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当前位置:文档库 › 人教版九年级下第二十八章《锐角三角函数》单元检测题含答案




1.sin30°的值等于( )

A. 12




2.已知∠A 为锐角,且sin A ,那么∠A 等于( ) A. 15° B. 30° C. 45° D. 60° 3.在Rt ABC ?中, 90C ∠=?, 1cos 2B =

,则sin A 的值为( )

A. 12




4.在△ABC 中,若|cosA -12

|+(1-tanB)2=0,则∠C 的度数是( ) A. 45° B. 60° C. 75° D. 105°

5.如图所示,平地上一棵树高为6米,两次观察地面上的影子,第一次是当阳光与地面成60 时,第二次是阳光与地面成30 时,第二次观察到的影子比第一次长()

A. 3



D. 3-

6.如图,在Rt △ABC 中,∠ACB=90°,CD⊥AB,垂足为D ,AB=c ,∠A=α,则CD 长为( )

A. c?sin 2α

B. c?cos 2α

C. c?sinα?tanα

D. c?sinα?cosα

7.根据所给条件解直角三角形,结果不能确定的是( )


A. ②③

B. ②④

C. 只有②

D. ②④⑤

8.如图,为安全起见,萌萌拟加长滑梯,将其倾斜角由45°降至30°.已知滑梯AB 的长为3m ,点D 、B 、C 在同一水平地面上,那么加长后的滑梯AD 的长是( )

B. C. D.

9.临沂高铁即将开通,这将极大方便市民的出行.如图,在距离铁轨200米处的B 处,观察由东向西的动车,当动车车头在A 处时,恰好位于B 处的北偏东60°方向上,10秒钟后,动车车头到达C 处,恰好位于B 处西北方向上,则这时段动车的平均速度是( )米/秒.

A. )201

B. )

201- C. 200 D. 300 10.如图,放置的1OAB , 112B A B , 223B A B ,…都是边长为2的等边三角形,

边AO 在y 轴上,点1B , 2B , 3B ,…都在直线y x =上,则2017A 的坐标是( )

A. (2017,2017) ,2017)

C. (2017,2018) ,2019)



12.在直角坐标系中,O 为原点,点A (a ,3)在第一象限,OA 与X 轴所夹的锐角为α,tanα=1.5,则b=_______.

13.在Rt △ABC 中,∠C =90°,且sin 30°=12

,sin 45°sin 60°,cos 30°

,cos 45°,cos 60°=12

;观察上述等式,当∠A 与∠B 互余时,请写出∠A 的正弦函数值与∠B 的余弦函数值之间的关系:______________.

14.若∠A 是锐角,且sinA 是方程2x 2-x =0的一个根,则sinA =________.

15.如图所示,BD⊥AC 于点D , DE∥AB , EF⊥AC 于点F , 若BD 平分∠ABC , 则与∠CEF 相等的角(不包括∠CEF)的个数是________.



(1) (2cos 45°-sin 60°); (2)sin 60°·cos 60°-tan 30°·tan 60°+sin 245°+cos 245°.

17.如图,△ABC 中,∠ABC =60°,AB =2,BC =3,AD ⊥BC 垂足为D .求AC 长.

18.如图所示,一测量员站在岸边的A 处,刚好正对河岸另一边B 处的一棵大树,这位测量员沿河岸向右走了50 m 到达C 处,在C 处测得∠ACB =38°,求河的宽度.(精确到0.01 m ,tan 38°≈0.7813)

19.在等腰直角三角形ABC 中, 90C ∠= , 10AC =, D 是AC 上一点,若1tan 5

DBC ∠=,求AD 的长. 20.如图,矩形OABC 的两边在坐标轴上,点A 的坐标为(10,0),抛物线y=ax 2+bx+4

过点B ,C 两点,且与x 轴的一个交点为D (﹣2,0),点P 是线段CB 上的动点,设CP=t (0<t <10).

(1)请直接写出B 、C 两点的坐标及抛物线的解析式;

(2)过点P 作PE⊥BC,交抛物线于点E ,连接BE ,当t 为何值时,∠PBE 和Rt △OCD 中的一个角相等?

(3)点Q 是x 轴上的动点,过点P 作PM∥BQ,交CQ 于点M ,作PN∥CQ,交BQ 于点N ,当四边形PMQN 为正方形时,求t 的值.


新目标英语第8单元测试题 ? 一、根据句意和首字母,填写所缺单词。 1. I am very a_____. Give me some food, please. 2. It’s Friday today. Don’t p____ off it any more. 3. He is a v_______, and he often treats some animals. 4. My computer is broken. He is r_____ it for me. 5. His father is able. He can s_____ this problem by himself. 6. There is a s_____. It says“No Smoking!”. 7. His grandfather can’t walk and has to sit in a w______. 8. I love dogs because they never c______ and they’re grateful. 9. Lucy and Lily are twins, so they are s_____ in many ways. 10. He is my best friend. We all t_____ in him. 二、试试你的判断力,选择正确答案。 1. It’s your turn to _____ the room, Wang Fang. A. clean up B. clean to C. clean-up D. clean off 2. I’m thirsty. I’d like _____ a glass of water. A. drink B. to drink C. drinking D. drank 3. A: Must I go out for a walk now B: No, you _____. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. may not 4. Ask him _____ come to our party tomorrow. A. not B. not to C. doesn’t D. isn’t 5. It’s twelve now. Let’s have _____ lunch together. A. a B. an C. the D. x 6. I am a League Member. I volunteer my time _____ others. A. help B. to help C. helping D. helped 7. I don’t know _____ kind of work I can do. A. how B. what C. who D. why


初中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 单元评价检测(一) 一、单项选择(共10小题;共10分) 1. These kids practice spoken English joining the English club. A. by B. in C. on D. with 2. Martin is lost and his parents are really him. A. interested in B. afraid of C. busy with D. worried about 3. you read it, you can't imagine how moving the story is. A. Unless B. Because C. Although 4. There are so many kinds of mobile phones here. We can't decide . A. what to buy B. to buy what C. which to buy D. to buy which 5. Let's take some exercise outside staying at home and playing computer games all day. A. instead B. instead of C. also D. either 6. I think not difficult English every morning. A. that; keep reading B. it's; keep reading C. that; to keep read D. it; to keep reading 7. --- Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? --- Well, it all the weather. A. belongs to B. happens to C. depends on D. concentrates on 8. When you don't know a word, you can in the dictionary. A. look it up B. set it up C. give it up D. pick it up 9. --- What could I get my mother for Mother's Day? --- getting her some flowers? A. Why not B. What about C. Why don't you D. How 10. --- How do you improve your writing skills, Jim? --- . A. By talking with foreigners B. By listening to tapes C. By watching English movies


人教版九年级上册英语单元测试题全套 (含期中期末试题,共11套) 人教版九年级英语上册单元测试题Unit 1 第二卷笔试部分(95分) 六、单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分) 26. —What is the ____ of your good grades in the exams? —Studying hard! A. result B. information C. mind D. secret 27. —You are really good at writing. How do you improve it, Mary? —____ keeping a diary. A. On B. By C. From D. With 28. —Daddy, I find it difficult to learn Chinese. —Oh, it takes time to learn it well. Just be ____! A. nervous B. serious C. friendly D. patient 29. —Many young adults find it hard to make their own decisions. —Well, they have to choose ____ and be responsible (负责的) for their actions. A. wisely B. hardly C. carelessly D. easily 30. We are spending much time ____ our lessons to prepare for the mid-term examination. A. reviewing B. repeating C. connecting D. increasing 31. Last Friday afternoon, Jackie's parents were ____ busy with their work ____ go to the parents' meeting. A. as; as B. too; to C. such; that D. so; that 32. —Most of the students in my class find____not easy to learn English grammar. —Tell them to take some notes in class and do exercises. A. that B. it C. this D. one 33. He could find the way home____he was only three years old. A. though B. because C. where D. if 34. The traveler____the information on his map to make sure he was not lost. A. looked after B. looked up C. looked for D. looked down 35. —Reading more English books is very useful in English learning. —I agree with you. ____you read,____you will be. A. More; faster B. The less; the faster C. Less; faster D. The more; the faster 七、完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分) Many Chinese students find it difficult to learn English. In fact, Chinese is much more difficult to__36__than English.


一.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1. The ________(衬衫)is beautiful. I'll take it. 2. The cup is made of ________(玻璃). 3. Miss Zhu wears a ________(银色的)ring and looks more beautiful today. 4. I don't think it is convenient to eat food with a ________(餐叉)and knife. 5. It's relaxing to lie on the ________(草地)in the sun on a sunny morning. 6.My uncle has taught for twenty years at a ________(当地的)school. 7.Jane likes the ________(手提包)very much. She wants to buy it. 8.How was your ________(日常的)life? 9.My mother gave a ________(可移动的)phone as my birthday gift yesterday. 10.The girl comes from ________(法国).She speaks French very well. 11. The workers are paid by the ________(老板)on the last Tuesday of each month. 12. Armstrong was the first person to walk on the s________ of the moon. 13. This winter,my sister gave me a pair of ________.(手套)They kept my hands warm. 14. Alice comes from ________(德国).She speaks German very well. 15. My head is so big,but this ________(帽子)is so small. 16. It took them about three months to ________ (完成)the project. 17. Mike has a lovely pet cat. ________(它的)name is Mimi. 18. Can you feel the ________(热)of the sun on your back? 19. Let's cut this piece of cloth into halves with ________.(剪刀) 20. Ice, snow and steam are different ________ (类型)of water. 21.The tea is ________(种植)by farmers on the sides of mountains. 22.Silk is ________(生产)in Zhejiang Province both in the past and now. 23.Jingdezhen is famous for porcelain. Porcelain is the thin china m________(制造)from a special ________(材料)called clay. 24.Kite flying has been around for over 2,000 years. According to Chinese history,Han Xin first ________ (用)kites to send messages. 25.Chinese clay art pieces are usually cute children or ________(生气勃勃的)characters from Chinese fairy tales or historical stories. 26.China is famous for many ________(产品)-tea,silk,china,kites and other well-known traditional Chinese art ________(形式). 27.The tea is planted in many different areas in China. Anxi and Hangzhou are ________(广泛地)known for their tea. The tea is drunk all over the world. 28.Silk has been around for about 5,000 years But before that,people put on ________(叶子)which always easily fell down onto ________(草地).Silk and ________ (棉花)were first used for making clothes. Later,rich family even used silk to ________(用颜料画). 29.Most western people believe china is one of the symbols of China.________(它的)best-known brand comes from Jingdezhen. The most common things are dishes and plates. 30.Weifang,Shandong is the Kite City in China. The ________(当地的)people there are good at making and ________(加工、处理)kites. An ________(国际的)kite festival is held in Weifang every year. The ________(参赛者、竞争者)from many different parts of the world take part in it. 31.During the Spring Festival,paper cuttings are put on windows,doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year. A pair of ________(剪刀and some red paper are used to ________(完成)everything. 32.You'd better buy a ________(棉) blouse. It feels comfortable and it's not expensive. 33.Maria likes to eat beef with a ________(餐叉) and a knife. 34.There are more ________(草) and flowers in the garden. 35.Danny is a ________(邮递员).His job is to collect and deliver letters. 36.________(法国) is a European country. 37.Could you tell me how fast the computer ________(处理)the data? 38.About 200 ________(参赛者)took part in this activity. 39.I can hardly believe it is cut with ________(剪刀). 40.The goods are offered by the ________(当地的)government. 41.His new movie will be ________(完成)in three weeks. 二.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.Jack studies in an ________(internation) school. 2.When did your father take up ________(paint)? 3.Do you know how ________(make) kites? 4.How often ________ the kite festival ________(hold)? 5.The ________(compete) from all over the world took part in Weifang International Kite Festival. 6. The CD can help you know ________(wide) the knowledge of geography. 7. These ________(leaf)turn yellow in autumn. 8. Alice has lived in China for many years and she's been used to using ________(chopstick). 9. The factory ________(produce)two thousand lamps every week. 10. Dandong is ________(know)for its rice and seafood. 11.English ________(learn) as a foreign language in most of Chinese schools. 12.The dogs ________(take) good care of by my mother. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fa16905747.html,ually,my homework ________(not do) in the afternoon. 14.________ the flowers ________(water) every day? https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fa16905747.html,puters ________(not sell) well in that shop. 16.________ our school ________(visit) by many people every day? 17.Three languages ________(use) in this country. 18.The workers ________(make) to work 12 hours every day. 19.Such exercises ________ often ________(do) by the students in class. 20.The car ________ always ________(clean) by Mr. Zhang in the morning. 21._________(leaf) begin to fall in October. 22.Yantai is __________(know) for its apple. 23.English is ________(wide) used in the world. 24.It_______(seem) that it will rain . 25.Eating fruit is good for our__________(health). 七年级英语第1页第2页


七年级第七单元语文试卷 一、给下列加点的字注音或根据拼音写出汉字(10分) A、而以奴骖乘( ) B、即以头击楹( ) C、杀而鬻( )之 D 、恶吏苛刻( ) E、死不得葬大茔中( ) F、家无jī( )侍 G、主上宵gàn( ) H、必cù( )额曰 J、hàn( )山易 K、衣zī( )衣而返 二、默写(12分) 1、根据课文写出上下句: (1),脉脉不得语。(2)白头搔更短,。 (3)散入珠帘湿罗幕,(4),清风半夜鸣蝉 2、理解性填空 (1)《渡荆门送别》写平野的辽阔和大江的雄姿,突出起雄伟壮丽的诗句是,。 (2)《白雪歌送武判官归京》被誉为“妙手回春”的句子是:,。写边塞冰天雪地、阴云重重的句子是 ,。 (3)《春望》的颔联是,。 三下列句中加点的词语,使用正确的一项是( ) (3分) A、关于 ..传说的话,我们应当经过一番思考,不应当随随便便就信了。 B、摄影家挺喜欢这些门和窗,他们推敲 ..着光和影,摄成称心如意的照片。 C、初中三年,光阴荏苒 ....,许多往事都如片片枫叶,珍藏在你我青春的诗集里。 D、扫恶打黑,除暴安良,她铁面无私;嘘寒问暖,救死扶伤 ....,她柔肠百转。她是中原大地的女英雄——任长霞。 四、遇到下列情况,你认为说话比较得体的一项是( ) (3分) A、甲乙两班同学为争得一面“精神文明奖”流动红旗发生争执,你想劝劝他们,于是说:“通过争吵来获得精神文明奖本身就不文明。” B、你的同桌向你请教时,你说:“好吧,让我给你指点指点迷津。” C、你参加普通话演讲比赛获得一等奖,同学都向你祝贺,你说:“谢谢大家的肯定,希望大家的普通话说得像我的一样好。” D、夜已深,你的邻居还在喧嚷,你过去劝阻说:“请不要大叫大嚷!” 五、下列句子中没有语病的一项是()(3分) A. 笔记本电脑显示了快捷、稳定、方便而成为奥运新闻报道的重要工具。 B. 事实证明,经过艰苦磨炼的人更善于战胜各种困难和挫折。 C. 庆祝“国庆”演讲比赛将于今晚七时半在学校大礼堂开始举行。 D. 今年学校取得巨大成就的原因是全校师生共同努力的结果。 六、学校文学社正在进行“我所知道的名著人物”调查,按要求填写下来。(8分) 人物故事(各写两个)性格特点(每个人物答两点即可) 孙悟空⑴


人教版九年级英语第一单元检测题(含答案) 一、单项选择。(15分) ( ) 1.They_B______speaking English at the English corner to improve their spoken English. A. stopped B. practiced C. finished D. forgot ( ) 2. I’m sorry I can’t __C_____ you. Would you please speak more slowly? A. realize B. impress C. follow D. lose ( ) 3. — How do you come to school every day? — ___B______. It’s good for my health. A. By air. B. On foot. C. By car. D. By bus. ( ) 4. My grandmother found watching TV ___A____ but I enjoyed it very much. A. frustrated B. frustrating C. exciting D. excited ( ) 5. I’m trying to find a better way to __D_____ my old books. A. look on B. find out C. break off D. deal with ( ) 6. What we read usually ___C____ our thinking. A. believes B. regards C. influences D. memorizes ( D ) 7. Many students memorize the new words _______ them many times. A. by repeating B. in reading C. to practice D. for writing ( C ) 8. The meeting will begin in ten minutes. _______ that we will be late. A. I’m happy B. I hope C. I’m afraid D. I believe ( B ) 9. What about _______ his telephone number in my notebook?


九年级学业水平测试(1-5单元) 英语试题 一、单项选择。(共15小题,计15分) ( )1. ---How much did you _______ on that woolen T-shirt ? ---I _______ 80 yuan for it. A. cost, spend B. spend, paid C. pay, cost D. take, cost ( )2 ---You look _______ sad, Kate. --- Yeah, I have made mistakes in my report. A. a little, a few B. little, few C. a few, a little D. a little, few. ( ) 3. The _______ he is , the he feels. A. busily, happily B. busy, happy C busier , happier D .more busy, more happy ( ) 4.-----I don’t know . Can you help me ? -----I think you should calm down and read texts. A. how to do B. what to do it . C. what to do D. when to do ( ) 5.I’d rather _____ at home than _______ to the movie on weekends . A. staying, going B. to stay, to go C. stay, go D. stayed, went ( ) 6. There is hardly anyone in the street , ________? A. isn’t it B. is it C. isn’t there D. is there ( ) 7 The mountain is steep(陡峭的) few people can climb to the top of it A so, that B too, to C not , enough to D so , as


人教版七年级英语第七单元检测题及答案 七年级英语Unit7单元检测题 -.单项选择(15分) 1.---Can I help you? ----_____. A. Thank you B. Yes, please. I want a pen. C. I’m sorry D. You’re welcome 2.---Can I use your dictionary? ----Sure._____. A. Here you are B. Give you C .Here it is D. Here are you 3.---What color ____the pants? ----______blue. A. is, is B. is, It’s C. are, They’re D. are, They 4. We have socks ____black. A. for B. at C. of D. in 5---____are those two girls? ----They are Monna and Gina. A. How B. How much C .Who D. What 6. Please have a ____Guangming Clothing Store. A. look at B. look C. see D. watch 7. Each of the students_____ a Chinese book. A. is B. are C. have D. has 8 .Let’s sell these watches _____them. A. at B. from C. in D. to 9. How much _____do you want? A .bananas B. milk C. apples D. oranges 10. We can buy some nice clothes _____ a very good _____. A. at, price B. in, price C. at, cost D. at, selling 11. We have some good things _____ a good price. A. in B. for C. at D. with 12. The socks are too cheap. I’ll _____them. A. bring B .want C. take D. do 13. We can _____ clothes _____ this shop. A. buy, to B. buy, from C. sell, from D. buy, for 14. How much _____ these pants? A. is B. am C. are D. do 15. Come down to the shop and see for_____. A. you B .yourself C. your D. yours 二. 完形填空(15分) Hi, boys and girls. Have 1 look 2 Sister Ma Clothes Shop. We have black and blue hats 3 ($15) 4 . The blue sweater is ($33) 5 and the yellow sweater is ($30) 6 . The yellow shorts are 7 ($30) and the green shorts are 8 sale for ($25). You ask how 9 the shoes are ? 10 are the shoes? Oh, I’m sorry. These are my shoes. 1. A ./ B. a C. an D. the 2. A. at B ./ C. to D. in 3. A. on B. to C. for D. with 4. A. five B. fifteen C. fiveteen D. fifty 5. A .three three B. thirteen three C. thirty three D. thirty—three


人教版九年级英语第十单元检测题(含答案) 一、单项填空。(15分) ( )1. Don’t make a of him. A. fool B. foolish C. fools D. foolishly ( )2.---Which would you like, rice or noodles? --- is OK. I’m hungry. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. All ( )3. Our teacher, Miss Chen, English on the radio the day before yesterday. A. teaches B. taught C. will teach D. had taught ( )4. I think we’ve this subject; let’s go on to the next one. A. exhaust B. exhausted C. exhausting D. exhausts ( )5. Do you know during the coming summer holiday? A. what will Tom do B. what did Tom do C. what Tom will do D. what Tom did ( )6.---When did you ? ---I’ve for two months. A. get married; been married B. be married; been married C. get married; got married D. get married; married ( )7. His daughter is going to be married an engineer. A. with B. for C. to D. / ( )8. The English novel is quite easy for you. There are words in it. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few ( )9. The camera is expensive I can’t afford it. A. so; that B. such; that C. so; as to D. enough; that ( )10. do you think the population of China is? A. How many B. How much C. What D. Which ( )11. I felt very when I finished the work. A. exhausted B. exhausting C. tire D. tiring ( )12. The boys and the girls often play football in afternoon. A. /; an B. the; an C. /; the D. a; the ( )13. The small boy knows a lot about information in science. A. Latest B. the late C. Late D. the latest ( )14. My watch is broken. I’ll go and buy a new . A. it B. that C. this D. one ( )15. Jack, good boy! Please pass the glasses. I want to read the newspaper. A. you B. me C. him D. her 二、完形填空。(15分) The United States, Great Britain took the war(战争) on Iraq(伊拉克) in late March, 2003. 16 over twenty days, American soldiers were in Baghdad, the 17 of Iraq. They ended the government(政府) of Saddam. 18 Iraqis died in the war. Saddam is 19 . No one knows 20 he’s dead or alive. In some parts of the city, there was no light because of the war. Some oil wells were set on fire. Now the Iraqis need food, water and 21 . Many soldiers and people who were hurt in the war need to 22 to find their family members. After the war, some Iraqis broke into Saddam’s palace, government buildings and stores. They 23 many things from Iraqi Museums. Other Iraqis are angry that the U.S. soldiers didn’t stop the robbers. So far there is 24 no government of Iraqis. The reason for American soldiers taking the war is that they are 25 weapons of mass destruction(大规模杀伤性武器). But by June 6, they hadn’t found any at all. ( )16.A. to B. After C. By D. During ( )17.A city B. town C. capital D. village ( )18. A. Thousand B. Thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousands of ( )19. A. tired B. run C. gone D. forgotten ( )20. A. if B. when C. how D. that


人教版九年级英语单元 测试 Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】

九年级1-3单元测试 一、单项选择(1.5*20=30) 1、Why not practice _________English in _________ English-speaking country? A. speaking, a B. speaking, an C. spoken, an D. speak, a 2、The more careful you are, ________mistakes you’ll make. A. fewer B. the fewer C. the less D. less 3. Good learners aren’t afraid _______mistakes. Instead, they learn ________mistakes. A. of making, in B. to make, from C. to make, in D. of make, from 4. For the first time, pay attention _________quickly to get the main ideas. A. to read B. reading C. to reading D. of reading 5.I discovered that listening to is the secret language learning. A. something interesting, to B. interesting something, to C. something interested, of D. interested something of 6. Why not ___ your teacher for help when you can’t finish _____ it by yourself? A. ask; write B. to ask; writing C. ask; writing D. asking; write 7. ___________exciting news! A. What B. What an C. How D. How an 8. Chang’e refused _________the magic medicine to Pang Meng. A. to give B. gave C. giving D. give 9. I’ve five pounds because I ate too much meat. A. put up B. put off C. put away D. put on 10. —Do you know if Jimmy to the party? —I am not sure. But if he , I will give him a big surprise. A. comes; will come B. will come; will come C. comes; comes D. will come; comes 11. Jenny keeps two pets. One is a dog, _________is a rabbit. A. another B. an other C. the other D. other 12. ---He dressed up ________a ghost last night. How scary! ---Take it easy! He just played a trick ________us. A. in, on B. in, in C. as, on D. as, in 13.— Can we visit Hong Kong this summer holiday? — I wonder it is the best time to go there. A. if B. when C. what D. how

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