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第16卷 第5期2018年10月南水北调与水利科技S outh 2to 2North W ater Transfers and Water Science &Techn ology V ol.16N o.5O ct.2018水文水资源收稿日期:2018204220 修回日期:2018206228 网络出版时间:2018207204

网络出版地址:http://k https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f517112128.html, https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f517112128.html,/k cms/detail/13.1334.T V.20180703.1844.004.html

基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41571398);安徽省人文社科重点研究基地重点项目(SK2015B28,S K2015A176);安徽省教育厅自然科学研

究项目(KJ 2013Z246)

Funds:Nation al Natu ral Science Foun dation of Ch ina (41571398);Foundation of the Key Research Base of Hum anities and S ocial Sciences of

Anhu i Province (SK2015B28,S K2015A176);The Natural S cience Research Fou ndation of Anhui Provincial Department of Edu cation (KJ2013Z246)

作者简介:戴仕宝(19702),男,安徽芜湖人,教授,博士,主要从事流域水文水资源研究。E 2m ail:shibaodai@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f517112128.html,

D OI:10.13476/https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f517112128.html,ki.nsbdqk.2018.0123

戴仕宝,周亮广,叶雷,等.江淮丘陵地区塘坝系统水适应性机制与测度分析[J].南水北调与水利科技,2018,16(5):41249.D AI S B,ZH O U L G ,Y E L,et al.M echanism and measurement of the water adaptability of the farm pond in Jianghuai H illy A r ea

[J].So uth 2to 2N or th W ater T ransfers and Water Science &T echnolog y,2018,16(5):41249.(in Chinese)


戴仕宝1,周亮广1,叶 雷2,王 春1,王子龙1


摘要:丘陵地区塘坝系统是适应水资源需求的产物,是人水和谐的表现。以位于江淮丘陵区的两个小流域(样区1面积1114km 2,样区2面积1127km 2)为研究样区,以高分辨率遥感影像、1B 10000DEM 以及塘坝实测数据(面积和深度)等为数据源,构建了塘坝分布地形权重指数(W )、塘坝与土地利用适应性指数(P)、塘坝水资源供需适应性指数(R)等,定量研究塘坝系统水适应性机制。研究表明:研究样区林草地为主要土地利用类型(>50%),其次为耕地(约35%),而塘坝在两个样区面积占比分别为518%和2182%。地形权重指数W 显示高位塘坝占绝对优势。塘坝与土地利用适应性指数P 显示样区1适应性较佳,而样区2适应性较差。在频率85%的年降水量情景下,塘坝供水与耕地综合灌溉需水的供需适应性指数R 分别为1102和0159,与指数P 结论相吻合。研究认为,研究区塘坝、耕地、地形三者之间具有相互制约和适应的关系。


中图分类号:T V 213 文献标志码:A 文章编号:167221683(2018)0520041209

Mechanism and measurement of the water adaptability of the farm pond in Jianghuai Hilly Area

DA I Shibao 1,ZH OU L iang guang 1,Y E Lei 2,WA N G Chun 1,W A NG Zilong 1

(1.S chool of Geog rap hic I nf or mation and T our ism,Chuz hou Univer sity ,Chuz hou 239012,China;

2.S chool of Ur ban and Regional S cience ,East China N or mal Univers ity ,Shanghai 200062,China)

Abstract:Po nd system in the hilly a rea is a result of the adaptat ion to water demand,embodying t he harmonio us relatio nship be 2tw een w ater resources and human being s.W e took tw o small w atersheds (?:1114km 2;ò:1127km 2)as the st udy a reas,and developed ter rain w eig ht index ,pond and land use adaptability index ,and w ater supply and demand balance index to quant ita 2tively illustrate the w ater adaptability mechanism o f t he pond system.T he data set included high 2resolution remot e sensing ima 2g es,1B 10000DEM ,and measured data (depth and size)of the ponds.T he results are as follow s.For est and g rassland (mor e than 50%)w as the do minant land use ty pe in the study areas.T he cultiv ated land (abo ut 3515%)came seco nd.Fa rm ponds co vered o nly 2182%and 518%o f the study areas.T he terr ain w eight index es indicated that the high 2lying ponds were abso lute 2ly do minant.T he land utilizatio n index indicated that study area ?had better adaptability than study area ò.U nder the circum 2stance o f precipitation pr obability P =85%,the water supply and demand balance index was 1102and 0159r espectiv ely.T her e wer e restrictions and adaptatio ns betw een the po nds,far mland,and ter rain in the study ar ea.

Key words:human 2water harmo ny of po nd sy st em;w at er adaptability;water supply and demand;adaptiv e mechanism;adaptabili 2ty measur ement;Jiang huai hilly ar ea


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