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PMI, Project Management Institute, 美国项目管理学会

PMP, Project Management Professional, 项目管理专业人员认证

PMBOK, Project Management Body of Knowledge, 项目管理知识体系

PLC, project life cycle, 项目生命周期

RFP, Request for proposal, 需求建议书

WBS, Work Breakdown Structure, 工作分解结构

CPM, Critical path method, 关键路径法

PERT, Project Evaluation and Review Technique, 计划评审技术

AOA, Activity-On-Arrow, 双代号网络图法

AON, Activity-on-node, 单代号网络图

CPI, Cost Performance Index, 成本绩效指数 (挣值(EV)/实际成本(AC))

RAM, Responsibility Assignment Matrix, 职责分配矩阵

P&L, Profit and loss损益

VAT, value-added tax, 加值税、增值税

QA, Quality Assurance, 质量保障


1. A project is an endeavour to accomplish a specific objective through a unique set of interrelated tasks and the effective utilization of resources. 1.项目是努力完成一个特定的目标,通过一套独特的相互关联的任务和资源的有效利用。

2. A project manager is responsible for planning the work and then work the plan.项目经理负责规划工作,然后工作计划。

3. The project life cycle has four phases: initiating, planning, performing, and closing the project.项目生命周期有四个阶段︰启动、规划、执行和结束项目。

4. Project selection involves evaluating potential projects and then deciding which should move forward to be implemented.项目选择涉及潜在项目评估,然后决定,应该向前来实施。

5. WBS facilitates evaluation of cost, time, and technical performance of the organization on a project.

WBS 促进评估的成本、时间和上一个项目组织的技术性能。

6. The project network is developed from the information collected for the WBS and is a graphic flow chart of the project job plan. 项目开发从WBS 收集的信息和网络是一个图形的流程图的项目工作计划。

7. In the context of projects, risk is an uncertain event and condition that, if it occurs, has a positive and negative effect on project objectives. 在项目范围内,风险是不确定的事件和条件,如果它发生,已经对项目目标的积极和消极的影响。

8. Milestones are significant project events that mark major accomplishments.里程碑是重大项目事件标记的主要成就。

9. Two important factors affecting recruitment are the importance of the project and the management structure being used to complete the project.有两个重要影响因素招聘有项目和管理结构被用来完成这项工程的重要性

10. The most common method for shortening project time is to assign additional staff and equipment to activities.最常用的方法,缩短项目时间是将额外的工作人员和设备分配给活动


1. Communications is best described as:

A. an exchange of information.

B. providing written or oral directions.

C. consists of senders and receivers

D. effective listening.

E. All of the above


2. The following types of costs are relevant to making a financial decision except:

A. opportunity costs

B. direct costs

C. sunk cost

D. unavoidable costs

E. None of the above


3. Time management is the allocation of time in a project's life cycle through the process of:

A. Planning

B. Estimating.

C. Scheduling.

D. Controlling

E. All of the above.


4. A project element which lies between two events is called:位于两个事件之间的项目元素被称为

A. An activity.

B. A critical path method.

C. A slack milestone.

D. A timing slot.

E. A calendar completion point.


5. A comprehensive definition of scope management would be:一个全面的定义的范围管理将是︰

A. Managing a project in terms of its objective through the concept, development, implementation, and termination phases of a project.


B. Approval of the scope baseline.

C. Approval of the detailed project charter.

D. Configuration control.

E. Approved detailed planning including budgets, resource allocation, linear responsibility charts and management sponsorship.


6. Pure Risk differs from Business Risks because Pure Risk's _____ .

A. include chances of both profit or loss associated with the business.

B. include chances of loss and no chances for profit associated with the business.包括丢失的可能性和相关业务的利润没有机会

C. must incur personal loss with business liability.必须与业务责任招致个人损失。

D. must incur business liability associated with loss of pure profit.

E. B and C



7. The most common types of schedules are Gantt charts, milestone charts, line of balance, and:

A. Networks.

B. Time phased events.

C. Calendar integrated activities.

D. A and C only.

E. B and C only.


8. In preparing a good project definition, experienced project managers will:

A. Concentrate mainly on the end product rather than costs or benefits. These come later.

B. Realize that only the "tip of the iceberg" may be showing. As a project manager, you must get beneath it.

C. Understand that a project definition/plan is a dynamic rather than static tool, and thus subject to change.

D. Try to convert objectives into quantifiable terms.

E. All of the above


9. Since risk is associated with most projects, the best course of action is to:

A. cover all project risks by buying appropriate insurance

B. ignore the risks, since nothing can be done about them and move forward with the project in an expeditious manner.

C. avoid projects with clear and present risks

D. eliminate all known risks prior to the execution phase of the project

E. identify various risks and implement actions to mitigate their potential impact


10. Risk management allows the project manager and the project team to:

A. eliminate most risks during the planning phase of the project

B. identify project risks

C. identify impacts of various risks

D. plan suitable responses

E. B, C and D only


11. Which of the following types of cost are relevant to making financial decisions:

A. sunk cost

B. opportunity cost

C. material cost

D. A and C only

E. B and C only


12. Which of the following is often overlooked in achieving effective communication?

A. speaking clearly

B. listening

C. interpreting

D. maintaining eye contact

E. manipulating the conversation


13. The highest degrees of project risk and uncertainty are associated with the following phase of the project:

A. conceptual

B. execution

C. cut-over

D. post project evaluation

E. A and D only


14. The auditing function that provides feedback about the quality of output is referred to as:

A. quality control.

B. quality planning.

C. quality assurance.

D. quality improvement

E. All of the above.


15. The sending or conveying of information from one place to another is the process of

A. Networking

B. Transmitting

C. Interacting

D. Promoting

E. Interfacing


16. Project life cycles provide a better means of measurement of progress and control. The four phases of a project are conceptual development,

_____, _____, and _____.

A. Preliminary planning, detail planning, closeout

B. Implementation, reporting, termination

C. Development, implementation, termination

D. Execution, reporting, finishing

E. Implementation, termination, post-audit review


17. All of the following are categories of a milestone in a schedule except:

A. End date.

B. Contract dates.

C. Key events scheduled.

D. Imposed dates.

E. Task duration.


18. Uncertainty refers to a situation where:

A. the outcomes are known but their probabilities are high

B. the outcomes and their probabilities are known

C. neither the outcomes nor their probabilities are known

D. states of nature can change at any time

E. probabilities of various states of nature can change at any time ANS: C

19. Excessive flexibility in specifying requirements will _____ the likelihood of time overruns.

A. Reduce.

B. Eliminate.

C. Double

D. Increase

E. Not affect


20. Which of the following is closet to Deming's definition of Quality:

A. conformance to requirements.

B. fitness for use.

C. continuous improvement of products and services.

D. customer focus.

E. All of the above.


21. The key purpose of project control is to:

A. Plan ahead for uncertainties.

B. Generate status reports.

C. Keep the project on track.

D. Develop the project road map.

E. All of the above.


22. Which of the following constitute Juran's "quality trilogy":

A. planning, inspection, control.

B. planning, improvement, control.

C. planning, organization, control.

D. product, price, customer.

E. design, build, deliver.


23. Most project (and non-project) managers prefer _____ communications.

A. Oral

B. Written

C. Upward

D. Downward

E. Lateral


24. On a precedence diagram, the arrow between two boxes is called:

A. An activity.

B. A constraint.

C. An event.

D. The critical path.

E. None of above.


25. Quality control charts show a characteristic of the product or service against:

A. the specification limits.

B. customer requirements.

C. control limits based on three standard deviations in each direction.

D. control limits based on six standard deviations in each direction.

E. A and D only


26. In the arrow diagramming method (ADM), _____ do not consume time or resources.

A. Events.

B. Dummy Activities

C. Slack elements.

D. B and C only.

E. All of the above.


27. Activities with zero time duration are referred to as:

A. Critical path activites.

B. Noncritical path activities.

C. Slack time activities.

D. Dummies

E. None of above.


28. In the PDM, common constraints include:

A. Start-to-start

B. Finish-to-start

C. Finish-to-finish

D. B and C only

E. A, B, and C.


29. Non-verbal communication includes:

A. Body movement

B. Gestures

C. Facial expressions

D. The way we move our hands

E. All of the above


30. Which one of the following is not an acquisition method?

A. advertising

B. invitation

C. negotiation

D. purchase

E. all are acquisition methods


31. For communication to occur, there must be:

A. Two or more people involved

B. the transmittal of information

C. a communication process

D. All of the above

E. B and C only


32. Job continuity would be an example of _____ in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

A. Self-actualization

B. Esteem

C. Physiological

D. Belonging

E. Safety



1. What are the major characteristics of a project?项目的主要特点有哪些

1).An established objective.既定的目标

2).A defined life span with a beginning and an end.定义的寿命,有开始和结束

3).Usually, the involvement of several departments and professionals.通常情况下,几个部门及专业人士参与。

4).Typically, doing something that has never been done before.通常情况下,做一些从来没有过

5).Specific time, cost, and performance requirements.具体的时间、成本和性能要求。

2. What factors do you consider when choosing project management structure? At least five factors.选择项目管理结构时,你考虑什么因素?

1).Size of project项目的大小

2).Strategic importance战略重要性

3).Novelty and need for innovation新颖性和需要创新

4).Number of departments involved涉及多个部门

5).Environmental complexity环境的复杂性

6).Budget and time constraints.预算和时间限制

7).Stability of resource requirement.稳定的资源要求

3. How to define the project?如何定义项目?

1).Defining the project scope定义项目范围

2).Establishing project priorities建立项目优先事项

3).Creating the work breakdown structure创建工作分解结构

4).Integrating the WBS with the organization结合 WBS 组织

5). Coding the WBS for the information system编码为信息系统 WBS




表2 包装机每期累计完成比率(%)

表3 包装机累计挣值、CPI和CV







CPI0.940.90.92 1.02 1.020.970.930.89

CV -0.5 -2 -2 1 1.5 -2 -8 -14



A 0 3 7 4 4

B 0 5 5 0 0

C 3 21 25 7 4

D 5 12 12 5 0

E 5 15 17 7 2

F 12 17 17 12 0

G 17 25 25 17 0



项目管理英文词汇 ABC Activity Based Costing 基于活动的成本核算 ABM Activity Based Management 基于活动的管理 ACWP Actual Cost of Work Performed 已完成工作实际成本 ADM Arrow Diagram Method 箭线图方法 ADP Automated Data Processing 自动化数据处理 ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution 替代争议解决方案 AF Actual Finish Date 实际完成日期 AFE Application for Expenditure 支出申请 AFE Authority for Expenditure 开支权 ALAP As-Late-As-Possible 尽可能晚 AMR Advanced Material Release 材料提前发布 AOA Activity on Arc 弧线表示活动双代号网络 AOA Activity on Arrow 箭线表示活动双代号网络 AON Activity on Node 节点表示活动单代号网络 AOQ Average Outgoing Quality 平均出厂质量 AOQL Average Outgoing Quality Limit 平均出厂质量限度 APMA Area of Project Management Application 项目管理的应用领域APR Acquisition Plan Review 采购计划评审 AQL Acceptable Quality Level 可接受质量水平 AS Actual Start Date 实际开始日期 ASAP As-Soon-As-Possible 尽快 ATP Acceptance Test Procedure 验收测试过程 AUW Authorized Unpriced Work 批准的未定价工作 BAC Budget at Completion 完工预算 BAC Baseline at Completion 完成/完工基线 BATNA Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement 协议外最佳方案BCM Business Change Manager 商业变更经理 BCWP Budgeted Cost of Work Performed 已完工作预算成本 BCWS Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled 计划工作的预算成本 BEC Elapsed Cost 计划工作的预算成本 BOOT Build, Own, Operate, Transfer 建造拥有经营转让 BPA Blanket Purchase Agreement 一揽子采购协议 BSA Balanced Scorecard Approach 平衡记分卡方法 C/SCSC Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria 成本控制系统标准? C/SSR Cost/Schedule Status Report 成本/进度状态报告 CA Control Account 控制帐目 CAD Computer Aided Drafting/Design 计算机辅助制图/设计 CAM Cost Account Manager 成本帐目经理 CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing 计算机辅助制造 CAM Control Account Manager 控制帐目经理 CAP Cost Account Plan 成本帐目计划


英语翻译模拟试题 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate tbe following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.我们打篮球的时间到了。 (time) 2.他设法把游客及时送到了机场。 (manage) 3.你今晚能来参加我的生日聚会? (possible) 4.应该鼓励年轻人按照自己的特长选择职业。(encourage) 5.我对学生所谈的电子产品一无所知,我发现自己落伍了。(ignorant) 6.尽管遭受如重的自然灾害,但只要不灰心,我们终会克服暂时的困难。(Although...) 【答案】 1.It’s time for us to play basketball. 2.He managed to send the tourists to the airport in time. 3.Is it possible for you to attend my birthday party this evening? 4.Young people should be encouraged to choose their careers according to their own strong points. 5.Being ignorant of the electronic products the students are talking about, I find myself left behind. 6.Although we are suffering such a severe natural disaster, we will eventually overcome the temporary difficult as long as we don’t lose heart. 【解析】 1.考查time的用法。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,it is time for sb to do sth “该到某人做某事了”。为固定句型。再根据其它提示。故翻译为:It’s time for us to play basketball。2.考查manage的用法和一般过去时。分析句子可知,本句为一般过去时,manage to do sth“设法做某事”为固定短语。in time“ 及时”为介词短语,在句中作状语。再根据其它提示。故翻译为:He managed to send the tourists to the airport in time。 3.考查possible的用法和一般现在时。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,it is possible for sb to do sth “ 某人做某事是可能的”,it作为形式主语完成整个句子,不定式作为真正主语。再根据其它汉语提示。故翻译为:Is it possible for you to attend my birthday party this evening? 4.考查encourage的用法。encourage sb. to do sth.的被动语态形式就是sb. be encouraged to do sth.另外,此题还考查短语according to(按照)和strong points(长处,特长)。再根据其它提示。故翻译为:Young people should be encouraged to choose their careers according to their own strong points。 5.考查形容词短语作状语、定语从句以及find的用法。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,主语为I ,谓语为find, find oneself done表示“发现自己被…”,left behind是“被落在后面了”作宾语补足语。Being ignorant of the electronic products the students are talking about 为形容词短语作原因状语从句。products 为先行词,在后面的定语从句中,作talk about的


英语翻译岗位笔试题 一、请将下述英文译为中文: Dear Ms. Cici and Mr. Lu, I visited your stand at the recent vending machine exhibition in Shanghai last month. As I talked to you, we are very interested in your vending machine CVM-FD48. We are a subsidiary company of KUBOTA of Japan and we are manufacturing vending machine for KUBOTA's customers in Japan and export it. We are also selling our products to Indonesia customer. But our products can sell only beverage, such as a can or a PET bottle. Recently the great demand of Vending machine, which is able to sell a wide variety of goods like a snack, bread and commodities are gradually increasing. We think that your product is suitable to meet these customer's demand. We hope that we import your product and customize a few things, for instance,attache the power cord, instruction handbook and label, etc. And then we sell it to our customers as OEM (original equipment manufacturing).We will be able to do after service for our customers after training from you. We really hope to cooperate with you for this project. During the meeting at the exhibition, you told me that you need a bill validator sample for confirming the possibility of customizing for Indonesia at first.And also you need a paper money of Indonesia rupiah. We are now preparing for that. Before long, we will inform you our schedule in detail. It would help me a great deal if you could tell me the name of the right person for this project to keep in touch with us. We look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Thank you and regards, Toshi Yamanishi 二、请将下列叙述译为英文: 在售货机投入运营之前,业主需要根据实际情况对料道、价格等各方面进行相应的设定,运营过程中,业主为了了解销售情况、机器运转状况等信息,要进行一系列的查询等等,这些都要通过遥控器的操作来实现。下面对遥控器的使用做详细说明,请严格按照说明进行操作,避免出现错误。 注意:每次操作遥控器过程中,无操作20秒钟后,系统将取消当前操作自动退出,返回待机状态。


外企常见12道英文面试题 外企各大类型题考察意图烂熟于心,英文面试易如反掌。以下举例说明: 1、Tell me about yourself这是面试官惯用的开场白。千万不要长篇大论背诵简历。你可以在这时将最突出的优点概括性地总结,并引导面试官向你早已准备好的方面发问。 -- I studied computer in 1999-2003. After that I joined ... and worked as a ... .I am fluent at oral english... 2、What types of prospective job tasks do you enjoy the most?Which prospective job tasks do you least care to do?主要考察应聘者会否对工作中的很多地方感到厌倦;另外还考察你对自己的喜好是否诚实,你是否了解这份工作的基本职责;你是否认识到任何职业都会包含一些枯燥无味的日常工作。 3、What is your greatest weakness?不要把那些明显是优点的品行当成缺点说,这种落入俗套的方式早已被面试官厌倦。可以说一些对于你应聘这个职位没有影响的缺点,对于那些在面试中已经表现出的明显弱点,你可以利用这个问题加以弥补,显示你早已意识到,并且正在改进,已经取得了较大进展。 4、What do you plan to be doing five years from now?主要考察你的职业目标是否符合公司的要求;这份职业是否是你达到目的的合理选择;你是否有继续发展的热情;你的野心是否和这份职业的要求相契合;你的发展潜力有多大。如果你应聘大企业,千万不要提你想创业,如果应聘小企业,这倒是个合理的回答。 5、What college subjects did you like best and least? Why?这个


项目管理术语中英文对照 项目管理术语中英文对照 ACWP Actual Cost of Work Performed 已执行工作实际成本 AD Activity Description 工作描述 ADM Arrow Diagramming Method 箭线图示解法 AF Actual Finish Date 实际完成日期 AOA Activity-On-Arrow 双代号网络图 AON Activity-On-Node 单代号网络图 AS Actual Start Date 实际开始日期 BAC Budget At Completion 在完成时的预算 BCWP Budgeted Cost of work Performed 已执行工作预算成本BCWS Budgeted Cost of work Scheduled 计划完成工作预算成本CCB Change Control Board 变更控制委员会 CPFF Cost Plus Fixed Fee 成本加固定费用(合同) CPIF Cost Plus Incentive Fee 成本加奖励费用(合同) CPI Cost Performance Index 成本执行指数 CPM Critical Path Method 关键线路法 CV Cost Variance 成本偏差 DD Data Date 数据日期 DU Duration 持续时间,工期 EAC Estimate At Completion 在完成时的估算 EF Early Finish date 最早完成日期 ES Early Start date 最早开始日期 ETC Estimate (or Estimated) To Complete 到完成时的估算 EV Earned Value 挣值法 FF Free Float or Finish-to-Finish 自由时差,或完成到完成关系FFP Firm Fixed Price 完全固定总价合同 FPIF Fixed Price Incentive Fee 固定价加奖励费用 FS Finish-to-Start 完成到开始关系 GERT Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique 图示评审技术IFB Invitation For Bid 邀标 LF Late Finish Date 最晚完成日期 LOE Level of Effort 投入水平 LS Late Start date 最晚开始日期 MPM Modern Project Management 现代项目管理 OBS Organization(al) Breakdown Structure 组织分解结构 PC Percent Complete 完成百分比 PDM Precedence Diagramming Method 优先图示法 PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique 计划评审技术


英语翻译题20套(带答案) 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translation: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.究竟是什么激发小王学习电子工程的积极性?(motivate) 2.网上支付方便了客户,但是牺牲了他们的隐私。(at the cost of) 3.让我的父母非常满意的是,从这个公寓的餐厅可以俯视街对面的世纪公园,从起居室也可以。(so) 4.博物馆疏于管理,展品积灰,门厅冷落,急需改善。(whose) 【答案】 1.What on earth has motivated Xiao Wang’s enthusiasm/ initiative to major in electronic engineering? 2.Online payment brings convenience to consumers at the cost of their privacy. 3.To my parents’ satisfaction, the din ing room of this apartment overlooks the Century Park opposite the street and so it is with the sitting room. 或者What makes my parents really satisfy is that they can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment, so can they from the living room. 4.This museum is not well managed, whose exhibits are covered with dust, and there are few visitors, so everything is badly in need of improvement. 或The museum whose management is reckless, whose exhibits are piled with dust and whose lobby is deserted, requires immediate improvement. 【解析】 1.motivate sb to do sth 激发某人做某事,on earth究竟,major in 以…为专业,enthusiasm/ initiative热情/积极性,故翻译为What on earth has motivated Xiao Wang’s enthusiasm/ initiative to major in electronic engineering? 2.online payment网上支付,brings convenience to给…带来方便,at the cost of以…为代价,privacy隐私,故翻译为Online payment brings convenience to consumers at the cost of their privacy. 3.To my parents’ satisfaction令我父母满意的是,后者也那样so it is with。也可以用主语从句What makes my parents really satisfy 表语从句thatthey can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment。overlooks俯视,opposite the street街对面,living room 起居室。故翻译为To my parents’ satisfaction, the dining room of this apartment overlooks the Century Park opposite the street and so it is with the sitting room.或者What makes my parents really satisfy is that they can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment, so can they from the living room. 4.not well managed/ management is reckless疏于管理,be covered with dust/ be piled with dust被灰尘覆盖,few visitors游客稀少,be badly in need of improvement/ requires immediate improvement亟需改善。故翻译为his museum is not well managed, whose exhibits


全国2004年4月高等教育自学考试 英语翻译试题与答案详解 课程代码:00087 Ⅰ. Multiple Choice Questions (30 points, 2 points for each) A. Directions: This part consists of ten sentences, each followed by four different versions marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is the closest equivalent of the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness. 1. Almost all the TV viewers were deeply impressed by Titanic’s huge mass and her ruined splendor of a lost age. 答案:B A. 泰坦尼克号的庞大以及她那昔日辉煌的残毁,给几乎所有的电视观众都留下了十分深刻的印象。 B. 泰坦尼克号船体庞大,虽已损毁,昔日丰采犹存,给几乎所有的电视观众都留下了深刻的印象。 C. 泰坦尼克号无比庞大,往日荣光业已荡然无存,给几乎所有的电视观众都留下了深刻的印象。 D. 泰坦尼克号的庞大船体以及她那失去的昔日光辉,给几乎所有的电视观众都留下了深刻的印象。 2. A truly extraordinary variety of alternatives to the chemical control of insects is available. 答案:C A. 使用化学方法控制昆虫除外,其它有效方法也可使用。 B. 除了不用化学方法控制昆虫外,应该还有其它方法可以使用。 C. 除了使用化学方法控制昆虫以外,还有其它各种奇妙的方法可以使用。 D. 控制昆虫的方法很多,使用化学方法只不过是其中之一也可使用。 3. We talked of our plans to wed and start a family, once we were settled in Los Angeles, and we listened to the rain. 答案:C A. 我们打算一旦在洛杉矶站住脚,就结婚,开始新的生活。我们议论着,外头还下着雨。 B. 一旦在洛杉矶落住脚,我们就打算结婚,开始新的生活。我们议论着,还听着外头的雨声。 C. 我们打算一旦在洛杉矶站住脚,就结婚,组织家庭。我们一面议论,一面听着外头的雨声。 D. 一旦在洛杉矶落住脚,我们就打算结婚,建立家庭。我们一面议论着,而且一面听着外头的雨声。 4. I felt approaching footsteps. I stretched out my hand as I supposed to my mother. 答案:A A. 我感到有人走近,于是伸出了手,以为是把手伸向母亲。 B. 我感到有人走近,我就伸出了手,因为我在等我的母亲。 C. 我感到有人向我走来,我想那是我母亲,她把手伸向我。 D. 我感到有人向我走来,我想那是我母亲,她伸手搂抱我。 1



项目管理中常用英语 (2)

项目管理中常用英语(转载学习) 工程项目管理常用英语工艺包 process package 工艺设计process design 工艺发表 process release 工艺预发表initial process release 工作范围;项目任务范围 scope of work; project scope 工作包 work package 工作项work item 任务单项 line item 分解结构 breakdown structure 工作分解结构work breakdown structure 组织分解机构organizationalbreakdown structure 项目大项工作分解结构project summary work breakdown structure 承包商标准工作分解结构;工程公司标准工作分解结构 contractor's st andard work breakdown structure 责任分工矩阵 responsibility assignment matrix 风险risk 风险分析risk analysis 风险备忘录risk memorandum 公司本部 home office 公司本部服务 home office service 公用工程utility 计划plan

项目计划project plan (项目)设计计划 (project)engineering plan (项目)采购计划 (project)procurementplan (项目)施工计划(project)construction plan (项目)开车计划 (project)start-up plan 专利 patent 专利权 patent right 产权技术proprietary technology 专利技术 licensed technology 专有技术;技术诀窍 know-how 许可证 license 专利商;许可方 licensor 受许可放;受让方 licensee (技术)转让费;提成费royalty 许可证费 license fee 专有技术费know-howfee 专业 discipline 工艺 process design ; process engineering 系统 systems engineering 设备equipment engineering 布置 plant layout engineering 管道设计 piping design 管道机械piping mechanical engineering


汉译英专项练习 一、倍数增减的表示法 5 1) Force N1 _______________(比力N2大2.5倍). is 2.5 times greater than Force N2 (考点:倍数+形容词/副词比较级+ than) 2) This substance _______________(反应速度是另外那种物质的三倍). reacts three times as fast as the other one (考点:倍数+ as +形容词/副词+ as) 3) The earth _______________(是月球大小的49倍). is 49 times the size of the moon (考点:倍数+名词) 4) The landlord _______________(想将租金提高三分之一). wants to raise the rent by a third (考点:动词+ by +数词/百分比/倍数) 5) They _______________(计划将投资增加一倍). plan to double their investment (考点:double +名词) 二、时态6 1) Be quick, _______________(否则等我们到达教堂时婚礼就已经结束了). or the wedding will have finished by the time we get to the church (考点:将来完成时) 2) When she got home, _______________(孩子们已经睡着了). the children had fallen asleep (考点:过去完成时) 3) When I prepare for the college entrance examination, _______________(我姐姐将在海边度假). my sister will be taking her vacation at the seaside (考点:将来进行时) 4) I_______________(一上午都在修改我的简历). have been revising my resume all the morning (考点:现在完成进行时) 5) Do you often go on holiday? _______________(不,我已经有五年没有度假了). No. It has been five years since I went on holiday (考点:It has been…since sb. did sth.表示某人有多长时间没有做某事了) 6) He joined the army in October, 2001. _______________(他参军已五年了). He has been in the army for 5 years (考点:1.现在完成时;2.要用持续性动词才能接一段时间) 三、被动语态5 1) The blackboard and chalk _______________(正在被电脑和投影机所取代). is being replaced by the computer and the projector (考点:被动语态的现在进行时) 2) The book _______________(到今年年底就将已出版). will have been published by the end of this year (考点:被动语态的将来完成时)


英文编辑第一轮笔试 Reading Comprehension In the early 20th century, few things were more appealing than the promise of scientific knowledge. In a world struggling with rapid industrialization, science and technology seemed to offer solutions to almost every problem. Newly created state colleges and universities devoted themselves almost entirely to scientific, technological, and engineering fields. Many Americans came to believe that scientific certainty could not only solve scientific problems, but also reform politics, government, and business. Two world wars and a Great Depression rocked the confidence of many people that scientific expertise alone could create a prosperous and ordered world. After World War Ⅱ, the academic world turned with new enthusiasm to humanistic studies, which seemed to many scholars the best way to ensure the survival of democracy. American scholars fanned out across much of the world—with support from the Ford Foundation, the Fulbright program, etc.—to promote the teaching of literature and the arts in an effort to make the case for democratic freedoms. In the America of our own time, the great educational challenge has become an effort to strengthen the teaching of what is now known as the STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, and math). There is considerable and justified concern that the United States is falling behind much of the rest of the developed world in these essential disciplines. India, China, Japan, and other regions seem to be seizing technological leadership. At the same time, perhaps inevitably, the humanities—while still popular in elite colleges and universities—have experienced a significant decline. Humanistic disciplines are seriously underfunded, not just by the government and the foundations but by academic institutions themselves. Humanists are usually among the lowest-paid faculty members at most institutions and are often lightly regarded because they do not generate grant income and because they provide no obvious credentials (资质) for most nonacademic careers. Undoubtedly American education should train more scientists and engineers. Much of the concern among politicians about the state of American universities today is focused on the absence of “real world” education—which means preparation for professional and scientific careers. But the idea that institutions or their students must decide between humanities and science is false. Our society could not survive without scientific and technological knowledge. But we would be equally impoverished (贫困的) without humanistic knowledge as well. Science and technology teach us what we can do. Humanistic thinking helps us understand what we should do. It is almost impossible to imagine our society without thinking of the extraordinary achievements of scientists and engineers in building our complicated world. But try to imagine our world as well without the remarkable works that have defined our culture and values. We have always needed, and we still need, both. 1. In the early 20th century Americans believed science and technology could _______. [A] solve virtually all existing problems [C] help raise people’s living standards [B] quicken the pace of industrialization [D] promote the nation’s social progress 2. Why did many American scholars become enthusiastic about humanistic studies after World WarⅡ? [A] They wanted to improve their own status within the current education system. [B] They believed the stability of a society depended heavily on humanistic studies.

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