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一、选择题 1.—How much is the ticket (票) to Central Park? —One ticket $40, and you can $80 for two persons. A.costs; pay B.cost; spend C.pay; spend D.spends; pay 2.—Look, Tom's parents look so sad. —Maybe they what's happened. A.knew B.have known C.has known D.will know 3.No noise, please. Your brother ________ his homework in the next room. A.does B.is doing C.did D.has done 4.It ________ heavily when I left the movie theater. A.rains B.was raining C.is raining D.will rain 5.Wang Wei often ________ TV on Sunday evenings, but now he is _______ stories. A.watches; reading B.watching; reads C.looks; reading D.watches; looking 6.My mother _____ dinner when I got home yesterday. A.has cooked B.was cooking C.will cook D.cooks 7.It’s 4:00 p.m. The students _____ in the pool. A.swim B.swam C.swims D.are swimming 8.Which of the following is right? A.He is used to live there. B.My main job is spreading the message about protecting the environment. C.I have borrowed the book from the library for two weeks. D.Kids under 18 are not allowed to drive. 9.My mother will be very angry with me when she out where I have been. A.finds B.found C.will find D.has found 10.Doctor Ray, as well as other scientists __________ trees for nearly 15 years, but they know only a little about them. A.study B.studies C.has studied D.have studied 11.—I'm sorry. There was too much traffic on the road. —Never mind. The meeting________for only 5 minutes. A.has begun B.has stopped C.has been on 12.—How long have you________? —For 10 years, we got married in 2005. A.married B.got married C.been married D.were married 13.Alice always________her notebooks. She is not tidy. A.lose B.lost C.loses D.found 14.When I was young, my mother ___________ by my side all the time. A.stays B.is staying C.stayed D.will stay 15.— Who ________the classroom tomorrow, Tony?


一、选择题 1.As for__________students from Grade 9, the biggest __________ is learning how to take care of ourselves as well as improve our grades. A.us , challenge B.Our, chance C.we , choice 2.—Do you like thrillers or comedies, Mike? —___________. I think action movies are the most exciting. A.Both B.None C.Either D.Neither 3.—Did you buy a large house? —No, not really, at least not as large as ______. A.yours B.your C.you 4.—Hi, Anna. Are these your sister’s pencils? —Oh, no. They’re not ______. A.her B.him C.hers D.his 5.—Hurry up! The bus is coming. —Wait a moment, please! Let me check if there’s ________ left. A.anything else B.important something C.other things 6.---What do you think we can do for our aged parents? ---You don’t have to do __________except to be with them and be yourself. A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing 7.— Is there anything to drink in the fridge? — No, there is _____ left. A.all B.both C.neither D.none 8.His name is James but he calls ________Jim. A.his B.himself C.him D.不填 9.—Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning? —_______is OK. I’m busy today and tomorrow. A.None B.All C.Both D.Neither 10.A smile costs , but gives much, so always keep smiling! A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything 11.Be careful and try to make mistakes next time. You will get a better grade. A.few B.fewer C.little D.less 12.--- Which sweater do you prefer, the red one or the blue one? -- _______. I think I like the green one best. A.Neither B.Both C.Either D.All 13.—Shall we meet at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning? —I won’t be free then .Let’s make it ______day. A.other B.the other C.another D.others 14.Life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs, the ups will mean A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing


中考英语语法知识点总结讲解(下) 第11讲:动词语态和时态一样,语态也是动词的一种形式,用来说明句中主语和谓语的关系。如果动作由主语执行,就可使用主动语态,如果主语不是由主语执行,主语是动作的承受者,则可使用被动语态。由此我们可以看出英语动词有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。被动语态:表示主语是动作的承受者,什么事情被主语做。被动语态的构成和形式被动语态由助动词be+及物动词的过去分词构成,一定要记住是及物动词。助动词必须与主语的人称和数一致,注意要与我们前一讲学过的八个时态配合使用。适合被动语态的情况:不知道动作由谁发出,或由于某种原因没有必要说明谁发出动作。如:This table is made of wood. 需要突出或强调动作的承受者时,如:This park was built for children. 注意:主动句中的主语如果是people,they,somebody等含糊的表示人或人们,没有确指执行者是谁,为被动句时,通常省略by+执行者。如:The door was opened secretly. But nobody came in. 注意:在主动句里,不定式在make,see,hear等动词后面作宾语补足语时都不带to,但变成被动句时,后面的不定式都需带to。如:He was made to do that work. 主动语态不能变被动语态的情况:学了被动语态,别以为主动句和被动句可以随意转换,千万要注意呀!有些主动语态不能转换成被动语态。当宾语是反身代词时, 如:You should take care of yourself.当谓语是表状态的而不是表具体动作的及物动词时,如:Does the skirt suit


中考英语语法讲解资料 及练形容词 SANY标准化小组 #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

中考英语语法讲解资料及练习 第3讲:形容词 Spring is coming. The trees are green, and the flowers are beautiful. 多么美的季节啊!我们要去郊游, 去感受、去描绘我们周围美好的事物。形容 词会帮你忙。可是形容词怎么使用起来老出错呀不是放错了位置,搞错了级 别,就是在使用多个形容词作定语时排错了顺序。当然了,形容词使用时需要 遵循一些规则的。想知道吗接着往下看。 a beautiful little new white wooden house 从这个长长的词中可以看出多个形容词作 定语时排列有一定的先后顺序。它们往往遵循以下规律:冠词或人称代词 所有格+数词+性质+大小+形状+表示老少、新旧+颜色+事物质地、人的国籍、用途。其实,你大可不必这样费神记,只要记住我给你的句子就可以了。 There is something wrong with my bike。这句话可能让你挠挠头皮,为 什么wrong放在 something的后面呢原来虽然大部分形容词做定语时的位置是放在名词之 前的,但当形容词所修饰的词为something,anything,nothing,everything 等以-thing为字尾的词语时,形容词要后置。 形容词级别问题: a. Our classroom is twice larger than theirs。(我们的教室是他们的两倍。)这种表示倍数的句子用…times +形容词比较级+than …这样的格式。你记住了吗 b. I'm three years older than you.(我比你大三岁。)表示"大三岁,"" 高二厘米"等时用"表示数量词的词+比较级"。 c."越来越……"用"比较级+and +比较级"来表示。如:The earth is getting warmer and warmer。(地球变得越来越暖和。) d."越……就越……"用"the +比较级…,the+比较级…"来表示。如: The busier he is,the happier he feels。(他越忙,越觉得高兴。) 最高级用法的用法就很简单了,提醒你一点,最高级要用于三者以上。还有几点是不得不提的: alone 和lonely:I feel lonely, because I am alone at home. 你独自一 人在家用 "alone" 表示"单独的"、"独自一人的",它表示一个客观事实,在句中只 能做表语。你在家感到寂寞, 用"lonely",表示主观上感到 "孤独""寂寞",指一种悲伤忧郁的情绪,可作定语和表语。 older和elder: Jack is older than me, he is my elder brother.杰克 比我大要用"older",表示"年纪大的,年老的",常用做表语;他是我的长兄用


中考英语语法考点重点解析 中考英语语法考点重点分析(一) 中考是一种比较激烈的选拔性考试,它承担着为高级中学挑选优秀学生的任务,所以它一定要有必要的难度和区分度,我们在认真分析了近五年上海中考原题语法和词汇部分后(20xx年至20xx年),下面扼要的总结了些上海中考的重点和考点,帮助广大学生熟悉考试的具体要求和重点,为学生们备战中考提供必要的帮助。 初中生因为刚涉及英语学习,语法方面还没有过多学复合句等问题,中考的考核绝大多数是以词法为主,20xx年到20xx年语法单项选择15道题,涉及句法的题寥寥,一般在2道左右。20xx年单项选择增加到20道考核句法的题也没有超过两道。这体现了中考英语语法考核重在考察各种词法,强调最基础的学习和积累,为以后的高中学习打下牢固的基本功。 冠词和代词注意的问题: 例:The scientists from United States live in Ninth street.(20xx 上海中考题) A. the……the B. /……the C. /……/ D. the……/ 解析:这是考察冠词的一道典型试题,需要强调的是学生要牢牢记住一些冠词的特殊用法,如普通名词构成专有名词一定要用the 如:the Great wall长城 the Shanghai Museum 上海博物馆 the New Oriental School 新东方学校。另外注意零冠词的用法:街道、广场、

公园的前面不用任何冠词。所以这道题是选择D。 例:Liu xiang and Yao ming are world-famous sports stars.____ of them have set a good example to us .(20xx年上海中考题) A. all B. neither C. both D. none 例:There are many new high-rises on ___ side of Huaihai Road .What a magnificent view!(20xx年上海中考题) A. either B. neither C. both D. all 解析:代词部分尤其是不定代词部分历来是考试的重点。Both 是指两者的全肯定,是说都怎么样,而all是说全部都,这是在指三个人或者以上;none是指三个人或者以上都不怎么样,是否定的概念,neither是说两者的都不怎么样,也是否定的概念;最重要的是either这个单词,它表示两者都怎么样和both一样是肯定的,但是只说一个或者是任何一个。就上面这道题来讲,第一题说刘翔和姚明都给我们树立了榜样,两者的都肯定,所以选择C. 后一题是说淮海路两旁都是高楼大厦,按道理来讲应该是选择both,但是注意side 是一边,这是个单数,所以是说任意一边都是高楼大厦,选择A. 动词方面需要注意的问题: 一、近意动词的辨析选择 例:The VIPs from 21 countries will ___the APEC in Shanghai this autumn.(20xx年上海中考题) A. hold B. take part in C. join D. attend


中考英语语法知识点总结讲解(上) 第1讲:名词 First, 名词复数的特殊变化。 普通名词的复数我们知道是直接加-s或-es,可是偏偏有一些名词不听话,变化不规则。这些小调皮是: a. class, box, watch, brush等词以s, x, ch, sh, 结尾,复数要加-es; b. story, factory 等以辅音字母+y结尾的词复数要先将-y 变成-i再加-es; c. knife, wife, life等以-f 或-fe结尾的词一般先将-f或-fe变为-v, 再加-es; d. 以-o结尾的名词,一般来说,末尾是元音字母+o 的词加-s,我们学过的有radio,zoo。末尾是辅音字母+o的词,变复数加-es。如:tomato, hero, potato,当然其中的piano 和photo,又是一个例外,他们的结尾只能加-s。 e. child(children), foot(feet), tooth(teeth), mouse(mice), man (men ), woman(women )等词的复数变化全不遵循规则。 注意:与man 和woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是-men 和-women。如:an Englishman,two Englishmen. 但German不是合成词,故复数形式为Germans; f. deer,sheep等词更是懒得可以,竟然单复数同形。好记好记。people,police,cattle 等词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数,所以它们的谓语当然也是复数形式,这就是集体名词。the English,the French,the


中考英语语法讲解资料及练习目录 第1讲:名词...................................................................................................1-3 第2讲:代词....................................................................................................3-5 第3讲:形容词.................................................................................................5-7 第4讲:副词....................................................................................................7-10 第5讲:动词..................................................................................................10-12 第6讲:不定式..............................................................................................12-13 第7讲介词....................................................................................................13-17 第8讲:连词..................................................................................................17-21 第9讲:时态(一) (22) 第10讲:时态(二).......................................................................................22-28 第11讲:被动语态........................................................................................28-30 第12讲:句子种类(一) (30) 第13讲:句子种类(二)............................................................................30-32 第14讲:宾语从句........................................................................................32-33 第15讲:状语从句........................................................................................33-35 第16讲:就近原则........................................................................................35-36


中考英语重点语法解析 一.英语语法重点与难点 1、as…as…结构:你和汤姆是一样好的孩子。 You’re a boy as good as Tom.=You’re as good a boy as Tom. 2、(1)too…to与so…that sb. can’t…的句型转换:前者为简单句,主语只有一个,而后者为复合句,主语有两个,试比较: The man was too angry to be able to speak. The man was so angry that he wasn’t able to speak. (2) too…to…与not enough to句型的转换: He is too young to get married.=He is not old enough to get married. The book is too difficult for me to read.= The book is not easy enough for me to read. 3、形容词原级表示比较级含义: 约翰不象迈克那么苯。 John is not so stupid as Mike. John is less stupid than Mike. John is cleverer than Mike. 4、用比较级表示最高级:约翰是班里最高的男生。 John is taller than any other boy in the class. John is the tallest boy in the class. 5、the more….. the more….表示“越……越……”: The more books you read, the wider your knowledge is.


中考英语语法专题详解三 介词、连词 一. 介词 1. 介词概述:介词表示它与后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。介词是虚词,不能单独做句子成分。介词在英语中用法很活,也无一定规律可循。在初中范围内还应学一个记住一个,特别是那些和动词的特殊搭配。 2. 常用介词的意义和用法。 ⑴时间或地点介词in、on、at的用法区别: 表示时间时, in表示在一段时间里(在将来时句子中则表示在一段时间之后), on表示在具体的某一天或者某天的上下午等, at表示在某个时刻或者瞬间; 表示地点时, in表示在某个范围之内, on表示在某个平面上或与一个面相接触,at则表示在某个具体的场所或地点。如: He was born on the night of May 10th. I usually get up at 7:00 in the morning. His glasses are on the desk. My brother is at the bus stop. ⑵after与in表示时间的用法区别:“after+(具体时刻/从句)”表示“在…时刻之后”常用于一般过去时态;“in+(一段时间)”表示“在(多久)之后”,常用于将来时态。如:He said that he would come back after 6:00. My father is coming back from Astralia in about a month. ⑶since与for表示时间的用法区别:“since+(具体时刻/that-从句)”表示“自从…起一直到现在”,“for +(一段时间)”表示“持续一段时间”,都常用于完成时态;如:


中考语法专项一名词 1.名词的数 可数名词——一般是个体名词,如a boy(一个男孩),集体名词 a family(一个家庭),可数名词在句子中必须有头或是有尾,头就是a,one,an 或物主代词;尾就是复数形式。 特殊的复数形式: 1)集体名词:集体名词不能运用具体的数字修饰,下面的集体名词,不能用a,one,two 等修饰,只能在其前加the 表示“全体……”。 the police 警察(指全体警察) the English 英国人(指全体英国人) the French 法国人(指全体法国人) 2)复合名词 a woman teacher—women teachers 女教师an Englishman—Englishmen 英国男子 a grown-up—grown-ups 成人 a brother-in-law—brothers-in-law 内兄、内弟、小叔、大伯 2.不可数名词 专有名词:NBA 全美篮球协会Michael Jackson 迈克杰克逊the West Lake 西湖 物质名词:液体:milk water tea coffee juice oil(油) 肉类:beef chicken mutton pork 天气:weather rain snow wind light 光 其他:news(新闻,消息) bread(面包) 抽象名词:fun love luck duty kindness 善良happiness 幸福progress 进步 【注意】有些不可数的物质名词有复数形式,但表达不同意义。 tea—different kinds of teas 不同种类的茶


2017中考英语语法专题详解 一:名词 专题一名词 1. 名词的数 概述: 名词按其表示的事物的性质分为可数名词和不可数名词。 可数名词及其单复数:可数名词有单复数变化,其前通常用不定冠词和数词来修饰,还可用many, few, a few, some, any, plenty of, lots of, a number of 等修饰。构成名词复数形式的方法分为规则法和不规则法两种。 复数的规则构成法:绝大多数英语中的名词复数都是在单数名词后加上词尾-s或-es构成的。具体规则如下图: 规则 例词 一般情况下加-s apple-apples, ruler-rulers 以s, x, ch,sh,结尾的加-es bus-buses, box-boxes, watch-watches, brush-brushes 以辅音字母加y结尾的,把y变成i再加-es city-cities, county-countries 以f或fe结尾的,把f或fe变成v,再加-es knife-knives, leaf-leaves 以o结尾的,有的词尾加-es,有的加-s

在初中英语范围内加-es的主要有以下4个:tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes Hero-heroes,Negro-Negroes 2) 复数的不规则构成法: a.单复同形的:Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese, deer-deer, sheep-sheep, fish-fish(表示鱼的数量) b. 熟记下列词的复数变化:man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, mouse-mice, child-children c. 以man, woman做定语构成的复合名词,变复数时要全变:a man teacher-two men teachers; 其他情况一般只变主体名词而作定语的名词不变:a girl student-two girl students 3. 不可数名词:不可数名词没有单复数。如:water, meat, air等。在表示数量时,通常用以下方法。 1)用some, much, a little, little, a lot of, lots of, plenty of 等表示多少。 There is little milk at home. The old man has lots of money. 2) 若要表示不可数名词的数量,应用“数词+量词+of+名词”这种形式,若数字超过一,量词应用复数形式。如:a glass of water-two glasses of water, a piece of bread-two pieces of bread


中考英语语法专题详解十 专题十非谓语动词 一、动词不定式 1、构成:动词不定式基本形式为:to+动词原形。有些动词不定式不带to。 否定形式为:not (to)+动词原形。 2、功能及用法: (1)、用作主语 多数情况用it作形式主语,把真正的主语——动词不定式置于句末,特别是不定式短语较长时。动词不定式作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。如: For him, to talk with his mother is necessary.=It is necessary for him to talk with his mother. (2)、用作表语 动词不定式作表语,常说明主语的内容、性质、特征。常可转换成主语。如: The best way to improve your English is to join an English club.=To join an English club is the best way to improve your English. (3)、用作宾语 ★可以接带to的动词不定式作宾语的动词主要有:要求选择同意(ask, choose, agree),期望决定学习(expect, hope, decide, learn),宁可拒绝假装知道(prefer, refuse, pretend, know),希望想要愿意(wish, want/need, would like / love)等。如: We decided to talk to some students. He prefers to eat white bread and rice.


一、选择题 1.—_________ is it from Wuxi to Shanghai? —It’s about ________ drive. A.How long; a two hours’B.How far; a two-hours C.How far; two hours’D.How long; a two-hour 2.---- _________ is it from Nanjing to Beijing? --- It’s less than three ___________ flight. A.How long, hour’s B.How far, hour’s C.How long, hours’D.How far, hours’ 3.There is a______ shop and two_______ shops not far away from my school. A.sports; shoe B.sports; shoes C.sport; shoe D.sport; shoes 4.With the ________ of society, our environment is becoming worse and worse. So we should do what we can ________ our environment. A.development; to protect B.developing; to protect C.development; protect D.develop; protect 5.Some ________went to Japan to help when they knew that many ________ lost their homes in the earthquake. A.Germen; Japanese B.Frenchmen; Japaneses C.Germans; Japanese 6.—There are beautiful flowers everywhere to celebrate the National Day, and we have —________ holiday. That means we have seven days ________ for this public holiday. A.a seven-day; off B.a seven-days; away C.seven-day; over D.a seven-days’; off 7.Here_______some of the results. Most students think_______are cheaper than cars. A.is; the bike B.are; bikes C.are; the bike D.is; bikes 8.Peter would like a bowl of ________noodles. A.tomato and egg B.tomato and eggs C.tomatoes and eggs D.tomatoes and egg 9.—What is your _______, Lingling? —I really enjoy reading _______ stories at night. A.interests; interesting B.interests; interest C.interest; interesting D.interesting; interest 10.—What can I do for you? —Err, I want a glass of milk, some bread and . A.some chickens B.any chicken C.some chicken 11.— How much are the __________? — Eight yuan a kilo.


中考英语语法填空点+例题_全面解析经典 一、初三中考语法填空(含答案详细解析) 1.语法填空 The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a bell tower. It is famous for ________tilt (倾斜) 1o one side. Located behind the Cathedral of Pisa, the tower ________ (become) a symbol of Italy. It is one of ________ oldest buildings in Pisa's Cathedral Square. The tower was not designed to lean, ________ because people built it on soft soils it gradually tilted to one side. Even though some people don't think the tower is a ________ (success)building because of its tit, the tower has won a special place in history. The tower has also been used for experiments by the famous Italian scientist ________ (call) Galileo Galilei. Every year, ________ (million)of tourists flock to the tower to take the classic photo pretending(假装) to hold up or knock down the tower. Tourists can also climb the 294 steps to the top inside the tower. There are seven ________ (bell) on top of it. It is said that you must visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa during the day. At night the shops are closed and it looks just so-so. However, if you visit it on a full moon night, the tower ________ (look) fantastic. When you plan ________ (visit)Leaning Tower of Pisa, you should not miss some other sights near it, including Santa Maria della Spina and the Guelph Tower. 【答案】 its;has become;the;but;successful;called;millions;bells;looks;to visit 【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章介绍了意大利著名的比萨斜塔,它位于比萨大教堂后面。一开始设计的时候并不是斜的,因为地基的原因,慢慢向一侧倾斜。虽然人们认为这不是一个成功的建筑,但是在历史上赢得了特殊的历史地位。意大利著名科学家伽利略层在塔山做过著名的落地实验。每年有成百万的游客来这里旅游,拍照。 (1)句意:它因向一侧倾斜而著名。根据句意可知,这里的倾斜指塔本身的倾斜,使用与主语一致的物主代词its,故答案是its。 (2)句意:位于比萨大教堂的后面的斜塔成为了意大利的象征。我们知道它已经成为了意大利的象征了,因此使用现在完成时,现在完成时的结构是have/has+过去分词。主语the tower为第三人称单数,助动词使用has,故答案是has become。 (3)句意:它是比萨大教堂广场最古老的建筑之一。oldest为形容词最高级,形容词最高级前使用定冠词the,故答案是the。 (4)句意:塔不是设计的时候就是斜的,但是因为人们把它建筑在软的土地上,慢慢地就向一边倾斜。一开始设计的不是斜的,现在成为斜的了,与设计本身不符,因此使用转折词but连接,故答案是but。 (5)句意:即使人们因为倾斜不认为这是成功的建筑,但是它却在历史上赢得了特殊的地位。success作定语修饰building,因此使用形容词successful,故答案是successful。


一、选择题 1.I have bought a Chinese – English dictionary. When and where_____ you _____ it? A.have, bought B.did buy C.will, buy D.do , buy 2.The teacher's smile made me ________ better. A.feel B.to feel C.feeling D.felt 3.Jim a basketball? A.Does; have B.Does; has C.Is; have 4.I don’t have a baseball, but Alan A.do B.does C.have D.has 5.A group of little ducks __________ their mother into the river and swim away. A.follow B.miss C.help D.cross 6.— ________ your cousin and her friends like history? —Yes, they ________ it’s very interesting. A.Does; think B.Do ; think C.Do; thinks 7.My mother with me ________ at my grandma’s home ________that snowy night. A.were, at B.was, at C.was, on 8.Lucy and I ________ good friends. A.am B.is C.are 9.—Why ______ you so busy these days? —Because they arrived ______ London ______ the morning of July1. A.are; in , in B.are; in , on C.do; on , in D.do; at , on 10.Lily and Lucy _______ their mother. They have big eyes and yellow hair. A.like both B.both are like C.both like D.are both like 11.—He’s never been late for school. —________________. A.So have I B.So am I C.Neither have I D.Nor am I 12.Hard work can bring you , but if you are lazy, you won’t become . A.success; success B.successful; success C.success; successful D.successful; succeed 13.— What kind of home do you ? — A flat three bedrooms. A.live in; with B.live; with C.live in; has D.live; has 14.I like this dress very much. It soft and smooth. A.feels B.touches C.is felt D.is touched 15.The Great Wall (长城) ________ long and it ________ a long history (历史). A.has; is B.is; is C.is; has D.have; has 16.—Where__________ your friend __________from? —He comes from England. A.is; come B.do; come C.does; come D.are; be

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