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1. If you want to make your friend not to be too nervous before the final exam , you say , “_________ ”.

A. The early bird catches the worm

B. Many hands make light work .

C. Too many cooks spoil the broth

D. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

2. Mother devoted her life ________ caring _______ the poor .

A. for , to

B. for , for

C. to , for

D. to , to

3. Do you know the man __________ ?

A. Whom I spoke

B. to who spoke

C. I spoke to

D. that I spoke

4. This is the hotel ________ last month .

A. which they stayed

B. at that they stayed

C. where they stayed at

D. where they stayed

5. This is the film ________ .

A. that have been shown this year

B. that have shown

C. that has been shown this year .

D. that you talked

6. Can you lend me the book _______ the other day ?

A. about which you talked

B. which you talked

C. about that you talked

D. that you talked

7. I have two grammars , _________ are of great use .

A. all of which

B. either of which

C. both if that

D. both if which

8. Did you ask the guard _______ happened ? Y es , he told me all ________ he knew .

A. what , what

B. what , that

C. which , which

D. that , that

9. The number of people who ________ cars _________ increasing .

A. owns , are

B. owns , is

C. own , is

D. own , are

10. Tom seldom speaks English after class , for he is afraid _____ mistakes and _____ .

A. to make , to laugh at

B. making , laughing at

C. to be made , to be laughed at

D. od making , being laughed at

11. Jack __________ Mary for thirty years .

A. has married

B. has been married to

C. married to

D. is married to

12. Jack likes to _______ others but never writes to them .

A. heard of

B. hear about

C. hear from

D. hear

13. Mainland and Taiwan are of one China . The unification of China will _______ sooner or later .

A. become real

B. get real

C. turn true

D. come true

14. He wants to be a teacher when he grows up and _______ himself _______ the cause of education .

15. If we work with a strong will , we can overcome any difficulty , _______ great it is .

A. what

B. how

C. however

D. whatever

16. No matter how late he is , his mother always waits _______ dinner .

A. for him to have

B. for him having

C. him having

D. him to have

17. He was _______ danger by the _______ look .

A. warned , warned

B. warning , warning

C. warned , warning

D. warning , warned

18. “Write your answers in the blank _________ “, said the teacher .

A. space

B. spaces

C. room

D. rooms

19. The book ________ twenty pages , ________ two short plays .

A. contains , includes

B. is containing , including

C. includes , containing

D. contains , including

20. Our English teacher worked late in the night , ________ the exams for the following weeks .

A. to be prepared

B. prepared

C. preparing

D. were preparing

21. Could you tell me what you have _______ mind ? I think I can give you some advice _______ it .

A. at , about

B. in , on

C. in , of

D. on , on

22. Hello ! Can I speak to Alice ? Sorry . She isn’t here . She _______ the street .

A. goes

B. will go

C. has gone

D. was going

23. The fire was getting stronger and stronger and it seemed to _______ .

A. lose control

B. be under control

C. be out of control

D. be control

24. Li Ming ________ his father is going to Beijing next week .

A. along

B. together with

C. and

D. as well

25. My mother takes possession of the very house ________ me .

A. which used to belong to

B. which used to be belonged to

C. that used to belong to

D. that used to be belonged to


Who designed the first helicopter ? Who 1 one of the most famous pictures in the world ? Who knew more about the human body than most 2 ? There ia an answer to all these questions : Leonardo de Vinci .

Leonardo may have been the greatest genius people have 3 known . He lived in Italy around the year 1500, but many of his inventions 4 modern to us today . Fir example , one of his notebook has drawings of a helicopter . of course , he couldn’t 5 a helecopter with the things he had . But scientists say his idea would have 6 .

But Leonardo wasn’t just an inventor . He was one of the greatest artits of his day .. By the time he was twenty years old , he was 7 master painter , and as he got older he became even more famous . Sometimes he drew a hand ten 8 ways before he was ready to paint .

May of Leonardo’s wonderful 9 are still with us today . Y ou may know one of his most

1. A. made B. took C. painted D. invented

2. A. artists B. doctors C. painters D. people

3. A. ever B. easily C. then D. even

4. A. look B. turn C. grow D. seem

5. A. draw B. build C. paint D. work

6. A. worked B. come C. happened D. done

7. A. seen B. called C. asked D. told

8. A. same B. hard C. different D. useful

9. A. jobs B. ideas C. notebooks D. paintings

10. A. interesting B. crying C. smiling D. surprising



China’s first astronaut Y ang Liwei walked out of the return capsule of the Shenzhou V spaceship , smiling and waving to the waiting people . Thursday morning in the grassland in Gobi Desert , Inner Mongolia , state television pictures showed .

Y ang has spent 21 hours in outer sapce , travelling more than 100,000 kilometers in the earth’s orbit before Shenzhou V brought him back at 6:07 a.m. Thursday morning Beijing time . Y ang said he felt excellent after the 21-hour journey , the first by a Chinese .

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said in a congratulation message Thursday morning that China’s first manned sapceflight has been a “ complete success ”, which shall be written into the history of China’s space program development .

After Y ang went out of the capsule , doctors offered a physical check up to Y ang at once , which found him in good conditions . At about 7:40 a. m. , Y an gwas carried by a helecopter to Beijing , where a celebration party wii be held .

At 6:00 a.m. Thursday , the r eturn caosule of Shenzhou V entered China’s air space . Several minutes later , the capluse landed safely in Northwest China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region , and Y ang reported “The condition are good . ”

Five rescue helecopters went very fast towards the capluse and found it at 6:36 a.m. . They said Y ang felt good and the condition with the capsule also seemed nomal .

At 6:51 ,Y ang Liwei went out of the capsule on himself , waving and smiling to resuers and reporters .

Li Jinai , director of China’s sp ace program, said that , the actual landing site is only 4.8 kilometers from the designed site , the condition of the return capsule are good and Y ang could walk out of the capsule on himself . All these marked the complete success of the manned flight .

1. When Y ang Liwei stepped out of the capsule , he looked ___________ .

A. tired

B. afraid

C. all right

D. sad

2. How long did Y ang Liwei stay in the spaceship ?

A. For two days

B. For a night

C. For more than a day

D. For twenty-one hours

3. The capsule landed ____________ .

A. far away from what it was designed

B. exactly on the place where it was designed

C. not far from the place where it was designed

D. away from Gobi Desert

4. The passage is mainly about ________ .

A. the successful return of Shen Zhou V

B. the successful travel around the earth

C. the rescuing the Shen Zhou V

D. the designed place where the capsule should land

5. The passsage is from _____________ .

A. an advertisenment

B. an interview

C. a book or a novel

D. a news report


Stephen Hawking was born in Oxford , England on 8th January , 1942 . He went to school in St Allbans , a small city near London . Although he did well , he was never top of his class .

After leaving school ,Hawking went first to Oxford University where he studied physics and then went to Cambridge University where he studied cosmology . As he himself admits , he didn’t work hard . he was a very lazy student , and did ver y little work . However , he still got marks .

It was at the age of 20 that Hawking first noticed something was wrong with him . He started to bump into things . When he visited his family at Christmas time , his mother was so worried that she made him see a doctor . Hawking was sent to hospital for tests . Finally , the result came back , Hawking had motor neuron disease , an incurable illness which would make him unzble speak , breathe or move without the help of a machine . Doctors said they had no way to help him . He would die before 23.

At first , Hawking became very depressed . After a while , though , he began to see his life ina different way . As he later wrote , “ Before my illness was diagonsed , I had been very bored with life . There had not seemed to be anyhting worth doing . But shortly after I came out of hospital , I suddenly realized that there were a lot of worthwhile things I could do . ”Hawking married , found a job at Combridge University as a prefessor . He strongly believes that his story shows that nobody , how bad their situation is , should lose hope . “ Life is not fair , ”he once said , “ Y ou just have to do the best you can in your own situation . ”

6. As a unversity student , Stephen Hawking ___________ .

A. worked hard

B. studied math and physics

C. was the best student in his class

D. was lazy and did very little work

7. Hawking first otice something was wrong with him when __________ .

A. he was sent to hospital for test

B. his mother made him see a doctor

C. he was twenty

D. he visited his family at Christmas time one year

8. In the passage the word “ incurable ” means ___________ .

A. 无法治愈的B。难以确诊的C。常见的D。可以治愈的

9. When Hawking was first diabnosed with motor neuron disease , he _________ .

A. made up his mind to get married

B. began to see his life in a different way

C. thought that nothing in life was doing

D. became very sad

10. What would be the best title for this passage ?

A. Motor Neuron Disease

B. Life is Fair

C. Professor Stephen Hawking

D. A Lazy Boy


1. ________ his life time , he wrote more than 12 novels .(在。。。。。。期间)

2. Those who won the World Cup were regarded as the national __________ . (英雄)

3. Do you know the man who you _________ just now ? (提及)

4. The students of Clss 3 spent a _________day walking onto the mountain . (整个)

5. The man _______ a dark suit will give us a talk tomorrow . (穿)

6. Zhongshan Road is the ________ street in our city . (繁华)

7. Linda didn’t __________ the ____________ yesterday . (出席) (讨论)

8. The ________ took their daughter who has hurt her legs in an accident . (夫妇)

9. It’s _________ that thousands of people lost their lives in Eraq War . (报道)

10. He was chosen to be __________ first astronaut to fly in space . (中国)

11. She is the most famous __________ .(歌)

12. When he was a boy , he wanted to be an _________ .(探索)

13. He worked very hard so he passed the examination very __________ .(成功)

14. If you _________ like a job , you must do it well . (真)

15. When I got home , I found my wallet __________ . (丢失)

16. The story he told us was very ___________ . (惊讶)

17. Passing the exam gave him a great sense of _________ .(成就)

18. This is a great ___________ point in his life . (转)

19. The award that he got for his _________ was Medal of Freedom . (服务)

20. Y ou must collect more information for your __________ . (演示)























以谚语(proverb)Nothing is difficult if you put our heart into it .为题,写一篇100词左右的短文。


语文四年级上学期 第四单元能力提升卷 考试时间:90分 1.我会看拼音写词语。 hōnɡ lónɡ lónɡtā xiàlù chūrán shāo ________ ________ ________ ________ wéi kùn zhēnɡ zháxī mièpēn huǒ ________ ________ ________ ________ yè tǐdà pén jīn ɡuānɡ sì shèyún xiá ________ ________ ________ ________ 2.在句子前的横线上加上正确的序号,排列成一段通顺的话。 ________炼了五天五夜,五彩石化成了很稠的液体。 ________对准那个大窟窿,往上一泼。 ________五彩石找齐了,女娲先在地上挖个圆坑,把五彩石放在里面,用神火进行冶炼。 ________只见金光四射,大窟窿立刻被补好了。 ________女娲把它装在一个大盆里,端到天边。 3.根据要求变换句子。

①地面上没有火,人们只好吃生的东西,在无边的黑暗中度过一个又一个长夜。(改成因果句式) ②大力神经过高加索山、便挽弓搭箭,射死了那只鹫鹰。(改为“把”字句) ③火神把普罗米修斯押到高加索山上。(改成“被”字句) 4.生字书写完全正确的一组词语是() A. 综亲污浊宗庙浑浊 B. 支撑缓慢延缓撑杆跳 C. 机肉皮肤肌体夫色 D. 献血夜体血液输液 5.哪两个词搭配在一起最合适,选一选。 A.隆隆的________花草树木 B.茂盛的________大地 C.辽阔的________江河 D.奔流不息的 ________云 E.飘动的________雷声 6.小云朵叫什么名字?给划线的字选择拼音。


四年级英语上册第一单元检测题 班别:______________ 姓名:______________ 成绩:________________ 听力部分(满分60分) 一、Listen and choose. 听音,选择。每小题读两遍。(10分) ( ) 1. A. cat B. cake ( ) 2. A. rat B. rate ( ) 3. A. date B. dad ( ) 4. A. hat B. hate ( ) 5. A. make B. map ( ) 6. A. face B. fat ( ) 7. A. lack B. lake ( ) 8. A. bag B. bake ( ) 9. A. take B. tap ( )10. A. pat B. pate 二、Listen and choose. 听录音,选出与录音内容相符合的一项,并将其字母序号填写在题 前的括号里。每小题读两遍。(10分) ()1. A. classroom B. bedroom C. bathroom ()2. A. come B. computer C. crayon ()3. A. wall B. walk C. window ()4. A. light B. night C. nine ()5. A. duck B. ball C. door ()6. A. picture B. pupil C. pencil ()7. A. four B. floor C. foot ()8. A. teacher’s desk B. student’s desk C. many desks ()9. A. Let me clean the classroom. B. Let me clean the windows. C. Let me clean the blackboard. ()10. A. It’s in the teacher’s desk. B. It’s under the teacher’s desk. C. It’s near the teacher’s desk. 三、Listen and choose.听录音内容,选择正确答案。每小题读两遍。(10分) ( )1. ( )2. . A B A B


苏教版三年级上册科学第四单元测试题 (含答案) 三年级科学上册第四单元形成性测试题 时间40分钟 总分100分 题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 得分 一、 精彩补白 、材料可分为( )和( )两大类。

2、我的教室桌主要是由( )制成的,它属于( )材料。 3、金属有( )( )( )( )( )( )等的性质。 4、尼龙是从( )中提炼出来的。 、塑料具有( )( )( )( )等优点。 6、飞机、汽车、自行车、小刀等是用()制成的,属于( )材料。 7、纸可以做成( ),木头可以加工成(

),金属可以制成()。。。。。。物品都是由()制成的。 二、择优录取: 、造纸术是我国( )发明的。 A、汉武帝 B、蔡伦 、孔子 2、炒锅最好用( )制作的。 A、钻 B、金 、铁 3、下列( )属于新型材料。 A、精细陶瓷 B、玻璃 、钢铁 D、纳米材料 4、塑料的最大缺点是()

A、不易降解 B、耐磨 、易燃 、用棉布制成的衣服穿着( ),用尼龙做的衣服( ) A、透气性好 B、耐磨性、吸水性好 、结实耐磨、吸水性差 6、下列选项中,不属于天然材料的是( ) A、石油 B、棉花 、纸 D、蚕丝 三、法官宣判。(14分) 、我们日常生活中的物品都是加工而成,都属于人造材料。( ) 2、尼龙具有透气性强,耐磨的特点。( ) 3、报纸、书、字典都是由人造材料做的。(

) 4、纸的吸水性强弱一样。( ) 、塑料可以制成镜片,是应用了塑料透明的特性。( ) 6、纸的主要原料是木材,所以我们要节约用纸。( ) 7、烧杯、试管等大都是玻璃做的,它属于天然材料。() 四、我会连线。(12分) 将物品与所组成的材料类型用线连起来。 字典 木头 装洗发水的瓶子 钢铁 椅子 塑料 火车轨道 石墨


八年级上册英语第四单元检测题 一、单项选择 ( ) 1. It took me _____ _ hour to do my homework yesterday. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 2. — How do you usually come to school — I usually come to school __ foot. A. in B. on C. by D. with ( ) 3. We have ____ books to read every year. A. three hundred B. three hundred of C. three hundreds D. three hundreds of ( ) 4. —Let ’s play computer games after class. — Great! That must be ___ _ than having classes. A. fun B. funny C. many more fun D. a lot more fun ( ) 5. T he boys goes to school ____ Monday to Friday. A. from B. to C. with D. from to ( ) 6. I usually go to work __ bike but today I go to work __ a bus. A. by , by B. in , in C. by , in D. in , by ( ) 7. — When did you get ____ _ this morning — At 11:00. A. home B. to home C. at home D. in home ( ) 8. — _____ does it take you to walk home — About twenty minutes. A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How far ( ) 9. — _ ____— She goes to work by boat. A. How does she go to work B. When does she go to work C. Why does she go to work D. Where does she go to work ( ) 10. —____ is it from here to the station — Not very far. It ’ s ten minutes ’ ride. long far C. How much D. How many ( ) 11. It will take me two weeks _____ _the work. finish ( ) _____ Sunday morning ,he usually gets up very late. A. In D. On ( ) 13. We often go to Beijing_ ______ . feet a car train the train ( ) 14. What time is it It ’____. _____________ __________. A. Sixteen past one to two C. Wednesday D. December 12th ( ) 15. What do you _____ Changchun of D. get to 二、完形填空 Tomwakes__1 early in the morning. Then he gets up. He always eats his breakfast at about 7:00. He has bread and milk for 2 . He leaves the house at 7:30. He 3 never late for school. Tom has four classes in the morning. At about twelve he comes 4 for lunch. In the afternoon he has two classes. After school is 5 he does his homework and plays with d\other the evening,Tom ’ s 6 come back from work. They 7 supper together. After supper, Tom 8 newspaper or story-books. 9 he watches TV or listens to the radio. 10 about nine o ’ clock, he goes to bed. ( ) 1. A. up B. out C. down D. in ( ) 2. A. supper C. breakfast D. dinner ( ) 3. A. has B. is D. can ( ) 4. A. school B. ding-room C. restaurant D. home ( ) 5. A. out B. on D. up ( ) 6. A. father B. mother C. parent D. parents ( ) 7. A. have B. take C. make D. get ( ) 8. A. looks C. sees D. watches ( ) 9. A. Sometime C. Some time D. Some times ( )10 . C. At D. For


四年级英语下册第四单元检测试题附答案 听力部分(40分) 一、听音,选择与你所听到的单词同一类的一项。(10分) ( )1.A.sunny B.sun C.big ( )2.A.pear B.tomato C.cow ( )3.A.hot B.horse C.home ( )4.A.ten B.too C.today ( )5.A.hen B.farm C.teacher 二、听音,根据你所听到的句子,选择合适的答语。(15分) ( )1.A.It's a dog. B.Are they cows? C.They are cows. ( )2.A.Eight. B.White. C.Donkey. ( )3.A.Yes, they are. B.No, it isn't. C.Yes, it is. ( )4.A.Fi*e. B.Fi*e yuan. C.Fi*e o'clock. ( )5.A.It's time for lunch. B.It's time for English class. C.It's ten o'clock. 三、听音,根据听到的短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。(15分) ( )1.It's a sunny day. ( )2.Some students go to the farm. ( )3.There are many tigers. ( )4.There are many horses. ( )5.The raadfdsits are eating carrots. 笔试部分 (60分)

四、写出下列单词的复数形式。(10分) 1.sheep________ 2.hen________ 3.cow________ 4.goat________ 5.pig________ 6.duck________ 7.potato________ 8.tomato________ 9.onion________ 10.horse________ 五、根据汉语提示写出单词。(10分) 1.A:________ ________(多少) cows do you ha*e? B:I ha*e ________(30只). 2.A:________(什么) are these? B:They are ________(绵羊). 3.He has two ________(奶牛) and three ________(马). 4.A:Are these ________ (西红柿)? B:Yes,________ ________(它们是). 六、按要求完成下列各题。(15分) 1.I ha*e __fifteen apples.(就画线部分提问) ___________________________________________________________ _______ 2.They are dogs.(就画线部分提问) ___________________________________________________________ _______ 3.Are those horses?(作否定回答)


六年级下册科学第四单元测试卷 姓名学号得分 一、我会填空(每空1分,共30分) 1、同一栖息地上不同种类的植物和动物之间会形成()关系或()关系。 2、食物链上的生物,能自己制造食物的叫做(),以其他生物为食的叫做(),分解动植物残骸或废物的叫做()。 3、人类的很多行为直接破坏了生态平衡,如()、(),以及()等。 4、()是所有生物的家,让我们一起来爱护它! 5、食物链的源头是(),终点是()。 6、食物链由()和()组成。 7、生态农业包括:()、()、()。 8、一种生物愿意长期生活在某个环境里,是因为这个环境为它提供了()、()和()所必须的()、()、()等条件,这样的生活环境被称为()。 9、企鹅、海豹生活在(),狮子、斑马生活在(),小鸟、猴子生活在(),海龟、鲨鱼生活在()。 10、生活在沙漠中的动植物需要有()的本领。 11、()透明的“外衣”有极强的变色本领,可以适应各种环境。 12、动植物的生存本领是其()的结果。 二、判断:(每题2分,共20分) 1、沙漠中没有生物。() 2、动植物的形态结构与他们生活的环境没有关系。() 3、植物的生长一定离不开阳光、水、土壤。() 4、、如果食物链断了,就会导致生态平衡失调。() 5、蚯蚓、蜘蛛和屎壳郎都属于食物链中的分解者。() 6、中国是世界上自然资源和生物多样性最丰富的国家之一。() 7、仙鹤的脚趾又细又长,与枯枝相似,利于诱捕小鱼。() 8、许多昆虫都用与环境相似的体色保护自己。() 9、如果自然界没有植物,人和动物都会死亡。() 10、善待每一个物种,就是善待人类自己。() 三、选择题(每题2分,共20分) 1、下列生物中不属于共生关系的是()。 A.啄木鸟和树 B.鸟和果实 C.虫和鸟 D.蜜蜂和花 2、霉菌生长在面包上,他是()。 A.分解者 B.消费者 C.生产者 3、下列属于生活在南极洲的鸟类是()。 A.野鸡 B.企鹅 C.大雁 D.老鹰 4、下列生物中不属于敌对关系的是()。 A熊和鸟 B斑马和狮子 C猫和老鼠 D鳄鱼和鳄鸟 5、下列选项表示是正确的食物链的是() A、稻子—蝗虫—青蛙—蛇—鹰 B、蝗虫—稻子—青蛙—蛇—鹰 C、稻子—青蛙—蝗虫—蛇—鹰 6、下列动物中,()不属于鱼类。 A、鲸鱼 B、草鱼 C、鲤鱼 7、小丑鱼和()是伙伴关系。 A、海螺、 B、珊瑚 C、海葵 8、下列()行为不是掠食行为。 A、蛙捕食昆虫 B、蛇吞食蛙 C、牛吃草 9、水稻、蝗虫、青蛙、蛇、鹰构成的食物链中,终点的生物是()。 A、蝗虫 B、青蛙 C、蛇 D、鹰 10、把南极企鹅养在南方,应该注意()。 A、提供低温环境 B、保持四周安静 C、提供水池 D、地面铺上稻草


六年级上册英语第四单元检测题 班级姓名得分 一、我会用所给词的适当形式填空。 1、Do you like________ (swim)? 2.My friend sometime______(watch)TV in the afternoon. 3.Kate likes ___________(make)kites and _________(fly)kites . 4.Dave usually ___________(go) to bed at 9:00. 5、My brother _____________(study) in a middle school. 6.I usually go to school by bike .But she _______(go) on foot. 7.My best friend ________(live) in Australia. 8.Does your pen pal like _________(draw) pictures? 二、写出一下列短语的-ing形式和第三人称单数形式. 1.watch TV __________________________ _________________________ 2.fly kites _________________________ __________________________ 3.go hiking ___________________________ _________________________ 4.listen to music________________________ __________________________ 5.play football _________________________ __________________________ 6.read books _________________________ __________________________ 三、我会做,我会选。 ( )1.---- Does Mike like painting? ---- __________________. A Yes ,I do; B Yes ,he do C No ,he doesn’t ( )2 Ann likes ________kites. A Make B miking C makes ( )3.Does he ________? A teach you maths B. teach maths you C . teach your maths ( )4.Can I __________ TV tonight ? A .watching B . watches C.watch ( )5.Sarah sometimes_________her grandparents in England . A .visit B. visiting C.visits ( )6.___________John like doing word puzzles? A.Does B Do C Doing ( )7.Tom ______________playing football ,but he ______watching it on TV . A. likes ;likes B .doesn’t like likes C don’t like; likes ( )8.----I like reading stories . What about you? ----_____. A. Me too B Yes ,I do C No ,he doesn’t ( ) 9.There is a stamp show ________Friday. A.on B to C in ( )10.Does your grandfather ______in Beijing? A live B living C lives 四、我会按要求完成下列句子。 1.My hobbies are singing and dancing. (改为同义句) 。 2.She lives in Hangzhou. (改为一般疑问句)。 3.I’m doing word puzzles.(就画线部分提问) 4.We are going to have a school trip in Sunday.(改为正确的句子) 5.hobbies your are what (?)(连词成句)


第四单元素质测评试卷 一、给下列加点字选择正确读音,在括号里打“√”。(3分) 二、读拼音,写词语。(8分) f ēn f āng s ū x ǐng xi ū ji àn m ì f ēng ji ǎn ch á zh ǔn qu è bi àn bi é k ūn ch óng 三、照样子,组字再组词。(5分) 组 (组词) _____( ) ____( ) ____( ) ____( ) ____( ) 四、我会查字典。(7分) 1.“斗”,共 画,用部首法查______部。它在“斗争”中读______,用 这个读音再组一个词:______。它还有一个读音是______,用这个音组词: ______。它的结构是______。 2.“内”,用部首法先查______部,再查______画;用音序法先查音序______, 再查音节______,组词:______、______。它的结构是______。 五、词语模仿秀。(6分) 荡来荡去(“~来~去”式) ______________ ______________ ______________ 确确实实(AABB 式) ______________ ______________ ______________ 六、选择下列句子使用的修辞手法。 设问 拟人 比喻 ╱ ╲ z ào ( ) c āo ( ) 干燥. ╱ ╲ qi à( ) sh ì( ) 合适. ╱ ╲ g ài ( ) k ài ( ) 大概. ╱ ╲ c āo ( ) ch āo ( ) 超.过 ╱ ╲ x ī( ) x ì( ) 缝隙. ╱ ╲ ji ǎo ( ) ji ào ( ) 比较. 舌 吴 百 夸 余 且


小学英语四年级上册各单元测试卷及答案(1) Class ________ Name ________ 听力部分( 50 分) 一听音,选出你所听到的单词。( 20 分) ( ) 1 A. grandmother B.grandfather C. father ( ) 2 A. this B. these C. his ( ) 3. A. push B. pull C. wood ( )4. A. three B. there C. here ( )5. A. what B. washes C. fish ( )6. A. light B. like C. ride ( )7. A. monkey B. fish C. cheese ( )8. A. game B. play C. rain ( )9. A. desk B. duck C. table ( )10. A. big B . bus C. box 二听音,判断单词的对错。对的写T ,错的写F .( 10 分) ( ) 1.hat ( ) 2. dress ( )3. black ( )4. big ( ) 5.hungry ( ) 6. short ( ) 7. friend ( )8. bird ( )9. rule ( ) 10 .washes 三听音,选出正确的答语。( 10 分) ()1. A. It’s a cat . B. A .It’s blue . C. They are cats . ( ) 2. A . No, it is . B. No, it isn’t . C. Yes , it isn’t . ( ) 3. A. They’re my friends . B. He’s my friend . C.my friends. ( ) 4. A. I’m five . B. I’m fine , thanks . C. I’m Jenny . ( ) 5. A. I’m Tony . B. I’m a student. C. I’m six. 四听音,填上所缺的单词。( 10 分 ) 1 . A: ________ are you ? B: ________ fine,thanks . 2 . A: Who’s ______ ? B: He’s my ________ . 3 . A: _________ you ________ ? B: _________, I’m . 4 .A: __________ that ? B: ________ a __________ . 笔试部分( 50 分) 一. 写出所给字母的相邻字母的大小写: ____e____ ____D____ ____G____ ____Hh____ f____ ____ 二.单项选择。 ()1.Mike : Nice to meet you. John: _____________. (A) Nice to meet you. (B) Good morning. ()2.Sarah: What’s in the classroom? Wu Yifan:_________. (A) A board,tow lights. (B) It’s nice and clean. ()3.Chen Jie :Let me clean the board. Amy: _____________. (A)OK. (B) Hello.


四年级科学下册第四单元检测题姓名得分 一、填空题(每空3分,共30分) 1、要想知道矿物的硬度,我们可以采用()、()()等去刻划矿物,判断其硬度。 2、矿物中硬度最大的是(),硬度最小的是()。 3、我国已发现各种矿产()种,这些矿产资源属于(),任何()和个人不得私自开采。 4..世界上已经发现的矿物近()种,其中矿物中硬度最大的是(),硬度最小的是()。 5.地质学家根据岩石的成因,把岩石分为()、()、() 6.观察岩石的方法很多,如()、()、()、()等。 7.在岩石中可以看到一些古代生物的遗体或遗迹,这些叫做()。 8.所有的岩石都是有一种或几种()组成的。花岗岩是由()、()和()组成的。其中()最硬,()最软。 9.岩石在()、水、()等长期联合作用下发生变化的现象叫风化。 9.常见的岩石有()、()、()、()和()等,其中遇盐酸冒泡的是()和()。 10.矿物或岩石的硬度可以分为四个等级:()、()、()、()。 11.矿物的透明度分为()、()、()。 12.岩石一般是由一种或者几种()组成的,我所知道的矿物有()、()、()、()、()、()。 二、判断题(每题2分,共30分) 1、石英具有多种色彩。() 2、花岗岩主要由石英、长石、云母三种不同的矿物组成。( ) 3、不同岩石的硬度也不同。() 4、不管什么岩石中都含有一种或几种矿物。() 5、岩石很坚硬,永远不会改变模样。() 6、制造钟表和计算机都要用到花岗岩。() 7、各种形状的岩石都会改变模样。() 8、赤铁矿具有像玻璃那样的光泽。() 9、花岗岩是房屋装修的好材料。() 10、要辨别一块岩石是不是花岗岩,只要用手摸一摸就可以了。() 11、我们用的铅笔芯是用石墨做的。() 12、我国的稀有金属矿探明储量居世界前列。() 13、岩石和矿物很多,我们可以随意开采。() 14、矿物表面的反光形成了光泽。() 15、矿物外表的颜色和和矿物条痕的颜色是一样的。() 三、选择题(填正确答案的序号)(每题2分,共30分) 1、下列说法正确的是()。 A、岩石和矿物是取之不尽,用之不竭的 B、岩石和矿物在人们开采之后就不可能再生了,因此要保护和合理利用 C、岩石在大气,水,生物等长期联合作用下也不会发生变化 2、一些岩石上保留有古代生物的遗体或遗迹,叫()。


第四单元测试题 时间:90分钟满分:100分得分: 一、读拼音,写词语。(8分) pīkāi()huǎn huǎn()jīfū() xuèyè()bēi cǎn()wéi kàng() yuán huán()shōu huò() 二、找出句子中的错别字,用“”画出来,并改正。(10分) 1.盘古的四枝和驱干变成了大地的四极和五方的名山。()() 2.火神很敬配普罗米修斯。() 3.普罗米修斯被索在悬崖上,但他并不向宙斯区服。()() 三、给加点的多音字选择正确的读音。(6分) 1.那个少.(shào shǎo)年因为缺少.(shào shǎo)家庭的关爱而走上犯罪的道路。 2.在黑咕隆.(lōng lóng)咚的夜里,他们悄悄地准备了一场隆.(lōng lóng)重的宴会。 3.妈妈想为妹妹扎.(zāzhá)辫子,但是妹妹不愿意,一直在挣扎.(zāzhá)。 四、选词填空。(8分) 严厉严格 1.宙斯气急败坏,决定给普罗米修斯以最()的惩罚。 2.新来的教师对我们的要求很()。 承担承受 3.这样,普罗米修斯所()的痛苦,永远没有了尽头。 4.这次事故他必须()全部责任。 五、写出加点词语的反义词。(6分) 1.盘古撑在天地间,不让它们重新合拢 ..。() 2.他的肌肤变成了辽阔 ..的大地。() 3.人们在无边的黑暗 ..中度过了一个又一个长夜。() 六、按要求写句子。(4分) 1.洪水中的人们被女娲救上来了。(改为“把”字句)

2.为人类造福,有什么错?(改为陈述句) 3.气息变成了风和云。(扩句) 4.盘古这个巍峨的巨人就像一根柱子。(仿写比喻句) 七、口语交流台。(4分) 最近,亮亮非常喜欢读神话故事书,一有空闲就拿起书来读。 妈妈看到后说:“亮亮,你每天多写点课外题不好吗,还读闲书?” 如果你是亮亮,你会怎么跟妈妈说? 八、课内阅读。(12分) ①有一天,盘古醒来了,睁眼一看,周围黑乎乎一片,什么也看不见。他一使劲翻身坐了起来,只听咔嚓一声,“大鸡蛋”裂开了一条缝,一丝微光透了进来。②巨人见身边有一把斧头,就拿起斧头,对着眼前的黑暗劈过去,只听见一声巨响,“大鸡蛋”碎了。③轻而清的东西,缓缓上升,变成了天;重而浊的东西,慢慢下降,变成了地。 1.找出文中的反义词,并写下来。(3分) ()—()()—() ()—() 2.读第②句话并用横线画出这句话中的动词,并说一说从这些动词中你感受到了什么。(3分) 3.如果用一个成语来总结这一段的内容,下面几个词语应该选哪个?()(3分)


六年级上册科学第四单元测试卷含答案 学校班级姓名分数 一、填空题(1空1分共18分) 1.科学家把动物分成()和()两大类. 2. 属于开花的植物有:()()()()()等 3. 生物的形态结构与它们所生活的()和()关联. 4.在植物王国中;已发现的种类有()种;开花的植物约占()以上. 5. 像蚂蚁、蝗虫、蜜蜂那样;身体上有三对足的动物是()类;像金鱼、鲤鱼那样;终生在水中生活;用鳃呼吸的动物是();身体上长羽毛的动物是();直接生小动物;并用乳汁喂养小动物是()动物. 6. 我们可以从()、()、()等总计推知躲藏起来的动物. 二、选择题(每空2分;共12分) 1、进行校园生物调查时;不需要带的工具是() A.小铲 B.放大镜 C.显微镜 2白杨、雪松、圆柏都属于()植物. A 草木 B木本 C水生 3.鸽子、大雁、麻雀都属于(). A.哺乳类 B.鸟类 C.爬行类 4.父亲和儿子的相貌特征() A.完全相同 B.完全不同 C.有些相同有些不同 5.香蕉树宽大的叶片与()的环境有关. A.炎热多雨 B.温暖湿润 C.干旱少雨 6.校园里有许多生物;蚯蚓生活在()

A池塘里 B土壤中 C树上 三、判断题(共5分) 1.能帮人送信的动物是蜜蜂. () 2.孪生兄弟都长得一模一样. () 3.金鱼、鲸鱼都属于鱼类. () 4.人类的生存;离不开环境;而且还要适应环境.() 5.动物进化是一个短暂的过程.() 四、连线(共5分) 鸟类猫 昆虫类金鱼 两栖类蚂蚁 哺乳类鸽子 鱼类青蛙 五、问答题.(共10分) 1.请列举一些你认识的开花植物;他们是有那几部分组成的? 2.请根据自己家乡的情况;写出几条保护家乡生物多样性的措施.


人教版八年级英语下册第四单元检测题 分数:100分时间:90分钟 一、单项选择(15分) ()1. It was _________ exciting news for all the students. A. a B. an C. the D. / ()2. I am much better _________ Chinese _________ our teachers’ help. A. in, at B. at, in C. at, with D. with, with ()3. They asked me _________ I was waiting for. A. who B. why C. what D. How ()4. ---Is that car_________? ---Yes, it’s _________ car A. yours, own my B. yours, my own C. your, own my D. your, my own ()5. The students are supposed _________ hard. A. studying B. to study C. studying D. studied ()6. -What did you say? - I said I _________ come here _________ . A. will not, more B. wouldn’t, any more C. am not going to, more D. am not going to, any more ()7. They will have an _________ exam next week. A. end of year B. end of year’s C. end –of –year D. end- of years ()8. ___ high school students in a poor mountain village is a difficult job. A. Teaching B. Teach C. Teaches D. Teachers ()9. Could you _________ me how to _________ it in Chinese? A. say, speak B. speak, say C. tell, say D. say, tell ()10. --How’s your grandfather? --He’s very ___. He eats __e very day. A. well, good B. good, well C. good, good D. well, well ()11. I am sure that my father can _________. A. get over it B. getting it over C. gets over it D. got it over ()12. He told me he _________ call his brother the next day. A. will B. would C. shall D. can ()13. The room is _________ small for us to live in. A. such B. so C. too D. very ()14. Mother couldn’t find her ring. So she wanted to know _________. A. where it is B. where it was C where is he D. she was where ()15. Hi, Mark! Here is a _________ for you. A. message B. news C. information D. advice 二、完形填空(10分) Teaching high school students in a poor mountain village in GansuProvince may not sound like fun to you. However, it changed the 16 of Yang Lei from Beijing. The PekingUniversity graduate first went there 17 a

四年级下语文试题 第四单元综合测试卷(含答案) 部编版

第四单元综合测试卷 一、字词检测。(26分) 1.给下面加点的多音字注音,并用另外一个读音组词。(4分) 屏息()看守() 2.下列词语中书写无误的一项是。(3分) A.优虑供养忠心 B.待候成绩职责 C.挖掘腔调鱼钩 D.付近毒手饭馆 3.词语理解与运用。(9分) (1)“顾”在字典里的解释有:①看;②拜访;③注意,照管。请指出“顾”在下列词语中的意思。 左顾右盼( ) 奋不顾身( ) 三顾茅庐( ) (2)“窥侗”指:表示向上看叫 ;表示向下看,叫。 4.把下列词语补充完整。(6分) 无( )无( ) 耀武( )( ) 从( )不( ) ( )( )如也( )丝( )苟 ( )人( )目 5.你知道下列三字俗语分别说的是哪一类人吗?连一连。(4分) ①铁公鸡 a比喻外表强大凶狠而实际空虚无力的人。 ②变色龙 b.随声附和的人 ③纸老虎 C.一毛不拔的人。 ④应声虫 d.比喻在政治上善于变化和伪装的人。 二,句子综合训练。(18分) 1.按要求写句子,(6分) (1)它屏息凝视,一连就是几个钟头,非把老鼠等出来不可!(改为肯定句) (2)狗又敏捷地跑上来、把它的饭吃完,扬长而去。(仿写拟人句) (3)白公鹅挺着脖子。(扩句) 2.判断下列句子中引号的作用,将序号填在括号里。(4分) ①表引用②表特定称谓③表特殊含义④表强调 (1)我抱着这雪白的“大鸟”回家,放在院子里。( ) (2)看到河中自由自在游来游去的白鹅,我不由得想起“白毛浮绿水,红掌拨清波”这句诗。( ) 3.句子理解。(8分) (1)鹅的步调从容,大模大样的,颇像京剧里的净角出场。 作者用“”来比喻鹅的步调,不仅形象地写出了更显出了。(4分) (2)到下蛋的时候,它差不多是发了狂,恨不能让全世界都知道它这点儿成绩;就是聋人也会被它吵得受不了。


第四单元水和空气 1、水 科学概念: 物体可分为固体、液体、气体三类,它们之间的区别是,固体有固定的形状,液体和气体没有固定的形状。 一、判断: (1)水是无味、无色、透明的液体。() (2)桌子、黑板是固体,饮料是液体。() (3)植物、动物的生存却离不开水。() (4)冰、雪都是水的存在方式。() (5)水可以用来发电。 (6)液体能够流动,所以能够流动的物体都是液体。() (7)我们可以用感官判断出固体、液体、气体。 二、选择: (1)下面哪种物体是液体( ) A、木头 B、食用油 C、石块 D、空气 (2)我们用鼻子可以判断出水是() A、无色 B 透明 C 无味 (3)下面哪种物质是固体( ) A 醋 B 牛奶 C 氧气 D 树叶 (4)同样容量的水和食用油哪个重() A 水 B 食用油 2、水和食用油的比较 科学概念: 水和水用油相比,在颜色、气味、透明度、黏度、液滴的形状、重量方面有差异,但它们都会流动、没有固定的形状、。 一、判断 1、在科学观察中,我们一般不用尝的方法比较物体。() 2、把水和食用油混合在一起,我们会发现水会浮在食用油上。() 3、相同体积的水和食用油比较,水比食用油要轻。() 4、水能流动而食用油不能流动。() 5、我们可以用秤来称重量的方法来比较水和食用油的重量。() 二、选择 1、水和食用油的共同点是() A 都是固体 B 都是液体 C 都是气体 2、下面哪种物质会浮在水上() A 铁块 B 石头 C 食用油 3、谁流得更快些 科学概念: 液体都会流动,流动的快慢受到黏度的影响。 一、判断 1、可以用比较流完时间的快慢来比较水、食用油、洗洁精三种液体谁流得更快些。() 2、比较水、食用油、洗洁精谁流得更快些选用液体的多少很重要。() 3、水、食用油、洗洁精三种液体中食用油流得最快。()


九年级英语第四单元测试题 一、单项选择(15分) ()1.If I____ you, I’d take a small present with some nice words on it. A. was B. were C. am D. be ( ) 2.What____you ____if you got hurt at home? A. has; done B. will; do C. would; do D. are; doing ( ) 3.The girl won____ dollars in a lottery. A. a million https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fe12991985.html,lions https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fe12991985.html,lion of D.two millions ( ) 4.What____you fell and hurt your knee? A.weather B.whether C.if D.though ( ) 5. If I ____not so busy, I____ go with you. A. was; would B. were; would C. was; should D. were; should ()6. ----Are you going to buy a camera? ----Yes, but there are so many kinds that I can’t decide ____to buy. A. what B. which C. how D. where ( ) 7. ----The box is ____heavy ____to carry. Can you help me? -----Certainly. A. so; for B. much; of C. very; to D. too; for ( ) 8.I found Tom easy to get along_______. A. to B .for C. with D. about ( ) 9. -----Could you give the book _____ Alice ____ me? -----Sure. A. to; for B. for; to C. to; to D. for; for ( )10.Tomorrow you must _____your exercise-book to me。 A. take B. bring C. carry D. get ( ) 11.We stopped_____ carefully, but heard nothing. A. hearing B. to listen C. listening D. to hear ( ) 12.If you don’t fell well, you may just _____. A. stopped working B. stop working C. stopped to work D. stop to work ( ) 13.Who do you think _____ English best in your class? A. learn B. learning C. learns D. learned

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