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PVPGN config 文件中文配置说明

PVPGN config 文件配置说明

# bnetd.conf中文配置说明

# bnetd.conf - Configuration file for the Unix https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fd18511011.html, daemon #
# #
# This file is an example configuration and may require modification to #
# suit your needs or your site. Blank lines and lines starting with a "#" #
# are ignored. Use quotes around values that contain spaces. #
# 在前面加上“#”的语句将被忽略 #

# File section #
# The pidfile can be set to "" to turn it off. #
# Use absolute paths in these lines to avoid problems! #
# 这一部分是文件存放的地方,可以不进行修改

filedir = files
userdir = var\users
reportdir = var\reports
chanlogdir = var\chanlogs
defacct = conf\bnetd_default_user
motdfile = conf\bnmotd.txt
issuefile = conf\bnissue.txt
channelfile = conf\channel.list
newsfile = conf\news.txt
adfile = conf\ad.list
ipbanfile = conf\bnban
helpfile = conf\bnhelp
transfile = conf\gametrans
mpqfile = conf\autoupdate
logfile = var\bnetd.log
realmfile = conf\realm.list
versioncheck_file = conf\versioncheck
mapsfile = conf\bnmaps.txt
xplevelfile = conf\bnxplevel.txt
xpcalcfile = conf\bnxpcalc.txt
#pidfile = var\bnetd.pid
ladderdir = var\ladders
command_groups_file = conf\command_groups.txt

fortunecmd = bin\fortune.exe

# #

# Message logs #

# Multiple log levels can be defined by connecting them with a comma (,)
# Available loglevels are:
# none
# trace
# debug
# info
# warn
# error
# fatal
#loglevels = fatal,error,warn,info,debug,trace
loglevels = fatal

# #

# D2CS realm server settings #

# Version of D2CS server to connect with (set to zero to disable version check)
d2cs_version = 0
# 这儿设成0表示不检测d2cs的版本

# Allow the D2CS server to change realm names?
allow_d2cs_setname = true
# 允许d2cs自己


# #

# Downloadable files #

# These filenames are reported directly to the client and are relative to
# the "filedir" directory specified above.

tosfile = "tos.txt"
# tos.txt是战网的说明文件

# #

# Client verification and upgrades #

# If this option is enabled, the verification step is skipped if possible.
# This only works with clients < 109. It is useful because you no longer
# need any of the IX86AUTH?.MPQ and PMACAUTH?.MPQ files. Note that it will
# also skip over all the autoupdate checks effectively disabling it.
# If you disable this you must have one or more of the MPQ files. Otherwise
# clients will hang when they first connect because they are attempting to
# download them. The versioncheck can only be skipped for clients older
# than 109. Starting with version 109 the clients will always do version
# checking since they do not function properly if the server does not
# request it.
skip_versioncheck = false
# 如果这儿设成true,那么服务器将跳过版本的检测,任何游戏版本都能进入战网
# 设成false的话,它还有另外一个很重要的作用就是在线升级,服务器只有检测出
# 你相应的版本才能提供给客户端不同的升级文件,这些升级文件可以通过bnftp到
# 官方的bn上下载,以.mpq文件形式存在,在下面的autoupdate里面有说明

# If you enable the version checks but want to allow clients that don't pass
# the checksum test then enable this.
allow_bad_version = false
# Required for War3 patch! [-- NonReal: No longer required]

# If you enable the version checks but want to allow clients that aren't
# listed in the versioncheck configuration file then enable this. Unless
# you have a very complete file or are very paranoid about cheaters this
# is a good idea.
allow_unknown_version = false
# 这儿是否允许versioncheck里面没有记录的版本进入战网,如果你选择了检测版本
# 而又希望一些vcheck里面没有记录的版本进入战网,那就设成true

# This defines how the exeinfo field in the versioncheck file is being
# checked. In the past the string given by the client was just compared
# with the string in versioncheck. However, this lead to some problems,
# since the different ways to patch a game (via downloaded executable or
# autoupdate) sometimes caused filetimes which differed by jus

t some
# seconds. Thus, you can now choose between exact match [exact], exact
# case-sensitive match [exactcase], dumb wildcard match [wildcard], and
# parsed value comparison [parse]. NOTE: [parse] needs the mktime()
# function and might therefore not work on every system.
version_exeinfo_match = parse

# If you have choosen [parse] above, this is the tolerance with which
# the time can differ. The value must be given in seconds.
version_exeinfo_maxdiff = 3600

# 上面的两项是服务器用来检测游戏版本的,一般不进行修改
# #

# Time values #
# 一些时间参数

# Time in seconds between account file updates, 0 means wait forever.
usersync = 300
# Number of seconds of inactivity before file is unloaded from memory.
# (only checked during account file updates)
userflush = 1200

# How often to send user latency tests in seconds.
latency = 10

# How often to send null or keepalive packets in seconds.
nullmsg = 120

# Amount of time to delay shutting down server in seconds.
shutdown_delay = 300
# admin运行shutdown之后,服务器关闭所需的时间

# Amount of time delay period is decremented by either a SIGTERM or SIGINT
# (control-c) signal in seconds.
shutdown_decr = 60
# 在运行shutdown之后,每格60秒会提示一次服务器将关闭

# How often should bans be checked for expiration? (in seconds)
#ipban_check_int = 30

# #

# Policy options #
# 服务器的一些功能配置

# If you don't want people to be able to create new accounts, set this to
# false.
new_accounts = true
# 是否允许新建帐号

# Set this to the maximum number of accounts you want to allow to be
# created on your server. A value of 0 means infinite and is the default.
#max_accounts = 0
# 玩家的最大总数,设成0是无限制

# If someone attempts to log in more than once, should it kick off the old
# login, or deny the new one?
kick_old_login = true
#kick_old_login = false
# 是否允许玩家重复登陆

# With no passwords, this is bad to have enabled --NonReal

# If a user is creating a new channel, should it be added automatically, or
# prompt them first?
ask_new_channel = false
# 玩家新建频道时是否出现提示

# Should a game report be written for every game played or just ladder
# games?
#report_all_games = false
report_all_games = true
# 是否记录游戏的情况,比如胜负情况,这些都可以在logs里面看到,前提是你打开了logs

# Should Diablo I/II reports be written? There are no winners/losers.
report_diablo_games = fals

# 是否记录diablo游戏的情况

# Should games with passwords be hidden on the game list?
hide_pass_games = true

# Should games already started be hidden on the game list? (for heavily
# loaded servers)
hide_started_games = true
# 隐藏已经开始的游戏

# Should non-permanent channels hidden on the channel list?
hide_temp_channels = true
# 隐藏临时频道

# Should the extended /-commands be avaliable? (of course!)
extra_commands = true
# 是否允许使用一些战网的扩展命令

# Should any and all disconnects to be counted as losses?
# (Turning this on will override the user's choice in ladder games!)
disc_is_loss = false
# 是否设置成所有disconnets的玩家都算成负

# Should all users be able to use the /con and /connections commands?
enable_conn_all = true
# 是否允许玩家时候/con /connections命令

# Should client IP addresses (from /con, /games, /gameinfo, /netinfo)
# be hidden from non-admins?
hide_addr = false
# 除admin之外使用/con /games /gameinfo /netinfo等命令的时候是否隐藏客户端的IP

# Should private channel messages be logged to files in the chanlogdir
# directory? (see channels.list for public channels)
chanlog = false
# 是否记录专用频道的信息

# Do you want to use the channel quota feature?
quota = yes

# The following options deal with flood prevention.
# How many lines do you accept in quota_time seconds?
# (The default should allow 5 lines in 5 seconds,
# longer time periods allow "bursts" of traffic before the quota is full.)
quota_lines = 30 # must be between 1 and 100 lines
quota_time = 2 # must be between 1 and 60 seconds
# "virtual wrapping", so long lines count as multiple lines
quota_wrapline = 40 # must be between 1 to 256 chars
# absolute maximum characters allowed in a line
quota_maxline = 200 # must be between 1 to 256 chars
# How many lines do you accept in quota_time seconds before user is
# disconnected?
# (According to Jung-woo, Dobae is a Korean term for flooding the game server...
# it originally meant "to paint the wallpaper on a new or refurbished house").
# If it less than or equal to quota_lines, there is no warning before
# disconnection so don't set this too low.
quota_dobae = 10 # must be between 1 and 100 lines

# Mail support
mail_support = true
mail_quota = 5
# 是否支持战网信箱,玩家可以通过/mail命令给不在线的玩家发信,这里支持5封

# Channel logging message
log_notice = "*** Please note this channel is logged! ***"
# 进入频道的提示

# #

# Account configuration #
# 有关玩家的信息储存的一些配置


# Should account files be named by the account number or the player name?
savebyname = true

# How man rows should the account lookup hash table have? Servers with
# more accounts should use a larger table for better performance.
hashtable_size = 61

# don't keep track of al the not yet needed accounting infos like
# lastlogin_owner or lastlogin_clientexe
# false = keep track of all infos; true = just keep track of lastlogin_time
reduced_accounting = false

# per default, only alphanumerical symbols are allowed in account names
# with this variable you can add some extra symbols to be allowed
# but be warned - that some of them might cause trouble - at least with
# savebyname=true (some symbols are forbidden in filenames or might cause
# you real trouble - plz neither allow wildcard symbols like '*' or '?' nor
# allow path delimiters like '/' or '\'. also note that allowing the '.' might
# cause u some headache on win32 systems. u have been warned - the rest is up
# to you.
# default setting is "-_[]" as it was previous versions
account_allowed_symbols = "-_[]"

# when set to true new accounts added to userfiles folder or added to DB
# manually will get loaded to accountlist while server running...
# note: this is still experimental and requires a fast machine
reload_new_accounts = false

# #

# Tracking server info #
# 跟踪服务器信息,服务器连接到track,将会被记录一些信息,比如在线人数,游戏数等

# Set track=0 to disable tracking. Any other number will set number
# of seconds between sending tracking packets. This is OFF by default.
#track = 0
track = 0
# 10 minutes
# 多少时间发一次数据包

# Tracking server(s)
# Use a comma delimited list of hostnames with optional UDP port numbers
# after colons. (port 6114 is the default for the newer tracking protocol)
#trackaddrs = "https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fd18511011.html,,localhost:9999"
#trackaddrs = ""
# track服务器的地址

# Change these to match your system, for example:
location = "HUST"
description = "HUST War3 Server"
url = "https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fd18511011.html,"
contact_name = "KingoM"
contact_email = "sfhxl@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fd18511011.html,"
# 服务器的相关信息

# #

# Server network info #
# 服务器的网络设置,一般程序会自动检测

# Set this option to true to allow TCP to detect and close stale
# connections.
use_keepalive = false

# This is a comma delimited list of hostnames that the server should
# listen on. It might be useful to make an internal-only server on a
# gateway machine for example. If th

e list is not set or if it has a
# entry with no host component, the server will bind to that port on all
# interfaces.
#servaddrs = ":9999"
#servaddrs = "https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fd18511011.html,,localhost"
#servaddrs = ":" # default interface (all) and default port (6112)

# Don't change these unless you really need to! You will need to run a proxy
# or modify the clients. Also note that these will not change when simply
# sending a HUP signal to the server; they are only read on startup.

# This is the port the server send the UDP test packets to by default.
# Setting it to zero makes the server use the same port as the TCP connection
# comes from. Newer clients can override this setting on a per connection
# basis.
#udptest_port = 6112

# added by zap-zero:
# W3 Play Game router address. Just put your server address in here.
# It's needed to tell clients where to connect to init anonymous games.
# Change it, or clients will get "Error handling the request"!
w3routeaddr = ""
# *要使战网能支持ladder,请在这儿设成外部IP*

# This is the w3route address to show to clients. If not specified it uses
# the w3routeaddr from above. But if specified it will be sent to clients
# as the w3route addr to connect to, that is the clients will try to connect
# to this address. Use it for server behind NAT gw setups and stuff. If you
# dont know what your are doing just dont touch it.
#w3routeshow = ""
# 这儿是针对内网而言的,如果你不懂怎么配置的话,就不用改动它

# #

# BNETD Interserver Transport System (BITS) info #
# 在接下来的版本中,这一项功能将会被取消

# This stuff is experimental. You must configure bnetd --with-bits for these
# settings to take effect.

# connection to an existing network
#do_uplink = false
#uplink_server = localhost
#uplink_username = anonymous

# allow others to connect
#allow_uplink = false

# location of the BITS password file
#bits_password_file = "conf\bnbitspasswd"

# location of the network-wide MOTD file (bits master only)
#bits_motd_file = "conf\bnbitsmotd.txt"

# use plaintext password transfer (bits client only)
#bits_use_plaintext = false

# #

# Internet Relay Chat (IRC) configuration #
# 是否允许战网提供irc服务

# NOTE: IRC support is still experimental!

# This specifies the addresses where IRC connections should be accepted. See
# the description of servaddrs for formatting information. Leave this field
# blank if you do not want to accept IRC connections. If the port is not

specifed then 6667 will be used.
#ircaddrs = ":6667"

# This is the server name used for IRC connections. Set this to your
# server name, if the automatic detection doesn't correctly.
#servername = "none"

# Set this to the desired IRC connection timeout in seconds.
#irc_latency = 180

# #

# Telnet configuration #
# 是否允许telnet登陆到服务器

# This specifies the addresses where telnet connections should be accepted.
# See the description of servaddrs for formatting information. Leave this
# field # blank if you do not want to accept telnet connections. If the port
# is not specifed then 23 will be used.
#telnetaddrs = ":23"

# #

# db configuration #
# 如果你是使用elite版本的话,要求你安装有mysql,并对其进行相应的配置

mysql_host = "localhost"
mysql_account = "KingoM"
mysql_password = "*****"
mysql_sock = "3306"
mysql_dbname = "VPGN"

# Enable this if you want the SQL connection to be persistant
# It will improve latency time especially for remote SQL servers
# This option has not been tested very well, it did not crashed here but
# note that we dont enable it default. Maybe we will in the future...
mysql_persistent = true

# war3 ladder textual output #
# 是否输出ladder记录,这里是指文件形式的ladder记录,如果你不像用数据库模式的话
# 可以使用它,程序会自动把ladder信息以xml文件输出到var\ladders下面

# this is for all the guys, that want Warcraft 3 ladder, but don't want their
# server to run with MySQL support.
# For each ladder (solo, team, ffa, at) a corresponing file is created,
# so it's easy to build your ladder pages with them

# the following value determines, at which rate, these files are created
# set to 0 if you don't want or need these files
war3_ladder_update_secs = 300
# ladder的刷新时间

# jfro's latest ladder is based on XML... so we can switch to XML output of ladder
# on demand. Maybe we should set update interval bigger cause XML output version
# is much more verbose than the standard output
XML_output_ladder = false

# war3 output status textual output #
# This is for writing status of the server in an attempt to see number of user
# on line actually, and games/chans.
# This is store in file var\status\warcraft3.dat as a *.

ini format.
# Shouldn't be so hard in php to create dynamic website using this content.
# 是否将服务器的在线情况以xml文件输出,文件将存放在var\status下面

# the following value determines, at which rate, these files are created
# set to 0 if you don't want or need these files
war3_output_update_secs = 30

# jfro's latest ladder is based on XML... so we can switch to XML output of ladder
# on demand. Maybe we should set update interval bigger cause XML output version
# is much more verbose than the standard output
XML_status_output_ladder = true

应异度冰晶的要求,现在添加PVPGN支持在线升级系统.要求客户端的版本是未经过修改的,也就是直接通过satndalone patch升级的并且在线升级的时候不能使用nocdcrack服务器端要拥有升级所需要的mpq文件(可通过bnftp上官方bn下载)放入pvpgn文件夹下的files文件夹内配置versioncheck文件,使其包含所有未经修改的版本的checksum
skip_versioncheck = false
allow_unknown_version = false

IX86 W3XP W3XP_IX86_303_304.MPQ W3XP_303A

其中W3XP_IX86_303_304.MPQ为从303升级到304的补丁 为 304的verstr是 303的verstr
