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第十三讲 西藏婚姻习俗


Lesson Four Tibetan Traditional Marriage Traditionally marriage in Tibet is celebrated with highly elaborate精心的,安排的ceremonies for the propsal求婚, engagement订婚and wedding婚礼. Nowadays most marriages are love matches伴侣contracted between the couple俩人alone只有without parental双亲的interference干涉,参考,but the old traditions still persist坚持,继续存在when it comes to the nuptial婚姻/礼的,动物交配季节的,婚礼celebrations.

The first step is the formal proposal which is made by the groom’s新郎family only after the birth years of the prospective未来couple have been checked查for compatability相符. The offer of marriage is followed by the presentation赠送of a ceremonial scarf symbolising luck哈达.

The second step is the engagemant ceremony, marked by the absence of both bride新娘an d groom, the groom’s family offers hadas哈达to each memer of the bride’s family, and pays the “milk price”养育费to the bride’s parents as recompense 回报for bringing her up since infancy幼年.

The third step is the wedding ceremony,the day before the marriage cere mony, the groom’s family sents bride’s family new clothes and ornaments, such as a headdress头饰, amulet护

身符and bangles手镯all wrapped in silk. These are to be worn by the bride when she leaves her home the next day. On the day of the wedding,the bridal part y from the groom’s family to the home of the bride to meet the bride, A great banguet宴会,喜筵is offered to the relatives and friends who come to the wedding ceremony .

Comprehension Questions :

1)How many steps does the Tibetan traditional marriage

have ? And what are they ?

2)Do most marriages are decided by parents mainly?

3)What should be done before the formal propsal is made ?

4)Do the groom and bride take part in the engagement?

5)What’s milk price?

6)What should be done on the day before the wedding


7)Dose the bride go to the home of groom by herself?

8)Who is a banqute offered to ?

Fill the blanks with proper words :

a.In the morning of wedding day “the auspicious吉祥grain

dipper of wheat and tsampa”吉祥斗is offered to the family menbers of bride by ____________________.

b.The beidal party bring an arrow弓箭wrapped in

_________, on top which are attached粘,依附 a _________. and _____________________,to slide插the arrow dow n the back of the bride’s dress to show that she has become part of the groom’s family .

c.Dowries嫁妆vary in size depending on the family’s

wealth,but must include a small bronze _____, a volume of _______and a small______. This custom dates from the time of Princess Wencheng, as this ritual objects were reputedly part of her dowry.

d.Wedding cerebrations usually last for _____days.

e.It is considered lucky for the bridal party to come across

anyone carrying_____and____,if they meet _______ anyone discarding抛弃_______or carrying________container, this augurs预言bad luck. f.At the engagement the groom’s representatives present

an________to the bride’s mother, so this repayment is a kind of compensation and token表示,象/特征,纪念品of gratitude补偿.

Translate following paragraph into Chinses or Tibetan or Zhuang Language:

If both parties agree to the proposal, an auspicious day is chosen for representative of one family to visit the other

and draw up a marriage contract协议. This is usually drafted草稿by a gifted天才writer in verse诗form fit 适合for recitation. In it wishes祝愿are expressed that bride and groom may be united have love,understanding and respect尊敬for one another, honour尊敬their elders,and be noble尊贵and lofty宽容in character 性格. Sometimes arrangerments for the futute inheritance 遗产of property财产are included in this contract.

Do you have any additions about Tibetan traditionl wedding?

