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新概念二册 Lesson 32 讲义

新概念二册 Lesson 32  讲义
新概念二册 Lesson 32  讲义

Lesson 32 Shopping made easy



⑴. adv. 从前

Once there was a river behind the small village. 从前,小村庄的后面有条小河。

⑵.adv. 一次

I go to the cinema once a month. 我一个月去看一次电影。

I have been to Hongkong once. 我去过一次香港。

⑶.conj. 一旦

Once you read this book, you will get interested in it.


【搭配】at once 立刻,马上= immediately = right now

all at once 突然= suddenly

once upon a time 从前= long time ago

2.simply (adv.) 简单地,仅仅

She is simply dressed though she is very rich. 尽管她很富有,她穿着非常简朴。

It was simply a question of time. 这只是一个时间问题。

【拓展】simple (adj.) 简单的

3.arrest (v.)&(n.) 逮捕,拘留

It is reported that the criminal was arrested last night. 据报道,罪犯昨晚已经被捕了。

Three criminals are under arrest in New York. 三个罪犯在纽约被逮捕了。

【搭配】be under arrest 被逮捕

Freeze! You are under arrest! 不许动!你被捕了!

4.temptation 诱惑article 物品,东西wrap 包裹,打包= pack

5.well-dressed 穿着入时的,讲究的


four-legged 四条腿的over-tired 过度疲劳的green-colored 绿色环保的

white-haired 白发苍苍的man-made 人造的well-educated 受过良好教育的



1.as + adj./adv.(原级) + as …和…一样

Tom runs as quickly as Liu Xiang.

2.not as + adj./adv.(原级) + as …不如…一样

I am not as tall as my father,

3.注意,该词组中,形容词/副词都使用原级,不能用比较级/最高级. 如:

She is as taller as her mother (错误)

She is as tall as her mother. (正确)

4. as quickly as possible 尽快

【结构】as + 形容词+ as possible 尽可能的…

【同义】as … as possible = as … as one can

【例句】You should come here as early as possible.

Please come here as soon as possible.


1.The temptation to steal is greater than ever before – especially in large shops.

to steal是动词不定式作temptation的后置定语。


I have nothing to eat tonight. 今晚我没有什么吃的了。

He has a lot of books to read. 他有很多书要读。

2.…so it was easier for the detective to watch her.

It is + 形容词+ for sb. + to do sth. 某人做某事怎么样

句中It是形式主语,代替不定式to do sth.句中sb.是to do sth的逻辑主语

It is very important for us to learn English well. 我们学好英文是很重要的。

It is good for us to eat more vegetables and fruits. 我们多吃水果蔬菜是有好处的。

3.Then the waman simply took the parcel and walked out of the shop without paying.

句中without paying作状语,without短语经常用作与句子状语。

Without saying anything, she went out of the room。她一句话也没说就离开了房间Without Tom’s help, I won’t pass the test. 没有汤姆的帮助我就无法通过考试。






Book II Lesson 25 Do the English speak English? I arrived in London at last. The railway station was big, black and dark. I did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter. I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well. The porter, however, could not understand me; I repeated my question several times and at last he understood. He answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly. 'I am a foreigner,' I said. Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him. My teacher never spoke English like that! The porter and I looked at each other and smiled. Then he said something and I understood it. 'You'll soon learn English!' he said.I wonder. In England, each man speaks a different language. The English understand each other, but I don't understand them ! Do they speak English ? Book II Lesson 26 The best art critics ?I am an art student and I paint a lot of pictures. Many people pretend that they understand modern art. They always tell you what a picture is 'about'. Of course, many pictures arc not 'about' anything. They are just pretty patterns. We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material. I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. They notice more. My sister is only seven, but she always tells me whether my pictures are good or not. She came into my room yesterday.' What are you doing ?' she asked.' I'm hanging this picture on the wall,' I answered. 'It's a new one. Do you like it ?' She looked at it critically for a moment.' It's all right,' she said, 'but isn't it upside-down ?' I looked at it again. She was right! It was! Book II Lesson 27 A wet night Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field. As soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire.


A private conversation私人谈话 【NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS】生词和短语 ★private adj.私人的 it's my private letter/house ;private school:私立学校 public:公众的,公开的 public school ; public letter 公开信;public place :公共场所privacy:隐私 it's a privacy. adj. 《Private Ryan》 private soldier:大兵 private citizen 普通公民 private life:私生活 ★conversation n.谈话 subject of conversation:话题 talk.可以正式,也可以私人的 conversation. 比较正式一些 let's have a talk They are having a conversation. conversation 用的时候比talk正式,意思上往往不非常正式. talk:可正式可不正式 dialogue:对话 China and Korea are having a dialogue. 正式 chat: 闲聊 gossip:嚼舌头 have a + talk/chat/dialogue/conversation/gossip 名词变动词 ★theatre n.剧场,戏剧 cinema: 电影院 ★seat n.座位 have a good seat(place) take a seat : 座下来,就座 take your seat/take a seat Is the seat taken? 这个座位有人吗?no/yes sit sit down ,please seat take your seat,please be seated,please 更为礼貌 seat是及物动词,后面有宾语 sit是不及物动词,后面不加宾语 seat后面会加人; seat sb; seat him; seat:让某人就座 sit he is sitting there. you seat him; 〖语法精粹〗 4.When all those present(到场者)_D_ he began his lecture.(重点题) A.sit B.set C.seated D.were seaed sit,sit down; seat,be seated;take a seat ★play n.戏 ★loudly adv. 大声的 ★angry adj. 生气的

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第32课

Lesson 32 Shopping made easy购物变得很方便 Who was the thief? People are not so honest as they once were. The temptation to steal is greater than ever before -- especially in large shops. A detective recently watched a well-dressed woman who always went into a large store on Monday mornings. One Monday, there were fewer people in the shop than usual when the woman came in, so it was easier for the detective to watch her. The woman first bought a few small articles. After a little time, she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and handed it to an assistant who wrapped it up for her as quickly as possible. Then the woman simply took the parcel and walked out of the shop without paying. When she was arrested, the detective found out that the shop assistant was her daughter. The girl 'gave' her mother a free dress once a week! 参考译文 人们不再像以前那样诚实了。偷窃的诱惑力比以往任何时候都更强烈-- 特别是在大的商店里。一名侦探最近注意上了一位穿着讲究的妇女,她总是在星期一上午进入一家大商场。有一个星期一,当这位妇女走进这家商场时,里面的人比往常少,因此,侦探比较容易监视她。这位妇女先是买了几样小商品。过了一会儿,她又选了商场里最昂贵的一件衣服,把它递给了售货员。那售货员以最快的速度为她包好了衣服。然后,那妇女拿过包就走出了商场,根本没有付钱。她被逮捕后。侦探发现原来那售货员是她的女儿。那姑娘每星期“送”她母亲一件免费的衣服!【New words and expressions】(6) once adv. 1)一次(for one time) 例:I’ve been to Paris once.我去过巴黎一次。 once- twice-three times-- 例: The girl gave her mother a free dress once a week.(一周一次) 2)adv.一度,曾经,以前 例: People are not so honest as they once were. 人们不像以前那样诚实了。 工once lived in Africa.我曾经住在非洲。 The book was once famous.这本书曾经很出名。 at once; immediately: right away 立刻,马上 例:After work,come back at once!下班之后立刻回家!


Lesson 3 Please send me a card 请给我寄一张明信片 Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Everyday I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card! New words and expressions 生词和短语 send v. 寄,送 postcard n. 明信片 spoil v. 使索然无味,损坏museum n. 博物馆public adj. 公共的friendly adj. 友好的waiter n. 服务员,招待员lend v. 借给decision n. 决定whole adj. 整个的single adj. 唯一的,单一的 参考译文 明信片总搅得我假日不得安宁。去年夏天,我去了意大利。我参观了博物馆,还去了公园。一位好客的服务员教了我几句意大利语,之后还借给我一本书。我读了几行,但一个字也不懂。我每天都想着明信片的事。假期过得真快,可我还没有给我的朋友们寄过一张明信片。到了最后一天,我作出了一项重大决定。我早早起了床,买来了37张明信片。我在房间里关了整整一天。然而竟连一张明信片也没写成! 1. Please send me a card请给我寄一张明信片 send /send/ v. (sent, sent /sent/) 1.~sth (to sb.) / ~sb. sth 寄,发送 . (1) 昨天我给我爸寄了封信。 I sent a letter to my father yesterday. (2)上周日我给汤姆寄了一张明信片。I sent Tom a postcard last Sunday. 2. 传达;转致;告知 . (1)我父母问您好。My parents send their love. (2)他带话要我来。He sent me word to come. 3. 派遣;打发;安排去 .(1)她早早打发孩子们上床睡觉。She sent the kids to bed early. (2)我叫汤姆去买牛奶了。I have sent Tom to buy some milk. send sb. packing (infml) 叫某人卷铺盖;撵某人走 2. Postcards always spoil my holidays. 明信片总搅得我假日不得安宁。 1) spoil v. (spoiled, spoiled) (BrE also spoilt; spoilt) 1. 破坏;搞坏;糟蹋;毁掉 . (1) 天气不好,破坏了我们的露营旅行。Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather.(注:camp[k?mp] n. 1. [c, u] 营地 vi.[v] 宿营,露营) (2) 别让他破坏你的夜晚。Don’t let him spoil your evening. 2. 溺爱;娇惯;宠坏 . 她那几个孩子给她宠坏了。She spoils those kids of hers. 2)holiday n. 1. [u] (also holidays [pl.] )=vacation[v?'kei??n] (AmE) 假期 a period of time when



Lesson 32 Shopping made easy购物变得很方便 【New words and expressions】(6) once adv. 1)一次 (for one time) once- twice-three times-- I’ve been to Paris once.我去过巴黎一次。 The girl gave her mother a free dress once a week.(一周一次) 2)adv.一度,曾经,以前 例: People are not so honest as they once were. 人们不像以前那样诚实了。 工once lived in Africa.我曾经住在非洲。 The book was once famous.这本书曾经很出名。 at once; immediately: right away 立刻,马上 例:After work,come back at once! 下班之后立刻回家! once again/ once more 例:Read the new words once again.再重新读一遍。 once upon a time很久以前 / long, long ago 例: Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess. 很久以前有一位漂亮的公主。 temptation n.诱惑 tempt v.怂恿,劝说或鼓励某人做某事(尤其错事,傻事) tempt sb to do sth tempt sb into sth tempt sb into doing sth


Lesson 38 Everything except the weather唯独没有考虑到天气Why did Harrison sell his house so quickly? My old friend, Harrison, had lived in the Mediterranean for many years before he returned to England. He had often dreamed of retiring in England and had planned to settle down in the country. He had no sooner returned than he bought a house and went to live there. Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather, for even though it was still summer, it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold. After so many years of sunshine, Harrison got a shock. He acted as if he had never lived in England before. In the end, it was more than he could bear. He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house and left the country. The dream he had had for so many years ended there. Harrison had thought of everything except the weather. 参考译文 我的老朋友哈里森在回到英国以前曾多年居住在地中海地区。过去他常幻想退休后到英国,并计划在乡间安顿下来。他刚一回到英国便买下了一幢房子住了进去。但紧接着他就开始抱怨那里的天气了。因为即使那时仍为夏季,但雨总是下个不停,而且常常冷得厉害。在阳光下生活了那么多年的哈里森对此感到惊奇。他的举动就好像他从未在英国生活过一样。最后,他再也忍受不住,还没等安顿下来就卖掉了房子,离开了这个国家。他多年来的幻想从此破灭。哈里森把每件事情都考虑到了,唯独没想到天气。 【New words and expressions】(6) except prep.除了,除了…外 eg. Except a broken chair, the room has no furniture. 除了一把破椅子,这间房子里什么也没有。(chair与furniture性质相同) except for eg. Except for a broken chair, the room is empty. 除了一把破椅子外,这间房子是空的。 except for没有“所指项目类别”的限制 except that eg. I know nothing about his career except that he is a graduate of Oxford University.


Lesson 25,Do the English speak English Railway 1, 火车站railway/train station. 公共汽车站bus station. 长途车long-distance coach. 2, 我们有比较发达的火车网络。坐火车旅行又方便,又便宜 We have an advanced railway network. It is both convenient and cheap to travel by train. 地铁是很好的交通方式,城市里一半人使用地铁 Subway service is very convenient. About half the population travel by metro. 在杭州骑自行车是最好的交通方式。对于骑车的人而言,从来不会有拥挤,也没有停车的烦恼 Bike is the best transport in Hangzhou, for there is never a traffic jam or a trouble of parking for bike-riders. 公交车是便宜的交通方式,但是总会拥挤,味道古怪. Bus is a cheap transport。However, there is always a huge crowd and a terrible smell in the bus. Overseas experts 外国专家(夸奖,褒扬) Foreigner 外国人,老外(中性) Alien 外星人,外来人口(贬义) 开国7巨头在能量块边上造了一个大坝,以保护它不被任何外星生物探测到 The seven had the dam built around it to protect the cube from being detected by any alien species *** Have something done 让某物被做 The seven 七巨头—〉the evil and wicked seven 邪恶7人帮 The furious five 暴怒五侠 *** Wonder at sth 感到惊奇,惊叹(欣赏,不

新概念英语第二册课后答案详解lesson 32.doc

新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 32 新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 32 练习答案Key to written exercises 1.关键句型练习答案 A People are not so honest as they once were(1.1); The temptation…is greater than ever before(11.1-2); there werefewer people…than usual (11.4-5); it was ea sier…to watch her (11.5-6); one of the most expensive dresses (11.7-8); wrapped it… as quickly as possible (11.8-9) 2.难点练习答案 One day…a postcard…an excursion…one thing…a fax… a form… a fax of one word… 3.多项选择题答案 1. c 根据课文第5-6行...so it was easier for the detective to watch her. The woman first bought a few small articles 可以看出,只有c. buy a few things 与课文的实际情况相符。a. every Monday 这个妇女总是星期一去大商场,这是事实,但这不是侦探当时看到的情景。b. pay the assistant for the dresses 和d. put the dresses in her bag 都与课文的实际情况不符。 2. c 根据课文第10-11行…th e detective found out that the shop assistant was her daughter 可以判断出只有c. She was related to one of the assistants(……她与其中的一个售货员有亲属关系)是为什么这女人能很容易地偷窃的原因,其他3个选择都不是她偷窃成功的原因,所以应该选c. 3. c


practice : 训练, progress : 进步861 practice advice advise If you practice more, then you can make great progress. 五项综合训练技能 listening : 听力 speaking : 说话 grammar : 语法writing : 写作 reading : 阅读 translation : 译knowledge +skills Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话 【New words and expressions】(12)1 private [ ???????] adj. 私人的 conversation[ ?????????????] n. 谈话theatre [ ????????] n. 剧场,戏院 seat [????] n. 座位 play [?●??] n. 戏 loudly[●?◆?●?] adv. 大声地 angry[ ?????] adj. 生气的 angrily [ ?????●?] adv. 生气地 attention[??????????] n. 注意 bear [??????] v. 容忍 bore borne 或born bearing,bears business[ ??????] n. 事 rudely [?◆??●?] adv. 无礼地,粗鲁地 ★private adj.私人的

①adj. 私人的 private life 私生活 private school 私立学校 It's my private letter. (如果妈妈想看你的信) It's my private house. (如果陌生人想进你的房子)②adj. 普通的 private citizen 普通公民 I?m a private citizen. (citizen n. 公民) ③ n.士兵;二等兵. 美国陆军或海军陆战队的非士官军衔,低于一等兵private soldier 大兵 《Private Ryan》(《拯救大兵瑞恩》) public adj. 公众的,公开的(private的反义词)public school 公立学校 public letter 公开信 public place 公共场所 privacy n.隐私 It?s privacy. 这是我的隐私!(不愿让别人知道的) Private adj. 1. 个人的,私人的= personal e.g. a private car e.g. a private garden 2. 私营的,私立的 e.g. New Oriental School is a private school. 反义词:public adj. 公开的,公立的 e.g. a public letter; a public place


新概念英语第二册课后练习题答案详解(第32课) 新概念英语第二册课后习题Lesson 32 1. c 根据课文第5-6行...so it was easier for the detective to watch her. The woman first bought a few small articles 能够看出,只有c. buy a few things 与课文的实际情况相符。 a. every Monday 这个妇女总是星期一去大商场,这是事实,但这不是侦探当时看到的情景。 b. pay the assistant for the dresses 和 d. put the dresses in her bag 都与课文的实际情况不符。 2. c 根据课文第10-11行…the detective found out that the shop assistant was her daughter 能够判断出只有c. She was related to one of the assistants(……她与其中的一个售货员有亲属关系)是为什么这女人能很容易地偷窃的原因,其他3个选择都不是她偷窃成功的原因,所以应该选c. 3. c 只有选c. less(较少的) 才能使这个句子同前一句People are not so honest as they once were(人们不再像以前那样诚实了)的含义相同。其他3个选择都不准确:a. as 和 d. fewer 不合乎语法,意思不通;b. so (如此地) 词意思也不对,不合乎题目意思。 4. b 前一句用了比较级…fewer… than usual(……比平时少),本句只有选b. not as many as usual(不如平时那么多) 才能同前一句的比较级意思相吻合。 a. as many as usual(和平时一样多) 与前面的比较级意思不一致;c. as few as usual(像平时一样少)也不符合题目意思;d. more than usual(比平时多)正好和前面的比较级意思相反。

新概念第二册 Lesson 1 讲义教师版

Lesson 1 A private conversation 阅读理解 1. Why couldn’t I hear the actors? Because the young man and woman were talking loudly. 2. Do you think the young man understood me before answering “This is a private conversation”? No, I don’t. 单词详解 1. private adj. 私人的 语境体验:【学生版不出现】女孩子们在讲八卦前最常说的一句话: Don’t tell the other s, because this is private 词组:私立学校private school 反义词:公立学校public school (扩展:西方很多著名高校都是私立的,如:Stanford University: 斯坦福大学,美国著名私立大学)【学生版不出现】 词组:in private 私下地; 反义词:in public 公众地 e.g. He supported the plan in public, but in private he knew it was not good. 文化:(但被问道年纪收入等自己不愿意回答或者不便回答的问题时,可以选择使用private)【学生版不出现】 -How old are you? -Sorry, this is a private question./ I forgot it. 2. conversation n. 谈话 3. theatre n. 剧院、戏院 4. seat n. 座位 词组:give one’s seat to …. 让座给某人 文化:Sit down, please. (命令性,【学生版不出现】比如老师与学生的对话) Take your seat, please. (一般性,【学生版不出现】比如公司同事) Be seated, please. (更礼貌、正式,【学生版不出现】比如国家大会奏完国歌以后) 5. play n. 戏 6. loudly adv. 大声地(贬义词) e.g. A dog is barking loudly adv. 洪亮地(褒义词)

新概念英语第二册笔记新版 Lesson 32:Shopping made easy

新概念英语第二册笔记新版 Lesson 32:Shopping made easy First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Who was the thief? 【New words and expressions】生词和短语 ★once adv. 以前,以前 long long ago I visit my mother once a month. once 连接从句:表示“一旦” Once you leave my company,you must return the house. ★temptation n. 诱惑 temptation to 动词原形 temptation to do sth. temptation to steal resist the temptation to do I can't resist the temptation to laugh. ★article n. 物品,东西 This is a good article. 文章 article /thing

article 强调的是商店里的一个一个的东西,是可数名词 thing 指任何的东西 cargo goods ★wrap v. 包裹 Please wrap them (up) for me. pack I will take/have/get it ★simply adv. 仅仅 simply :only/just ★arrest v. 逮捕 arrest the criminal arrest one's attention 吸引某人的注意力 The criminal was arrested. sb.be under arrest. cortrol/under cortrol People are not so honest as they once were. The temptation to steal is greater than ever before -- especially in large shops. A detective recently watched a well-dressed woman who always went into a large store on Monday mornings. One Monday, there were fewer people in the shop than usual when the woman came in, so it was easier for the detective to watch her. The woman first bought a few small articles. After


Lesson 14 Do you speak English? 【New words and expressions】生词和短语 amusing adj. 好笑的,有趣的 experience n. 经历 wave v. 招手 lift n. 搭便车 reply v. 回答 language n. 语言 journey n. 旅行 ★amusing adj. 好笑的, 有趣的 The story is amusing. (好笑的) amused adj. 感到好笑的(要笑出声) I am amused. amuse v. 使发笑,使愉快 The story amused me. funny adj. 好笑的(不一定要笑出声可以指贬义),开心的,令人开心的interesting / funny story ★experience n. 经历(可数);经验(不可数) ①n. 经历(可数)He has a lot of experiences. ②n. 经验,体验(不可数) They want someone with a lot of experience for this job. Does she have any experience in teaching? ③vt. 经验,体验 Have you ever experienced anything like this? The village has experienced great changes since 1980. experienced adj. 有经验的,经验丰富的 He is an experienced doctor. ★wave v. 招手vt. & vi. (使)波动,(使)起伏,(使)飘扬 n.波浪,波纹,波 ①v. 招手vt. & vi. (使)波动,(使)起伏,(使)飘扬 Bill waved his hand to us and then drove away. 比尔向我们挥手告别后开车走了。wave to sb. 向某人招手 The flag waved in the wind. 旗帜在风中飘扬。 ②n.波浪,波纹,波 The boat was smashed by a huge wave. 小船被一个巨浪掀翻了。 She has a natural wave in her hair. 她的头发自然卷曲。

新概念英语第二册第32课听力:shopping made easy

新概念英语第二册第32课听力:shopping made easy Lesson 32 Shopping made easy购物变得很方便 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Who was the thief? People are not so honest as they once were. 人们不再像以前那样诚实了。 The temptation to steal is greater than ever before -- especially in large shops 偷窃的诱惑力比以往任何时候都更强烈 -- 特别是在大的商店里。 A detective recently watched a well-dressed woman who always went into a large store on Monday mornings. 一名侦探最近注意上了一位穿着讲究的妇女,她总是在星期一上 午进入一家大商场。 One Monday, there were fewer people in the shop than usual when the woman came in, 有一个星期一,当这位妇女走进这家商场时,里面的人比往常少, so it was easier for the detective to watch her. The woman first bought a few small articles. 所以,侦探比较容易监视她。这位妇女先是买了几样小商品。


Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch? 一、教学重点 1、代词:it做虚主语时的用法。 2、时态:一般现在时VS现在进行时。 3、副词:频率副词的排序和位置 二.知识重点 1. It was Sunday. 这里的it是虚主语,可以指代时间、天气、温度、距离等多种事物,也可以指代某个不确定的人。 2. I never get up early on Sundays. never从来不、绝对不。频率副词,可以用在多种时态中。 Never give up.从不放弃 Never lose heart. 绝不要灰心丧气。 on Sundays 在每一个星期天。 on用在具体的某一天之前,例如on March 21st,on Monday,on Monday morning 在这里Sundays用了复数,表示在每一个星期天。 3. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. Sometimes 有时 Some times 几次几倍 Some time 一段时间 Sometime 有时用于将来时或者过去时中 Stay in bed 躺在床上stay at home 待在家里 Until 1)prep 直到……时候 I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. 2)conj 直到……时候后接句子 肯定句中的动词为延续性动词否定句中为非延续性动词

I won't stop shouting until you let me go. Continue in this direction until you see a sign 4. Last Sunday , I got up very late. Get up 起床go to bed 去睡觉fall asleep 睡着 Late adj/adv 晚 Stay up late 熬夜 Lately: recently 最近常用在完成时和一般过去时中。 5. I looked out of the window. Look out of…向……外看 Look into 向……里面看;调查 Look out ! 当心小心 6. What a day! 省略式感叹句。= What a day it is! = What a bad/terrible day it is! 构成:What + 名词(包括冠词和形容词) + 主语代词+ 谓语动词+ ! 对照:How + 形容词/副词+ 主语(名词/代词) + 谓语动词+ ! 7.Just then, the telephone rang. then 然后,那时。just 就,仅仅。 just then = at that moment 就在那时 ring [vi.] 不及物动词。The bell rings. The phone rang. ring [vt.] 及物动词。ring sb. = call sb. ring 名词环状物,特指戒指

新概念英语二册 lesson4 教师版讲义

辅导课题:新概念2 lesson 4 提分第一阶段:复习上节课内容和遗忘知识点 单词短语听写 提分第二阶段:梳理本节课知识要点,查漏补缺 4 An exciting trip 激动人心的旅行 【课文】 I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim. He is in Australia. He has been there for six months. Tim is an engineer. He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Aus tralia. He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice Springs, a small town in the centre of Australia. He will soon visit Darwin. From there, he will fly to Perth. My brother has never been abroad before, so he is fi nding this trip very exciting. 【课文翻译】 我刚刚收到弟弟蒂姆的来信,他正在澳大利亚。他在那儿已经住了6个月了。蒂姆是个工程师,正在为一家大公司工作,并且已经去过澳大利亚的不少地方了。他刚买了一辆澳大利亚小汽车,现在去了澳大利亚中部的小镇艾利斯斯普林斯。他不久还将到达尔文去,从那里,他再飞往珀斯。我弟弟以前从未出过国,因此,他觉得这次旅行非常激动人心。 【生词和短语】 exciting adj. 令人兴奋的 receive v. 接受,收到 firm n. 商行,公司 different adj. 不同的 center n. 中心

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