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牛津高中英语 M8U1 Reading II 学案 教师版

牛津高中英语 M8U1 Reading II   学案 教师版
牛津高中英语 M8U1 Reading II   学案 教师版

Module 8 Unit 1 The written word

Appreciating literature Reading Ⅱ

Learning aims:

1.To learn the usages of some important and difficult words, phrases and sentences.

2.To do some exercises to grasp the usage of some words, phrases and sentence patterns.

Important points & difficult points:

1. Words: desperate; generous

2. Phrases: be set in; be bent on(doing) sth.

3. Sentences: so...that....; dislike it when...

Step 1 self-education

Task 1. Fill in the blanks with proper words.

Great Expectations

Great Expectations was written by one of England's greatest 1.n,Charles Dickens,and is now seen as classic literature. The main 2.c in the novel is Pip,a poor boy from England. He lives with his older sister and her husband Joe. His sister often 3.a him.

The story is set 4.England in the early 1800s. It is a misty night when the story begins. Mist is a

5.s of danger and uncertainty used throughout the novel.

6.L in the story,Pip receives

a large sum of money from a stranger. He uses the 7.f to move to London without any companions. He settles there 8.he can become an educated gentleman. Pip 9.c from a pleasant young man into a very shallow one. 10.it means to be a gentleman is an important theme in Great Expectations. Pip is not really a gentleman but at the end of the story,he has changed a lot.

答案:1.novelists 2.character 3.abuses 4.in 5.symbol





Task 2. Underline the following words and phrases in the passage and fill in the blanks.


1. poetry n.诗歌poem n.诗poet n.诗人

2.characteristic n.特征;adj.典型的,独特的character n.特征,特点

3.novelist n.小说家novel n.小说

4.abuse v t.虐待;滥用;辱骂

5.desperate adj.铤而走险的,绝望的;渴望desperately ad v.绝望地

6.criminal n.罪犯;adj.犯罪的,犯法的;刑法的,刑事的crime n.罪,罪行;犯罪活动7.tension n.紧张气氛;紧张,烦躁;矛盾,对立tense adj.紧张的,担心的

8.twist n.转折;转动;急转弯;v t.&v i.(使)弯曲;转动;蜿蜒

9.plot n.故事情节;阴谋,密谋;v t.密谋;绘制(图表)

10.generous adj.慷慨的;仁慈的generously ad v.慷慨地;宽大地generosity n.慷慨,大方11.vain adj.虚荣的,自负的;徒劳的,无结果的

12.rigid adj.死板的;固执的;僵直的

13.civil adj.有教养的,有礼貌的;国民的,平民的;民事的(非刑事的)

14.bent adj.弯曲的;驼背的;不诚实的;n.天赋,爱好bend v.弯曲;屈膝;n.弯道

15.theme n.主题,主题思想;主题音乐

16.violent adj.暴力的;猛烈的violently ad v.暴力地

II. phrases

1.in print印刷出版的2.have nothing to do with与……没有关系

3.come out出版;显露4.at a time每次;逐一;依次

5.be set in以……为背景6.bent on (doing) sth.决心做某事(通常指坏事)

7.on the run忙碌;逃跑8.live up to达到,符合(期望)

Step 2. Analyze, complete or translate the following sentences.

1. Pip, who is seven years old when the story begins, is in a foggy cemetery when a desperate criminal appears and frightens him.故事开始时七岁的皮普正在一个浓雾笼罩的墓地中,就在这时一个穷凶极恶的罪犯突然出现了,使他吓了一大跳。


desperate adj.铤而走险的,拼命的,绝望的;非常需要,渴望

be desperate for渴望……,迫切需要……

be desperate to do sth.非常想做某事

desperately ad v.绝望地,拼命地

desperation n.拼命;铤而走险


(1) A desperate man will stop at nothing to get what he wants.


(2)He was desperate when he lost all his money.


(3)He is desperate to pass the entrance exam.


(4)He was desperate for work to provide for a large family.


(5)He has been out of work for a long time, so he is to get a job.

A.special B.particular C.desperate D.stubborn

答案 C


2.There is a twist in the plot when a very generous stranger gives Pip a large fortune.当一位非常慷慨的陌生人赠予了皮普一大笔财富的时候,故事情节发生了曲折变化。


generous adj.慷慨的,大方的;宽厚的,仁慈的

be generous with...对于……很慷慨

be generous in...在……方面慷慨

be generous to sb.对某人很慷慨

It’s generous of sb.to do sth.某人真慷慨/宽宏大量做某事


(1)She was generous enough to overlook my little mistake.她非常宽宏大量,不计较我的小错误。

(2) She was always very generous in her charity.


(3) It was generous of her to contribute such a large sum.


(4 (2013·湖北,28)He didn’t selfishly keep for himself the money inherited from his uncle.Instead,he made a contribution to help the community.A.commercial B.generous C.comparable D.profitable

答案 B


3.Great Expectations is set in England in the early 1800s.



be set in以……为背景

set about(+n./doing)着手做……

set aside保留,储蓄;暂时把……放在一边

set off出发,动身,启程;引爆

set out(+to do)出发,动身;着手做

set up开办,建立,设立;建造,搭起上午、

set back使……退后;使……延迟


(1)The novel is set in the gold rush.


(2)The hotel manager set aside two pleasant rooms for us.


(3)The snow this winter set back the building of our new house by two months.


(4)They set out to take action at once.


(5)(2013·安徽,26)Traditionally,college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they on their life journey.

A.give up B.settle down C.get through D.set off

答案 D

解析考查动词短语辨析。句意为:依照惯例,大学生在踏上人生之旅前,要举办毕业典礼来自我激励。give up放弃;settle down定居,专心于;get through通过,到达;set off 出发,动身。

4.Pip is bent on becoming a gentleman and winning Estella’s love.皮普一心要成为一名绅士,赢得埃斯特拉的芳心。


be bent on(doing) sth.一心想要(做)……,决心要(做)……

bend one’s mind to (doing) sth.专心于(做)某事

bend (sb.) to sth.迫使(某人)屈从某物

bend down弯腰

bend over俯身靠近;弯身作拱形

(1)If you are bent on carrying out your plan,you should give your careful attention to it.


(2)She’s bent on a career on the stage.


(3)He bent all his mind to studying.


(4)The tall man bent down to get through the doorway.



(1)He is bent on making them happy.


(2)Can you and touch your toes without ?

A.bend down;bending your knees B.bend over;bending your knees

C.bend down;bend your knees D.bend over;bend your knees

答案 A

解析考查短语辨析。句意为:不要弯曲膝盖,你能弯腰触及你的脚趾吗?bend down弯腰;bend over 俯身靠近;without是介词,其后应接v.-ing,故选A项。

5. They are novels,plays and poems that were written a long time ago and were so well written that people still read them nowadays.它们是很久以前创作的小说、戏剧和诗歌,这些作品写得如此之好以至于今天人们仍然在阅读它们。


(1)本句是一个主从复合句。主句是“They are novels,plays and poems”;第一个that引导定语从句,修饰先行词“novels,plays and poems”;定语从句中含有so...that...结构,其中的that引导结果状语从句。

(2)so...that...中的so是副词,修饰形容词或副词;若so与其所修饰的词置于句首,则句子要用倒装语序。,so...that...结构的具体形式如下:,so+adj./ad v.+that从句,so+adj.+a/an+单数可数名词+that从句,so +many/few+复数可数名词+that从句,so+much/little+不可数名词+that从句


注意:so that既可以引导目的状语从句又可以引导结果状语从句。so that引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便;为了”,从句中常使用can/could/may/might/will/would/should等情态动词或助动词;so that引导结果状语从句时,从句中一般不用can和may等情态动词。


(1)He was so excited that he couldn’t speak.


(2)She made so good a meal that we all ate far too much.


(3)It was such an interesting film that I saw it twice.


(4)It was such a cold day that there was nobody in the street.


(5)So absorbed in her work that she didn’t realize it was time that she picked up her daughter. A.she was B.was she C.did she D.she did

答案 B

解析句意为:她如此专注于她的工作以至于没有意识到到了接她女儿的时间了。将“so+adj./ad v.”置于句首,主句需要倒装;be absorded in专注于……,为固定搭配,故选B。

6. Pip dislikes it when Joe comes to visit him in London.





(2)see to,depend on,lie in等由动词和介词构成的动词短语后接that引导的宾语从句时,先加形式宾语it,再接that从句。


(1)He disliked it when she behaved badly in front of his mother.


(2)I will appreciate it if you can help me.


(3)I don’t like the way that you speak to your mother.(句型转换)

→I dislike it when you speak to your mother in that way.

(4I shall see to it that he is taken good care of when you are absent.


(5)I would appreciate it if you could take me to watch the next Olympic Games.


Step 3 Consolidation


1.The room was filled with tension as students waited for the test to begin.

2.She is generous with her money.She must lend some money to you.

3.The palace is full of priceless antiques(古董).

4.The need to communicate is a key characteristic(特征) of human society.

5.We were disappointed that they insisted on such a(n) rigid(死板的) explanation of the rules.


be bent on,would rather...than...,on the run,be set in,at a time

1.Work while you work,play while you play.One thing at a time works better.

2.She’s always on the run.

3.The film was set in the old village.

4.She was bent on making life difficult for me.

5.Most people would rather stay at home than go out.



She is so lovely a girl that we all like her.


The bridge (which was) built for the village last month needs repairing.


I would go there with him if I were you.


I dislike it when someone speaks with his/her mouth full.


It is difficult to make myself understood in English.


1.Armed with the information you have gathered, you can preparing your business plan.(2012·浙江,15)

A.set out B.set about C.set off D.set up

答案 B

解析句意为:有这些你所收集的信息,你可以着手准备你的商业计划了。set about doing sth.开始做,着手做,符合句意。set out to do sth.着手做某事;set off出发;set up建立。

2.—Your uncle has arrived here.

—I he until tomorrow.

A.didn’t think;was coming B.don’t think;will come

C.think;isn’t coming D.thought;wasn’t coming

答案 A

解析考查时态。“我认为他不会来”是指过去的看法,且I think引导的从句要否定前移,故选A项。3.the passing of the years,they have became close friends.

A.As B.With C.By D.For

答案 B


4.The website just offered a brief introduction the whole book for us to read.

A.rather than B.more than C.other than D.less than

答案 A

解析句意为:这个网站仅仅给我们提供了简要的介绍而不是整本书让我们读。rather than而不是;more than多于,不仅仅;other than除了;less than少于。根据句意可知选A项。

5.In modern times, people have to learn to all kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life.

A.keep with B.stay with C.meet with D.live with

答案 D

解析live with忍耐,忍受。句意为:在现代,尽管人们过着舒适的日子,但他们不得不学会忍受各种压力。









Jack,who had a talent for literature,wrote a lot of fictions and poetry. Later he became a novelist.His novels were set in Europe in the 18th century.In his works,he appealed to people to strengthen unity,resist violence,

be generous to others and not to be desperate for the future.His works gave people a brand new feeling.



1.Mr.Black 声望很高,是一位小说家,写了很多小说和诗歌。(novelist,reputation)

2.很多作品涉及人们的生活,呼吁人们加强团结,抵制暴力,对他人慷慨、有礼貌,对未来不要绝望,呼吁勇敢地变革。(touch on,resist,generous,desperate,reform)

3.他的作品给人以全新的感觉。(brand new)

4.虽然他不是百万富翁,但是那些忙于生活的人非常喜欢他。此外他还擅长写肥皂剧。(on the run,adore)





Mr.Black,a novelist,who wrote lots of fiction and poetry,is a man of high/great/good reputation.Most of his works touched on people's life,and he appealed to the people to strengthen unity,resist violence,be generous and civil,not be desperate for the future and persuaded people to reform bravely.His works encouraged and educated more and more people to behave themselves,and gave people a brand new feeling.Although he was not a millionaire,many readers,especially those who are kept on the run,adored him very much.He was good at writing soap operas,too.


高一英语定语从句教案 一、基本概念 1. 定语从句: 修饰一个名词或代词的从句称为定语从句,一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词后面。 2. 先行词: 被定语从句修饰的名词 3. 关系词: 引导定语从句的关联词成为关系词有关系代词和关系副词。关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose, as;关系副词有where, when, why。关系词常有3个作用:1)引导定语从句。2)代替先行词。3)在定语从句中担当一个成分。 二、关系代词和关系副词的意义及用法 指人:who, that,(指人常用who,不常用that) 主语 指物:which, that 指人:whom, who, that(who常用在在非正式和口语体中) 宾语(关系代词作宾语时常可省略) 关系代词指物:which, that 定语:whose (whose + n.=of which + n. ) 关系词 时间:when 关系副词----状语地点:where = 介词+ which 原因:why 解题技巧:关键看从句缺何种成分 三、例句练习讲解 1.Yesterday I helped an old man _lost his way.昨天我帮助了一位迷路的老人。 2.The man _you met just now is my friend. 你刚才见到的那个人是我的朋友。 3.This is the pen _he bought yesterday. 这是他昨天买的笔。 4.He has a friend _father is a doctor. 他有个父亲是医生的朋友。 注意:whose指物时,常用以下结构来代替,例: 门坏了的那间教室很快就会被修好。 The classroom whose door is broken will soon be repaired. The classroom the door of which is broken will soon be repaired. 你喜欢那本封面是黄色的书吗? Do you like the book whose cover is yellow? Do you like the book the cover of which is yellow? 5.I still remember the day _I first came to this school.我仍然记得第一次来到这学校 的那一天。 6.Shanghai is the city _I was born. 上海市我出生的地方。 7.Please tell me the reason _you missed the plane. 请告诉我你错过航班的原因。 注意:关系副词引导的从句可以由“介词+which”引导的从句替换 8.易错题:This is the mountain village (which) I visited last year. I'll never forget the days (which) I spent in the countryside. 习惯上总把表地点或时间的名词与关系副词where, when联系在一起而做错题。


牛津高中英语模块三第三单元 Back to the past Reading Lost civilizations 江苏省沭阳如东中学张长波 一、教学内容分析: 本案例是牛津高中英语教材模块三第三单元阅读的处理。本节课是以听、说、读为主的课文理解教学课。通过听课文,阅读课文和问答对文章进行初步理解。再通过列表比较和复述课文进一步理解课文,最后通过讨论深化主题。希望通过该课的学习,学生能够对失落的文明有所了解,并对人类文明的发展及如何保护人类的文化遗产做出探讨,同时培养学生综合运用语言及听说读写的能力。 二、学生学情分析: 教学对象为江苏高中一年级下学期学生,学生思维活跃。高一学生已经初步实现从具体思维向抽象思维的过渡。他们不满足于教科书上的知识,更希望能学到知识性和趣味性兼有的内容,从英语学习中获得更多的知识和能力。他们喜欢富有个性化的教学设计,喜欢接受新鲜事物。他们的学习自主性很强,不再认为英语的课堂学习很枯燥,主动参与到活动中去,成为课堂的主体。同时他们还主动扩展和利用学习资源(如电脑操作知识),从多渠道获取信息,并能用所获得的信息进行清楚有条理的表达。因此,设计这节课时,我充分考虑到学生的主体性,充分创造机会让学生拥有成功的喜悦,在和谐的氛围中探究并完成教学任务,让学生主动学习,学有所获。 三、设计思想(Thoughts on the design) Reading主要是了解人类历史上两个非常著名的失落的文明——意大利的庞贝合中国的楼兰。本文是一片旅行日志,笔者根据自己对教材的理解,紧扣单元主题设计了导入、头脑风暴、快速阅读、仔细阅读、巩固复述、拓展讨论、作业七个环节。在设计教学的过程中,运用复习‘文明’的定义作为本课的导入,激发学生兴趣。设计的任务由浅入深,环环相扣,并注重各教学环节的衔接。在整个教学过程始终贯穿人类文明这条主线,用图片的形式呈现Part B的词汇——温故知新,设计输入,激活记忆,借助于已学过的词汇建立起新旧知识之间的联系。以话题为中心重组教材。词汇教学离不开语境,设计一个中心话题,使教材为当堂的词汇教学所用,而不是按部就班地教教材。以词汇为主线展开教学,以运用为目标挖掘生成,创造机会促使学生运用目标词汇进行表达。以快乐为原则寓教于乐,促进学生在学习过程中的积极体验,从而达到多维的目标。


定语从句导学案 定语从句 一、定义及相关术语 She is an English teacher (who likes singing songs . )先行词关系词/引导词 1.指代先行词teacher; 2.在从句中充当成分主语。 1.定语从句:一般紧跟在它所修饰的名词或者代词之后,以补充说明该名词并使其具体化。相当于形容词,翻译成“的”。 2.先行词:被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词。 3.关系词:引导定语从句的词。 关系词通常有下列三个作用:A.引导定语从句; B.代替先行词; C.在定语从句中担当一个成分。关系代词:which、that、who、whom、 whose 在从句中可作主语、宾语、表语、定语关系副词:when、where、why 二、关系代词关系代词 that which who whom whose 指代人/物物人人人/物在从句中作什么成分主/宾/表主/宾/表主/宾/表宾定语【练一练】用正确的关系代词填空。 1. The eggs _____________ were in the basket were not fresh. 2. The friend ____________ came to supper last

night wasn’t hungry. 3. The noodles ___________ you cooked were delicious. 4. I have a room __________ window faces south. 5. The girl _______________ I met is Lucy. 【注意】 that 与which 的区别 先行词指物时,引导词只用that不用which的四种情况: 1. 先行词是everything, nothing, anything, something, much, little, none等不定代词或不定代词any, some, no, much, few, little, every ,all 等修饰时。 2. 先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰时。 3. 先行词中既有人又有物时。 4. 先行词被the very, the only 修饰时。 先行词指物时,引导词只用 which 不用that 的两种情况: 1. 介词后。 2. 非限制性定语从句中。【练一练】 1. They had nothing ________ could cure of his disease. 2. This is the most impressive film _______ has ever been put on. 3. We have to consider the first thing ______ starts our work. 4. 5. 6. 7. That is the only way ______ leads to


高中英语教学案例分析 王萃 摘要:在英语课程的改革中,方方面面都在提倡自主、合作与探究的学习方式,让学生成为学习的主人,使学生的主体意识、能动性和创造性不断得到发展。因此,培养学生自主、合作与探究的学习方式,是新课程改革中一个迫切的任务。 关键词:合作与探究英语阅读 一、前言 《牛津高中英语》Project是课堂教学的延伸和拓展,属于探究式学习,要求学生走出课堂,与同学分工合作。学生认真阅读所提供的阅读材料,从中得到启发,然后通过讨论、调查、专访、文献检索等活动,完成一个特定的课题。模块六第一单元Project的课题是Putting on a play.包括两个舞台剧:The invisible bench和The important papers。现将设计思路及教后反思与诸君交流,探讨如何让学生真正走出课堂、参与课堂、享受课堂。让学生参与“备课”,备教材在本课的两个舞台剧中,台词较为简单,但旁白和转场很多,人物表情和心理活动非常丰富。所以,同学们主要应在揣摩人物内心方面做足功课。 二、学生分析 根据《新课标》精神,高中英语教学要在培养学生的语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养的基础上培养综合语言运用能力。因此,高二学年的英语教学将继续培养和优化学生的

英语学习方法,使他们能通过观察、体验、探究等主动学习的方法,充分发挥自己的学习潜能,形成有效的学习策略,提高自主学习的能力。同时,还要关注学生的情感,提高他们的人文素养,提高他们独立思考和判断能力,培养创新精神和实践能力,增进跨文化理解和交际能力。 三、教材分析 该板块引导学生进行探究性学习,把英语听、说、读、写的训练从课堂内拓展到课堂外;它基于阅读文本,又超越文本信息。根据《课标》,《课标》在“使用建议”部分指出:教材内容、教学活动和教学方法应具有较大的灵活性和开放性。在不违背科学性原则的前提下,教材应该具有一定的弹性和伸缩性。允许使用者根据自己的实际需要,对教材内容进行适当的取舍和补充。因此,此教学设计着眼于把project 部分根据现在所教生源的实际情况,设当地化繁为简,让学生自己从两片喜剧中选择一个小组合作表演。并根据英语课程标准倡导的“任务型”教学途径,设计相应的教学任务,同时在整节课的教学设计中强化每个任务环节的有机结合。对学生而言,随着不同任务的转化,对他们构成了不同层次的挑战,以培养学生的综合语言运用能力,从而达到学以致用的目的。三是注重在语言材料的有效输入的基础上进行语言的有效输出。坚持先读(课文,课外阅读材料),后说(合作探讨如何表演),再演(完成舞台表演)的教学三部曲。 四、教学策略 该板块引导学生进行谈那就行学习,把英语听说读写的训练从课


《牛津初中英语》教学案例五年级:初二学科:英语学校:南京市第六十六中学执教:杨慧 8B Unit 4 Reading (I) Teaching aims: To read an e-mail about hosting a charity show. To improve the students’ reading skills. To make students know more about charities and what they can do for the charities. Teaching aids: Multimedia and a tape-recorder Teaching methods: 1.Imagine. 2. Listen and read. 3. Ask and answer. 4.Summarize 5.Free talk Important and difficult points: To know how to raise money for charities To learn about Ricky’s feelings before, while and after the show Emotional attitudes: By learning more about charities in China and what people do for the charities, let the students know our world is full of love. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Pre-reading 1.What is a charity?(showing this definition on the screen) It’s a system of giving money, food or help free to those who are in need because they are ill, poor or homeless, or any organization which is set up to provide money or help in this way. 策略:通过老师对charity这个词的最原味的英文解释,一下子把学生的思维跟本单元的话题拉近,也可以让学生从定义上初步获得一些我们可以为慈善事业做些什么的信息。 2.Revise the names of some charities in China and what these charities do.(showing them some pictures of these organizations) Project Hope helps schools and students in poor areas. Save China’s Tiger s protects tigers and other big cats in China. Spring Bud Project helps poor young girls return to school. Project Green Hope helps protect rivers and lakes in China. 3.Present some news.


牛津高中英语教学设计与反思 单元:Unit1 School life 板块:Reading 靖江市第一高级中学闻震宇 一·教学设计指导思想: 第一模块第一单元的主题为“School Life”, 整个单元内容的设计围绕高中生活这一主题展开,本节课的教学内容为“Reading School life in the UK”课文理解。在这一部分,学生将学会skimming &scanning阅读策略,并对英国学生的在校生活有所了解。 Teaching aims: 1. to read a magazine article about school life in the UK; 2. to learn to apply two basic reading skills: skimming and scanning; 3. to learn some expressions about school life; 4. to get some information about what school life in the UK is really like. Teaching procedures: Step1 Lead-in Play the song of ‘High School Life’ and show students’ photos. Can you guess the name of the song? What can you think of when we talk about school life? Now we are going to read a magazine article which is written by Wei Hua, an exchange student. She has been studying in the UK for one year. She will give us a brief introduction of her school life there. Let’s first preview the words that will be used in the article, the definition of the word is given, please match the meaning with the word. Step2 reading Before we read the article, we are going to learn the reading strategies: skimming and scanning. 1. Reading strategy-scanning We scan the text when we want to find certain information in a text quickly. Apply scanning to finish PartC1.C2. 2. Reading strategy-Skimming We skim a text when we want to get a general idea of what it is about. Apply skimming to find the key sentences of the paragraph. Find out the main idea of each paragraph and answer questions concerning the content of each paragraph. Part1: School hours: 1. Was she happy with the school hours? ______________ 2. School in Britain _______ around 9 am and __________ about 3:30 pm, while schools in China begins before 8a.m. We believe that ___________早起的鸟儿有虫吃。


Period 1 Grammar (relative pronouns of attributive clause sⅠ) 【学习目标】 1.To know some basic definitions, such as attributive clauses (定语从句), antecedent (先行词), relative pronouns(关系词). 2.To learn how to choose a relative pronoun — that,which,who,whom,whose,as. 【学习重点与难点】 Important point: To grasp the way of selecting a relative pronoun. Difficult point: To identify the sentence parts (subject or object) that relative pronouns function as in attributive clauses. 【使用说明与学法指导】 1、带着预习案中问题导学中的问题自主设计预习提纲,对概念进行梳理,作好必要的标注和 笔记。 2、认真完成基础知识梳理,在“我的疑惑”处填上自己不懂的知识点,在“我的收获”处填写自 己对本课自主学习的知识及方法收获。 3、熟记relative pronouns of attributive clauses基础知识梳理中的重点知识。 预习案 一、问题导学 观察句子。 1.The boys are from Class One. They are playing basketball. → The boys who are playing basketball are from Class One. 2.The student is Wang Kun. The teacher has praised him. → The student whom the teacher has praised is Wang Kun. 3.The factory is over there. It produces cars. → The factory which produces cars is over there. 4.Football is a game. Most boys like football. → Fo otball is a game which most boys like. 二、知识梳理 1. 定语从句:一个句子作_______,修饰主句中的某一名词或代词。 2. 主句中被修饰的名词或代词叫_________。引导定语从句的词叫做_______。 3.关系词的三个作用:指代_________;位于定语从句句首,引导整个____________; 关系词在定语从句中________(作/不作)成分。 三、预习自测 请找出下列句子中的先行词和关系词。 1.The boy who is wearing a black jacket is my friend. 2.That’s the girl whom I teach. 3.The cake that my mother made is for my birthday. 4.He lent me the book which you talked about yesterday. 5.They all enjoyed the story that I told. 6.The man who has a sense of duty won’t do such a thing. 7.There is an old man who wants to see you. 8.The problem that we are facing now is how to collect so much money. 9.These are the trees which I planted last year.


牛津高中英语教学案例 ------M3,U3,Reading: Lost Civilizations 引言 近几年来,高中英语教学改革在逐步的加快和深入。新课程的实施、新教材的使用、新教法的提倡、以及改变“死读书,读死书”的问题,让学生自主学习等,已成为广大高中教师普遍关注的教学热点。国家教育部颁发的《英语课程标准》倡导采用“任务型教学”的途径,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,逐步达到教学目标规定的要求。因此,在设计教学的过程中,如何才能体现新的课程理念、培养学生的思维能力、激发学生的学习热情,就成为高中英语教学中教师所面临的一个重要的必须解决的问题。 下面以笔者的一节课为例,对教师在这一节课所设计的过程进行案例分析,阐述在新的课程标准下,如何才能让课堂焕发“新课程、新理念”的光彩。 教学背景 教学对象是高一学生,英语基础知识和听说读写技能都处于一般水平,部分学生对英语学习兴趣不浓。因此,通过让他们积极参与实践、学习和使用英语,调动他们学习英语的兴趣,是本学期英语学习的主要目标。 教材分析 本课是高一必修第三模块里的unit3, back to the past 中的阅读课lost civilizations 这一主题。由于在welcome to the unit 部分,学生已经获取了一部分关于历史文明的内容,因此在学习此部分内容时,学生就比较容易能接受。本部分内容的学习,主要是通过图片和视频,让学生了解庞贝古城、楼兰王国,并比较它们之间的区别。通过分析和讨论,让学生在理解历史的基础上,明白保护历史遗迹的重要性,并能从自身作起,铭记历史,捍卫历史。但由于此部分内容中出现的时间、地点等生僻词过多,因此,在课前,我教他们读了一下,让他们能自行阅读课文,这样在学习课文时,就容易理解。 教学目标


定语从句知识应该掌握到什么程度 Learning aims: 1. 关系副词where/when/why引导的定语从句 2. 介词+which/whom 引导的定语从句 1.关系副词引导定语从句 在定语从句中,关系副词主要有3个:when, where和why. 1)when 在定语从句中表时间,作状语,其先行词往往是表示时间的名词,如:time, day, season, age, occasion 等。 I can’t forget the night when I came to the farm. 翻译:__________________________________________________ 2)where在定语从句中表示地点,作状语,其先行词通常是place, city, town, factory, table, village, house等表示地点的名词 situation, case, condition, point等表示 抽象意义的名词。 The factory where his father works is in the west of the city. 翻译:____________________________________________________ The country is in the situation where a war will break out at any time. 翻译:____________________________________________________ 3) why在定语从句中表示原因,作状语,先行词一般是reason. That is the reason why I did so. 翻译:___________________________ I don’t know the reason why he didn’t come to school yesterday. 翻译:_____________________________________________________ 【注意】 1)并非先行词表示时间、地点或原因时,引导词就用when, where 或why;若定语从句中不缺 状语而缺主语或宾语则须用which或 that引导定语从句。 I’ll never forget the days______ we worked together. I’ll never forget the days ______we spent together. Do you know the reason ______he failed in the exam this time The reason _____he gave me was reasonable. 2) when, where, why,引导的定语从句可用“介词+which”来替换。其介词可根据先行词和 定语从句中的谓语动词来判断。 A.when相当于at/in/on/during等+which. The date on which he joined the Party was July 1,1984. 翻译:


江苏省教育学会初中教育专业委员会第三届优秀教学案例评选 《牛津初中英语》8A Unit 4 教学案例分析 一、背景说明 《牛津初中英语》8A Unit 4 第二课时为阅读第一课时。在整个单元中起着承上启下的作用。在本课时中,一是要求学生阅读有关大熊猫的文章,从上下文猜测词义,学习新单词;引导学生通读全文,找出文中的关键词和要点,从整体上把握全文;通过泛读、跳读、精读,培养学生的阅读能力,总结文章的大意以及作者的写作意图。二是通过文章学习了解大熊猫的成长过程及面临的困难,探讨保护大熊猫的措施,并培养学生爱护动物、保护动物的意识。 二、教学过程 1.课前导入(在秋日私语优美的音乐声中,学生放松,呈现图片。通过猜词、 头脑风暴,学生复习了大量和动物有关的词汇,激发了学生的学习兴趣,很快进入学习状态。) 2.Pre-reading (用图片导入生词,图文并茂,形象直观,学生记住了生词和情景,为接下来的阅读做好了准备。) 3.While-reading (任务一:快速阅读、回答问题。指导学生快速搜索相关信息,培养学生快速阅读能力。) 问题设计:What does Xi Wang mean? What will happen to giant pandas if we do nothing? (任务二:学生听录音、精读文章,小组合作设计问题,互相提问。初中阶段学生养成模仿磁带朗读的习惯,有助于形成正确的语音、语调,形成语感。 提问检测了学生对文章细节的理解,培养学生合作学习的能力。) (词汇量的大小直接影响学生的阅读速度和理解程度,通过上下文理解词义,通过语境的设置推知部分语篇意义,是阅读中重要的能力。初二英语教学应该让阅读插上想象的翅膀,学生初步了解不同体裁的文章所应有的信息量。) S:Finish Part B. (任务三:听读总结文章大意,揣测写作意图。引导学生总结文章大意,是阅读的一项重要任务,有利于文章整体把握。通过视频了解大熊猫幼崽的早期生活,图文形象生动,学生在听的同时,进一步了解文章。多媒体进一步发挥了教师的主导作用,创设了英语学习的情景,使学生处于最佳学习状


Attributive clause(定语从句) 定义: 定语:修饰名词或者代词,翻译为“……的”the beautiful girl the handsome boy the lovely dog The girl in blue 定语从句: 在复合句中修饰名词或代词的句子在复合句中充当定语,所以叫作定语从句。一般放在名词或代词后面The boy who is reading is Tom. Hospital is a place where a doctor works. 关系词:引导定语从句的词称为关系词。关系词分为关系代词 (that,which,who,whom,whose)和关系副词(when,where,why)。 先行词:定语从句所修饰的名词或代词。 限制性定语从句 第一部关系代词的使用 Task 1: 1、勾画出以下句子的关系代词 2、勾画出以下句子的定语从句 1)The limit that/which may prevent us from realizing our dream is our doubts of today. 2)The man who/that seeks something will be young forever. 3)The dream whose main content concerns about love will brighten the world. 4)The man whose dream has been forgotten will be forgotten by future. 5)Those guys who/whom/略God helps are people who/that never give up. 6) The dream which/that/略people hold should be always positive. 关系代词有_________________________________________________________ Task 2根据上题总结关系代词的用法。 先行词关系词在定语从 句中作主语关系词在定语从 句中做宾语 关系词在定语从 句中做定语 指人 指物 Conclusion: (1)当定语从句中缺少主语或者______的时候,用关系词_______________。 (2)当定语从句中缺少定语的时候,用关系词_________________。 (3)当定语从句中主语、宾语和定语都在的时候,用关系词_______________。问:什么情况下关系代词可以省略? 注意:1、whose可指人或者物,修饰名词或者代词,在定语从句中充当定语。


《牛津初中英语》教学案例一 年级:初一学科:英语学校:南京市第十二中学执教:潘洁Unit 4 Comic strip & welcome to the unit Teaching aims:1. Introducing names of interesting facts and strange things. 2. Discussing something unusual and express the feeling. Teaching aids: Multimedia Teaching methods: 1. Asking and answering. 2.Listening and reading. 3.Free talk 4.Imagination. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in 1.Show some pictures and ask: How do you feel when you see these pictures? Look at the man, he has a long mustache. Isn't heamazing? If you meet a man like this on a bus. How do you feel? Strange And this pig, look carefully, What’ s it made of? It’ s made of orange peel.Isn ’ t wonderful?it What is he doing? He is playing a yo-yo. I think he is very clever. Isn great? This dog is lazy, it is sleeping, and it is dreaming of eating. Isn funny? And these babies are in the pumpkins. Aren interes’ting?they Lovely? ’ t it ’ t it 2.Read these words. (interesting, funny, wonderful, amazing, great, strange, lovely) 策略:精心选择六幅图片,包含生活中、自然界一些稀奇古怪的人,动物或 现象。在提问过程中,有意识地用amazing, strange, wonderful, great, funny, interesting, lovely 回答问题,使学生对本课的重点词汇有一个初步的了解。 通过展示六幅图片,引起学生兴趣,帮助学生初步感知本课的主题,amazing things.



必备知识梳理 考点一关系代词引导的定语从句: 一. who、whom、whose引导的定语从句 1.who或whom均可指代人,但who在从句中可作主语也可作宾语,whom在从句 中只作宾语,两者在引导限制性定语从句时常可用that替换。作主语时,

who/that不可省略;作宾语时,whom/who/that可以省略。 I’ve become good friends with several of the students in my school (who/whom/that) I met in the English speech contest last year. (2017全国卷阅读七选五) Campers, in my eyes, were people that/who enjoyed insect bites, ill-cooked meals, and uncomfortable sleeping bags. 2.whose表所属关系,一般指人,也可指物,在从句中作定语。指物时相当于 of which,指人时相当于 of whom。 (2016全国二卷阅读理解) I had an unexpected teaching assistant in class whose creativity would infect other students. 二.that、which引导的定语从句 1.which指物,常在从句中作主语、宾语,作宾语时可以省略。that指人或物 均可,常在从句中作主语、宾语、表语,作宾语时可以省略。 She showed the visitors around the museum that/which had been constructed three years before. (2016天津卷阅读表达) Every day I practiced reading and writing, which I used to avoid as much as possible. 2.限制性定语从句中,关系代词只用that不用 which的情况: (1).先行词为不定代词 anything、 nothing、 something、 everything、 all、 some、none、little few、the one等时; I refuse to accept the blame for something that was someone else’s fault. (2).先行词是形容词最高级或序数词,或其前有形容词最高级或序数词修饰时; The first place that they visited in Guilin was Elephant Trunk Hill. (3).先行词被 the only、 the very、 the last、any、every、each、 few、 little、no、some、all等修饰时。 The only part of the meal that I really liked was the dessert. (4).先行词中既有表示人又有表示物的词时。


高中英语教学案例分析 授课教师: 课程:– 授课时间:45分钟 一、教材分析: 1.教学内容: 6必修阶段性词汇学习方法探究 2.教材处理: 这是一堂笔者根据新的课程标准,结合本人对词汇教学方法的实践积累和思考进行设计的一堂探究课。该课创造性地选择了授课内容,对使用性较强的词汇方法进行了整理与补充,改变注重传授知识的倾向,采用“任务型”教学模式,进行了一次实验和探究。 该课的中心话题是“三鹿毒奶事件”,内容引发学生对食品安全的关注和思考。该课旨在启发学生去思考自我梳理知识和自主学习的模式,让学习过程有一个延续的趋势。同时,提供一次实际运用英语表达交流思想的机会,增强使用英语的信心。 二、学情分析: 笔者首先考虑为什么和怎么上这节课,使教学目标的设计实在可行。笔者的授课对象是普通平行班,英语基础较差,但是大部分学生的思维活动、学习热情、表现欲望和合作精神是可以在平时的教学中不断提高和培养的。怎样使得一节课对学生今后的学习有所思考和帮助,也是笔者要考虑的问题。综上因素,根据学情,笔者采用活动式的教学方法上一堂关于词汇学习的课,期待对今后的学习中新旧知识的连接有所帮助;同时注意运用鲜活真实的语言材料吸引学生,提高学生答题的兴趣,同时便于设题。兼顾设计内容简单化,便于调动全班学生的积极性,在互动中实现教学任务和目标。 三、教学目标 1、学习并改善词汇学习的效果;

2、能根据词汇的构成特点,归纳整理学习和记忆的方法; 3、增强社会责任感,关注和谐社会的发展。 四、设计理念: 高中英语新课程标准加强了对词汇的要求,高中阶段从原来的1800—2000个增加到3300个单词和400—500个习惯用语或固定搭配,词汇量掌握的多少在一定程度上制约着学生运用语言能力的高低。 英语单词的学习既是一种挑战,又是一种磨练。新教材的词汇的特点大致可以概括为新、长、杂、多。学生投入大量的时间和精力但是效果不甚理想,影响了学习的信心和积极性。怎样继承传统的词汇教学的精华,把行之有效的方法介绍给学生是笔者一直思考的问题。掌握生词和短语除了坚忍不拔的毅力之外,还需要两样东西:已经掌握的单词和短语和不同的记词法。因此,将生词与熟词以各种方式捆绑记忆,是诀窍之一。心理学研究表明,经过归类的知识要比零散的知识记得牢固。因此,综合运用多种记忆法,将词汇以链式或发散式的形式联系,而非一盘散沙,是诀窍之二。这样,既可以系统整理要记忆已经学会的词汇,又可以使其以有效的方式扩展词汇量。 五、教学手段:多媒体辅助教学 六、教学过程: I — : ’ a . 1. a . 2. a . 3. a ’ : ’ [设计说明]:一开始以一则英语绕口令和绕口令竞赛活跃课堂气氛,激发学习兴趣;具体分析一个典型,挖掘例子中的同词不同词性的特点,引出第一种词汇学习和记忆方法—词性转化法;同时,引入课题,开始引导学生去探求总结不同的方法。


定语从句学案3 Fill in the blanks: 1. You can take any book ____ interests you best. 2. People like to live in a place _____ there’s fresh air and little noise. 3. The girl __________ you saw at the meeting is a well-known swimmer. 4. He is the very worker ______ picture we saw in the newspaper yesterday. 5. He was very happy on the day ______________ he entered the university. 6. Is that the student _______ you lent your dictionary? 7. The little hero, ____ has given his life for his country, will always live in the heart of the people. Comparison 1. I have a sister who / that works in a hospital. 2. I have a sister, who works in a hospital. 3. The magazines here which / that have nice pictures in them were written by him. 4. The magazines here, which have nice pictures in them, were written by him. Fill in the blanks with proper relative words. 1. The famous basketball star, ____ is an American, came to China yesterday. 2. In those days, she used to go to Mr black, with _____ she had a wonderful time. 3. I bought a car yesterday, _____ cost me a lot. 4. Xi’an, ______ I visited last year, is a nice old city. 5. He will come to see me next July, _____ he won’t be so busy. 6. The school, _____ I once studied, was built thirty years ago. Example 1. John said he’d been working in the office for an hour, _____ was true. 2. __ we all know, he is good at English. Conclusion 1. as 和which在引导非限制性定语从句时, as和which可代替整个主句,相当于and this或and that。Practice 1. __ is expected, the England team won the football match. 2. Don’t talk about such things ____ you don’t understand. 3.The result is not the same ___ they had expected. 4. ___ we can see, the smoke came from the little dustbin. 5. It rained hard yesterday, _____ prevented me from going to the park. 6. The weather turned out to be very good, ______ was more than we could expect. 7.The earth is round._____ is known to all. 8.The earth is round,_____ is known to all. 9._____ is known to all, the earth is round 10______ is known to all that the earth is round. 11.He is often late, ___________ is not surprising. 12.He failed in the exam, ________ made his mother very angry. 13.His dog died, ________made him very sad. as和which引导非限制性定语从句的不同之处在于: (1) as 引导的定语从句可置于句首,而which引导的定语从句不可放在句首。 (2)当与such 或the same 连用时,一般用as (3) as引导非限制性从句,常带有“正如”的意思。 ? 1.固定句型: ?The same …..as ; such…. as ?I shall do it in the same way as you did. ?I want to buy such a book as you have. ? 2.说明整个句子,可放在主句前 ?As we all know=As is known to all, he studies hard. ?As is said above, ….. ?As is often the case,…. ?As is reported in the newspaper,….. Complete the following sentences and compare: This is such an interesting book ____ we all like. This is so interesting a book _____ we all like. This is such an interesting book ____we all like it. This is so interesting a book ____we all like it.
