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Overview of the Stereo and Multiview Video Coding Extensions of the H.264/ MPEG-4AVC Standard

In this paper,techniques to represent multiple views of a video scene are described, and compression methods for making use of correlations between different views of a scene are reviewed.

By Anthony Vetro,Fellow IEEE,Thomas Wiegand,Fellow IEEE,and

Gary J.Sullivan,Fellow IEEE

ABSTRACT|Significant improvements in video compression capability have been demonstrated with the introduction of the H.264/MPEG-4advanced video coding(AVC)standard.Since developing this standard,the Joint Video Team of the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group(VCEG)and the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group(MPEG)has also standardized an ex-tension of that technology that is referred to as multiview video coding(MVC).MVC provides a compact representation for multiple views of a video scene,such as multiple synchronized video cameras.Stereo-paired video for3-D viewing is an im-portant special case of MVC.The standard enables inter-view prediction to improve compression capability,as well as sup-porting ordinary temporal and spatial prediction.It also sup-ports backward compatibility with existing legacy systems by structuring the MVC bitstream to include a compatible B base view.[Each other view is encoded at the same picture reso-lution as the base view.In recognition of its high-quality encod-ing capability and support for backward compatibility,the stereo high profile of the MVC extension was selected by the Blu-Ray Disc Association as the coding format for3-D video with high-definition resolution.This paper provides an overview of the algorithmic design used for extending H.264/MPEG-4AVC towards MVC.The basic approach of MVC for enabling inter-view prediction and view scalability in the context of H.264/ MPEG-4AVC is reviewed.Related supplemental enhancement information(SEI)metadata is also described.Various B frame compatible[approaches for support of stereo-view video as an alternative to MVC are also discussed.A summary of the coding performance achieved by MVC for both stereo-and multiview video is also provided.Future directions and challenges related to3-D video are also briefly discussed.

KEYWORDS|Advanced video coding(AVC);Blu-Ray disc;H.264; inter-view prediction;MPEG-4;multiview video coding(MVC); standards;stereo video;3-D video


Three-dimensional video is currently being introduced to the home through various channels,including Blu-Ray disc,cable and satellite transmission,terrestrial broadcast, and streaming and download through the Internet.Today’s 3-D video offers a high-quality and immersive multimedia experience,which has only recently become feasible on consumer electronics platforms through advances in display technology,signal processing,transmission tech-nology,and circuit design.

In addition to advances on the display and receiver side, there has also been a notable increase in the production of 3-D content.The number of3-D feature film releases has

Manuscript received April9,2010;revised September30,2010;accepted

November24,2010.Date of publication January31,2011;date of current version


A.Vetro is with the Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs,Cambridge,MA02139USA


T.Wiegand is with the Berlin Institute of Technology,Berlin10623,Germany and

the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications,Heinrich-Hertz-Institute(HHI),


G.J.Sullivan is with the Microsoft Corporation,Redmond,WA98052USA


Digital Object Identifier:10.1109/JPROC.2010.2098830

626Proceedings of the IEEE|Vol.99,No.4,April20110018-9219/$26.00ó2011IEEE

been growing dramatically each year,and several major studios have announced that all of their future releases will be in3-D.There are major investments being made to upgrade digital cinema theaters with3-D capabilities, several major feature film releases have attracted a majority of their theater revenue in3-D showings(including Avatar, the current top grossing feature film of all time1),and premium pricing for3-D has become a significant factor in the cinema revenue model.The push from both the production and display sides has played a significant role in fuelling a consumer appetite for3-D video.

There are a number of challenges to overcome in making3-D video for consumer use in the home become fully practical and show sustained market value for the long term.For one,the usability and consumer acceptance of3-D viewing technology will be critical.In particular, mass consumer acceptance of the special eyewear needed to view3-D in the home with current display technology is still relatively unknown.In general,content creators,ser-vice providers,and display manufacturers need to ensure that the consumer has a high-quality experience and is not burdened with high transition costs or turned off by viewing discomfort or fatigue.The availability of premium 3-D content in the home is another major factor to be considered.These are broader issues that will significantly influence the rate of3-D adoption and market size,but are beyond the scope of this paper.

With regard to the delivery of3-D video,it is essential to determine an appropriate data format,taking into consideration the constraints imposed by each delivery channel V including bit rate and compatibility require-ments.Needless to say,interoperability through the deliv-ery chain and among various devices will be essential.The 3-D representation,compression formats,and signaling protocols will largely define the interoperability of the system.

For purposes of this paper,3-D video is considered to refer to either a general n-view multiview video represen-tation or its important stereo-view special case.Efficient compression of such data is the primary subject of this paper.The paper also discusses stereo representation for-mats that could be coded using existing2-D video coding methods V such approaches often being referred to as frame-compatible encoding schemes.

Multiview video coding(MVC)is the process by which stereo and multiview video signals are efficiently coded. The basic approach of most MVC schemes is to exploit not only the redundancies that exist temporally between the frames within a given view,but also the similarities be-tween frames of neighboring views.By doing so,a reduc-tion in bit rate relative to independent coding of the views can be achieved without sacrificing the reconstructed video quality.In this paper,the term MVC is used inter-changeably for either the general concept of coding multi-view video or for the particular design that has been standardized as a recent extension of the H.264/MPEG-4 advanced video coding(AVC)standard[1].

The topic of MVC has been an active research area for more than20years,with early work on disparity-compen-sated prediction by Lukacs first appearing in1986[2], followed by other coding schemes in the late1980s and early1990s[3],[4].In1996,the international video cod-ing standard H.262/MPEG-2Video[5]was amended to support the coding of multiview video by means of design features originally intended for temporal scalability[6], [7].However,the multiview extension of H.262/MPEG-2 Video was never deployed in actual products.It was not the right time to introduce3-D video into the market since the more fundamental transition from standard-definition analog to high-definition digital video services was a large challenge in itself.Adequate display technology and hard-ware processing capabilities were also lacking at the time. In addition to this,the H.262/MPEG-2Video solution did not offer a very compelling compression improvement due to limitations in the coding tools enabled for inter-view prediction in that design[8]–[10].

This paper focuses on the MVC extension of the H.264/ MPEG-4AVC standard.Relevant supplemental enhance-ment information(SEI)metadata and alternative ap-proaches to enabling multiview services are also discussed. The paper is organized as follows.Section II explains the various multiview video applications of MVC as well as their implications in terms of requirements.Section III gives the history of MVC,including prior standardization action.Section IV briefly reviews basic design concepts of H.264/MPEG-4AVC.The MVC design is summarized in Section V,including profile definitions and a summary of coding performance.Alternative stereo representation formats and their signaling in the H.264/MPEG-4AVC standard are described in Section VI.Concluding remarks are given in Section VII.For more detailed information about MVC and stereo support in the H.264/MPEG-4AVC standard,the reader is referred to the most recent edition of the standard itself[1],the amendment completed in July 2008that added the MVC extension to it[11],and the additional amendment completed one year later that added the stereo high profile and frame packing arrangement SEI message[12].

II.MULTIVIEW SCENARIOS, APPLICATIONS,AND REQUIREMENTS The prediction structures and coding schemes presented in this paper have been developed and investigated in the context of the MPEG,and later JVT,standardization pro-ject for MVC.Therefore,most of the scenarios for multi-view coding,applications,and their requirements are specified by the MVC project[13]as presented in the next sections.

1Based on total revenue without inflation adjustments.

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A.Multiview Scenarios and Applications

The primary usage scenario for multiview video is to support3-D video applications,where3-D depth percep-tion of a visual scene is provided by a3-D display system. There are many types of3-D display systems[14]including classic stereo systems that require special-purpose glasses to more sophisticated multiview autostereoscopic displays that do not require glasses[15].The stereo systems only require two views,where a left-eye view is presented to the viewer’s left eye,and a right-eye view is presented to the viewer’s right eye.The3-D display technology and glasses ensure that the appropriate signals are viewed by the correct eye.This is accomplished with either passive polar-ization or active shutter techniques.The multiview displays have much greater data throughput requirements relative to conventional stereo displays in order to support a given picture resolution,since3-D is achieved by essentially emitting multiple complete video sample arrays in order to form view-dependent pictures.Such displays can be imple-mented,for example,using conventional high-resolution displays and parallax barriers;other technologies include lenticular overlay sheets and holographic screens.Each view-dependent video sample can be thought of as emitting a small number of light rays in a set of discrete viewing directions V typically between eight and a few dozen for an autostereoscopic display.Often these directions are distri-buted in a horizontal plane,such that parallax effects are limited to the horizontal motion of the observer.A more comprehensive review of3-D display technologies is cov-ered by other papers in this special issue.

Another goal of multiview video is to enable free-viewpoint video[16],[17].In this scenario,the viewpoint and view direction can be interactively changed.Each output view can either be one of the input views or a virtual view that was generated from a smaller set of multiview inputs and other data that assists in the view generation process.With such a system,viewers can freely navigate through the different viewpoints of the scene V within a range covered by the acquisition cameras.Such an appli-cation of multiview video could be implemented with con-ventional2-D displays.However,more advanced versions of the free-viewpoint system that work with3-D displays could also be considered.We have already seen the use of this functionality in broadcast production environments, e.g.,to change the viewpoint of a sports scene to show a better angle of a play.Such functionality may also be of interest in surveillance,education,gaming,and sightsee-ing applications.Finally,we may also imagine providing this interactive capability directly to the home viewer,e.g., for special events such as concerts.

Another important application of multiview video is to support immersive teleconference applications.Beyond the advantages provided by3-D displays,it has been re-ported that a teleconference systems could enable a more realistic communication experience when motion parallax is supported.Motion parallax is caused by the change in the appearance of a scene when viewers shift their viewing position,e.g.,shifting the viewing position to reveal oc-cluded scene content.In an interactive system design,it can be possible for the transmission system to adaptively shift its encoded viewing position to achieve a dynamic perspective change[18]–[20].Perspective changes can be controlled explicitly by user intervention through a user interface control component or by a system that senses the observer’s viewing position and adjusts the displayed scene accordingly.

Other interesting applications of multiview video have been demonstrated by Wilburn,et al.[21].In this work,a high spatial sampling of a scene through a large multiview video camera array was used for advanced imaging.Among the capabilities shown was an effective increase of bit depth and frame rate,as well as synthetic aperture photography effects.Since then,there have also been other exciting developments in the area of computational imaging that rely on the acquisition of multiview video[22].

For all of the above applications and scenarios,the storage and transmission capacity requirements of the system are significantly increased.Consequently,there is a strong need for efficient multiview video compression techniques.Specific requirements are discussed in Section II-B.

B.Standardization Requirements

The central requirement for most video coding designs is high compression efficiency.In the specific case of MVC this means a significant gain compared to independent compression of each https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ff12958860.html,pression efficiency mea-sures the tradeoff between cost(in terms of bit rate)and benefit(in terms of video quality)V i.e.,the quality at a certain bit rate or the bit rate at a certain quality.However, compression efficiency is not the only factor under conside-ration for a video coding standard.Some requirements may even be somewhat conflicting,such as desiring both good compression efficiency and low delay.In such cases,a good tradeoff needs to be found.General requirements for video coding capabilities,such as minimum resource consump-tion(memory,processing power),low delay,error robustness,and support of a range of picture resolutions, color sampling structures,and bit depth precisions,tend to be applicable to nearly any video coding design.

Some requirements are specific to MVC V as high-lighted in the following.Temporal random access is a re-quirement for virtually any video coding design.For MVC, view-switching random access also becomes important. Together both ensure that any image can be accessed, decoded,and displayed by starting the decoder at a random access point and decoding a relatively small quantity of data on which that image may depend.Random access can be provided by insertion of pictures that are intrapicture coded(i.e.,pictures that are coded without any use of prediction from other pictures).Scalability is also a de-sirable feature for video coding designs.Here,we refer to

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the ability of a decoder to access only a portion of a bitstream while still being able to generate effective video output V although reduced in quality to a degree commen-surate with the quantity of data in the subset used for the decoding process.This reduction in quality may involve reduced temporal or spatial resolution,or a reduced quality of representation at the same temporal and spatial resolution.For MVC,additionally,view scalability is desir-able.In this case,a portion of the bitstream can be ac-cessed in order to output a subset of the encoded views. Also,backward compatibility was required for the MVC standard.This means that a subset of the MVC bitstream corresponding to one B base view[needs to be decodable by an ordinary(non-MVC)H.264/MPEG-4AVC decoder,and the other data representing other views should be encoded in a way that will not affect that base view decoding capa-

bility.Achieving a desired degree quality consistency among views is also addressed V i.e.,it should be possible to control the encoding quality of the various views V for instance,to provide approximately constant quality over all views or to select a preferential quality for encoding some views versus others.The ability of an encoder or a decoder to use parallel processing was required to enable practical implementation and to manage processing resources effectively.It should also be possible to convey camera parameters(extrinsic and intrinsic)along with the bitstream in order to support intermediate view interpo-lation at the decoder and to enable other decoding-side enhanced capabilities such as multiview feature detection and classification,e.g.,determining the pose of a face within a scene,which would typically require solving a correspondence problem based on the scene geometry.

Moreover,for ease of implementation,it was highly desirable for the MVC design to have as many design ele-ments in common with an ordinary H.264/MPEG-4AVC system as possible.Such a commonality of design compo-nents can enable an MVC system to be constructed rapidly from elements of existing H.264/MPEG-4AVC products and to be tested more easily.


One of the earliest studies on coding of multiview images was done by Lukacs[2];in this work,the concept of disparity-compensated inter-view prediction was intro-duced.In later work by Dinstein,et al.[3],the predictive coding approach was compared to3-D block transform coding for stereo image compression.In[4],Perkins presented a transform-domain technique for disparity-compensated prediction,as well as a mixed-resolution coding scheme.

The first support for MVC in an international standard was in a1996amendment to the H.262/MPEG-2video coding standard[6].It supported the coding of two views only.In that design,the left view was referred to as the B base view[and its encoding was compatible with that for ordinary single-view decoders.The right view was encoded as an enhancement view that used the pictures of the left view as reference pictures for inter-view prediction.

The coding tool features that were used for this scheme were actually the same as what had previously been designed for providing temporal scalability(i.e.,frame rate enhancement)[7]–[10].For the encoding of the enhance-ment view,the same basic coding tools were used as in ordinary H.262/MPEG-2video coding,but the selection of the pictures used as references was altered,so that a re-ference picture could either be a picture from within the enhancement view or a picture from the base view.An example of a prediction structure that can be used in the H.262/MPEG-2multiview profile is shown in Fig. 1. Arrows in the figure indicate the use of a reference picture for the predictive encoding of another picture.A signifi-cant benefit of this approach,relative to simulcast coding of each view independently,was the ability to use inter-view prediction for the encoding of the first enhancement-view picture in each random-accessible encoded video segment. However,the ability to predict in the reverse-temporal direction,which was enabled for the base view,was not enabled for the enhancement view.This helped to mini-mize the memory storage capacity requirements for the scheme,but may have reduced the compression capability of the design.

Considering recent advancements in video compres-sion technology and the anticipated needs for state-of-the-art coding of multiview video,MPEG issued a call for proposals(CfP)for efficient MVC technology in October 2005.Although not an explicit requirement at the time,all proposal responses were based on H.264/MPEG-4AVC and included some form of inter-view prediction[23].As reported in[24],significant gains in visual quality were observed from the formal subjective tests that were con-ducted in comparison to independent simulcast coding of views based on H.264/MPEG-4AVC.Specifically,when comparing visual quality at the same bit rate,MVC solu-tions achieved up to3MOS points(mean opinion score points on a0–10scale)better visual quality than

simulcast Fig.1.Illustration of inter-view prediction in H.262/MPEG-2.

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H.264/MPEG-4AVC for low and medium bit rate coding, and about1MOS point better quality for high bit rate coding.When comparing bit rates for several of the test sequences,some proposed MVC solutions required only about half the bit rate to achieve equivalent or better visual quality than the H.264/MPEG-4AVC coded anchors.2The proposal described in[25]was found to provide the best visual quality over the wide range of test sequences and rate points.A key feature of that proposal was that it did not introduce any change to the lower levels of the syntax and decoding process used by H.264/MPEG-4AVC,with-out any apparent sacrifice of compression capability.This intentional design feature allows for the implementation of MVC decoders to require only a rather simple and straightforward change to existing H.264/MPEG-4AVC decoding chipsets.As a result of these advantages,this proposal was selected as the starting point of the MVC project V forming what was called the joint multiview model(JMVM)version1.0.

In the six-month period that followed the responses to CfP,a thorough evaluation of the coding scheme described in[25]was made.This proposal made use of hierarchical prediction in both time and view dimensions to achieve high compression performance.However,views were en-coded in an interleaved manner on a group-of-picture (GOP)basis,which resulted in a significant delay and did not allow for simultaneous decoding and output of views at a given time instant.A number of contributions were made to propose a different approach for reference picture man-agement and a time-first coding scheme to reduce encoding/decoding delay and enable parallel input and output of views[26]–[29].These proposals were adopted into the design at the stage referred to as JMVM version2.0 [30],which was an early draft of the standard that estab-lished the basic principles of the eventual MVC standard.

During the development of MVC,a number of macroblock-level coding tools were also explored,includ-ing the following.

?Illumination compensation:The objective of this tool is to compensate for illumination differences

as part of the inter-view prediction process


?Adaptive reference filtering:It was observed by Lai et al.[33],[34]that there are other types of

mismatches present in multiview video in addi-

tion to illumination differences,which led to the

development of an adaptive reference filtering

scheme to compensate for focus mismatches

between different views.

?Motion skip mode:Noting the correlation between motion vectors in different views,this method

infers motion vectors from inter-view reference


?View synthesis prediction:This coding technique predicts a picture in the current view from syn-

thesized references generated from neighboring


It was shown that additional coding gains could be achieved by using these block-level coding tools.In an analysis of the coding gains offered by both illumination compensation and motion skip mode that was reported in[40],an average bit rate reduction of10%(relative to an MVC coding design without these tools)was reported over a significant set of sequences V with a maximum sequence-specific reduction of approximately18%.While the gains were notable,these tools were not adopted into the MVC standard since they would require syntax and design changes affecting low levels of the encoding and decoding process(within the macroblock level).It was believed that these implementation concerns out-weighed the coding gain benefits at the time.There was also some concern that the benefits of the proposed techniques might be reduced by higher quality video acquisition and preprocessing practices.However,as the 3-D market matures,the benefits of block-level coding tools may be revisited in the specification of future3-D video formats.


MVC was standardized as an extension of H.264/MPEG-4AVC.In order to keep the paper self-contained,the following brief description of H.264/MPEG-4AVC is limited to those key features that are relevant for understanding the concepts of extending H.264/MPEG-4 AVC towards MVC.For more detailed information about H.264/MPEG-4AVC,the reader is referred to the standard itself[1]and the various overview papers that have discussed it(e.g.,[41]–[43]).

Conceptually,the design of H.264/MPEG-4AVC cov-ers a video coding layer(VCL)and a network abstraction layer(NAL).While the VCL creates a coded representation of the source content,the NAL formats these data and provides header information in a way that enables simple and effective customization of the use of VCL data for a broad variety of systems.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ff12958860.html,work Abstraction Layer(NAL)

A coded H.264/MPEG-4AVC video data stream is organized into NAL units,which are packets that all con-tain an integer number of bytes.A NAL unit starts with a1-

B indicator of the type of data in the NAL unit.The remaining bytes represent payload data.NAL units are classified into VCL NAL units,which contain coded data for areas of the picture content(coded slices or slice data

2In that comparison,the anchor bitstreams used for the subjective

evaluation testing did not use a multilevel hierarchical prediction

referencing structure(as this type of referencing had not yet become

well established in industry practice).If such hierarchical referencing had

been used in the anchors,the estimated bit rate gains would likely have

been more modest.

Vetro et al.:Overview of the Stereo and Multiview Video Coding Extensions of the H.264/MPEG-4AVC Standard 630Proceedings of the IEEE|Vol.99,No.4,April2011

partitions),and non-VCL NAL units,which contain associated additional information.Two key types of non-VCL NAL units are the parameter sets and the SEI messages. The sequence and picture parameter sets contain infre-quently changing information for a coded video sequence. SEI messages do not affect the core decoding process of the samples of a coded video sequence.However,they provide additional information to assist the decoding process or affect subsequent processing such as bitstream manipula-tion or display.The set of consecutive NAL units associated with a single coded picture is referred to as an access unit.A set of consecutive access units with certain properties is referred to as a coded video sequence.A coded video se-quence(together with the associated parameter sets) represents an independently decodable part of a video bitstream.A coded video sequence always starts with an instantaneous decoding refresh(IDR)access unit,which signals that the IDR access unit and all access units that follow it in the bitstream can be decoded without decoding any of the pictures that preceded it.

B.Video Coding Layer(VCL)

The VCL of H.264/MPEG-4AVC follows the so-called block-based hybrid video coding approach.Although its basic design is very similar to that of prior video coding standards such as H.261,MPEG-1,H.262/MPEG-2,H.263, or MPEG-4Visual,H.264/MPEG-4AVC includes new features that enable it to achieve a significant improve-ment in compression efficiency relative to any prior video coding standard[41]–[43].The main difference relative to previous standards is the greatly increased flexibility and adaptability of the H.264/MPEG-4AVC design.

The way pictures are partitioned into smaller coding units in H.264/MPEG-4AVC,however,follows the rather traditional concept of subdivision into slices,which in turn are subdivided into macroblocks.Each slice can be parsed independently of the other slices in the picture.Each picture is partitioned into macroblocks that each covers a rectangular picture area of16?16luma samples and,in the case of video in4:2:0chroma sampling format, 8?8sample areas of each of the two chroma components. The samples of a macroblock are either spatially or temporally predicted,and the resulting prediction residual signal is represented using transform coding.Depending on the degree of freedom for generating the prediction signal, H.264/MPEG-4AVC supports three basic slice coding types that specify the types of coding supported for the macroblocks within the slice:

?I slices,in which each macroblock uses intrapicture coding using spatial prediction from neighboring


?P slices,which support both intrapicture coding and interpicture predictive coding using one pre-

diction signal for each predicted region;

?B slices,which support intrapicture coding,inter-picture predictive coding,and also interpicture

bipredictive coding using two prediction signals

that are combined with a weighted average to form

the region prediction.

For I slices,H.264/MPEG-4AVC provides several directional spatial intrapicture prediction modes,in which the prediction signal is generated by using the decoded samples of neighboring blocks that precede the block to be predicted(in coding and decoding order).For the luma component,the intrapicture prediction can be applied to individual4?4or8?8luma blocks within the macro-block,or to the full16?16luma array for the macroblock, whereas for the chroma components,it is applied on a full-macroblock region basis.

For P and B slices,H.264/MPEG-4AVC additionally permits variable block size motion-compensated predic-tion with multiple reference pictures.The macroblock type signals the partitioning of a macroblock into blocks of 16?16,16?8,8?16,or8?8luma samples.When a macroblock type specifies partitioning into four8?8blocks,each of these so-called submacroblocks can be further split into8?4,4?8,or4?4blocks,as deter-mined by a submacroblock-type indication.For P slices, one motion vector is transmitted for each interpicture prediction block.The reference picture to be used for in-terpicture prediction can be independently chosen for each16?16,16?8,or8?16macroblock motion partition or8?8submacroblock.The selection of the reference picture is signaled by a reference index param-eter,which is an index into a list(referred to as list0)of previously coded reference pictures that are stored by the decoder for such use after they have been decoded.

In B slices,two distinct reference picture lists are used, and for each16?16,16?8,or8?16macroblock partition or8?8submacroblock,the prediction method can be selected between list0,list1,or biprediction.List0 and list1predictions refer to interpicture prediction using the reference picture at the reference index position in reference picture list0and1,respectively,in a manner similar to that supported in P slices.However,in the bi-predictive mode,the prediction signal is formed by a weighted sum of the prediction values from both list0and list1prediction signals.In addition,special modes referred to as direct modes in B slices and skip modes in P and B slices are provided,which operate similarly to the other modes, but in which such data as motion vectors and reference indices are derived from properties of neighboring pre-viously coded regions rather than being indicated explicitly by syntax for the direct or skip mode macroblock.

For transform coding of the spatial-domain residual difference signal remaining after the prediction process, H.264/MPEG-4AVC specifies a set of integer transforms of different block sizes.While for intrapicture coded macro-blocks the transform size is directly coupled to the pre-diction block size,the luma signal of motion-compensated macroblocks that do not contain blocks smaller than8?8can be coded by using either a4?4transform or an

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8?8transform.For the chroma components,a two-stage transform is employed,consisting of4?4transforms and an additional Hadamard transform of the collection of the overall average value coefficients from all of the4?4 blocks in the chroma component for the macroblock.A similar hierarchical transform is also used for the luma component of macroblocks coded in the16?16intra-picture macroblock coding mode.All inverse transforms are specified by exact integer operations,so that inverse-transform mismatches are avoided.H.264/MPEG-4AVC uses uniform reconstruction quantizers.The reconstruction step size for the quantizer is controlled for each macro-block by a quantization parameter QP.For8-b-per-sample video,52values of quantization parameter(QP)can be selected.The QP value is multiplied by an entry in a scal-ing matrix to determine a transform-frequency-specific quantization reconstruction step size.The scaling opera-tions for the quantization step sizes are arranged with logarithmic step size increments,such that an increment of the QP by6corresponds to a doubling of quantization step size.

For reducing blocking artifacts,which are typically the most disturbing artifacts in block-based coding,H.264/ MPEG-4AVC specifies an adaptive deblocking filter that operates within the motion-compensated interpicture pre-diction loop.

H.264/MPEG-4AVC supports two methods of entropy coding,which both use context-based adaptivity to im-prove performance relative to prior standards.While context-based adaptive variable-length coding(CAVLC) uses variable-length codes and its adaptivity is restricted to the coding of transform coefficient levels,context-based adaptive binary arithmetic coding(CABAC)uses arithme-tic coding and a more sophisticated mechanism for em-ploying statistical dependencies,which leads to typical bit rate savings of10%–15%relative to CAVLC.

In addition to increased flexibility at the macroblock level and the lower levels within it,H.264/MPEG-4AVC also allows much more flexibility on a picture and se-quence level compared to prior video coding standards. Here we primarily refer to reference picture buffering and the associated buffering memory control.In H.264/ MPEG-4AVC,the coding and display order of pictures is completely decoupled.Furthermore,any picture can be used as reference picture for motion-compensated predic-tion of subsequent pictures,independent of its slice coding types.The behavior of the decoded picture buffer(DPB), which can hold up to16frames(depending on the sup-ported conformance point and the decoded picture size), can be adaptively controlled by memory management con-trol operation(MMCO)commands,and the reference pic-ture lists that are used for coding of P or B slices can be arbitrarily constructed from the pictures available in the DPB via reference picture list modification(RPLM)commands.

For efficient support of the coding of interlaced-scan video,in a manner similar to prior video coding standards,a coded picture may either comprise the set of slices representing a complete video frame or of just one of the two fields of alternating lines in such a frame.Additionally, H.264/MPEG-4AVC supports a macroblock-adaptive switching between frame and field coding.In this adaptive operation,each16?32region in a frame is treated as a single coding unit referred to as a macroblock pair,which can be either transmitted as two macroblocks representing vertically neighboring16?16rectangular areas in the frame,or as macroblocks formed from the de-interleaved lines of the top and bottom fields in the16?32region. This scheme is referred to as macroblock-adaptive frame-field coding(MBAFF).Together the single-field picture coding and MBAFF coding features are sometimes referred to as interlace coding tools.



The most recent major extension of the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC standard[1]is the MVC design[11].Several key features of MVC are reviewed below,some of which have also been covered in[10]and[44].Several other aspects of the MVC design were further elaborated on in[44], including random access and view switching,extraction of operation points(sets of coded views at particular levels of a nested temporal referencing structure)of an MVC bit-stream for adaptation to network and device constraints, parallel processing,and a description of several newly adopted SEI messages that are relevant for multiview video bitstreams.An analysis of MVC decoded picture buffer requirements was also provided in that work.

A.Bitstream Structure

A key aspect of the MVC design is that it is mandatory for the compressed multiview stream to include a base view bitstream,which is coded independently from all other views in a manner compatible with decoders for single-view profile of the standard,such as the high profile or the constrained baseline profile.This requirement ena-bles a variety of uses cases that need a2-D version of the content to be easily extracted and decoded.For instance, in television broadcast,the base view could be extracted and decoded by legacy receivers,while newer3-D re-ceivers could decode the complete3-D bitstream including nonbase views.

As described in Section IV-A,coded data in H.264/ MPEG-4AVC are organized into NAL units.There exist various types of NAL units,some of which are designated for coded video pictures,while others for nonpicture data such as parameter sets and SEI messages.MVC makes use of the NAL unit type structure to provide backward com-patibility for multiview video.

To achieve this compatibility,the video data associated with a base view is encapsulated in NAL units that have previously been defined for the2-D video,while the video

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data associated with the additional views are encapsulated in an extension NAL unit type that is used for both scalable video coding (SVC)[45]and multiview video.A flag is specified to distinguish whether the NAL unit is associated with an SVC bitstream or an MVC bitstream.The base view bitstream conforms to existing H.264/MPEG-4AVC profiles for single-view video,e.g.,high profile,and de-coders conforming to an existing single-view profile will ignore and discard the NAL units that contain the data for the nonbase views since they would not recognize those NAL unit types.Decoding the additional views with these new NAL unit types would require a decoder that recog-nizes the extension NAL unit type and conforms to one of the MVC profiles.The basic structure of the MVC bit-stream including some NAL units associated with a base view and some NAL units associated with a nonbase view is shown in Fig.2.Further discussion of the high-level syntax is given below.MVC profiles and levels are also discussed later in this section.

B.Enabling Inter-View Prediction

The basic concept of inter-view prediction,which is employed in all of the described designs for efficient MVC,is to exploit both spatial and temporal redundancy for compression.Since the cameras (or rendered viewpoint perspectives)of a multiview scenario typically capture the same scene from nearby viewpoints,substantial inter-view redundancy is present.A sample prediction structure is shown in Fig.3.Pictures are not only predicted from temporal references,but also from inter-view references.The prediction is adaptive,so the best predictor among temporal and inter-view references can be selected on a block basis in terms of rate-distortion cost.

Inter-view prediction is a key feature of the MVC design,and it is enabled in a way that makes use of the flexible reference picture management capabilities that had already been designed into H.264/MPEG-4AVC,by making the decoded pictures from other views available in the reference picture lists for use by the interpicture pre-diction processing.Specifically,the reference picture lists are maintained for each picture to be decoded in a given view.Each such list is initialized as usual for single-view video,which would include the temporal reference pic-tures that may be used to predict the current picture.Additionally,inter-view reference pictures are included in the list and are thereby also made available for prediction of the current picture.

According to the MVC specification,inter-view refer-ence pictures must be contained within the same access unit as the current picture,where an access unit contains all the NAL units pertaining to a certain capture or display instant.The MVC design does not allow the prediction of a picture in one view at a given time using a picture from another view at a different time.This would involve inter-view prediction across different access units,which would incur additional complexity for limited coding benefits.To keep the management of reference pictures consistent with that for single-view video,all the memory management control operation commands that may be signaled through an H.264/MPEG-4AVC bitstream apply to one particular view in which the associated syntax elements appear.The same is true for the sliding window and adaptive memory control processes that can be used to mark pictures as not being used for reference.The refer-ence picture marking process of H.264/MPEG-4AVC is applied independently for each view,so that the encoder can use the available decoder memory capacity in a flexible manner.Moreover,just as it is possible for an encoder to reorder the positions of the reference pictures in a reference picture list that includes temporal reference pictures,it can also place the inter-view reference pictures at any desired positions in the lists.An extended set of reordering commands are provided in the MVC specifica-tion for this purpose.

It is important to emphasize that the core macroblock-level and lower level decoding modules of an MVC decoder are the same,regardless of whether a reference picture is a temporal reference or an inter-view reference.This distinction is managed at a higher level of the decoding


Fig.2.Structure of an MVC bitstream including NAL units that are

associated with a base view and NAL units that are associated with a nonbase view.NAL unit type (NUT)indicators are used to distinguish different types of data that are carried in the


Fig.3.Illustration of inter-view prediction in MVC.

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In terms of syntax,supporting MVC only involves small changes to high-level syntax,e.g.,an indication of the pre-diction dependency as discussed in Section V-C.A major consequence of not requiring changes to lower levels of the syntax(at the macroblock level and below it)is that MVC is compatible with existing hardware for decoding single-view video with H.264/MPEG-4AVC.In other words, supporting MVC as part of an existing H.264/MPEG-4AVC decoder should not require substantial design changes.

Since MVC introduces dependencies between views, random access must also be considered in the view dimen-sion.Specifically,in addition to the views to be accessed (called the target views),any views on which they depend for purposes of inter-view referencing also need to be ac-cessed and decoded,which typically requires some addi-tional decoding time or delay.For applications in which random access or view switching is important,the predic-tion structure can be designed to minimize access delay, and the MVC design provides a way for an encoder to describe the prediction structure for this purpose.

To achieve access to a particular picture in a given view, the decoder should first determine an appropriate access point.In H.264/MPEG-4AVC,each IDR picture provides a clean random access point,since these pictures can be independently decoded and all the coded pictures that follow them in bitstream order can also be decoded without temporal prediction from any picture decoded prior to the IDR picture.In the context of MVC,an IDR picture in a given view prohibits the use of temporal prediction for any of the views on which a particular view depends at that particular instant;however,inter-view prediction may be used for encoding the nonbase views of an IDR picture. This ability to use inter-view prediction for encoding an IDR picture reduces the bit rate needed to encode the nonbase views,while still enabling random access at that temporal location in the bitstream.Additionally,MVC also introduces an additional picture type,referred to as an anchor picture for a view.Anchor pictures are similar to IDR pictures in that they do not use temporal prediction for the encoding of any view on which a given view depends, although they do allow inter-view prediction from other views within the same access unit.Moreover,it is prohi-bited for any picture that follows the anchor picture in both bitstream order and display order to use any picture that precedes the anchor picture in bitstream order as a refer-ence for interpicture prediction,and for any picture that precedes the anchor picture in decoding order to follow it in display order.This provides a clean random access point for access to a given view.The difference between anchor pictures and IDR pictures is similar to the difference be-tween the B open GOP[and B closed GOP[concepts that previously applied in the H.262/MPEG-2context,3with closed GOPs being associated with IDR pictures and open GOPs being associated with anchor pictures[44].With an anchor picture,it is permissible to use pictures that precede the anchor picture in bitstream order as reference pictures for interpicture prediction of pictures that follow after the anchor picture in bitstream order,but only if the pictures that use this type of referencing precede the anchor picture in display order.In MVC,both IDR and anchor pictures are efficiently coded,and they enable random access in the time and view dimensions.

C.High-Level Syntax

The decoding process of MVC requires several addi-tions to the high-level syntax,which are primarily signaled through a multiview extension of the sequence parameter set(SPS)defined by H.264/MPEG-4AVC.Three impor-tant pieces of information are carried in the SPS extension:?view identification;

?view dependency information;

?level index for operation points.

The view identification part includes an indication of the total number of views,as well as a listing of view identifiers.The view identifiers are important for associ-ating a particular view to a specific index,while the order of the view identifiers signals the view order index.The view order index is critical to the decoding process as it defines the order in which views are decoded.

The view dependency information is composed of a set of signals that indicate the number of inter-view reference pictures for each of the two reference picture lists that are used in the prediction process,as well as the views that may be used for predicting a particular view.Separate view dependency information is provided for anchor and non-anchor pictures to provide some flexibility in the predic-tion while not overburdening decoders with dependency information that could change for each unit of time.For nonanchor pictures,the view dependency only indicates that a given set of views may be used for inter-view pre-diction.There is additional signaling in the NAL unit header indicating whether a particular view at a given time may be used for inter-view reference for any other picture in the same access unit.The view dependency information in the SPS is used together with this syntax element in the NAL unit header to create reference picture lists that include inter-view references,as described in Section V-B.

The final portion of the SPS extension is the signaling of level information and information about the operating points to which it correspond.The level index is an indi-cator of the resource requirements for a decoder that conforms to a particular level;it is mainly used to establish a bound on the complexity of a decoder and is discussed further below.In the context of MVC,an operating point corresponds to a specific temporal subset and a set of views including those intended for output and the views that they depend on.For example,an MVC bitstream with eight views may provide information for several operating

3For those familiar with the more modern version of this concept as

found in H.264/MPEG-4,an MVC anchor picture is also analogous to the

use of the H.264/MPEG-4AVC recovery point SEI message with a

recovery frame count equal to0.

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points,e.g.,one corresponding to all eight views together,another corresponding to a stereo pair,and another corre-sponding to a set of three particular views.According to the MVC standard,multiple level values could be signaled as part of the SPS extension,with each level being asso-ciated with a particular operating point.The syntax indi-cates the number of views that are targeted for output as well as the number of views that would be required for decoding particular operating points.

D.Profiles and Levels

As with prior video coding standards,profiles deter-mine the subset of coding tools that must be supported by conforming decoders.There are two profiles currently de-fined by MVC with support for more than one view:the multiview high profile and the stereo high profile.Both are based on the high profile of H.264/MPEG-4AVC,with a few differences.

?The multiview high profile supports multiple views

and does not support interlace coding tools.

?The stereo high profile is limited to two views,but

does support interlace coding tools.

For either of these profiles,the base view can be encoded using either the high profile of H.264/MPEG-4AVC,or a more constrained profile known as the con-strained baseline profile,which was added to the standard more recently [12].When the high profile is used for the base view for the multiview high profile,the interlace coding tools (field picture coding and MBAFF),which are ordinarily supported in the high profile,cannot be used in the base layer since they are not supported in the multi-view high profile.(The constrained baseline profile does not support interlace coding tools.)

An illustration of these profile specifications relative to the high and constrained baseline profiles of H.264/MPEG-4AVC is provided in Fig.4.It is possible to have a bitstream that conforms to both the stereo high profile and the multiview high profile,when there are only two views

that are coded and the interlace coding tools are not used.In this case,a flag signaling their compatibility is set.Levels impose constraints on the bitstreams produced by MVC encoders,to establish bounds on the necessary decoder resources and complexity.The level limits include limits on the amount of frame memory required for the decoding of a bitstream,the maximum throughput in terms of macroblocks per second,maximum picture size,overall bit rate,etc.

The general approach to defining level limits in MVC was to enable the repurposing of the decoding resources of single-view decoders for the creation of multiview de-coders.In this way,some level limits are unchanged,such as the overall bit rate;in this way,an input bitstream can be processed by a decoder regardless of whether it encodes a single view or multiple views.However,other level limits are increased,such as for the maximum decoded picture buffer capacity and throughput;a fixed scale factor of two was applied to these decoder resource requirements.Assuming a fixed resolution,this scale factor enables the decoding of stereo video using the same level as is specified for single-view video at the same resolution.For instance,the same level 4.0designation is used for single-view video at 1920?1080p at 24Hz using the high profile and for stereo-view video at 1920?1080p at 24Hz for each of the two views using the stereo high profile.To decode a higher number of views,one would either use a higher level and/or reduce the spatial or temporal resolution of the multi-view video.

E.Coding Performance

It has been shown that coding multiview video with inter-view prediction does give significantly better results compared to independent coding [47].For some cases,gains as high as 3dB,roughly corresponding to a 50%savings in bit rate,have been reported.A comprehensive set of results for MVC over a broad range of test material was presented in [40]according to a set of common test conditions and test material specified in [48].For multi-view video with up to eight views,an average of 20%reduction in bit rate was reported,relative to the total simulcast bit rate,based on Bj?ntegaard delta measures [49].In other studies [50],an average reduction of 20%–30%of the bit rate for the second (dependent)view of typical stereo movie content was reported,with a peak reduction for an individual test sequence of 43%of the bit rate of the dependent view.Fig.5shows sample rate-distortion curves comparing the performance of simulcast coding with the performance of MVC reference software that employs hierarchical predictions in both the temporal and view dimensions.

There are many possible variations on the prediction structure considering both temporal and inter-view de-pendencies.The structure not only affects coding perfor-mance,but also has notable impact on delay,memory requirements,and random access.It has been


Fig.4.Illustration of MVC profiles,consisting of the multiview high and stereo high profiles,together with illustration of the features compatible with both profiles and profiles that can be used for the encoding of the base view.

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that the majority of gains are obtained using inter-view prediction at anchor positions.An average decrease in bit rate of approximately 5%–15%at equivalent quality could be expected if the inter-view predictions at nonanchor positions are not used [51].The upside is that delay and required memory would also be reduced.

Prior studies on asymmetrical coding of stereo video,in which one of the views is encoded with lower quality than the other,suggest that a further substantial savings in bit rate for the nonbase view could be achieved using that technique.In this scheme,one of the views is significantly

blurred or more coarsely quantized than the other [52],or is coded with a reduced spatial resolution [53],[54],with an impact on the stereo quality that may be imperceptible.With mixed resolution coding,it has been reported that an additional view could be supported with minimal rate overhead,e.g.,on the order of 25%–30%additional rate added to a base view encoding for coding the other view at quarter resolution.Further study is needed to understand how this phenomenon extends to multiview video with more than two views.The currently standardized MVC design provides the encoder with a great deal of freedom to select the encoded fidelity for each view and to perform preprocessing such as blurring if desired;however,it uses the same sample array resolution for the encoding of all views.

F.SEI Messages for Multiview Video

Several new SEI messages for multiview video applica-tions have also been specified as part of the MVC extension of H.264/MPEG-4AVC.However,it should be noted that,in general,SEI messages only supply supplemental infor-mation that is not used within the standardized process for the decoding of the sample values of the coded pictures,and the use of any given SEI message may not be necessary or appropriate in some particular MVC application envi-ronment.A brief summary of these messages and their primary intended uses are included below.

Parallel decoding information SEI message :indicates that the views of an access unit are encoded with certain con-straints that enable parallel decoding.Specifically,it sig-nals a limitation that has been imposed by the MVC encoder whereby a macroblock in a certain view is only allowed to depend on reconstruction values of a subset of macroblocks in other views.By constraining the reference area,it is possible to enable better parallelization in the decoding process [44].

MVC scalable nesting SEI message :enables the reuse of existing SEI messages in the multiview video context by indicating the views or temporal levels to which the mes-sages apply.

View scalability information SEI message :contains view and scalability information for particular operation points (sets of coded views at particular levels of a nested tem-poral referencing structure)in the coded video https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ff12958860.html,rmation such as bit rate and frame rate,among others,is signaled as part of the message for the subset of the operation points.This information can be useful to guide a bitstream extraction process [44].

Multiview scene information SEI message :indicates the maximum disparity among multiple view components in an access unit.This message can be used for processing the decoded view components prior to rendering on a 3-D display.It may also be useful in the placement of graphic overlays,subtitles,and captions in a 3-D scene.

Multiview acquisition information SEI message :this SEI message specifies various parameters of the


Fig.5.Sample coding results for several MVC test sequences,including Ballroom,Race1,and Rena sequences,according to common test conditions [48].

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environment,and specifically,the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters.These parameters are useful for view warping and interpolation,as well as solving other correspondence problems mentioned above in Section II-B.Nonrequired view component SEI message :indicates that a particular view component is not needed for decoding.This may occur if a particular set of views have been iden-tified for output and there are other views in the bitstream that these target output views do not depend on.

View dependency change SEI message :with this SEI message,it is possible to signal changes in the view depen-dency structure.

Operation point not present SEI message :indicates oper-ation points that are not present in the bitstream.This may be useful in streaming and networking scenarios that are considering available operation points in the current bit-stream that could satisfy network or device constraints.Base view temporal HRD SEI message :when present,this SEI message is associated with an IDR access unit and signals information relevant to the hypothetical reference decoder (HRD)parameters associated with the base view.


Frame-compatible formats refer to a class of stereo video formats in which the two stereo views are essentially mul-tiplexed into a single coded frame or sequence of frames.Some common such formats are shown in Fig.6.Other

common names include stereo interleaving or spatial/temporal multiplexing formats.In the following,a general overview of these formats along with the key benefits and drawbacks are discussed.The signaling for these formats that has been standardized as part of the H.264/MPEG-4AVC standard is also described.

A.Basic Principles

With a frame-compatible format,the left and right views are packed together in the samples of a single video frame.In such a format,half of the coded samples represent the left view and the other half represent the right view.Thus,each coded view has half the resolution of the full coded frame.There is a variety of options available for how the packing can be performed.For example,each view may have half horizontal resolution or half vertical resolution.The two such half-resolution views can be interleaved in alternating samples of each column or row,respectively,or can be placed next to each other in arrangements known as the side-by-side and top–bottom packings (see Fig.6).The top-bottom packing is also sometimes referred to as over–under packing [55].Alternatively,a B checkerboard [(quincunx)sampling may be applied to each view,with the two views interleaved in alternating samples in both the horizontal and vertical dimensions (as also shown in Fig.6).

Temporal multiplexing is also possible.In this ap-proach,the left and right views would be interleaved as alternating frames or fields of a coded video sequence.These formats are referred to as frame sequential and field sequential .The frame rate of each view may be reduced so that the amount of data is equivalent to that of a single view.Frame-compatible formats have received considerable attention from the broadcast industry since they facilitate the introduction of stereoscopic services through existing infrastructure and equipment.The coded video can be processed by encoders and decoders that were not speci-fically designed to handle stereo video V such that only the display subsystem that follows the decoding process needs to be altered to support 3-D.Representing the stereo video in a way that is maximally compatible with existing encod-ing,decoding,and delivery infrastructure is the major advantage of this format.The video can be compressed with existing encoders,transmitted through existing chan-nels,and decoded by existing receivers.Only the final display stage requires some customization for recognizing and properly rendering the video to enable a 3-D viewing experience.Although compression performance may vary depending on the content,the acquisition and preproces-sing technology,and the frame packing arrangement that are used,the bit rates for supporting stereo video in this manner may not need to be substantially higher than for a compressed single view at an equivalent spatial resolution (although a somewhat higher bit rate may be desirable,since the frame-compatible stereo video would tend to have higher spatial frequency content characteristics).


https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ff12958860.html,mon frame-compatible formats where ‘‘x’’represents

the samples from one view and ‘‘o’’represents the samples from the other view.

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format essentially tunnels the stereo video through existing hardware and delivery channels.Due to these minimal changes,stereo video service can be quickly deployed to 3-D capable displays(which are already available in the market V e.g.,using the HDMI1.4a specification[56]).

The drawback of representing the stereo signal in this way is that spatial or temporal resolution would be only half of that used for2-D video with the same(total)encoded resolution.The key additional issue with frame-compatible formats is distinguishing the left and right views.To per-form the de-interleaving,it is necessary for receivers to be able to parse and interpret some signal that indicates that the frame packing is being used.Since this signaling may not be understood by legacy receivers,it may not even be possible for such devices to extract,decode,and display a 2-D version of the3-D program.However,this may not necessarily be considered so problematic,as it is not always considered desirable to enable2-D video extraction from a3-D stream.The content production practices for 2-D and3-D programs may be different,and2-D and3-D versions of a program may be edited differently(e.g.,using more frequent scene cuts and more global motion for2-D programming than for3-D).Moreover,the firmware on some devices,such as cable set-top boxes,could be upgraded to understand the new signaling that describes the video format(although the same is not necessarily true for broadcast receivers and all types of equipment).


The signaling for a complete set of frame-compatible formats has been standardized within the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC standard as SEI messages.A decoder that understands the SEI message can interpret the format of the decoded video and display the stereo content appropriately.

An earlier edition of the standard that was completed in2004specified a stereo video information(SVI)SEI message that could identify two types of frame-compatible encoding for left and right views.More specifically,it was able to indicate either a row-based interleaving of views that would be represented as individual fields of a video frame or a temporal multiplexing of views where the left and right views would be in a temporally alternating se-quence of frames.The SVI SEI message also had the capa-bility of indicating whether the encoding of a particular view is self-contained,i.e.,whether the frames or fields corresponding to the left view are only predicted from other frames or fields of the left view.Inter-view predic-tion for stereo is possible when the self-contained flag is disabled.

Although the specification of the SVI SEI message is still included in the current version of the standard[1],the functionality of this SEI message has recently been in-corporated,along with additional signaling capabilities and support of various other spatially multiplexed formats(as described above),into a new SEI message.Thus,the new edition of the standard expresses a preference for the use of the new SEI message rather than the SVI SEI message.The new SEI message is referred to as the frame packing arrangement(FPA)SEI message.It was specified in an amendment of the H.264/MPEG-4AVC standard[12]and was incorporated into the latest edition[1].This new SEI message is the current suggested way to signal frame-compatible stereo video information,and it is able to signal all of the various frame packing arrangements shown in Fig.6.With the side-by-side and top–bottom arrange-ments,it is also possible to signal whether one of the views has been flipped so as to create a mirror image in the horizontal or vertical direction,respectively.Independent of the frame packing arrangement,the SEI message also indicates whether the left and right views have been subject to a quincunx(checkerboard)sampling.For instance,it is possible to apply a quincunx filter and subsampling process, but then rearrange the video samples into a side-by-side format.Such schemes are also supported in the FPA SEI message.Finally,the SEI message indicates whether the upper-left sample of a packed frame is for the left or right view and it also supports additional syntax to indicate the precise relative grid alignment positions of the samples of the left and right views,using a precision of one sixteenth of the sample grid spacing between the rows and columns of the decoded video array.


Industry is now preparing for the introduction of new 3-D services.With the exception of Blu-Ray discs,which will offer a stereo format with high-definition resolution for each view based on the stereo high profile of the MVC extensions,the majority of services will start based on frame-compatible formats that will have a lower resolution for each coded view than the full resolution of the coded frame[57].Some benefits and drawbacks of the various formats are discussed below;further discussion can also be found in[57].

In the production and distribution domains,the side-by-side and top–bottom formats currently appear to be the most favored(e.g.,in[55]and[58]).Relative to row or column interleaving and the checkerboard format,the quality of the reconstructed stereo signal after compres-sion can be better maintained.The interleaved formats introduce significant high-frequency content into the frame-compatible signal V thereby requiring a higher bit rate for encoding with adequate quality.Also,the inter-leaving and compression process can create crosstalk arti-facts and color bleeding across views.

From the pure sampling perspective,there have been some studies that advocated benefits of quincunx sampling. In particular,quincunx sampling preserves more of the original signal and its frequency-domain representation is similar to that of the human visual system.The resolution loss is equally distributed in the vertical and horizontal directions.So,while it may not be a distribution-friendly format,quincunx sampling followed by a rearrangement to

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side-by-side or top–bottom format could potentially lead to higher quality compared to direct horizontal or vertical decimation of the left and right views by a factor of two.On the other hand,quincunx sampling may introduce high frequencies into the video signal that are difficult to en-code,since it creates frequency content that is neither purely vertical nor purely horizontal.This may result in a signal that requires a higher bit rate to encode with ade-quate quality[55].

Another issue to consider regarding frame-compatible formats is whether the source material is interlaced.Since the top–bottom format incurs a resolution loss in the ver-tical dimension and an interlaced field is already half the resolution of the decoded frame,the side-by-side format is generally preferred over the top-bottom format for inter-laced content[55],[58].

Since there are displays in the market that support interleaved formats as their native display format,such as checkerboard for DLP televisions and row or column interleaving for some LCD-based displays,it is likely that the distribution formats will be converted to these display formats prior to reaching the display.The newest high-definition multimedia interface specification between set-top boxes and displays(HDMI1.4a[56])adds support for the following3-D video format structures:frame packing (for progressive and interlaced scan formats),side-by-side (half or full horizontal resolution),top–bottom(half verti-cal resolution only),field alternating(for interlaced formats),and line alternating(for progressive formats).4 Therefore,the signaling of these formats over the display interface would be necessary along with the signaling of the various distribution formats.

The SEI message that has been specified in the latest version of the H.264/MPEG-4AVC standard supports a broad set of possible frame-compatible formats.It is ex-pected to be used throughout the delivery chain from pro-duction to distribution,through the receiving devices,and possibly all the way to the display in some cases.

A natural question that arises in regard to the deploy-ment of frame-compatible stereo video is how to then migrate to a service that provides higher resolution for each view.Various approaches to this question are currently under study in the MPEG standardization working group-enhancing the resolution of each view with a coded resolution enhancement bitstream in a layered scalable fashion[59].The best approach for this may involve some combination of MVC with another set of recent extensions of H.264/MPEG-4AVC V namely,the SVC extension [45]V perhaps along with additional new technology. VII.CONCLUSION AND FURTHER WORK Three-dimensional video has drawn significant attention recently among industry,standardization forums,and aca-demic researchers.The efficient representation and com-pression of stereo and multiview video is a central component of any3-D or multiview system since it defines the format to be produced,stored,transmitted,and dis-played.This paper reviewed the recent extensions to the widely deployed H.264/MPEG-4AVC standard that sup-port3-D stereo and multiview video.The MVC standard includes support for improved compression of stereo and multiview video by enabling inter-view prediction as well as temporal interpicture prediction.Another important development has been the efficient representation,coding, and signaling of frame-compatible stereo video formats. Associated standards for the transport and storage of stereo and multiview video using H.222.0/MPEG-2Systems, RTP,and the ISO base media file format have also been specified,and are described in[60].

We now witness the rollout of new3-D services and equipment based on these technologies and standards.As the market evolves and new types of displays and services are offered,additional new technologies and standards will need to be introduced.For example,it is anticipated that a new3-D video format to support the generation of the large number of views required by autostereoscopic dis-plays would be needed.Solutions that consider the inclu-sion of depth map information for this purpose are a significant area of focus for future designs,as discussed in[61].h


The authors would like to thank the experts of the Joint Video Team(JVT)of ISO/IEC MPEG and ITU-T VCEG for their contributions and fruitful discussions.They especial-ly thank those that have contributed to the text editing, software development,and conformance testing,namely P.Merkle,K.Mu¨ller,Y.-K.Wang,Y.Chen,P.Pandit, A.Smolic,S.Yea,S.Shimizu,H.Kimata,C.-S.Lim, D.Tian,and T.Suzuki.

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Anthony Vetro (Fellow,IEEE)received the B.S.,M.S.,and Ph.D.degrees in electrical engineering from Polytechnic University,Brooklyn,NY.

He joined Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs,Cambridge,MA,in 1996,where he is currently a Group Manager responsible for research and standardization on video coding,as well as work on display processing,information security,speech processing,and radar imaging.He has published more than 150papers in these areas.He

has also been an active member of the ISO/IEC and ITU-T standardization committees on video coding for many years,where he has served as an ad hoc group chair and editor for several projects and specifications.Most recently,he was a key contributor to the Multiview Video Coding extension of the H.264/MPEG-4AVC standard.He also serves as Vice-Chair of the U.S.delegation to MPEG.

Dr.Vetro is also active in various IEEE conferences,technical committees,and editorial boards.He currently serves on the Editorial Boards of the IEEE S IGNAL P ROCESSING M AGAZINE and IEEE M ULTIMEDIA ,and as an Associate Editor for the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON C IRCUITS AND S YSTEMS FOR V IDEO T ECHNOLOGY and the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I MAGE P ROCESSING .He served as Chair of the Technical Committee on Multimedia Signal Processing of the IEEE Signal Processing Society and on the steering committees for ICME and the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON M ULTIMEDIA .He served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE S IGNAL P ROCESSING M AGAZINE (2006–2007),as Conference Chair for the 2006International Conference on Consumer Electronics,Tutorials Chair for the 2006International Conference on Multimedia and Expo,and as a member of the Publications Committee of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON C ONSUMER E LECTRONICS (2002–2008).He is a member of the Technical Committees on Visual Signal Processing &Communications,and Multimedia Systems &Applications of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society.He has also received several awards for his work on transcoding,including the 2003IEEE Circuits and Systems IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON C IRCUITS AND S YSTEMS FOR V IDEO T ECHNOLOGY Best Paper


Thomas Wiegand (Fellow,IEEE)received the Dipl.-Ing.degree in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Hamburg,Harburg,Germany,in 1995and the Dr.-Ing.degree from the University of Erlangen,Nuremberg,Germany,in 2000.

Currently,he is a Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,Berlin Institute of Technology,Berlin,Germany,chairing the Image Communication Laboratory,

and is jointly heading the Image Processing Department,Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications,Heinrich-Hertz-Institute,Berlin,Ger-many.He joined the Heinrich-Hertz-Institute in 2000as the Head of the Image Communication group in the Image Processing Department.His research interests include video processing and coding,multimedia transmission,as well as computer vision and graphics.From 1993to 1994,he was a Visiting Researcher at Kobe University,Japan.In 1995,he was a Visiting Scholar at the University of California at Santa Barbara.From 1997to 1998,he was a Visiting Researcher at Stanford University,Stanford,CA,and served as a consultant to 8x 8,Inc.,Santa Clara,CA.From 2006to 2008,he was a Consultant to Stream Processors,Inc.,Sunnyvale,CA.From 2007to 2009,he was a Consultant to Skyfire,Inc.,Mountain View,CA.Since 2006,he has been a member of the technical advisory board of Vidyo,Inc.,Hackensack,NJ.Since 1995,he has been an active participant in standardization for multimedia with successful submissions to ITU-T VCEG,ISO/IEC MPEG,3GPP,DVB,and IETF.In October 2000,he was appointed as the Associated Rapporteur of ITU-T VCEG.In December 2001,he was appointed as the Associated Rappor-teur/Co-Chair of the JVT.In February 2002,he was appointed as the Editor of the H.264/MPEG-4AVC video coding standard and its extensions (FRExt and SVC).From 2005to 2009,he was Co-Chair of MPEG Video.Dr.Wiegand received the SPIE VCIP Best Student Paper Award in 1998.In 2004,he received the Fraunhofer Award and the ITG Award of the German Society for Information Technology.The projects that he cochaired for development of the H.264/AVC standard have been recognized by the 2008ATAS Primetime Emmy Engineering Award and a pair of NATAS Technology &Engineering Emmy Awards.In 2009,he received the Innovations Award of the Vodafone Foundation,the EURASIP Group Technical Achievement Award,and the Best Paper Award of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON C IRCUITS AND S YSTEMS FOR V IDEO T ECHNOLOGY .In 2010,he received the Eduard Rhein Technology Award.He was elected Fellow of the IEEE in 2011B for his contributions to video coding and its standardization.[He was a Guest Editor for the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON C IRCUITS AND S YSTEMS FOR V IDEO T ECHNOLOGY for its Special Issue on the H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard in July 2003,its Special Issue on Scalable Video Coding-Standardization and Beyond in September 2007,and its Special Section on the Joint Call for Proposals on High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)Standardization.Since January 2006,he has been an Associate Editor of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON C IRCUITS AND S YSTEMS FOR V IDEO T ECHNOLOGY .

Vetro et al.:Overview of the Stereo and Multiview Video Coding Extensions of the H.264/MPEG-4AVC Standard

Vol.99,No.4,April 2011|Proceedings of the IEEE 641

Gary J.Sullivan (Fellow,IEEE)received the B.S.and M.Eng.degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Louisville J.B.Speed School of Engineering,Louisville,KY,in 1982and 1983,respectively,and the Ph.D.and Engineer degrees in electrical engineering from the University of California,Los Angeles,in 1991.

He has held leadership positions in a number of video and image coding standardization organiza-tions since 1996,including chairmanship or

cochairmanship of the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG),the video subgroup of the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG),the ITU-T/ISO/IEC Joint Video Team (JVT),the ITU-T/ISO/IEC Joint Collabo-rative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC),and the JPEG XR subgroup of the ITU-T/ISO/IEC Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG).He is a video/image technology architect in the Windows Ecosystem Engagement team of Microsoft Corporation,Redmond,VA.At Microsoft,he designed and remains lead engineer for the DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA)video decoding feature of the Microsoft Windows operating system.Prior to joining Microsoft in 1999,he was the manager of Communications Core Research at PictureTel Corporation.He was previously a Howard Hughes Fellow and Member of the Technical Staff in the Advanced Systems Division of Hughes Aircraft Corporation and a Terrain-Following Radar (TFR)System Software Engineer for Texas Instruments.His research interests and areas of publication include image and video compression and rate-distortion optimization,video motion estimation and compen-sation,scalar and vector quantization,and scalable,multiview and loss-resilient video coding.

Dr.Sullivan received the IEEE Consumer Electronics Engineering Excellence Award,the INCITS Technical Excellence Award,the IMTC Leadership Award,the J.B.Speed Professional Award in Engineering,the Microsoft Technical Achievement in Standardization Award,and the Microsoft Business Achievement in Standardization Award.The stan-dardization projects that he led for development of the H.264/MPEG-4AVC video coding standard have been recognized by an ATAS Primetime Emmy Engineering Award and a pair of NATAS Technology &Engineering Emmy Awards.He is a Fellow of SPIE V The International Society for Optical Engineering.He was a Guest Editor for the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON C IRCUITS AND S YSTEMS FOR V IDEO T ECHNOLOGY for its Special Issue on the H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard in July 2003and its Special Issue on Scalable Video Coding V Standardization and Beyond in September 2007.

Vetro et al.:Overview of the Stereo and Multiview Video Coding Extensions of the H.264/MPEG-4AVC Standard

642Proceedings of the IEEE |Vol.99,No.4,April 2011

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