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Eplan Electric P8 Reference Handbook, 3th Edition【官方出品】

Eplan Electric P8 Reference Handbook, 3th Edition【官方出品】
Eplan Electric P8 Reference Handbook, 3th Edition【官方出品】

Bernd Gischel

EPLAN Electric P8 Reference Handbook

3rd edition, revised

B a s e d o n

E P L A N E l e

c t r i c P8

v e r s i o n2.


Bernd Gischel

EPLAN Electric P8 Reference Handbook *************************本文章为EP8 reference Handbook,3th edition 各章节首页。欲获得全文者


另有EP8 reference Handbook,4th edition ***********************

Bernd Gischel

EPLAN Electric P8 Reference Handbook 3rd edition, revised

The Author: Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Gischel, Lünen, Germany

Translated by Lindsey Translations, Deisenhofen, Germany

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? Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich 2013

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Foreword....................................................................................................................... XIII

1Installing EPLAN Electric P8 (1)

1.1 Hardware (1)

1.2 Installation (2)

1.3 Note for users of previous versions (10)

1.3.1 Parallel operation with previous versions (10)

2The basics of the system (11)

2.1 Five principles for working with EPLAN Electric P8 (11)

2.2 Directory structure, storage locations (13)

2.3 Settings – General (15)

2.3.1 Settings – Project (16)

2.3.2 Settings – User (28)

2.3.3 Settings – Station (35)

2.3.4 Settings – Company (35)

2.4 EPLAN and multiple starts? (37)

2.5 Properties (37)

2.5.1 Project properties (38)

2.5.2 Page properties (40)

2.5.3 Symbol properties (components) (41)

2.5.4 Form properties (41)

2.5.5 Plot frame properties (42)

2.6 Buttons and popup menus (42)

2.6.1 Device dialog buttons (42)

2.6.2 Buttons in dialogs (configuring) (43)

2.6.3 Buttons in dialogs such as filter schemes (44)

2.6.4 Small blue triangular button (44)

2.6.5 Property arrangements (components) (45)

VI Contents

2.6.6 Format properties (46)

2.6.7 Buttons (small black triangles) (47)

2.6.8 Dialogs for schemes (48)

2.7 Master data (48)

2.8 Operation (49)

2.8.1 Using the keyboard (50)

2.8.2 Using the mouse (51)

2.9 The user interface – more useful information (51)

2.9.1 Using workspaces (51)

2.9.2 Dialog display (52)

3 Projects (57)

3.1 Project types (58)

3.1.1 Project types in EPLAN (59)

3.1.2 Project templates and basic projects (60)

3.2 Creating a new project (62)

3.2.1 New project (from a basic project) (63)

3.2.2 New project (with a project creation wizard) (65)

4The graphical editor (GED) (75)

4.1 Page navigator (75)

4.1.1 Page types (77)

4.1.2 The popup menu in the page navigator (78)

4.1.3 Page navigator filter (94)

4.2 General functions (96)

4.2.1 The title bar (97)

4.2.2 The status bar (97)

4.3 Coordinate systems (98)

4.3.1 Graphical coordinate system (98)

4.3.2 Logical coordinate system (99)

4.4 Grid (99)

4.5 Increments, coordinate input (100)

4.5.1 Increment (100)

4.5.2 Coordinate input (101)

4.5.3 Relative coordinate input (102)

4.5.4 Move base point (103)

4.6 Graphical editing functions (104)

4.6.1 Graphical objects – lines, circles, rectangles (104)

4.6.2 Trim, chamfer, stretch and more .?.?. (106)

4.6.3 Group and ungroup (111)


4.6.4 Copy, move, delete, .?.?. (113)

4.6.5 Dimensioning (113)

4.7 Texts (116)

4.7.1 Normal (free) texts (117)

4.7.2 Path function texts (118)

4.7.3 Special texts (119)

4.7.4 The Properties – Text dialog (121)

4.8 Components (symbols) (126)

4.8.1 Insert components (symbols) (126)

4.8.2 Properties (components) dialog – [device] tab (127)

4.8.3 The Display tab (129)

4.8.4 The Symbol/function data tab (131)

4.8.5 The Parts tab (134)

4.9 Cross-references (135)

4.9.1 Contact image on component (135)

4.9.2 Contact image in path (138)

4.9.3 Special feature: Pair cross-reference (139)

4.9.4 Device selection settings (142)

4.10 Macros (144)

4.10.1 Types of macros (144)

4.10.2 Macros with value sets (149)

5 Navigators (157)

5.1 Overview of the most important navigators (158)

5.1.1 Additional navigators and modules (162)

5.2 Device navigator (164)

5.2.1 Device navigator/Assign main function (166)

5.2.2 Device navigator/Cross-reference DTs (168)

5.2.3 Device navigator/Synchronize function texts (169)

5.2.4 Device navigator/Interconnect devices (170)

5.2.5 Device navigator/Number (offline) (177)

5.2.6 Device navigator/New .?.?. (181)

5.2.7 Device navigator/New device .?.?. (182)

5.2.8 Device navigator/Place/[Representation type] (183)

5.3 Terminal strip navigator (185)

5.3.1 Terminal strip navigator/Edit .?.?. (185)

5.3.2 Terminal strip navigator/Correct (188)

5.3.3 Terminal strip navigator/Number terminals (189)

5.3.4 Terminal strip navigator/New .?.?. (193)

5.3.5 Terminal strip navigator/New functions .?.?. (193)

5.3.6 Terminal strip navigator/New terminals (devices) .?.?. (195)

5.3.7 Terminal strip navigator/Place/[Representation type] (197)

VIII Contents

5.4 Plug navigator (Socket navigator) (197)

5.4.1 Plug navigator/Edit (197)

5.4.2 Plug navigator/Correct (198)

5.4.3 Plug navigator/Number pins (199)

5.4.4 Plug navigator/New .?.?. (199)

5.4.5 Plug navigator/New functions .?.?. (200)

5.4.6 Plug navigator/Generate plug definition (200)

5.4.7 Plug navigator/Generate pin (201)

5.4.8 Plug navigator/Place/[Representation type] (201)

5.5 Cable navigator (202)

5.5.1 Cable navigator/Edit (203)

5.5.2 Cable navigator/Number (204)

5.5.3 Cable navigator/Generate cables automatically (207)

5.5.4 Cable navigator/Automatic cable selection (209)

5.5.5 Cable navigator/Assign conductors (211)

5.5.6 Cable navigator/New .?.?. (213)

5.5.7 Cable navigator/Place/[Representation type] (213)

5.5.8 Cable navigator/Number cable DT (215)

5.5.9 Cable navigator/Number DT (215)

5.6 PLC navigator (217)

5.6.1 PLC/Write back connection point designations (219)

5.6.2 PLC/Set data types (221)

5.6.3 PLC/Addresses/assignment lists (221)

5.6.4 PLC navigator/Address (223)

5.6.5 PLC navigator/New .?.?. (225)

5.6.6 PLC navigator/New functions .?.?. (225)

5.6.7 PLC navigator/New device .?.?. (227)

5.6.8 PLC navigator/View (227)

5.7 Part navigator/(Devices/Parts) (228)

5.7.1 Popup menu functions (230)

5.8 Assign function (navigators) (235)

5.9 Navigators/Quick input filter (237)

6 Reports (239)

6.1 What are reports? (240)

6.2 Report types (241)

6.3 Types of graphical reports (241)

6.3.1 Report types (forms) (241)

6.3.2 Special connection diagrams (256)

6.4 Settings (output options) (258)

6.4.1 The Display/output project setting (258)

6.4.2 The Parts project setting (260)

6.4.3 The Output to pages project setting (261)

Contents?IX 6.5 Generate reports (267)

6.5.1 The Reports dialog (268)

6.5.2 Generate reports without templates (270)

6.5.3 Popup menus in the Reports tab (279)

6.5.4 Generate reports with templates (280)

6.6 Other functions (286)

6.6.1 Generate project reports (287)

6.6.2 Update (287)

6.6.3 Generate report project (287)

6.6.4 Settings for automatic updates (287)

6.7 L abeling (288)

6.7.1 Settings (289)

6.8 Edit properties externally (295)

6.8.1 Export data (297)

6.8.2 Importing (303)

7Management tasks in EPLAN (307)

7.1 Structure identifier management (307)

7.1.1 Tabs in structure identifier management (311)

7.1.2 Graphical buttons (313)

7.1.3 Sort menu (315)

7.1.4 Extras menu (316)

7.2 Message management (318)

7.2.1 The visual appearance of message management (319)

7.2.2 Project checks (320)

7.2.3 Message classes and message categories (320)

7.2.4 Filters in message management (326)

7.2.5 Various message edition options (328)

7.3 Layer management (330)

7.3.1 Standard layers (330)

7.3.2 Export and import of layers (331)

7.3.3 Create and delete your own layers (332)

7.3.4 Uses of layers (333)

7.4 Parts management (336)

7.4.1 Structure of parts management (338)

7.4.2 Tabs in parts management (339)

7.5 Revision control (346)

7.5.1 General (347)

7.5.2 Generate new revision (347)

7.5.3 Execute changes (349)

7.5.4 Complete page(s) (352)

7.5.5 Generate reports (353)

7.5.6 Complete a project (354)

X Contents

8Export, import, print (357)

8.1 Export and import of DXF/DWG files (358)

8.1.1 Exporting DXF and DWG files (358)

8.1.2 Import of DXF and DWG files (362)

8.2 Image files (365)

8.2.1 Exporting image files (366)

8.2.2 Insert image files (import) (368)

8.3 Print (371)

8.3.1 The Print dialog and its options (372)

8.3.2 Important export/print setting (374)

8.4 Export and import of projects (375)

8.4.1 Exporting projects (375)

8.4.2 Importing projects (375)

8.5 Print attached documents (376)

8.6 Import PDF comments (377)

8.6.1 Importing commented PDF documents (377)

8.6.2 Deleting PDF comments (380)

8.7 Generate PDF documents (382)

8.7.1 Export of PDF files (383)

9Data backup (391)

9.1 Zipping and unzipping of projects (392)

9.1.1 Zip projects (392)

9.1.2 Unzip projects (393)

9.2 Backing up and restoring projects (393)

9.2.1 Back up projects (394)

9.2.2 Restore projects (400)

9.3 Other important settings (402)

9.3.1 Default settings for project backup (global user setting) (402)

9.3.2 Compress project (remove unnecessary data) (403)

9.3.3 Automated processing of a project (405)

9.4 Backing up and restoring master data (408)

9.4.1 Backing up master data (409)

9.4.2 Restoring master data (411)

9.5 Send project by e-mail directly (413)


10Master data editors (415)

10.1 Preparatory measures (418)

10.2 Overview of forms (418)

10.2.1 First option – manual overview (418)

10.2.2 Second option – automatic overview (420)

10.3 Forms (422)

10.3.1 Create new form (from copy) (425)

10.3.2 Edit existing form (431)

10.3.3 Create new form (432)

10.4 Plot frames (433)

10.4.1 Create new plot frame (from copy) (434)

10.4.2 Edit existing plot frame (436)

10.4.3 Create new plot frame (437)

11Old EPLAN data (EPLAN 5?.?.?.).?.?. (439)

11.1 Import options (440)

12 Extensions (443)

12.1 EPLAN Pro Panel (443)

12.1.1 What can EPLAN Pro Panel do? (443)

12.1.2 General (444)

12.1.3 Toolbars in EPLAN Pro Panel (446)

12.1.4 Menus in EPLAN Pro Panel (458)

12.1.5 Navigators in EPLAN Pro Panel (472)

12.1.6 Settings for EPLAN Pro Panel (477)

12.1.7 A practical example with EPLAN Pro Panel (479)

12.2 EPLAN Data Portal (493)

12.2.1 What are the advantages of the EPLAN Data Portal? (493)

12.2.2 Before the first start (493)

12.2.3 How the EPLAN Data Portal works (496)

12.3 Project options (500)

12.3.1 What are project options? (501)

12.3.2 Terminology in the Project options module (501)

12.3.3 Creating options and sections (502)

12.3.4 Generate options overview report (508)

XII Contents

13 FAQs (509)

13.1 General (509)

13.2 Parts (536)

13.3 Terminals, plugs (541)

13.4 Cables (545)

13.5 P L C (548)

13.6 Properties, layers (549)

13.6.1 Master data (553)

13.7 Data exchange (560)

13.8 Reports (561)

14Creating a schematic project – step by step (565)

14.1 Create a project (565)

14.2 Generate pages (569)

14.3 Create a schematic (572)

14.3.1 Insert symbols (573)

14.3.2 Insert cables (578)

14.4 Generate reports (583)

14.4.1 Generating other report pages (586)

Index (587)

Dear Users,

developed. It offers innumerable project editing options and pro-

vides new innovations with each new version.

The current version 2.2 is the result of continual development of

previous versions. This version once again incorporates a wide

range of user requirements and requests that have arisen during

the practical use of EPLAN.

This fourth edition of this book has been revised and expanded based on Version 2.2 to

demonstrate the wide range of functions in EPLAN Electric P8. The book is meant to make

it easier to start using the software and to smoothly guide you around initial hiccups

when working with EPLAN Electric P8. Numerous practical examples show you what is

possible with Version 2.2.

Of course, like its predecessors, this edition cannot and will not describe all of the soft-

ware’s functions or provide examples for every conceivable function. EPLAN Electric P8

becomes increasingly comprehensive with every new version, and it offers a variety of

functions that cannot be completely covered in a single book. A book that describes all

the functions would have thousands of pages and be impractical for the reader.

In Version 2.2, there are also many ways to reach the same goal. I will present and discuss

some solutions. Others you will discover yourself and ask yourself why no one has ever

tried it this or that way before.

This book will recommend solution approaches and demonstrate solutions that will help

simplify your everyday work. It will help you make necessary decisions.

The book is addressed to everyone who uses EPLAN Electric P8 for electrical engineering

designs – both daily and sporadic EPLAN Electric P8 users as well as engineers, electrical

engineers, pupils and students.

I would like to express my thanks to Julia Stepp and her team at the Carl Hanser Verlag

for the opportunity to write and publish this book. I would also like to sincerely thank my

family, especially my wife Susanne. They have always been, and continue to be, very

patient with me.

XIV Foreword

I would also like to thank all of the readers who have made this book a success. All feed-back, whether criticism or praise, has always been a strong motivator for me to revise this book.And finally, I would again like to thank EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG for their consistent and very friendly support and collaboration in compiling some of the information for this edition of the EPLAN Electric P8 Reference Handbook.Important notes All of the examples and explana-tions assume local installation and local operation of EPLAN. Furthermore, the book assumes that the user has all of the user rights in EPLAN and is logged in as the local administrator.It is possible that, depending on the user’s license and module package, certain functionality or a certain function described in the book will not be available or executable in the way in which it is explained and illustrated. Therefore, you should always check to see which licensed add-ons you have (via Help/About/licensed Add-ons tAb ).For this book, EPLAN Electric P8 Professional Edition 2.2.5 Build 6338 was used with the licensed

add-ons shown in the figure.NOTE FOR usERs OF PREVIOus VERsIONs: Certain parts of the functions described here may exist in EPLAN Electric P8 Versions 1.7.x, 1.8.x, 1.9.x, 2.0.x and 2.1.x, but their use, settings and range of functionality may differ from Version 2.2.The examples used in the book are available as an EPLAN Electric P8

p roject at https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fd12147190.html,/handbook . The example

project can also be downloaded in the EPLAN Electric P8 Education V ersion format.

Help/Info/Licensed add-ons tab (excerpt)

Foreword?XV Some of the settings used in this book, such as those for filters or schemes, differ from the

standard EPLAN installation. All of this additional data is available in the sample data. In

addition, some custom, non-standard shortcut keys were also used.

The following text boxes are used to visually highlight notes, tips, etc.

NOTE: This box contains important notes that should be observed when

using EPLAN Electric P8.

TIP: This box contains helpful tips for everyday working with EPLAN

E lectric P8.

TO?DO: This box gives you practical exercises to let you try out what you

have learned.

This box provides additional information and tips.

Whenever this symbol appears in the book’s margin, you will find questions and answers

to problems that occurred during actual use of EPLAN Electric P8.

Since installation requires few steps and can only be performed by the system adminis-trator, this chapter provides only a basic description of this process. EPLAN is usually already installed on the workstation.

Installation of EPLAN generally requires administrator rights. The system administrator also designates at least one EPLAN administrator who will later manage the EPLAN users (also known as rights management). If rights management is not used, then EPLAN can be started by all users without requiring passwords, etc.

User management (an add-on that must be purchased separately and is not always included with every license) is not described in this book. Brief general information is provided as necessary at the appropriate points.


For Version 2.x, EPLAN recommends a CPU comparable to a 3-GHz Intel Pentium D or a 2.4-GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with at least 4 GB of RAM.

EPLAN has no special requirements for the graphics card or other hardware components.

A standard computer as used for Office applications, for example, is sufficient. Even for the graphic card, the more available memory, the smoother EPLAN runs. Certain add-ons, such as EPLAN Pro Panel and its extensions, have other hardware requirements that affect the graphics card and its drivers.

I feel that a single-screen solution can no longer be recommended for EPLAN due to the many additional modular dialogs that can be displayed, such as the various navigators. A two-screen solution is clearly preferable, and a three-screen solution with each screen having a resolution of at least 1680 × 1050 pixels is ideal.

Of course, EPLAN still functions with just one screen. But this screen should have a reso-lution of at least 1280 × 1024 pixels.

2 1?Installing EPLAN Electric P8


As far as installation is concerned, EPLAN is a normal Windows program. Apart from a

few entries, the new EPLAN Setup Manager (as of Version 2.1.x) performs most of the

work. There are only a few entries in the Windows registry, which is commendable and

not always the case today.

Installation is usually started using the installation CD. The Setup.exe file in the root direc-

tory of the CD is run to begin installation. Installation after downloading the installation

package from the EPLAN homepage works the same way (the downloaded ZIP file unpacks

the installation data into the same directories that would be on the installation DVD).

Fig. 1.1■Installation directory

NOTE:Running EPLAN Electric P8 requires a specific version of .NET

Framework. If .NET Framework is not installed, or is not installed in the

required version, it must be installed before you can proceed with the

installation of EPLAN.
