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高等代数英文版Chapter 6.1

高等代数英文版Chapter 6.1
高等代数英文版Chapter 6.1

Chapter 6

Jordan canonical form of matrices In the previous chapter we have discussed the problem of reducing matrixes to diagonal matrices. In general, matrices that cannot be reduced to diagonal matrices can be reduced to block diagonal matrices, or the Jordan canonical form. In this chapter we shall consider this problem, specifically the following:

1.the necessary and sufficient condition for λ-matrices to be


2.methods of finding Jordan canonical forms.

This chapter is divided into four sections. The second and third sections deal with the first problem, the other sections with the second problem.

6.1. Necessary and sufficient condition for two

matrices to be similar

For a given matrix A, how does one find a simple matrix B such that A~B?

We proceed as follows. First find the necessary and sufficient condition for two matrices to be similar, and then using the sufficient condition find the matrix B required.

Suppose two matrices A and B are similar, i.e., A~B. Then there exists matrix P such that AP

=. Thus



P A E P B E )(1-=--λλ.

We easily prove A E -λ is equivalent to B E -λ, i.e.,B E A E -?-λλ. Conversely, if B E A E -?-λλ, we will prove that there exist constant matrices R and S such that

R A E S B E )(-=-λλ.

Consequently, SAR B SR E ==,, and hence A ~B . Thus we have:

Theorem 1. two matrices A and B are similar if and only if their characteristic matrices are equivalent:

B E A E -?-λλ.

This theorem is very important. It not only gives the necessary and sufficient condition for two matrices to be similar, but, more importantly, it changes the similarity relation into an equivalence relation.

It is difficult for us to deal with a similarity relation, but, using elementary operations, we can make the equivalence relation more specific. However we have given only the conclusion of the theorem, no its proof. Here the characteristic matrices are λ-matrices. However, the equivalence concept of λ-matrices has not been given either. Therefore before a proof of the above theorem we first have to define some concepts, such as the concepts of elementary operations on λ-matrices, the concept of equivalence of two λ-matrices.

The concept of the rank of a λ-matrices )(λA is the same as that of a constant matrix. Thus, the highest order of the minors of )(λA not

being identically zero is called the rank of a λ-matrices)

A. It is to be

noted that minors of )

A are polynomials inλ. By a polynomial in λbeing identically zero we mean that any number can be its root. Hence its coefficients are all zero, and we often say that the polynomial is identically equal to zero. Because any polynomial of degree n only can have n roots, it is not a null polynomial, i.e., not a polynomial vanishing identically.

Suppose the matrix A is of order n. Since A

λis a polynomial


of degree n in λ, and not identically vanishing, the characteristic matrix A

λof A is of rank n. In other words, whether A is


nonsingular or not the characteristic matrix of A is always nonsingular.

We know that the elements in a λ-matrices are polynomials in λ, and the power exponents of λin a λ-matrices can only be positive integer or zero. Owing to this constraint, elementary operations of λ-matrices are not quite the same as those of matrices with scalar elements as in Sec.2.5. The concrete definition is as follows.

Definition.The following operations are called elementary operations on a λ-matrices )


(1). Interchanging two rows or two columns of )


(2). Multiplying a row or a column by a nonzero number.

(3). Adding a row(column) multiplied by an arbitrary polynomial in λto another row(column).

Note that the operation of type (2) here is the same as in the case of constant matrices in Sec.2.5. They are multiplied by a nonzero constant. If we should be allowed to multiply )(λA by polynomial in λ, then since the elements in )(λA are polynomials in λ, the symmetric law of the equivalence relation might be destroyed. For instance, if we multiply


? ??000λ by λ we obtain ???? ??0002λ. But in order to get ???? ??000λ from ???

? ??0002

λ,we must divide the latter by λ. Divided by a polynomial in λ, which is obviously not allowed. The definition such as given above is formulated so that the equivalence relation of λ-matrices can satisfy the three equivalence laws as for constant matrices.

The elementary operations of type (1) follows from that of types (2) and (3), as in Se.2.5. We list them separately λ-matrices. It corresponds to elementary operations.

As in a matrices with scalar elements, two λ-matrices )(λA and )(λB are said to be equivalent, denoted by )()(λλB A ?, if there exists a finite sequence of elementary operations that can carry )(λA into )(λB . The equivalent relation of λ-matrices satisfies also three laws of equivalence. The ranks of two equivalent λ-matrices are equal.

By analogy with Theorem 5 in Sec. 3.3, we can at once give the following theorem from definition:

Theorem 2. Two λ-matrices

)(λA and )(λB of the same size

are equivalent if and only if there are two invertible λ-matrices )(λP and )(λQ such that

)()()()(λλλλQ A P B =.

The reason is that every elementary operation corresponds to a multiplication on the left side or the right side of )(λA by an elementary λ-matrix and any nonsingular λ-matrices can be expressed as a product of elementary λ-matrices.

If a matrix A has an inverse matrix, we say that A is invertible (or nonsingular). For matrices with scalar elements, a nonsingular matrix has an inverse matrix and is thus an inventible matrix. But a nonsingular λ-matrices is not necessarily an invertible matrix, which follows directly the following theorem.

T heorem 3. A λ-matrices )(λA is invertible if and only if )(λA is a nonzero constant.

Proof. If 0)(≠=c A λ, then the elements of the matrix *)(λA are minors of order 1-n of )(λA . After dividing by 0≠c we obtain


(1λλA A , Whose elements are polynomials in λ. Thus from Theorem 2 in Sec.3.3


(1)(λλλA A A =-. Again 1)(-λA is a λ-matrices. Therefore )(λA is an invertible


Conversely, if )(λA is invertible, then its inverse matrix 1)(-λA is a λ-matrices. From the equality E A A =-)()(1λλ, we obtain

1)()(1==-E A A λλ, And so )(λA is a nonzero constant. The proof is complete.

Now we verify Theorem 1.

From Theorem 2, we at once obtain the necessary condition for Theorem 1. The sufficient condition for the theorem is proved as follow.

Before going on to prove the sufficient condition, we first present a basic property of λ-matrices which plays an important role in the proof.

In high school we learnt division algorithm: Dividing a polynomial )(x p by a x - we obtain a quotient )(x q and a remainder r :

()r x q a x x p +-=)()(,

Where r is a constant, and both )(x q and r are unique.

For any λ-matrices )(λA , by matrix addition and scalar multiplication, it can be written as a polynomial in λ with matric coefficients:

m m m A A A A +++=-10)( λλ,

Where m A A A ,,,10 are constant matrices. When 00≠A ,we say that the matrix )(λA is of degree m . Thus a λ-matrix of degree zero is simply a constant matrix.

The above result just given about division carries over for matric

polynomials, and the proof is analogous.

Theorem 4. Suppose )(λP is a λ-matrix, A is a constant matrix. Then there exist a λ-matrices )(λQ and a constant matrix R such that

R Q A E P +-=)()()(λλλ,

and )(λQ and R are unique.

Proof. Supposing

m m m P P P P +++=- 110)(λ

λλ, where m P P P ,,),0(10 ≠ are all constant matrices, we have

m m m m P P AP P P A E P ++++=----- 22

10110)()()(λλλλλ. The degree of λ-matrix on the righ-hand side does not exceed 1-m . If we can prove that its degree is zero, then the theorem is established. This can be done by an absurdity argument. If its degree is more that zero, we continue in the same way to decrease the degree of λ-matrix on the right-hand side, until it becomes zero. Combining the terms which contain A E -λ, we obtain

R Q A E P +-=)()()(λλλ,

where )(λQ is a λ-matrix and R a constant matrix. This proves the

existence of )(λQ and R , As for uniqueness, from

00)()()()(R Q A E R Q A E +-=+-λλλλ,

we obtain

R R Q Q A E -=--00)]()()[(λλλ.

Since the right-hand side of the above expression is a constant

matrix, we have )()(0λλQ Q =. Therefore 0R R =. Thus the theorem is established.

Similarly we have

11)()()(R Q A E P +-=λλλ,

where )(1λQ is a λ-matrix, 1R is a constant matrix and )(1λQ and 1R are both unique.

Note that since matrix multiplication is not generally commutative, the above is a constant matrix and )(λQ and )(1λQ are not necessarily identical. Similarly R and 1R are also not necessarily identical theorem, which can be used to prove readily the above formula (1).

Theorem 5. Suppose matrices A and C are nonsingular. If B A +λ is equivalent to D C +λ, i.e.,

)())((λλλλQ B A P D C +=+,

where )(λP and )(λQ are invertible, then there exist nonsingular constant matrices S and R such that

R B A S D C )(+=+λλ.

Proof. Suppose

S M D C P ++=)()()(λλλ,

R D C N Q ++=))(()(λλλ,

Where S and R are constant matrices. From the assumption we have

)()())((1λλλλQ B A D C P +=+-.

Substitution of the expression of )(λQ gives

}))((){())((1R D C N B A D C P +++=+-λλλλλ,


R B A D C N B A P )())}(()()({1+=++--λλλλλ (2)

Comparing the degree of the two sides of the above identity we obtain a constant matrix

)()()(1λλλN B A P T +-=-,


)()()()())(()(1λλλλλλλN Q D C E N B A P E T P -+-=+-=.




()()()(111ST N Q T M D C N Q D C T S M D C N Q D C T P E +++=++++=++=---λλλλλλλλλλλλλ

Again comparing the degree of the two sides of the above identity we get

ST E =,or S T =-1.

Therefore, from (2) we obtain

R B A S D C )(+=+λλ,

where S is nonsingular. Similarly, R is also nonsingular. Thus the above theorem is completely proved.


1. find the Jordan canonical forms of the following matrices

(1) ????? ??---112020021, (2) ????

? ??-----3104252373 (3) ??????? ??----01617121700140013, (4) ???????

? ??0101000 2.Find the rational canonical form of the matrix


? ??=011101110A .


教育科学系14级小学教育(科学与数学)专业2014—2015学年度春学期 期末考试《高等代数Ⅱ》试卷(B ) 试卷说明:1.本试卷共2页,4个大题,满分100分,120分钟完卷; 2.试题解答全部书写在本试卷上。 班号: 学号 姓名 一、选择题:(每题3分,共15分) 1.当λ=( )时,方程组1231 231 222x x x x x x λ++=??++=?,有无穷多解。 A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 2.若向量组中含有零向量,则此向量组( )。 A 线性相关 B 线性无关 C 线性相关或线性无关 D 不一定 3.设α是n 阶可逆矩阵A 的属于特征值λ的特征向量,在下列矩阵中,α不是( ) 的特征向量。 A 2()A E + B -3A C *A D T A 4.若A 为n 阶实对称矩阵,P 为n 阶正交阵,则1P A P -为( )。 A 实对称阵 B 正交阵 C 非奇异阵 D 奇异阵 5.设矩阵 A , B , C 均为n 阶矩阵,则矩阵A B 的充分条件是( )。 A A 与 B 有相同的特征值 B A 与B 有相同的特征向量 C A 与B 与同一矩阵相似 D A 一定有n 个不同的特征值 1.已知向量组)4,3,2,1(1=α,)5,4,3,2(2=α,)6,5,4,3(3=α,)7,6,5,4(4=α,则向量=+-+4321αααα 。 2.若120s ααα++ +=,则向量组12,, ,s ααα必线性 。 3.设向量空间1212{(,, )|0,}n n i V x x x x x x x R =++ +=∈,则V 是 维 空间。 4.A ,B 均为3阶方阵,A 的特征值为1,2,3,1B =-,则*A B B += 。 5.设矩阵A 满足条件2560A A E -+=,则矩阵A 的特征值 是 。 6.二次型yz xz xy z y x z y x f 222),,(222---++=的矩阵是____________。 二、填空题:(每题3分,共27分)


Course Syllabuses Course Name Higher Mathematics Course Code Hours&Credits160 & 10 Majors&Minors Science &Technology Majors Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

Higher Mathematics COURSE DESCRIPTION: Prerequisites: satisfactory score on elementary mathematics Corequisites: None Higher Mathematics is designed to serve students majoring in chemical science, computer science and engineering etc. It consists of two parts of a two-semester sequence. The course begins with a rapid review of topics in algebra and trigonometry, which you should be competent in. Part 1, consisting of Chapters 1 to 7, is devoted to single variable differentiation, integration and differential equations. It covers the fundamental concepts and theorems. Part 2, consisting of Chapters 8 to 12, discusses in depth multivariable differentiation, integration, infinite series, vectors and the geometry of space. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion, students will be able to evaluate limits and continuity, and compute derivatives and integrals of selected functions with single or multivariable, solve some linear differential equations and determine the convergences or divergences of an infinite series. Furthermore, students will be able to utilize the techniques of differentiation and integration together with appropriate technology to solve practical problems and to analyze and communicate results. OUTLINE OF INSTRUCTION: Chapter 1. Functions and Limits Chapter 2. Derivatives and Differentiation Chapter 3. The Mean Value Theorem and Applications of the Derivatives Chapter 4. Indefinite Integrals Chapter 5. Definite Integrals Chapter 6. Applications of Integrals Chapter 7. Differential Equations Chapter 8. vectors and the geometry of space Chapter 9. Multivariable Functions and Theire Derivatives Chapter 10. Multiple Integrals Chapter 11. Integration in Vector Fields Chapter 12. Infinite Series TEACHING METHODS: Lecture


大学英汉对照课程翻译 高等代数 Elementary Algebra 数学分析 Mathematical Analysis 中共党史 History of the Chinese Communist Party 算法语言 Algorithmic Language 体育 Physical Education 英语 English Language 力学实验 Mechanics-Practical 德育 Moral Education PASCAL语言 PASCAL Language 政治经济学 Political Economics 电学实验 Electrical Experiment 数字逻辑 Mathematical Logic 普通物理 General Physics 计算方法 Computing Method 离散数学 Discrete Mathematics

汇编原理 Principles of Assembly 概率与统计 Probability & Statistics 数据结构 Data Structure 哲学 Philosophy 微机原理 Principles of Microcomputer 编译方法 Compilation Method 系统结构 System Structure 操作系统原理 Principles of Operating System 文献检索 Documentation Retri 数据库概论 Introduction to Database 网络原理 Principles of Network 人工智能 Artificial Intelligence 算法分析 Algorithm Analysis 毕业论文 Graduation Thesis


高等代数(II )期末考试试卷及答案(A 卷) 一、 填空题(每小题3分,共15分) 1、线性空间[]P x 的两个子空间的交() ()11L x L x -+= 2、设12,,...,n εεε与12,,...,n εεε'''是n 维线性空间 V 的两个基, 由12,,...,n εεε到12,,...,n εεε'''的过渡矩阵是C ,列向量X 是V 中向量ξ在基12,,...,n εεε下的坐标,则ξ在基12,,...,n εεε'''下 的坐标是 3、设A 、B 是n 维线性空间V 的某一线性变换在不同基下的矩阵, 则A 与B 的关系是 4、设3阶方阵A 的3个行列式因子分别为:()2 1,,1,λλ λ+ 则其特征矩阵E A λ-的标准形是 5、线性方程组AX B =的最小二乘解所满足的线性方程组是: 二、 单项选择题(每小题3分,共15分) 1、 ( )复数域C 作为实数域R 上的线性空间可与下列哪一个 线性空间同构: (A )数域P 上所有二级对角矩阵作成的线性空间; (B )数域P 上所有二级对称矩阵作成的线性空间; (C )数域P 上所有二级反对称矩阵作成的线性空间; (D )复数域C 作为复数域C 上的线性空间。 2、( )设 是非零线性空间 V 的线性变换,则下列命题正确的是:

(A ) 的核是零子空间的充要条件是 是满射; (B ) 的核是V 的充要条件是 是满射; (C ) 的值域是零子空间的充要条件是 是满射; (D ) 的值域是V 的充要条件是 是满射。 3、( )λ-矩阵()A λ可逆的充要条件是: ()()()()0; A A B A λλ≠是一个非零常数; ()()C A λ是满秩的;()()D A λ是方阵。 4、( )设实二次型 f X AX '=(A 为对称阵)经正交变换后化为: 222 1122...n n y y y λλλ+++, 则其中的12,,...n λλλ是: ()()1;A B ±全是正数;()C 是A 的所有特征值;()D 不确定。 5、( )设3阶实对称矩阵A 有三重特征根“2-”,则A 的若当 标准形是: ()()()200200200020;120;120;002002012A B C ---?? ?? ?? ? ? ? --- ? ? ? ? ? ?---?????? ()D 以上各情形皆有可能。 三、 是非题(每小题2分,共10分) (请在你认为对的小题对应的括号内打“√”,否则打“?”) 1、( )设V 1,V 2均是n 维线性空间V 的子空间,且{}1 20V V = 则12V V V =⊕。 2、( )n 维线性空间的某一线性变换在由特征向量作成的基下 的矩阵是一对角矩阵。


附件1 高等代数与解析几何教学大纲 课程编号: 课程英文名:Advanced Algebra and Analytic Geometry 课程性质:学科基础课 课程类别:必修课 先修课程:高中数学 学分:4+4 总学时数:72+72 周学时数:4+4 适用专业:统计学 适用学生类别:内招生 开课单位:信息科学技术学院数学系 一、教学目标及教学要求 1.本课程是统计学专业的一门重要基础课。它不仅是学习后继课程及在各个学科领域进行理论研究和实际应用的必要基础,同时还为培养学生的独立工作能力提供必要的训练。学生学好这门课程的基本内容和方法,对今后的提高和发展有着深远的影响。 2.通过本课程的学习,要使学生了解高等代数与解析几何的概貌、各部分内容的结构和知识的内在联系;学会代数与几何方法,培养学生抽象思维能力、逻辑推理能力、想象能力、运算能力和综合应用能力。 3.要求学生熟练掌握本课程的基本概念、基本理论、基本运算及方法。通过课堂教学及进行大量的习题训练等各个教学环节,使得学生做到概念清晰、推理严密、运算准确,并且学会应用这些基本理论及方法去处理实际问题。 二、本课程的重点和难点 (略。由课任教师自行掌握) 三、主要实践性教学环节及要求

精讲、细读、自学相结合方法,加强课内外训练为手段。 四、教材与主要参考文献 教材:《高等代数与解析几何》(上、下)(第二版),孟道骥编著,科学出版社,2004年。 参考书: 1.《高等代数与解析几何》,陈志杰编著,高等教育出版社, 2000年; 2.《数论基础》,张君达主编,北京科学技术出版社,2002年。 五、考核形式与成绩计算 考核形式:闭卷考试。 成绩计算:平时成绩(包括平时作业、小测验、考勤等)占30%, 期末考试占70%。 六、基本教学内容 第二学期 第一周—第二周:(8课时) 第一章:向量代数与解析几何基础 1.代数与几何发展概述。 2. 向量的线性运算及几何意义:定义与性质、向量的共线、共面与线 性关系 3. 坐标系:标架、向量和点的坐标、n维向量空间。 4. 向量的线性关系与线性方程组。 5. 三维空间中向量的乘积运算:内积、外积、混合积、三重外积。 6. 方程及几何意义: (1)二元方程及几何意义:平面曲线的表示(非参数式、极坐标、 参数式、向量式); (2)三元方程及几何意义:直线与平面方程、曲线与曲面方程(非 参数式、参数式、向量式)。 第三周—第五周:(12课时)


大一第二学期高数期末考试 一、单项选择题 (本大题有4小题, 每小题4分, 共16分) 1. )( 0),sin (cos )( 处有则在设=+=x x x x x f . (A )(0)2f '= (B )(0)1f '=(C )(0)0f '= (D )()f x 不可导. 2. )时( ,则当,设133)(11)(3→-=+-= x x x x x x βα. (A )()()x x αβ与是同阶无穷小,但不是等价无穷小; (B )()()x x αβ与是等价无 穷小; (C )()x α是比()x β高阶的无穷小; (D )()x β是比()x α高阶的无穷小. 3. 若 ()()()0 2x F x t x f t dt =-?,其中()f x 在区间上(1,1)-二阶可导且 '>()0f x , 则( ). (A )函数()F x 必在0x =处取得极大值; (B )函数()F x 必在0x =处取得极小值; (C )函数()F x 在0x =处没有极值,但点(0,(0))F 为曲线()y F x =的拐点; (D )函数()F x 在0x =处没有极值,点(0,(0))F 也不是曲线()y F x =的拐点。 4. ) ( )( , )(2)( )(1 =+=?x f dt t f x x f x f 则是连续函数,且设 (A )22x (B )2 2 2x +(C )1x - (D )2x +. 二、填空题(本大题有4小题,每小题4分,共16分) 5. = +→x x x sin 2 ) 31(lim . 6. ,)(cos 的一个原函数是已知 x f x x =??x x x x f d cos )(则 . 7. lim (cos cos cos )→∞ -+++=2 2 2 21 n n n n n n π π ππ . 8. = -+? 2 1 2 12 211 arcsin - dx x x x . 三、解答题(本大题有5小题,每小题8分,共40分) 9. 设函数=()y y x 由方程 sin()1x y e xy ++=确定,求'()y x 以及'(0)y . 10. .d )1(17 7 x x x x ?+-求 11. .  求,, 设?--??? ??≤<-≤=1 32 )(1020)(dx x f x x x x xe x f x 12. 设函数 )(x f 连续, =?1 ()()g x f xt dt ,且 →=0 () lim x f x A x ,A 为常数. 求'() g x


沈阳农业大学理学院第一学期期末考试 《高等代数》试卷(1) 1 ?设 f (x) = x 4 +x ? +4x - 9 ,贝H f (一3) = 69 .. 2?当 t = _2,-2 . 时,f(x)=x 3 —3x+t 有重因式。 3.令f(x),g(x)是两个多项式,且f(x 3) xg(x 3)被x 2 x 1整除,则 f(1)=_0_^ g(1)= 0 . 0 6 2 =23 。 1 1 — -2 0 1 x , 2x 2 2x 3 x 4 二 0 7. 2x 1 x 2 -2x 3 -2x 4 二 0 的一般解为 x( ~'X 2 _'4x 3 ~3x 4 = 0 题号 -一- -二二 -三 四 五 六 七 总分 得分 、填空(共35分,每题5 分) 得分 4.行列式 1 -3 5. ■’4 10" 1 0 3 -1、 -1 1 3 '9 -2 -1 2 1 0 2」 2 0 1 < 9 9 11 <1 3 4 丿 6. z 5 0 0 1 -1 <0 2 1; 0-2 3 矩阵的积

c 亠5 刘=2x3 X4 4 x3, x4任意取值。X2 二-2x^ --x4

、(10分)令f(x),g(x)是两个多项式。求证 当且仅当(f(x) g(x), f(x)g(x))=1。 证:必要性.设(f(x) g(x), f (x)g(x)) =1。(1% 令 p(x)为 f (x) g (x), f (x)g(x)的不可约公因式,(1% 则由 p(x) | f (x)g (x)知 p(x)| f (x)或 p(x) |g(x) o (1%) 不妨设 p(x) | f (x),再由 p(x)|(f(x) g (x))得 p(x) | g(x)。故 p(x) |1 矛盾。(2%) 充分性.由(f (x) g(x), f (x)g(x)^1知存在多项式u(x), v(x)使 u(x)(f(x) g(x)) v(x)f(x)g(x)=1,(2%) 从而 u(x)f(x) g(x)(u(x) v(x) f(x)) =1,(2%) 故(f (x), g(x)) =1 o (1%) ax 「bx 2 2x 3 =1 ax 1 (2 b -1)x 2 3x 3 =1 ax 1 bx 2 - (b 3)X 3 = 2b _1 有唯一解、没有解、有无穷解?在有解情况下求其解。 解: a b 2 1 a b 2 1 a 2b -1 3 1 T 0 b —1 1 0 b J* b+3 2b-1 , b+1 2b-2 ‘ (5%) a 2 - b 0 1 0 b -1 1 0 L 0 0 b+1 2b —2 当b =1时,有无穷解:X 3 = 0, X 2 = 1 - a%,人任意取值; 当a =0,b =5时,有无穷解:x 1 = k,x^ --3,x^ 4 ,k 任意取值;(3%) 当b = T 或a =0且b =二1且b = 5时,无解。(4%) 三、(16分)a,b 取何值时,线性方程组 当a(b 2 T) = 0时,有唯一解: 5-b a(b 1) X 2 2 b+1 x3 = 2b -2 b 1 ;4%) (f(x),g(x)) =1


高等代数与解析几何同济答案 【篇一:大学所有课程课后答案】 资料打开方法:按住 ctrl键,在你需要的资料上用鼠标左键单击 资料搜索方法:ctrl+f 输入关键词查找你要的资料 【数学】 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

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高等代数(下)期末考试试卷及答案(B 卷) 一.填空题(每小题3分,共21分) 1. 22 3[]-2-31,(-1),(-1)P x x x x x 在中,在基下的坐标为 2. 设n 阶矩阵A 的全体特征值为12,,,n λλλL ,()f x 为任一多项式,则()f A 的全体特征值为 . 3.'=n 在数域P 上的线性空间P[x]中,定义线性变换:(,则的值域())()A A f x f x A ()-n P[x]= ,的核(0)= 1A A A 4.已知3阶λ-矩阵A (λ)的标准形为21 0 00 00 0λλλ?? ? ? ?+?? ,则A (λ)的不变 因子________________________; 3阶行列式因子 D 3 =_______________. 5. 若4阶方阵A 的初等因子是(λ-1)2,(λ-2),(λ-3),则A 的若当标准形 J= 6.在n 维欧氏空间V 中,向量ξ在标准正交基12,,,n ηηηL 下的坐标是 12(,,,)n x x x L ,那么(,)i ξη= 7. 两个有限维欧氏空间同构的充要条件是 . 二. 选择题( 每小题2分,共10 分) 1.( ) 已知{(,),,,}V a bi c di a b c d R =++∈为R 上的线性空间, 则dim(V)为 (A) 1; (B) 2; (C) 3; (D) 4 2. ( ) 下列哪个条件不是n 阶复系数矩阵A 可对角化的充要条件 (A) A 有n 个线性无关的特征向量; (B) A 的初等因子全是1次的; (C) A 的不变因子都没有重根; (D) A 有n 个不同的特征根; 3.( ) 设三阶方阵A 的特征多项式为322)(23+--=λλλλf ,则=||A


中国海洋大学本科生课程大纲 课程属性:学科基础 课程性质:必修 一、课程介绍 1.课程描述: 高等代数是数学科学学院各专业的重要专业必修基础课,是学习其它数学课程的主要先修课之一。高等代数的内容主要包含两个模块:第一模块,方程和方程组的求解问题,主要内容有:多项式、行列式、线性方程组、矩阵、二次型;第二模块,线性空间相关理论,主要内容有:线性空间、线性变换、λ-矩阵、欧几里得空间。高等代数内容包含理工科所开设的线性代数的主要内容。 2.设计思路: 开设高等代数课程的目的是:一方面,使数学院本科生在中学所学初等代数的基础上继续学习更加高深的代数学知识,使其掌握系统的经典代数内容,为学习其它数学课程(如数值代数、近世代数、计算方法等等)提供坚实的代数基础知识;另一方面,通过本课程的学习,逐步培养学生的数值计算能力、逻辑分析能力和抽象思维能力,提高学生在数学思想、数学方法方面的修养。 19世纪以前的代数研究内容主要是解方程和方程组以及由此产生的相关理论,称为经典代数;19世纪以后的代数主要研究一些抽象代数结构,如群、环、域、模等,称为抽象代数或近世代数。高等代数课程的内容主要是经典代数内容,涵盖学习其它数学课程所要求的基本的代数基础知识。 - 2 -

高等代数的内容基本按照经典代数的发展编排的,主要有两条主线:第一,方程和方程组求解问题,第二,线性空间相关理论。第一条主线的主要内容有:多项式理论——对应高次方程,其求解需要降次,需研究多项式的因式分解;行列式理论——求解线性方程组的主要工具之一;线性方程组理论——解的判定与求法;矩阵理论——解线性方程组时用到的矩阵运算与性质;二次型理论——二次齐次方程的化简与对称矩阵。第二条主线的主要内容多是解析几何中内容的推广,主要有:线性空间——几何空间的推广与抽象;线性变换——线性空间中点的运动的描述;λ-矩阵——证明线性变换的矩阵与其标准形相似;欧几里得空间——带有长度、夹角与距离等度量性质的线性空间,是几何空间的推广。 3.课程与其他课程的关系: 先修课程:无; 并行课程:数学分析、空间解析几何; 后置课程:近世代数。高等代数与近世代数内容恰好实现对接,完整体现了代数学的基本内容,联系密切。 二、课程目标 本课程目标是:一方面使学生系统地掌握经典代数的内容,包括多项式、线性方程组、矩阵、二次型、线性空间、线性变换、欧几里得空间等,为学习其它数学课程打下坚实的代数知识基础;另一方面,通过本课程的学习,培养学生的数值计算能力、逻辑分析能力和抽象思维能力,提高学生运用数学思想、数学方法分析问题、解决问题的能力。 到课程结束时,学生应达到以下几方面要求: (1)知识掌握良好。会判断多项式的可约性,能计算两多项式的最大公因式;会计算行列式;会判定线性方程组是否可解,掌握线性方程组解的结构;熟练掌握矩阵的各种运算;可将二次型化为标准形;掌握线性空间基底理论以及子空间的运算;会写线性变换的矩阵,会判定矩阵是否对角化、准对角化,并能求出其相应对角形与准 - 2 -


10-11学年第一学期厦门大学《高等代数》期末试卷 厦门大学《高等代数》课程试卷 数学科学学院 各 系 2010 年级 各 专业 主考教师:杜妮、林鹭 试卷类型:(A 卷) 2011.1.13 一、 单选题(32 分. 共 8 题, 每题 4 分) 1) 设b 为 3 维行向量, 123123 V {(,,)|(,,)} x x x x x x b == ,则____。C A)对任意的b ,V 均是线性空间;B)对任意的b ,V 均不是线性空间;C)只有当 0 b = 时,V 是线性空间;D)只有当 0 b 1 时,V 是线性空间。 2)已知向量组 I : 12 ,,..., s a a a 可以由向量组 II : 12 ,,..., t b b b 线性表示,则下列叙述正确的是____。 A A)若向量组 I 线性无关,则s t £ ;B)若向量组 I 线性相关,则s t > ; C)若向量组 II 线性无关,则s t £ ;D)若向量组 II 线性相关,则s t > 。 3)设非齐次线性方程组AX b = 中未定元个数为 n ,方程个数为m ,系数矩阵 A 的秩为 r ,则____。 D A)当r n < 时,方程组AX b = 有无穷多解; B) 当r n = 时,方程组AX b = 有唯一解;C)当r m < 时,方程组AX b = 有解;D)当r m = 时,方程组AX b = 有解。 4) 设 A 是m n ′ 阶矩阵,B 是n m ′ 阶矩阵,且AB I = ,则____。A A)(),() r A m r B m == ;B)(),() r A m r B n == ;C)(),() r A n r B m == ; D)(),() r A n r B n == 。 5) 设 K 上 3 维线性空间 V 上的线性变换j 在基 123 ,, x x x 下的表示矩阵是 111 101 111 ?? ?÷ ?÷ ?÷ è? ,则j 在基 123 ,2, x x x 下的表示矩阵是____。C A) 121 202 121 ?? ?÷ ?÷ ?÷ è? ; B) 1 2 11 22 1 2 11 0 11 ?? ?÷ ?÷ ?÷ è? ; C)11 22 121 0 121 ?? ?÷ ? ÷ ?÷ è? ;D) 1 2 1 2 11 202 11 ?? ?÷ ?÷ ?÷ è? 。 6) 设j 是 V 到 U 的线性映射,dim V ,dim U n m == 。若m n < ,则j ____。B A)必是单射; B)必非单射; C)必是满射;D)必非满射。


《解析几何与高等代数(I)》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 1、课程代码:MA113 2、课程名称(中/英文): 解析几何与高等代数(I)/Analytic Geometry and Higher Algebra (I) 3、学时/学分:144/8 4、先修课程:无 5、面向对象:数学系数学专业一年级本科生 6、开课院(系)、教研室:数学系代数教研室 7、教材、教学参考书: 《高等代数与解析几何》上册,孟道骥编著,科学出版社,2004年第二版 二、课程性质和任务 本课程是数学系最根本的两门基础课之一(另一门是数学分析),又是数学系新生一入学就要面对的,因此是从中学数学走向大学数学的第一道门槛,跨不过去就无法继续前行。所以本课程从大的方面说主要是在学习方法和数学思想上初步完成从中学数学走向大学数学的适应与过渡;从学习内容来说,则主要是一些基础性知识,包括线性代数、多项式、空间解析几何。这些知识介于中学代数与近世代数之间,既有承上启下作用又有广泛应用性。 三、教学内容和基本要求 0.1 引言(关于内容、教与学的说明) 0.2 预备知识(连加号、连乘号;数学推理与数学归纳法)两次共6学时

1.行列式(24学时) 1.1 数域2学时 1.2 矩阵及其初等变换4学时 1.3 行列式归纳定义2学时 1.4 行列式的性质 1.5 行列式的展开式两次共6学时 1.6 Cramer法则2学时 1.7 行列式算例4学时 2.矩阵(14学时) 2.1矩阵的运算2学时 2.2可逆矩阵2学时 2.3矩阵的分块2学时 2.4矩阵的初等变换与初等方阵2学时 2.5矩阵与线性方程组2学时 2.6矩阵的性质举例(包括Bimet-Cauchy公式)4学时 3.线性空间(26学时) 3.1 空间向量(包括坐标系、平面与直线方程)4学时 3.2 数域上线性空间的概念2学时 3.3 线性相关 3.4 秩、维数与基两次共6学时 3.5 矩阵的秩与矩阵的相抵4学时 3.6 线性方程组理论2学时


微积分英文词汇,高数名词中英文对照,高等数学术语英语翻译一览关键词:微积分英文,高等数学英文翻译,高数英语词汇 来源:上海外教网|发布日期:2008-05-1617:12 V、X、Z:? Valueoffunction:函数值 Variable:变数 Vector:向量 X-axis T:? S:? Scalar Secantline:割线 Secondderivative:二阶导数 SecondDerivativeTest:二阶导数试验法Secondpartialderivative:二阶偏导数 Sector:扇形 Sequence:数列 Series:级数 Set:集合 Shellmethod:剥壳法 Sinefunction:正弦函数 Singularity:奇点 Slantasymptote:斜渐近线

Slope:斜率 Slope-interceptequationofaline:直线的斜截式Smoothcurve:平滑曲线Smoothsurface:平滑曲面Solidofrevolution:旋转体 Space:空间 Speed:速率 Sphericalcoordinates:球面坐标SqueezeTheorem:夹挤定理Stepfunction:阶梯函数Strictlydecreasing:严格递减 Sum R:? Right-handlimit:右极限 Root:根 P、Q:? Parabola:抛物线 Paraboliccylinder:抛物柱面 Paraboloid:抛物面 Parallelepiped:平行六面体 Parallellines:并行线 Parameter:参数


《高等代数》(上)期末试卷(A ) 一、填空题(每空3分,共15分) 1.设方阵1112223 3 3b x c A b x c b x c ????=??????,1 112 223 3 3b y c B b y c b y c ?? ??=? ????? ,且2,3A B =-=, 则行列式2A B += . 2.已知A 是一个34?矩阵,且秩()2A =,而102020103B ????=?????? ,则秩()BA = . 3. 多项式2005 20042 322006()(54)31(8112)f x x x x x x ??=--+-+?? 的所有系数之和 = ,常数项= . 4. ()f x 为多项式,用1x -除时余式为3,用3x -除时余式为5,则用(1)(3)x x --除时余式为 . 二、选择题(每题3分,共12分) 1.设n 维向量组12345,,,,ααααα的秩为3,且满足135230,ααα+-= 242,αα=则向量组的一个极大无关组为( ) A . 125,,ααα; B . 124,,ααα; C. 245,,ααα; D. 135,,ααα. 2. A 是m n ?矩阵,B 是n m ?矩阵,则( ) A . 当m n >时,必有行列式0A B ≠; B . 当m n >时,必有行列式0AB =; C . 当n m >时,必有行列式0AB ≠; D . 当n m >时,必有行列式0AB =. 3.设,A B 都是可逆矩阵,则矩阵0A C B ??????的逆矩阵为( ) A . 1 1 10A C B ---?? ????; B . 1110B C A ---?????? ;


各专业课程英文翻译(精心整理) 生物及医学专业课程汉英对照表 应用生物学 Applied Biology 医学技术 Medical Technology 细胞生物学 Cell Biology 医学 Medicine 生物学 Biology 护理麻醉学 Nurse Anesthesia 进化生物学 Evolutionary Biology 口腔外科学 Oral Surgery 海洋生物学 Marine Biology 口腔/牙科科学 Oral/Dental Sciences 微生物学 Microbiology 骨科医学 Osteopathic Medicine 分子生物学 Molecular Biology 耳科学 Otology 医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology 理疗学 Physical Therapy 口腔生物学 Oral Biology 足病医学 Podiatric Medicine 寄生物学 Parasutology 眼科学 Ophthalmology 植物生物学 Plant Physiology 预防医学 Preventive Medicine 心理生物学 Psychobiology 放射学 Radiology 放射生物学 Radiation Biology 康复咨询学 Rehabilitation Counseling 理论生物学 Theoretical Biology 康复护理学 Rehabilitation Nursing 野生生物学 Wildlife Biology 外科护理学 Surgical Nursing 环境生物学 Environmental Biology 治疗学 Therapeutics 运动生物学 Exercise Physiology 畸形学 Teratology 有机体生物学 Organismal Biology 兽医学 Veterinary Sciences 生物统计学 Biometrics 牙科卫生学 Dental Sciences 生物物理学 Biophysics 牙科科学 Dentistry 生物心理学 Biopsychology 皮肤学 Dermatology 生物统计学 Biostatistics 内分泌学 Endocrinology 生物工艺学 Biotechnology 遗传学 Genetics 生物化学 Biological Chemistry 解剖学 Anatomy 生物工程学 Biological Engineering 麻醉学 Anesthesia 生物数学 Biomathematics 临床科学 Clinical Science 生物医学科学 Biomedical Science 临床心理学 Clinical Psychology 细胞生物学和分子生物学 Celluar and Molecular Biology 精神病护理学 Psychiatric Nursing 力学专业 数学分析 Mathematical Analysis 高等代数与几何 Advanced Algebra and Geometry 常微分方程 Ordinary Differential Equation 数学物理方法 Methods in Mathematical Physics 计算方法 Numerical Methods 理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics 材料力学 Mechanics of Materials 弹性力学 Elasticity 流体力学 Fluid Mechanics 力学实验 Experiments in Solid Mechanics 机械制图 Machining Drawing 力学概论 Introduction to Mechanics 气体力学 Gas Dynamics 计算流体力学 Computational Fluid Mechanics 弹性板理论 Theory of Elastic Plates 粘性流体力学 Viscous Fluid Flow 弹性力学变分原理 Variational Principles inElasticity 有限元法 Finite Element Method 塑性力学 Introduction of Plasticity

高等代数期末卷 及答案

沈阳农业大学理学院第一学期期末考试 《高等代数》试卷(1) 一、 填空(共35分,每题5分) 1.设4 2 ()49f x x x x =++-, 则(3)f -= 69_ .. 2.当t = _2,-2 .时, 3()3f x x x t =-+有重因式。 3. 令 ()f x ,()g x 是两个多项式, 且33()()f x xg x +被21x x ++整除, 则 (1)f = 0_ , (1)g = _0 . 4. 行列式 31 0210 62 101132 1 -=-- 23 。 5. 矩阵的积41010311 1321022 011 34?? ? --?? ?= ? ??? ??? 9219911--?? ???。 6. 1 500031021-?? ?= ? ??? 1 05011023?? ? ?- ? ? - ??? 7. 1234123412342202220430 x x x x x x x x x x x x +++=?? +--=??---=?的一般解为 134234523423x x x x x x ? =+??? ?=--?? , 34,x x 任意取值。 二、(10分)令()f x ,()g x 是两个多项式。求证((),())1f x g x =当且仅当

(()(),()())1f x g x f x g x +=。 证:必要性. 设(()(),()())1f x g x f x g x +≠。(1%) 令()p x 为()(),()()f x g x f x g x +的不可约公因式,(1%)则由()|()()p x f x g x 知 ()|()p x f x 或()|()p x g x 。(1%) 不妨设()|()p x f x ,再由()|(()())p x f x g x +得()|()p x g x 。故()|1p x 矛盾。(2%) 充分性. 由(()(),()())1f x g x f x g x +=知存在多项式(),()u x v x 使 ()(()())()()()1u x f x g x v x f x g x ++=,(2%) 从而()()()(()()())1u x f x g x u x v x f x ++=,(2%) 故((),())1f x g x =。(1%) 三、(16分),a b 取何值时,线性方程组 有唯一解、没有解、有无穷解?在有解情况下求其解。 解: 21212131011032100122201011000122a b a b a b b a b b b b b a b b b b ???? ? ?-→- ? ? ? ?+-+-????-?? ?→- ? ?+-?? (5%) 当2 (1)0a b -≠时,有唯一解:1235222 , (1)+11 b b x x x a b b b ---= ==++,; (4%) 当1b =时,有无穷解:3210,1,x x ax ==-1x 任意取值; 当a 0,5b ==时,有无穷解:14 12333,,,x k x x k ==-=任意取值;(3%) 当1b =-或0 1 5a b b =≠±≠且且时,无解。(4%) 四、(10分)设12,,...,n a a a 都是非零实数,证明 证: 对n 用数学归纳法。当n=1时 , 1111 1 1(1)D a a a =+=+, 结论成立(2%); 假设n-1时成立。则n 时


微积分 第一章函数与极限 Chapter1 Function and Limit 集合set 元素element 子集subset 空集empty set 并集union 交集intersection 差集difference of set 基本集basic set 补集complement set 直积direct product 笛卡儿积Cartesian product 开区间open interval 闭区间closed interval 半开区间half open interval 有限区间finite interval 区间的长度length of an interval 无限区间infinite interval 领域neighborhood 领域的中心centre of a neighborhood 领域的半径radius of a neighborhood 左领域left neighborhood 右领域right neighborhood 映射mapping X到Y的映射mapping of X ontoY 满射surjection 单射injection 一一映射one-to-one mapping 双射bijection 算子operator 变化transformation 函数function 逆映射inverse mapping 复合映射composite mapping 自变量independent variable 因变量dependent variable 定义域domain 函数值value of function 函数关系function relation 值域range 自然定义域natural domain
