in my finger.


StiCk a StamP On a Ietter

eg: The glue doesn,t StiCk Very WeIl .这种胶水粘不住

* glue [glu:] n.胶,胶水vt.胶合,粘贴

StiCk to Sth坚持做某事

eg: NeVer Say die Z StiCk to it!

StiCk together (Stay together)团结一致,互相支持、呆在一起

StiCk at (keep On doing Sth)继续努力做,坚持干

StiCky fingers n.偷窃习惯(接球能力)、粘糊的手指★ finger n.手指

同义词touch, handle z feel, manipulate 反义词thumb, toe 变化形名复fingers 变化形动变fingered fingered fingering eg: She is Very CleVer With her finger.她的手艺灵巧eg:He CUt his fin ger On broken glass ?

CrOSS One l S fingers = keep one,s fin gers CrOSSeei 祈求好运、交叉手指eg:Γm keeping my fin gers CrOSSed that you'll Win the game ?我双手合十祈求好运,你会贏得这场比赛Shake one's finger用食指点某人(液示责备、警告、威胁等)、衣达愤怒.惆某人晃手指

index finger 食扌旨(index n Vi Vt) middle finger 中指: ring finger 无× thumb大拇指


Iittle finger 小指;toe 脚趾

★Pie n.馅饼

★mix v.混合,拌和、使混和,搀和[(+with)]

同义词stir; join, blend, COmbine 反义词scatter; SeParate Z divide 变化形动变mixed mixed mixing 变化形名复mixes

mix COCktaiIS调鸡尾酒

eg: The ChemiSt mixed SOme medicine for me ?药剂师给我配了些药?mix butter

and flour = mix butter With flour mixed adj.混合的,形形色色的,弄胡涂的mixed doubles 男女混合双打mixture n.混合:混合物

mixer (ι)搅拌机


eg: He is a good / bed mixer.善于/不善于交际的人

★PaStry n.面糊变化形名复PaStneS

(I) n.面糊,(U)酱糊(猫贴某物用) 同义词:glue胶水


PaStry (C) (U) 面糊、糕点

★annoying adj.恼人的

(irritate [7iriteit]vt.f^恼怒,使烦燥:使不适,使疼痛〉

eg: HiS COnStant Sniffing annoys me .他不停地抽鼻子使我心烦

★Sniff [snif] v.用力吸入:嗅,闻n.吸气(声):嗅,闻

eg:The mosquitoes annoyed me SO much that I COUldr√t SIeeP ? annoying adj.令人烦恼的、令人生气的annoyed adj.感到烦恼的、感到生气的

eg: He got Very annoyed With me about my CareleSSness?

eg:HOW annoying ! I Ieft my WaIIet at home ?


eg: NOthing COUIei have been more annoying .没有什么比这更令人恼火T

★receiver n.电话的话筒、收款员,接待者

同义词recipient, beneficiary z Iegatee z grantee

反义词tvnsmitter; Sender 变化形名复receivers

PiCk UP the receiver 接电话;听电话

PUt down the receiver = hung UP the receiver

receive vt.收到:受到:接待,接见,欢迎


同义词bewilder; CIiStUrb Z embarrass, bother

反义词Cheer 变化形动变dismayed dismayed dismaying

(1) V.失望,泄气

be dismayed at ????对…感到沮丧。

eg: She WaS dismayed at the news .她得知消息感到很沮丧

eg: We Were dismayed at his refusal .我们被他拒绝感到沮丧


to one's dismay 使人沮丧的是、令(人〉感到害怕地

★recognize 认出,识别;认识[(+as)]

同义词ack no WIedge Z See z behold, know 变化形动变recognized recognized recognizing

(1) V.认出,听出(不用进行时)

recognize a tune认岀?听过的歌曲(I口相识)、听出?首听过的曲/


recognize an Old friend 认出?个老朋友

recognize your VOiCe 识别出你的声音,


eg: EVerybOdy recognized that he WaS the most diligent in OUr class.

*diligent [?dilid??nt] 3?勤勉的,勒奋的


eg: We all recognized her tale nt for dan Cing ?


eg: They recognized him to be a great Ieader ?


★PerSUade v.说服F 劝服[(+into/OlItOf)…

同义词COnVinCe Z COnVert Z induce, Win OVer

反义词CIiSSUade 变化形动变PerSUaded PerSUaded PerSUading

PerSUade Sb to do Sth劝说某人做某事

eg: She fin ally PerSUaded her SOn to go to COIlege ?


PerSUade Sb into doing Sth 说服某人做某事

eg: He PerSUadeei me into Iending him all my SaVings.


PerSUade Sb OUt Of doing Sth 说服某人不做某事

*PerSUade Sb OUt of(doing) Sth说服某人不要做某事eg: We PerSUaded him OUt Of his foolish plan.


PerSUade Sb Of使信服、使同意

eg: He tried to PerSUade me Of his innoCenCe ?


PerSUade Sb that 使某人相信

eg: WiIl you PerSUade him that he has made the WrOng decision ? 你们能不能使他相信,他已经做出了错谋的决定?

try to PerSUade Sb to do试图说服某人做某事

COnVinCe Sb to do说服某人做某事

reason With Sb为反对或赞成............ 和某人评理

PerSUaSiOn [p??swei??n] rκ说服(力),劝说;信念?信仰eg: It is my PerSUaSiOn that business WiIl PiCk UP SOOn ?我的见解是生意会好转的

* BUSineSS WiIl PiCk UP SOOn 生总:快会好起来了

a PerSUaSiVe OPiniOn 有说服力的盘见



同义词CIirty Z disfigure, COntaminate z POIIUte

变化形名复messes 变化形动变messed messed messing

(I) n.乱七八糟

eg: The kitchen is a mess!

eg: My Iife is a real mess !我的生活是?团糟!

eg: YOU are a mess.你真是个笨蛋!

eg: What a mess ! 真是糟糕透了!

be at SiXeS and SeVenS 乱七八糟;七嘴八舌;众说纷纭

⑵v?mess around / mess about 浪费时间Z瞎混

★doorknob n.球形门扌巴手

doorbell n.门铃;doornail n.门钉

as dead as a doornail ( 口)死翘翘!

door PIate 门上注意牌:doorstep n.门阶;doorman n.看门人knob [n?b] n.球形把手,球形柄:旋钮:小块

turn a knob 转动旋钮

*IegiSlatiVe [?led?isl?tiv] Vi?有立法权的

Sign for 签收


同义词record, inscribe z Wnte Z enroll 变化形名复registers 变化形动变registered registered register!ng

(1) V.登记,注册,申报

register at a hotel = CheCk in 登记入住旅馆

register one,s Car 登记?辆汽车

register the birth Of a ChiId 登记小孩的出生

register at a SChOOl 注册入学



a household register 户口登记簿:a hotel register 旅馆旅客登记簿keep a register Of their

names and addresses 登记他们的姓名和d也址


a registered Ietter 挂号信

registered POSt = recorded delivery n.挂号邮寄,挂号投递registration登记(或注册、挂号)人数[C]

eg: The UniVerSity has a Iarge registration Of ChineSe StUdentS ?


automobile registration


motor registration 机动车登记

二.Key structures:



Some-多用于肯定句:any 一多用于否定句、疑问句

eg: Did you get any information?你有没有得什么消息了吗?

I Want SOme information.我想要?些消息

EXerCiSe :用SOme 和any 填空:

(1)Did you do any WOrk yesterday? I did SOme WOrk before breakfast ?

(2)IS there any news in the PaPer ?

There is SOme interesting news in the paper.

(1)在英文中,不分形容词前加定冠词the ,用來表是一个群体: the rich f the POOr , the dead Z the IiVing Z the StrOng the Weak Z the SiCk Z the healthy Z the OId the you ng Z the blind Z the deaf Z the new eg: The rich ShOUld try their best to help the poor;


(用most构成的最高级当然也不列外),但most当'大多数','大部分'讲时,则不带定冠词: eg:It is the biggest ShOP in LOndon ?

eg: It is the most interest!ng exhibit!On I have ever Seen ?MOSt PeOPle enjoy it ?这是我所见过的最有趣的展览,人部分人都喜欢它。


eg: We must CatCh the next bus?

eg: ThiS is the head Of OUr delegation.这是我国代农团团长



eg: He bought a TV and a VideO recorder, but he returned the VideO recorder, eg: She bought a bicycle, but When She rode it One Of the WheeIS Came off. * Came Off 甩掉、脱落



hit Sb On the Chin 打某人的下巴*chin [t?in] n.下巴,频

PUIl Sb by the hair go to the Cathedral go to the Cinema go to the OffiCe 拉某人的头发


: go to the theater

: be at the OffiCe (be at WOrk)

PIay the PianO

⑹ 但有些短语不加定冠词:

go to SChOOl Z go to ChUrCh : go to COIlege , go to market go tObed Z go to Sea : go to COUrt 打官司

go to WOrk去上班,be at WOrk 在工作.在上班

go to hospital住院、去医院看病,

be in hospital在住院(状态〉

go to PriSOn去坐牢、入狱Z be in PnSOn 在狱中、在坐牢


1)She WaS born deaf and blind?她生来又强又瞎

2)Take Care Of the WOUnded?注意照顾受伤人员

*WOUnded {形}:负伤

3) A / The horse is a USefUl animal ?

4)He gave me a Pat On the back ?他拍了?下我的背。

*Pat [p?t] v./ n.轻拍(打)a.非常恰当的,适时的

5)AUnty is taking my SiSter OUt for a WaIk ?

6)I Often go to the Cinema and the theater ?

7)We need a new Cinema ?

8)The SUn is down.

9 ) MOSt ShOPS are CIOSed On SatUrday afternoon ?
