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The Alchemist英文读读后感

The Alchemist英文读读后感
The Alchemist英文读读后感

The Alchemist

The Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your Dream is also calledO Alquimista. It is a simple but unordinary story . The Alchemist, first published in 1988, is a modern classic that has been translated into sixty languages, read in over 150 counties and sold more than 30 million copies. The author Paulo Coelho was borned in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. His books were translated into many different kinds of languages and were popular around the world.

The Alchemist begins at dusk. Santiago, a Shepard boy, is settling in for the night with his herd at an abandoned church with a half-destroyed roof and an enormous sycamore tree growing through it. That night, he has a dream about finding treasure near the Egyptian Pyramids.

His travels have brought him near a town where he hopes to reacquaint himself with a girl he met the previous year. He detours to Tarifa, a nearby village where he can shave, get a haircut, and meet with visit a gypsy who can interpret dreams. The gypsy and a mysterious old man claiming to be a king advise him to pursue the treasure.

To that end, Santiago sells his sheep and travels from Spain to Tangier. A thief steals his all of his money, forcing Santiago to take a job to survive. He finds works for a crystal merchant and after a year of success helping him expand his business, Santiago earns enough money to return home. On the way, he meets an Englishman on a quest to learn the secrets of alchemy and is inspired continue his search. Local wars strand Santiago and the Englishman in a desert oasis. However, thanks to this change in plans, he finds his true love, Fatima, and meets the Alchemist. Together with the Alchemist, Santiago continues his journey, facing life-threatening danger and more financial loss. He reaches the Pyramids of Egypt and ultimately finds his treasure––but not in Egypt.

Language of this book is very simple, but every word is philosophy.

―At that point in their lives, everything is clear and everything is possible. They are not afraid to dream, and to yearn for everything they would like to see happen to them in their lives. But, as time passes, a mysterious force begins to convince them that it will be impossible for them to realize their destiny.‖―when you want something, all the universe conspire s in helping you to achieve it.‖

They were said by Tthe king of Salem. This two sentences were the most impressive sentences to me. I got the central theme of the book——pursuing dream.

We should believe our dreams, if we have the strong desire to achieve it ,it will be real. When I first read this sentence, I felt a bit ridiculous. It seems like a slogan. However, just like the book told us,‖ When the huge wealth is right in front of us, but we never notice. That is because people don't believe the

treas ure is there.‖ We often reject it but never try,and it may be a big psychological obstacle for us to follow our dreams.

In my opinion, maybe we should believe what the book told us——when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.

Different people have different feelings about the book. As for me, the most impression I got was the description of dream. Actually, everyone can got his own philosophy .

hamlet book review

Hamlet and Two Heroines Hamlet is one of the most famous play that written by William Shakespeare. It is the tragedy of tragedies. This is a story about revenging ending in perishing together. After reading through the whole play, two heroines, Gertrude and Ophelia, impress me most. In Middle Ages, women were considered as appendages of men, so were Gertrude and Ophelia. They both have close bound with Hamlet, the hero, and love him deeply. However, does Hamlet love them as much as they do? It confuses me a lot. “Are you honest? Are you fair?” In front of Ophelia’s tomb, Hamlet declares that “What is he whose grief Bears such an emphasis? Whose phrase of sorrow Conjures the wand’ ring stars, and makes them stand Like wonder-wounded hearers? This is I, Hamlet the Dane”, and “I loved Ophelia, forty thousand brothers Could not with all their quantity of love Make up my sum. What wilt thou do for her?” Those words are aimed at refuting Laertes’s denouncement. It is more of a riposte than expression of love. Leartes imputes Ophelia’s death to Hamlet, exploding his grief with exaggerated tone. As soon as Hamlet hears his denouncement, he steps forward and wants to Prove that his is much more distressed than Leartes. I first recognize Hamlet and Ophelia’s relationship from the conversation among Ophelia, her brother and her father. She believes that Hamlet loves her sincerely, but she was satirized by his father, Polonius. Then she follows Polonius’s advice, rejecting Hamlet’s letters and not meeting with him, which makes a breakthrough of their relationship. It seems that Hamlet becomes insane. In order to test his insanity, Ophelia recites what her father tells her, that makes Hamlet crazier. The death of Ophelia is a tragedy. The causes of her death include several reasons. First, Hamlet becomes “insane”and “breaks faith”. What’s worse, her father is killed and the murderer is Hamlet. What kind of affection dose Hamlet hold to Ophelia? Apparently, his love is neither a brain storm nor as much as “forty thousand brothers”. Hamlet cannot consider Ophelia as a companion and he hesitates to trust her. He loves her beauty and purity, but he cannot share his very secret with her and earn her support. What’s worse, the secret told by ghost makes mother’s image ruined. As far as he considers, Ophelia’s present beauty is not a promise to future chastity. What makes him upset is his uncertainty in his inside world. A critic commented Hamlet as “the giant of thoughts, the dwarf of actions”. He has no strong motion disclosure to Ophelia. As Hamlet describes, women are flirtations and weak-minded, which become women’s sin. While, beauty makes women easier to be tempted, so beauty becomes sin. “Frailty, thy name is woman!” When Hamlet is alone, he seldom thinks of Ophelia, but frequently thinks of his mother Gertrude. However, it is not a son’s attachment and love to mother, instead, it represents anger and hate. Certainly, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love his mother at all. It is more like a sense of stigma.

最美 首英文诗,译文也神美!

最美8首英文诗,译文也神美! Spring goeth all in white spring goeth all in white,crowned with milk-white may;in fleecy flocks of light,o'er heaven the white clouds stray;white butterflies in the air;white daisies prank the ground;the cherry and hoary pear,scatter their snow around.春之女神着素装 春之女神着素装,山楂花冠乳白光; 天上分明一群羊,白云朵朵自来往; 粉蝶空中时蹁跹;廷命菊花饰郊原; 樱桃梨树共争艳,四处非花如雪片。 To daffodils fair daffodils,we weep to seeyou haste away so soon;as yet the early-rising sunhas not attain'd his noon.stay,stay,until the hasting dayhas runbut to the even-song;and,having pray'd together, wewill go with you along. we have short time to stay, as you;we have as short a spring;as quick a growth to meet decay,as you,or anything.we die,as your hours do,and dryawaylike to the summer's rain,or as the pearls of morning's dew,ne'er


白衣女人英文读后感 导读: 白衣女人英文读后感(一) This book narrated young artist Walter responds to a call for recruits to the Fairly family belongings tutor.The moonlit night meets on the way the white clothing woman who runs away from the insane asylum.Woll unique two students:One is master Fairly eldest brother Philip's daughter Laura,another is Laura with mother different father's elder sister Marianne.Marianne confirmed that the white clothing woman is Anne ·triumphant Chinese zither Ricker.Walter has fallen in love with Laura,but before Laura's father just before the end,her Xu Gei Percivall ·standard Lyde from the baron,by now the white clothing woman suddenly presented attempts to prevent standard Lyde to marry Laura,but has not succeeded,Walter departs low-spirited.After marriage Percivall reveals one's true colors,the belt compels Laura to hand over the entire fortune the right of disposal.By now the white clothing woman appeared once more must expose Percivall's fatal secret,but because by Laura's Uncle the Fox branch count was discovered that runs away.The count plans for Percivall fishes for Laura's property.They have made the fraud which


阿凡达电影观后感范文2000字左右《阿凡达》这部电影告诫了我们:人类要与自然保持和谐的生存状态,不要为了掠夺稀有的资源,发动战争而破坏环境。因为保护自然,其实就是在保护自己。下面是橙子为大家整理收集的阿凡达电影观后感范文2000字左右,欢迎大家阅读! 阿凡达电影观后感范文2000字左右 在希腊神话中,普罗米修斯盗天火送给人类,惹怒了主神。宙斯不仅将普罗米修斯锁在高加索山的悬崖上被鹰啄食,并且联合诸神打造了一位美女——潘多拉,让她携着一个装满灾难的魔匣嫁给普罗米修斯的弟弟,在新婚之夜打开魔匣:瘟疫、嫉妒、罪恶、贪婪等种种劣性充斥人间……潘多拉成了传播灾难的罪魁祸首。在卡梅隆导演的这部影片里,人类别有用心地将自己想要攻击并占有的那个星球命名为“潘多拉”,无疑是给侵略赋予“正义”的名义。潘多拉星球=灾星,既然是灾星,便出师有名。 杰克当初之所以愿意替代死去的弟弟当一名“阿凡达战士”,用真身的思维操纵作为间谍的“代身”去潘多拉星球历险,是出于两个自私的目的:一是人类的自私(掠夺外星球资源),二是个体的自私(获得行走的能力)。然而,人类既要满足自己膨胀的欲望,又虚伪地为其披上合法的外衣,甚至冒充神的名义。“阿凡达”在梵文中,意为“神在凡间的转世化身”。 然而,当杰克来到潘多拉星球之后,却发现这个被人类渲染为毒气蒸腾、妖魔聚生的恐怖地方,其实是一个巨树参天、山峦悬浮、湖

泊棋布、植物斑斓、美丽无比的奇幻花园。那里的生物虽然面目狰狞、威力无比、脾气可怕,但它们对杰克的攻击只是因为宁静被侵扰,与其说是攻击,不如说是自卫,它们习惯了含羞草的掩护和夜色的静谧。在雨林里居住的土著部落——纳美人,虽然虎鼻豹眼、蓝色皮肤、身材高大、奔跑如兽,但他们善良友好、团结互爱、恪守诺言、正直勇敢,并且有着与大自然通灵的本性,受到夏娃女神的庇护。没过两天,杰克就被部落人的真诚友好深深打动,并爱上了那位救过他性命并教给他语言和生存本领的首领女儿,并为成为部落的成员感到安全和温暖。 我想,经过一系列让人心惊肉跳的丛林历险之后,我与电影院里的所有观众都和杰克一样被潜移默化地“洗脑”,我们逐渐剔除了自己身上暴力的“兽性”,恢复了已在消费文明进程中正不断丧失的温暖“人性”。 影片里最让我感动的场景之一,是杰克的身体在黑色的丛林里被闪着神异光芒的灵树种子所包裹,那些种子就像轻盈飘浮的杨花柳絮,像在大海里浮游的透明海蜇,发着内源的光,传递着和谐的信息。部落首领的女儿就是因为看到一枚灵树种子落到已经拉弓欲射的箭头上,才没有射杀不速之客,相反大战群狼,救了他性命;她就是因为看到无数灵树种子落到陌生人身上,她才相信了他,并决定将他带回部落,不仅教她骑马驾鸟,弯弓射箭,还带他去看部落的神树,与他在神树下接吻交欢。 杰克爱上了纳美人,也出卖了纳美人。根据他提供的准确信息,


梁实秋散文女人读后感 梁实秋是中国现代的散文大家,以擅长写幽默风趣的“闲适小品”而闻名于世。下面是XX收集整理的梁实秋散文女人读后感,欢迎阅读参考!! 梁实秋散文女人读后感一:梁实秋真能侃,再小的芝麻粒的事儿,经他的笔一转一化,汨汨淌出一大洼水,一波三折,有滋有味。梁先生淡雅从容,典型一绅士,持杖岸立,口衔烟斗,含笑窥乐。 梁的散文:琐碎。没有故事情节,全凭见识,将古今中外、日常生活中的琐事拼凑成文,像碎花裙上的碎花点,杂而不乱,抖开斑斓。他下笔,东一鳞西一爪,若云里神龙,飘忽不定,反而没有编故事的斧痕匠气,触类旁通,信手捻来,随心所欲,东西八千里,上下五千年,逞才仗气,一泻千里地侃下去,毫不搭界的几件琐事,很巧妙地触电,通了!任何琐碎小事,一落梁氏笔下,便衍化成滋润丰沛的长文。因为杂,读者永远新鲜不厌倦,恨不能一气读完。梁的行文看似轻松洒脱,没有梁的学贯中西的渊博学识,这一手是学不到家的,这是一绝。也有人效颦,结果堕入罗嗦,世俗。 至少在我看来,散文到了梁实秋手里,又耸起一座里程碑。仿佛没有不可入文的事,不信,翻开梁的四集《雅舍小品》,就像个杂货铺,乱七八糟的货都齐了。怒、脏、鼾、

胖、并洗澡、理发,都是生活琐事,也是他佳作的题目。凡是他耳闻目睹的都揽入笔底,正合老上海的一谚语:捡入篮里都是菜,这是高厨的本事。经他妙笔点睛,化龙飞舞,这不能不归功於他的渊博与机敏。梁讲究生活的趣味,他总能从最平凡的生活小事发现它亮晶晶的趣味,然后笔锋一转,洋洋洒洒,谈笑风生,不时闪烁出机智,忍俊不禁开涮几句玩笑,令人捧腹厥倒。他好幽默但不庸俗滑稽,这是他的文章特色。 他文章取材很世俗,人人都有此经历,一经点出其中的闪光点,自然引起普遍共鸣。行文幽默、情趣高雅、文字简洁、文采斐然、文笔活泼,深得读者珍玩。琐事入笔,典雅出锋,这是梁文的成功之处。 梁实秋又是大学者,莎士比亚全集汉译本第一人,主编的《远东英汉大词典》更是华人学者研读西方文化的必备参考词典。但他写作从不掉书袋,没有头巾气的酸。他常常信手捻来中外大典的引文,置於一堆俗事中,还原出引文原有的世俗朴素,充实文章的知识含量,是调味品,不是醋,更有可读性。时下一些写手,才看了几篇引文,甚至见了广告上几句古代诗文,便迫不及待收入“拙着”,企图点缀出文章的源远流长,一副普人郝隆袒腹晒书的穷酸相。一坛回味尚可的米酒晒成醋了,原有的酒味也洒了。 梁实秋散文女人读后感二:前几日,从新华书店读


读《哈姆雷特》所思所感 ----小学教育132 陈莹青【摘要】 本文主要是通过对莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》以及他其他的作品进行一定的研读,把我眼中的他进行有突出、有个性的展现。突出地展现莎翁的写作特色、文章当中的感情色彩以及莎翁的价值倾向。 【前言】 翻开人之所谓莎翁代表巨作《哈姆雷特》,不像往常的那样,有种看到新书的兴奋,更多的是怀有严肃的色彩。它作为莎士比亚的悲剧代表作,也是莎士比亚一生创作最高成就的体现,有太多“头衔”的它,让我觉得“无《哈姆雷特》,不文学”!带着敬畏之情,开始了我的阅读之旅。 【正文】 一、全剧回顾 剧本一开始就给全景奠定了一个非常阴暗的基调:在宫堡前警卫坛里,两位警卫在接受了前国王去世的事实之后,却在午夜12点离奇地看到了前国王的鬼魂!好一个惊心动魄!百般权衡之下,他们还是将此事告知了终日还沉浸在父死母改嫁的沉痛当中的哈姆雷特。最后在漫漫长夜的等候当中,终于让我们剧中的哈姆雷特和他父亲的鬼魂相遇并得知其死亡的真正原因:克劳迪欧斯杀兄夺取王位,霸占嫂嫂!克劳迪欧斯的种种暴行,让哈姆

雷特决定面对这一“事实”,进行他的“复仇记”。 在这过程当中,人文主义者哈姆雷特曾经是一个怀抱理想的乐观的、快乐的王子,他认为父亲是理想的化身,母亲是爱的象征,父亲与母亲的结合便是理想和爱的结合,从而认为能让这一结合实现和存在的世界自然是“美好的花园”。然而,现实当中 的父死母嫁、王位被篡夺,让他一夜之间,就像温室的花朵遇到强而猛烈的狂风暴雨那样的不堪一击,枯萎凋零。他只好“装疯扮傻”,躲过克劳迪欧斯奸诈的手段,保留自己的性命。最后在 这个复仇当中,哈姆雷特在一次决斗的过程当中爆发,与克劳迪欧斯双双死去,而王后也因为最后得知真相而喝有毒的酒而丧生。 二、写作背景 读了全剧,那一幕幕的场景在我的脑海中久久不能抹去。书中带给我的画面感让我的敬佩之情油然而生,在文艺复兴时期的莎士比亚可以在“人”的觉醒时代,个性解放的时代,关注人的内心世界。这使得欧洲文学在人物心理开掘方面向前迈进了一大步。而在这一时期的莎士比亚正当青年,他的理想遭到了严酷现实沉重的打击,他对社会与人生的态度出现了矛盾与悲观,但对现实和人性的认识也大大加深。剧中的批判精神表现了莎翁对文艺复兴个性解放带来的社会后果的深刻反思。 三、整体个人感受 有这么一句话:你在16岁时或许会被《罗米欧与朱丽叶》感动得潇然泪下,却觉得《暴风雨》不知所云;当你60岁时,


【篇一】优美的英语诗歌范文带翻译Cut Grass Cut grass lies frail: Brief is the breath Mown stalks exhale. Long, long the death It dies in the white hours Of young-leafed June With chestnut flowers, With hedges snowlike strewn, White lilac bowed, Lost lanes of Queen Anne's lace, And that high-builded cloud Moving at summer's pace. 【篇二】优美的英语诗歌范文带翻译To Waken an Old Lady Old age is a flight of small cheeping birds skimming bare trees above a snow glaze.

Gaining and failing they are buffeted by a dark wind -- But what? On harsh weedstalks the flock has rested -- the snow is covered with broken seed husks and the wind tempered with a shrill piping of plenty. 【篇三】优美的英语诗歌范文带翻译 成为更有爱心的人 Looking at the stars, I know quit well 抬头仰望点点繁星,我心明如镜, That, for all they care, I can go to hell, 尽管它们关怀备至,我却可能走向地狱, But on earth indifference is the least 这世间我们最不必畏惧的, We have to dread from man or beast. 是人类或禽兽的冷漠。


女性励志书籍读后感 读书总是好的。昨天读了女性励志图书《寻找幸福的方向:女人,明白要趁早》,就一些感想记录下来。 近期还要读更多的书,就先从女性励志开始吧,今天就算是《女性励志图书读后感一》,后面要紧跟二、三等等,要坚持埃 印象深刻的是:“从医学上说,每七年,人的全身骨骼、细胞和血液都会重新自我更新完成一次。如果你想从外貌到气质,全部脱胎换骨,要以七年为周期来塑造自己,七年之后,你就可以再世为人。”所以,要想改变,要是对现在不满,对自己不满,就赶紧开始吧,一旦开始,并且坚持,一定会有一个满意的自己出现的。 总之还是那句话,每有懒女人,只有丑女人。不止是外貌,任何事情都是,都不能偷懒。 “作为女性,你的外表和你的性格共同决定你的命运,这是残酷的现实。”这句话乍一听很残酷,可是回想一下,这世间的事确实如此。人的外貌到底占多大比重。即便不是美若天仙,也一定要干净利落,并且有气质吧,这是后天可以培养的哦。 所以,改变要开始,并且坚持。那么就先从保持美丽开始吧,不能一直都是懒女人吧。 2.

在这个忙碌的世界上,生活的焦虑、工作的压力、家庭的担忧,常常让女人感到苦恼和烦闷。于是,我们总会听到一些女人无奈地抱怨自己多么不幸福,多么不快乐。与其说纷扰的外界环境让她们的生活少了一份安宁,不如说是她们的内心少了一份淡定。 淡定,是一种积极的生活态度,是智慧的不争,是宠辱不惊,也是对简单生活的一种追求,但它绝不是平庸。平庸的女人没有太大的能力,只是平凡地生活着。然而,淡定的女人却有着较高的修养,她们有能力争取自己想要的一切,却不完全看重这一切。 淡定的女人都是充满智慧的。她们不会等待着幸福降临,而是主动去追求自己想要的东西,努力为自己创造快乐的生活。她们清楚地认识到理想和现实的差距,所以不会好高骛远、缘木求鱼,也不会爱慕虚荣、盲目攀比。她们只追求自己认定的幸福,简单陕乐,”不以物喜,不以己悲”。 淡定的女人不会在爱情中迷失自我,爱的时候会深爱,不爱的时候会果断离开。在婚姻中,她们也不苛求完美,知道如何用爱拴住彼此的心,也知道该给对方多大的空间来保持彼此的自由。淡定的女人渴望的是一份默默的情感,无声却有着深厚的穿透力,不需要言语的承诺,只要专注的眼神;不要火红的玫瑰,只要一杯清茶。她们内心坚信,女人的幸福不在于奢华,而在于简单平凡。


秘密花园读后感英文版 秘密花园读后感英文版(一) “we’re alike, you and me,”ben weatherstaff told mary. “we’re not pretty to look at, and we both are very disagreeable.” poor mary! she was only a ten-year-old little girl. no one wants her, and no one loves her. after her parents died of disease, she had been sent from india to yorkshire in england, and lived in her uncle’s family. that is an old house, and very big. although there were hundreds of rooms, most of them were locked. mary felt unpleasant and depressive living there. everyday her life was boring and lonely. with the exception of ben weatherstaff, an old gardener, no one talked to her. she lost her temper now and then, and, she, as ben weatherstaff said, was ugly. she had thin angry face and thin yellow hair. there was a secret garden in her uncle’s home. it is said that the key of the lock of that garden gate was lost. so almost 10 years, except robins, no one went to that garden. mary became more and more curious. finally she


I wish I could remember by Christina Rossetti I wish I could remember that first day, First hour, first moment of your meeting me, If bright or dim the season, it might be Summer or Winter for aught I can say; So unrecorded did it slip away, So blind was I to see and to foresee, So dull to mark the budding of my tree That would not blossom for many a May. If only I could recollect it, such A day of days! I let it come and go As traceless as a thaw of bygone snow; It seemed to mean so little, meant so much; If only now I could recall that touch, First touch of hand in hand—Did one but know! Never give all the heart by W. B. Yeats Never give all the heart, for love Will hardly seem worth thinking of To passionate women if it seem Certain, and they never dream That it fades out from kiss to kiss; For everything that's lovely is But a brief, dreamy, kind delight. O never give the heart outright,


白衣女人英文读后感 本文是关于读后感的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 白衣女人英文读后感(一) This book narrated young artist Walter responds to a call for recruits to the Fairly family belongings tutor.The moonlit night meets on the way the white clothing woman who runs away from the insane asylum.Woll unique two students:One is master Fairly eldest brother Philip's daughter Laura,another is Laura with mother different father's elder sister Marianne.Marianne confirmed that the white clothing woman is Anne · triumphant Chinese zither Ricker.Walter has fallen in love with Laura,but before Laura's father just before the end,her Xu Gei Percivall · standard Lyde from the baron,by now the white clothing woman suddenly presented attempts to prevent standard Lyde to marry Laura,but has not succeeded,Walter departs low-spirited.After marriage Percivall reveals one's true colors,the belt compels Laura to hand over the entire fortune the right of disposal.By now the white clothing woman appeared once more must expose Percivall's fatal secret,but because by Laura's Uncle the Fox branch count was discovered that runs away.The count plans for Percivall


中英文经典电影台词中英文互译 中英文经典电影台词中英文互译 (1) 英文电影 (1) 中文电影 (9) 英文电影 1. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." Gone with the Wind, 1939 ―坦白说,亲爱的,我不在乎。‖——《乱世佳人》(1939年) 2. "I"m going to make him an offer he can't refuse." The Godfather, 1972 ―我要开出一个他无法拒绝的条件。‖——《教父》(1972年) 3. "You don't understand! I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I could've been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am." On the Waterfront, 1954 ―你不明白!我本可以进入上流社会。我本可以成为一个上进的人。我本可以当个有脸面的人物,而不是像 现在这样当个小混混。"‖——《码头风云》(1954年) 4. "Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." The Wizard of Oz, 1939 ―托托,我有一种感觉我们再也回不了家了。‖——《绿野仙踪》(1939年)5. "Here's looking at you, kid." Casablanca, 1942 ―孩子,就看你的了。‖——《卡萨布兰卡》(1942年) 6. "Go ahead, make my day." Sudden Impact, 1983


女性励志小说读后感 导语:自信是一种最坚强的内在力量,它能够帮助女人度过最艰难困苦的时期,直到曙光最终出现。信心从未令女人失望,它会使她发现自身的价值和潜能,取得成功。她的自信,让她即使做不到拥有最漂亮的外表,也能拥有最令人折服的内涵。 “花样女人”,从微妙的汉语运用与排列来说,可以有两个含义:一是花像女人,二是女人像花。把女人比作花,把花比作女人,这不算新奇,不但从模样上去比,更从内心上去比,这样,《花样女人》便成了一部非常有趣的书。 这部书的法文名原意即“富有生气的花”,或“活灵活现的花”,是l9世纪插图画家JJ格兰维尔的传世之作,出版于他逝世那年。 格兰维尔(1803年--l847年)出身于艺术世家,青年时为几家讽刺刊物画漫画。七月王朝(l830年--l848年)路易菲利普统治时期,巴黎报刊的漫画极尽讥讽揶揄之能事,杜米埃、乔阿诺见弟、莫尼族都是那个时代的名家。 格兰维尔以其版画集《白日变形记》(l829年)而闻名。这是一册针对巴黎风情的社会讽刺画,动物穿了人的服装,扮演入世中的各种角色,刻画入微,使格兰维尔置身于19世纪大插图画家的行列。他还模仿巴尔扎克《人间喜剧》创作了一组风俗画《动物的私生活与公开生活》。出版社有一

个插图委员会,为巴尔扎克、缪塞、朱尔雅南、夏尔诺迪埃等人的作品做插图,而《动物的私生活与公开生活》则与此相反,以图像为主,再配以文字。 l844年,格兰维尔发表《另一个世界》,引起波德莱尔的注意,不久又获得超现实主义者的青睐,作为他们学派的一部样板作品。其中一章篇名为“花的节日”,从动物变形到了植物变形,用一名批评家的话来说,从“人动物变化”过渡到“人植物变化”。这也是格兰维尔最后创作《花样女人》的思路的全过程。《花样女人》还是秉承作者的一贯做法,就是格兰维尔画图,再由作家撰文。这次由塔克西尔德洛尔、阿尔方斯卡尔、弗里克斯伯爵三位作家执笔。书中收录了法国庭院培育的各种花木,外国的奇花异卉,以及野地上的花草。 以往,格兰维尔在漫画中表现的是尖刻的嘲讽、巴尔扎克式的现实主义,在《花样女人》中则是温柔雅致的诗意。他运用细腻的观察和丰富的想象,用花去显示女性的思想感情,去挖掘前人忽视的花的情愫,开拓了一个新世界。 格兰维尔并不追求科学的精密,他是艺术家,不是生物学家,只是在巴黎植物园里研究花草的习性,赋予花草奇幻的阐述,他要求文字也沿着这条思路去表现花草的精神。这三位作家的文字的确也摆脱了生物学家正襟危坐的态度,枯燥无味的说明,精妙处独具匠心,稚拙时确也反映了19世


莎士比亚英文读后感 Shakspere (wrong spelling)created Hamlet--a man with wisdom and courage .In order to revenge on his uncle for killing his father, he pretented (spelling mistake)to be mad and suffered a series of misery. On the contrary, we can also say that Hamlet is rude and selfish for he did not think twice before his revenge . if (Capitalize If since it is the beginning word of the sentence.)a country has no king, how can a country keep alive (You need a question mark here since it is a question.)So, every thing has two sides, the bright side and adumbral side. Every time we make a decision we have to think twice. Be careful with your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Too many uncessary mistakes. It is good that you looked at both the dark and bright sides of Hamlet. Thats quite objective and convincing . Hamlet of Shakespear is a classical representative work. This book certainly does not have the big difference in the superficial plot with the historical fable, spoke or the Danish prince the story which revenged for the father, in which fills the rank smell of blood violence and dies.Just like the dramatis personae Horatio said: you may hear to to rape massacre, the unusual repair behavior, the dark center decision, accidental slaughter, borrows the hand murder , as well as falls into suicide result. Windingly elects the plot, tightly centers on the revenge to launch. Hamlet Wittenberg hurries back the home in a hurry from Germany, is


优美英文诗歌朗诵3篇 优美英文诗歌朗诵篇1 youth youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life. youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. nobody grows old merely by a number of years. we grow old by deserting our ideals. years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust. whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing appetite for what’s next and the joy of the game of living. in the center of your heart and my heart, there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, courage and power from man and from the infinite, so long as you are young.


本书讲述了青年画师沃尔特应聘到费尔利家当家庭教师。月夜路遇一个从疯人院逃出来的白衣女人。沃尔特有两个学生:一个是主人费尔利长兄菲利普的女儿劳拉,另一个是劳拉同母异父的姐姐玛丽安。玛丽安确认白衣女人是安妮·凯瑟里克。沃尔特爱上了劳拉,但劳拉的父亲临终前已将她许给了珀西瓦尔·格莱德从男爵,这时白衣女人突然出现试图阻止格莱德娶劳拉,但没有成功,沃尔特黯然离去。婚后珀西瓦尔原形毕露,带迫劳拉交出全部财产的处置权。这时白衣女人再次出现要揭露珀西瓦尔的致命秘密,但因被劳拉的姑父福斯科伯爵发现而逃走。伯爵为珀西瓦尔策划以捞取劳拉的财产。他们制造了劳拉死亡的骗局,而把受惊吓而死的安妮当作劳拉埋葬,把劳拉麻醉后送进了疯人院,冒称逃走的是安妮。玛丽安从疯人院救出了劳拉,但因劳拉丧失记忆无法证明身份而陷入困境。此时,沃尔特回国,决心为劳拉雪奇冤。经过艰苦的调查终于弄清事实真相,恢复了劳拉合法的继承人身份。珀西瓦尔在场大火中丧生,福斯科被暗杀。沃尔和劳拉结合了。 This book narrated young artist Walter responds to a call for recruits to the Fairly family belongings tutor. The moonlit night meets on the way the white clothing woman who runs away from the insane asylum. Woll unique two students: One is master Fairly eldest brother Philip's daughter Laura, another is Laura with mother different father's elder sister Marianne. Marianne confirmed that the white clothing woman is Anne · triumphant Chinese zither Ricker. Walter has fallen in love with Laura, but before Laura's father just before the end, her Xu Gei Percivall · standard Lyde from the baron, by now the white clothing woman suddenly presented attempts to prevent standard Lyde to marry Laura, but has not succeeded, Walter departs low-spirited. After marriage Percivall reveals one's true colors, the belt compels Laura to hand over the entire fortune the right of disposal. By now the white clothing woman appeared once more must expose Percivall's fatal secret, but because by Laura's Uncle the Fox branch count was discovered that runs away. The count plans for Percivall fishes for Laura's property. They have made the fraud which Laura dies, but receives Anne who frightens dies to treat as Laura to bury, anaesthetized the evacuation Laura to enter the insane asylum, the one who claimed falsely runs away was Anne. Marianne has rescued Laura from the insane asylum, but because Laura loses the memory to be unable to prove that the status falls into the difficult position. this time, Walter returns to homeland, to be determined for the Laura snow wonderful injustice. Gets the facts straight finally after the difficult investigation the truth, restored Laura's legitimate successor status. In the Percivall fire on the scene got killed, the Fox branch is assassinated. Woll and Laura unified. The Woman in White in a detective novel written by Wilkie Collins.It's said that this

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