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Module 7 Unit 1 My father flew into space in Shenzhou v 1教学目标

1. 知识技能目标:

1)能借助元音字母、辅音连缀等发音规律听懂、认读、拼写单词:flew, spent, video, someday;


3)能运用My father flew into space in Shenzhou V. He spent about twenty-one hours in space.

He made a video等句型,并以一般过去式形式讲述杨利伟的事迹。

2. 学习策略目标:

1) 通过pair work, group work等活动形式,培养学生自主学习、合作学习的能力;

2) 通过KWL阅读策略帮助学生建立阅读目的,提高阅读兴趣和培养阅读能力。

3. 情感态度目标:






认知水平: 学生具备了一定的合作学习、自主探究的学习能力,能参与pair work, group work进行交流,对学习内容大胆预测、主动实践。


1)能借助元音字母、辅音连缀等发音规律听懂、认读、拼写单词:flew, spent, video, someday;(教学重点)


3)能运用My father flew into space in Shenzhou V. He spent about twenty-one hours in space.

He made a video等句型,并以一般过去式形式讲述杨利伟的事迹。(教学重、难点)



Stage 1 Warm-up

1. Greeting.

2. Free talk.

T: I’m glad to have an English class with you. But firstly, I have a riddle to share with you.

T: There’s a ship. But it can’t go on the water. It can fly. What’s that? S: It’s a spaceship.


Stage 2 Lead-in

1. Have the Ss watch the cartoon, and answer the question.

Q①: What can you see in the picture?

Q②: Where did the father alien fly to?

S: I can see…

S: He flew to the earth.


2. Have the Ss read “flew”.

3. Invite the Ss talk about what they’ve known about Yang Liwei.

T: On the earth, there was a man flew into space, too. He’s China’s first man in space. Who’s he? All of you know him, I think he’s very famous. How much do you know about him? How did he fly into space? What’s the name of the spaceship? 【设计意图】通过与学生的交谈,让学生了解课题中的My fahter指的是杨利伟,Shenzhou V 是杨利伟所乘坐的飞船,以消除学生在看到标题时的陌生感。学生谈谈他们所知的杨利伟,既激活学生的储备知识,又能帮助教师了解学生的掌握情况(Knowledge Ss have)。

Stage 3 Present the title, task and the way of evaluation.

1. Present the title and read it.

T: Do you know something about his child?

T: He has a son. His name is Ningkang and he wrote a story of his father.

T: And we’re going to learn this story. Module 7 Unit 1 My father flew into space

in Shenzhou V.

2. Present the task: Write about Yang Liwei.

T: After learning the text, I hope that you can know more about Yang Liwei, and try to tell and write about Yang Liwei.

3. Present the way of evaluation.

T: You are divided into 4 groups. You are Spaceship 1/ 2/ 3/ 4, try to fly higher. 【设计意图】呈现课题。呈现任务:写一写关于杨利伟的故事。呈现评价方式:一个”spaceship”代表一组,比赛谁飞得更高。


Stage 1 Reading about Yang Liwei’s space travel.


1. Have the Ss talk about what they want to know about Yang Liwei.

T: You’ve known something about Yang Liwei. What else do you want to know? Maybe you can ask about his personal information, space travel or more.


2. Have the Ss watch and answer the questions they asked.

(If necessary, give the following questions: Q①: When did he fly into space in Shenzhou V?

Q②: How many hours was he in space?

Q③: What did he do in space? )

T: We have a lot of questions. And you must be very interested in Yang Liwei. Ningkang, Yang Liwei’s son, can tell us about his father. Let’s watch the cartoon and try to answer these questions. Pay attention to the tips. You could make notes on this paper on page 2 if necessary.


3. Ask the Ss for feedback and present some words or full sentences on the blackboard. Q①: When did he fly into space?

Q②: How many hours was he in space?

Q③: What did he do?

T: Great! In October 2003, he flew into space.

T: Wonderful! From 9:00 in the morning on 15th, to 6:28 in the morning , he spent about twenty-one hours in space.

T: Yang Liwei spent about twenty-one hours in space. How many hours did he spend in sleeping/ making a video.


4. Ss answer some questions and try to read the new words and new sentences. Ss: In October 2003, he flew into space.

Ss: He spent about twenty-one hours in space.

Ss: He made a video.

Ss: …

【设计意图】在学生回答问题的过程中逐步教授生词生句并梳理文本结构:1. 引导学生理解“In October 2003, he flew into space.”并适时补充杨利伟进入太空的具体日期。从

PPT呈现的完整句到教师呈现的只有重点单词或词组的句卡,逐步培养学生说的能力。2. 通过展示电子钟,引导学生理解“spent”, “video”和“Yang Liwei spent about twenty-one hours in space.”以spent为媒介,了解杨利伟在太空所做的事。

Stage 2 Reading about Yang Ningkang’s feeling and what he wants to do someday. 【设计意图】二读:默读课文,回答问题。

1. Have the Ss read and answer.

T: Yang Liwei’s space travel was so important. To him, it was a great experience. Everyone was excited.

Q①: How did Ningkang feel?

Are you proud of him? You may say “I am proud of him.”Pay attention to your emotion. Be proud!

Q②: What does he want to do someday?

T: “Someday” means one day in the future.

Pay attention to the tips: Underline key points. After that, you may discuss with your partner.

T: What do you want to do someday?

T: I believe your dream will come true.

【设计意图】通过提问题呈现生词someday, 利用英英互译帮助学生理解someday的含义。教师适时地渗透阅读策略:划出重要信息,有助于培养学生在阅读过程中迅速捕获信息、分析提取信息的意识。

2. Remind the questions the Ss want to know.

T: Can we find the answers to these questions?

T: Never mind. Maybe we’ll find later.


Stage 3 Read the main information about Yang Liwei.

Help the Ss summarize the strategy of writing a story of a famous person.

T: We’ve learnt about Yang Liwei from Ningkang. But how did Ningkag write about his father? He wrote about personal information, great experience and his own feeling.


Stage 4 Read the text loudly.

Listen and imitate.



Stage 1 Tell Yang Liwei’s story.

1. Have the Ss talk about Yang Liwei.

(1) T and Ss talk about Yang Liwei.

T: (Point to the blackboard)

You’ve known a lot about Yang Liwei. Can you try to introduce him?

Let’s try together!

(2) Have the Ss talk about Yang Liwei in groups.

T: Now, it’s your turn to do it.

T: Pay attention to the tips: Work in four. Talk together or one by one. Be proud. Help others in difficulties.

(3) Feedback.

T: Who can try?(请单个反馈)


2. Story Chain.

T: We’ve learnt a lot about Yang Liwei. Now, I’d like to check whether you know Yang Liwei well.

T: I cut the story into 4 parts. Each of you has got a part. Only one of you got the full beginning. And one of you got the full ending. Read the part you’ve got first. Then read out and make up the story in groups.

T: Which group can show us the story?


Stage 2 Extended Reading.

Have the Ss read some material about Yang Liwei and find the answers to the rest of the questions.

T: Here some questions left. Now, read more about Yang Liwei and maybe you’ll find the answers.

T: Pay attention to the tips: Underline key information. Discuss with our partner about the answers.

T: Can we know …?

(T: We can’t find the answers to these questions. Never mind! You can search from the internet and share with us next time, OK?)



Write about YangLiwei.

1.Give instructions.

T: You know a lot about YangLiwei you’re your classmate, the text and reading material. It’s time for you to write about YangLiwei.

T: Do you know how to do it? We can write about his…

(Personal Information, Great Experience, Writer’s Feeling)

T:Try your best to write more.

(1)Have the Ss write about Yang Liwei.

(2)Have the Ss share their stories.

2. Invite some Ss to share in front of the class.


活动5【作业】Summary, evaluation and homework.

Stage 1 Summary and evaluation.

Have the Ss summarize what they’ve learnt and give evaluation.

T: Let’s stop here. Today, we’ve learnt about Yang Liwei’s story, and knew him well. Yang Liwei is a great man. I hope you can learn something from him. Here are some websites for you, and you can know more about Yang Liwei.

T: Let’s see which group is the winner.


Stage 2 Homework

Assign the homework.

Type A:

1. Listen and repeat the text.

2. Introduce Yang Liwei to your friends.(向朋友介绍杨利伟。)

Type B:

1. Listen and repeat the text.

2. Surf the internet and read more about Yang Liwei.


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