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外文出处:The Design and Implementation of

ASP Web Site News Management Systems 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。








传统的网站新闻管理方式有两种,一是静态HTML页面,更新信息时需要重新制作页面然后上传页面并修改相应链接,这种方式因为效率太低已不多用。二是基于ASP和脚本语言,将动态网页和数据库结合,通过应用程序来处理新闻,这是目前较为流行的做法。但是由于ASP本身的局限性使得系统有一些不可克服的缺陷,而采取了https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f816293212.html, 技术的系统性能上有了很大的改善,其主要表现在以下几方面:


2.由于ASP没有提供任何输出数据为内容的元件,所以在使用ASP撰写数据库页面时只能借助ADO的Record Set对象逐笔读取记录,而ASP通过https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f816293212.html,提供的DataGrid等数据库元件可以直接和数据库联系。





1.1 基于ASP技术的系统结构模型



业务逻辑层负责接收浏览器传来的请求并将请求传给数据层,同时将请求处理结果发给浏览器。它由Web表单、XML Web服务和组件服务组成。其中Web表单是https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f816293212.html, 应用程序的核心所在,它是向客户呈现数据和信息的基础,也是响应和处理客户与显示的Web表单交互生成的信息和数据的基础。


1.2 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f816293212.html,访问数据库的原理

与数据库相连,https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f816293212.html,提供了如下3种方式:通过ODBC相连;通过OLEDB相连;直接与SQL Server相连。3种方式由于应用层次的差异,使得效率由低到高,独立性由高到低。对于相连数据库的数据处理,也有2种方式,即一种是通过Dataset来隔离异构的数据源,另一种是以流方式从数据源读取(Data Reader方式)。



2 系统的功能设计

2.1 系统的功能结构

该新闻管理系统可以在Windows 2000 Server操作系统平台上运行,Web服务器为IIS,数据库服务器为Microsoft SQL Server2000,开发工具采用的Microsoft Visual

Studio .NET和DreamWeaver。其工作流程为:用户登录通过权限判断,普通用户只能浏览、阅读和查询新闻,注册用户除了可以完成普通用户的操作外,还可以进入新闻管理模块进行新闻录入、修改和删除的操作。注册用户除系统管理员外只能对自己录入的新闻进行删改操作。

2.2 系统的功能特点





3 系统的详细设计









SQL server 简介

1.SQL Server关系数据库简介

1.SQL Server是由Microsoft开发和推广的关系数据库系统(DBMS),它最初是由Microsoft、Sybase和Ashton-Tate三家公司共同开发的,并于1988年推出了第一个OS/2版本。





3.RDBMS:SQL Server,Oracle,DB/2,Sybase,Informix


2、SQL Server 2000的版本

SQL Server 2000常见版本有:

企业版(Enterprise Edition)

支持所有SQL Server 2000的功能。该版本多用于大中型产品数据库服务器,并且可以支持大型网站,企业OLTP(联机事务处理)和大型数据仓库系统OLAP(联机分析处理)所要求的性能。

标准版(Standard Edition)

实用范围是小型的工作组或部门。它支持大多数的SQL Server2000功能。但是,不具有支持大型数据库,数据仓库和网站的功能。而且,不支持所有的关系数据库引擎的功能。

个人版(Personal Edition)

主要适用于移动用户,因为他们经常从网络上断开,而运行的应用程序却仍然需要SQL Server 2000的支持。除了事务处理复制功能以外,能够支持所有SQL Server 2000标准版支持的特性。

开发者版(Developer Edition)

适用于应用程序开发的版本,支持除图形化语言设置以外的SQL Server2000的所有其它功能。该版本主要适用于程序员在开发应用程序时,将SQL Server 2000作为其数据存储区。虽然开发版的功能齐备,但是只被授权为一个开发和测试系统,而不是一个产品服务器。

2.1 SQL Server特点


SQL Server 2000的数据库引擎全面支持XML(Extensive Markup Language,扩展标记语言),能使用户很容易地将数据库中的数据发布到Web页面上。


可跨越从运行Windows 95/98的膝上型电脑到运行Windows 2000的大型多处理器等多种平台使用。另外,对联合服务器,索引视图等的支持,使得SQL Server 2000企业版可以升级到最大Web站点所需的性能级别。


SQL Server 2000分布式查询可以引用来自不同数据库的数据,而且这些对于用户来说是完全透明的;分布式数据库将保证任何分布式数据更新时的完整性;复制可以使我们能够维护多个数据复本,这些用户能够自主地进行工作,然后再将所做的修改合并到发布数据库;SQL Server 2000关系数据库引擎能够充分保护数据完整性,还可以将管理并发修改数据库开销到最小。


SQL Server 2000由一系列的管理和开发工具组成,这些工具使得在多个站点上进行SQL Server的安装,部署,管理和使用变得更加容易。开发人员可以更加快速地交付SQL Server应用程序,而且只需要进行最少的安装和管理就可以实现这些应用程序。


数据仓库是SQL Server 2000中包含的用于分析取和分析汇总数据以进行联机分析处理的工具。这个功能只在Oracle和其他更昂贵的DBMS中才有。

2.1.1 SQL Server 2000新特性

全面扩展了SQL Server 7.0的性能,可靠性和易用性。增加了一系列的功能,具体如下:




2.2 SQL Server 2000工具和实用程序

SQL Server 2000有8个工具,分别是:









2.2.1 企业管理器

企业管理器是基于一种新的被称为微软管理控制台(Microsoft Management Console)的公共服务器管理环境,它是SQL Server 2000中最重要的一个管理工具。

企业管理器不仅能够配置系统环境和管理SQL Server,而且由于它能够以层叠列表的形式来显示所有的SQL Server对象,因而所有SQL Server对象的建立与管理都可以通过它来完成。


1.管理SQL Server服务器;建立与管理数据库;建立与管理表、视图、存储过程、触发程序、角色、规则、默认值等数据库对象,以及用户定义的数据类型;备份数据库和事务日志、恢复数据库;复制数据库;设置任务调度;设置警报;提供跨服务器的拖放控制操作;管理用户账户;建立Transact-SQL命令语句以及管理和控制SQL Mail。




2.2.2服务管理器(Service Manager)

SQL Server服务管理器是在服务器端实际工作时最有用的实用程序,服务管理器用来启动、暂停、继续和停止数据库服务器的实时服务,其提供的服务类型包括:SQL Server、SQL Server代理、Microsoft搜索和分布式事务协调器等。


The Design and Implementation of ASP Web Site News Management


The use of ASP and SQL technology news site management system, to achieve the dynamic management of the news Web site, making the management of information more timely, efficient, improve the work efficiency. At the same time, the development of systems theory, systems and design features are introduced.

With the popularization of Internet, more and more companies set up their own WWW sites, enterprises can display products through the website, publishing the latest developments, with users sharing and communication to establish contact with partners, as well as e-commerce. Information Management System which is an enterprise Web site an important part of it bears a double role, on the one hand, the dynamic can be used to release the new product or new development projects, on the other hand, the timely notice to their customers business performance, Progress in technology and research and development, in particular, recommend or preferential projects, products and services to attract customers, expand customer base.

Management of traditional news sites in two ways, one static HTML page, update the information needed to re-create the page and then upload the page and modify the corresponding links, the efficiency of this approach is too low because we have little use. The second is based on ASP and scripting languages, dynamic Web pages and databases, through the application of procedures to deal with news, this is way more popular. However, due to the limitations of ASP allows the system itself, there are some insurmountable flaws, and https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f816293212.html, technology has taken on the system performance has been greatly improved, the main performance in the following aspects:

1. ASP page to open as a result of each must be compiled to explain the process, so when

the page opens in the rate of repeated there is no upgrade, and only need a https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f816293212.html, page do not need to recompile compiled until the page has been modified or Web Application process restarted. This makes the speed in a number of visits has greatly improved.

2. As the ASP does not provide any output data for the content of the components, so writing a database using ASP page can use the Record Set Object ADO to read records of transaction, while the ASP provided through the DataGrid, such as https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f816293212.html, database and database components can be directly Contact.

3. ASP support real-time application updates. Administrators do not have to turn off the network server or even do not have to stop running the application can update the application on file. Application documents will never be locked, so even when the program runs in the paper can be overwritten. When the document is updated, the system will convert to the new moderate version.

4. ASP take the "code-behind" approach to the preparation of the code makes the code easier to prepare, structure more clearly, reducing the system development and maintenance of the complexity and the cost of.

1 System Development Principle

1.1 The System Architecture Model of ASP-based Technology

ASP is a three-tier system structure: UI Layer, Business Logic Tier and data layer.

UI layer is responsible for interaction with the user, receiving user input and server-side data from present to clients.

Business Logic Tier is responsible for receiving requests from browser requests to the data layers and at the same time the results of the request sent to the browser. It consists of Web Forms, XML Web services and service composition components. Web Forms https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f816293212.html, which is the core of the application, it is presented to customers based on data and information as well as to respond to and deal with customers and display interactive Web form generated based on information and data.

Data layers to manipulate data through the https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f816293212.html, layer for business logic to provide

data services, such as storing the results of data manipulation and return to the results of data retrieval.

1.2 The principle of access to the database https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f816293212.html,

Connected with the database, https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f816293212.html, provide the following three kinds of ways: through ODBC connected; connected through OLEDB; directly connected with the SQL Server. Application of three kinds of ways as a result of differences in levels, making the efficiency from low to high, high to low independence. Connected to the database for data processing, there are two kinds of ways, that is, through a Dataset to the isolation of heterogeneous data sources, and the other is a stream to read from the data source (Data Reader mode).

Traditional application is to create a connection to the database, in the process is running the whole way to maintain connections to the design. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f816293212.html, taken disconnected mode data structure. When a browser requests a page to the Web server, the server to deal with this request, the requested page and send to your browser, and then connection was disconnected until the next browser request issued.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f816293212.html, Another innovation is the introduction of a data set (Dataset). A data set is the relationship between memory map to provide high-speed data buffer. Data set of data sources know that they can be adopted by the program or transferred from the data warehouse data were generated, to fill. Regardless of where the data acquisition, data sets are the same procedure through the use of templates to be operated, and it's potential to use the same data buffer.

2 Systems Functional Designs

2.1 Systems Function Structures

The news management system in Windows 2000 Server operating system platforms, Web server IIS, the database server for Microsoft SQL Server2000, development tools used in Microsoft Visual Studio. NET and DreamWeaver. Its work processes as follows: the user

login through the authority to determine the general user can only browse, read and query information, registered users can be completed in addition to the ordinary user, but also can enter information for news management module input, modify, and delete operations. In addition to registered users outside the system administrator can only be recorded on its own news operation for excision.

2.2 Systems Function Characteristics

(1) Simple, user-friendly: complete control of page layout, making information easier entry work; many options including news categories, such as the source of departments only need to click the mouse can be completed; In addition, the follow-up message also appears allow users to clear their own operations.

(2) Can be seen immediately: the handling of the press (including the entry, modify, delete) will be the corresponding column on the home page is displayed to "immediate release, immediate results" function.

(3) Function: include common site in all aspects of information management: information input, browse, delete, modify, search and other aspects, the full realization of the Web site of the real-time information management requirements.

(4) To facilitate transplantation: for different enterprises, with some slight modifications need to be able to develop for the company's Web site features news management system.

3 Systems Detailed Designs

Core functions of the system through a number of functional modules achieved. Specific design process is as follows:

⑴ System login: The module responsible for the user are divided into general users and registered users to achieve the management of user rights.

(2) News View: The module is responsible for all the news page web site lists information, including the title, type, source and date field departments, and each title has been made news a hyperlink, click the page they will be able to Jump news reader.

(3) News reader: in other pages or click the title link to read into the news pages, at this

time, detailed information of each information will be removed, including the content, title, keywords, and relatively fixed in accordance with the format placed in different pages region, the use of all the news about the same page layout, only the contents of the field corresponding to different In addition, the location of other pages can be dynamically placed in other components, such as web site logo, such as the page banner ads link to pictures, this can be easily to achieve the effect of illustrations in reading.

(4) News Inquiry: The module provides a press inquiry, type to be selected to find the content and classification of information can quickly find the information in line with the conditions and results output.

(5) News Management: The module listed in the registry is responsible for the registration page the user has issued a news and information and did not delete, the user can press to delete the article, modify. In addition to non-news publisher is not outside the system administrator has the authority to deal with information which, so different users access to this page will display different content.

(6) News entry and modification: a press registered users need to input the content, including title, keyword, type, source of departments, such as release date, at the same time from the login module to be user name, this information will be saved into the database. The module is also responsible for editing the updated state, then, it will light the Title field values on the page to initialize the control.

SQL Server Introduction

1. SQL Server Relational Database Introduction

1.SQL Server is the development and promotion of Microsoft's relational database system (DBMS), it was originally proposed by Microsoft, Sybase and Ashton-Tate three companies jointly developed and launched in 1988, the first OS / 2 version.

2.Relational database (RDBMS) Management System features:

The maintenance of the relationship between the database data;

Guarantee the correctness of data storage;

When system failures occur when all the data back to the line to ensure a consistent state

3.RDBMS: SQL Server, Oracle, DB / 2, Sybase, Informix

4.Non-RDBMS (File-based): Foxpro, Access

2. The Version of SQL Server 2000

Common version of SQL Server 2000 are:

Enterprise Edition (Enterprise Edition)

Support all the functions of SQL Server 2000. The version number of products for large and medium-sized database server, and can support large-scale Web site, enterprise OLTP (online transaction processing) and large-scale data warehouse systems OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) performance required.

Standard Edition (Standard Edition)

Practical scope of the work of small groups or departments. It supports most features of SQL Server2000. However, do not have to support large databases, data warehouses and web site functionality. Also, do not support all the functions of relational database engine.

Personal Edition (Personal Edition)

Mainly applied to mobile users because they are often disconnected from the network, and run the application still needs the support of SQL Server 2000. In addition to transaction processing functions other than reproduction, to support all SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition features support.

Developers Edition (Developer Edition)

Apply to the version of application development and support in addition to graphical language settings other than the SQL Server2000 all other functions. This version is mainly applied to applications programmers in the development, it will be SQL Server 2000 as its data storage area. Although the development of full-featured version, but only have been authorized to develop and test a system, rather than a product server.

2.1 SQL Server Features

1. Integration with the Internet:

SQL Server 2000 database engine full support of XML (Extensive Markup Language, Extensible Markup Language), enables users to easily publish the data in the database to the Web page.

2. Scalability and availability:

Across from the laptop running Windows 95/98 computers running the Windows 2000 and other large-scale multi-processor platform. In addition, the Joint server, view the index and so on, making SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition can upgrade to the largest Web site of the performance levels required.

3. Enterprise-level database functions:

SQL Server 2000 distributed query by invoking the data from different databases, and these for the user is completely transparent; distributed database will ensure that any updates to distributed data integrity; copy will enable us to the maintenance of multiple data Copies of these users to work independently, and then changes into the release database; SQL Server 2000 relational database engine can fully protect data integrity, management of complications can also modify the database to minimize overhead.

4. Easy installation, deployment and use:

SQL Server 2000 from a series of management and development tools, these tools made in a number of sites on the SQL Server installation, deployment, management and use easier. Developers can more quickly deliver SQL Server applications, and only require minimal installation and management of these applications can be achieved.

5. Data Warehouse:

Data Warehouse is included in SQL Server 2000 for analysis of aggregate data access and analysis for online analytical processing tool. This feature is only in Oracle and other DBMS in the more expensive can.

2.1.1 New Features of SQL Server 2000

Comprehensive SQL Server 7.0 extends the performance, reliability and ease of use. Increase in a series of functions, as follows:

1. In regard to the strengthening of relational database

2. Enhanced graphical management

3. Enhance the joint database server

2.2 Tools and utilities of SQL Server 2000

SQL Server 2000 there are eight tools are:

1. Enterprise Manager;

2. Service Manager;

3. Query Analyzer;

4. Profiler;

5 .import and export data;

6. the server network tool ;

7. the client network;

8. to use tools, online help documentation.

2.2.1 Enterprise Manager

Enterprise Manager is based on a new known as the Microsoft Management Console (Microsoft Management Console) management of the public server environment, SQL Server 2000 it is one of the most important management tool.

Enterprise Manager can not only configure the system environment and management of SQL Server, but also because it can be stacked to display the form of a list of all SQL Server objects, so all the SQL Server object the establishment and management were able to pass through it to complete.

With business management to complete the operation:

1. The management of SQL Server server; the establishment and management of databases; the establishment and management of tables, views, stored procedures, trigger procedures, roles, rules, default values, such as database objects, as well as user-defined data types; backup databases and transaction logs,

To restore database; copied database; set task scheduling; set the alarm; to provide inter-server control of the drag-and-drop operation; manage user accounts; the establishment of Transact-SQL command statements, as well as management and control of SQL Mail.

2. In Enterprise Manager contains two windows, the left side of the window as a "tree" shown in the active window, the contents of the right side of the window is displayed.

3. The left window click the plus sign to expand all the sub-project contains.

4. An item by checking the node, you can see the right side of the window contains the contents of the project.

2.2.2 Service Manager (Service Manager)

SQL Server Service Manager is a server-side when the actual work of the most useful utilities, service manager to start, pause, continue and stop the database server in real-time services, the type of service provided, including: SQL Server, SQL Server Agent, Microsoft Search and Distributed Transaction Coordinator and so on.
