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Audiences split on multi-endings


It‘s almost common for a video game nowadays to have several different endings depending on the players‘ choices during gameplay.


Now, these ―multi-endings‖ have expanded to other industries, such as television. The most recent example is the Chinese wuxia drama series The Bride with White Hair, which finished last Sunday night on Hunan Satellite TV.


I t‘s not the first time the network has tried multi-endings. Just a few months ago the network experimented with the double-ending concept in its summer series Fairytale. Viewers voted online for the ending they wanted to see on TV, and the network broadcast the ending that received most votes. The alternate endings were made available online.


The same rules applied for The Bride with White Hair, which is loosely based on Liang Yusheng‘s novel of the same title. But due to the popularity of the classic story, which has been adapted many times, and because the series starred well-known actors such as Nicky Wu, the multi-ending approach caused quite a stir.


―Now that audiences had the power to choose the ending, of course I wanted to see a happy one in which ZhuoYihang and LianNishang end up togethe r,‖ said Zhao Yiwen, 19, a freshman at East China Normal University.


Most fans of the series, like Zhao, went for the happy ending, which was aired on TV. However, as the original story has a different ending, another group of fans devoted to the novel felt the alternate endings were unreasonable.


―Different endings mean different stories. I think the revision didn‘t respect the novel. Clearly a line has been crossed,‖ an Internet user commented on the series‘ official SinaWeibo.


Despite the controversy, the series got high ratings. In an interview with Beijing Evening News, Wu said this was due to the new ideas producers introduced in the alternative version.


―Adaptations allow for certain changes, especially when the original story is more than 50 years old,‖ Wu said. ―I think making such a story corresponds to the young generation‘s taste.‖


In the end, the producers‘ efforts were rewarded with strong ratings, and audiences got to watch the happy ending they longed for. So, a happy ending for everyone.





Job stress hits students


As the job-hunting season kicks off, many grads are suffering from anxiety.


Job interview results are becoming the most common conversation topic in dormitories. Worried about not getting satisfactory offers, some students have sleep problems, or lose their appetite. Some might even display symptoms of depression.


According to a survey across several universities in Wuhan conducted by Wuhan Yangtze Business University, over 72 percent of student participants were worried about finding a job.


Students in the first one or two years were also uneasy about their job prospects, which contributed to spreading anxiety further.


Lang Lei, 22, a business major from Renmin University in Beijing, admitted having mood swings when job hunting.


The student hoped to get positions with large State-owned enterprises in his hometown of Yantai, Shandong. But when it turned out that things wouldn‘t be so easy, Lang became concerned.


―I began to worry,‖ said Lang, who has now changed to more realistic goals.

―Sometimes it was impossible for me to stop worrying and it become really irritating.

I had to talk about it on and on with my friends.‖


Others feel tortured while waiting for interview results. Mo Tong, a senior software engineering major at South China Normal University, would lapse into a jittery state every time after he attended a job interview.


―For a day or two I couldn‘t help but keep thinking about how I performed in front of the interviewers, how well I tackled their questions, and whether they would consider giving me a chance in the end,‖ he said.


Mo was unable to focus on other things as his apprehension grew. Often he just wanted to grab a phone to call the Human Resources Department, bu t he didn‘t have their number.


―This made me extremely desperate. Even hearing ?No‘ for an answer would have been a relief,‖ Mo recalled.


Media reports about rising unemployment rates and a difficult job market have touched students‘ nerves.


―I‘m alarmed by articles saying how bachelor‘s degree holders are losing ground,‖ said Wang Hongjuan, a sophomore English major from Putian University in Fujian province. ―It suggests to me that good jobs are only available to graduate or doctoral students.‖


As Wang has no plans to further her education, she has to commit herself to all sorts of extracurricular activities to improve her prospects. This throws her into a packed schedule.


Wen Fang, a well-known education psychology expert and consultant in Beijing, advises students not to be misled by gloomy surveys and reports about the job market. 来自北京的知名教育心理专家兼顾问温方(音译)建议学生不要被那些有关就业市场不景气的调查与报道所误导。

―Unemployment rates are not linked to an individual‘s chances of getting a job,‖ he said. ―An individual‘s chances are actually mainly determined by his or her capability.‖―失业率与个人求职成功机率之间并无关联,‖他说道,―一个人求职成功机率主要由个人能力决定。‖

According to Wen, a moderate degree of anxiety is normal - it can even be helpful. But if it constantly affects a student‘s normal life, one should pay more atte ntion.

―Focus on adapting yourself to the needs of society, and never ever overestimate your goals,‖ Wen added.




uneasy 心神不安的,不自


mood swing情绪波动


lapse into跌入jittery 神经过敏的,战战兢兢的


lose ground走下坡路,撤退doctoral博士的extracurricular课外的,业余的gloomy令人沮丧的overestimate评价过高

What does happiness even mean?


Recently, CCTV journalists have approached pedestrians with their cameras, held a microphone to their mouth and asked a simple question: ―Are you happy?‖


The question has caught many interviewees off guard. Even Mo Yan, who recently won a Nobel Prize, responded by saying: ―I don‘t know‖.


While the question has become a buzz phrase and the Internet plays host to heated discussions, we ask: What exactly is happiness? And how do you measure it?


In the 1776 US Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson set in writing the people‘s unalienable right to ―Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness‖. Last year, 235 years on, China‘s Premier Wen Jiabao told the nation: ―Everything we do is aimed at letting people live more happily.‖ At last year‘s National People‘s Congress, officials agreed that increasing happiness would be a top target for the 12th five-year plan.



US psychologist Ed Diener, author of Happiness: Unlocking the Mysteries of Psychological Wealth, describes happiness as ―a combination of life satisfaction and having more positive than negative emotions‖, according to US broadcasting network PBS. This may sound straightforward enough, but it still doesn‘t explain what determines people‘s happiness.


Many argue that happiness is elusive and that there is no single source. It also means different things to different people. For some, happiness can be as simple as having enough cash to buy a new bicycle; for others, it‘s about socializing or finding the perfect spouse.


Researchers believe happiness can be separated into two types: daily experiences of hedonic well-being; and evaluative well-being, the way people think about their lives as a whole. The former refers to the quality of living, whereas the latter is about overall happiness, including life goals and achievements. Happiness can cross both dimensions.


Li Jun, a psychologist and mental therapy practitioner at a Beijing clinic, says:

―Happiness can mean both the most basic human satisfaction or the highest level of spiritual pursuit. It‘s a simple yet profound topic.‖


Chen Shangyuan, 21, a junior English major at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, said his idea of happiness always evolves. ―At present it relates to how productive I am in a day,‖ he said. ―It might be linked to job security or leisure time after I graduate.‖


Then there is the question of measuring happiness. Does it depend on how many friends we have, or whether we own the latest smartphone? Is it even quantifiable?


Economists are trying to measure happiness in people‘s lives. Since 1972, Bhutan‘s GDP measurement has been replaced by a Gross National Happiness index. It is calculated according to the peoples‘ sense of being well-governed, their relationship with the environment, their satisfaction with economic development, and their sense of national belonging.


In 2009, US economist Jo seph Stiglitz proposed ―to shift emphasis from measuring economic production to measuring people‘s well-being‖. But is well-being more easily measured?




elusive 难懂的,难捉








在你知道这些人生哲学之前你会问自己:―为什么我这么晚才明白这些道理,为什么这么快生命就走到了尽头?‖ 花点时间想想自己想要什么,需要什么;花点时间去冒险;花点时间去爱、去笑、去哭泣、去学习和原谅。生命往往比看上去更短暂。Before you know it you‘ll be asking, ―How did it get so late so soon?‖ So take time to figure yourself out. Take time to realize what you want and need. Take time to take risks. Take time to love, laugh, cry, learn, and forgive. Life is shorter than it often seems。

下面这十大人生道理你应该尽早懂得:Here are ten things you need to know, before it‘s too late:

活在当下。 1. This moment is your life。

生命并不是从出生到死亡的这段时间,而是你呼吸着的时时刻刻。现在——此时此地——就是你所有的人生。所以在生命的每一分钟,都应该生活在充实、善良和平静之中,而不是恐惧和遗憾。此刻你可以尽你所能做到最好,因为谁都指望不住,包括你自己。Your life is not between the moments of your birth and death. Your life is between now and your next breath. The present – the here and now – is all the life you ever get. So live each moment in full, in kindness and peace, without fear and regret. And do the best you can with what you have in this moment; because that is all you can ever expect of anyone, including yourself.

一辈子并不长。 2. A lifetime isn‘t very long.

这是你的人生,你必须为之奋斗。为你认为对的事情奋斗,为你的信仰奋斗,为那些对于你来说重要的东西而奋斗,为你爱的人而奋斗,记得告诉他们:他们对你很重要。要知道此刻你是幸运的,因为你仍然有机会。因此停留片刻,好好思考一下你还有什么事情需要去做,今天就开始行动。不要等到明天,明日复明日,明日何其多。This is your life, and you‘ve got to fight for it. Fight for what‘s right. Fight for what you believe in. Fight for what‘s important to you. Fight for the people you love, and never forget to tell them how much they mean to you. Realize that right now you‘re lucky because you still have a chance. So stop for a moment and think. Whatever you still need to do, start doing it today. There are only so many tomorrows。

今天的牺牲和努力未来都会有回报。3. The sacrifices you make today will pay dividends in the future。

‖说到为梦想而奋斗——学位,创业,或其他任何需要时间和投入才能实现的个人成就——你先要问自己一个问题:―我是否愿意过几年大多数人都不愿过的苦日子,只为拥有大多数人无法企及的幸福余生?‖When it comes to working hard to achieve a dream –earning a degree, building a business, or any other personal achievement that takes time and commitment – one thing you have to ask yourself is: ―Am I willing to live a few years of my life like many people won‘t, so I can spend the rest of my life like many people can‘t?

拖延会让你成为昨天的奴隶。4. When you procrastinate, you become a slave to yesterday。

当你积极主动的时候,昨天就好像一个好朋友,帮你卸下背上的负担。所以要做什么事现在就开始吧,以后你会感激你自己的,相信我,明天你会为今天就开始行动而感到高兴。When you are proactive, it‘s as if yesterday is a kind friend that helps take a load off your back. So do something right now that your future self will thank you for. Trust me, tomorrow you‘ll be happy you started today.

失败只是成长的课堂。 5. Failures are only lessons.

那些受过挫折却仍然怀有希望的人,那些尝过失败滋味却仍然拥有信仰的人,那些受过伤害却仍然相信真爱的人,美好的东西终会降临到他们身上。因此,永远都不要为生活中已经发生的事情后悔;这些事情已经无法改变、抹去或遗忘。把这些经历都当做教训,继续有风度的前进。Good things come to those who still hope even though they‘ve been disappointed, to those who still believe even though they‘ve tasted failure, to those who still love even though they‘ve been hurt. So never regret anything that has happened in your life; it cannot be changed, undone or forgotten. Take it all as lessons learned and move on with grace。

最重要的朋友是自己。 6. You are your most important relationship。

幸福是自己的感受,无需他人的批准。在和周围人建立健康的关系前,你首先得和自己建立一种健康的关系。你要觉得自己眼中的自己是有价值和受欢迎的,这样你在他人的眼中就是一个自信的形象,才能自信的与他人交往。Happiness is when you feel good about yourself without feeling the need for anyone else‘s approval. You must first have a healthy relationship with yourself before you can have a healthy relationship with others. You have to feel worthwhile and acceptable


your own eyes, so that you‘ll be able to look

confidently into the eyes of the people

around you and connect with them.

行为见人心。 7. A person‘s actions speak the truth 。




要知道的所有东西。 You‘re going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times; but in the end, it‘s always their actions you should judge them by. So pay attention to what people do. Their actions

will tell you everything you need to know.

小小善举成就美好世界。 8. Small acts of kindness can make the world

a better place.

对那些辛苦度日的人们报以微笑。善待他们,善意是这个世界上唯一不会失败的投资,只要有人类就有爱。要学会给予,哪怕只是一个小小的微笑,不是因为你拥有的太多,而是因为这世界上有很多人觉得他们一无所有。 Smile at people who look like they are

having a rough day. Be kind to them.

Kindness is the only investment that never

fails. And wherever there is a human being,

there‘s an opportunity for kindness. Learn to

give, even if it‘s just a smile, not because you

have too much, but because you understand

there are so many others who feel like they

have nothing at all.

破茧成蝶的美好生活都有伤痛。 9. Behind every beautiful life, there has been

some kind of pain.


You fall, you rise, you make mistakes, you

live, you learn. You‘re human, not perfect.

You‘ve been hurt, but you‘re alive. Think of

what a precious privilege it is to be alive

– to breathe, to think, to enjoy, and to chase

the things you love. Sometimes there is

sadness in our journey, but there is also lots

of beauty. We must keep putting one foot in

front of the other even when we hurt, for we

will never know what is waiting for us just

around the bend.

时间和经历会抚平一切伤痛。 10. Time and experience heals pain 。







在你的记忆中逐渐淡化。 Your negative event seems much larger to you because it is a greater percentage of your total life experiences. I am not diminishing the importance of this event; I simply have a different perspective on it. What you need to understand is that an overwhelmingly painful event in your life right now will one day be part of your much larger past and not nearly

as significant as it seems.

Adventure story survives challenges


导读:李安的新作《少年派的奇幻漂流》正在热映。此前,几乎零差评(negative feedback)的好口碑也让观众期待满满。而影评人对该片的评价如何呢?一起来看看吧!

vice 恶行,缺点

exposition 展露,呈现 notorious 臭名昭著的

strand 搁浅,困住 adaptation 改编

adventurous 充满冒险的 arduous 艰巨的,费力的

audition 试镜 clunky 笨重的

premiere 首映 on-the-nose

准确,恰好 seamlessly


Before the world premiere of Life of Pi at this year‘s New York Film Festival on Sept 28, director Ang Lee joked that his latest film in three years hit the four most notorious ―vices‖ in the moviemaking process: kids, animals, water and 3-D.

在今年9月28日的纽约电影节上,影片《少年派的奇幻漂流》举行了全球首映,而在此之前该片导演李安曾打趣说,他这部历时三年的新作撞上了业界最糟糕的四大―恶行―——水、小孩、动物,还有3D 。

Although we will discover how that turns out when the film releases on Nov 22, early reviews have said Lee‘s adaptation of Life of Pi is ―one of the year‘s most beautiful, original and adventurous pictures‖.



Based on the best-selling novel by Yann Martel, Life of Pi tells the story of Pi (Suraj Sharma), a young man who gets stranded at sea with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker after the ship carrying Pi‘s family and his father‘s zoo from India to Canada sinks.


On the surface, the film is about Pi‘s tale of survival – yet Life of Pi holds so much more within its two-hour running time.


―Visually, Life of Pi, which mixes real tigers with computer-generated effects almost seamlessly, is like nothing seen onscreen in some time,‖ movie critic Justin Chang wrote in his review for Variety magazine. ―And the 3-D in particular is the best since perhaps Avatar.‖


Lee told the New York Film Festival audience following the screening that Life of Pi was exceedingly hard to make. Due to weather conditions and the difficulty of controlling animals, he said, only one-eighth of his planned shots were actually filmed.


Despite arduous conditions, Lee was able to push an excellent lead performance from Sharma, a newcomer who originally accompanied his brother to the audition before landing the role of Pi himself.


―By the end of it, I didn‘t feel like I was acting anymore,‖ Sharma recently told Hollywood Reporter. ―I was an instrument, of sorts, and Lee pulled the emotion through me. It just went in and came out.‖

―拍摄后期,我已经不再觉得自己是在表演了。‖近日,沙玛在接受好莱坞记者采访时表示。―我仿佛各种各样的仪器,李安导演在我体内灌输情感。然后情感便如此收放自如了。‖The film isn‘t perfect, though. The New York Times said there‘s ―a clunky moment of exposition at the end that feels entirely too on-the-nose‖. But we know what to expect from Lee, one of the most successful Chinese directors in Hollywood. One thing is for sure: he never disappoints.


Mixed debut for Zhao Wei


The reason I wanted to see So Young is that it‘s Zhao Wei‘s directorial debut. I guess I didn‘t expect much else.


Is it a mature first project for the actress? Definitely. Is it a good film in general? Not in my opinion.


So Young has everything a popular youth film should have: Beautiful young actors, a story about colorful campus life and intricate romance, and a strong sense of nostalgia. 《致我们终将逝去的青春》拥有一切青春题材的流行电影应该具备的元素:养眼的俊男靓女;丰富多彩的校园生活;错综复杂的感情;强烈的怀旧色彩。

The leading female character Zheng Wei (Yang Zishan) enrolls at university to stay close to her childhood sweetheart Lin Jing (Han Geng). But when Lin moves abroad

to pursue his education, life loses its luster for Zheng. Until she meets the dashing yet aloof Chen Xiaozheng (Mark Chao).


The film also features a bunch of vivid supporting characters: The campus queen who falls for a worthless wretch, the rich kid who is rejected by his dream girl, and

Zheng‘s boyish roommate with a huge ego.


Together they put on quite a show under Zhao‘s direction and her smoot h and aesthetic camera work. You‘ll find yourself laughing over their trivial yet funny life on campus in the early 1990s.


As expected, the film‘s second half takes the audience to years later whe n the characters have moved on into different corners of society. But the film unexpectedly breaks with the comedic vibe and turns into a serious discussion about the meaning of life and love.


Through the events in their current life and flashbacks of their college years, the film portrays how life has changed these characters. And that‘s where the film goes awry.


The emotional transition of the characters seems overhasty. If you watch the 2011 youth film You‘re the Apple of My Eye, you‘ll find that the film‘s resonance with the audience accumulates from the beginning ― through details like sexual fantasies and crushes in puberty ― and peaks in the end. In So Young, the sudden emotional touch with endless rhetorical lines just isn‘t enough to strike a chord.


Zhao also clearly wanted to give every character a proper ending. But unfortunately she tried a bit too hard, making the film‘s second half feel lengthy and unedited.


Even so, given my reasonably low expectations, Zhao still gets full credits for her effort as a first-time director. Without her insightful input and observations, I think

the film would have been worse.


Just as time wrinkles the skin but enriches the soul, a mediocre film may as well be

the best motivation for Zhao to make better ones in the future.


Decades-old case returns to public eye 尘封二十年的投毒事件:“朱令案”重回公众视野

An unsolved case of poisoning nearly two decades old has hit the headlines again

after a petition posted on the White House website named a suspect and called for her

to be extradited to China.


The petition, which has collected more than 130,000 signatures in the "We the People" section of the site, alleged that that 39-year-old Sun Wei was the perpetrator of the incident and even claimed she is living in the United States illegally because she gained entry to the country via a fraudulent marriage. The petition offered no evidence to back up the claims.


However, one comment - "The US government should deport Sun!" - was representative of the feverish mood of many petitioners.


The story began in 1994 when Zhu Ling, a 21-year-old student at Tsinghua University in Beijing, was poisoned with the heavy metal thallium.


Although her life was saved, Zhu was left with serious neurological damage and permanent physical impairment.


Once a talented student with promising future, Zhu now is paralyzed and practically blind.


Although no evidence has ever been presented publicly and no charges brought, online speculation suggested that Sun, one of Zhu`s roommates, was behind the incident. More startlingly, there have been claims that she wasn`t charged with the crime because a number of her relatives were powerful officials. Again, no evidence has been produced that this was the case.

虽然没有公开任何证据,也并无任何指控,但网上的种种推测都指向朱令的室友——孙维,暗示她才是幕后元凶。更令人惊讶的是,有传闻称,孙维之所以没有被指控犯罪是因为其亲戚位高权重。当然也没有任何证据支持这一说法。Beijing police spent four years investigating the incident. Although Sun was questioned as part of the investigation, the police took no further action. By 1999, the police concluded that forensic evidence from the scene had deteriorated to the point where a conviction would be impossible.



Uneasy reactions


The White House petition quickly drew comments from Chinese citizens and expatriates. However, the timing and tenor of the recent accusations against Sun have caused unease.


Zhang Jie, Zhu Ling`s lawyer and a senior partner at Beijing Litian Law Office, said that although he appreciated the sincerity of the opinions aired, posting a petition on the website of a foreign government is not the right way to seek help.


"Zhu Ling`s case is still under the provenance of Chinese law, and I object to the use of these channels to ask a foreign power to intervene in Chinese domestic justice," he said.


The rumor that Sun comes from the family of a senior official can be seen as a manifestation of public anger against the wealthy and privileged, according to Lin Guirui, a psychology professor at the Capital Normal University.


ZhengZaisuo, a senior lawyer at Zhong Yin Law Firm in Beijing, said the petition and subsequent furor illustrated that the power of social media is a double-edged sword. It drew public attention to Zhu`s case, which had been overlooked for nearly two decades, but at the same time stirred up irrational emotions.


"Online bulletin board sites and weibo (social networking sites) are flooded with rumors, angry comments and curses," he said. "These angry people think they are protecting one person`s rights, but they may be harming another`s rights at the same time. "



A personal statement


Despite the time lag, online interest in Zhu`s case has never quite abated. The issue was reignited by the Fudan poisoning tragedy.


On Dec 30, 2005, 10 years after the incident, Sun posted a message titled "Sun Wei`s statement: Refuting the rumor that I poisoned my roommate Zhu Ling" on the forum of one of China`s biggest bulletin board sites, Tianya. The post gained 1.5 million hits and many readers left comments.


On April 18, Sun posted a second, much shorter statement, saying that she lived a lonely but contented life and cared little about either positive or negative public opinion. The post received more than 6 million hits and 225,000 comments.


"I understand why people are so angry about this case. Many think it confirms a widespread belief that officials are above the law," said ZhengZaisuo, referring to the allegations of an official coverup. "But people need to be rational. What we need is a rigorous legal system and an objective investigation, not mob revenge against Sun." 针对官员包庇的说法,郑在索律师表示:―我能够理解人们为何对朱令案感到如此愤慨。很多人认为这一事件证实了人们眼中官大于法的共识。但是人们需要理性。我们需要的是严格的法律体系和客观的调查,而不是粗暴地对孙维进行聚众报复。‖



thallium(化学)铊forensic evidence法医证据


furor狂热bulletin board




Mother's Day gifts that show your care


I`m not going to beat around the bush here. I`ll just say it like it is. All the hype around Mother`s Day is ridiculous. For a holiday that`s supposed to celebrate the precious relationship between a mother and her child, there sure is a lot to distract me from that relationship.


I mean, give me a break. My mother does not need any more bath stuff. If she`s at all like me, she`s gotten enough lotion over the years to soothe her skin into the 23rd century! And she doesn`t want any chocolate. In fact, it`s my dad who likes that, way more than she does. Let`s face it. If you have a strong enough relationship with your mother to want to buy her a gift for Mother`s Day, most of the gifts out there scream GENERIC!!!


Over the years, I`ve come up with some ways to give to my mom that avoid all the hype and the sappy generic-ness of the holiday as its often celebrated. As a bonus, if you think about it now, you`ll be ready for the day when it comes!


Spend time with your mom


I know, it`s a shocker. But the truth is that most moms I know want to hear from their kids more than they do. You can even do this if you live far away from your mom.

Give her a call and let her know you want to talk for a while, or set up a phone date ahead of time so you`ll both be free to focus on each other. Then ask her about herself, how her days are going and what she`s feeling. Focus on hearing her heart. After all, this is the woman who birthed you...maybe knowing her will help you know yourself better, and that`s never a bad thing.


Write down your memories of her


Many moms love to know what their kids remember from childhood and how they perceived the things that happened then. Make a list of these for your mom, focusing on ones that highlight positive changes in your relationship with her. Make the list pretty, and give it to her. Or, tear each memory off in a strip, fold it up and put it in a jar. Give her the sealed jar for Mother`s Day, and she can pull out a memory every day until they`re gone. If you run short on memories, do the same with lessons you`ve learned from her.


Take photos with her


Was your mom one of those people who has every family event for the last 30 years documented in extensive photographic detail? Then spend some time getting pictures taken with her. Take her to a favorite park or garden, or do it in your own backyard. While you can hire a professional photographer, all you really need is a digital camera and someone who knows how to operate it. Your poses can be silly or serene, but no matter how they turn out, taking them will make your mom`s day.


Clean her house


I know a few people who like to clean, but even they can find it overwhelming when life gets busy. So pick up a bucket and a mop and show mom that you really do remember all her lessons on scrubbing the house. You don`t have to clean everything and you don`t even have to to the best job ever. As long as you`re willing to get your hands dirty, she`ll be happy, and relieved that she didn`t have to do it herself!


Remember her


Instead of focusing your love on your mom only at Mother`s Day, come up with a comprehensive plan to love her year-round. This doesn`t have to be hard. Maybe it means you call her every-other Sunday instead of

whenever-you-feel-like-it-which-sometimes-means-a-month-goes-by-without-talking. Put her in your calendar, or ask an assistant to put it in theirs and remind you when the time comes. Your mom might not notice the difference on Mother`s Day, but

she`ll appreciate the thought throughout the year.


Here`s hoping that one of these ideas will work for you, or will spark a desire in you to do something that will show your mom how much you value that relationship.

