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C)2011年公布的财务有限公司选择和/或同侪检视下[CEIS 2011]责任



微电子学的发展迟缓的电子- 20世纪,小型化设备也在不断增加,越来越多的流行,这就要求非常高的功率电池, 东莞市锂电池成一个大型实际使用[1,2]。与能源短缺和全球化环境-精神压力、锂电池,现在更广泛地应用于电动汽车,卫星, 航空航天和储能等,特别是出现的电池,锂离子电池驱动的磷酸铁锂正极材料电池产业发展和应用[3 - 5]。今天,随着越来越多的形势需要支大电流电源,具有更高的性能要求一个更高的力量。现在,有一些

电池可以实现各种电流高80连续放电、大电流放电电池的性能是一个小型的研究文献[6 - 9]。摘要研究大电流放电性能分析的基础上对锂离子电池的电池放电曲线簇,




额定电压是指电池电压、电池容量,用C来表示,是这个数字的权力得到电池、单位或mAh啊。事实上,“C”的另一层意义用来描述能力的关系电池和贮氢合金的放电容量。例如拿5Ah的电池来说,1 C意味着5连续电流放电容量和10 C 是50,就意味着150个30度,




3. LiPo电池的放电性能


图1是一群放电曲线对韩国系列电池脂的3.7 V,5啊,25度。

在2500年采取排放中点mAh、阅读电压值。在最大额定C率(25 C), 电压值下

降了大约0.37 V比空载与价值。这个数字不包括没有- 负载电压值曲线,但我们可以推知其位置根据10 C-5C-0C价值。

图2是一个放电曲线簇国内脂电池约14.8 V,5啊,35 C。

在出院的中点处最大额定C率(35 C),电压值下降了大约1.2 V它比空载的价值,那么每个0.3 V电池。

图1 LiPo的放电曲线图2

图2是一个放电曲线簇国内脂电池约14.8 V,5啊,35 C。

在出院的中点处最大额定C率(35 C),电压值下降了大约1.2 V它比空载的价值,那么每个0.3 V电池。

图3 简单的电池模型图4 A123的放电曲线

如果电池容量是Ah,the C rate is C=I/Ah=370/(Ri*Ah)


比如,5Ah,30C的电池,内部电阻应当是Ri=370/(5*30)=2.47 单位:(370≤



单位:mΩ(23 ℃)

我有一个重要的注温度影响产生一种强烈的内部阻力电池。脂的温度下降10度,增加内部阻力指数。在其他字,电池性能在夏天30度,有可能成为10 C在寒冷的冬天盛开。许多情况下显示脂电池,很可能在冬天的时候使用它鼓胀病,甚至不是over-discharge。原因


电压3.4 V /细胞原C下降速度完全放电在2.5伏特到3.0 V或甚至更少在寒冷的天气,


4. A123电池的放电性能



A123额定电压为3.3 V电池,从而修改公式



要一个真正的原始dataIs A123 14 C电池吗? 另一个计算方法,看看放电曲线簇原来的电池显示在视图

指出剩余的90%是2.9 V空载电压,在相应的放电电流第二十五贴近。可以看出,实际的能力是2。25Ah,而C=25A/2.25Ah=11.1而实际等效的内部阻力R=(3.25V-2.7V)/(40A-1A)=14.1

Therefore, A123 is equivalent to about 11C ~ 12C battery from the similar definition of LiPo's.


A123 has 70A continuous discharge capacity from the original data. Then, C = 70/2.3 = 30.4, the

age dropped is 70A × 14.1m? 1V, about 1 / 3 to no-load voltage. Self-heating power of each cell is

2 × 0.014 = 68.6W.

Therefore, excluding the voltage dropped and power loss, A123’s ulti mate discharge capacity is about

. At this time forced cooling is something we have to watch out for.



电池:2.3Ah, 3.3V A123. 8S2P, 26.4V, 4.6Ah, 8S2P意味着在系列里有八节电池,然后分2列平行置于于外表面。重量为1228g,体积为788cm3。负载:最大功率为3000W的无刷电机。价格:二手电池每节为12元,新电池每节120元。锂聚合物电池实验配置

电池:2.6Ah,3.7V,放电效率为25C的锂聚合物电池(品牌省略),并且已经经过了10次的充电-放电循环。6S2P,22.2V,5.2Ah。重量为792g体积为406 cm3。



图5(a)放电曲线图图5(b) 当前最大电流






A123电池如图5(b)所示,当电压降为6.2V电流为120A时,内阻R=51.7mΩ,转化为每节电池,内阻r=12.9 mΩ。锂离子聚合物电池如图6(b)所示,当电压降为3.0V电流为118A时,内阻R=25.4 mΩ,转化为每节电池,内阻r=8.47 m Ω。


功率/质量密度:A123=1.94KW/kg LiPo=2.91KW/kg

能量/质量密度:A123=98.9Wh/kg LiPo= Wh/kg

功率/体积密度:A123=3.03W/ cm3 LiPo=5.67 W/ cm3

能量/体积密度:A123=0.154Wh/ cm3 LiPo=0.284 Wh/ cm3

经济:二手A123=1.58元/ Wh 新A123=15.8元/ Wh LiPo=8.66元/ Wh 6.结论和讨论


(2)考虑到2种电池的能力不同,7~8节A123电池的功率密度与6节25C的LiPo电池一样。A123电池的超负荷电流,超负荷充电和超负荷放电能力比LiPo 电池更高。A123电池的功率密度和能量密度更低,大概是同质量25C速率LiPo 电池的2/3。另外,体积相同时,A123电池的功率密度和能量密度只有25C速率LiPo电池的1/2。


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11. 译者的自由和限度(上海翻译090128修订)

翻译中的限制和自由 徐莉娜 摘要:“直译”和“意译”之争延续了两千多年。这个问题争论的核心是译者的限制和自由、忠实与叛逆的关系。译者有多大的自由度?离忠实有多远?本文分析了原文和译文的距离并借助叙事学理论探讨了作者和译者的关系、两个文本间的距离以及限制和自由的关系,指出任何一种文本都是译者价值取向的结果,译文间的差异是由译者不同的价值取向造成的。 关键词:限制和自由;叙事学;隐含作者;隐含读者 Reflection on Restrictions and Freedom Lina Xu Abstract:S cholars’ preoccupations of literal and liberal translation have stretched throughout centuries, which focus on restrictions and freedom, loyalty and treachery in translation. To what extent is the translator given freedom in his performance? And how much does he stray away from the original? This paper approaches these issues by analyzing the distance between SLT and TLT, and looking into the relationship between the author and the translator from a narratological perspective. It points out that any version is the product of the translator’s choices, which usually generates a different version by translators with a different value orientation. Keywords: restriction and freedom; narratology; the implied author; the implied reader 一、翻译的悖论 《自由派翻译传统研究》提出自由派这个概念令人感到突兀,但也耐人寻味。通读全书不难发现这带有悖论性质的概念非凭空杜撰,也非故弄玄虚。作者以史为据,旁征博引,论证了自由派翻译传统的存在。书中提供的大量史料展示了一幅丰富多彩的翻译史画卷。从一千多年前的中国佛经翻译到现当代文学翻译,从自然科学翻译到社会科学翻译,从古罗马到20世纪中期的西方翻译,从对原创的翻译到改编和转译,从翻译目的到翻译结果,读者看到了各重要阶段的翻译活动、价值取向、译作的社会影响,与此同时,也看到了翻译活动的复杂性和多样性、局限性和灵活性。 “自由派翻译”揭示的是一个翻译悖论:限制与自由。两千多年来,古今中外的译者和翻译研究者无不面对这种二律背反关系去做二元对立的选择:直译和意译、形似与神似、忠实与背叛、科学性与艺术性、异化与归化。所有译者都身处两难境地,面临选择限制和自由的尴尬局面。选择“限制”,译者不得不屈尊俯就,受镣铐舞者之苦;选择“自由”,译者又有越位和叛逆之嫌,面临越位、出界的风险。译者身处忠实与背叛的两极,力求找到一个理想的平衡,在对立中求统一,但此事终究古难全。 二、限制—翻译的基本属性 翻开《自由派翻译传统研究》不难发现译事之难在于限制。限制是翻译的本质,自由只是相对的、有限度的。不同的译者有选择不同表达形式的自由,但所有选择都不能脱离原文的限制。译者无论有多大自由,他的目标依然是源语取向,让两个文本在内容上得到完美的统一是翻译的基本原则,也是翻译的理想境界。严复为立一名而“旬月踟躇”,感言“信、达、雅”为译事三难,这都是因为原文限制了译者自由发挥的缘故,这种限制置译者于两难处境,但也正是由于限制,译者成了作者的“代言人”、“传声筒”。脱离了原文,行为主体的身份就要发生实质性的转变,主客体关系也会因此而发生变化。 翻译的限制来自原文文本(语言文化的限制)。杨自检在该书的序言中指出“翻译必须有文本参照。翻译和


Part 1 Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1、格林先生本周日要去拜访一位朋友,此人精通理财之道。(who) 2、人们是否会推迟退休还有待于讨论(remain)。 3、无论任务多么艰巨,我们都要不遗余力地完成。(However) 4、许多公司在雇佣员工时,相对于能力而言,更看重个性。(emphasis) 5、如果双方在这些事务上能达成共识,就有可能在新的领域进一步合作。(If...) 1、Mr. Green is going to visit\see a friend this Sunday, who knows a lot about money matters. 2 、It remains to be discussed whether people will delay retiring. /Whether people will delay retiring remains to be discussed. 3、However hard the task is, we should spare no efforts to accomplish it. 4 、Many companies put more emphasis on personality than on capability when they employ staff members. 5 、If both the parties can agree on these issues, they are likely to further cooperate(have further cooperation)in the new field. Part 2 Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.每年圣诞期间百货店里的商品都减价出售。(sale) 2.如今人们非常关注的是食品安全和空气质量。(concern) 3.无论多么艰难,交给咱们的任务都必须按时完成。(however) 4.专家们一入座外语节的演讲比赛就在王校长的主持下开始了。(Hardly) 5.遍布城市每个角落的星巴克(Starbucks) 满足了人们适应快节奏生活的需要。(adapt) 1.The goods in the department stores are all on sale at Christmas every year. 2.Nowadays what people are (very) much concerned about is food safety and air quality. Food safety and air quality are people’s major concerns nowadays. 3.However hard/ difficult it is, the task given to us must/ should be completed/ fulfilled on time. 4.Hardly had the experts sat down/ got seated/ seated themselves/ taken (their) seats when the speech contest of the Foreign Language Festival (that was) hosted by Principal Wang s tarted. 5.The Starbucks in every corner of the city have met/ satisfied/ meet/ satisfy people’s needs/ demands to adapt to a/ the fast-paced life. Part 3 Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1、孩子们总是对周边的一切都非常好奇。(curious) 2、她在比赛中表现出色,给评委留下了深刻的印象。(which) 3、一进学校,她就意外得知有一所名校录取她了。(No sooner…) 4、奇怪的是,这些年轻人对这些我们都耳熟能详的歌曲却一无所知。(know)


…Back to Sleep?: Why Are 2,500 U.S. Babies Still Dying of SIDS Each Year? ‘用背部睡觉’:为什么美国每年都有2500个婴儿死于婴儿猝死综合症 Putting babies on their back to sleep has dramatically reduced the number of SIDS deaths, but thousands of babies still die each year. A look at the key risk factors. 让婴儿用背部睡觉戏剧性的减少了婴儿猝死综合症的死亡数量,但每年还是有上千数量的婴儿死亡。这有一种对于关键的风险因素的看法。 There?s no doubt that the Back to Sleep campaign launched in 1994 to get parents to stop putting babies to sleep on their tummies has been a success. In the 1970s and 1980s, the rate of infant deaths per 1,000 live births was 1.5; it?s now 0.5. 无需置疑的是,1994年发起的用背部睡觉的运动,旨在阻止父母让婴儿用肚子睡觉是成功的。在20世纪70到80年代,婴儿死亡率为每一千名安全出生婴儿中有1.5,现在是0.5。 Within a generation, most babies are now put to bed on their backs, and yet 2,500 U.S. infants still die each year in the U.S. Researchers trying to understand why have noticed a curious byproduct of the trend toward back-sleeping: as fewer babies were being put to sleep on their bellies, more babies were documented engaging in other pediatric no-nos — sleeping with their parents, for example — which is another risk factor for SIDS. 在一代人中,大部分婴儿现在都用背部放在床上,但美国每年依然有2500个婴儿死亡。研究员正试图弄明白为什么人们会注意到用背部睡觉这种趋势的奇怪的副产品:越来越少的婴儿用腹部睡觉,越来越多的婴儿被证明参与到了一些儿科禁止的事情中——例如,和父母一起睡——这是婴儿猝死综合症的另一个风险因素。 A study published Monday in the journal Pediatrics takes a look at how risk factors for SIDS have evolved over the years. In an analysis of the 954 babies who died suddenly and unexpectedly in San Diego County between 1991 and 2008 — 568 of these deaths were attributed to SIDS — researchers found that


标题 英文说明书翻译 拨--打【4000-—537-407】 内容简介精诚翻译提前您,找翻译服务时,请勿在收到翻译稿件之前进行银行转账,根据我们的经验,要求未做事之前银行卡付款的,很多是骗子,请你切记切记!精诚翻译五折优惠中六年经验!首推先翻译后付费模式,无效免单,免费试译,免费修改。 Putting fresh groceries in the fridge is the quickest and easiest option after a shop, but whether or not those items belong in there is another story. 把新鲜食品放冰箱里是从商店回来后最先做、也是最容易做的事,但那些食物是否该放冰箱里却是另一回事。 Surprisingly, most fruits and vegetables are better off out of the fridge at first, with many of them only needing refrigeration once fully ripe. 出人意料的是,大多数水果蔬菜最好先不要放冰箱里,其中有很多只在完全成熟之后才需要冷藏。 Daily Mail Australia spoke to leading senior nutritionist from NAQ Nutrition, Aloysa Hourigan, to find out what should be in the fridge and what should remain at room temperature. 《每日邮报》驻澳大利亚记者向NAQ Nutrition首席高级营养师阿罗伊莎霍瑞根咨询了什么该放冰箱里、什么该常温保存。 BREAD


英语翻译 Unit 1Book 3. 中国传统节日以中国的农历为依据。农历年的岁首称为春 节,俗称“过年”,有祈年等多种习俗,是中国人民最隆重的传统节日, 象征团结兴旺。其他主要的节日有元宵节、清明节、端午节、七夕节、 中秋节、重阳节、冬至节、腊八节等等。各个节日都有其来源讲究和风 俗习惯。农历节日与农历中的二十四节气不同。农历节日是中华民族凝 聚力和生命力的体现 Traditional Chinese festivals are usually fixed to the Lunar calendar. January 1st on the lu Seventh Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Double- Ninth Festival, the Winter Solstice, and the Eight Day of the Twelfth Lunar Month, etc. Ea Lunar calendar. They embody China's cohesion and vitality. Unit 3Book3. 中国古代四大艺术“琴棋书画” 的画特指国画。其绘画形式 是用毛笔蘸水、墨、颜料作画于绢、帛、宣纸之上,古代称之为水墨丹 青。为区别于西方的油画而称之为“中国画”,简称“国画”。其题材有人 物、山水、花鸟等。技法可分为工笔和写意。国画的艺术特质在于“笔 墨”,强调以形写神,画尽意在。国画在艺术创作上反映了中化民族的 审美意识和情趣。 The four art forms in ancient China are guqin, chess, penmanship, and painting. And paint painting.” In order to distinguish it from Western oil-paintings, the Chinese people term their works “traditional Chinese painting” ( hand brushwork. The artistic characteristics lie in “the writing brush and ink.” Chinese pai 5. 中国石窟 中国石窟组要反映的是佛教文化艺术。敦煌莫高窟、大同云冈石窟、洛 阳龙门石窟、天水麦积山石窟,号称中国四大石窟艺术景观。佛教石窟 随山雕凿、彩绘,形象生动自然,将崇尚美与世俗情融为一体,把天然 造化与人工创造有机结合,是由建筑、绘画、雕塑等组成的博大精深、 绚丽夺目的综合艺术殿堂。其艺术成就为世界瞩目,已成为重要的世界 文化遗产。 Chinese Grottoes Chinese grottoes mainly reflect the art of Buddhist culture. In China, there are four major art landscape of grottoes:the Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang, the Yungang Grottoes at Datong, the Longmen Grottoes at Luoyang, and the Maijishan Grottoes at Tianshui. Carved and painted on mountains, the Buddhist grottoes mingle both sublimity and secular feelings together, presenting us a vivid and natural appearance. They embody the systematic combination of both the exceptional artistry of great nature and the extremely fine craftsmanship of mankind. The Chinese Buddhist Grottoes are regarded


2019 年高三一模翻译汇编 1.上海市黄浦区 2019 年高三英语一模翻译 72. 很多人对他们的潜能一无所知。(ignorant) 73. 这些政策在一定程度上对该地区的经济衰退负有责任。(extent) 74. 自古以来老百姓就希望天下太平,同各国人民友好相处。(long for) 75. 青少年问题的发展趋势值得我们关注和研究,也值得整个社会群策群力,共商对策。(which) 72. Many people are totally ignorant of their potential (abilities/talents). 73. These policies are to some extent responsible for the region’ s economic decline. 74. Since ancient times people have longed for a peaceful world to live together in friendship with people from/of all countries. /Since ancient times people have longed for a peaceful world, where people of all/different countries live together in friendship. 75.The developing trend of youth/adolescent/teenager problems deserves our attention and research/ analysis, which also deserves the joint efforts of the whole society to find solutions. 2.上海市普陀区 2019 年高三英语一模翻译 72.晚上别喝太多的咖啡,会睡不着觉的。(or) 73.事实证明,保持快乐的心态会降低得心脏病的风险。(It) 74.乐观的人不会过分怀念美好的旧时光,因为他们正忙着创造新的回忆。(create) 75.追求稳定并不是什么坏事,很多时候这样的态度在促使我们提升自我、挑战难度、攀登高峰。 ( when) 72. Don’ t drink too much coffee at night, or you won ’ t be able to sleep. 1 0.5 0.5 1 73. It is proved that keeping a happy mind reduces the risk of heart diseases. 0.5 1 1 0.5 74. Optimistic people don ’ t miss the good old days too much. 1 1 0.5 75. The pursuit of stability is not a bad thing. (, and 0.5)


圭亚那盆地地层时代中英文对照 Cainozoic 新生界 Tertiary 第三纪 Pleistocene 第三纪更新世 Miocene 第三纪中新世 Lower Miocene 第三纪下中新世 Oligocene 第三纪渐新世 Eocene 第三纪始新世 Middle Eocene第三纪中始新世 Lower Eocene第三纪下始新世 Paleocene 第三纪古新世、古近系 Cretaceous 白垩纪 Senonian 森诺阶 Campanian 坎帕阶 Santonian 桑托阶 Coniacian 科尼亚克阶(晚白垩纪第三期)Turonian 白垩纪土仑阶(晚白垩纪第二期)Cenomanian 森诺曼阶 Albian 阿尔比阶 Aptian 阿普第阶 Barremian 巴列姆阶 Precambrian 前寒武纪地层

Cainozoic 新生界 Quaternary 第四系Quaternary period 第四纪Paleocene 第三纪古新世、古近系 Mesozoic中生界 Cretaceous 白垩系 Jurassic 侏罗系 Triassic 三叠系 LateTriassicepoch 晚三叠世 Paleozoic 古生界 Permian 二叠系 LatePermianepoch Early Permian 早二叠世 Carboniferous 石炭系石炭纪 Late Carboniferous Devonian 泥盆系泥盆纪upperDevonionseries 上泥盆统 siluric 志留系Silurian 志留纪 Ordovician 奥陶系奥陶纪 Cambrian 寒武系寒武纪 Proterozoic era 元古代


(一)确定主语, 调整语序。 英语为主语显著的语言, 主语突出, 除省略句以外, 一般情况下每个句子都有主语 句法重形合, 要求句子各成分特别清楚, 以免结构混乱, 影响句意。 而汉语则是主题显著的语言, 主题突出, 主语不突出; 句法重意合, 指代关系在形 式上不明显。在篇章中, 某些句子的主语常常可以省略, 有时必须省略;有些主语难以一眼看清, 需要读者用心识别。因而在英译汉过程中, 确定主语, 调整句序往往是一个需要动脑筋的问题。例如: (1)Nightfall found him manymiles short of his appointed preaching place. 这句话按原文的语序,Nightfall (夜幕)作主语, 按原语序照样翻译下去,译文会显得别扭, 不自然。按照汉语的语言习惯,应选用“他”作主语, 因而正确的翻译是: 夜幕降临时, 他离预定的布道地点还有好多英里路。又如: (2)As is known to all ,2003 saw the successful launching ofChina 's first manned spaceship. 这句话可译为: 众所周知, 中国在2003 年成功地发射了第一艘载人宇宙飞船。原文主语是“ 2003”, 但译文没有以“ 2003”作主语, 而以“中国”这一行为主体 作主语。用时间作主语是英语中较为常见的现象, 这种用法不仅强调了时间的观念, 而且也使句子简洁、生动。按照西方人的思维模式和英语表达习惯, 英语还可以用地点等名词作主语。如:Nanjing witnessed many great historic events. (在南京城发生过许多重大的历史事件。) 在英汉翻译过程中, 之所以产生这样的问题是因为英汉两种语言的语法结构、行文习惯、思维模式不同。英美人强调客观, 常用物、抽象概念、非人称it 作主语,让事物以客观的口气呈现出来, 使叙述显得公正、客观,结构趋于严密、紧凑, 语气较为委婉、间接。中国人有“天人合一”的观点, 强调人与自然浑然一体, 常用人作主语, 主语的思维模式往往是从自我出发来叙述客观事物,或倾向于描述人的行为或状态。英汉翻译时, 所确定的主语是否恰当, 必须考虑译文是否符合汉族人民的思维模式。例如: (3)Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh. (这位曾使全世界人发出笑声的人自己却饱经辛酸。) (4)It never occurred to her that he was a dishonest man. (她从来没想到他是个不诚实的人。) 例 3 英文用抽象名词bitterness 作主语, 汉语却用“这位曾使世界人发出笑声的人”作主语; 例 4 英文用形式主语it 作主语, 汉语用“她”作主语,看来似乎风马牛不相及, 其实这是中西方思维模式不同的缘故,例 4 意思是: 这种念头从来没有闪过她的脑际。原句当然可以说She has never thought that he is a dishonest man. 但

上市公司重大资产重组管理办法 中英文

上市公司重大资产重组管理办法 Measures for the Administration of Material Asset Reorganization of Listed Companies 颁布机关:中国证券监督管理委员会 Promulgating Institution: China Securities Regulatory Commission 文号:中国证券监督管理委员会令第109号 Document Number: Order No.109 of the China Securities Regulatory Commission 颁布时间: Promulgating Date: 10/23/2014 10/23/2014 实施时间: Effective Date: 11/23/2014 11/23/2014 效力状态: Validity Status: 有效 Valid 第一章总则 Chapter 1: General Provisions 第一条为了规范上市公司重大资产重组行为,保护上市公司和投资者的合法权益,促进上市公司质量不断提高,维护证券市场秩序和社会公共利益,根据《公司法》、《证券法》等法律、行政法规的规定,制定本办法。 Article 1 These Measures are formulated pursuant to the provisions of the Company Law, the Securities Law and other relevant laws and administrative regulations, for the purposes of regulating material asset reorganization of listed companies, protecting the lawful rights and interests of listed companies and investors, and promoting the constant improvement of the quality of listed companies, and maintaining the order of the securities market and the social public interests. 第二条本办法适用于上市公司及其控股或者控制的公司在日常经营活动之外购买、出售资产或者通过其他方式进行资产交易达到规定的比例,导致上市公司的主营业务、资产、收入发生重大变化的资产交易行为(以下简称重大资产重组)。 Article 2 These Measures shall be applicable to asset trading behaviors, other than the daily business activities, conducted by a listed company or companies held or controlled by it, such as the purchase and sale of assets, or asset trading by other means that reach a specified proportion, thereby causing major changes to the main business, assets, or income of that listed company (hereinafter, "material asset reorganization"). 上市公司发行股份购买资产应当符合本办法的规定。 Purchase of assets by a listed company by means of issuing shares shall be in compliance with the provisions of these Measures.


上海翻译公司人文翻译事业的式微之境和振兴之路 不同民族、国家和地区的文化特性构成了世界文化的多样性,多元文化的共生共融又不断催生着新的文化形态,从而推动着人类文化的总体进步。而对一个国家或民族而言,文化的交流亦是其不断完善自身向前发展的一个重要路径,正如郭廷以先生在研究中国近代史时所称:“任何民族的命运,胥决之于其对于时代环境的适应力,亦即决之于文化。文化的形成有发之于一己者,有得之于人者,后者的重要性尤大于前者。集思方可广益,有容乃能致大。”可以毫不夸张地说,如果没有以符号转换为手段,意义再生为任务的跨文化交流为特质的翻译活动,人类就无从走到今天这样一种各种文明蓬勃发展和多元文化共生共融的局面。季羡林先生曾形象地说:“倘若拿河流来作比,中华文化这一条长河,有水满的时候,也有水少的时候,但却从未枯竭。原因就是有新水注入,注入的次数大大小小是颇多的,最大的有两次,一次是从印度来的水,一次是从西方来的水,而这两次的大注入依靠的都是翻译。” 历史如此,近代的西学翻译对中华民族的文明进步所起的推动作用更是清晰可辨,无论请来的是“德先生”还是“赛先生”,都对中国走出封闭、落后,走向开放、富强的复兴之路起到了无可替代的引领作用;19世纪末20世纪初,严复翻译的《天演论》《国富论》《法意》,蔡元培、李大钊、张东荪、贺麟等翻译的杜威、罗素、柏拉图、弗洛伊德、亚里斯多德、马克思西方哲学,朱光潜、潘光旦、冯承钧等译介的西方美学、心理学和欧美汉学等领域的众多经典作品惠泽中国学术,于中国学术之进步,民智之开启厥功甚伟。人文翻译吸收异域的文化精华,丰富我们的民族文化,对中国在思想文化领域与世界的沟通起了巨大作用。 一、人文翻译事业的生态环境与发展危机 从中国翻译协会提供的数据来看,目前全国从事翻译的总数达到五六十万人,其中专门从事翻译、拥有翻译职称的专职人员亦有约6万(高校教师尚不在此列)之多。就翻译图书出版来说,也是盛况空前。据中国版本图书馆资料室统计,1978年至1990年,全国出版翻译作品2.85万种;1996年至2006年,翻译类新书(不包括重译和多版本译著)的数量达到了12.75万种。 从上述数字看,我们翻译文化产业一派繁荣,然而与之相成鲜明对比的是,我国当前的人文翻译事业却面临极大困局,已经有学者将我国人文翻译领域的惨淡景象称为“即将坍塌的翻译界”。 一是人文翻译人才匮乏 虽然当前我国整个翻译行业从业人数在逐年上升,但在庞大的翻译从业者中,真正有水平、受过专业训练的翻译人才很少,人文翻译高端人才稀缺,人才断代的情况更是严重。上海文学翻译界的情况就是一个这样的缩影。上海曾是文学翻译的重要阵地,云集了既是杰出的作家又是卓越翻译家的鲁讯、瞿秋白、郭沫若、茅盾、巴金等文坛巨匠。建国后,上海译坛亦拥有像傅雷、草婴、满涛、叶水夫、方平、包文棣、孙大雨、朱雯、孙家晋等一批名家。但在这些人身后又有谁呢?目前,上海翻译家协会500多名会员平均年龄在60岁左右,60岁以上的老龄会员已占会员总数的70%,50岁左右的占20%,30岁以下的占2%都不到。而且那些文艺翻译硕果累累的翻译家都在这60岁以上的70%里。从全国范围来看,情况亦不容乐观。个别领域后继乏人的现象已非常突出,如民间歌曲的翻译,20年来只有上海现年75岁的薛范先生一人还在从事。“黄昏之笔”谁来接,成为业内人士的普遍担忧。 二是人文翻译精品力作减少 根据中国新闻出版信息网CIP数据中心的数据统计,近年来全国人文类翻译图书(包括文学类、艺术类和社科类)总数都可达数千种。然而,与人文翻译出版数量剧增不相匹配的是优秀翻译作品没有同步增长。新译作品大多是出自学徒辈年轻人之手的“快餐性”作品,已很难出现傅雷译的《约翰·克利斯朵夫》、杨绛译的《唐吉诃德》、朱生豪译莎士比亚等既能再现原文精神,又能整合中文特色的经得起时间检验的精品


上海历届春高考英语句子翻译汇编(2000年-----2016年) 2000上海春考 1. 进入大学以后, 他对计算机很感兴趣。(become interested in) He became very interested in computers after he entered college. 2. 集邮几乎占据了他所有业余时间。(occupy) Collecting stamps occupies almost all his spare time. 3. 只要专心学习, 你一定能顺利通过考试。(concentrate) As long as you concentrate on your study, you are sure to pass the exam. 4. 越来越多的人意识到遵守交通规则的重要性。(be aware) More and more people are aware of the importance of observing traffic regulations. 5. 尽管有很多困难, 我们仍将努力执行我们的计划。(in spite of) In spite of many difficulties/hardships, we will still carry out our plan. 6. 诺贝尔奖金授予那些在某一个领域作出巨大贡献的科学家。(be awarded) The Nobel Prizes are awarded to those scientists who have made great contributions i n a certain field. 2000上海高考 1. 这张照片是我想起了我们在夏令营度过的日子。(remind) This picture reminds me of the days that we spent in the summer camp. 2. 假如你想从事这项工作,你必须先接受三个月的训练。(take up) If you want to take up this job, you must first receive three months’ training. 3. 你一旦养成了坏习惯,改掉它是很难的。(once) Once you develop a bad habit, it is difficult to get rid of it. 4. 同其他同学相比,那个女孩有更强的英语听,说能力。(compare) Compared with other students, the girl has better listening and speaking skills. 5. 众所周知,成功来自于勤奋,不努力则一事无成。(without) As is known to all, success comes from hard work/diligence, and nothing can be achie ved without efforts/hard work.


Era of Big Data is a woman's age; women in the gene can accumulate and deal with big data/ women are born to accumulate and deal with big data. Many men and children, in fact, have been wondering about this special ability of women. Like, as a child, just as soon as you entered the house your Mother said immediately in a suspicious tone: “Liu zhijun, you didn’t do well in the exam today, did you.” Another example, you just have a glance at the mobile phone, your wife laughs: “Does Er gou the next door ask you to play games?” One more ex ample, when you close the door and make a phone call, your girlfriend will cry: “Who are shot in bed?” They are sometimes right, sometimes wrong. However, On the whole, the accuracy rate is higher than chance level. When they are wrong, men would sneer women always give way to foolish fancies; when they are right, men would say women are sensitive animal maybe with more acute sensory organs. Anyway, that is a guess. It has already scared man that overall accuracy rate is higher than the random level. In order to adapt to this point, the male also developed a very strong skills against reconnaissance. This part is beyond the scope of this article, so no more details about it. Some studies, such as Hanna Holmes’s paper, have indi cated that the white matter of the female’s brain is higher than that of the male. So they have very strong imagination of connecting things together. Some recent studies have shown that women are better than men in the "date" memory. That is the reason why they are able to remember all the birthdays, anniversaries, and even some of the great day of unimportant friends. No matter whether these results are true or not, I am afraid that this is not women's most outstanding ability. Women's most remarkable ability is a long-term tracking of some seemingly unimportant data to form their own baseline and pattern. Once the patterns of these data points are significantly different from the baseline she is familiar with, she knows something unusual. In their daily life, women do not consider the difference between causality and correlation. They believe in the principle: "There must be something wrong out of something unusual." People who talk about big data often take Lin Biao as an example. Lin Biao recorded some detailed and unimportant data after a battle. Such as seized guns, the proportion of rifles and pistols, the age levels of war prisoners, seized grain, whether they are sorghum or millet, etc., all of which were unavoidably recorded in the book. Others laughed at him. But later, he determined where the enemy headquarters were according to these data. What women do is almost the same. A girl A has a secret crush on boy B, but she usually doesn’t contact him directly. Two days later, I asked her if she wanted to ask him to have dinner together. She said he was playing. I wondered “how do you know that?” She said that boy B usually is on the line Gmail at 8:00 am, away status at8:30am, for he goes out to buy coffee and breakfast, on line again at 9:00am, busy status, for he is at work, away again at12:30am for lunch, on line for whole evenings, maybe for reading or playing games. His buddy C is on line at10:00 am, still online till 2:00am next day. He is a boy who gets up late and stays up late. His buddy D is on line for the most of the day. However, the most important pattern is that there are 2-3 days per week, during which they would be offline or away for 3-4 hours together. Conclusion: they are playing together.

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