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everybody should have an active attitude toward life. Though life is full of challenges and difficulties, people with optimistic attitude can take some measures to deal with them and they can live happily in the society.

it is time that we place great emphasis on building up our active attitude toward life.

答案:In the picture, a boy, with sweat dripping down from his head, is trying to throw a ball into the basketball high above him. From the way he sits in a wheelchair, we know he is disabled in the leg. However, his shinning face and confident smile makes me think that he is very optimistic.

What the pictures, I think, is that everybody should have an active attitude toward life(提出论点).Though life is full of challenges and difficulties, people with optimistic attitude can take some measures to deal with them and they live happily in the society(讲大道理论证). Unfortunately, with the improving of living standard, more and more people can’t endure troubles and difficulties in their lives. As a result, any minor barrier tends to be a factor that leads to their final failure(联系生活实际论证). Accordingly, it is time that we place great emphasis on building up our active attitude toward life.(150)(建议)


答案:Possible version:

In the picture, I can see a boy drawing a clock on the wall with care. The number 13 at the top of the clock catches my eye. What an unusual idea! If we divide one day into 26 hours, we may have two more hours of spare time to enjoy. The picture reminds me of those who use unusual ideas to change our life, just like Edison and Jobs. Faced with our everyday life, they always think out of the box and have creative ideas. Life can be ordinary. But if we have more unusual ideas, we will enrich our life and make it with a difference like the boy in the picture.


unity brings strength.

答案:As depicted in the picture, some small fish, fleeing in all directions, are being chased by a large, fierce one. A few minutes later, however, the tables are turned. The small fish, along with a large number of their fellows, return and drive their enemy away by forming the shape of a larger fish.

The hidden message here is obvious, that is, unity brings strength(提出论点). To a small fish, life can be very tough as threats from the large fish are always there. The chance for its survival is slim when it faces a large fish all by itself. If, however, all the small fish form a united team, they may become strong enough to defeat the enemy(结合图画,讲道理论证). The same thing would happen in our life. For instance, we sometimes face threats or troubles that may be unbearable, leaving each of us insecure and helpless. Don’t forget, in that case, that our friends and family are a source of strength. If life is a pond and we are the fish inside it, we should always stay united to meet its challenges. (联系自身,讲道理论证)



they both seek great pleasure by enjoying what life presents,If we enjoy the things in hand, we will smile through life

答案:三、One possible version

As is shown in the picture, a monkey is picking and eating peaches happily on a tree, throwing some half eaten ones onto the ground. A hedgehog, at the same time, is eating the leftovers happily.

From my point of view, the picture conveys that we should have a positive attitude towards life(提出论点). The food for the animals in the picture is not of the same quality, but they both seek great pleasure by enjoying what life presents(结合图画,讲道理论证). It is this attitude that we should adopt. If we enjoy the things in hand, we will smile through life, just like the monkey and hedgehog in the picture(联系自身,讲道理论证)



a proper method plays a very important role in achieving a goal


One possible version:

As can be seen in the picture, a boy is holding a pair of huge scissors to cut a small piece of paper, but in vain.

The picture tries to tell us that a proper method plays a very important role in achieving a goal(提出论点). In our daily life, we constantly need to carry out different tasks, whether they are simple or complicated. We should always keep in mind that adopting a proper method is the most important thing. If not, whatever efforts we make, we’ll accomplish nothing,(联系自身,讲道理论证)just like the boy in the picture, who is using a wrong way to cut paper. It may be wise for him to change the scissors into a small pair or just use his own fingers. Only in this way, can he tear the paper into pieces(建议正确的做法). In my opinion, choosing a suitable method is very important both in our study and in our life. (升华点题)



1. 遇到困难时应审时度势,尽可能找到解决办法。

2. 要想成功,就不能害怕失败,尝试最重要。

3. 不要被表面的困难吓倒,总会有办法。

4. 每个人面前都有机会,重要的是能否抓住机会。

5. 不同的人看待事物的角度不同(角度1 :悬崖角度2:梯子)。

6. 选用正确的办法是解决问题的关键(走下悬崖,从梯子爬上另一端,而不是跨过沟壑)。

7. … …

8. … …

9. … …

四、One possible version:

As can be seen in the picture, there is a man hesitating before a gap which stops his way to the destination. The gap is deep and wide, which seems hard to cross. However, there is a ladder down in the gap, which provides an easy access to the other side.

The picture conveys the message that it is important to study the situation in case of difficulty. The road is stopped by the gap. However, with the help of the ladder, one can go to the other side and continue his journey to the destination. This also applies to our daily life. If we study what lies before us carefully when we meet difficulty, we may find a way out. Thus, it is necessary to study the situation and find a solution.



we always need a balance between speed and quality.our work has no value at all if we ignore the quality of it.It’s definitely helpful to keep in mind that no matter how fast we need to achieve something, quality may never be ignored.


One possible version:

As we can see in the picture, two men are competing against each other in building walls. One man has built up an obviously higher but twisted wall, while the other’s work is completely vertical, strong and solid though lower.

The picture implies a very important rule of doing things —we always need a balance between speed and quality. It isn’t difficult to see examples of how often higher speed is set up as a target. ―The faster, the better‖has become a motto for us due to the fiercely competitive environment of our society. However our work has no value at all if we ignore the quality of it just

like the man building the twisted wall. As students, we are required to do things at high speed. It’s definitely helpful to keep in mind that no matter how fast we need to achieve something, quality may never be ignored.




When doing a teamwork,people often mind their own business without communicating with each other. Cooperation needs effective communication, without which we’ll do things blindly.So before taking actions, plan things carefully and communicate well with your partners.


三、Possible version:

In the picture, I can see two men are trying to make a bench. Both of them are working hard, sweating a lot. But obviously they are nailing the legs on different sides.

Seeing the picture, I can’t help thinking how ridiculous it is. They work as a team and both of them do make their efforts. But unfortunately they mind their own business without communicating with each other. Cooperation needs effective communication, without which we’ll do things blindly. So before taking actions, plan things carefully and communicate well with your partners. Otherwise all the efforts will be in vain, just like what the two men do in the picture.


human beings and animals can benefit from each other if they live together in perfect harmony


三、Possible version:

In the pictures, I can see a man nailing a box on a tree to make a nest for birds. Some birds fly to live in it. To the man’s pleasant surprise, the birds eat the pests and his crops grow better.

The pictures convey the message that human beings and animals can benefit from each other if they live together in perfect harmony(提出论点). All the creatures on the earth are friends and we human beings should care about the others, just like the man in the picture(联系实际,讲道理). He makes a safe and comfortable home for birds, in return birds protect his crops by eating pests(联系图画,讲道理). Sometimes a simple act of kindness may make a big difference. Let’s work together to make a world where human beings and other creatures live together in perfect harmony.


working alone or working together with others。Therefore, it is essential for us to work in a united way. United, we stand; divided, we fall.

We should bear in mind that we cannot survive alone and frequently we need to unite with others to achieve our goals.

答案:三、Possible versions


As can be seen in the picture, some people are standing hand-in-hand, forming the shape of a heart. They are all smiling happily.

This picture conveys the message that sometimes we need to be united. There are basically two ways to accomplish things: working alone or working together with others. We are born with all kinds of ambitions, to conquer the world, for example. Yet very often we are awakened up by the plain fact that there are certain things we cannot accomplish alone. Therefore, it is essential for us to work in a united way. United, we stand; divided, we fall.

We should bear in mind that we cannot survive alone and frequently we need to unite with others to achieve our goals. (124 words)


As can be seen in the picture, many children are standing merrily in a circle, hand-in-hand. The circle is heart-shaped.

The simple picture conveys a deep message that the world will be full of love when everybody passes their own love to others. Love is important for us. Just as the picture above, only when love is delivered from person to person can we sense each other’s trust, concern, warmth, friendship, etc, which are vital for everyone’s happiness.

In a word, if every one of us can devote a bit of love to others, our lives will be more beautiful. (100 words)


it is important to build a solid foundation if we want to succeed.a good foundation is the key to success.

答案:In the picture, a man is rowing a boat with great difficulty. However, the water in the river is too shallow for the boat to move on. Obviously, it is difficult to move the boat no matter how hard he tries.

The picture tries to convey the message that it is important to build a solid foundation if we want to succeed(提出论点). We can learn this lesson in real life. Take study for example. If we

don’t have basic knowledge and essential ability, we may fail to achieve our goals even if we work hard(联系生活,讲道理). Just like the man in the picture, he can’t move forward as expected because water is not deep enough for the boat.

Therefore, a good foundation is the key to success.


most people have potentials. If they lack confidence or depend too much on others, their potentials can not be brought in to full play.


二、One possible version:

As is seen in the picture, a little duck is learning to swim. Unexpectedly, it is swimming with the help of a lifebuoy!

A duck, usually a born swimmer, should be confident of its own natural ability. However, this little duck doesn’t seem to trust itself, using a lifebuoy to secure its safety. This, of course, could make the duck feel less likely to take risks or become a good swimmer more efficiently. Same in life, most people have potentials. If they lack confidence or depend too much on others, they will not tap into their fullest potentials much like the duck with the lifebuoy.

Added force does not really help but limit a person’s development. Trust yourself and go with your natural talents.


We may have different problems in everyday life. Don’t just stick to one method only and get yourself trapped. Instead, we need to look around and try to use what life offers to achieve our goals.


二、One possible version:

As is seen from the picture, a man, annoyed with a big stone ahead of him in the middle of a wide road, is trying his best to kick the stone away, sweating heavily.

It seems that the man’s purpose is to clear the barrier in his way. However, he hasn’t realized that he may solve the problem in another way. With enough space on both sides, why not walk around the stone and keep going?(结合图画,讲道理) The story of the man can be a lesson to us. We may have different problems in everyday life. Don’t just stick to one method only and get yourself trapped. Instead, we need to look around and try to use what life offers to achieve our goals. (结合生活,讲道理)




二、One possible version:

As can he seen in the picture, there is a small spot on the table while a man is looking at it with a magnifier. Through the magnifier, the spot seems bigger and clearer.

The picture has a reflection in our daily life. The spot is just like a person’s strongpoint or weak point. If we enlarge one’s strongpoint, we may recognize it and can find something worth learning from the person. On the contrary, if his weak point is always focused on, he will feel discouraged, which prevents him from making progress. In my opinion, we should make it clear where it magnifier is used and what can be enlarged.


Even if one receives a lot of praise, he must be clear-headed, or he'll be lost in it。We need realize we still have a lot to improve.As the saying goes, pride goes before the fall.So I think one shouldn't be too proud in face of success.

二、One possible version:

As can be seen in the picture, a man is given a lot of praise and claps.Obviously he is very satisfied with himself, thinking he is perfect.

I think the picture conveys a message vividly.Even if one receives a lot of praise, he must be clear-headed, or he'll be lost in it(提出论点).The man in the picture doesn't realize that he still has much to improve, which probably prevents him making more progress(结合图画,讲道理).As the saying goes, pride goes before the fall.So I think one shouldn't be too proud in face of success.


Even if you are gifted to some degree, you can’t just rely on your talent. Talent does some support to your success, but can’t guarantee unless you pay for that as well. Working hard is the base to make sure you can reach your goal.



From the picture I can see a boy trapped by a heavy stone, on which ―Laziness‖ was said. One of the boy’s hands is holding a balloon, which resembles the ―talent‖. However, the balloon can’t help him fly up because of the heave stone down below.

The picture really sends a message to us. Even if you are gifted to some degree, you can’t just rely on your talent. Talent does some support to your success, but can’t guarantee unless you pay for that as well. Working hard is the base to make sure you can reach your goal.

So, do you want your dream come true? You should try hard even if you are quite bright.


working together can bring people happiness.we have to realize the importance of teamwork and try to involve ourselves in the activities as much as possible.


二、One possible version:

From the picture we can see that a bunch of sticks stay together and look happy, while one stick is alone and looks upset.

I think the picture conveys the message that working together can bring people happiness.Everyone dreams of living a happy life forever.However, it is impossible to enjoy life by oneself like the lonely stick in the picture.If he or she works together with his or her teammates or peers, he or she will certainly be impressed and cheer up.In my opinion, we have to realize the importance of teamwork and try to involve ourselves in the activities as much as possible.



二、One possible version:

In the picture we can see a boy climbing a platform.He is taking great trouble to reach, die top of the stairs, ignoring the comparatively lower stairs beside him.

The picture reminds me of those who dream of achieving great success every day.They are so eager to succeed that they hope to get to their destinations as quickly as possible.They don't realize there are longer but safer ways for them to make it.As a result, they may seem rather close to their goals, but the fact is on the contrary.

In my opinion, we should focus on the process of fighting fop success.As long as every step is proper, sooner or later we will gain what we long for.


答案:三、Possible versions:

What an interesting picture! A boy is sleeping on a large opened book with sheets of paper and a pair of glasses beside him. He must have done some reading before falling asleep. Besides, the sweet smile on his face shows that he is satisfied with what he has gained from the books.

To my understanding, the picture intends to tell us the importance of doing some reading, We can increase our knowledge, broaden the mind, enrich our life and make ourselves relaxed by reading books. As a student, I think we shoud read as many good books as possible. Only in this way, can we improve ourselves greatly.



三、One possible version:

In the picture, there is a cup, which is usually presented to the winners in sports competitions. The cup is definitely a symbol of great success. But what makes me puzzled is that a magnifying glass is used to see its light scratch on the cup, which is not at all obvious.

What I see in this picture r eminds me of people who use a magnifying glass to see the faults in others. Those people are usually very demanding and picky. They only see the ―scratches‖ instead of the whole cup. As we all know, everyone has both strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, we should be objective about others’ achievements rather than find faults with them on purpose. Only in this way can harmony be achieved and conflicts be avoided.


答案:三、One possible version:

In the picture, a huge elephant is walking leisurely forward and above it is a small bird flying gaily ahead. There is a second bird following them. But to my surprise, instead of accompanying the bird in flight, it tries hard to follow in the tracks of the elephant.

What the picture conveys to us is that with a powerful influence of a big shot like the elephant, some people go their own way like the bird in flight, while others blindl y struggle to copy the big shot and get nowhere, like the bird making every effort to follow in the elephant’s footsteps. Therefore, in the course of pursuing our dreams, we should be aware and make the best of our own strengths rather than stumble behind others embarrassedly ignoring our own strong points.



二、One possible version:

As is shown in the picture, a half-empty bottle is going to stick a label of ―full‖ on its body, feeling proud and confident.

The picture seems to be reflecting a kind of social phenomenon. We might often meet some people who look confident, trying to impress others with their ―rich‖ knowledge. However, just like the bottle in the picture, what they really know is just a little. What they actually have in their head is far from enough. As an old saying goes, empty bottles make the loudest noise.

Therefore, it’s wise to enrich ourselves with knowledge and try to make our head full.


答案:二、One possible version:

As we can see in the picture, two workers are working very hard building the railroad. When their boss comes, he is shocked to find that their tracks have failed to meet the set of tracks coming from the opposite direction.

Keep your goals n mind and constantly compare what you are doing with your goals. That’s what I’d like to say to the men. It is easy to get lost in the details of our lives, forgetting about the way we are heading, just like the two workers buried in their present task. If they keep on working like this, they will never achieve their goals.

Make sure you are on the right track towards your goals, and you will see growth each time 东城一摸


二、One possible version:

In the picture we see a group of children playing hopscotch happily while a boy is sitting in front of his computer,fully absorbed in a game.

This picture intends to show how children today and in the past spend their free time.In the old days, there was no modem equipment such as TV sets or computers,so children killed time,playing games outdoors.With the development of science and technology,children are so attracted by computer games that they become addicted and stay in front of the screen all day long.Unlike the kids playing hopscotch,a team game,the boy who tends to spend more time alone easily develops psychological problems such as a 1ack of a sense of cooperation and communication skills.

So in my opinion,modern science may not benefit people.


三、One possible version:

In the picture there is an old man sitting alone on the bench in a park. He is looking at a young mother holding the bike for little daughter while she is riding it. By the side of the old man lies a sleeping little pet dog.

This is a picture of great con trast. By the look on the man’s face, we can tell the old man feels bit lonely. However, the little girl, enjoying her mother’s company, is playing happily. Nowadays, all families have only one child. So parents do whatever they can to take good care of their children. There’s nothing wrong with that. But meanwhile, as far as I’m concerned, not only the young but also the old in society deserve good care and enough attention. The needs of the old shouldn’t be ignored.

In conclusion, we shouldn’t lose the go od tradition of caring for the old.



答案:One possible version:

We can see in the picture a man is feeding a chick. In order to get it to grow quickly, the man puts all the nutritious food into the chick’s mouth without considering whether it can take in all the food or not.

The picture reflects a common social problem vividly. Many parents, as described in the picture, try to offer their children much more than they need. For example, though students should be relaxed after a week’s study, their parents still insist on their going to several weekend courses, with the result that the students are tired of studies. In my opinion, students should be allowed to make their own decisions about their studies.



One possible version:

As we can see in the picture, a man is hung on a scale, which is balanced by the weight.The man is carrying something while his eyes are staring at the weight, which stands for value.

I think this picture tries to tell us that the man is eager to get more in return for what he has done for the society.Without pay he would probably do nothing.As our country is still developing, we need more people who can make contributions.Only when everyone does his best can our society become better in the shortest possible time.



As can be seen in the picture, a tree is broken by the strong wind, while the grass still stays as it is , Weak and small as the grass is, it can stand the strong wind,

It is the same with human beings, Some people look very strong, but they are easily defeated by difficulties, Weak as some people may seem, they are actually strong in mind, just like the grthe picture , This kind of people can adapt easily to changing situations and achieve moer, The ready to face challenges and never give up in time of difficulty, So a person’s inner strength is more powerful than physical strength.



One possible version:

In the picture, we can see a circle of bricks standing next to each other. The first brick on the right is falling down, causing the falling of the next one. In the end, the whole circle will be ruined.

The picture conveys a message that the success of a project depends on each individual step. When each individual step is given full attention, it is quite likely that the whole project will be a success. In the same way, a mistake in one step may lead to a complete failure of the whole project, as is shown in the picture. So each individual step can make the difference between success and failure.

We should try our best every step of the way.



One possible version :

A gardener is cutting the bushes with a pair of big scissors. The bushes under his scissors look neat, tidy and in good order but they can never grow up into their full shape with wide green leaves.

I think these threes can be compared to us young children. Trees will grow up in the future, some tall and some short. Tall trees can provide people with cool shade and short ones can help

beautify our environment. Similarly, we can be brought up to play different roles in society. The world needs variety. Variety is beauty. I hope teenagers can be given more freedom in school. We can do and learn what we really need and are interested in. Only difference can make our world colorful and enjoyable.



One possible version

As we can see from the picture,two people,father and

son,are talking to each other.The

Boy,standing on the ground,is looking up at his father,slightly scared,while his father,seated high on a big Chinese character―fu‖,meaning―father‖ ,is shouting to his son.

Such a situation seems fairly common in our society.When talking to each other,father and son are not in equal positions. Fathers simply tell their sons what to do rather than listen patiently.Therefore,sons will have few chances to share their own ideas or open up to their fathers.They often look up to their fathers with respect,fearing that they might not live up to fathers’expectations.

1 hope our parents will listen to us more instead ofjust giving us orders.




One possible version

In the picture, two goats are tied to each other with a rope. They both see some grass in opposite directions, and try to pull to get their own food. They are unsuccessful, because the rope is too short to allow them to eat the food at the same time.

The picture is trying to tell us that cooperation is better than conflict. Both of the goats want their food at the same time, which has formed a conflict between them. However, if they decide to

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