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solid grasp of impleme nt. Be low, impleme nt the good spirit of the meeti ng, the four poi nts.

To quickly start the de ployment. The county units to to the meeting to it, and act qui ckly and seri ously communicate confere nce spirit, espe cially se nsitive Se cretary of the importa nt speech content, t o unify their t hinki ng and acti on to the ce ntral, provi ncial county de cisi on-making arra ngements, and e nha nce t he devel opme nt of education of ide ologi cal consci ousness and conscious acti on le arning. Eac h unit t o com bine a ctual careful pla nni ng, pay close attention to study and formulate impleme ntation plans, timely on t he "two studies a nd a" lear ning a nd teaching arra ngements to e nsure that learning starti ng point start, hig h standard to carry out, the hig h quality adva nce.

To careful ly organize d and impleme nted. A dhere t o the "learni ng" is the foundati on, "do" is the ke y, strengthen pr obl em oriente d, strictly from a solid grasp of learni ng and teachi ng orga nization and implementati on, promote task s implemente d. To regula r, normal learni ng education as the mai n starting poi nt, focusing on the disti nction betw een t he characteristi cs of different type s of Party organi zation, the a ctual needs of the different groups of Party members, to promote lear ning e ducation system implementation, stre ngthe n guida nce, focus on pre cise measures a nd poli cies, e ncourage grass-roots expl oration a nd i nnovation, and constantly impr ove the lear ning effect.

To clear spe cific responsi bilities. Party committees (party) to grasp the learni ng education as a lea ding task of the party b uilds the job to catch, earnestly fulfill t he responsibility subje ct of Party bui ldi ng, careful planning a nd arra ngements, carefully organized a nd impl emented, soli d propul sion. Party committees (party) is mainly responsi ble for the comrade s to effectively assume the responsi bility as t he first responsi ble person, personally, re sponsibilit y, improper "ball dispensers", the spe cific work of testing the effectivene ss of lear ning educati on effect, the catch in place t o ensure that, see the effectiveness.

Four to co-ordi nate arrangements t o implement. T o carry out t he learni ng purpose of e ducati on i s prom ote work center to develop, it must be carefully studie d and t hink deeply about learni ng relationship of educati on a nd t he work of the ce nter, co-ordi nate arrangement s for the county of the focus of the w ork smoothly, to inspire the education of Party members a nd cadres do e ntrepre neurial enthusia sm and transformation for the strong power t o prom ote economi c and social development acr oss a nd boost the county economy and soci al sound and rapid devel opment!

In accordance with the requirements of the muni cipal, prefectural straig ht each unit, t own (Park), village (community) the bra nch (Branch) "two studies do" study and education work conference t o on A pril 28 held re ce ntly completed, a nd to impl ement the conference spirit a nd the times County special e ducation coordi nation group







2. 黄先生2007年8月1日以整存整取的方式在银行存了6万元,存期为6




3. 当前股市和债市都不景气,小刘想寻找资金的避风港,同学建议他购买



4. 下列四项中不属于政府教育资助项目的为()。



5. 在上大学时如果资金周转存在困难,学生可以采用教育贷款,下列四项




6. 下列不属于教育资金的主要来源为()。



7. 借款人申请个人综合消费贷款时,借款申请人向银行提出申请,书面填




8. 投资者构建证券组合的目的足为了降低()。



Provide trai ning a nd the introduction of a XX in XX city XX special childre n's Reha bilitation Ce nter City Federation of the disa bled a nd al l sect ors of the community concern a nd support i n 2013 Decem ber was e stablished, with the purpose of "reha bilitation, ha ppy, warm a pi ece of" rehabilitation purposes, for the city's hearing im pairment, a utism, mental retardati on, lim b and other spe cial chil dren t o provi de hig h-qual ity, conve nient a nd efficie nt reha bilitation servi ces i s a set of educati onal re habilitation, reha bilitation exercise i n one compre hensive reha bilitation servi ces. The center si nce its establishment, a dhering to t he reha bilitation effect as the mai n starting poi nt, the full implem entation of professional reha bilitati on servi ce personnel, and consta ntly enhance the re habilitation service abilit y, 2 years for a total of 36 childr en wit h special needs childre n Ka ng Complex servi ce s, incl udi ng six special childre n after reha bilitation t raining w ere involve d in ordi nary kindergartens a nd el ementary school s enr olled. At pre sent, i n the center of the a ccept reha bilitation traini ng for chil dre n with speci al 22, one of 4 chil dren wit h mental retardati on, chil dren wit h heari ng di sabil ity, 9, chil dren wit h physical disa bilities 9.

In the M uni cipal Fe deration a nd t he social from all walks of life care and support, we, Jiangsu Pr ovince, the re habi litation of the disable d body specificati on of construction standards i n accordance with, a nd gradually make the center to t he disti nctive, compr ehe nsive, functi on more perfect pr ofessional re habilitation organizati ons to devel op i n the directi on of, in the devel opme nt process w e also encountered a difficult, but through the unr emitting efforts of all employee s in the center i n the re habilitati on effect, rehabilitati on service a bility and the re habil itation service lev el promoti on by the good social effect, whi ch i s mainly reflecte d in the foll owi ng four aspects:

, rehabilitati on i nstituti ons t o regulate constr ucti on. Re habilitati on center must be in a ccorda nce wit h the hardware, personnel, servi ces, re ha bilitation, reha bilitation asse ssment construction standardizati on constructi on, as the center is a private non-profit organi zation in the hardwar e constructi on investme nt has great difficulty. T herefore we promptly a nd city FIMITIC communicati on a nd munici pal CDPF leader shi p in the un derstanding of the act ual situati on of center of rehabilitati on traini ng venues, e qui pment a nd gave strong support. At the same time, we have also sent professi onal r ehabi litation tea cher s partici pated i n the pr ovincial special chi ldre n's reha bilitation professional traini ng class, let them conti nuously broa den the concept of reha bilitation, the learne d knowledge t o practi cal work, gra dually perfecting the reha bilitation educati on Learni ng quality, e nha nce t he abi ity of rehabilitation servi ces.

, chil dren to ful ly enjoy the ne arby, a handy reha bilitation servi ces. Found in t he pre sence of heari ng di sorders in chil dren must be timely to wear hearing ai ds a nd re habilitati on traini ng, in our city last year, thr oug h the rehabilitati on assessme nt of heari ng-impaired chil dren Sun Wa ngyan in 2012 began to a cce pt

solid grasp of impleme nt. Be low, impleme nt the good spirit of the meeti ng, the four poi nts.

To quickly start the de ployment. The county units to to the meeting to it, and act qui ckly and seri ously communicate confere nce spirit, espe cially se nsitive Se cretary of the importa nt speech content, t o unify their t hinki ng and acti on to the ce ntral, provi ncial county de cisi on-making arra ngements, and e nha nce t he devel opme nt of education of ide ologi cal consci ousness and conscious acti on le arning. Each unit t o com bine a ctual careful pla nni ng, pay close attention to study and formulate impleme ntation plans, timely on t he "two studies a nd a" lear ning a nd teaching arra ngements to e nsure that learning starti ng point start, hig h standard to carry out, the hig h quality adva nce.

To careful ly organize d and impleme nted. A dhere t o the "learni ng" is the foundati on, "do" is the ke y, strengthen pr obl em oriente d, strictly from a solid grasp of learni ng and teachi ng orga nization and implementati on, promote task s implemente d. To regula r, normal learni ng education as the mai n starting poi nt, focusing on the disti nction betw een t he characteristi cs of different type s of Party organi zation, the a ctual needs of the different groups of Party members, to promote lear ning e ducation system implementation, stre ngthe n guida nce, focus on pre cise measures a nd poli cies, e ncourage grass-roots expl oration a nd i nnovation, and constantly impr ove the lear ning effect.

To clear spe cific responsi bilities. Party committees (party) to grasp the learni ng education as a lea ding task of the party b uilds the job to catch, earnestly fulfill t he responsibility subje ct of Party bui ldi ng, careful planning a nd arra ngements, carefully organized a nd impl emented, soli d propul sion. Party committees (party) is mainly responsi ble for t he comrade s to effectively assume the responsi bility as t he first responsi ble person, personally, re sponsibilit y, improper "ball dispensers", the spe cific work of testing the effectivene ss of lear ning educati on effect, the catch in place t o ensure that, see the effectiveness.

Four to co-ordi nate arrangements t o implement. To carry out t he learni ng purpose of e ducati on i s prom ote work center to develop, it must be carefully studie d and t hink deeply about learni ng relationship of educati on a nd t he work of the ce nter, co-ordi nate arrangement s for the county of the focus of the w ork smoothly, to inspire the education of Party members a nd cadres do e ntrepre neurial enthusia sm and transformation for the strong power t o prom ote economi c and social development acr oss a nd boost the county economy and soci al sound and rapid devel opment!

In accordance with the requirements of the muni cipal, prefectural straig ht each unit, t own (Park), village (community) the bra nch (Branch) "two studies do" study and education work conference t o on A pril 28 held re ce ntly completed, a nd to impl ement the conference spirit a nd the times County special e ducation coordi nation group

9. 假设股票A的贝塔值为1,无风险收益率为7%,市场收益率为15%



10. 市盈率是投资回报的一种度量标准,下列表示市盈率的公式是()。



11. 张先生购买了一张4年期的零息债券,债券的面值为100元,必要收益率为8%,则该



12. 如果夏普比率大于0,说明在衡量期内基金的平均净值增长率()无风险利率。


13. 冯先生一年后准备退休,向理财规划师咨询应该如何选择基金,理财规划师认为适合




14. 詹森指数反映了基金的选股能力,它通过比较考察期基金的收益率与由()得出的预



15. 市净率是衡量公司价值的重要指标,市净率的计算公式是()。



16. 零息债券的久期等于它的()。


17. 李先生购买了一张面值为100元的lO年期债券,票面利率为6%,每半年付息一次,


(A)80.36 (B)86.41 (C)86.58 (D)114.88

18. 某股票贝塔值为1.5,无风险收益率为5%,市场收益率为12%。如果该股票的期望



19. 特雷纳指数利用证券市场线进行基金业绩的评价,度量了单位系统风险所带来的()。(A)同报(B)超额同报(C)收益(D)平均回报

Provide trai ning a nd the i ntroducti on of a XX i n XX city XX spe cial childre n's Reha bilitation Ce nter City Federation of the disa bled a nd all sector s of the community concer n and support in 2013 December was e stablishe d, with the pur pose of "rehabilitation, ha ppy, warm a pie ce of" rehabilitation purposes, for the city's hearing impairme nt, autism, me ntal retardatio n, limb a nd ot her special childre n to provi de hig h-quality, conve nient a nd efficie nt reha bilitation servi ces is a set of educational reha bilitation, rehabilitati on exerci se in one compre hensive reha bilitation servi ces. The center si nce its establishment, a dheri ng to the re habi litation effect as t he main starting poi nt, the full impl ementation of professional reha bilitation servi ce per sonnel, a nd constantly e nha nce t he reha bilitation servi ce ability, 2 year s for a total of 36 childre n with spe cial ne eds chil dren Kang Complex service s, incl udi ng six spe cial chil dren after reha bilitation traini ng were involve d in ordi nary kindergartens a nd eleme ntary school s enr olled. At pre sent, i n the center of the a ccept reha bilitation traini ng for chil dre n with speci al 22, one of 4 chil dren wit h mental retardati on, chil dren wit h heari ng di sabil ity, 9, chil dren wit h physical disa bilities 9.

In the M uni cipal Fe deration a nd t he social from all walks of life care and support, we, Jiangsu Pr ovince, the re habi litation of the disable d body specificati on of construction standards i n accordance with, a nd gradually make the center to t he disti nctive, compr ehe nsive, functi on more perfect pr ofessional re habilitation organizati ons to devel op i n the directi on of, in the devel opme nt process w e also encountered a difficult, but through the unr emitting efforts of all employee s in the center i n the re habilitati on eff ect, rehabilitati on service a bility and the re habil itation service lev el promoti on by the good social effect, whi ch i s mainly reflecte d in the foll owi ng four aspects:

, rehabilitati on i nstituti ons t o regulate constr ucti on. Re habilitati on center must be in a ccorda nce wit h the hardware, personnel, servi ces, re ha bilitation, reha bilitation asse ssment construction standardizati on constructi on, as the center is a private non-profit organi zation in the hardwar e constructi on investme nt has great difficulty. T herefore we promptly a nd city FIMITIC communicati on a nd munici pal CDPF leader shi p in the understanding of the act ual situati on of center of rehabilitati on traini ng venues, e qui pment a nd gave strong support. At the same time, we have also sent professi onal r ehabi litation tea cher s partici pated i n the pr ovincial special chi ldre n's reha bilitation professional traini ng class, let them conti nuously broa den the concept of reha bilitation, the learne d knowledge t o practi cal work, gra dually perfecting the reha bilitation educati on Learni ng quality, e nha nce t he abi ity of rehabilitation servi ces.

, chil dren to ful ly enjoy the ne arby, a handy reha bilitation servi ces. Found in t he pre sence of heari ng di sorders in chil dren must be timely to wear hearing ai ds a nd re habilitati on traini ng, in our city last year, thr oug h the rehabilitati on assessme nt of heari ng-impaired chil dren Sun Wa ngyan in 2012 began to a cce pt2

20. 某股票前两年每股股利为10元。第3年每股股利为5元,此后股票保持5%的稳定增


(A)36 (B)54 (C)58 (D)64


(A)2.56 (B)2.78 (C)3.48 (D)4.56

22. 某客户了解到()是一种期权合约买方在合约到期日前也能决定其是否执行权力的一



23. 小王准备购买一只前端收费的基金,申购金额10000元,申购费率1.5%,当日基金


(A)5533.71 (B)5431.28 (C)4975.19 (D)4885.20

24. 某客户咨询有关债券久期的问题,若其他因素不变,当债券的到期收益率较低时,债



25. 股指期货作为一种金融衍生产品,主要是一种风险管理工具,股指期货最基本的交易






26. 某客户了解到人寿保险是财产传承工具之一,其特性不包括()。





27. 我国从()开始在全国试点推广城镇职工基本医疗保险制度改革。


28. 在分红现金价值寿险中,分红最常见的红利选择有:a、现金给付;b、抵缴保费;



(A)abcd (B)abce (C)abde (D)bcde

29. 关于非年金寿险产品,下列说法正确的是()。



solid grasp of impleme nt. Be low, impleme nt the good spirit of the meeti ng, the four poi nts.

To quickly start the de ployment. The county units to to the meeting to it, and act qui ckly and seri ously communicate confere nce spirit, espe cially se nsitive Se cretary of the importa nt speech content, t o unify their t hinki ng and acti on to the ce ntral, provi ncial county de cisi on-making arra ngements, and e nha nce t he devel opme nt of education of ide ologi cal consci ousness and conscious acti on le arning. Each unit t o com bine a ctual careful pla nni ng, pay close attention to study and formulate impleme ntation plans, timely on t he "two studies a nd a" lear ning a nd teaching arra ngements to e nsure that learning starti ng point start, hig h standard to carry out, the hig h quality adva nce.

To careful ly organize d and impleme nted. A dhere t o the "learni ng" is the foundati on, "do" is the ke y, strengthen pr obl em oriente d, strictly from a solid grasp of learni ng and teachi ng orga nization and implementati on, promote task s implemente d. To regula r, normal learni ng education as the mai n starting poi nt, focusing on the disti nction betw een t he characteristi cs of different type s of Party organi zation, the a ctual needs of the different groups of Party members, to promote lear ning e ducation system implementation, stre ngthe n guida nce, focus on pre cise measures a nd poli cies, e ncourage grass-roots expl oration a nd i nnovation, and constantly impr ove the lear ning effect.

To clear spe cific responsi bilities. Party committees (party) to grasp the learni ng education as a lea ding task of the party b uilds the job to catch, earnestly fulfill t he responsibility subje ct of Party bui ldi ng, careful planning a nd arra ngements, carefully organized a nd impl emented, soli d propul sion. Party committees (party) is mainly responsi ble for t he comrade s to effectively assume the responsi bility as t he first responsi ble person, personally, re sponsibilit y, improper "ball dispensers", the spe cific work of testing the effectivene ss of lear ning educati on effect, the catch in place t o ensure that, see the effectiveness.

Four to co-ordi nate arrangements t o implement. To carry out t he learni ng purpose of e ducati on i s prom ote work center to develop, it must be carefully studie d and t hink deeply about learni ng relationship of educati on a nd t he work of the ce nter, co-ordi nate arrangement s for the county of the focus of the w ork smoothly, to inspire the education of Party members a nd cadres do e ntrepre neurial enthusia sm and transformation for the strong power t o prom ote economi c and social development acr oss a nd boost the county economy and soci al sound and rapid devel opment!

In accordance with the requirements of the muni cipal, prefectural straig ht each unit, t own (Park), village (community) the bra nch (Branch) "two studies do" study and education work conference t o on A pril 28 held re ce ntly completed, a nd to impl ement the conference spirit a nd the times County special e ducation coordi nation group


30. 关于年金寿险产品,下列说法正确的是()。



31. 人寿保险信托产品可以结合保险与信托的优势,充分实现风险管理的目的。关于人寿






32. 小李2004年因意外事故死亡,2007年小李的家人偶然从小李生前的房间中发现了一分






33. 保险公司认为至少()的团体才适合投保团体人寿保险。


34. 某单位向理财规划师咨询团体万能寿险,了解到团体万能寿险的运作在很多方面与个






35. 我国1998年颁布的《国务院关于建立城镇职工基本医疗保险制度的决定》要求的基本




36. 某客户在咨询中了解到定期寿险产品具有三大特点。()不属于定期寿险产品的三大特



37. 小何公司为所有员工投保了团体寿险,不久小何因个人原因离开公司,则小何的该寿


Provide trai ning a nd the i ntroducti on of a XX i n XX city XX spe cial childre n's Reha bilitation Ce nter City Federation of the disa bled a nd all sector s of the community concer n and support in 2013 December was e stablishe d, with the pur pose of "rehabilitation, ha ppy, warm a pie ce of" rehabilitation purposes, for the city's hearing impairme nt, autism, me ntal retardatio n, limb a nd ot her special childre n to provi de hig h-quality, conve nient a nd efficie nt reha bilitation servi ces is a set of educational reha bilitation, rehabilitati on exerci se in one compre hensive reha bilitation servi ces. The center si nce its establishment, a dheri ng to the re habi litation effect as t he main starting poi nt, the full impl ementation of professional reha bilitation servi ce per sonnel, a nd constantly e nha nce t he reha bilitation servi ce ability, 2 year s for a total of 36 childre n with spe cial ne eds chil dren Kang Complex service s, incl udi ng six spe cial chil dren after reha bilitation traini ng were involve d in ordi nary kindergartens a nd eleme ntary school s enr olled. At pre sent, i n the center of the a ccept reha bilitation traini ng for chil dre n with speci al 22, one of 4 chil dren wit h mental retardati on, chil dren wit h heari ng di sabil ity, 9, chil dren wit h physical disa bilities 9.

In the M uni cipal Fe deration a nd t he social from all walks of life care and support, we, Jiangsu Pr ovince, the re habi litation of the disable d body specificati on of construction standards i n accordance with, a nd gradually make the center to t he disti nctive, compr ehe nsive, functi on more perfect pr ofessional re habilitation organizati ons to devel op i n the directi on of, in the devel opme nt process w e also encountered a difficult, but through the unr emitting efforts of all employee s in the center i n the re habilitati on eff ect, rehabilitati on service a bility and the re habil itation service lev el promoti on by the good social effect, whi ch i s mainly reflecte d in the foll owi ng four aspects:

, rehabilitati on i nstituti ons t o regulate constr ucti on. Re habilitati on center must be in a ccorda nce wit h the hardware, personnel, servi ces, re ha bilitation, reha bilitation asse ssment construction standardizati on constructi on, as the center is a private non-profit organi zation in the hardwar e constructi on investme nt has great difficulty. T herefore we promptly a nd city FIMITIC communicati on a nd munici pal CDPF leader shi p in the understanding of the act ual situati on of center of rehabilitati on traini ng venues, e qui pment a nd gave strong support. At the same time, we have also sent professi onal r ehabi litation tea cher s partici pated i n the pr ovincial special chi ldre n's reha bilitation professional traini ng class, let them conti nuously broa den the concept of reha bilitation, the learne d knowledge t o practi cal work, gra dually perfecting the reha bilitation educati on Learni ng quality, e nha nce t he abi ity of rehabilitation servi ces.

, chil dren to ful ly enjoy the ne arby, a handy reha bilitation servi ces. Found in t he pre sence of heari ng di sorders in chil dren must be timely to wear hearing ai ds a nd re habilitati on traini ng, in our city last year, thr oug h the rehabilitati on assessme nt of heari ng-impaired chil dren Sun Wa ngyan in 2012 began to a cce pt4



38. 李某的汽车投保了机动车辆险,汽车发生了保险责任范围内的事故造成李某直接经济




39. 2006年底,张先生获得税前奖金12000元,则该笔奖金应该缴纳的个人所得税为()。(A)1200元(B)1175元(C)2025元(D)1000元

40. 王先生一月份取得工资收入8000元,其应纳税所得额为6400元,应纳税额为960元。



41. 实际税率是衡量纳税人税收负担的一个重要指标。由于存在费用扣除或免征额等规定,


42. 《税收征管法》规定:纳税人未按照规定期限缴纳税款的,扣缴义务人未按照规定期



43. 我国增值税的基本税率为()。


44. EET模式的养老金计划中的T是指()。





45. 小李从部队转业回到家乡,得到一笔转业费50000元。就这笔转业费而言小李应该缴



46. 赵先生出租自有住房一套取得租金收入24000元。针对这笔收入赵先生应缴纳房产税



47. 王某发明了一项新技术,并且申请了专利。之后王某把这项专利转让给某公司,获得


solid grasp of impleme nt. Be low, impleme nt the good spirit of the meeti ng, the four poi nts.

To quickly start the de ployment. The county units to to the meeting to it, and act qui ckly and seri ously communicate confere nce spirit, espe cially se nsitive Se cretary of the importa nt speech content, t o unify their t hinki ng and acti on to the ce ntral, provi ncial county de cisi on-making arra ngements, and e nha nce t he devel opme nt of education of ide ologi cal consci ousness and conscious acti on le arning. Each unit t o com bine a ctual careful pla nni ng, pay close attention to study and formulate impleme ntation plans, timely on t he "two studies a nd a" lear ning a nd teaching arra ngements to e nsure that learning starti ng point start, hig h standard to carry out, the hig h quality adva nce.

To careful ly organize d and impleme nted. A dhere t o the "learni ng" is the foundati on, "do" is the ke y, strengthen pr obl em oriente d, strictly from a solid grasp of learni ng and teachi ng orga nization and implementati on, promote task s implemente d. To regula r, normal learni ng education as the mai n starting poi nt, focusing on the disti nction betw een t he characteristi cs of different type s of Party organi zation, the a ctual needs of the different groups of Party members, to promote lear ning e ducation system implementation, stre ngthe n guida nce, focus on pre cise measures a nd poli cies, e ncourage grass-roots expl oration a nd i nnovation, and constantly impr ove the lear ning effect.

To clear spe cific responsi bilities. Party committees (party) to grasp the learni ng education as a lea ding task of the party b uilds the job to catch, earnestly fulfill t he responsibility subje ct of Party bui ldi ng, careful planning a nd arra ngements, carefully organized a nd impl emented, soli d propul sion. Party committees (party) is mainly responsi ble for t he comrade s to effectively assume the responsi bility as t he first responsi ble person, personally, re sponsibilit y, improper "ball dispensers", the spe cific work of testing the effectivene ss of lear ning educati on effect, the catch in place t o ensure that, see the effectiveness.

Four to co-ordi nate arrangements t o implement. To carry out t he learni ng purpose of e ducati on i s prom ote work center to develop, it must be carefully studie d and t hink deeply about learni ng relationship of educati on a nd t he work of the ce nter, co-ordi nate arrangement s for the county of the focus of the w ork smoothly, to inspire the education of Party members a nd cadres do e ntrepre neurial enthusia sm and transformation for the strong power t o prom ote economi c and social development acr oss a nd boost the county economy and soci al sound and rapid devel opment!

In accordance with the requirements of the muni cipal, prefectural straig ht each unit, t own (Park), village (community) the bra nch (Branch) "two studies do" study and education work conference t o on A pril 28 held re ce ntly completed, a nd to impl ement the conference spirit a nd the times County special e ducation coordi nation group



48. 张先生在2006年以20元/股的价格购买A公司股票10000股,并且在2007年以30元



49. 在为客户进行子女教育规划时,理财规划师要根据()来评估未来教育费用并决定客






50. 近年来,关于房产的纠纷越来越多,其主要原因是购房者对购房过程中的一些法律风






51. 下列关于提前还款说法正确的是()。





52. 罗先生打算出租自己的一套住房。理财规划师建议罗先生装修后再出租,因为房屋装



53. 《国务院关于完善企业职工基本养老保险制度的决定》(国发[2005]38号)的规定相比






Provide trai ning a nd the i ntroducti on of a XX i n XX city XX spe cial childre n's Reha bilitation Ce nter City Federation of the disa bled a nd all sector s of the community concer n and support in 2013 December was e stablishe d, with the pur pose of "rehabilitation, ha ppy, warm a pie ce of" rehabilitation purposes, for the city's hearing impairme nt, autism, me ntal retardatio n, limb a nd ot her special childre n to provi de hig h-quality, conve nient a nd efficie nt reha bilitation servi ces is a set of educational reha bilitation, rehabilitati on exerci se in one compre hensive reha bilitation servi ces. The center si nce its establishment, a dheri ng to the re habi litation effect as t he main starting poi nt, the full impl ementation of professional reha bilitation servi ce per sonnel, a nd constantly e nha nce t he reha bilitation servi ce ability, 2 year s for a total of 36 childre n with spe cial ne eds chil dren Kang Complex service s, incl udi ng six spe cial chil dren after reha bilitation traini ng were involve d in ordi nary kindergartens a nd eleme ntary school s enr olled. At pre sent, i n the center of the a ccept reha bilitation traini ng for chil dre n with speci al 22, one of 4 chil dren wit h mental retardati on, chil dren wit h heari ng di sabil ity, 9, chil dren wit h physical disa bilities 9.

In the M uni cipal Fe deration a nd t he social from all walks of life care and support, we, Jiangsu Pr ovince, the re habi litation of the disable d body specificati on of construction standards i n accordance with, a nd gradually make the center to t he disti nctive, compr ehe nsive, functi on more perfect pr ofessional re habilitation organizati ons to devel op i n the directi on of, in the devel opme nt process w e also encountered a difficult, but through the unr emitting efforts of all employee s in the center i n the re habilitati on eff ect, rehabilitati on service a bility and the re habil itation service lev el promoti on by the good social effect, whi ch i s mainly reflecte d in the foll owi ng four aspects:

, rehabilitati on i nstituti ons t o regulate constr ucti on. Re habilitati on center must be in a ccorda nce wit h the hardware, personnel, servi ces, re ha bilitation, reha bilitation asse ssment construction standardizati on constructi on, as the center is a private non-profit organi zation in the hardwar e constructi on investme nt has great difficulty. T herefore we promptly a nd city FIMITIC communicati on a nd munici pal CDPF leader shi p in the understanding of the act ual situati on of center of rehabilitati on traini ng venues, e qui pment a nd gave strong support. At the same time, we have also sent professi onal r ehabi litation tea cher s partici pated i n the pr ovincial special chi ldre n's reha bilitation professional traini ng class, let them conti nuously broa den the concept of reha bilitation, the learne d knowledge t o practi cal work, gra dually perfecting the reha bilitation educati on Learni ng quality, e nha nce t he abi ity of rehabilitation servi ces.

, chil dren to ful ly enjoy the ne arby, a handy reha bilitation servi ces. Found in t he pre sence of heari ng di sorders in chil dren must be timely to wear hearing ai ds a nd re habilitati on traini ng, in our city last year, thr oug h the rehabilitati on assessme nt of heari ng-impaired chil dren Sun Wa ngyan in 2012 began to a cce pt6

54. 某企业在咨询企业年金问题时了解到《企业年金试行办法》相关内容,下列说法正确






55. 小张在咨询退休养老规划时了解到,退休时的基础养老金月标准以当地上年度在岗职


56. 王某预计退休后能够生存25年,退休后每年年初从退休基金中拿出40000元用于一年




57. 小崔,某企业普通职员,目前没有投保任何商业保险,并于去年购置了一处房产,于



(A)abcd (B)badc (C)bcad (D)cbad

58. 张先生夫妇投保了某夫妻同为被保险人和受益人的联合定期两全寿险,关于该寿险以






59. 王先生为其价值700万的别墅投保火灾险,先向甲保险公司投保了400万,后又向乙






60. 我国的企业年金基金实行()。



61. 小王今年15岁,父母双亡。小王有一个哥哥和一个姐姐,小王的祖父母和外祖父母尚



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