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SUPER 66 考前补充版141203V2

11月29日的托福考试小站命中全部口语和全部写作,其中super 66机经命中全部口语和全部写作(带答案);11月23日考试小站命中卷一口语S12和独立写作题目,其中super 66命中独立写作。

因此针对12月6日的Super 66(11月21日更新)中需要删减的部分如下(给出题目和答案链接,有兴趣的可以点击查阅,但是不需要准备):


130622 NA Hot!

S1 Which of the activities do you prefer to do by yourself rather than with a group of people? 1. Study 2. Exercise 3. Shopping

小站机经原创思路+答案: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fa17314655.html,/thread-69603-1-1.html?tf66j

120728 CN Hot!

S2 Do you think government should spend funding to save the animals which on the edge of extinction or only for private source?

小站机经原创思路+答案: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fa17314655.html,/thread-61685-1-1.html?tf66j


080315 CN top Hot!

S3 Reading: 校图书馆因为空间有限,将reference和journal改成online,不再提供纸本的材料。一来节省空间,二来方便学生。

Listening: 一男一女两个学生讨论,她们听到后都很高兴。男生表示赞同说(1)图书馆这个措施很好,因为他在里面工作过,保存资料很占地方,扩建的话要花很多钱,放到网络上的话可以节约经费;(2)另外,这个举措也能方便学生,因为学生宿舍很多都有计算机,可以直接在宿舍上网查阅资料。问题:男生的意见和原因。


110326 CN top Hot!

S4 Reading: vertical migration 水中动物的一种生存方式。

Listening: 教授:squid晚上待在固定地方cause the darkness will protect them from the predator but when the sun sets they have to 转移,不然会被捕杀。

小站机经原创答案: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fa17314655.html,/thread-36665-1-1.html?tf66j

081130 CN Hot!

S5 Problem: The woman says that she broke her leg in the soccer team, so she will not be able to drive at all for a couple of months, but she has to go in town to do the teaching stuff. Solutions: The first way she thinks is just to take a cab every week, but that will cost a lot of money. The second solution is that one of her friends would give her a ride, but in that way, her friend would have to wait for almost an hour as she is teaching the class. Present which solution you prefer.


121028 CN Hot!

S6 Lecture: Late 19th的读报纸的人比过去多因为两个原因:原因1、advance in technology, e.g. better printing devises and printing process faster, so the amount of newspapers is increasing。原因2、publishers base their fund more heavily on the advertisements, so the cause of publishing newspapers is less.



120205 CN

Reading:Narwhal, a species of whale. It has tusk, which may have three functions.

1, tusk is used to pierce through the ice sheet. So narwhal can breathe.

2, tusks are used as weapon, attacking other whales.

3, tusk is used to sense the ocean properties such as pressure, temperature.

Listening:Disagree. Each argument has its weakness.

1, tusk will bend under pressure. It is too flexible to break the ice. Ice sheets break by themselves.

2, tusking is a unique for them to communicate with other narwhal. Closer observers found that narwhal use their tusks to gently rub other narwhals.

3, all of male narwhals have husks, but only a few of females have tusks. But females live longer than males.


130810 NA

Some people like to record their life by sharing pictures and other information on social-networking sites. Others keep this information to themselves and never share it online. Which do you prefer and why?

小站机经原创思路+答案: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fa17314655.html,/thread-65323-1-1.html?tf66j

140427 CN

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does.

小站机经原创思路+答案: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fa17314655.html,/thread-27728-1-1.html?tf66j

根据11月29日和11月23日2次考试考情来看,口语方面前面几个月考试出现的口语线索仍然有用,所以针对12月6日考试的预测机经请优先看除上面考题之外所有标为橙色部分,尤其是标有Hot! 标志的题目,然后这边稍微再做一些补充。

这里附上Super 66下载链接:






140419 CN

S1 Describe the most important decision that you have ever made. Please include specific details in your answer.

小站机经原创思路+答案: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fa17314655.html,/thread-26833-1-1.html?tf66j

S2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All students should be required to study art and music in secondary school. Use specific reasons to support your answer. 小站机经原创思路+答案: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fa17314655.html,/thread-26835-1-1.html?tf66j

140511 CN

S1 Describe an activity you enjoyed when you still were a child.

S2 Which do you prefer to visit a new place you have never been or return to a place you have travelled?

140517 CN

S1 Describe a special event or occasion that you have participate with your family or friends.

小站机经原创思路+答案: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fa17314655.html,/thread-34902-1-1.html?tf66j

S2 Some people like to get advice from parents or grandparents, some people like to get help from their peer, which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

小站机经原创思路+答案: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fa17314655.html,/thread-34901-1-1.html?tf66j

140524 CN

S1 Your friend wants to drive away the fear when she speaks in front of a group of people. What suggestions would you like to give her and why?


S2 When on a trip, some people like to keep a journal and take pictures; some people just enjoy the journey without recording. Which do you prefer and why?


140525 CN

S1 Compare the difference between two singers you like. Include specific reasons and details in your explanation.


S2 Do you prefer to eat in a fast food restaurant or do you prefer to have food in another kind of eating place? Explain with specific reasons and details.

小站机经原创思路+答案: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fa17314655.html,/thread-34899-1-1.html?tf66j


140517 CN

S3 Reading:学校机房的公告,免费为学生打印材料的情况将改变,今后凡超过10页的材料超过部分每页5分钱,10页及10页以内免费staff解释说这样可以让学生节约用纸,赚的钱将用于买新的打印机。

Listening:女生说这个计划不错。原因1. 能让学生们仔细考虑他们要打印什么(她看多过一些学生在一张纸上就打印一个标题。原因2.还说她喜欢机房对钱的用法,买新打印机能节省等待时间,特别是高峰期。


S4 Reading: definition: place marketing which is accomplished by using the most unique feature of a place to attract lots of visitors.

Listening: certain town wants to improve its economy, aimed at improving tourism first.

The town has a very beautiful beach with bicycle paths around the town decided to promote active vacations to attract potential visitors (especially young people) turned out to be successful.


S5 Problem:女生找到了一个summer job,并且在town 找到了住房,不知道自己的宿舍怎么处理。


小站机经原创答案: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fa17314655.html,/thread-34918-1-1.html?tf66j

S6 Lecture: animal communication: animals send alarming signals。两种 alarm signals,1.call 2.chemical.各举了一个例子。教授:(1) call signal,一种鸟robin,遇到 predator 时候发出一种叫声,其他鸟听到之后fly off to safety. Robin’s cry as an alarm then other robins will know the predator is coming. (2) chemical signal,鱼Mino,被咬了之后skin被cut,释放一种chemical,其他鱼收到信号后躲到深水区。 The fish will release chemical material from their body when they cut, the chemical material will let other fish the danger is nearby. And then they hidden in the pond.

小站机经原创答案: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fa17314655.html,/thread-34922-1-1.html?tf66j

140525 CN

S3 Reading: 学校要求必须上三门艺术类课程。

Listening: 男生不喜欢这个规定。理由1:修更多的art意味着修更少跟自己专业相关的课程,对自己以后找工作不利理由2不能选更多和专业相关的课他学banking, 要上finance 的课3: art courses不一定帮助relax,去年修了一门sculpture课,感觉很难,对art也没兴趣。


S4 Reading: Self-serving biases is the tendency that people take credits for their success, but not for failure. If they fail, they would attribute it to the external factors.

Listening: 教授:一群学生做 intelligence ability test,但是被告知的不是 real score half of them are told that they did poor, and other half of them are told they received a high score.然后高分学生觉得自己的成功是以为自己的intelligence ability,低分学生觉得是其他原因导致失败,比如 questions are too tricky.


S5 Problem:男孩子因打篮球hurt his feet需要去看hospital clinic.

Solutions:女生给了他两个解决方案:1.马上去医院看病。坏处:He has to attend a review session this afternoon. If he goes to the hospital, he may have to wait for several hours.2.今天先准备复习考试,明早再去医院。理由:他说他自己还能站得起来。坏处:这样对身体不



S6 Lecture: 2 ways of adaptation that trees use to protect themselves from a forest fire: 1. cooling the inner part of the tree down; 2. remove the resources that might cause a fire (P-Pine tree freq. shake off the small branches to keep off the fire from climbing on the main branch).


写作方面补充如下题目(优先看super 66标有Hot! 的部分):


140511 CN

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Many people spend lot of time watching sports programs on TV or following their favourite sports teams have negative effects on their lives.


140517 CN

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to relax by a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercise.

140524 CN

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it's important for government to provide money for beautiful things than the practical things.

140525 CN

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to relax by a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercise.







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