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Unit 1 Look it up! 查阅


Here are two articles['ɑ?t?k(?)l]文章 from an encyclopaedia [?n,sa?kl?'pid??]百科全书.


Da Vinci, Leanardo


Leanardo da Vinci (1452—1519) was an Italian painter['pe?nt?]画家, inventor[?n'vent?]发明家, musician [mju?'z??(?)n]音乐家, engineer [end??'n??] 工程师and scientist.


Da Vinci was born in出生于 the countryside['k?ntr?sa?d]农村. From an early age从早期开始, he showed great intelligence[?n'tel?d?(?)ns] 智慧and artistic ability[ɑ?'t?st?k] [?'b?l?ti]艺术才能. As当;随着 he grew older, he learnt to do many different things. His paintings['pe?nt??]画作 are very famous, and one, the Mona Lisa, is perhaps the most famous painting in the world. He also had many inventions[?n'ven?(?)n]发明. For example, his notebooks['n??tb?k]笔记本include[?n'klu?d]包括some interesting drawings['dr??(r)??]绘画 of flying machines [m?'?i?n]飞行器.


恐龙比人类早 6000万年就生活在地球上。他们遍布在地球上的每一个地方。


Dinosaurs lived on Earth more than 60 million['m?lj?n]百万 years before human beings 人类. They lived everywhere on Earth. Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens. Others were as big as ten elephants. Some could even['i?v(?)n]甚至 fly.

许多恐龙是吃植物的,但有些恐龙又喜欢吃肉。恐龙在地球上的生活超过了 1.5亿年。但是,突然之间,他们灭绝了。没有人知道为什么。不过,我们可以从它们的化石去了解他们。

Many dinosaurs ate plants[plɑ?nt]植物. However, some dinosaurs liked to eat meat. Dinosaurs lived on Earth for more than 150 million years. Then, suddenly, they all died out灭绝. Nobody knows why. However, we can learn about them from their fossils['f?s(?)l].化石


Australia’s big attractions[?'tr?k?(?)n]


Australia is a very big country. It also has many big attractions.


The Big Banana

大香蕉(雕塑)在科夫斯港。它是由 John Landy 于 1964 年制作的。

Landy 想要某个东西能招揽人们来到他的水果店,于是他建造了“大香蕉”。



The big banana is in Coffs Harbour['hɑ?b?]港口. It was made in 1964 by John Landy. Landy wanted something to make people come to his fruit shop, so he built the Big Banana. The idea worked起作用. Many people visited his fruit shop and took pictures of拍照 the Big Banana. Soon people all over Australia 整个澳大利亚began making big things.


The Big Merino


The Big Merino[m?'ri?n??]美利奴样 is in the city of Goulburn. Merinos are a type of 一种sheep. They can live in dry weather ['wee?]天气. Some places in Australia are very dry[dra?]干燥的, so these sheep are very important to the farmers there. Inside the Big Merino, there is a small museum [mju?'z??m] 博物馆about the history of wool[w?l] in Australia. Visitors can also climb up爬上去 to the Big Merino’s head and look at the view [vju?]风景 through [θru?]通过 its eyes.


Encyclopaedia Britannica

《大英百科全书》是举世闻名的一本百科全书。它是历史最悠久的英文百科全书。第一版出版于 1768 年,从那时起,已经修订过 15 个版本。第 15 版共有32 卷。它们共约 40 万字,包含五十万个主题。今天,《大英百科全书》有一个 DVD 版本。你也可以在网上找到它。你知道哪本中国的知名的百科全书吗?关于它你都知道些什么?

The Encyclopaedia Britannica is a world-famous encyclopaedia. It is the oldest English-language encyclopaedia. The first edition was published in 1768, and since then there have been 15 editions. The 15th edition is made up of 32 volumes. Together they contain about 40 million words on half a million topics. Today there is a DVD edition of the Britannica. You can also find it online.

Do you know about any famous Chinese encyclopaedias? What do you know about them?

Unit 2


The king [k??] and the rice[ra?s]


A long time ago很久以前, there was有a king in India['?nd??]印度. The king’s favourite['fev?r?t]最喜欢的 game游戏 was chess[t?es]象棋.


One day一天, a wise[wa?z] 聪明的old man 老人came to来到 the palace ['p?l?s]宫殿 and the king challenged['t??l?n(d)?]挑战 him to a game. The king promised['pr?m?s]

答应the old man老人, “You can have 有any任何 prize[pra?z]奖品 if 如果you win the game赢得比赛.”


The old man said说, “If I win the game, I’d like想要 one grain [gre?n] 粒of rice米for the first 第一个square[skwe?] 方格of the chessboard ['t?esb??d]棋盘, two for the second第二个, four for the third第三个, and then double ['d?b(?)l] 翻倍the amount[?'ma?nt] 数量for each 每一个of...的 the rest of 剩下的the squares方格.”



“Is that all全部?”asked the king. “Wouldn’t you like gold[g??ld] 金子or或者silver['s?lv?] 银子instead[?n'sted]相反?”

“No, just仅仅,只 rice米,” replied [ri'plaid] 回答the old man.


The king国王and the old man played the game for a long time很长时间. Finally['fa?n?l?]最后, the old man won[w?n]获胜. So 所以the king ordered['??d?]命令 his men to collect[k?'lekt]收集 a bag of rice一袋米. He put放 one grain[gre?n]粒on the first square, two on the second, and so on等等. The king quickly realized['ri??la?z] 意识到the problem问题—even甚至 with 用all the rice所有的米in the country国家, he would将 still仍然 not have 有enough足够的 rice to put 放on all the squares[skwe?]方格!


Counting[ka?nt]数数 before在...之前 numbers数字


Before the invention [?n'ven?(?)n]发明 of written numbers['r?tn]书写数字, people人们 used用 many 很多different 不同的ways方法 to count [ka?nt]数 things东西.


At first首先, people人们used用their他们的fingers['f??g?]手指, and even甚至their toes[t??]脚趾. However然而, they could能够only仅仅count数small小的numbers数字 in this way用这种方法.


After that在那之后, they 他们began to 开始make 制作small 小的marks[mɑ?k] 符号;标记on sticks[st?k] 棍子and bones[b??n]骨头. This helped帮助 them他们 count 数 bigger更大的 numbers数字. They used用 them to count things like像是 the days 天of the month月, the amount [?'ma?nt]数量 of food食物 and the number of ...的数量animals动物 they had有.


Then然后 people人们 began to 开始use 用tokens['t??k(?)n]符号 made from用...做clay[kle?] 泥土or small stones[b??n]石头. This helped them count数 even甚至 bigger 更大的numbers数字. They often经常put the tokens 符号on pieces[pi?s] 根of

string[str??]绳子 so that 所以they could能够 carry携带 them around四处 easily容易地. This developed into[d?'vel?p] 发展成tools [tu?l]工具 like像 the abacus['?b?k?s]算盘.

最后,人们开始发展书写符号系统,用来显示不同的数字,于是产生了印度 - 阿拉伯数字(0-9)。直到今天,我们仍然在使用这套(数字)系统。

Finally['fa?n?l?]最后, people人们began to 开始develop[d?'vel?p]发展systems['s?st?m]系统 of written['r?tn] 书写的marks [mɑ?k]符号 to show 展示;表明different 不同的numbers数字, and this led to[led]导致the Hindu-Arabic['hindu:-?'reibik] system['s?st?m] 系统(0—9). We are still 仍然using使用 this system today.


Numbers around the world


People around the world write numbers in different ways. The following shows how people from different cultures write one to five.


Chinese: 一、二、三、四、五


Romans: Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ

英语:one, two, three, four, five

English: one, two, three, four, five

但是,今日世界上绝大多数人都在使用阿拉伯数字(1,2,3,4,5,等等)。However, most people around the world use Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.) today.

Unit 3 电脑的事实 Computer facts[f?kt]

更小而更好 Smaller and better

在 20 世纪 40 年代,第一台电脑比汽车还要大。现在的电脑变得越来越小,而且越来越好了。有些电脑是微型的。你可能意识不到它们。可能在你的电视机或洗衣机内部就有一个。你比你所意识到的更加依赖电脑。

In the 1940s, the first computers were bigger than cars. Now computers are becoming smaller and better. Some computers are tiny['ta?n?]微小的. You may be unaware of没注意到[?n?'we?] them. There is probably 或许one inside your TV or washing machine 洗衣机. You depend on [d?'pend] 依赖computers more than you realize['ri??la?z]意识到.


What can we do with computers?


We can use computers to calculate['k?lkj?le?t]计算. They can calculate at a faster speed[spi?d] 以一个更快的速度than we can and almost 几乎never从不 give wrong answers. We can also type [ta?p]打字and draw画things with them. In addition[?'d??(?)n]另外, computers can do important jobs[d??b]工作like operating ['?p?re?t]操作;运行railways ['re?lwe?]铁路and flying planes飞机and spaceships['spe?s??p]太空飞船.


Is a computer cleverer than me?


The answer is “No”. Your brain[bre?n]大脑 can produce[pr?'dju?s]产生 new ideas but

computers cannot. However然而, one day computers may be able to能够 do a better

job than human beings人类. For example, they may be better than doctors at doing their job.


What will happen to发生 us if computers can do all our jobs? Will we have nothing to

do? Computers may change[t?e?n(d)?]改变 our lives生活, but will they make them better?


Computer game problems问题


Good afternoon, parents 父母and teacher. Thank you for attending[?'tend]参加 this meeting.

Last weekend上周末, one of our students went to hospital. The student played computer games on the Internet['?nt?net] 网上all day Saturday without没有 stopping to drink, eat or sleep. Finally最后, he became very ill生重病.


Some students play computer games for too long. This is a serious['s??r??s]严重的problem. In the past在过去, students used to过去常常 play outside外面 more often, but now they spend 花费more time in front of 在..前面computers. This is bad for their health[helθ]健康.


Tomorrow we’ll have some experts ['eksp??t]专家 here to talk to the students about the bad effects [?'fekt]影响of playing computer games. They’ll also give some advice[?d'va?s] 建议on 关于how to use computers for studying.


I hope we can all work together一起 to stop students from阻止 spending花费 too much 太多time playing computer games. Thank you for your time.

The abacus


算盘或许算是(世上)第一款计算机了。人们早在 4000 年前就开始使用它来做算术了。它在古代中国,罗马,埃及和希腊都有被使用。今天,还有些人在使用算盘。

The abacus was perhaps the first type of computer. People started using it over 4,000 years ago to do maths. It was used in ancient China, Rome, Egypt and Greece. Today some people still use the abacus.

Unit 4

Great伟大的 inventions[?n'ven?(?)n]发明


Great inventions change改变 the world世界. They他们 help帮助 people人 live a better life过更好的生活. The following['f?l????] 以下的are three of the most important 最重要的inventions in history['h?st(?)r?]在历史上.

The wheel[wi?l] 车轮

车轮也许是历史上最伟大的发明。在其发明后,旅行变得更快,更舒适。几千年前,人们开始在车上使用车轮。19 世纪初,第一批列车开始载客。20 世纪初,汽车开始流行。如果没有车轮,我们也就不会有这些发明了。

The wheel is perhaps或许 the greatest invention 最伟大的发明in history. After在…之后its invention, travelling旅行became变得faster更快and more comfortable['k?mf(?)t?b(?)l]更加舒适. A few thousand years ago几千年前, people started to开始use使用wheels[wi?l] on carriages['k?r?d?]马车. In the early 19th century['sent??r?]世纪, the first trains火车began to开始carry携带passengers['p?snd??]乘客. At the start of开端 the 20th century, cars became popular 变得流行. Without没有 the wheel, we would将 not have these这些 inventions发明. The telephone电话

1876 年,亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔发明了第一部实用的电话。自那时起,人们实现了长距离相互通话。今天世界各地上数以百万的人拥有自己的移动电话。它们使人可以彼此之间随时随地保持联系。

Alexander Graham Bell invented[?n'vent]发明one of the first practical 实用的['pr?kt?k(?)l] telephones in 1876. Since [s?ns] then自从那时候, people have been able to能够speak to each other彼此over long distances['d?st(?)ns]在长距离外. Today millions of成百上千万people across the world 全世界own拥有mobile phones['m??ba?l]移动电话. They allow允许 people to keep in touch[t?t?]保持联系with each other anytime任何时候, anywhere任何地点.

The light bulb[b?lb]电灯泡

1879 年,托马斯·爱迪生研制出第一个实用的电灯。在电灯发明之前,人们在夜里看东西不得不依靠油灯、煤气灯或蜡烛。(自从)有了电灯,人们可以在晚上如同白天一样做很多的事情。你能想象离开它们后的生活吗?

Thomas Edison developed[d?'vel?p]发展 the first practical light bulb in 1879. Before the invention of the light bulb, people had to不得不 use使用 oil lamps[??l] [l?mp]油灯, gas lamps[g?s]气灯 or或者 candles['k?nd(?)l]蜡烛 to see at night在晚上. With 有了light bulbs, people can do as many things in the evenings as they can in the daytime['de?ta?m]在白天. Can you imagine[?'m?d??n]想象 living生活 without没有them他们?

A pen giant ['d?a??nt]钢笔巨头


Do you know Laszlo Biro? Maybe或许 you do not, but you probably很可能 use his invention[?n'ven?(?)n] 发明every day, and you may或许 even甚至 have it in your hand right now现在!

拜罗(1899-1985)是圆珠笔的发明者。他出生在匈牙利首都布达佩斯。在 20 世纪 30 年代,当他担任报社编辑,他几乎每天都要使用钢笔。但是,他不得不每时每刻都要将其加满墨水。墨水又没那么容易干,有时把报纸搞得一团糟。拜罗想要一支更好的笔。他的弟弟乔治,帮助开发了一种特别的的墨水,这种墨水很容易干。然后,他们开发了一种新型笔。

Biro ['bai?r?u] (1899—1985) was the inventor [?n'vent?]发明家 of the ball-point pen 圆珠笔. He was born in 出生于Budapest, Hungary['h??g?ri]匈牙利. In the 1930s, when he worked as当 a newspaper 报纸editor['ed?t?]编辑, he used a fountain[fa?nt?n] pen钢笔 almost 几乎every day. However然而, he had to refill[ri?'f?l]重新装满 it all

the time一直. The ink[??k]墨水also did not dry[dra?] 干easily容易地, and it sometimes made a mess[mes]弄得一团糟 on the paper. Biro wanted a better pen. His brother, George, helped him develop[d?'vel?p]发展;开发 a special['spe?(?)l] 特别的ink墨水. The ink dried干 easily. Then they developed a new type种类 of pen.

有一个小球在笔尖。小球滚动时把墨水印在纸上。他们把它称为“圆珠笔”。There was a tiny['ta?n?] ball[b??l]微小的 at the tip[t?p] of在..的顶端 the pen. The ball rolled[r??l]滚动ink onto paper as当it moved[mu?v]移动. They called it the “ballpoint” pen['b?lp??nt].


The ballpoint pen was a great success[s?k'ses]极大的成功. Everyone loved it. Now millions of成百上千万的 people use it all over the world全世界 every day.


People will always remember记住 Biro for因为 his invention发明. Today in many English-speaking countries['k?ntr?]说英语的国家, people still仍然use the word “biro” to refer to [r?'f??]指代 any kind of ballpoint pen.


The Kongming Lantern['l?nt?n]灯笼 and the hot-air balloon [b?'lu?n]热气球



The Kongming Lantern ['l?nt?n] is very popular流行 all over Asia整个亚洲. It is a kind of一种 paper lantern纸灯笼 with有着 a closed[kl??zd] 封闭的top顶部 and a small candle['k?nd(?)l] 蜡烛inside里面. The candle heats [hi?t]加热the air 空气

inside the lantern and makes it rise[ra?z]上升. People use the Kongming Lantern on important days and during ['dj??r??]在…期间 festivals['fest?v(?)l]节日.


During the time of the Three Kingdoms['k??d?m]三国, Zhuge Liang used such这样的lanterns to give signals['s?gn(?)l]发出信号in battles['b?t(?)l]战役. The Kongming Lantern led to导致 the invention[?n'ven?(?)n] of the hot-air balloon.

Do you know any 任何other inventions that led to other inventions?



Unit 5


An exchange[?ks't?e?nd?; eks-] 交换visit is educational [ed??'ke???n(?)l]有教育意义的 and interesting!


A group of一群 British 英国students from Wood-park School in London are visiting Xinhua Junior ['d?u?n??]High School初中in Beijing on an educational exchange[ed??'ke???n(?)l] [?ks't?e?nd?; eks-]教育交换.


“I was very nervous['n??v?s]紧张 at first刚开始,” says Sarah. “However然而, my host 主人;主人 family(接待家庭) are really friendly['fren(d)l?]有好的. I’m glad to开心 be a guest [gest] 客人in their home. I’ve learnt to use chopsticks['t??pst?ks]筷子, and they’re teaching me a little Chinese!”


The students spend 花费(时间)the weekdays ['wi?kde?z]工作日studying with Chinese students. At the weekend在周末, they tour[t??] around Beijing 环游北京and visit places of interest 名胜古迹with their host families.


“It’s been a fantastic[f?n't?st?k]奇异的experience 经历so far到目前,”says Eric. “I’ve learnt a bit of 一点点t’ai chi, and I really 很的enjoy it. We’ve already已经learnt a lot about Chinese culture['k?lt??]中国文化 and history历史. The teachers have introduced[?ntr?'dju?s] 介绍us to Chinese painting中国画 as well也. We’ve also tried to 努力paint画 some pictures ourselves我们自己! I haven’t had much success 成功yet[jet]还, but I’ll keep trying继续努力.”


“I’ve made many new friends交了很多新朋友,” says Sarah. “I plan to 计划keep in touch [t?t?] with 保持联系them when I return返回 home. We’ll see one another彼此soon很快 because they’ll come over to the UK 来到英国for the second part部分 of the exchange 交换next month下个月. I can’t wait!”


Take part in参加 our educational[ed??'ke???n(?)l]教育 exchange交换


Do you love to travel and meet new people? Yes? Have you ever曾经 lived and studied in another 另一个country国家? No? Well, join参加 our educational exchange now!



Our educational exchange is fantastic[f?n't?st?k]奇幻的;极好的. You can experience经历 a different culture['k?lt??]文化 and learn a new lan guage ['l??gw?d?]语言. You can improve[?m'pru?v]改善 your social skills ['s???(?)l]社会技能 and make lots of friends.


There are two parts in our educational exchage. In the first part, an exchange student 交换生will travel to your home country 祖国and stay 停留with your family. In the second part, you will travel to your exchange partner’s ['pɑ?tn?]搭档;伙伴home country and stay with his or her family. You will go to school with him or her. You will also take part in参加 local当地的 activities活动. ['l??k(?)l] [?k't?v?t?]


·年龄在 14 至 17 之间。





You can apply for[?'pla?]申请 our educational exchange if you:

﹒are aged between在…之间 14 and 17.

﹒would like to 想要learn about学习;了解the language['l??gw?d?]语言, culture ['k?lt??]文化, history历史, geography [d??'?gr?f?]地理 and way of life 生活方式of another另一个 country国家.

﹒have a reference['ref(?)r(?)ns] 参考;介绍信from your head teacher校长.

It will be the adventure [?d'vent??]冒险 of a lifetime['la?fta?m]一生.

So, what are you waiting for? Apply[?'pla?] 申请today!

文化冲击 Culture shock[??k]


When we first visit another country, we may have a strange feeling 感觉. We call this feeling “culture shock”. People have culture shock for different reasons原因. They may not know the language and local culture['l??k(?)l] 当地文化of the country. They may also miss[m?s]想念 their families and friends.







To 为了deal with[di?l]解决。处理 culture shock, you can:

﹒try and make new friends.

﹒try new things, like the local food.

﹒keep a diary['da??r?] 记日记. Write about all your new experiences经历.

﹒call your parents and friends and tell them about these new things.

What other ways can you think of 想起to deal with culture shock?
