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新线借记卡历史交易明细清单 英文翻译

新线借记卡历史交易明细清单 英文翻译

Historical Transaction Detailed List of New Line Debit Card

Trading Range: xxxxx To xxxxx

Print Date: xxxxxx Print Branches: xxxx Print Teller: xxxxxxx

Account Number: xxxxxxxx Customer Number: xxxxxxxx

Account Name: xxxxxx

Account Opening Date: xxxxxxxx Deposit Bank: xxxxx

Deposit Bank: xxxx Subclass: xxxx

Value Date: xxxxxxxx Value Date:

Bankbook Number:

Trade date Currency Trading description Transaction amount Account balance Reciprocal Account Number Teller Branches Abstract


银行流水怎么翻译成英文 说起银行流水账,很多人都不怎么在意,甚至都不知道什么是银行流水账?但是,一到办理签证、移民等事项时,需要提供银行流水了,才发现自己根本不符合要求。小编在这里想告诉大家的是:银行流水对签证申请来说,尤为重要。 银行出具的银行流水是你在国内的财力和经济水平的有力证明,通过银行流水可以看出这个人的消费能力和资金状况,而在申请欧美国家签证时,除了需要提交原件外,英文银行流水翻译件也是必要的一项材料。 由于银行流水所起的重要作用,签证官员、各国的出入境管理机构、国外高校是不会承认以个人名义出具的翻译文件的,因为个人为了顺利过签,极有可能对银行流水翻译文件进行篡改、伪造;正规的翻译机构出具的翻译文件上有翻译盖章,可以保证译件与原件的一致性和有效性,可信度会大大提升,会极大提高过签率。 如需申请澳洲签证提供的银行流水翻译件,需加盖NAATI章。 所以,翻译出国用的银行流水时,必须选择专业的翻译公司来进行合作。 如何选择银行流水翻译公司 其一、在对翻译机构选择的时候,首先需考察其翻译公司资质,即该公司是否依法成立、合法运营。主要包括,翻译公司是否有正规营业执照、企业公章、开具正规发票,是否有实体办公地点等等,都应当要有所考虑。 其二、一般情况下,我们有翻译需求,选择翻译机构的时候,最应当要看重的是翻译质量。翻译与任何其它产品及服务相同,都是存在相应的质量差别。对于银行流水翻译来说,正规的翻译公司出具的翻译文件应当是准确流畅的,可

以准确无误将中文信息传递为英文;因而,在选定翻译机构之前,则应当要做好相应的考察工作,对该机构的整体实力有所了解,这才是挑选翻译机构的前提所在,也是基础条件。 最后,在对翻译机构进行选择的时候,还应当要对翻译人员的基本情况有所了解。翻译公司的主要从业人员是翻译。要想成为专业的翻译人员并非易事,必须持有国家级的翻译资格证书且从业经验丰富。相对而言,高级翻译的学历较高,同时从业经验丰富。 专业银行流水翻译公司服务流程 无论翻译项目大小,何种类型,专业翻译公司的翻译服务流程可分为售前、售中和售后。对于英文银行流水翻译而言,售前销售专员会与客户充分沟通,说明译稿用途,讲明翻译价格,敲定所译文件数量,不会让客户花冤枉钱;售中会与客户时刻沟通,领会客户的新要求;售后若有质量问题会提供免费的修改服务,所有稿件一定负责到底。 简单来讲,可归纳如下: 1.沟通咨询,翻译报价 2.担保交易,合同交易 3.人工翻译,校审,排版 全部由人工翻译,译员均有五年以上翻译经验,并长期从事相关专业翻译,经验丰富。在翻译过程中,遇到不理解或者有歧义之初,我们会及时和客户沟通,并随时监控翻译质量及进程,做到出现问题及时解决。 所有的译件均由人工逐字逐句严格校对,文字和专业双重审核。该过程将消除错译、漏译、拼写、打字和语法上的错误,保证用词贴切与一致性,把错误降


中国各大银行名称缩写 中国建设银行——CCB(China Constuction Bank) 中国农业银行——ABC(Agricultural Bank of China) 中国工商银行——ICBC(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) 中国银行——BOC(Bank of China) 中国民生银行——CMBC(China Minsheng Banking Co., Ltd) 招商银行——CMB(China Merchants Bank Ltd) 兴业银行——CIB (Industrial Bank Co., Ltd) 北京市商业银行——已经改名北京银行——BOB(Bank of Beijing) 交通银行——BCM(Bank of Communications) 中国光大银行——CEB(Chian Everbright Bank) 中信银行——(cvbnm` 广东发展银行——GDB(Guangdong Development Bank) 上海浦东发展银行——SPDB/SPDBank(Shanghai Pudong Development Bank) 深圳发展银行——SDB(Shenzhen Development Bank)

中国银行新线借记卡历史交易明细清单 Debit card transaction details history list 交易区间:2012/06/01 至2012/12/01 Trading range: to 打印日期:2012/12/17 打印网点: 11111 打印柜员:33333 Print date: Print branches:Print teller: 账号:1222222222 客户号:9999999 Account number: Customer number: 账户名:王三 Account name: WANG SAN 开户日期:2012/01/04 开户行:88881 Account opening date: Deposit bank: 产品大类:5500 产品子类:1999 Product Line: Subclass: 起息日:2012/01/12 到期日: Value date: Expiry date: 存折号:货币号: Bankbook number: Currency number: 交易日网点交易代码货币号交易金额交易余额摘要Trade date Branches Trade code Currency number Transaction amount Account balance Abstract 交易类别对方账号 Trade type Reciprocal account number


银行流水单翻译词汇汇 总 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

中国各大银行名称缩写 中国建设银行——CCB(China Constuction Bank) 中国农业银行——ABC(Agricultural Bank of China) 中国工商银行——ICBC(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) 中国银行——BOC(Bank of China) 中国民生银行——CMBC(China Minsheng Banking Co., Ltd) 招商银行——CMB(China Merchants Bank Ltd) 兴业银行——CIB (Industrial Bank Co., Ltd) 北京市商业银行——已经改名北京银行——BOB(Bank of Beijing) 交通银行——BCM(Bank of Communications) 中国光大银行——CEB(Chian Everbright Bank) 中信银行——(cvbnm` 广东发展银行——GDB(Guangdong Development Bank) 上海浦东发展银行——SPDB/SPDBank(Shanghai Pudong Development Bank) 深圳发展银行——SDB(Shenzhen Development Bank) 中国银行新线借记卡历史交易明细清单 Debit card transaction details history list 交易区间: 2012/06/01 至 2012/12/01 Trading range: to 打印日期: 2012/12/17 打印网点: 11111 打印柜员:33333


BANK OF CHINA Debit card transaction details history list Trading range: Print date: 20xx/xx/xx Print branches: xxxxx Print teller:xxxxxxx Account number: Customer number: Account name: Account opening date: 20xx/xx/xx Deposit bank: xxxxx Product Line: xxxx Subclass: xxxx Value date: 20xx/xx/xx Expiry date: Bankbook number: Bank of China Co.,Ltd xxx City xxx Road Branch (seal) Trade date Currency Trade type Transaction amount Account balance Reciprocal account number Rev erse Teller Branches Abstract CNY Interest CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY Transfer


银行相关翻译 银行卡类型 Card Type 银行卡号 Card No 借记卡 Debit Card 贷记卡 Credit Card 电话银行 IVR (Interactive Voice Response:交互语音应答系统) 证件号码 I.D. No 注册 Enrollment 证件 I.D. 新密码 New Password 确认密码 Confirm Password 密码重置 Ret Password 账户管理 Account management 账户查询 Account enquiry 账户概览 Account summary 账户详情 Account detail 交易明细查询 Transaction detail enquiry 转账 Transfer 定期存款 Time deposit 定期账户 Time deposit 活期账户 Savings Account 活期一本通 Passbook of Current Savings 普通活期存折 Regular Passbook saving

定期一本通 Passbook of Time Deposit 零存整取 Installment Time Deposit 教育储蓄 Education Saving 存本取息 Interest Withdraw Time Deposit 准贷记卡 Quasi Credit Card 账号 Account No./Acc. No. 别名 Nickname 账号状态 Acc. Status 开户网点 Acc. Open 网点 Branch 开户日期 Open Date 卡号 Card No. 卡状态 Card Status 起始日期 Start Date 结束日期 End Date 交易日期 Transaction Date 币种 Currency 钞/汇 Cash/Remit 当前余额 Current Balance 可用余额 Available Balance 余额 Balance 余额查询 Balance Enquiry 存单序号 CD No.


Rural Commercial Bank (Whole)Deposit Certificate No.: 1400XXXXXX ACCOUNT No.: 0265000XXXXXXXXXX DEPOSITOR: XXX Currency: RMB (C Notes) Amount (capital): RMB Fifty Thousand Yuan Only (small): RMB 50,000.00 yuan (signed by bank) (China Construction Bank Co., LTD 2012.06.14 Sub-branch of XXXX Business Format (10) DEPOSIT DATE DEPOSIT PERIOD DEPOSIT INTEREST RATE V ALUE DATE DUE DATE INTEREST DUE WITHDRAWAL WAY AGREED REDEPOSIT TERM 14th JUNE 2012 HALF YEAR 3.30000% 14th JUNE 2012 14th DECEMBER 2012 825.00 PASSWORD WITHDRAWAL DAY ACCOUNT NO. AMOUNT OF PRINCIPAL PAID INTERET SERIAL NUMBER CIRCULATE OR EXCHANGE UNIVERSAL CASH SA VING AND WITHDRAWING Audit: Recheck of Withdraw: Operator: Recheck of Deposit: Operator: XXX


银行流水单翻译词汇 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

C urrencyDetailedListofHistoryof 中国建设银行——CCB(China Constuction Bank) 中国农业银行——ABC(Agricultural Bank of China) 中国工商银行——ICBC(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) 中国银行——BOC(Bank of China) 中国民生银行——CMBC(China Minsheng Banking Co., Ltd) 招商银行——CMB(China Merchants Bank Ltd) 兴业银行——CIB (Industrial Bank Co., Ltd) 北京市商业银行——已经改名北京银行——BOB(Bank of Beijing) 交通银行——BCM(Bank of Communications) 中国光大银行——CEB(Chian Everbright Bank) 中信银行——(cvbnm` 广东发展银行——GDB(Guangdong Development Bank) 上海浦东发展银行——SPDB/SPDBank(Shanghai Pudong Development Bank) 深圳发展银行——SDB(Shenzhen Development Bank)

中国银行新线借记卡历史交易明细清单 Debit card transaction details history list 交易区间: 2012/06/01 至 2012/12/01 Trading range: to 打印日期: 2012/12/17 打印网点: 11111 打印柜员: 33333 Print date: Print branches:Print teller: 账号: 22 客户号: 9999999 Account number: Customer number: 账户名:王三 Account name: WANG SAN 开户日期: 2012/01/04 开户行: 88881 Account opening date: Deposit bank: 产品大类: 5500 产品子类: 1999 Product Line: Subclass: 起息日: 2012/01/12 到期日: Value date: Expiry date: 存折号:货币号: Bankbook number: Currency number: 交易日网点交易代码货币号交易金额交易余额摘要 Trade date Branches Trade code Currency number Transaction amount Account balance Abstract 交易类别对方账号 Trade type Reciprocal account number 账户基本信息:Account basic information;副卡:Vice card;


Current detailed list history of Debit card Trading Range: 2014/12/17 to 2015/03/17 Print date: 2015/03/17 Print Branches: 6000 Print Teller: Account No.: Customer No: 0000000 Account Name: Account opening date: 2011/03/21 Deposit Bank: 0000 Products category: 0000 Subclass: 0000 Value date: 2014/01/01 Expiry date: Bankbook No.: [1] Regional cross-bank ATM cash withdraw with debit card [2] BANCS cards other pending liquidation [3] BANCS cards ATM pending liquidation [4] No fee [5] Overseas remittance Bank of China,Shanghai Pudong Sub-branch Transition Date Currency Type Transition Type Transition Amount Amount Balance Reciprocal Account Number Correction Teller Branches Abstract 20141220 20141225 20141225 20141230 20141230 20150106 20150106 20150107 20150113 20150114 20150114 20150115 20150117 20150117 20150117 20150118 20150118 20150119 20150121 20150121 CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY Interest ATM draw Charge Charge ATM draw Charge ATM draw Transfer Transfer Charge ATM draw Consumption ATM draw Charge Consumption ATM draw Charge Transfer Consumption Transfer 3.900 -500.000 - 4.000 -4.000 -500.000 -4.000 -500.000 -100.000 2000.000 -4.000 -500.000 -19 5.000 -500.000 -4.000 -78.000 -500.000 -4.000 -100.000 -44.000 -50.000 1796.290 1296.290 1292.290 788.290 792.290 284.290 288.290 184.290 2184.290 1680.290 1684.290 1485.290 985.290 981.290 903.290 403.290 399.290 299.290 255.290 205.290 9770100 9880900 9880900 9880900 9880900 9880900 9880900 9880800 9880809 9880900 9880900 9880100 9880900 9880900 9880100 9880900 9880900 9880800 9881200 9880800 00557 00349 00349 00349 00349 00349 00349 06264 06293 00349 00349 00349 00349 00349 00349 00349 00349 06264 00349 06264 [1] [1] [1] [4] [4] [1] [2] [1] [2] [1] [4] [2]


银行流水单翻译词汇汇 总 TPMK standardization office【 TPMK5AB- TPMK08- TPMK2C- TPMK18】

中国各大银行名称缩写 中国建设银行——CCB(China Constuction Bank) 中国农业银行——ABC(Agricultural Bank of China) 中国工商银行——ICBC(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) 中国银行——BOC(Bank of China) 中国民生银行——CMBC(China Minsheng Banking Co., Ltd) 招商银行——CMB(China Merchants Bank Ltd) 兴业银行——CIB (Industrial Bank Co., Ltd) 北京市商业银行——已经改名北京银行——BOB(Bank of Beijing) 交通银行——BCM(Bank of Communications) 中国光大银行——CEB(Chian Everbright Bank) 中信银行——(cvbnm` 广东发展银行——GDB(Guangdong Development Bank) 上海浦东发展银行——SPDB/SPDBank(Shanghai Pudong Development Bank) 深圳发展银行——SDB(Shenzhen Development Bank)

中国银行新线借记卡历史交易明细清单 Debit card transaction details history list 交易区间: 2012/06/01 至 2012/12/01 Trading range: to 打印日期: 2012/12/17 打印网点: 11111 打印柜员: 33333 Print date: Print branches:Print teller: 账号: 1222222222 客户号: 9999999 Account number: Customer number: 账户名:王三 Account name: WANG SAN 开户日期: 2012/01/04 开户行: 88881 Account opening date: Deposit bank: 产品大类: 5500 产品子类: 1999 Product Line: Subclass: 起息日: 2012/01/12 到期日: Value date: Expiry date: 存折号:货币号: Bankbook number: Currency number: 交易日网点交易代码货币号交易金额交易余额摘要 Trade date Branches Trade code Currency number Transaction amount Account balance Abstract 交易类别对方账号 Trade type Reciprocal account number


I confirm that this is an accurate translation of the original document. The date of the translation: The translator’s full name and signature: The translator’s contact details: Tel: Email: 中国农业银行银行卡交易明细清单 Agricultural Bank of China Bank Card Transactions Detailed List 第1页Page No.1 账号户名:序号:币种:人民币钞 Card No. & Customer Name:Account Serial Number: Currency: RMB Cash 起止日期: Start&Expiry Date: Transaction Date Abstract Transaction Amount Balance Transaction Location/Reciprocal Account Number&Name

中国农业银行银行卡交易明细清单 Agricultural Bank of China Bank Card Transactions Detailed List 第2页Page No.2 账号户名:序号:币种:人民币钞 Card No. & Customer Name: Account Serial Number: Currency: RMB Cash 起止日期: Start&Expiry Date: Transaction Date Abstract Transaction Amount Balance Transaction Location/Reciprocal Account Number&Name Print Agencies (Seal): Printed Teller: Print Time:


Automatically Redeposited To Draw upon Password No. 109639581 BANK OF CHINA RENMINBI TIME DEPOSIT RECEIPT Teller: JHOK Seal: Certificate of Deposit was offered on May 19 2009 Date: 2009/05/03 Name: LI YAN Account No. 3826830011100060691 Amount: CNY 50,000.00 Period: 03 Interest Rate: 1.710000% Maturity: 2009/08/03 Accountant: ZHANG TAO Double Check: Transactor: No. 109639581 Automatically Redeposited To Draw upon Password No. 109661994 BANK OF CHINA RENMINBI TIME DEPOSIT RECEIPT Teller: J16Z Seal: Certificate of Deposit on was offered on May 19 2009 Date: 2009/05/06 Name: LI YAN Account No. 4101900011100072379 Amount: CNY 50,000.00 Period: 03 Interest Rate: 1.710000% Maturity: 2009/08/06 Accountant: YU JING Double Check: Transactor: No. 109661994 姓名:李宏 翻译 Name: Li Hong Translator 证书名称:翻译等级证书 Certificate: CATTI CERTIFICATE 证书编号: 09692 Certificate No.: 09692 公司名称: 北京美英爱翻译有限公司 Company Name: Beijing Merrier Translation Co., LTD 公司地址:北京市朝阳区南磨房路37号2108室 Company Add.: Room 2108, No.37, Nanmofang Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing City BANK SIGNATURE: JINAN HUAIYIN SUB-BRANCH HUAIYUAN OFFICE BANK OF CHINA LIMITED BANK SIGNATURE: JINAN SHIZHONG SUB-BRANCH YINGXIONGSHAN OFFICE BANK OF CHINA LIMITED


China Banking Regulatory Commission 银监会Commercial bank 商业银行 Head office 总行 Branch 分行 Tier-1 branch一级分行 Outlet/networks 网点 Retail banking division 零售业务部门Corporate business 公司业务 Private banking 私人银行 Account manager 客户经理 High-end wealth management 高端理财 High-profile customers 高端客户 Products 产品 Value added service 增值服务 Existing customer 开了户的顾客 Walk-in customer 未开户的顾客 Queue 排队 Business 一线 Supporting/Middle/Bank office 支持部门Immediate superior 直属上级 Executive positions 管理职位 Fee-based business 中间业务 Principal business 主营业务 Cut off time 关机时间 Business time 营业时间 Overtime 加班 Compensation 薪水 Salary 固定工资 Commission 提成 Bonus 奖金 Subsidy 补助 Performance evaluate 业绩考核 Make money 赚钱 Earn money 挣钱 Teller 柜员 Till 尾箱 Vault 金库 Comp lance 合规 Slip 凭条 Balance 余额 Add 加 Deduct 减 Multiple 乘 Divide 除Cash flow 现金流 Cash in vault 库存现金 Cash on hand 手持现金 Company’s stamp 公章 Accountant’s stamp 财务章 Paid 付讫章 Received 收讫章 Transferred 转章 Transaction account 结算账户 Current/Checking/Demand account 活期帐户Deposit certificate 定期存单 Roll over/Renew 展期(自动转存) Due date 到期 Redeem 提前支取(赎回) Cash in before maturity 提前支取 Waive/forfeiting放弃 Premium 国外提前支取的费用 Maturity term 存期 Interest rate 利率 Deposit rate 存款利率 Basis point 基点 Benchmark 基准 Bear/Accrue interest产生利息 Saving deposit 活期储蓄存款 Time deposit 定期储蓄存款 Time deposit of lump-sum deposit and withdrawal 整存整取 Time deposit small savings for lump-sum withdrawal 零存整取 Principal-receiving and interest withdrawing time deposit 存本取息 Time or savings optional deposit 定活两便Notice deposit 通知存款 Educational deposit 教育储蓄 Key in your password 输入密码 Dormant account 睡眠账户 Household savings 居民储蓄 Banknote 纸币 Coin 硬币 Hand Tail 正面背面 Small change找零 Green back/Buck 美元 Forged note 假钞(伪造) Forge mutilate 假钞(变造)


C urrency Detailed List of History of 中国建设银行——CCB(China Constuction Bank) 中国农业银行——ABC(Agricultural Bank of China) 中国工商银行——ICBC(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) 中国银行——BOC(Bank of China) 中国民生银行——CMBC(China Minsheng Banking Co., Ltd) 招商银行——CMB(China Merchants Bank Ltd) 兴业银行——CIB (Industrial Bank Co., Ltd) 北京市商业银行——已经改名北京银行——BOB(Bank of Beijing) 交通银行——BCM(Bank of Communications) 中国光大银行——CEB(Chian Everbright Bank) 中信银行——(cvbnm` 广东发展银行——GDB(Guangdong Development Bank) 上海浦东发展银行——SPDB/SPDBank(Shanghai Pudong Development Bank) 深圳发展银行——SDB(Shenzhen Development Bank)

中国银行新线借记卡历史交易明细清单 Debit card transaction details history list 交易区间: 2012/06/01 至 2012/12/01 Trading range: to 打印日期: 2012/12/17 打印网点: 11111 打印柜员: 33333 Print date: Print branches:Print teller: 账号: 1222222222 客户号: 9999999 Account number: Customer number: 账户名:王三 Account name: WANG SAN 开户日期: 2012/01/04 开户行: 88881 Account opening date: Deposit bank: 产品大类: 5500 产品子类: 1999 Product Line: Subclass: 起息日: 2012/01/12 到期日: Value date: Expiry date: 存折号:货币号: Bankbook number: Currency number: 交易日网点交易代码货币号交易金额交易余额摘要Trade date Branches Trade code Currency number Transaction amount Account balance Abstract 交易类别对方账号 Trade type Reciprocal account number https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f310404652.html,/view/88d49de09b89680203d82551.html 账户基本信息:Account basic information;副卡:Vice card; 灵退:Spiritual retreat; 中心合并:Center consolidation 取现:withdrawal 借记卡:Debit card;


篇一:金融英语翻译范文29篇 金融英语阅读 1 :“the market”is aconcept is the market a place? or a thing? neither, really. its a concept. if you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale, you are producing for the market. you might sell some to your neighbor and some in your little stand by the roadside and some to the manager of the local supermarket. but in either case, you are producing for the market. your efforts are being directed by the market. if people stop buying tomatoes, you will stop producing them. if you mow lawns to earn money, you are producing a service for the market. if your father a steelworker or a bricklayer or a truck driver or a dentist or a grocer, he is producing goods or services for the market. 市场是一个地方吗?是一样东西吗?都不是,真的。市场是一个概念。如果你在自家的后院种番茄出售,你是在给市场提供产品。你可以将一些蔬菜卖给邻居,将一些蔬菜摆在路边的小摊上出售,将一些蔬菜卖给当地超级市场的经理,在任何一种情况下,你都是在给市场提供产品。你的努力都是在市场的引导下作出的。如果人们不买你的番茄,你就不会种番茄。如果你割草挣钱,你是在为市场提供劳务。如果你父亲是钢铁工人,或者是瓦匠,或者是卡车司机,或者是牙医,或者是开食品杂货店的,他也正在给市场提供商品或者劳务。 当你花钱时,你是在市场上购买东西。你可以在商店、超级市场、气站和餐馆花钱,你还是在市场上购买东西。当本地的杂货店雇你开送货车,他是在劳动力市场上购买你的劳动。the market may seem to be a fuzzy sort of thing. but for each person(or business)who is making and selling something, its very real. if nobody buys your tomatoes, it wont be long before you get the message. the market is telling you something. its telling you that you are using your energies and resources in doing something the market doesnt want you to do. 市场似乎是一种含糊不清的东西,但是,对一个正在生产商品的人(或一家企业),它是实实在在的。如果谁也不买你的番茄,不需要很长时间你就会得到信息。市场在告诉你一些道理,他在对你说,你做事所花的精力和使用的资源是市场上所不需要的。 金融英语阅读 2 :the money in a bank 银行是商业企业,它的组织结构和其它企业一样,是由股东共同拥有的公司型组织。这些股东,或者是公司创始人,提供资金设立银行,并扩大资金规模。这笔资金被称为银行的资本金。但是,股东的资金仅仅是资金总额中的一小部分,并由清算银行控制。其余的大量资金由谁来提供呢?由银行的客户来提供。实际上,银行从客户那里借来资金,并向他们提供贷款。 the money which a bank obtains from its customers is generally known as its “deposits”and represents the balances which customers keep on their accounts with their banks. these accounts are of two main kinds: current accounts on which customers can draw cheques but receive no interest, and deposit and savings accounts on which the banks pay interest for the use of the money. 银行从其客户那里得到的钱,一般被称为“存款”,代表客户在银行账户上持有的余额。这些账户主要有两种:一 许多人——个人、生产厂家、商人、公司和政府机构——选择持有一部分现金资产。这样做的主要原因是他们必须为其所购买的商品和劳务支付款项,想在手头留有现金。他们持有银行钞票和硬币作为现金储备,以满足日常需要。然而,虽然在进行小笔交易时一般都用现钞、硬币支付,但是对大多数结算来说,用现金支付既不方便、费用又高,有时甚至还有风险,这风险尤其存在于异地寄送现金。结算支付既可以用开立支票从其银行户头付账的方式,也


1.现金业务:Cash business, 2.转账业务:transfer business, 3.汇兑业务:currency exchange business, 4.委托收款:commission receivables, 5.发放贷款:loans, 6.贷款收回:loan recovery, 7.贷款展期:loan extension, 8.办理银行汇票:apply for bank drafts, 9.收息:interest, 10托收:collection. 其他相关: account number 帐目编号 depositor 存户 pay-in slip 存款单 a deposit form 存款单 a banding machine 自动存取机 to deposit 存款 deposit receipt 存款收据 private deposits 私人存款 certificate of deposit 存单 deposit book, passbook 存折 credit card 信用卡 principal 本金 overdraft, overdraw 透支 to counter sign 双签 to endorse 背书 endorser 背书人

to cash 兑现 to honor a cheque 兑付 to dishonor a cheque 拒付 to suspend payment 止付cheque,check 支票 cheque book 支票本 order cheque 记名支票bearer cheque 不记名支票crossed cheque 横线支票blank cheque 空白支票rubber cheque 空头支票cheque stub, counterfoil 票根cash cheque 现金支票traveler's cheque 旅行支票cheque for transfer 转帐支票outstanding cheque 未付支票canceled cheque 已付支票forged cheque 伪支票Bandar's note 庄票,银票banker 银行家 president 行长 savings bank 储蓄银行Chase Bank 大通银行

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