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Plant resist financial chat punish imajine nickname surname occupation


Fruit emotion fackaying literature embarrassed positive instant abbreviation 水果情感包装文学尴尬的积极即时缩写Fruitful prevent heritage technology consumer tie progress retail error 富有成果的防止遗产技术消费者领带进步零售错误Talent conversation gene celebrity formal breathe attractive sensational

人才健谈的基因知名人士正式呼吸吸引引起震动的Advertising capital reply culture nonination Overlook


1.亚当和夏娃因为不服从上帝,被逐出了伊甸园(obey,drive out of)

Adam and Eve were driven out of the Garden of Eden,becanse they didn’t obey God. 2.对不起,这里没有这款笔记本(available)

I’m sorry,but this type of laptop is not available here

3.在一定程度上,名字对一个人的命运会有影响(destiny ,affect)

To some extent,a persom’s name may affect his or her destiny


The titie of this song sounds very attractive


Progress in science and technology sometimes bring us problems.


We must improve our efficiency at work.


Tom showed great deter mination to finish the work within this week.

8.我们班级的网站在建设中(website under construction)

Our class website is under construction.


He can achieve his goals,so con you.

10.老师应在课堂上强调网络的重要性(put emphasis on)

The teachers should put emphasis on the importance of the internet in their classes. 11.古代中国人宰杀牛羊贡献给老天爷(offer heaven)

In ancient times the Chinese offered cattle an sheep to the Heaven.

12.信息技术改变了我们的生活(information technology)

Information technology has changed our life.


We address our math Teacher as prof Li or Dr Li.


Chinese people’s names are part of chineses calture.

15.我们每个年轻人都应该有自己的角色楷模(role model)

We young people should all have our role models.


Her success Is a great inspiration for me.


We hove to carefully observe the change in the market.


China is going out of its way to introduce the new technology

19.他在公司里的作用越来越重要(play a role in)

He plays a more and more important role in the company.

20.他们的研究项目遇到了麻烦(get into trouble)

Their research program got into thouble.


1.It is reported that a project to build the third longest in the world is__C___these days。

A.on the way

B.in this way

C.under way

D.get in the way

2.Jenny,my closest friend,often__B___her secrets with me .





3.He said that he would travel abroad __B___.


B.the following year

C.two years before

D.two years ago

4.This river is __B___that one 。

A.three times long than

B.three times as long as

C.as three times long as

D.three times as longer as

5.At last excite and surprised ,he found a__D___treasure in the cave。



C.low –priced


6.I helped ,my mother buy two __B___eggs in the supermarket。



C.dozens of

D.dozen of

7.It is noisy outside.please speak loudly to make yourself __C___


B.be understood



8.He did not know__C___

A.how could he get there

B. How he can get there

C.how to get there

D.how could get there

9.I have __B___him to run faster than that 。





10.What i have said does not apply __C___you。





11.The patient said that he felt__A___before the operation 。





12.We were __B___in stopping the leak of oil。





13.My parents do not__D___of smoking cigarettes、





14.That child is__B___good health 。





15.Joan is mother__C___to consent to her going abroad。





16.The__A___team pitched on the mountain。





17.On no account __A___to feed the animals

A.are visitor allowed

B.visitor are allowed

C. Do visitors allow

D.visitors allow

18.Do not you know him__A__

A.yes,i do

B.YES ,i do not

C. No,i do

D.yes,i do not know

19.He__C___on winter mornings,but now he does not。

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fb15989474.html,ed to swimming

B.is used to swim

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fb15989474.html,ed to swim

D.is used to swimming

20.The drug proved__B___.

A.highly effectively

B.highly effective

C.to be highly effectively

D. Be highly effectively

21.The policeman entered the building,__B___upstairs

A.looking around and to hurry

B.looking about and hurrying

C.looked about and hurrying

D.to look around and hurried

22.If you give up your plan__A___

A.So will they

B.so they do

C.they will so

D.so did they

23.We would like you to know that we greatly __A___your timely help。





24.__B___is not yet known

A.when will we begin the program

B.When we will begin the program

C.When beginning the program

D.When begin the program

25.I__B___traveling by air and only on one occasion have i ever felt frightened

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fb15989474.html,ed to

B.am used to

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fb15989474.html,e to

D.take away

26.He is the right person to__C__my job while i am away

A.take off

B.take in

C.take over

D.take away

27.This news report -__B___face。

A.based entirely on

B.is based entirely on

C.based entirely to

D.is based to entirely

28.The__C___for independence was long and hard 。





29.It __A___more to live in the city





30.We must __B___the feelings of other people





31.This is__B___nice evening!

A.so a

B.such a



32.__A___room this is!

A.what a small

B.how a small

C.what small

D.how small

33.Louis brail did not give up studying__B___he became blind by accident at the age of three

A.as though

B.even though



34.The wound is not serious,but it may__A___some discomfort


B.result from


D.led to

35.A healthy diet creates a body __B___to disease





36.When he came for the interview,tom felt __A___at first,but soon calmed down





37.The flowers __C___sweet

A.was smelt

B.were smelt



38.I made an -___A__ mistake in my speech





39.Jim was made__B___very hard


B.to work



40This big stone __A___at least a ton。


B.is weighed

C.had weighed

D.had been weighed

41.You are __A___to get the job if you make good preparations for the interview。


B. Probable



42.The news quickly __B___among the soldiers

A.was spread


C.have spread

D.were spread

43.Emphasis should be put __C___the development of our economy





44.Man is life is often__B___to a candle





45.She has a good __D___of smell





46.It was on Monday night __C___all this happened





47.He__A___speak quickly when answering the questions

A.tends to

B.intends to

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fb15989474.html,es to

D.goes to

48.__D___is 6o clock






1.though he is the youngest ,he is the __ conversational ___(conversation)guy in our office、

2.The___form____(formal)must be filled out in black ink、

3.He is well__ connected___(connect)socially

4.I shall be back in an___instant____(instantly)

5.Ted Robinson has been__worried___(worry)all week

6.Instant messaging can be ___abbreviated_____(abbreviation)as IM

7.There is been a great ___ improvement ___(improve)in his math this term

8.The teacher called the ___ monitors ____(monitor)of the three classes for a meeting

9. These two countries have different___cultural____(culture)traditions

10.The manager is__consideriry____(consideration)my suggestions

11.He gave me a very good ___ impression ____(impress)with his neat appearance

12.I was very glad that he gave me a very___positive_____(positively)answer

13.A ___poet____(poetic)is one who writes poetry

14.It is very-__ childish _____(child)of you to ask him such a question

15.A good person is not always ___popular____(popularity)

16.After a minute is __ reflection __(reflect),he answered the question correctly

17.Making a public speech can be __ embarrassing _____(embarrass)to some people

18. When it comes to computer,he is the most___ talented ___(talent)person in our company.

19. Please tell us your point of___viewe____(viewer)on this issue.

20.Shanghai is a__financial___(finance)center.

21.That academic conference was___hasted____(host)by our university last year.

22.His article caused a__sensation____(sensational).

23.She____ shared ____(share)hen secrets with her friend.

24.His example____inspired____(inspiration)me greatly.

25.The new coke is ___ smoother____(smooth)in taste than Pepsi

26.Coke is still the ___ leading ____(lead)soft drink today

27.She is an ___ emotioned ____(emotion)person who often weeps

28.Within a few years of their___ introducetion ___(introduce),CDs were outselling records

29.His plan is full of-___ original ___(origin)ideas

30.People like __advertisements___(advertising)that show women in offices,planes,and cars

31.Our teacher was invited to__judge___(judgment)a speech contest last week

32.I can ___resist____(resistance)anything but temptation.

33.What ___prevented____(prevention)you from joining us last night?

34.They are busy doing __scientific___(scientist)experiments.

35. Acting before thinking always ___ results ____(result)in failure.

36. The___production____(produce)of computers has doubled in the last few weeks.

37. What is the latest___ develop ment____(develop)?

38. When and where will it suit your___convenience____(convenient)for our next meeting?

39. This lake ___supplies___(supply)the whole town with water.

40. Good__nutrition____(nutritional)is essential for growing children.

41.The ___operation____(operate)of the machine is easy

42.The baby is very__curious____(curiously)about the moving pictures on the TV

43.He went home after being __ released ___(release)from the prison

44.The policeman tried to catch the two ___robberous___(robbery)

45.The baby is __allergic___(allergy)to milk products

46.One of the ____ twins ___(twin)is now working at your company

47.His failure on the math exam ___motivated___(motivator)him to study harder

48.As an __industrious__(industry)worker,he is often praised by his boss


Dear Mr Smith May 20 2013

I have received gour lelter of April 29,The if imerary,of your business toar to srang hai fron June 10 has been an corranged our manager zhang chang hua wiu meet your at puday znterlation Airport please keep as In forned of arry time change beforehand we all look forward to seeing you soon.

Yours Sincerely

Ha Dali

大二下英语复习 课文翻译

传统上,中文里没有隐私这一概念。这是因为在中国,集体主义这一价值观受到高度赞扬。另一方面,中国人喜欢和家人住在一起,他们认为这样显示了和谐的人际关系。我们甚至看到在中国,不同的家庭住在一个大院子里。在这样的居住环境下是没有隐私可言的。因此,中国人觉得凡事不必隐藏。 Traditionally, there is no equivalent term for “privacy” in Chinese. This is because the value of collectivism is praised highly in China. On the other hand, Chinese people enjoy living together with their family members because it is a way to show harmonious human relationship. It is not strange for us to find that even people from different families share a big courtyard in China. With such arrangements, privacy would be hardly possible. So, Chinese people feel that nothing should be concealed. Unit 4 中国中小学生的想象力和创造力相当贫乏。经过对21个国家的调查,中国儿童计算能力排名第一,而想象力排在最后,创造力排名倒数第五。对此,专家们建议通过立法加强中国中小学生的“想象力教育”。儿童缺乏想象力是一个关乎中国科学界命运的问题。中国的考试制度严重制约了学生的想象力和创造力,中国的教育体制的改革应该从解放儿童的好奇心开始。 China's primary and middle school students' imagination and creative ability are quite poor. In a survey of 21 countries, the counting ability of Chinese children ranked No.1, while imagination ranked at the bottom and creative ability ranked fifth from the bottom. Regarding this, experts suggest strengthening imagination-oriented education for China's primary and middle school students through legislation. The lack of imagination among Chinese children is a matter of concern for the scientific world. The examination system in China has severely restricted students’ imagination and creativity, and the reform of China's education system should start with the liberation of children's curiosity.


2006年高考历史试卷(江苏卷) 一、选择题:本大题共23小题,每小题3分,共计69分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只 有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.下列历史事件发生在右边示意图中阴影部分的是 A.盘庚迁殷 B.牧野之战 C.吴越争霸 D.葵丘会盟 2.下列历史事件发生在东汉时期的是 A.张骞出使西域B.倭奴国奉贡朝贺: C.昭君远嫁呼韩邪单于D.卫青、霍去病大败匈奴 3.下列不属于魏晋南北朝时期江南手工业发展表现的是 A.吴、蜀的丝织业闻名全国B.建业、扬州是有名的造纸中心 C.能造使用推进器的战舰D.青瓷制作技术日臻成熟 4.下列有关我国古代四大发明的表述,正确的是 A.西汉时期蔡伦改进了造纸术B.隋唐时期已经有了活字印刷的书籍 C.唐朝时发明了管形火器“突火枪”。D.宋代在航海交通上已普遍使用指南针5.明朝的科举取士制度发生了某些变化。主要表现为 A.开始采用分科考试的方式选拔官员 B.科举试卷仅从信家的四书、五经中命题 C.首创了武举和殿试 D.在考试方法上开始旁行糊名法 6.近代中国一些进步思想家主张进行政治制度的改革。第一次提出。设投票箱,由公众选举官吏”的思想家及其论著是 A.魏源的《海国图志》B.洪仁歼的《资豉新篇》 C.梁启超的《变法通议》 D.孙中山的《民报·发刊词》 7.戊戌变法期间,一位西方外交官来到中国。此时。他能够 ①到北京拜访中国外务部 ②在上海看到外国商人租赁土地开设工厂 ③在南京去外国传教士建立的教堂祈祷 ④在北京至山海关铁路沿线要地发现有外国军队驻守 A.①②③B.⑦③C.⑦③④D.③④ 8.19世纪末中国民族资本主义有了初步发展.其原因之一是 A.一清政府放宽了对民间设厂的限制 B.中华实业团等各种发展实业的团体纷纷涌现 C.抵制日货、提倡国货运动的推动 D.欧洲列强暂时放松了对中国的经济侵略 9.下列民国初期的重要历史事件。按时同腰序捧列正确的是 ①护国运动⑦“二次革命”③袁世凯称帝④宋教仁遇制 A.①②③④B.④②③①C.③①④②D.②④①③ 10.在新文化运动中,首先提出“民主”与“科学”口号的是

高频电子线路试题及答案 (1)

一、填空题 1. 丙类功放按晶体管集电极电流脉冲形状可分为__欠压、__临界__、__过压__ 三种工作状态,它一般工作在___临界____ 状态。 2. 振荡器的主要性能指标_频率稳定度_、_振幅稳定度_。 3. 放大器内部噪声的主要来源是__电阻__和__晶体管__。 4. 某发射机输出级在负载RL=1000Ω上的输出信号Us(t)=4(1+0.5cosΩt)COSWctV。试问Ma=__0.5__,Ucm=__4V__,输出总功 率Pav=__0.009W_ 。 5. 实现频率调制就是使载波频率与调制信号呈线性规律变化,实现这个功能的方法很多,通常可分为__直接调频__和__间接调频___ 两大类。 6. 相位鉴频器是先将调频信号变换成__调相-调频__信号,然后用___相位检波器___进行解调得到原调制信号。 二、选择题 1. 频率在1.5—30MHz范围的短波主要依靠(C )方式传播。 A 沿地面传播 B 沿空间直线传播 C 依靠电离层传播 2. 在实际振荡器中,有时会出现不连续的振荡波形,这说明振荡器产生了周期性的起振和停振现象,这种现象称为(B )。 A 频率占据 B 间歇振荡 C 寄生振荡 4. 集成模拟相乘器是(B )集成器件。 A 线性 B 非线性 C 功率 5. 自动增益控制电路是(A )。 A AGC B AF C C APC 三、分析题(共4题,共45分) 1. 通信系统中为什么要采用调制技术。(8分) 答:调制就是用待传输的基带信号去改变高频载波信号某一参数的过程。 采用调制技术可使低频基带信号装载到高频载波信号上,从而缩短天线尺寸,易于天线辐射,实现远距离传输;其次,采用调制可以进行频分多路通信,实现信道的复用,提高信道利用率。 2.晶体振荡电路如图1所示,若f1为L1C1的谐振频率,f2为L2C2的谐振频率,试分析电路能否产生自激振荡。若能振荡,指 出振荡频率与f!、f2之间的关系。(12分) +V CC 答:由图可见电路可构成并联型晶体振荡器。由于并联型晶体振荡器中,石英晶体起电感元件作用,所以要产生自激振荡,L1C1并联回路与L2C2串联回路都必须呈容性,所以,WL1 > 1/WC1即f > f1,WL2 < 1/WC2即f < f2,振荡频率f与f1、f2之


第一单元 1. The first type of judgment, the type where judging you is the end goal, includes court cases, grades in classes, and most competitions. 第一种判断,即把正确地判断一个人作为最终目的的判断,包括法院判决、考试成绩及大部分比赛。 2. It’s not aimed at producing a correct estimate of any given individual, but at selecting a reasonably optimal set. 在此目的不是为了对某个特定的个体作出正确的评估,而是选择合理的最佳组合。 3. Our early training and our self-centeredness combine to make us believe that every judgment of us is about. 我们早年所受的训练,加上我们总是以自我为中心,使我们认为对我们所作的每个判断都是关于我们本身的判断。 4. And curiously enough, taking rejection less personally may help you to get rejected less often. 令人惊奇的是,把被拒绝看得不那么针对个人,能帮助你更少地遭到拒绝。 5. If college applicants realized how quick and impersonal most selection processes are, they’d make more effort to sell themselves, and take the outcome less personally. 如果大学申请人意识到大部分选择过程是多么迅速、多么不考虑个体需求,他们就会更努力地推销自己,并能更加坦然地对待录取结果。 1.必要太在乎别人对我们的评价,应为他们的评价不一定是客观公正的。(in that; objective) We do not need to care too much about what people say about us in that what they say is not necessarily objective. 2. 自身发展,他换了不少工作,并最终找到了适合自己的职位,但他的经历并不适用于每个人。(for the sake of; apply to) He changed quite some jobs for the sake of his self-development before he finally found a position suitable for him. But his experience does not apply to everyone. 3. 在为自己设定目标之前,首先要弄清楚自己需要的是什么,对自己的需要越了解,越容易设定切实可行的人生目标。(figure out; the more …the more …) We should first figure out what we rieally need before we set goals for ourselves. The more we know about what we need, the easier it is to set practical goals. 4. 大多分雇主关心的不是你自我能力的提升,而是你能为公司做多大贡献。。(what …; not …but …) What most employers care about is not your self-improvement, but what you contribute to the company. 5. 无论结果如何都不要轻言放弃,不能因为一次求职失败就低估自己的能力。(whatever; outcome; underestimate) Whatever the outcome will be, do not give up easily. We should not underestimate our ability / ourselves just because of one failure in seeking employment. 第二单元 1 They couldn’t afford expensive presents, and they didn’t want us to think we weren’t as good as other kids who, on Christmas morning, found all sorts of fancy toys under the tree that were supposedly left by Santa Claus. 他们买不起昂贵的礼物,也不想让我们觉得我们比不上别的孩子——在圣诞节早上,他们从圣诞树下找到各种各样的新奇玩具,据说是圣诞老人留下的。 2 I had a blanket wrapped around me, and when it was my turn, I offered to share it with Dad, but he said no thanks. The cold never bothered him.


第四册unit1sectionA 艺术家追求成名,如同狗自逐其尾,一旦追到手,除了继续追逐不知还能做些什么。 成功之残酷正在于它常常让那些追逐成功者自寻毁灭。 对一名正努力追求成功并刚刚崭露头角的艺术家,其亲朋常常会建议“正经的饭碗不能丢!”他们的担心不无道理。 追求出人头地,最乐观地说也困难重重,许多人到最后即使不是穷困潦倒,也是几近精神崩溃。 尽管如此,希望赢得追星族追捧和同行赞扬之类的不太纯洁的动机却在激励着他 它让你失去自我。你必须是公众认可的那个你,而不是真实的你或是可能的你。艺人,就像政客一样,必须常常说些违心或连自己都不完全相信的话来取悦听众。 一滴名气之水有可能玷污人的心灵这一整口井,因此一个艺术家若能保持真我,会格外让人惊叹。 你可能答不上来哪些人没有妥协,却仍然在这场名利的游戏中获胜。 一个例子就是爱尔兰著名作家奥斯卡·王尔德,他在社交行为和性行为方面以我行我素而闻名于世。虽然他的行为遭到公众的反对,却依然故我,他也因此付出了惨痛的代价。

在一次宴会上,他一位密友的母亲当着他的朋友和崇拜者的面,指责他在性方面影响了她的儿子。 他听了她的话以后大为光火,起诉了这个年轻人的母亲,声称她毁了自己的“好”名声。 但是,他真该请一个更好的律师。 结果是,法官不仅不支持他提出的让这个女人赔偿他名声损失费的请求,反而对他本人进行了罚款。 他由于拒交罚款最终还被送进了监狱。更糟糕的是,他再也无法获得更多公众的宠爱。 在最糟糕的时候,他发现没有一个人愿意拿自己的名声冒险来替他说话。 可能在有生之年你默默无闻,但你可能创作了更好的艺术。 第四册unit2sectionA 他出生在伦敦南部的一个贫困地区。 他穿的短袜是从妈妈的红色长袜上剪下来的。 他的妈妈一度被诊断为精神失常。 狄更斯或许能创作出查理·卓别林的童年故事,

2017 2018年九年级历史试题答案

2017-2018学年度第一学期期末教学质量检查九年级历史试卷2018.1) (分。50全卷考试时间为分钟,满分100说明:1. 本次考试分试卷和答题卡两个部分,考生只须在答题卡上作答。 2.) 分。3分,共75一、单项选择题(本题共25小题,每小题他生活在巨人辈出的时代,他的祖国曾宣称:我们宁愿失去一百个印度,也不愿缺少一个他。他1. 的代表作《罗密欧与朱丽叶》被称为西方的“梁山伯与祝英台”。他的代表作品是A.《蒙娜丽莎》 B.《俄底浦斯王》 C.《哈姆雷特》 D.《天方夜谭》 2. “它扩展了人类活动的范围,海洋在人类文明中的地位迅速上升,世界的人种地理分布、宗教与文化格局开始发生重大变化。”造成这种重大影响的历史事件是 A.亚历山大东征B.郑和下西洋C.丝绸之路开通D.新航路的开辟 3.“这是一个前所未有的变化,君权从‘神授'变成了‘民授',它根本性地改变了在英国已经存在了千年之久的王权性质。”下列对这一“变化”产生关键影响的法律文献是 A.《权利法案》 B.《独立宣言》 C.《人权宣言》 D.《解放黑人奴隶宣言》 4.“他此时正在运送大批外国雇佣兵,来从事其制造死亡、荒凉和暴政的勾当……他已完全不配当一个文明国家的元首。”这句话节选自美国的《独立宣言》,这里的“一个文明国家”指的是A.英国B.法国C.意大利D.西班牙 5.《大国崛起?美国》中的一段解说词:“在美国首都华盛顿,林肯纪念堂和华盛顿纪念碑遥遥相望。有人说,是华盛顿创立了美国,是林肯拯救了美国。”他们分别领导了美国的 A.独立战争、南北战争B.独立战争、第一次世界大战 C.南北战争、第二次世界大战D.第一次世界大战、第二次世界大战 6.英国资产阶级革命、美国独立战争、法国大革命的共同点是 A.处死了国王 B.推翻了封建专制制度 C.打败了外国的武装干涉 D.促进了本国资本主义的发展 7.拿破仑是法国历史上著名的资产阶级政治家。他为巩固资产阶级统治作出的贡献有 ①颁布《民法典》②领导法国赢得独立 ③打击欧洲封建势力④建立法兰西第一共和国 A.①②B.③④C.①③D.①④ 8.英国到处都建立起大工厂。庞大的厂房,发出隆隆的轰鸣,打破了原来中世纪田园生活的恬静,历史已经跨入了一个新的时代”。这里“新的时代”是指 A.蒸汽时代B.文艺复兴时代C.殖民时代D.火车时代 9. 1963年美国黑人运动的领袖马丁·路德·金在演讲中说到:“一百年前,一位伟大的美国人签署了《解放黑人奴隶宣言》。”“……就像一束巨大灯塔所放射出来的希望之光,就像结束漫漫长夜禁锢的欢畅的黎明。”马丁·路德·金所说的这位伟大的美国人是 A.华盛顿B.拿破仑C.林肯D.亚历山大二世10.“社会主义由空想到科学,由理论到实践,由理想到现实”是一位学者对国际共产主义运动在20世纪20年代前发展特点的概括。下列能体现“由空想到科学”尝试的史实是 A.欧洲工人运动的兴起B.《共产党宣言》的发表C.巴黎公社的建立D.十月革命的胜利九年级历史第1 页(共5 页)


(1)在半导体内部,只有电子是载流子。 (2)在N型半导体中,多数载流子是空穴,少数载流子是自由电子。 (3)一般来说,硅晶体二极管的死区电压(门槛电压)小子锗晶体二极管的死区电压。 (4)在外电场作用下,半导体中同时出现电子电流和空穴电流。 (5)晶体三极管出现饱和失真是由于静态电流I CQ选得偏低。 (6)用万用表测某晶体二极管的正向电阻时,插在万用表标有“十”号插孔中的测试棒(通常是红色棒)所连接的二极管的管脚是二极管的正极,另一电极是负极。 (7)三极管放大电路工作时,电路中同时存在直流分量和交流分量;直流分量表示静态工作点,交流分量表示信号的变化情况。 (8)在单管放大电路中,若V G不变,只要改变集电极电阻Rc的值就可改变集电极电流Ic的值。 (9)两个放大器单独使用时,电压放大倍数分别为A v1、A v2,这两个放大器连成两级放大器后,总的放大倍数为A v,A v= A v1+A v2。 (10)晶体二极管在反向电压小于反向击穿电压时,反向电流极小;当反向电压大于反向击穿电压后,反向电流会迅速增大。 (1)当晶体二极管的PN结导通后,则参加导电的是( )。 A.少数载流子 B.多数载流子 C.既有少数载流子又有多数载流子 (2)在共发射极单管低频电压放大电路中,输出电压应视为( )。 A.v o=i c R c B.v o=-R c i c C.v o=-I c R c (3)用万用表欧姆挡测量小功率晶体二极管性能好坏时,应把欧姆挡拔到( )。 A.R×100Ω或R×1000Ω挡 B.R×1Ω C.R×10KΩ挡 (4)当晶体二极管工作在伏安特性曲线的正向特性区,而且所受正向电压大于其门槛电压时,则晶体二极管相当于()。 A.大电阻 B.断开的开关 C.接通的开关 (5)晶体三极管工作在饱和状态时,它的I C将( )。 A.随I B增加而增加 B.随I B增加而减小 C.与I B无关,只决定于R C和V G (6)共发射极放大器的输出电压和输入电压在相位上的关系是( )。 A.同相位 B.相位差90° C.相位差180° (7)NPN型三极管放大电路中,当集电极电流增大时,则晶体三极管( )。 A.基极电流不变; B.集电极对发射极电压V CE下降; C.集电极对发射极电压V CE上升 (8)当晶体三极管发射结反偏时,则晶体三极管的集电极电流将( )。 A.增大 B.反向 C.中断 (9)在基本放大电路中,基极电阻R B的作用是( )。 A.放大电流 B.调节偏置电流I BQ C.把放大了的电流转换成电压; D.防止输入信导被短路。 (10)三极管的两个PN结都反偏时,则三极管所处的状态是()。 A.放大状态 B.饱和状态 C.截止状态 三.填充题(2’×10) (1)晶体三极管I E、I B、I C之间的关系式是__________________,△I C/△I B的比值叫____________________。 (2)PN结具有____________________性能,即:加____________________电压时PN结导通;加_______________电压时PN结截止。 (3)当晶体二极管导通后,则硅二极管的正向压降为_________V,锗二极管的正向压降为__________V。 (4)NPN型晶体三极管的发射区是____________型半导体,集电区是____________型半导体,基区是____________型半导体。 (5)晶体二极管因所加_______________________电压过大而__________________,并且出现__________________的现象,称为热击穿。 (6)某固定偏置放大器中,实测得三极管集电极电位V C≈V G,则该放大器的三极管处于________________________工作状态。 (7)晶体三极管的穿透电流I CEO随温度的升高而增大,由于锗三极管的穿透电流比硅三极管_____________,所以热稳定性____________三极管较好。


Unit5 Ex. 5 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. 1. I have to question the of forcing the injured to pay for the damage to the equipment. morality 2. Nothing will stop them in their for truth. quest 3. I think the way she’s been treated is a(n) disgrace. downright 4. He taking a more long-term view. advocated 5. This writer, as well as his ______, was interested in the same subjects. contemporaries 6. She says he’ll come back, but she’s herself. deceiving 7. Some people think that uncontrolled economic growth and environmental stability are mutually . exclusive 8. He got ten years in prison for withholding evidence and the course of justice. obstructing 9. Two of the soldiers were killed and the rest were . captured 10. A guilty prevented her from sleeping at night. conscience EX7 1. After a few years as a doctor he left the profession and ______ journalism. took to


1. The use of atomic energy will _____ the lives of coming generations. A) revolve B) revolutionize C) resolve D) reserve 2. The doctor _____ me to the dangers of smoking. A) informed B) alerted C) warned D) cautioned 3. All work and no play makes Jack a _____ boy. A) monotonous B) boring C) tedious D) dull 4. The _____ domestic product of this year is two times as high as that of last year. A) coarse B) crude C) gross D) raw 5. I may sense the enthusiasm from his youthful _____ voice. A) vibrant

B) shivering C) shaking D) vicious 6. Features such as height, weight, and skin color _____ from individual to individual and from face to face. A) change B) vary C) alter D) convert 7. The engineer explained the plane’s technical _____. A) capacity B) capability C) ability D) competence 8. The _____ of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods increases efficiency. A) application B) applause C) applicant D) appliance 9. The army was poised _____ a major attack. A) to B) for C) with D) on 10. Parents ____ some of their characteristics to their children.


1、资本—帝国主义的入侵,给中国带来了什么? 坏处:给中华民族带来主要的是发展进步的障碍: 1、发动一系列侵略战争,屠杀中国人民,侵占中国领土,划分势力范围,了索赔款,抢掠 财富,使中国的经济和社会发展受到了严重的阻碍。 2、控制中国的内政、外交,镇压中国人民反抗,使中国在政治上不再拥有完整的主权。 3、通过不平等条约的特权,控制中国的通商口岸,剥夺中国的关税自主权,实行商品倾销 和资本输出,操纵中国的经济命脉,使中国在经济上形成了对它们的依附而丧失了自己的独立性,中国被纳入资本主义的世界经济体系,成了西方大国的经济附庸。 4、在传教的名义下,对中国进行文化渗透,为侵略中国制造舆论,宣扬殖民主义奴化思想, 麻醉中国人民的精神,摧毁中国人的民族自尊心和自信心。 好处:客观上也给中国资本主义的发展创造了一定的条件,在一定程度上促进了中国资本资本主义的发展。 1、新思想到来。(启蒙思想、资本主义民主思想、西方政法思想、马克思主义思想等等) 2、民族觉醒与民族爱国主义(国家重新回到以汉族为主体的中华民族的格局,共同为民族解放努力) 3、新的科学技术 2、简述遵义会议的主要内容和历史意义。 【主要内容】 1、会议集中全力纠正了博古等人在军事上和组织上的…左?倾错误; 2、肯定了毛泽东的正确军事主张;选举毛泽东为中央政治局常委; 3、取消博古、李德的军事最高指挥权。 【历史意义】 1、结束了王明…左?倾错误在中央的统治; 2、在事实上确立了以毛泽东为核心的新的党中央的正确领导; 3、这是中国共产党第一次独立自主地运用马克思主义原理解决自己的路线、方针和政策问题,妥善处理了党内长期存在的分歧和矛盾,是中国共产党由幼稚走向成熟的标志; 4、这次会议在极危险的情况下,挽救了党,挽救了红军,挽救了革命,成为党的历史上一个生死攸关的转折点。 3、为什么说中国人民抗日战争是弱国战胜强国的范例?(跟第10题一样) 4、简述洋务运动的主要内容及其作用。 内容: ①以“自强”为口号创办军事工业;②以“求富”为口号,创办民用工业;③创办近代海军; ④创力新式学校,选送留学生。 作用: 积极:1、虽然没有使中国走向富强的道路,但在客观上刺激了中国资本主义的发展,对外国经济势力的扩张,起到了一定的抵制作用;2、开始了中国近代化的历程。 消极:1、有清朝官府举办,为维护反动统治服务; 2、经营管理腐败


《模拟电子技术基础(一)》期末试题〔A 〕 一、填空题(15分) 1.由PN 结构成的半导体二极管具有的主要特性是 性。 2、双极性晶体三极管工作于放大模式的外部条件是 。 3.从信号的传输途径看,集成运放由 、 、 、 这几个部分组成。 4.某放大器的下限角频率L ω,上限角频率H ω,则带宽为 Hz 。 5.共发射极电路中采用恒流源做有源负载是利用其 的特点以获得较高增益。 6.在RC 桥式正弦波振荡电路中,当满足相位起振条件时,则其中电压放大电路的放大 倍数要略大于 才能起振。 7.电压比较器工作时,在输入电压从足够低逐渐增大到足够高的过程中,单限比较器的 输出状态发生 次跃变,迟滞比较器的输出状态发生 次跃变。 8.直流稳压电源的主要组成部分是 、 、 、 。 二、单项选择题(15分) 1.当温度升高时,二极管反向饱和电流将 。 [ ] A 增大 B 减小 C 不变 D 等于零 2.场效应管起放大作用时应工作在漏极特性的 。 [ ] A 非饱和区 B 饱和区 C 截止区 D 击穿区 3.直接耦合放大电路存在零点漂移的原因主要是 。 [ ] A 电阻阻值有误差 B 晶体管参数的分散性 C 晶体管参数受温度影响 D 受输入信号变化的影响 4.差动放大电路的主要特点是 。 [ ] A 有效放大差模信号,有力抑制共模信号;B 既放大差模信号,又放大共模信号 C 有效放大共模信号,有力抑制差模信号; D 既抑制差模信号,又抑制共模信号。 5.互补输出级采用射极输出方式是为了使 。 [ ] A 电压放大倍数高 B 输出电流小 C 输出电阻增大 D 带负载能力强 6.集成运放电路采用直接耦合方式是因为 。 [ ] A 可获得较高增益 B 可使温漂变小 C 在集成工艺中难于制造大电容 D 可以增大输入电阻 7.放大电路在高频信号作用下放大倍数下降的原因是 。 [ ] A 耦合电容和旁路电容的影响 B 晶体管极间电容和分布电容的影响 C 晶体管的非线性特性 D 放大电路的静态工作点设置不合适 8.当信号频率等于放大电路的L f 和H f 时,放大倍数的数值将下降到中频时的 。 A 0.5倍 B 0.7倍 C 0.9倍 D 1.2倍 [ ] 9.在输入量不变的情况下,若引入反馈后 ,则说明引入的是负反馈。[ ] A 输入电阻增大 B 输出量增大 C 净输入量增大 D 净输入量减小


Unit one:(section A) 1. He was fast asleep when the thief broke into his house. 2. A report came to the police, saying a little girl had been missing for two days. 3. The second half of the performance will begin in two minutes, and you are kindly asked to resume your seats. 4. A(n greenhouse is a glass building in which you grow plants that need to be protected from bad weather. 5. In recent years, the company has paid more attention to labor costs while keeping an eye on profit (利润. 6. The girl by the counter told me that they have planes departing for New York every day. 7. I like this house better because it is located (坐落于 in natural surroundings . 8. He had expected to spend his life in America, but fate decided otherwise. 翻译一: 1. 你认为一个人要做些什么才能成为一个幸福的人?(to be a happy person) What do you think one can do to be a happy person? 2. 自从她去年离开上海去重新过她的农村生活后,我的心里一直很失落。(a void finds its way into…) Since she left Shanghai and resumed her life in the country last year, a void has found its way into my heart. 3. 我甚至没想到他得了头奖。(cross one's mind) It didn't even cross my mind that he had won the first prize. 4. 我是在大城市长大的,忙忙碌碌的生活(rat race)对我不再新鲜了。 (grow up) I grew up in a big city, and so the rat race is no longer new to me.

大二下学期英语课后标准翻译 (根据教师参考书整理 仅供参考)

大二下学期英语课后标准翻译(根据教师参考书整理仅供参考) Unit 1 1.随着职务的提升,他担负的责任也更大了。 With his promotion,he has taken on greater responsibilities. 2.他感到他没有必要再一次对约翰承担这样的责任了。 He felt he did not have to make such a commitment to John any more. 3.闲暇时玛丽喜欢外出购物,与他相反,露西却喜欢待在家里看书。Mary likes to go shopping in her spare time,as opposed to Lucy,who prefers to stay at home reading. 4.说好听一点,可以说他有抱负,用最糟糕的话来说他是一个没有良心或没有资格的权利追求者。 At best he's ambitious, and at worst a power—seeker without conscience or qualifications. 5.我们已经全力说服他,但是却毫无进展。 We have striven to the full to convince him , but we have made no headway. Unit 2 1.他要是适合当校长,那么哪个学生都可以当。 He is no more fit to be a headmaster than any schoolboy would be. 2.至于他的父亲,他不敢肯定他是否会接受她和她的小孩。 As for her father ,she is not sure whether he will accept her and her baby. 3.晚睡会损害健康而早睡早起有益于健康。 Staying up late will undermine one's health while going to bed early and getting up early will benefit it.


2013年春学期九年级学情调研抽考 历史试题 一、单项选择(请将正确答案填涂在答题卡上,每小题1分,共25分) 1.海外华人常自豪地称自己为“炎黄子孙”是因为 A.华人是黄皮肤的黄种人 B.从中国大陆出去的华人 C.中华民族的主干部分是炎黄两部结成的部落联盟发展而来 D.炎帝黄帝战胜了蚩尤 2.战国时期商鞅变法的措施中,从根本上确立封建制度的是 A.承认土地私有,允许自由买卖B.严刑峻法 C.奖励耕战,废除奴隶主贵族特权D.推行县制 3.某校历史兴趣小组在探究“古代中国的经济发展”课题时,得出以下部分结论。 你认为其中不正确的是 A.汉朝丝绸之路的开辟推动了中外贸易的发展 B.魏晋南北朝时期我国的经济重心已完成南移 C.隋朝大运河的开通大大促进了南北经济交流 D.清朝实行闭关锁国政策阻碍了对外贸易发展 4.明初,国子监祭酒宋讷有一天上朝,朱元璋问他为何昨晚不悦,宋讷大惊。朱元璋拿出一幅画,正是宋讷昨晚生气表情的画像。这件事反映的实质是 A.君权的强化B.君臣关系亲善 C.君臣关系紧张D.大臣昼夜忙于政务 5.科举制在封建社会延续了一千多年,对我国历史有着深远的影响。下列对唐朝科举制度的表述正确的是①在隋朝的基础上得到很大的发展②答卷的文体必须分为八个部分③进士科、明经科是重要的考试科目④解答内容须遵循《四书集注》的观点,不能有自己的见解 A.①②B.①③C.②④D.③④6.“国家统一,民族融合”是中国历史发展的主流,有关这一主题的史实表述不正确的是 A.北魏孝文帝改革加快了北方民族大融合的进程 B.唐朝时,唐太宗将文成公主嫁给吐蕃首领松赞干布 C.元朝时,形成一个新的民族──“回族” D.清朝时,设乌里雅苏台将军加强了对新疆地区的管辖 7.都江堰、秦长城、大运河、赵州桥、明长城、北京故宫都是 A.杰出的水利工程B.木结构和石结构的杰出建筑C.保卫边防的防御工程D.中国古代劳动人民智慧的结晶8.近年在汉堡发现了一本1691年出版的《论语》英译本,该书的前言说:“这位哲学家的道德是无限辉煌的。”请问这位哲学家思想的核心是 A.“仁”B.“无为而治”C.“兼爱”“非攻”D.“法治”9.假如你穿越时空来到宋代,下列情景不可能遇到的是 A.元旦到来时,放烟花、鞭炮 B.工匠使用泥活字印刷书籍 C.说书人在娱乐场所“瓦肆”讲小说《水浒传》 D.人们传诵李清照的词作《如梦令》 10.中国古代文化、科技光彩熠熠,下列人物与称号对应正确的是A.张仲景——诗圣B.王羲之——医圣 C.吴道子——画圣D.杜甫——书圣 11.“她虽然没有形成一个统一的国家……但她在文学、史学、科学、哲学、艺术诸方面都独领风骚,而且还开启了西方民主政治的先河。”“她”是指 A.古代中国B.古代希腊C.古代埃及D.古代印度12.悠悠驼铃,漫漫古道,在古代东西方文明交往中充当了和平使者的是A.亚历山大B.玄奘C.鉴真D.马可·波罗13.公元纪年是现在通行的纪年方式,它的产生与一种宗教有关,这种宗教是A.基督教B.道教C.伊斯兰教D.佛教 14.拿破仑在逝世前说了一段话:“我是一位新普罗米修斯……我曾从天上窃了火种,作为一份礼物,奉献给法兰西。”拿破仑奉献给法兰西的“火种”是 A.赫赫战功B.《拿破仑法典》 C.加冕称帝D.建立法兰西共和国 九年级历史第1 页共4 页


班级学号姓名分数 2015-2016学年第2学期电子专业 《电子线路CAD》试卷 一、选择题(共30分,每题2分) 1. 在进行电原理图编辑时,双击“Schematic Document”图标后,在“Document”文档下自动创建一个文件,其名为A A、Sheet B、Sheet C、Sheet D、Sheet 2. 原理图文件、印制板文件一般放在C文件夹内 A、Design Team B、Recycle Bin C、Documents 3. 在进行电原理图编辑时,如单击鼠标左键选定目标元件,这时如按空格键,则执行的操作是B A、移动元件 B、使选定对象沿逆时针方向旋转90度 C、左右对称 D、上下对称 4. 在画电原理图时,用于连线的只能用A工具栏中的导线 A、Wiring Tools B、Drawing Tools C、 Main Tools 5. 多层板的顶层或底层通过 B 与内部的导电层相连 A、导线 B、过孔 C、网络标号 6. 单面板中用来放置元件的工作层是A A、顶层( Top Layer) B、底层(Bottom Layer) C、禁止布线层(Keep Out Layer) D、多层(Multilayer) 7. Protel99 SE在初次启动时没有以下 C菜单 A、File B、View C、Design 8. 在Preferences对话框的Schematic选项卡中,如果取消选择Auto-Junction复选框,当原理图中出现T字形连接的时候,表面上连在一起的导线实际上并没有电气意义上的连接,需要用C命令才能将交叉的导线连接起来 A、Place菜单下的Bus Entry命令 B、Place菜单下的Wire命令 C、Place菜单下的Junction命令 D、Place菜单下的Text Frame命令 9. 执行 B命令操作,元件将按顶端对齐 A、Align Right B、Align Top C、Align Left D、Align Bottom


第五单元 填空题。 1.When they arrived there, he lay on the floor, his nose bleeding.流血 2.I think she’s right but somehow I’m not completely sure. 由于某种原因 3.I’d appreciate it if you would turn the radio down. 感激 4.We were greatly amused to hear about his sitting on the wet pain. 娱乐,消遣 5.Britain’s poor economic performance was a cause for the growing public concern. 影响关心6.It amazed us to hear that you were leaving. Why not tell us a bit earlier? 使惊奇 7.You needn’t worry about him. This kind of medicine will help to heal his wound soon. 治愈 8.I’m afraid I’ve chip a piece out of this saucer. 碎片敲下 9.She has got used to suck milk through a straw though she is only two months old. 吸食0.The old woman had to support her family by washing a heap of dirty clothes everyday though she had suffered a deadly disease. 大量许多 第六单元. 填空题。 1.You advice is exceedingly valuable to me in my research. 有价值 2.These two substances won’t bond together at this temperature or pressure. 粘合3.Preparations were made overnight for an early start to the countryside the next morning. 一整夜的 4.Although there were only 4 horses competing, it was an exciting race. 竞赛 5.The next big issue confronting the workers is the increase of wages. 问题 6.She always revel in meeting new friends or making new acquaintances.显露 7.The invention of the telephone was a great contribution to human communication. 贡献8.Several strong men were needed to open and close the massive gates to the castle.巨大的9.My experience of being a volunteer was quite relevant to the job I was doing at that time. 相关 0.One evening, when there were no staff to supervise him, he walked out of the hospital. 监管 第七单元 填空题。 1.The first-aid instructor demonstrated the correct way to bandage a wound. 示范 2.How can you accept the defeat so passively? Why don’t you try again? 被动的消极的3.Although she has a wealthy background, she would like to enough money to be financially independent. 独立的 4.You should plug rubbers in your ears when you swim. 堵塞住 5.Twelve people constitute the jury in a law court to listen to the facts about a crime and to decide whether the person accused is guilty. 构成 6.It’s the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey. 激励 7.A good teacher should stimulate students to come up with original ideas and inventions.新颖的独特的 8.With the rapid development of the economy, our mode of life has changed greatly these years.

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