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vaginal bleeding 阴道出血

functional uterine bleeding 功能性子宫出血amenorrhea 闭经

hypomenorrhea 月经过少

oligomenorrhea 月经过稀

polymenorrhea 月经过频

menorrhagia 月经过多

metrorrhagia 子宫出血

dysmenorrhea 痛经

intermenstrual pain 经间腹痛

premenstrual tension 经前紧张症

menopause syndrom 更年期综合征

hot flush 潮热

emotional instability 情绪不稳定

osteoporosis 骨质疏松

postmenopausal bleeding 绝经后出血

anovulation 不排卵

anovulatory cycle 不排卵周期hyperestrogenemia 高雌素血症

endometrial hyperplasia 子宫内膜增生

cystic hyperplasia 囊性增生

adenomatous hyperplasia 腺瘤样增生

atypical hyperplasia 不典型增生

polycystic ovarian syndrom (POCS) 多囊卵巢综合征hirsutism 多毛

virilism 男性化

hypothalamic amenorrhea 下丘脑性闭经

pituitary amenorrhea 垂体性闭经hyperprolactinemia 高泌乳素血症

amenorrhea-galactorrhea syndrom 闭经泌乳综合征microadenoma of pituitary syndrom 垂体微腺瘤premature ovarian failure 卵巢早衰

corpus luteum insufficiency 黄体功能不足Asherman's syndrom (synechiac) 宫腔粘连

frigidity 性感冷淡症

dyspareunia 性交痛

infertility 不孕

sterility 不育

primary sterility 原发不育

secondary sterility 继发不育

insufficient cervical mucus 宫颈粘液不足

tubal occlusion 卵管阻塞

unexplained infertility infections 不明原因不孕vulvitis 外阴炎

Bartholin's gland abscess 巴氏腺脓肿

Bartholin's gland cyst 巴氏腺囊肿

vulvar folliculitis 外阴毛囊炎

ucleration of vulva 外阴溃疡

vaginalitis 阴道炎

trichomonas vaginitis 滴虫性阴道炎

monilial infection 念珠菌感染

candida albicans 白色念珠菌

senile vaginitis 老年性阴道炎

leukorrhea 白带

pruritus 瘙痒

cervicitis 宫颈炎

erosion of cervicitis 宫颈糜烂

pelvic inflammatory disease 盆腔炎性疾病endometritis 子宫内膜炎

pyometra 宫腔积脓

parametritis 宫旁组织炎

salpingitis 输卵管炎

oophoritis 卵巢炎

pyosalpinx 输卵管积脓

hydrosalpinx 输卵管积水

tubo-ovarian abscess 卵管卵巢脓肿

tubo-ovarian cyst 卵管卵巢囊肿

pelvic abscess 盆腔肿脓

pelvic peritonitis 盆腔腹膜炎

genital tubercolosis 生殖器结核

venereal disease 性病

sexually transmitted diseases (STD) 性传播疾病gonorrhea 淋病

gonococcus(i) 淋球菌

syphilis 梅毒

chancre 下疳

condyloma lata 扁平湿疣

chlamydia infection 衣原体感染

chlamydia trachomatis 沙眼衣原体lymphogranuloma 淋巴肉芽肿

virus infection 病毒感染

human herpes virus 人类疱疹病毒

human papilloma virus 人乳头状瘤病毒

condyloma accuminata 尖锐湿疣

cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection 巨细胞病毒感染

third degree laceration (tear) of perineum 三度会阴撕裂hematoma of vulva 外阴血肿

relaxation of pelvic support 盆腔支持组织松弛

cystocele 膀胱膨出

urethrocele 尿道膨出

urinary stress incontinence 张力性尿失禁

rectocele 直肠膨出

enterocele 肠疝

laceration of cervix 宫颈撕裂

ectopion (eversion of cervix) 宫颈外翻

elongation of cervix 宫颈延长

prolapse of uterus 子宫脱垂

decentia 二度子宫脱垂

procidentia 三度子宫脱垂

pelvic congestion syndrom 盆腔充血综合征

vesico-vaginal fistula 膀胱阴道瘘

urethro-vaginal fistula 尿道阴道瘘

uretero-vaginal fistula 输尿管阴道瘘

recto-vaginal fistula 直肠阴道瘘

displacement (malposition) of uterus 子宫移位

anteflexion 前屈

retroversion 后倾

retroflexion 后屈

inversion of uterus 子宫内翻

perforation of uterus 子宫穿孔


imperforate hymen 无孔处女膜

transverse septum of vagina 阴道横隔

atresia of vagina 阴道闭锁

hematometra 宫腔积血

hematocolpos 阴道积血

congenital absence of vagina (agenesis of vagina) 先天性无阴道longitudinal septum of vagina 阴道纵隔

oblique septum of vagina 阴道斜隔

double cervix (cervix duplex) 双宫颈

septate cervix 宫颈纵隔

congenital absence of uterus 先天性无子宫

uterus solidaris 无腔子宫

uterus septus 子宫纵隔

double uterus 双子宫

uterus didelphys 双子宫、双宫颈

uterus dicornis (unicornuate uterus) 双角子宫

arcuate uterus 弓形子宫

uterus unicornis (unicrnuate uterus) 单角子宫

rudimentary horn 子宫残角

rudimentary uterus 始基子宫

congenital agenesis of ovaries 先天性卵巢发育不全

intersex (hermaphroditism) 两性畸形

true hermaphroditism 真两性畸形

pseudo-hermaphroditism 假两性畸形

ovotestis 卵睾体

testicular feminizing syndrom 睾丸女性化综合征

Turner's syndrom 脱纳氏综合征

congenital adrenogenital sydrom 先天性肾上腺生殖综合征

genetic disease 遗传性疾病

chromosome aberration 染色体畸变

chromosome breakage 染色体断变

aneuploid 非整倍体

hypoploid 低倍体

hyperploid 超倍体

trisomy 三体

deletion 缺失

translocation 易位

sex-linkage 性连锁

sex-linked inheritance 伴性遗传


neoplasms of vulva 外阴赘生物

papilloma 乳头状瘤

fibroma 纤维瘤

neurofibroma 神经纤维瘤

lipoma 脂肪瘤

hemangioma 血管瘤

lymphangioma 淋巴管瘤

vulva dystrophy 外阴营养障碍

Lichen sclerosis et atrophicus 萎缩硬化性苔癣

leukoplakia 粘膜白斑

leukoderma 白皮病

Paget's disease of vulva 外阴派杰氏病

intraepithelial carcinoma of vulva (Brown's disease) 外阴上皮内癌squamous carcinoma 鳞癌

basal cell carcinoma 基底细胞癌

pigmented moles 色素痣

melanoma 黑色素瘤

neoplasms of vagina 阴道赘生物

Gartner's duct cyst 革氏囊肿

inclusion cyst 包涵囊肿

adenosis of vagina 阴道腺病

clear cell carcinoma of vagina 阴道透明细胞癌

neoplasms of cervix 宫颈赘生物

Nabothian cyst 那囊

endocervical polyps 宫颈内膜息肉

dysplasia of cervix 宫颈间变

atypical hyperplasia 不典型增生

carcinoma in situ (intraepithelial carcinoma) 原位癌

invasive carcinoma 侵润癌

microinvasive carcinoma 微侵润癌

adenocarcinoma of cervix 宫颈腺癌

botryoid sarcoma 葡萄状肉瘤

neoplasms of uterus 子宫赘生物

myoma (leiomyoma, fibromyoma,fibroid) of uterus 子宫肌瘤

subserous myoma 浆膜下肌瘤

intramural myoma 肌层内肌瘤

submucous myoma 粘膜下肌瘤

multiple myoma 多发肌瘤

pedunculated myoma 带蒂肌瘤

broad ligament myoma 阔韧带肌瘤

benign degeneration of myoma 肌瘤良性退行性变

cystic change 囊性变

hyaline change 玻璃样变

myxomatous change 粘液性变

red degeration 红色样变

sarcomatous change 肉瘤变

adenomyosis 子宫肌腺病

adenomyoma of uterus 子宫肌腺瘤

stromatosis of uterus 子宫内膜间质异位症

stromal sarcoma of uterus 子宫间质肉瘤

leiomyosarcoma of uterus 子宫平滑肌肉瘤

mixed mesodermal tumor of uterus 子宫中胚叶混合瘤

endometrial polyps 内膜息肉

endometrial carcinoma (carcinoma of corpus uteri) 子宫内膜癌(宫体癌)adenocarcinoma of endometrium 子宫内膜腺癌

adenoacanthoma of endometrium 子宫内膜腺棘癌

adeno-squamous carcinoma of endometrium 子宫内膜腺鳞癌

neoplasms of ovary 卵巢赘生物

follicular cyst 滤泡囊肿

corpus luteum cyst 黄体囊肿

luteoma 黄体瘤

epithelial tumor 上皮性瘤

simple cyst 单纯囊肿

serous cystadenoma 浆液性囊腺瘤

mucinous cystadenoma 粘液性囊腺瘤

pseudomyxoma peritonei 腹膜粘液瘤

Brenner's tumor 卵巢纤维上皮瘤

borderline tumor 交界性肿瘤

papillary cystadenoma 乳头状囊腺瘤

papillary cystadenocarcinoma 乳头状囊腺癌

adenocarcinoma of ovary 卵巢腺癌

endometrioid carcinoma of ovary 卵巢子宫内膜样癌

clear cell carcinoma of ovary 卵巢透明细胞癌

ovarian cancer (carcinoma of ovary) 卵巢癌

peritoneal implantation 腹膜种植

omental cake 网膜饼

ascites 腹水

cackexia 恶液质

sex cord-stromal tumors of ovary (gonadal stromal tumors) 性索间质肿瘤

granulosa-cell tumor 颗粒细胞瘤

thecal-cell tumor 泡膜细胞瘤

feminizing tumors 女性化肿瘤

androblastoma 男性母细胞瘤

sertoli-cell tumor of ovary 卵巢支持细胞瘤

Leydig's cell tumor of ovary 卵巢间质细胞瘤

sex cord tumor with annular tubules (SCTAT) 环管状性索间质瘤

primary choriocarcinoma of ovary 卵巢原发绒癌

germ cell tumor of ovary 卵巢生殖细胞肿瘤

mature teratoma (cystic teratoma, dermoid cyst) 成熟畸胎瘤

immature teratoma (solid teratoma, malignant teratoma) 未成熟畸胎瘤

strumal ovarii 卵巢甲状腺瘤

endodermal sinus tumor (Yolk sac tumor, embryonal carcinoma) 内胚窦瘤(卵黄囊瘤,胚胎性癌)

dysgerminoma (germinoma) 无性细胞瘤(生殖细胞瘤)

metastatic ovarian cancer 转移性卵巢癌

Krukenberg's tumor of ovary 卵巢库肯勃瘤


endometriosis 子宫内膜异位症

endometrial nodules 子宫内膜异位结节

endometrial cyst 子宫内膜异位囊肿

chocolate cyst 巧克力囊肿

cyst of Morgagni 马氏囊肿

paraovarian cyst 副卵巢囊肿

methothelioma of peritoneum 腹膜间皮瘤

peritoneal papillary carcinoma 腹膜乳头状瘤

extraovarian scrous carcinoma 卵巢外浆液性癌

trophoblastic disease 滋养细胞病

gestational trophoblastic disease 妊娠滋养细胞病

hydatidiform mole (benign mole) 葡萄胎complete mole 完全性葡萄胎

partial mole 部分性葡萄胎

residual mole 残存葡萄胎

invasive mole 浸润性葡萄胎

choriocarcinoma 绒癌

placenta-site choriocarcinoma 胎盘部位绒癌


biopsy 活检

cervical biopsy 宫颈活检

cone biopsy 锥切活检

endometrial biopsy 内膜活检

diagnostic curettage 诊断性刮宫

fractional curettage 分段刮宫

cervical scraping 宫颈刮片

pap smear 巴氏涂片

endometrial smear 内膜涂片

colposcopy 阴道镜检查

colposcope 阴道镜

Schiller's test 席勒氏试验

endoscopy 内窥镜检查

endoscope 内窥镜

laparoscopy 腹腔镜检查

laparoscope 腹腔镜

culdoscopy 后穹窿镜检查

culdoscope 后穹窿镜

hysteroscopy 宫腔镜检查

hysteroscope 宫腔镜

cystoscopy 膀胱镜检查

cystoscope 膀胱镜

culdocentesis 后穹窿穿刺

peritonrocentesis 腹腔穿刺

thoracocentesis 胸腔穿刺

roentgenography 放射线检查

fluoroscopy X线透视

plain film 平片

hystero-salpingography 子宫输卵管造影arteriography 动脉造影

Barium meal 钡餐

Barium enema 钡灌肠

intraveneous pyelography 静脉肾盂造影retrograde pyelography 逆行肾盂造影lymphography (lymphangiography) 淋巴造影

computerized tomography 电子计算机断层扫描magnetic resonance imaging 核磁共振显像

radio isotope scan 放射性同位素扫描

renography 肾图

cervical mucus aborization test 宫颈粘液结晶试验ferm 羊齿状结晶

postcoital test (Huhner's test) 交媾后试验

rubin test 卵管通气试验

hydrotubation 输卵管通液

progesterone withdrawal test 孕激素撤退试验estrogen withdral test 雌激素撤退试验determination 测定

measurment 测量

titer 滴定

bioassay 生物测定

immuoassay 免疫测定

radioimmunoassay 放射免疫测定

radioimmuo-imaging 放射免疫显像

monoclonal antibody 单克隆抗体

polyclonal antibody 多克隆抗体

enzyme-labeled immunoassay 酶标免疫测定electrophoresis 电泳

chromatography 层析法

liquid chromatography 液相层析

gas chromatography 气相层析

flow cytometry 液式细胞计检查

fluorescence microscopy 莹光显微术

antigen 抗原

antibody 抗体

happen 半抗原

complement 补体

antigen-antibody complex 抗原抗体复合物

substrate 底物

globulin 球蛋白

immunoglobulin 免疫球蛋白

alpha-fetoprotein 甲胎蛋白

electrolytes 电解质

trace element 微量元素

complete blood count (CBC) 全血计数

urinalysis 尿分析

hematocrit 血球比积

cogulation time 凝血时间

bleeding time 出血时间

protrombin time 凝血酶原时间


thermotherapy 温热疗法

electrocoagulation 电凝法electrocauterization 电烙

cryosurgery (cryotherapy) 冷冻

laser therapy 激光治疗

Pessary insertion 放置子宫托


surgical instruments 外科器械

instruments for microsurgery 显微外科器械suture 缝线

suture material 缝合物质

silk 丝线

catgut 肠线

chromic catgut 铬制肠线

plain catgut 白肠线

synthetic suture material 合成缝线absorbable suture material 可吸收缝线nonabsorbable suture material 不可吸收缝线nylon filament 尼龙丝线

steel wire 钢丝

retention suture 保留缝线

needle 针

curved needle 弯针

straight needle 直针

cutting needle 三角针

forceps 镊

toothed forceps 齿镊

clamps 钳

hemostat 止血钳

Kelly clamp 弯钳

mosquito clamp 蚊式钳

Allis clamp 鼠齿钳

needle holder 持针器

Kocker's forceps 柯克氏钳

sponge forceps 海绵钳

tenaculum 把持钩

scissors 剪

bandage scissors 绷带剪

retractor 牵开器

self-retaining retractor 自动牵开器Deever's retractor 弯形牵开器

trocar 套针


妇产科学obstetrics and gynecology产科学obstetrics妊娠pregnancy幼女妊娠precocious pregnancy妊娠年龄小于或等于12岁者。青春期妊娠teenage pregnancy,adolescent pregnancy孕次gravidity未孕妇nulligravi Tags:术语妇产科学 妇产科学obstetrics and gynecology 产科学obstetrics 妊娠pregnancy 幼女妊娠precocious pregnancy 妊娠年龄小于或等于12岁者。 青春期妊娠teenage pregnancy,adolescent pregnancy 孕次gravidity 未孕妇nulligravida 孕妇gravida 初孕妇primigravida 经孕妇multigravida 假孕pseudocyesis 前次月经past menstrual period,PMP 末次月经last menstrual period,LMP 月经龄menstrual age 受精龄fertilization age 孕龄gestational age 早孕反应morning sickness 妊娠剧吐hyperemesis gravidarum 妊娠纹striae gravidarum 妊娠溢液hydrorrhea gravidarum 黑加征Hegar sign 胎动感quickening 四步触诊法four maneuvers of Leopold 脐带杂音umbilical soufflé 子宫杂音uterine soufflé妊娠期trimester of pregnancy妊娠早期early trimester of pregnancy 妊娠中期mid trimester of pregnancy 妊娠晚期late trimester of pregnancy 过期妊娠postterm pregnancy,prolonged pregnancy 单胎妊娠singleton pregnancy双胎妊娠twin pregnancy单羊膜囊双胎monoamnionic twin pregnancy 双羊膜囊双胎diamnionic twin pregnancy单绒毛膜双胎monochorionic twin pregnancy 双胎交锁locked twins,interlocking twins多胎妊娠multiple pregnancy三胎妊娠triplet pregnancy 四胎妊娠quadruplet pregnancy 五胎妊娠quintuplet pregnancy同期复孕superfecundation异期复孕superfetation 产前antepartum产时intrapartum产后postpartum产前保健antenatal care,prenatal care 预产期expected date of confinement,EDC胎方位fetal position产妇parturient,puerpera 未产妇nullipara初产妇primipara高龄初产妇elderly primipara 妊娠年龄大于或等于35岁者。 经产妇multipara多产妇grand multipara 分娩次数大于或等于5次者。 产次parity初产primiparity经产multiparity胎先露fetal presentation胎势fetal attitude,fetal posture胎产式fetal lie纵产式longitudinal lie横产式transverse lie胎头浮floating head 胎头入盆engagement of head胎儿下降感lightening见红bloody show,show自然流产spontaneous abortion先兆流产threatened abortion难免流产inevitable abortion不全流产incomplete abortion完全流产complete abortion稽留流产missed abortion 习惯性流产habitual abortion早期流产early abortion晚期流产late abortion 人工流产artificial abortion,induced abortion流产感染septic abortion流产儿abortus


妇产科英语词汇 外阴色素减退及外阴搔痒 chronic vulvardystrophy 慢性外阴营养不良 pruritus vulvae 外阴搔痒 外阴炎、阴道炎、宫颈炎 vulvitis 外阴炎 bartholins gland abscess 前庭大腺脓肿 bartholins gland cyst前庭大腺囊肿 trichomonas vaginitis 滴虫性阴道炎 monilial vaginitis 念珠菌性阴道炎 senile vaginitis老年性阴道炎 cervicitis宫颈炎 cervical erosion宫颈糜烂 cervical polyp 宫颈息肉 Nabothian cyst 纳氏囊肿 盆腔炎 pelvic inflammatory disease 〈PID〉盆腔炎 ascending infection 上行性感染 salpingitis输卵管炎 frozen pelvis 冰冻骨盆 pelvic tuberculosis 盆腔结核 妊娠合并性传播性疾病 gonorrhea 淋病 syphilis 梅毒 condyloma acuminata尖锐湿疣 sexually transmitted disease (STD) 性传播性疾病 human papilloma virus (HPV) 人乳头状病毒 genital herpes 生殖器疱疹 herpes simplex virus 〈HSV〉单纯疱疹病毒 chlamydia 衣原体 子宫颈癌 cervical squamous cancer 子宫颈鳞癌 cervical adenocarcinoma 子宫颈腺癌 cervical carcinoma in situ 〈CIS〉子宫颈原位癌 cervied intraepithelial carcinoma 子宫上皮内癌 cervical intraepithelial neoplasm (CIN) 子宫颈上皮内瘤样病变cervical squamous atypical hyperplasia 鳞状上皮不典型增生squamous metaplasia 鳞状上皮化生 micro-invasive carcinoma 镜下早期浸润癌 herpes simplex virus (HSV) 单纯疱疹病毒 human papilloma virus 人类乳头瘤病毒 human cytomegalovirus 〈CMV〉人类巨细胞病毒 pap smear 巴氏涂片检查


Ab antibody 抗体 ACTH adrenocortieotropic hormone 促肾上腺皮质激素 ADH antidiuretic hormone 抗利尿激素 AFE amniotic fluid embolism 羊水栓塞 AFP alpha fetoprotein 甲胎蛋白 Ag antigen 抗原 AID artificial insemination with donor's semen 供精者精液授精 AD autoimmune disease 自身免疫病 AIDS acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome 获得性免疫缺陷综合症(艾滋病)AIH artificial insemination with husband's semen 丈夫精液授精 AKP alkline phosphatase 碱性磷酸酶 AMPS acid mucopolysaccharide 酸性粘多糖 AR autosome recessive 常染色体隐性遗传 ARDS adult respiratory distress syndrome 成人呼吸窘迫综合症 ARV AIDS-related virus AIDS 相关病毒 AS Arias-Stella reaction A-S 反应(阿-斯反应) ATP adenosine triphosphate 三磷酸腺苷 top BBT basal body temperature 基础体温 BCG bacille Calmette-Guerin 卡介苗 BFHR baseline fetal heart rate 胎心率基线 BMR basal metabolic rate 基础代谢率 BPD biparietal diameter 双顶径


CASE Medical Number: 756943 General information Name:Yue Jun-rong Age: Forty- two years old Sex: Female Race:Han Occupation: Unemployment Nationality:China Marital status: Married Address: Xiaochang county of Xiaogan city in Hubei. Tel: 4835963 Date of admission: Feb.27th, 2003 Date of record: 3pm, Feb.27th, 2003 Complainer of history: the patient herself Reliability: Reliable Chief complaint: The patient was found “myoma of uterus” over two years ago and menometrorrhagia for 5 months. Present illness: In 1999, the patient was found “myoma of uterus”in a physical examination. But she had nothing uncomfortable and her catamenia was normal. She used some Chinese traditional medicine. About 5 months ago, she found the cycle of her catamenia was shorten from 30 days to 20 days and the period lasted from 2 days to 4 days. She felt no pain and the quantity was normal. She was accepted in our hospital and her diagnosis was “subserous myoma of uterus”. Since onset, her appetite was good, and both her spiritedness and physical energy are normal. Defecation and urination are normal, too. Past history Operative history: Never undergoing any operation. Infectious history: No history of severe infectious disease. Allergic history: She was not allergic to penicillin or sulfamide. Respiratory system: No history of respiratory disease. Circulatory system: No history of precordial pain. Alimentary system: No history of regurgitation.



妇产科学术语 妇产科学obstetrics and gynecology产科学obstetrics妊娠pregnancy幼女妊娠precocious pregnancy妊娠年龄小于或等于12岁者。青春期妊娠teenage pregnancy,adolescent pregnancy孕次gravidity未孕妇nulligravi Tags:术语妇产科学 妇产科学obstetrics and gynecology 产科学obstetrics 妊娠pregnancy 幼女妊娠precocious pregnancy 妊娠年龄小于或等于12岁者。 青春期妊娠teenage pregnancy,adolescent pregnancy 孕次gravidity 未孕妇nulligravida 孕妇gravida 初孕妇primigravida 经孕妇multigravida 假孕pseudocyesis 前次月经past menstrual period,PMP 末次月经last menstrual period,LMP 月经龄menstrual age 受精龄fertilization age 孕龄gestational age 早孕反应morning sickness 妊娠剧吐hyperemesis gravidarum 妊娠纹striae gravidarum 妊娠溢液hydrorrhea gravidarum 黑加征Hegar sign 胎动感quickening

四步触诊法four maneuvers of Leopold 脐带杂音umbilical soufflé 子宫杂音uterine soufflé妊娠期trimester of pregnancy妊娠早期early trimester of pregnancy 妊娠中期mid trimester of pregnancy 妊娠晚期late trimester of pregnancy 过期妊娠postterm pregnancy,prolonged pregnancy 单胎妊娠singleton pregnancy双胎妊娠twin pregnancy单羊膜囊双胎monoamnionic twin pregnancy 双羊膜囊双胎diamnionic twin pregnancy单绒毛膜双胎monochorionic twin pregnancy 双胎交锁locked twins,interlocking twins多胎妊娠multiple pregnancy三胎妊娠triplet pregnancy 四胎妊娠quadruplet pregnancy 五胎妊娠quintuplet pregnancy同期复孕superfecundation异期复孕superfetation 产前antepartum产时intrapartum产后postpartum产前保健antenatal care,prenatal care 预产期expected date of confinement,EDC胎方位fetal position产妇parturient,puerpera 未产妇nullipara初产妇primipara高龄初产妇elderly primipara


闭经amenorrhea 闭经泌乳综合征[ ei7men[5ri:[ g[7lekt[u5ri:[ 5sindr[um] amenorrhea-galactorrhea syndrome 边缘性前置胎盘[ 5ma:dVin([)l pl[5sent[ pri5vai[] marginal placenta previa 产程[ steidV 5leib[(r)] stage of labor 产程延长[ pr[5lRNd 5leib[(r)] prolonged labour 产道[ b\:W k[5nAl] birth canal 产后出血[ p[ust5pa:t[m 5hem[ridV] postpartum hemorrhage 产科医生[ 7[bst[5triF([)n] obstetrician 产前出血[ 7Anti5pa:t[m 5hem[ridV] antepartum hemorrhage 超声检查[ 7Qltr[s[5nRgr[fi] ultrasonography 出生体重[ b\:W weit] birth weight 持续性枕后(横)位[ p[5sist([)nt Rk5sipit[u pRs5ti[ri[ (5trAnzv\:s) p[5ziF([)n] persistent occipito-posterior (transverse) position 雌激素受体[ 5i:str[dV([)n ri5sept[(r)] estrogen receptor 达那唑[ 5dAn[zRl] danazol 促卵泡生成素[ 5fRlik([)l 5stimjuleitiN 5hR:m[un] follicle stimulating hormone FSH 底蜕膜[ di5sidju[ bei5sAlis] decidua basalis 多胎妊娠[ 5mQltip([)l 5pregn[nsi] multiple pregnancy 对角径[ dai5Ag[n[l 5kRndVugeit] diagonal conjugate 二次探察[ 5sek[nd luk] second look 放射免疫显像radioimmunoimaging 肺栓塞[ 5pQlm[n[ri 5emb[liz([)m] pulmonary embolism 分娩方式[ taip di5liv[ri] type of delivery 分期手术[ 5steidViN 5s\:dV[ri] staging surgery 腹腔镜检查[ 7lAp[5rRsk[pi] laparoscopy 腹腔妊娠[ Ab5dRmin[l 5pregn[nsi] abdominal pregnancy 更年期,绝经后期[ klai5mAkt[rik] climacteric 更年期综合征[ klai5mAkt[rik 5sindr[um] climacteric syndrome 根治性手术[ 7rAdik([)l 7hist[5rekt[mi] radical hysterectomy 宫颈不典型增生[ s[5vaik([)l (5s\:vik([)l) dis5pleizi[] cervical dysplasia 宫颈管消失和扩张[ [5feism[nt 7dail[5teiF[n 5s\:viks] effacement and dilatation of cervix 宫颈帽[ s[5vaik([)l (5s\:vik([)l) kAp] cervical cap 宫颈妊娠[ s[5vaik([)l (5s\:vik([)l 5pregn[nsi] cervical pregnancy 宫颈摇摆痛[ s[5vaik([)l (5s\:vik([)l 5m[uF([)n 5tend[nis] cervical motion tenderness 宫颈原位癌[ s[5vaik([)l (5s\:vik([)l) 7ka:si5n[um[ in5sitju:] cervical carcinoma in situ 宫腔粘连[ 5AF[m[nz 5sindr[um] Asherman's syndrome 宫外孕[ 7ekstr[5ju:t[rain 5pregn[nsi] extrauterine pregnancy 骨盆[ 5pelvis] pelvis 骨盆平面[ plein 5pelvis] plane of pelvis 刮宫术[ 7dail[5teiF[n kju[5retidV] dilatation and curettage 合体细胞子宫内膜炎[ sin7trRf[5blAstik 7end[umi5traitis] syntrophoblastic endometritis 后穹隆穿刺[ 7kQld[sen5ti:sis] culdocentesis 化疗[ 7ki:[u5Wer[pi] chemotherapy 化疗[ 7ki:m[u5Wer[pi] chemotherapy 黄素化未破裂卵泡综合征[ 7lu:ti5naiz Qn5rQptF[r[l 5fulik([)l 5sindr[um] Lutenized unruptural follicle syndrome 黄素囊肿[ 5lu:teinaiz] luteinized cyst 黄体生成素[ 7lu:ti5naiziN 5hR:m[un] luteinzing hormone 黄疸[ 5dVR:ndis] jaundice


妇科名词解释 1.宫颈原位癌(intraepithelial carcinoma或carcinoma in situ)Carcinoma in situ (CIS) of the cervix is terms used to describe the completely haphazard (杂乱无章的) replacement of the stratified(分层的)epithelium(上皮)by abnormal cells showing the characteristic loss of polarit nuclear atypism(非典型) and changes in nuclear cytoplasmic(细胞浆的) ratio of neoplastic(新生的) cells. The abnormal cells do not penetrate the basement membrance(膜). The process limited to the epithelium. 2.宫颈原位癌累及腺体(carcinoma in situ with glandular involvement). In intraepithelial carcinoma. these tumors frequently extend up into the cervical canal and replace the columnar cells lining the cervical glands, put the basement membrane of the glands remains intact(完整的)and uninvaded, The terms “carcinoma in situ with glandular in volvement”is used to describe this condition. 3.宫颈早期浸润癌(early invasive carcinoma)或镜下浸润癌(microinvasive carcinoma) Microinvasive carcinoma of the cervix is established only by histologic(组织学)study, since there is no grossly(肉眼地)visible or obvious malignant tumor in the cervix. In some cases the lesion(损伤)is largely carcinoma in situ, but penetration of the basement membrane by a small cluster of cells or spray of cells for a depth of less than 5mm below the basement membrane may occur. There is no evidence of lymphatic(淋巴管)or blood vessel invasion and confluence(融合)of the spray-like arrangement of cancer cells. 4.宫颈浸润癌(invasive carcinoma of cervix)Invasive carcinoma of the cervix is defined as penetration of the basement membrane by camcer cells with or without blood vessel or lymphatic invasion. The depth of penetration is usually greater than 5mm below the basement membrane. 5.肌壁间肌瘤(intramural myoma)或(interstitial myoma)The myoma lies within the uterine wall and surrounded by myometrium(子宫肌层). It comprises approximately 70% of all uterine myoma. 6.浆膜下肌瘤(subserous myoma或subperitoneal myoma) The myoma lies just at the serosal(浆膜的)surface of the uterus and bulges(隆起)outward from the myometrium. 7.子宫颈上皮内瘤变(Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia,CIN) A general term for the growth of abnormal cells on the surface of the cervix. Numbers from 1 to 3 may be used to describe how much of the cervix contains abnormal cells. 8.继发闭经(secondary amenorrhea)Secondary amenorrhea in the absence of

妇产科学 专业英语 (考研复试不得不看!!!)

妇产科学专业英语词汇考验复试不得不看!!! A abnormal presentation 胎位异常presentation 先露部,产式,胎位 abruption placenta (premature separation of placenta) 胎盘早剥plecenta 胎盘 acceleration 加速adherent placenta胎膜粘连 adherent 粘连 amniocentesis羊膜穿刺amnion 羊膜; centesis体腔穿刺 amnioscope 羊膜镜 -scope 镜 amnioscopy 羊膜镜检查-scopy 镜检 amniotic fluid embolism 羊水栓塞embolism栓塞; embolus栓子 anencephalus无脑儿 an-不;无 encephal-与脑有关的 antenatal hemorrhage产前出血antenatal/prenatal 产前的; natal出生的臀的homorrhage出血anterior fontanelle 前囱anterior 前的;在前的; fontanel囟门 Apgar scoring 阿氏评分 artificial rupture of membranes (amniotomy) 人工破膜 artificial人工的;rupture 破裂 membranes 膜 amnio-羊膜的 -tomy 切开术aspiration pneumonia吸入性肺炎aspiration 吸入;respiration呼吸作用 pneumonia/pneumonitis肺炎 atelectasis 肺不张 B baseline fetal heart rate 胎心基线fetal 胎儿的,与胎儿有关的 biparietal diameter双顶径 bi-两个,双parietal 顶骨的 diameter直径 birth injure 产伤 injure brachial palsy臂丛麻痹brachial 臂的 palsy麻痹 birth weight 出生体重 blood gas analysis 血气分析 blood group incompatibility血型不合in-不,无 compatibility兼容性 breech presentation臀位breech臀部 presentation胎位 brow presentation 额先露 brow 额头 breech extraction 臀牵引extract 提取;拉;牵拉 B-scan 型超声波扫描 C caput succedaneum 先锋头 caput 头 central (complete) 中央型 cephallohematoma 胎头血肿 cephal(o)- 与头相关的 hematoma血肿 cephalo-pelvic disproportion 头盆不称 pelvis骨盆 disproportion不平衡;不成比例 cerclage of cervix宫颈环扎 cerclage环扎 ; cervix 颈 cerebral hemorrhage 颅内出血(脑出血 ) cerebral 大脑的 hemorrhage出血 cervical dystocia 宫颈难产 dystocia 难产 cervicotomy宫颈切开术-tomy 切开 Cesarean hysterectomy剖宫子宫切除术cesarean section剖宫产; hystereo-与子宫有关的; -ectomy 切除术 Cesarean section (C.S) 剖宫产 chorionic villi sampling 绒毛标本采取chorion /villius 绒毛 chromosome analysis 染色体分析 classical C.S 古典剖宫产


【资源】妇产科英文词汇对照表 Gynecologist 妇科学家Oncologist 肿瘤学家Endocrinologist 内分泌学家Pathologist 病理学家Cytologist 细胞学家Perinatologist 围产学家Neonatologist 新生儿学家Radiologist 放射学家Geneticist 遗传学家Anesthetist 麻醉医师Attending physician 主治医师Resident physician 住院医师 Intern 实习医师Reproductive System (Genital System) 生殖系统Genital tract 生殖道vulva 外阴 mons pubis 阴阜vestibule 前庭 clitoris 阴蒂prepuse 包皮 labium major 大阴唇Bartholin's gland 巴氏腺labium minor 小阴唇urethral orifice 尿道口perineum 会阴vagina 阴道 fornix 穹窿uterus 子宫 corpus 宫体fundus 宫底 isthmus 峡部cervix 宫颈endocervial canal 宫颈管endometrium 子宫内膜myometrium 子宫肌层serosa 浆膜Fallopian tube 输卵管ampulla 壶腹部 fimbria 伞部ovary 卵巢 cortex 皮质medulla 髓质 hilum 卵巢门Douglas pouch(Cul-de-sac) 子宫直肠窝 broad lig. 阔韧带round lig. 圆韧带 cardinal lig. 主韧带uterosacral lig. 宫骶韧带infundibulo-pelvic lig. 漏斗骨盆韧带inguinal lig. 腹股沟韧带sacrospinous lig. 骶棘韧带ovarian artery 卵巢动脉 uterine a. 子宫动脉 ascending branch 升支desecnding branch 降支common iliac a. 髂总动脉externa iliac a. 髂外动脉internal iliac a.(hypogastric a.) 髂内动脉superior vesical a. 膀胱上动脉abdominal aorta 腹主动脉inderior vena cava 下腔静脉inferior mesenteric a. 肠系膜下动脉femoral a. 股动脉 great saphenous vein 大隐静脉nutritional a. 营养动脉obturator n. 闭孔神经pre-sacral n. 骶前神经sympathetic n. 交感神经parasympathetic n 副交感神经levator ani m. 提肛肌pubococcygeous m. 耻骨尾骨肌illiococcygeous m. 髂骨尾骨肌sphineter ani m. 肛门括约肌psoas major m. 腰大肌pubic bone 耻骨 pubic arch 耻骨弓symphysis pubis 耻骨联合pubic ramus(i) 耻骨支ilium 髂骨 ischium 坐骨ischial tuberosity 坐骨结节 ischial spine 坐骨棘sacrum 骶骨promontory 骶岬sacroiliac joint 骶髂关节


英文缩写 BFHR FHR-baseline 胎心率基线 BPD biparietal diameter 双顶径 FHR fetal heart rate 胎心率 FM fetal movement 胎动 GS gestational sac 妊娠囊 VSM vasculo-syncytial membrane 血管合体膜 NST non-stress test 无应激试验 OCT oxytocin challenge test 缩宫素激惹试验 CST contraction stress test 宫缩应激试验 PROM premature rupture of membrane 胎膜早破 RDS respiratory distress syndrome 新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征 FGR fetal growth restriction 胎儿生长受限 AFE amniotic fluid embolism 羊水栓塞 ICP intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy 妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积征 IUD intrauterine device 宫内节育器 EMT endometriosis 子宫内膜异位症 NGU non-gonococcal urethritis 非淋球菌性尿道炎 PCOS polycystic ovarian syndrome 多囊卵巢综合症 AI artificial insemination 人工授精 ART assisted reproductive techniques 辅助生殖技术 SCC squamous cell carcinoma antigen 鳞状细胞癌抗原 UICC international union against cancer 国际抗癌协会 GTD gestational trophoblastic disease 妊娠滋养细胞疾病 GTT gestational trophoblastic tumor 妊娠滋养细胞瘤 CEA carcinoembryonic antigen 癌胚抗原 CIN cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 宫颈上皮内瘤变 CIS carcinoma in situ 原位癌 ASCUS atypical squamous cell of undetermined significance 未明诊断意义的不典型性鳞状上皮细胞MP mycoplasma pneumonia 肺炎支原体 CT chlamydia trachomatis 沙眼衣原体 STD sex transmitted diseases 性传播疾病 CMV cytomegalovirus 巨细胞病毒 HPV human papilloma virus 人乳头瘤病毒 HSV herpes simplex virus 单纯疱疹病毒 VVC vulvovaginal candidiasis 外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病 VIN vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia 外阴上皮内瘤变 LH luteinizing hormone 黄体生成素 PRL prolactin 催乳激素 TDF testis-determining factor 睾丸决定因子 LMP last menstrual period 末次月经 PMP previous menstrual period 前次月经 AFP:甲胎蛋白 AI:人工授精 AFE:羊水栓塞 AFLP:妊娠期急性脂肪肝 BBT:基础体温 BMR:基础代谢率 CA125:癌抗原125 CIN:宫颈上皮内瘤变 CMV:巨细胞病毒 CIS:原位癌 EDC:预产期 EMT:子宫内膜异位症 ESR:红细胞沉降率 FGR:胎儿生长受限


adenocarcinoma||腺管上皮: 腺癌adrenal cortical carcinoma||肾上腺皮质: 肾上腺皮质癌American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging; AJCC||美国癌症分期联合委员会angiosarcoma||血管内皮: 血管肉瘤basal cell carcinoma||基底细胞: 基底细胞癌calcitonin||抑钙素carcinoembryonic antigen; CEA||癌胚抗原carcinoma||恶性上皮肿瘤Carcinoma in situ||原位癌catecholamine||儿茶酚胺chondrosarcoma||软骨: 软骨肉瘤choriocarcinoma||胎盘上皮: 绒毛膜癌direct extension||直接蔓延dysgerminoma||恶性胚胎瘤Dysplasia||异生fetoprotein; AFP||胎蛋白fibrosarcoma||纤维组织: 纤维肉瘤 FIGO: International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics||国际妇产科学联盟 glioma||神经胶细胞: 神经胶细胞瘤hematogenous metastasis||血行转移 hepatocellular carcinoma; hepatoma||肝细胞: 肝细胞癌histopathological grading||组织病理分化human chorionic gonadotropin; HCG||人类绒毛膜促性腺素immature teratoma||全能细胞: 未成熟畸胎瘤International Union against Cancer; UICC||国际防癌联盟Invasive carcinoma||侵袭癌leiomyosarcoma||平滑肌: 平滑肌肉瘤leukemia||造血细胞: 白血病liposarcoma||脂肪组织: 脂肪肉瘤lymphangiosarcoma||淋巴管内皮: 淋巴管肉瘤lymphatic metastasis||淋巴转移lymphoma||类淋巴组织: 淋巴瘤malignant melanoma||神经外胚层: 恶性黑色素瘤malignant meningioma||脑膜: 恶性脑膜瘤malignant mesothelioma||间皮: 恶性间皮瘤malignant mixed tumor||唾液腺: 恶性混合瘤 malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, malignant schwannoma||神经鞘: 恶性周边神经鞘肿瘤malignant pheochromocytoma||肾上腺髓质: 恶性嗜铬细胞瘤malignant phyllodes tumor||乳房: 恶性叶状瘤malignant teratoma||恶性畸胎瘤metastasis||远处转移Microinvasive carcinoma||微侵袭癌mild dysplasia||轻度异生moderate dysplasia||中度异生moderately differentiated||中度分化myeloma||浆细胞: 骨髓瘤neuroblastoma||神经节细胞: 神经母细胞瘤 neuroblastoma||神经母细胞瘤neuron-specific enolase; NSE||神经特异性烯醇node||淋巴结oma||良性肿瘤osteosarcoma||硬骨: 骨肉瘤poorly differentiated||分化不良 prostate-specific antigen; PSA||前列腺特异性抗原prostatic acid phosphatase; PAP||前列腺酸性磷酸renal cell carcinoma||肾脏上皮: 肾细胞癌rhabdomyosarcoma||横纹肌: 横纹肌肉瘤sarcoma||恶性间叶肿瘤seminoma||生殖细胞: 精细胞瘤 severe dysplasia||重度异生squamous cell carcinoma||鳞状上皮: 鳞状细胞癌 stage||期别synovial sarcoma||滑膜: 滑膜肉瘤thymic carcinoma||胸腺上皮: 胸腺癌transitional cell carcinoma||泌尿道上皮: 过渡细胞癌tumor marker||临床检验: 含肿瘤标记undifferentiated||未分化well differentiated||分化良好 mscarriage--patent tretament自然流产recurrent miscarriage: 习惯性流产late miscarriage晚期流产incompetent cervix宫颈机能不全ectopic pregnancy宫外孕Ectopic pregnancy removement with laparoscopy,saving tube.腹腔镜治疗宫外孕,保留输卵管recurrent spontanoeus abortion反复自然流产blighted ovum胎停育missed abortion稽留流产molar pregnancy葡萄胎water birth水中分娩V agina reconstruction by minimal access surgery 微创阴道重建手术absence of vagina无阴道vaginal aplasia先天性无阴道primordial uterus 始基子宫vagina reconstruction 阴道重建 congenital absence of vagina and uterus 先天性无子宫无阴道Uterine Myoma子宫肌瘤Polycystic ovaries多囊卵巢 .Certification in medical oncology and gynecologic oncology first offered.
