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密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题 六年级下册第九模块英语复习


1 teach (过去式)

2 us (主格)

3 wishes (单数)

4 love (形容词)

5 enjoy (过去式)

6 never (对应词)

7 help (过去式)

8 bring (过去式)

9 happiness (形容词)10 writing (原形)11 I'll (完全形式)12 they (宾格)13 here (同音) 英汉互译

1 say goodbye to

2 primary school

3 享受我们的时光

4 write a

message 5 永远保存他 6lots of joy 7祝你今后顺利 8 度过了快乐的时光 9 一个出色的朋友 10 never forget our time together 11 小学 12 写一段留言 13 best friends 4 watch football games 5 a happy time 重点句子

1送给你最好的愿望!祝你好运!你是一个很好的朋友! 并且我将会想念你的。2 我们不就就要向我们的小学学校说再见了。我很享受我们在一起的时光。我想记住你们所有人。请在这本书上写下留言。我将永远保存他。 .

3 你是一个淘气但是可爱的男孩。你在运动上帮助了我。带给了我们许多乐趣。祝你今后顺利!

4 我们在学校度过了快乐的时光。你教了我汉语。非常感谢。你是一个出色的朋友。我会想念你!

5 你是我最好的朋友 大明。我将不会忘记我们在一起的时光。送给你最美好的愿望!来英国和我一起看足球比赛把! 6我正在给我地球的朋友写信。



9 然后我在每逢心里写:‘‘祝你快乐每一天。’’这有四十封信。这得写多少祝福语啊! . 10玲玲正在做什么?她首先写什么?那有多少封信? 11快要结束了。 单项选择

1()We sent our best for her birthday.A wishes B merry C happiness 2()Why is he crying? He's a new student here. He his old friends.A miss B misses C missing

3()Can I help you? I want to buy milk.A many B any C some 4()当你的朋友才加考试时,你应该这样说:

A Have a nece trip!

B Merry christmas

C Good luck to you.

5()Lily often help a blind man. a nice gril ! A where B How C what 6()What are you doing?I'm sending email to my family. A the B a C an 7()what are you writing your letters?A to B in C for 8()I have a lot of books about animals. This one is you. Thank you !A on B for C to

9()This is the name my mother. A of Bwite C to 10()a naughty boy he is!A what B How C Where

11()do you like eating fish? Because it's delicious A what B why C who 12()We're going to eat at twelve I'm hungry. It's eleven. I'm going to hungry.A look B eat C keep

13()Good luck you !A in B at C to 按要求写句子

1 I‘m writing lett ers .(对writing letters 提问)

2 We're swimming in the river.(变为一般疑问句) 3There are forty letters.(对forty 提问) 4 every you happinese wishing day 连句。

5 I’m writing an email.(对writing an email 提问)

6 There are about forty letters. (对forty letters 提问)

7 write name I the friend a of (.)连词成句 根据首字母或汉语提示补全单词 1 What a lot of good w ! 2Wish you h every day. 3He's s an email to me.

4 He was my teacher.And he t me Maths 5Lingling wants to be a doctor in the f . 6 We‘re going to start m school soon 7We s very little Chinese four years ago.

8 I’m e because I‘m goingto learn lots of new things. 9 Teacher’s Day is in (九月)

10 They’re going to (离开)their primary school 用所给单词的适当形式填空

1You're a naughty but (love )boy. 2I'll (keep )it forever

3You brought us lots of (joy )

4He (teach )me French two years ago

5 I'm 20 years old.I (have )a happy time at primary school 选词填空补全句子

1I‘m sending (a/an )email to my mum.2 There (are/is )about forty letters here.3 (What/How )a lot of good wishes! 4 What are you (write/writing )in your letters? 5 How (many/much )leters are there?


1I’m wring (告别信)to all my friends my friends 爱他school A sorry letters B thank you letters C goodbye letters

2That's (一个好主意)A a good idea B a good letters C a bad idea 3 What a lot of (美好的祝愿)A best wishes B good wiches C best presents 4 First I write (``````的名字)a friend. A the picture B the name of C the postcard

5I‘m writing an email to my friends (来自地球) A from my family B from the earth C to the earth


Unit 1 school life Lesson 1 Class 班 拆分:C—(形象)月亮la—(拼音)拉ss—(形象)两条蛇 联想:月亮拉着两条蛇来到我们班上课。 Grade 年级 拆分:gr—(拼音)怪人ade—(拼音)阿黛尔 联想:六年级有个怪人名叫阿黛尔。 Clean 打扫;清扫 拆分:cl—(拼音)村落e—(拼音)鹅an—(拼音)俺 联想:村落里的鹅和俺一起打扫教室。 Blackboard 黑板 拆分:bl—(拼音)巴黎a—(英语)一个ck—拼音(刺客)bo—(拼音)博ard—(拼音)艾瑞达 联想:在巴黎刺客也会拿着黑板与博士艾瑞达辩论。 Word 话;单词;用词 拆分:wo—(拼音)我rd—(拼音)弱点 联想:我的弱点就是话太多。 Exercises 练习;运动;使用;锻炼 拆分:ex—(联想)exo erci—(拼音)二次s—(形象)蛇es—(拼音)饿死 拆分EXO练习了二次把蛇饿死的技能。 Drink v.喝 拆分:Dr—(拼音)敌人in—(英语)在~里面k—(拼音)看 联想:敌人在暗地里看人喝毒酒。 Water 水 拆分:wa—(拼音)哇Ter—(拼音)天鹅肉 联想:哇!水煮天鹅肉太好吃了! Wait 等待;等候 拆分:wa—(拼音)蛙it—(英语)它 联想:青蛙在等候它的公主。 Classmate 同学 拆分:c—(形象)月亮la—(拼音)拉ss—(拼音)两条蛇mate—(拼音)mate 联想:月亮拉着两条蛇去会见马特同学。 Lesson n.课程 拆分:le—(拼音)乐ss—(形象)两条蛇on—(英语)在~上 联想:乐乐和两条蛇在本次课程上表现最好! Know 知道 拆分:kn—(拼音)柯南ow—(拼音)欧文 联想:侦探柯南知道大盗欧文在哪里。 Welcome 欢迎 拆分:we—(英语)我们lc—(拼音)凌晨om—(拼音)欧美e—(拼音)鹅 联想:我们凌晨排队欢迎欧美来的鹅。 Family 家庭 拆分:fa—(拼音)发mi—(拼音)米ly—(拼音)鲤鱼


九年级下册英语复习提纲(仁爱版) 找出它们之间的不同冠词的用法. 现以冠词为例:1.John was given _______ orange bag for his birthday but ______ bag was lost just now. A.an,a B.a,the C.the,a D.an,the 2.There's ________ old tree near _______ house. A.a,an B.an,the C.a,the D.the,a 3.There is ___ 800-metre-long road behind ___ hospital.A.an,an B.a,a C.an,the D.a,the 4._______ good,kind girl she is! A.How B.What a C.What D.How a 5.________ bad weather!I hope it won't last long. A.How B.What C.What a D.How a 6._______ they are listening to the teacher! A.How careful B.What careful C.How carefully D.What carefully 由上例题我们可以发现冠词和感叹句是必考内容。同样,象宾语从句 的语序、代词的格、主谓语一致、动词和介词的搭配、近义词的比较 以及习惯表达法和情态动词的使用等,无一不在考查之列。所有这一 切语言基础知识,我都将通过对典型试题的解题分析,展开讨论,分 层展示难易对比,系统归纳。对于语言基础知识是这样处理,那么对 以能力测试为主要目的的中考其他试题形式又该怎么办呢? 这里我们 以一篇完形填空题为例: A poor farmer had never left his small village.After he(1) a lot of money,he decided to spend a


Unit 1 How tall are you? 重点词汇: 1、Younger 更年轻的young的比较级young 的最高级? 例句:我的妈妈比爸爸更年轻。 2、older 更年长的old的比较级old的最高级?elder eldest 例句:汤姆比吉姆更年长。 3、taller 更高的tall 的比较级tall的最高级? 例句:我比我的弟弟高。 4、shorter 更矮的,更短的short的比较级,short的最高级?例句:这把尺子比那把尺子短。 5、longer 更长的long的比较级 例句:她的头发比我的长。 6、thinner 更瘦的thin的比较级反义词? 例句:这只猴子比大象瘦 7、heavier 更重的heavy的比较级反义词? 例句:迈克比他妹妹更重。 8、bigger 更大的big的比较级反义词? 例句:这只兔子比那只兔子大的多。 This rabbit is much bigger than that one . 9、smaller 更小的small 的比较级 例句:我的梨子比你的小。 My pear is smaller than yours. 10、strong 更强壮的strong的比较级反义词? 例句:我哥哥比我强壮。 11、countryside n. 不可数名词乡村同义词: 例句:我的祖父母生活在一个小乡村。 12、lower 更低的low的比较级反义词? 例句:这栋楼比那栋楼低。 This building is lower than that one. 13、shadow n. 可数名词阴影,影子 例句:你能看到你的影子吗?

14、smarter 更聪明的smart的比较级 例句:你变得越来越聪明了。 You are getting smarter and smarter. 15、become v. 开始变得,变成 例句:这个女孩想成为一名演员。 This girl wants to become an actress. 重点短语: How tall 多高how heavy 多重how old 多大what size 多大号 In this hall 在这个厅里both of 两个都over there 在那边have a look 看一看 Go down 下降 重点句型: ①形容词的最高级: 最高级通常用于3人或者3人以上的人或事物之间的比较。表示“三个或者三个以上中最...的” 例句:莉莉是这个小组里最矮的女孩。 Lily is the shortest girl in this team. 注意:在句子中,形容词最高级前通常加the. ②辨析both 与all both-“两个都”all-“所有,全部”(三者或三者以上都...) 例句:两位男士都是中国人。Both of the men are Chinese. 他们都喜欢那场聚会。All of them enjoyed the party. ③如何比较两个事物 句式:A+be动词+形容词比较级+ than +B 拓展:如果比较两个人或事物,在具体数值上的差距时,如:短2厘米,大3岁,如何表达? 句式:A+be动词+具体的差距+形容词比较级+than+B 例句:我比我的妹妹高5厘米I am 5cm taller than my sister. 你比吉姆小一岁You are one year younger than Jim. ④如何询问高度 提问:How tall + be动词+主语? 回答:主语+be动词+数字+单位长度 例句:你姐姐有多高?How tall is your sister? 她身高1.7米。She is 1.7 metres tall. ⑤选择疑问句 Do you like apples or pears ? I like apples. ⑥形容词比较级变化规则 ⑦如何询问服装,鞋子等尺码


2017-2018学年六年级英语上册期末试卷 (总分50分,答卷时间40分钟) 第一部分听力(30分) 一、听音选图画。(10分) 根据你听到的内容选出一幅相应的图画,把它的编号填入题前括号内,每小题连读两遍。 ( )1. A B ( )2. A B ( )3. A B ( )4.

A B ( )5. A B 二、听音填序号。(10分) 根据图画和你所听到内容的顺序,把顺序号写在图画下面的括号内。每小题连读三遍。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ()() 三、听音选答语。(10分) 根据你听到的内容,从A、B两个选项中选出听到的句子,把它的编号填入题前括号内。每段对话连读三遍。 ()1. A. Have a special meal. B. Give presents to the children. ()2.A. Six thousand seven hundred kilometres. B. Seven thousand six hundred kilometres. ()3. A. Well, Christmas is my favourite festival. B. Well, Thanksgiving is my favourite festival. ()4.A. Please stand in line. B. Don’t talk in the library.

()5. A. I’m going to go to Beijing. B. I’m sending an email. 第二部分笔试(20分) 一、词汇。(5分) 根据括号内的汉语提示,填出单词中所缺字母。每个空格线上填写一个字母。 1. There are lots of Chinese rest rants (饭馆) there. 2.Thanksgiving is my favourite f__stival (节日). 3.This is my addr__ss (地址). 4.pandas love b__mboo(竹子). 5.They want to bring p__ __ce (和平) to the world. 二、选择填空。(5分) 从每小题所给的A、B两个选项中,选出一个最合适的选项,把它的编号填入题前括号内。( )1. There lots of Chinese shops there. A. is B. are ( ) 2. What do you do Flag Day? A. in B. on ( ) 3. Have you got any chopsticks? A. No, I don’t B. No, I haven’t ( ) 4. He ____to go climbing. A. wants B. wanting ( ) 5. I _______an email now. A. send B. am sending 三、口语应用。(5分) 根据对话情景,从方框中选择恰当的句子填空,使对话完整。把它的编号


九年级下册英语复习资料 Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词( 5分) 1. Would you m_______ closing the door ? It’s cold outside. 2. Your radio is too noisy; please t_______ it down. 3. —Would you mind cleaning the window ? —OK. I’ll do it right a_______. 4. There are many trees and flowers in our school y_______. 5. Their second t_______ is to collect some useful information. Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空( 5分) 1. Could you please _______ ( show) me another one ? This one is s maller. 2. Mr. Green isn’t in his office. He is at a _______ ( meet). 3. Can you finish these _______ ( task) in two days ? 4. The music is too _______ ( noise). Please turn it down. 5. Do I have _______ ( wash) the dishes ? Ⅲ. 单项选择( 10分) 1. —Why not make a birthday card ? —OK. I’ll do it _______. A. right B. right away C. at times D. at that time 2. Could you please _______ the radio a bit ? It’s too loud. A. turn up B. turn down C. turn off D. turn on 3. —Would you mind _______ your bike ? —No, not at all. I’ll put it under the tree right away. A. move B. to move C. moves D. moving 4. Mother gave me the _______ of washing the dishes after dinner o n my birthday. I hated it. A. gift B. seat C. task D. meal 5. Look at the _______. There will be a basketball match this afte rnoon. A. note B. project C. radio D. poster Ⅳ. 完成句子( 10分) 1. 你介意我坐在这儿吗 ? Would you _______ my _______ here ? 2. 我一点也不喜欢下雨天。 I _______ like the rainy days ________ _______. 3. 这条牛仔裤看上去很糟糕。 The pair of jeans _______ _______. 4. 请你打开窗子好吗 ? Could you _______ _______ the window ? 5. ——你介意说得慢一点吗 ? —Would you mind _______ more _______ ? ——一点也不。 —_______ _______ _______.


1. 内容 -一一 -——二 三—— 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 合计 得分 六年级英语第二学期练习题 (答题时间60分钟,满分100分) 学校: ---------- 姓名: ---------------- 班级: ---------------- 1. ( ) A.taller B.tall C.doll 2. ( ) A.matter B.match C.metter 3. ( ) A.nose B.rose C.goes 4. ( ) A.read B.red C.fat 5. ( ) A.bored B.ball C.sore 6. ( ) A.has B.had C.have 7. ( ) A.154cm tall B.155cm tall C.153cm tall 8. ( ) A. H ow old are you? B.How are you? C. H ow tall are you? 9. ( ) A.I am fine. B.I am fiftee n. C.I am five. 10. ( ) A.He did homework. B.He did housework. C.She did homework. 1分,共10 分) 听力部分(满分50分) .Listen and choose (听录音,选出跟录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填 在题前的括号里)(每小题 and judge 听录音,判断句子或图片的是否与录音内容相符,相符的 在相应题号下的括号内打“V” 、Listen ,不相符的打 2 () 3 “x”(每小题1分,共10 分) 5 4


川教版六年级下册重点复习资料Unit1 different jobs Lesson1 what does your father do 单词:postman \post office\waiter\restaurant\engineer\factor y\on night duty\taxi driver\\bring\sir 重点句子: 1.What do you do I am a pupil. 2.where do you study ? I study at school. does your do,Lele He is an engineer. 4.what does your mother do She is a nurse. Where does she work She works in a hospital. Lesson2 which dress is better < 单词:better cheaper longer bigger taller hotter shorter prettier on sale than usual try on honer suit well marry princess smart 重点句子:dress is tooo short for me. 2.You are taller. need a new dress.. 4.May I have a look at that dress,please ’s on sale on sale now. ’s cheaper than usual. it on,honey. is it -- It’s big/small/good... … dress is better--the yellow one. is this one--this one is the best and prettiest(这个是最好的,也是最好看的). Lesson3 what’s wrong with you 重点单词:must miss match laugh most laughter(笑声)equal relax(放松)重点短语: a headache a cough a cold a doctor 5.stay in bed some medicine ill at home better do sth well , better not do sth a good rest deeply 重点句子:, I feel ’m sorry to hear that. ’s wrong--I have a headache and a cough. ’d better goto see a doctor. ’s the matter with you--Ihave a headache and a cough. I stay at home’d btter not go to school. some medicine and have a good rest. ; ’ll miss the football match.(我将错过足 球比赛) one thing,laughter is good exercise.(一 方面,笑是很好的运动) you laugh, you also breathe deeply.(当 你笑时,你也会深呼吸) Unit2 Lesson1 when do you get up 重点单词:begin 开始 重点短语:my teeth 2. take exercise 3. play the violin 4. take a shower 5. hour hand 6. minute hand 7.every day to school football with home 11. in the evening · 重点句子:,when do you get up-- I get up at 6 o’clock. 2.You get up so early. 3.I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. 4.I have breakfast at 7:30 . 5.I go to school at 7:40 . 6.I have lunch at 12 o’clock. 7.I get home at 5:30 in the after noon. 8.I have dinner at 7 o’clock. 9.| 10.I do my homework at 7:30 . 11.I go to bed at 9:40 in the evening. 12.It’s too late. class begins at 8o’c lock. Lesson2 where shall we meet 重点单词:London Paris New York weekend meet usually sometimes 重点短语:week/year 2. good news 3. I can’t wait problem 5. outside the school gate 6. play the piano badminton shopping ( some cooking taijiquan 重点句子:shall we meet --what about half past seven tomorrow moring. /Let’s meet at 7: tomorrow. 2.Where are we going to meet --Let’s meet outside the school gate. 3.where is he going for his holiday 4.--He is going to Hong Kong.(他将去香港) 5.When is he going to Hong Kong … --Tomorrow morning. 6.--What do you do on the weekend, Tingting --I usually do my homework first,then draw pictures or play the violin. 7.--What does your father do --He reads a book or watches TV. 8.--What does your mather do --She goes shopping and does some cooking. Lesson3 Tell what is it by feeling ^ 重点单词:feel smooth favorite some all grow other health 重点短语:delicious 2. smell sweet 3. look dirty/clean 4.tsound noisy 5. look heavy/light 6. many kinds of ...away 重点句子:,can you tell w h at is it by feeling--It fells round and smooth. 2.--Do you like grapes-- yeah,They are my favorite. 3.~ 4.How does it feel/--It’s feels round and soft,it is a tomato. 5.There are many kinds of apples. 6.All apples grow on trees. 7.Apples are good for our health. 7. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (每天一个苹果,远离医生。) 练习题一、从表格中中找出问句的答语 ()you dance ()is it ()dress is better ()4. Will you marry me ) 二、选词填空Which How What 1. —skirt is prettier —The whit one. 2. —is it —It’s hard. 3. —fruit do you like best —I like bananas best.


九年级英语下册知识点复习 dule4 Unit2的笔记理解 我们必须在内、外都尽可能多说英语。eustspeaEnglishasuhaspssible__________________ 2Idrppedallet____________ A.inatshl Bnatshl nahe 3It’susefult______thenespapereverda Alafter Blver lthrugh 3他坐在桌旁,快速浏览了一遍报纸。Hesatatthetable,and________________thenespaper 4Theineis____________grapes Aaingf Badef adefr

4这个公仔主要是棉花制成的。 Thedllisainl______________ttn 4.我们班是由49个同学组成的 urlass______________________________49students 在那个年代,雷锋是家喻户晓的。 ________________,LeiFengas_________________________ _beverne 6我们不能一次做两事 ean’tdtthings____________ 7这毛衣是手工做的 Theseaterisade___________________________ 8他没有珍惜时间,结果没考上高中。 Hedidn’tarethetie,__________________,heuldn’tenterhighshl 9在晚会开始时,有一个魔术表演。 There’saagish_____________thepart 0他喜欢看书,然后,他获得大量的知识。 Heliesreading,________________,Hegetuhnledge 1.urritingisntbad____________,thughthere’reseistaes Abthea


教育计划:_________六年级下学期英语复习计划 姓名:______________________ 学校:______________________ 日期:______年_____月_____日 第1 页共5 页

六年级下学期英语复习计划 (一)全面复习,抓学生的基础,帮助学生全面而系统地复习所学过 的知识。 1.过好单词关。单词是学习英语的基础,针对学生中存在的基础差、习惯差的现状,我准备从不同角度,用不同方法帮助学生复习单词。 (1)按词汇表复习单词。加强四会单词的朗读与默写,给学生明确的任务。对于极个别学困生来说,还要区别对待,给他们适当降低难度和要求,使他们也能尽最大努力过好单词关。 六年级下学期英语复习计划 一、班级概况: 六年级共2个班,有学生65人,学生对英语的学习兴趣随着年段呈下降趋势,两级分化十分明显,其中一部分学习努力,成绩优秀,另一部分,学习态度消极,思想懒惰,接受能力慢,且学习态度不端正。因此在复习时应该重点从提高他们的基础入手。我准备以听说读写为主要复习形式,从单词,句子,语篇入手,以英语基础知识为主要内容,指导学生在听说读写的过程中系统地梳理所学知识,从单词到词组到句子到短文,全 面把握所学内容。 复习内容:小学三年级至六年级所学的内容知识。 复习重点:以四、五、六年级知识为主要复习内容。 复习要求: 1、注意复习的全面性,点面结合。 2、要特别关注后进生。 3、按系统复习。 第 2 页共 5 页

二、具体实施办法 (一)全面复习,抓学生的基础,帮助学生全面而系统地复习所学过 的知识。 1.过好单词关。单词是学习英语的基础,针对学生中存在的基础差、习惯差的现状,我准备从不同角度,用不同方法帮助学生复习单词。 (1)按词汇表复习单词。加强四会单词的朗读与默写,给学生明确的任务。对于极个别学困生来说,还要区别对待,给他们适当降低难度和要求,使他们也能尽最大努力过好单词关。 (2)按话题归类复习单词。以老师下发的英语话题分类复习表进行复习。 2.过好词组关。词组是学习英语的关键,它是复习单词的良好途径,同时又是学习句子的基础。我准备将词组复习与单词分类复习相联系,在复习单词的同时一起复习词组,让学生在复习单词的同时掌握词组构成的规律。 3.过好句子关。句子是学习英语的重点。通过几年的学习,学生已经掌握了一定数量的句型及日常交际用语,部分学生现在已经能比较自如地运用这些句子,但对一部分学生来说,这些知识掌握的还不是很扎实,因此我准备从以下几方面来帮助学生梳理所学过的句子。 (1)指导学生在语境中复习句子,让学生分清日常交际用语的运用 场合。 (2)根据句子类型指导学生在比较中复习句子,教给学生适当的语 法知识。 三、日程安排 1、3、4月份, 3-6年级上册书本知识复习整理阶段 第 3 页共 5 页


学习必备欢迎下载 六年级上册英语练习 第一课 )1、A. zoo B. room C. book )2、A. cook B. moon C. spoon ) 3、A. look B. good C. food )4、A. wood B. root C. foot drive(名词)2、sing(名词) teach(名词)4、policeman(复数) swim(现在分词)6、do(三人称单数形式)can’t(完整形式)8、let us(缩写形式) sleep(现在分词)10、wait(名词) )1.My father is doctor. a B. an C. the ) 2.It’s time work. in B. at C. for ) 3. about your father? Which B. How C. When ) 4.What you ? I’m a nurse. do, do B. do, does C. does, do ) 5.A cook is cookies. cooks B. cooking C. cook )1.你问对方,那个男人是做什么的,你会问: A.What does he do ? B. What do you do? C. What does she do? ()2.你告诉对方你的爸爸是一位出租车司机,你会说: A.My mother is a taxi driver. B. My father is a taxi driver. C. My father is a doctor. ()3.你想知道对方正在干什么,你会问: A.What are you doing? B. He’s swimming. C. What is he doing? ()4.你想要的一些汤,你会对服务员说: A.Bring me some chicken. B. The soup is very good. C. Bring me some soup. ()5.你告诉对方你是一位店员,你会说: A.I’m a bookseller. B. I’m a shop assistant. C. You’re a shop assistant. 五、按要求写句子。 1. It is swimming. (对划线部分提问) 2. He can dance. (改为否定句) 3. I’m a teacher.(对划线部分提问) 4. He’s a farmer. (对划线部分提问) 5. I’m a painter. (改为一般疑问句) 六、连词成句。 1. work it’s for time . 2. his he car works in . 3. father is a driver my taxi . 4. yesterday he on duty night was . 5. some me bring soup .


小学六年级英语下学期期末总复习试卷 一、将下列字母按字母表顺序重新排列 u r j g o b s q 二、找出下列每组字母中的元音字母,写在括号内。 ()1. J K L I ( ) 2. L H A J ( ) 3. D E S K ( ) 4. Y O P T ( )5. R U L F 三、正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子并写出中文意思 cousin lesson chinese bike august ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) mothe r′s day dining room the great wall spring festival ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) wha t′s wrong with you ( ) what a beautiful park ( ) i traveled along the yangtze river ( ) 四、连词成句 1. to PE she a wants teacher be 2. you go in anywhere winter did

五、模仿例子写一写 1. 例:orange----oranges lesson----________ dress---_________ 2. 例:visit-----visited make---______ play----_________ 3. 例:go----going see---_______ take---_________ 4. 例:long---longer big---_______ strong---_________ 5. 例:black---white hot---_______ tall---________ 六、选词填空 1. She often ________me with my math. ( help helped helps ) 2. They live _______the UK. ( in on at ) 3. We have ______English class on Monday . ( a an / ) 4. Look! The boys are ___________.( swim swam swimming ) 5. I'll ________ her some flowers. ( give giving gave ) 6. We ________to the zoo last week. ( go goes went ) 7. Did you _________football yesterday? ( play played plays ) 8. She must _________ a lot of water. ( drinking drink drinks ) 9. What ________ he do? He is a doctor. ( do does did ) 10. I'm __________about my lessons. ( worry worried worries ) 七、选择适当的动词完成词组并写出中文意思 have make play take climb listen cross do 1. ______some housework( ) 2. _______a cold( ) 3._________basketball( ) 4.________ a photo( ) 5._________to music ( ) 6._______a snowman( ) 7._________a mountain( ) 8._______ the street( ) 八、找出每组中不同类的单词并把序号写在括号里 ( ) 1. A. ten B. eight C. third D. eleven ( ) 2. A. bus B. train C. bike D. cake ( ) 3. A. arm B. English C. Chinese D. music ( ) 4. A. worker B. sister C. teacher D. cook ( ) 5. A. dog B. green C. blue D. black 九、找出划线部分读音与其它单词不同的一项,并将序号填入括号里( ) 1. A. date B. make C.cat D. lake ( ) 2. A. red B. desk C.evening D. lesson ( ) 3. A. kite B.give C. miss D.kid

川教版六年级上册英语Visiting Friends

Unit 2 Visiting Friends Lesson 1 What a Nice Room! 教学目标: 1. 能通过对本课单词的学习了解各个房间的特点和用途,要求学生能够理解单词大意,并正确朗读。 2. 掌握如何询问别人想喝什么的句型和回答方式,并能在对话中正确使用。 3.能够听懂对话,并能应用所学单词和句型进行仿编。4.通过学习询问别人意见和表达自己愿望的礼貌语,培养学生养成懂礼貌的好品质。 教学重、难点: 1.本课单词的正确发音和拼读。 2.能使用本课句型进行问答和对话仿编。 3.能听懂对话和读懂课文。 教学课时:第一课时 教学过程: 第一课时 Step 1: 1、师生常规问候。 2、复习 (1)复习问候语:

T: Nice to see you again. S: Me, too. (2)复习基数词。 First, Second………… Step 2: 1、创设情景. T: (出示Ting Ting的头像), She is TingTing,Let’s say “Hello” to Ting Ting. S: Hello, Ting Ting. T: Nice to see you! S: Nice to see you! (出示Summer的头像),He is…………..(问学生) S: He is Summer. T: Let’s say “Hello” to Summer. S: Hello Summer. T: Hello! (教师分角色表演TingTing and Summer的对话) Answer the questions: Q1: Is this the tall teaching building? Q2: Where’sthe TingTing’s classroom? Q3: Where’sthe TingTing’s Teacher’s office?


九年级英语下册全册知识点总结 Unit1《How can we become good learners?》【短语归纳】 1.have conversation with sb.同某人谈话 2.too…to…太……而不能 3.the secret to……的秘诀 4.be afraid of doing sth./be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事 5.look up查阅 6.repeat out loud大声跟读 7.make mistakes in在……方面犯错误 8.connect……with…把……和……连接/联系起来 9.get bored感到厌烦10.be stressed out焦虑不安的 11.pay attention to注意;关注12.depend on取决于;依靠 13.the ability to do sth..做某事的能力14.first of all首先 15take notes做笔记,做记录16.enjoy doing sth. 16.native speaker说本族语的人17.make up组成、构成 18.be angry with sb.对某人生气19.each other彼此 20.too many:许多,修饰可数名词 too much:许多,修饰不可数名词much too:太,修饰形容词 21.change…into…将...变为... 22.with the help of sb.==with one's help在某人的帮助下 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f87939474.html,pare…to…:把…与…相比(compare with拿…和…比较) 【单元知识点】 1.by+doing:通过……方式 2.talk about谈论,议论,讨论 The students often talk about movie after class.学生们常常在课后讨论电影。talk to sb=talk with sb与某人说话 3.提建议的句子: ①What/how about+doing sth.?做…怎么样? What/How about going shopping? ②Why don't you+do sth.?你为什么不做…?Why don't you go shopping? ③Why not+do sth.?为什么不做…?Why not go shopping? ④Let's+do sth.让我们做…吧。如:Let's go shopping ⑤Shall we/I+do sth.?我们/我…好吗?Shall we/I go shopping? 4.a lot许多,常用于句末。如:I eat a lot.我吃了许多。 5.too…to:太…而不能常用的句型:too+形容词/副词+to do sth. I'm too tired to say anything.我太累了,什么都不想说。 6.aloud,loud与loudly的用法,三个词都与“大声”或“响亮”有关。 ①aloud是副词,通常放在动词之后。



六年级下学期英语作文总复习(二) 姓名:班级:学号: 作文一:看图,根据以下图意用英语写两段话。每段不少于4个句子。 What a Good / Bad Day! What a Good Day! She had a good day . First , she got a present . Next , she got a good mark . Then , she played cards with her friends . What a Bad Day! He had a bad day . First , he woke up late . Next , he missed the bus . Then , he caught a cold . 作文二:看图,用英语写一段话。下图是Tony在星期天几个时间点所做的事。请根据图意,写出Tony 在这些时间点正在做什么。不少于8个句子。

Tony had a good day on Sunday . He was digging a hole at 9:00 in the morning . He was digging slowly . Because it was hot . He was laughing loudly at 10:00 . He was clapping loudly at 10:30 . He was walking slowly at 2:30 in the afternoon . He was talking with a bird at 5:00. 作文三:看图,用英语写一段话,并给出一些相应的建议。 He is watching TV . He should not watch too much TV . He is drinking cola . He should not drink too much cold . He is eating some junk food every day . He should not eat too much junk food . They are drinking cold . They should not drink too much cold .

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