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Tw year ag,I dnated y kidney (肾) t y brtherI nidered it a plete life-hanging experiene,nt nly fr the tw f __1__ fr the entire failyWe ended p __2__ fr rgery (外科手术) at a friend’ he in Batn Rge,LAHi __3__ t wa nfrgettableWe had reeived any __4__We had gtten fd dnatin fr any peple wh ____ ething beynd phyial frt

Nw y brther i __6__ n hi feetLat April he __7__ t give bak t the nity by raiing __8__ fr the Medial Aiatin thrgh yling 180 ile fr Htn t AtinI felt greatly ved,tear in eye,__9__ that y kidney gave hi a end hane in life and that he i nw living beynd what he iagined __10__ t beReently,r ther ffered fr breat aner__11__ he wa the ne wh tk are f e and y brther,we wanted t d ething in her __12__My brther,y iter and I are ging t __13__ next year fr the Caner Siety,__14__ y brther and I will be jining in the half arathn in hnr f r ther and thi will be r gd __1__ t be kidney dnatin advate a well

We __16__ dring the rgery that everal thand die fr kidney dieae every yearPatient wld be n the __17__ lit fr kidney dnatin and end p in death beae f the __18__ f kidney dnrIf y brther and I an __19__ ther t d the ae thing I did,aybe re live will be aved__20__ nly I had re kidney,I wld d it again fr ther peple


1.Aand B.bt


解析:选B。考查nt nlybt(al).结构。这里指不仅仅是为了“我们”,而且是为了“我们”整个家庭。

2.Arebilding B.reing

C.revering D.reerving

解析:选C。“我们”住在一个朋友家里,身体恢复了(rever)。其他选项都不符合语意。3.Akindne B.rage

C.pwer D.anner


4.Afriend B.peple

C.patient D.dtr

解析:选B。从上下文可知,“我们”接待了很多人(peple),这其中有认识的和不认识的,所以不能选friend,也不一定是patient或者dtr,而是指不同的人,所以用peple。.Adevted B.ntribted

C.delivered D.gave

解析:选D。这些人给了“我们”物质上的东西,也给了(give)“我们”远超过物质的安慰。6.Apat B.dwn

C.bak D.p


7.Adeided B.rged

C.deanded D.inited


8.Atrength B.new

C.advantage D.ney


9.Aknwing B.expeting

C.hping D.reprting


10.Aftre B.life

C.e D.lk


11.AIf B.Thgh

C.Beae D.Befre

解析:选C。从上下文可知,此处表示原因,所以用beae。因为“我”的母亲是照顾“我”和哥哥的亲人,所以“我们”想做些事情以表示对她的敬意(in ne’ hnr)。

12.Aplae B.jb

C.health D.hnr

解析:选D。固定词组in ne’ hnr表示“向……表示敬意”。其他选项都不符合语意。13.Arn B.tdy

C.heer D.fight


14.Aa B.when

C.while D.hwever


1.Aignal B.pleare

C.deiin D.hane

解析:选D。“我”和哥哥要参加半程马拉松比赛,这也是一次宣传捐肾活动的好机会(hane)。16.Afigred t B.fnd t

C.learned fr D.lked int

解析:选B。我们发现(find t)每年有成千上万人死于肾病。figre t表示“算出,想出”;learn fr表示“从……学到”;lk int表示“调查”。

17.Awrking B.waiting

C.ending D.grwing


18.Adelay B.n

C.lak D.help


19.Aenrage B.pprt

C.rder D.affet


20.ABt B.Nt

C.Jt D.If

解析:选D。if nly表示“要是……就好了”,语意表示“要是我有更多的肾脏,我将会再一次捐献给别人”。



(2011·浙江卷) Althgh I lve y life, it han't been a lt f fn a I've been ill fr 28 year

Mi ha alway been a great lve f ine and, in y 20, when y __1__ wa re anageable, I __2__ ten year a a prfeinal inger in retarant, playing and inging flk ng __3__ that wa year ag and tie have hanged __4__ I live with y ther n a ntry far

Tw year ag, I deided that I wld need t have e kind f extra wrk t ____ y diability penin (残疾抚恤金).__6__ I needed t leep in the afternn, I wa liited in y___7__ I deided that I wld nider __8__ t inging in retarant

My faily are all iian, I wa __9__ when I went int r lal i tre I explained that I wanted t ing again bt ing rerded karake i I knew that di were very expenive and I really didn't have a lt f __10__ t get tarted And __11__ y find nly three t fr ng t f ten n a di that y an __12__ e

When I tld the wner f the hp abt y __13__,he gave e a lng, thghtfl __14__ “Thi ean a lt t y, den't it?” he aid “Ce with e”

He led e __1__ the rwded hp and t a benh with a large prfeinal karake bx n it He plaed hi large hand __16__ n hi treare and aid “I have 800 karake ng in here Y an take yr __17__ and I'll rerd the fr y That hld get y tarted”

I __18__ Thanking hi, I ade a tie with hi t liten t all the ng and he __19__ that I ld ing I have e fll irle with hi help

Hi __20__ till war y heart and ake e d jt that bit extra, when I have the hane


1.Alneline B.adne

C.tiredne D.ikne

答案:D。由第一句话中I've been ill fr 28 year可知此处用ikne“疾病”。lneline孤独;adne 悲伤;tiredne疲倦。

2.Aet B.enjyed

C.kept D.hared

答案:B。文章说:当我的病情能更好的控制住时,我在一家饭店享有(enjy)了10年的专业歌手生涯。et 确定;kept 保持;hared分享,不合题意。

3.AGladly B.Eventally

C.Unfrtnately D.Srpriingly

答案:C。由后文I live with ther n a ntry far 可知,作者喜欢的音乐生活成为过去,这自然是令人遗憾的事。gladly 高兴地;eventally 最终,终于;nfrtnately令人遗憾的是,不幸的是;rpriingly令人吃惊的是。C项符合语境。

4.ANw B.Then

C.Setie D.Meanwhile

答案:A。由后文I live with ther n a ntry far 的一般现在时态可知,此处用时间副词nw “现在”。排除then 那时;etie在某时;eanwhile同时。

.Aadd p t B.ake p fr

C.get rid f D.take advantage f

答案:B。根据上下文可知,作者决定再做点事填补(ake p fr)她的残疾抚恤金。add p t 共计达;ake p fr补偿,填补;弥补;get rid f 摆脱;take advantage f趁机利用。显然B项符合题意。

6.AIf B.A

C.Thgh D.Befre

答案:B。作者因为(a)自身状况下午得睡觉休息,所以自己的选择是受限制的。if 如果;

a因为;thgh 尽管;befre在……之前。

7.Aveent B.nditin

C.hie D.pitin

答案:C。作者想做点事,但是身体情况使她选择(hie)受限。veent运动,活动;nditin 状况,条件;hie选择;pitin形式,位置。C项符合语境。

8.Areahing t B.living p

C.getting n D.ging bak

答案:D。前文提到过作者在一家饭店享有了10年的专业歌手生涯,结合本句中t inging in retarant可知,作者打算再回(ging bak)饭店唱歌。reah t 伸出;live p快乐生活;get n进展;出人头地; 登(车);上(马) ;g bak回到,回去。

9.Aregnized B.interviewed

C.fnd D.invited

答案:A。根据上下文可知,作者一家人是音乐家,所以她来到当地一家音乐器材店时就被认出了(regnize)。regnize认出,识别; 正式承认;认可;interview 面试,采访;find 发现;invite邀请。

10.Aney B.tie

C.energy D.knwledge

答案:A。由前句I knew that di were very expenive(唱片昂贵)可知,作者在此说自己没有多少钱(ney)。

11.Ath B.ne

C.eld D.ften

答案:D。而且作者觉得一张唱片常常(ften)仅三四张对她来说有实际(atally)用处。th所以;ne 曾经,一旦;eld 很少;ften常常。

12.Aatally B.hardly

C.nearly D.frerly

答案:A。atally实际上,事实上;hardly 几乎不;nearly 几乎; frerly以前,从前。根据上下文可知A项正确。

13.Ajb B.faily

C.idea D.ffer

答案:C。作者向店主表明了来意。jb工作;faily 家,家庭;idea想法,念头;ffer 提供,提议。C项符合题意。

14.Afae B.view

C.lk D.ight



1.Aver B.alng

C.tward D.thrgh

答案:D。然后店主领着作者穿过(thrgh)拥挤的商店来到放着一大堆专业卡拉O 盒子的长凳旁。ver在……之上,在正上方;(覆盖)在……上面; 越过……(带有弧度的事物); alng 沿着;tward 朝着;thrgh穿过(空间)。

16.Anhappily B.lvingly

C.pitiflly D.grateflly

答案:B。nhappily 不高兴地;lvingly钟爱地;深情地; pitiflly可怜地;grateflly感激地,感谢地。根据上下文可知B项正确。

17.Apik B.trn

C.rle D.tep

答案:A。店主告诉作者选出自己最喜欢的歌曲,然后他为她录制。pik选择(权); trn 转动,旋转; 转向,转弯;折回;次序;顺序;rle 角色,作用;tep步骤。A项符合语境。

18.Ahad t ry B.ght t ry

C.hld have ried D.ld have ried


19.Are B.the ne

C.few D.the ret

答案:B。谢过店主之后,作者听了所有的歌,然后选出了她能唱的那些歌(the ne)。

20.Arage B.devtin

C.kindne D.trt

答案:C。本文是关于一位残疾人在热心人的帮助下重新开始自己心爱的歌唱事业的情感故事。rage 勇气;devtin 投入;奉献;热忱; kindne 好心;善良,亲切;仁慈,友好行为,和蔼; trt信任。根据上下文不难看出C项正确。


最新高考英语完形填空试题(及答案) 一、高中英语完形填空 1.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。 The room in the workhouse where the boys were fed was a large stone hall. At one end the master, in his cook's uniform, and two women served the food. This 1 a bowl of thin soup three times a day, with a piece of bread on Sundays. The boys ate 2 and were always hungry. The bowls never needed 3 . The boys polished them with their spoons until they 4 . After three months of this slow starvation, one of the boys told the others that so hungry was he 5 one night he might eat the 6 sleeping next to him. He had a wild 7 eye, and the other boys 8 him. After a long 9 , they decided that one of them should ask for more food after supper that evening, and Oliver was 10 . The evening arrived: the soup was served, and the bowls were 11 again in a few seconds. Oliver went up to the master, with his bowl in his hand. He felt very 12 , but also 13 with hunger. "Please, sir, I want some more." The master was a fat, healthy man, but he turned very pale. He looked at the little boy in front of him with 14 . Nobody else spoke. "What?" he asked at last, in a 15 voice. "Please, sir," replied Oliver, "I want some more." The master 16 him with the serving spoon, then seized Oliver's arms and 17 for the beadle (执事). The beadle came quickly, heard the terrible news, and immediately ran to tell the board. "He asked for me?" Mr. Limbkins, the fattest board member, asked in 18 . "Is this really true?" 19 , Oliver was led away to be locked up, and a(n) 20 of five pounds was offered to anybody who would take him away and use him for work. (Adapted from Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》) 1. A. belonged to B. turned to C. accounted for D. consisted of 2. A. nothing B. cleaning C. buying D. something 3. A. washing B. cleaning C. buying D. changing 4. A. finished B. starved C. shone D. slept 5. A. that B. until C. when D. before 6. A. boy B. master C. bowls D. spoons 7. A. big B. bad C. angry D. hungry 8. A. hated B. feared C. believed D. trusted 9. A. quarrel B. bargain C. argument D. discussion 10. A. elected B. chosen C. determined D. recognized 11. A. full B. empty C. broken D. available


高考完形填空专项训练步步高 抓好三方面●跨好三大步●做好三结合 ------谈完形填空解题技巧中学生在做完形填空题时存在的问题,概括起来有以下三方面: 1.不善于抓文章的主旨大意,并以此为中心展开对整篇文章的推理、判断,导致理解上出现偏差,甚至和文章的中心相悻。 2.容易受定势思维的影响,对文意分析不透,忽视特定语境中知识的运用。 3.对完形填空题怀有厌倦、畏惧心理,以至做题时处于应付状态,做题能力得不到提高。 那么,怎样才能提高做完形填空题的能力呢?我们应从以下三方面入手训练思维能力和解题技巧:抓准主旨、透析文意、理清逻辑。并在做题过程中把这三方面与做完形填空的三大步骤“通读、精读、复读”有机结合,明确每步的思维主攻方向。即抓好三方面,跨好三大步,做好三结合。 一、通读短文抓主旨 一般情况下,完形填空短文都不给标题,不容易把握文章的主题和大意。但短文首句通常不设空格,这就为我们窥视文章全貌提供了一个窗口,而尾句往往是文章的总结、结论或点睛之笔,所以抓住开篇启示作用的首句和总结概括性的尾句是必要的。借助于首尾句给予的启示,克服不良心理的影响,满怀信心,全神贯注,目光越过空格,注意能体现文章大意的关键词句,尽力从整体上理解短文大意,这是逐空填词的重要依据和基础。如果一开始就忙于见空填空,势必无法从整体上把握全文概要,无法形成连贯的思路,只见树木不见森林,理解偏离文章的中心,造成顾,此失彼的错误,甚至影响做题速度。 抓住了文章的主旨大意后,我们围绕主旨大意去阅读、预测、推理、判断,往往会收到事半功倍的效果。尤其是一些干扰性强,容易使人犯想当然错误的选项就会迎刃而解。 二、精读短文析文意 在基本抓住文章的主旨后,应逐句精读短文,逐题分析选项,对特定的语境做深人的理解,克服“定势思维”,根据全文大意和词不离句,句不离文的原则,逐项填空。切不可以单纯的词汇辨析或语法角度去做题,而应以能否恰如其分地表达文意作为选择最佳答案的唯一标准。要吃透文意,理解到位,我们应做到以下几点: 1.从上下文的角度考虑,注意其内在联系。就题论题,断章取义,忽视上下文的信息提示是我们常犯的错误。因此我们在做题时要注重暗含的信息提示,找准突破口,确保文意畅通。 2.从词汇意义及用法、惯用法和搭配的角度去考虑,准确判断。NMET完形填空题中考查词汇意义及用法、惯用法和搭配的题目逐年增多,必须结合上下文把握文意,研读

最新 高考英语完形填空练习题(含答案)

最新高考英语完形填空练习题(含答案) 一、高中英语完形填空 1.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出可以填入空 白处的最佳选项。 My cousin is nine years old, a little bit fat and doesn't do really well at school. She is heavily 1 , and thus has developed some resistance and 2 towards adults, who usually don't put high hopes in her. Yesterday we went to an art 3 together. There were paintings from kids with disabilities. My little girl has a 4 eye, for the paintings she liked most were also the best of the show. She voluntarily helped to 5 the chairs and table for a sharing session, painted by herself alongside new friends while I attended the sharing, and also 6 helped me to get my bag from another room, 7 that doesn't happen often at home as she's usually 8 to her iPad. In the afternoon, we went to buy books together. I bought a book written by a mom 9 her journey with her autistic (自闭的) son. On the bus back home, I briefly 10 the book to my cousin, and to my surprise she was 11 interested. She kept asking me to tell more stories about the boy in the book who 12 with small things in life. Even when the subject strayed (偏离) elsewhere, she 13 hearing more about this boy. This is the first time I've seen her so interested in a 14 . Usually when she talks to me she describes events at school and at home without a 15 focus. I'm very 16 that the life of a 17 has found its way into this little girl's heart. I'm very thankful for the 18 of books, for the beauty that my cousin revealed to me, and for the time we had together. I 19 that I can keep seeing clearly the wonderful things in her, so that whenever the not-so-kind world puts her 20 , I can remind her how truly wonderful she has always been. 1. A. abused B. adored C. challenged D. teased 2. A. satisfaction B. dependence C. distrust D. appreciation 3. A. exhibition B. performance C. interview D. course 4. A. curious B. blind C. doubtful D. sharp 5. A. donate B. rent C. arrange D. distribute 6. A. finally B. unwillingly C. cheerfully D. secretly 7. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything 8. A. adjusted B. glued C. admitted D. opposed 9. A. beginning B. advertising C. recording D. taking; 10. A. sent B. lent C. owed D. introduced 11. A. nearly B. hardly C. slightly D. truly 12. A. struggles B. plays C. deals D. lives 13. A. insisted on B. dreamed of C. worried about D. objected to


高考英语真题完形填空真题汇总集锦 高考英语全国一卷 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering a “free” course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits. I 41 the idea of taking the class because, after all, who doesn’t want to 42 a few dollars? More than that, I’d always wanted to learn chess. And, even if I weren’t 43 enough about free credits, news about our 44 was appealing enough to me. He was an international grandmaster, which 45 I would be learning from one of the game’s 46 . I could hardly wait to 47 him. Maurice Ashley was kind and smart, a former graduate returning to teach, and this 48 was no game for him; he meant business. In his introduction, he made it 49 that our credits would be hard-earned. In order to 50 the class, among other criteria, we had to write a paper on how we plan to 51 what we would learn in class to our future professions and, 52 , to our lives. I managed to get an A in that 53 and learned life lessons that have served me well beyond the 54 . Ten years after my chess class with Ashley, I’m still putting to use what he 55 me:“The absolute most important 56 that you learn when you play chess is how to make good 57 . On every single move you have to 58 a situation, process what your opponent (对手) is doing and 59 the best move from among all your options.” These words still ring true today in my 60 as a journalist. 41.A. put forward B. jumped at C. tried out D. turned down 42.A. waste B. earn C. save D. pay 43.A. excited B. worried C. moved D. tired 44.A. title B. competitor C. textbook D. instructor 45.A. urged B. demanded C. held D. meant


完形填空练习 【考点分析】主要考查语法知识、单词拼写能力和逻辑推理能力等,对基础相对薄弱的学生,尤其是英语语法基础相对薄弱的学生有一定的难度。 【复习策略】掌握句子的基本结构 首先,我们必须熟练掌握简单句的基本句型结构: (1)主语+谓语(+宾语+宾补) (2)主语+系动词+表语 其次,我们要充分了解充当各个句子成分的典型词类: (1)充当主语或宾语的典型词类是名词或代词。此外,还有动名词、不定式短语等。 (2)充当谓语的一定是动词。 (3)充当补语或表语的典型词类是形容词。 (4)在名词前作定语的典型词类是形容词或形容词性物主代词。 (5)作状语的典型词类是副词。 再次,我们还要掌握句子的扩展结构:两个或几个简单句之间若不用句号或分号,就必须要用连词,否则,句子的结构就不完整。连词主要有以下四类: (1)用and,but,or,while(而,却),when(就在这个时候)等构成并列句。用if,unless,before,after,until,although,though,as,since,because,so,so that 等构成含状语从句的复合句(这里要注意区分一下复杂句和复合句,复合句是包含在复杂句这个概念里面的,在下文的基础写作部分有提到)。 (3)用who,which,that,when,where,why等构成含定语从句的复合句。(这里要提醒考生的是往往不给任何提示的空就是填连词或关系词的,但也须结合句子

结构来分析。) (4)用that,if/whether(是否),wh-等构成含名词性从句的复合句。 【解题方法】用句子结构分析法巧解语法填空.分析句子的结构对解答语法填空题很有帮助。在解答语法填空题时,分析句子结构可以迅速确定所要填的词语的词类或大致方向,若再结合语境就可以很快得出具体的词语或词形,结合语境方面要特别注意短文的时态和上下文中的一些提示。 【经典例题】阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入适当的词语,或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡上标号的相应位置。 The Internet has become part of young people’s life. ____1____ report shows that 38% of students often use the Internet . Most of them get _____2____ (use) information on the Internet ____3____ use the Internet to help in their studies. But many students don’t use it _____4____ a good way. Some play games too much, some visit websites ____5____ shouldn’t look at. So bad things may happen ____6___ students spen d too much time on the Internet. _____7____ is important for students to use the Internet properly. Now we have a textbook, _____8____ uses many examples to teach students some good ways to use the Internet. It gives useful advice. Some students also make ____9____ on the Internet. But if you want


绝密★启用前 2014 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(天津卷) 英语笔试 本试卷分为第I 卷(选择题)和第II 卷(非选择题)两部分,共130 分,考试用时100 分钟。第 I卷1至10页,第II卷11至12页。 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考号填写在答题卡上,并在规定位置粘贴考试用条形码。答 卷时,考生务必将答案涂写在答题卡上,答在试卷上的无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。祝各位考生考试顺利! 第I卷 注意事项: 1 .每小题选出答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 2.本卷共55 小题,共95 分。 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45 分)第一节:单项填空(共巧小题;每小题 1 分,满分15 分)从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 We feel_____ o ur duty to make our country a better place. 例:A.it B.this C.that D.one 答案是A 。 1 .Give me a chance ,__ I'11 give you a wonderful surprise . A.if B .or C.and D .while 2.—OK,I'11 fix your computer right now. —Oh,take your time .____ . A.I can't stand it B.I'm in no hurrv C.That's a great idea D.It's not my cup of tea 3.Wind is now the world's fastest growing ___ of power. A.source B .sense C.result D.root 4.____ you start eating in a healthier way ,weight control will become much easier . A.Unless B .Although C .Before D.Once 5.Anxiously ,she took the dress out of the package and tried it on ,only ___ it didn't fit . A.to find B .found C.finding D .having found 6._____ the school ,the village has a clinic ,which was also built with government support A.In reply to B.In addition to C.In charge of D.In place of 7.Clearly and thoughtfully ____ ,the book inspires confidence in students who wish to seek their own answers . A .writing B.to write C.written D.being written 8.Life is like ____ ocean: Only ___ strong -willed can reach the other shore .


2018年高考英语真题完形填空真题汇总集锦 2018高考英语全国一卷 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering a “free”course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits. I 41 the idea of taking the class because, after all, who doesn’t want to 42 a few dollars? More than that, I’d always wanted to learn chess. And, even if I weren’t 43 enough about free credits, news about our 44 was appealing enough to me. He was an international grandmaster, which 45 I would be learning from one of the game’s 46 . I could hardly wait to 47 him. Maurice Ashley was kind and smart, a former graduate returning to teach, and this 48 was no game for him; he meant business. In his introduction, he made it 49 that our credits would be hard-earned. In order to 50 the class, among other criteria, we had to write a paper on how we plan to 51 what we would learn in class to our future professions and, 52 , to our lives. I managed to get an A in that 53 and learned life lessons that have served me well beyond the 54 . Ten years after my chess class with Ashley, I’m still putting to use what he 55 me:“The absolute most important 56 that you learn when you play chess is how to make good 57 . On every single move you have to 58 a situation, process what your opponent (对手) is doing and 59 the best move from among all your options.”These words still ring true today in my 60 as a journalist. 41.A. put forward B. jumped at C. tried out D. turned down 42.A. waste B. earn C. save D. pay 43.A. excited B. worried C. moved D. tired


精选高考英语完形填空专题练习 记叙文 When most of us get a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person, we usually say " sorry, (1) number!"and move on. But when Dennis Williams (2) a text that clearly wasn’t intended for him, he did something (3) . On March 19, Dennis got a group text (4) him that a couple he didn’t know were at the hospital, waiting for the (5) of a baby. "Congratulations! But I think someone was mistaken,"Dennis (6) . The baby was born and update texts were (7) quickly from the overjoyed grandmother, Teresa. In her (8) , she didn’t seem to realize that she was (9) the baby’s photos with a complete stranger. "Well, I don’t (10) you all but I will get there to take pictures with the baby,"replied Dennis before asking which room the new (11) were in. Much to the family’s surprise, Dennis stuck to his (12) ! He turned up at the hospital (13) gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy. Lindsey’s husband was totally (14) by the unexpected visit. "I don’t think we would have randomly invited him over but we (15) it and the gifts." Teresa (16) a photo of the chance meeting on a social networking website (17) by the touching words: "What a (18) this young man was to our family! He was so (19) and kind to do this."The post has since gained the (20) of social media users all over the world, receiving more than 184,000 shares and 61,500 likes in just three days. 1. A. unlucky B. secret C. new D. wrong 2. A. received B. translated C. copied D. printed 3. A. reasonable B. special C. necessary D. practical 4. A. convincing B. reminding C. informing D. warning 5. A. wake-up B. recovery C. growth D. arrival 6. A. responded B. interrupted C. predicted D. repeated 7. A. coming in B. setting out C. passing down D. moving around 8. A. opinion B. anxiety C. excitement D. effort 9. A. comparing B. exchanging C. discussing D. sharing 10. A. accept B. know C. believe D. bother 11. A. parents B. doctors C. patients D. visitors 12. A. dream B. promise C. agenda D. principle 13. A. bearing B. collecting C. opening D. making 14. A. discouraged B. relaxed C. astonished D. defeated 15. A. admit B. need C. appreciate D. expect 16. A. found B. selected C. developed D. posted 17. A. confirmed B. simplified C. clarified D. accompanied 18. A. pity B. blessing C. relief D. problem 19. A. smart B. calm C. sweet D. fair 20. A. sympathy B. attention C. control D. trust Two weeks earlier, my son, Ben, had got in touch. He’d moved to England with his mum when he was three and it had been 13 years since I’d (21) seen him. So imagine my (22) when he emailed me saying he wanted to come to visit me. I was (23) ! I arrived early at Byron Bay where we were supposed to (24) . The bay was (25) in sunshine, and there was a group of kayakers around 150m off the shore. Getting a little (26) , I realized one kayak (皮划艇) was in (27) . “Something’s not (28) !” I took off my T-shirt and (29) into the water. I saw there were two instructors on board and a man lying across the middle. He was (30) violently. Linking arms with one of the instructors, I helped (31) the young man out of the water. He was unconscious and as I looked at his face, something (32) to me. Those brown eyes were very (33) . “What’s his name?” I asked the instructor. “Ben,” he replied, and immediately I (34) . That stranger was my son! The instructors called for an ambulance. (35) , after a brief stay in hospital, Ben was well enough to be allowed to (36) and later the family met up for dinner. We chatted about everything and then Ben (37) to me. “I just want to say thank you,” he said. “You (38) my life!” I still can’t believe what a (39) it was. I’m just so glad I was there (40) to help my son. 21. A. also B. often C. even D. last 22. A. delight B. relief C. anger D. worry 23. A. scared B. shocked C. thrilled D. ashamed 24. A. talk B. stay C. meet D. settle 25. A. bathed B. clean C. deep D. formed 26. A. faster B. closer C. heavier D. wiser 27. A. trouble B. advance C. question D. battle 28. A. real B. right C. fair D. fit 29. A. stared B. sank C. dived D. fell 30. A. arguing B. fighting C. shouting D. shaking 31. A. lead B. persuade C. carry D. keep 32. A. happened B. occurred C. applied D. appealed 33. A. sharp B. pleasant C. attractive D. familiar 34. A. agreed B. hesitated C. doubted D. knew 35. A. Fortunately B. Frankly C. Sadly D. Suddenly 36. A. return B. relax C. speak D. leave 37. A. joked B. turned C. listened D. pointed 38. A. created B. honored C. saved D. guided 39. A. coincidence B. change C. pity D. pain 40. A. on board B. in time C. for sure D. on purpose No one is born a winner. People make themselves into winners by their own (41) I learned this lesson from a(n) (42) many years ago. I took the head (43) job at a school in Baxley, Georgia. It was a small school with a weak football program. It was a tradition for the school?s old team to play against the (44) team at the end of spring practice. The old team had no coach, and they didn?t even practice to (45) the game. Being the coach of the new team, I was excited because I knew we were going to win, but to my disappointment we were defeated. I couldn?t (46) I had got into such a situation. Thinking hard about it, I came to (47) that my team might not be the number one team in Georgia, but they were (48) me. I had to change my (49) about their ability and potential.


绝密★启用前 2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(天津卷) 英语笔试 本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,共130分,考试用时100分钟。第I卷1至10页,第II卷11至12页。 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考号填写在答题卡上,并在规定位置粘贴考试用条形码。答卷时,考生务必将答案涂写在答题卡上,答在试卷上的无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 祝各位考生考试顺利! 第I卷 注意事项: 1.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 2.本卷共55小题,共95分。 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节:单项填空(共巧小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 例:We feel_____our duty to make our country a better place. A.it B.this C.that D.one 答案是A。 1.Give me a chance,_____I’11 give you a wonderful surprise. A.if B.or C.and D.while 2.—OK,I’11 fix your computer right now. —Oh,take your time._____. A.I can't stand it B.I'm in no hurrv C.That's a great idea D.It's not my cup of tea 3.Wind is now the world's fastest growing_____of power. A.source B.sense C.result D.root 4._____you start eating in a healthier way,weight control will become much easier.A.Unless B.Although C.Before D.Once


2019年高考英语真题分类汇编专题07:完形填空 一、完形填空(共7题;共140分) 1. ( 20分 ) (2019?浙江)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 There are lots of ways to raise awareness for a cause. Usually the 1 the idea is the more it gets noticed. And that's precisely why one 2 Frenchman has caught our attention. Baptiste Dubanchet is biking across Europe surviving 3 on discarded(丢弃)food. The three-month 1 900-mile journey from Paris to Warsaw is Dubanchet's 4 of raising awareness of food waste in Europe and throughout the world. As you can 5 the trip is no piece of cake. While restaurants 6 tons of food each year much of it remains inaccessible because of 7 garbage containers health regulations or business policies. Only about one in ten places 8 him food that would otherwise be discarded. For legal 9 most restaurants have a policy against 10 food waste. "Some people have even 11 their jobs by giving me food" Dubanchet said. What's 12 interesting is the attitude various cities have toward Dubanchet's cause. Berlin has been the 13 while the most difficult was the Czech town of Pilsen. There he had to 14 at some 50 different stores or restaurants before finding food. The 15 is all the more serious when you consider the 16 exercise required to bike from France to Poland. "I have to get food 17 because after all the biking I am tired and I need the 18 " Dubanchet explained. "Is my 19 full or empty? That is the most important thing not what I am eating." He aims to 20 his journey by mid-July. With any luck he'll turn a few more heads in the process. 2. ( 20分 ) (2019?北京)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Regardless of the weather or the distance Paul Wilson will make sure low-income students in his neighbourhood arrive at their college classes on time. A retired engineer 76-year-old Wilson has been 1 free rides to college students for the past eight years. Since he first started 2 his car to the young people. Wilson has 3 am astonishing 64 000 miles and has had countless pleasant and often humorous 4 with the students he transports to and from school. The students who he's 5 have gone on to become physicians teachers and engineers but what they've also got out of their time in school is finding a role model and a friend in Wilson. Some students 6 call him "Grandpa". Tina Stern 7 rides from Wilson for all her four years in college and the trips meant much more to her than just free 8 . "It's not just a ride;you're not just sitting there in 9 silence or with your headphones on." Stern said. "He asks you questions and actually 10 the answers so the next time you ride with him he'll 11 those things." Wilson first worked as a driver through a student-support programme of the non-profit organisation. On Point for College. Although the 12 asks the members only to drive students to and from their classes Wilson often goes 13 to ensure the welfare and safety of the students. If they have problems with registration. Wilson is there to 14 them. If they run out of certain daily necessities. Wilson will drive to the nearest store and purchase what's needed. If a student gets hungry on the long drives to and from school Wilson never 15 to buy them a meal. For many students Wilson's help is not only appreciated it's also entirely 16 for them to be able to complete their college education. Some students don't have a reliable car while others have to 17 vehicles with parents who work six days a week. For them riding with Wilson has 18

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