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Name ____________ Mark ____________________


Hello! My n ame is Sun Wei. Here is an America n boy. His n ame is David Smith. He is twelve. And I am twelve, too. David is in Class Three, Grade On e. I am in Class Three, Grade One, too. He is Number Eight, Row Five. I am Number Five, Row Four.

( )1.David _______ an American boy.

A. is

B. am

C. are

()2.He is ______________ .

A. ten

B. eleve n

C. twelve

()3.Sun Wei is ___________ Class Three, Grade One.

A. in

B. on

C. of

( )4.David is in Row ___________ .

A. Four

B. Five

C. One

()5.Sun Wei is Number ___________ .

A. Four

B. Five D. Eight


My n ame is Jim Gree n. I am twelve. That is my mother. She is a teacher. That is my father. His n ame is Jeff Gree n. He is a teacher, too. He is an English teacher. ? That is my sister, Kate. She is eight. This is Polly. It is a bird. It is a parrot.

( )1. Jim Gree n is eleve n.

( )2. His mother is teacher.

( )3. His father is a Chin ese teacher.

( )4. His sister is twelve.

( )5. He has a bird.


Name ____________ Mark ____________________


Van and Ted are twin brothers. They look the same. They are En glish.

They are eleve n. They are in No.15 Middle School. They are new stude nts

in Class One, Grade One. Van sits in Row One. Ted sits in Row Three.


My n ame is Mary. I am eleve n. Ted is my brother. He is thirtee n. We

are in the same school. My mother is a teacher. She is a teacher in our

school. My father is a teacher, too. He is a Chin ese teacher in a college. I

have a cat. Its name is Miaomiao. It is white. It is a nice cat. We are good

frie nds.


)1.1 am twelve. (

)2. Ted is Mary ' s brother. (

)3. Ted and I are in the same class. (

)4. My pare nts are teachers. ( )5. I have a cat.


()1. Van and Ted are __________ :

A. twi ns brothers

B. twin brother ()2. They are ____________ . A. En glish

B. America n ()3. They are __________ . A. ten

B. eleve n ()4. They are ___________ students. A. new

B. old ()5. Ted

sits ______ Row T hree. A. on B. in C. at C. twin brothers C. Chi nese C. twelve C.good

Name ____________ Mark ____________________


This is a Chin ese gird. Her n ame is Wu Yan. She is a new stude nt. She is in Yuying Middle School. She is in Class One, Grade Two. Bill is an American boy. He is eleven. He is Yuying Middle School, too. Miss Li is their PE teacher. She is a good teacher.

()1. Wu Yan is ________ .

A. a Chin ese girl

B. an America n girl

C. an En glish girl ()2. She is a __________ student.

A. good

B. new

C. old

()3. Bill is ___________ .

A. a Chin ese girl

B. an America n boy

C. a good boy ()4. Their PE _________ is Miss Li.

A. friend

B. teacher

C. stude nt

()5. Miss Li is a good ___________ .

A. teacher

B. stude nt

C. boy

Passage 6

This is my friend, Jim. He is an En glish boy. He is twelve. He is in Class Three, Grade One. He is Number Two in Row Five. My n ame is Dong Chen g. I am a Chin ese boy. I am twelve, too. I am in Class On e. I am Number One in Row One.

( )1. Jim is an America n boy.

( )2. Dong Cheng is an En glish boy.

( )3. Jim is in Class Three, Grade One.

( )4.Do ng Che ng is Number One in Row One.

( )5. Dong Cheng and Jim are brothers.


Name ____________ Mark ___________________


My n ame is Gao Pi ng. My En glish teacher is Julia. She is from En gla nd. She has two childre n, a son and a daughter. Her daughter is Betty. Her son is Dick. Julia and her daughter are in China, but her husband Paul Smith is in England. Her son is in America. Paul is a policeman. Dick is a college student. Betty and I are in the same school. We are classmates, and we are good friends. I teach her Chin ese and she teaches me En glish. ()1. Julia a nd Paul are Betty ' s .

A. teachers

B. stude nts

C. pare nts

( )2. Dick '_s __ is my good friend.

A. father

B. mother

C. sister

()3. Dick and Betty are ___________ .

A. sisters and brothers

B. sister and brother

C. sister and brothers

( )4.Betty ' s father is _a ________ in England.

A. teacher

B. policema n

C. worker

( )5. Paul ' s wife is _________ in China.

A. teacher

B. worker



Name ____________ Mark ____________________

Passage8 Betty: (Knocking at the door) Mr Han: Who is it? Go and see, Meimei. Han Mei: Oh, it ' s you, Betty. Glad to see you. Betty: Hi, Han Mei. Glad to see you, too. Is every one in? Han Mei: Yes. We are all here. Come in, please. Betty: Thank you.

( )1. Betty is knocking at the door.

( )2. Mr Han ope ns the door.

( )3. This is Meimei ' s home.

( )4. Every one isn ' t in.

( )5. Their friends are at Han Mei ' s home.


Jane White is an American girl. She is fifteen. She is a middle school student. He father is Bill White and her mother is Joan White. He brother, Bob, is a stude nt, too. He is in a black coat and Jane is in a red sweater.

1. Jane White is _____________ American girl.

2. She is ________ years old.

3. He brother is a _____________ .

4. Jane ' s sweater is .

5. Bob ' s coat is .


Name ____________ Mark ____________________


My name is Ted Pike. I am a worker in a big store. I don ' t work in the mornin g. I only work at ni ght. Every morning I come home at about half past six. I have breakfast at seve n. After breakfast I go to bed. I get up at about half past two. I have lunch at a quarter to three and supper at twenty to eight. Then I go to work at a quarter past eight. I start work at nin e. I look after the store every ni ght. I like my work very much. ( )1. Ted works in the morni ng.

()2. Ted sleeps at 6:30 a.m.

( )3. Ted doesn ' t work at 12 p.m.

( )4. Ted goes to work at 8:15 p. m.

( )5. Ted is at home in the morni ng.


Hello! My name is Alice. There are seven people in my family. My gran dfather and gran dmother are in America. My pare nts are En glish teachers in China. I have two brothers. They are twins. We are students in the same school. I am in Grade One. They are in Grade Three.

( )1. Three are ___________ people in Alice ' s family.

A. eight

B. seve n

C. ten

( )2. Here parents are __________ China.

A. at

B. on

C. in

( )3. There are ___________ children in her family.

A. seve n

B. three

C. two

( )4. They are in __________ same school.

A. a

B. an

C. the

()5. Her pare nts are ___________ .

A. doctors

B. teachers



Name ____________ Mark ____________________


Bob Pears on is an old man. He has two big houses and a new car.

He has no wife, but he is a father of four childre n. He has two sons and two daughters. One son is from En gla nd. His n ame is Bill. The other son is from America. His n ame is Mike. One of his daughters is from Chi na. Her n ame is Lanlan. The other one is from Japa n. Her n ame is Nik on.

Bob Pears on is not the childre n 'real father, but he loves them

very much. The childre n love their “ father ” , too. Bob Pears on has many toys for the children. He gives different toys to different children. The boys play with toy cars. The girls play with dolls and toy animals. Bob Pears on is the childre n ' s “ father ” , and he is their good friend, too.

( )1. Bob Pears on has six childre n.

( )2. Bob Pears on is a nice young man.

( )3. Nik on is a Japa nese girl.

( )4. Bill a nd Mike are from En gla nd.

( )5. Nik on and Lanlan like toy ani mals.


Look at this desk. It ' s Jim ' s desk. It ' s brown. Jim ' s book is on it.



一Hi! I'm Jack. I'm from Willow School. Today is Tuesday. We have math, Chinese and computer. I like computer. Mr Zhang is my computer teacher. He is very strong and funny. We like him very much. We have eggplant and fish for lunch on Wednesdays. I don't like eggplant. Tofu is my favourite.Saturdays are my favourite days. I often play football on Saturdays. Of course, I do my homework, too. What about you? ( )1.What day is it tomorrow? A.Tuesday B. Wednesday C.Friday ( )2.What do they have for lunch on Wednesdays? A.Pork and rice B.Tofu and green beans C.Eggplant and fish ( )3.What is Jack's computer teacher like? A.He is tall and thin. B.He's strong and funny. C.He is so heavy. ( )4.Does Jack like his computer teacher? A.Yes, he does B.No, he doesn't. C.Yes, he likes. ( )5.What does Jack do on Saturdays? A.He often plays computer games. B.He often plays football and does homework. C.He often watches TV and play ping-pong.


五年级语文上册阅读理解专项训练(一) 一次报告会(节选) 那是下午在“新长征突击手报告会”上的事。某饭店的青年厨师介绍经验后说:“同学们,我现在已会做150多样菜,会刻40多种‘萝卜花’,会……” 青年厨师接着解释道:“同学们大概不知道‘萝卜花’是什么玩艺儿吧?下面我给你们表演一下刻‘萝卜花’!” 只见青年厨师从书包里掏出两个红心萝卜,又拿出一把小刀,就坐在桌前刻上了。他边刻边说:“我先刻一朵‘月季花’!” 同学们都觉得很新奇,大家目不转睛地望着台上。 青年厨师几下就把萝卜皮拉掉了,然后又熟练地这儿切一下,那儿刻一刀,不到一分钟的工夫,一朵十分逼真的“月季花”就在他手里“诞生”了! 大会主席举着这朵“月季花”绕场一周。同学们都赞叹不已: “嘿,真像啊!” “根本就看不出是什么做的!” “哎,就像用玉石雕出来似的!”…… 这时,青年厨师又拿起一个稍大的萝卜,说:“再刻一只‘仙鹤’。它的眼睛是花椒粒儿,腿和翅膀是紫萝卜!”说罢,他又一刀接着一刀地刻开了。他边刻边说,告诉我们他精心制作过一束“萝卜花”敬献给我们的国家领导人;还讲到外国友好人士对“萝卜花”的热情赞扬。刚说了不大工夫,一只玲珑剔透的“仙鹤”就活灵活现地展现在人们的眼前了。 啊,真是运刀如神,萝卜开花呀! 我听了厨师的讲述,看看这只美丽的“仙鹤”,心里想了许多许多:一位年轻的厨师,能够创作如此新颖而奇异的艺术品来,是多么感人!看来,真是行行出状元啊!我们现在努力学习,掌握本领,将来踏踏实实干,一定会为祖国做出贡献的。 “萝卜花”!我将永远记住它。 1.划去错误读音。 行行(háng xíng)出状元嘿(hēi hèi),真像啊! 2.解释带点的字。 赞叹不已.()活.灵活现() 3.课文中第一处省略号省略了__________________________________________ 。第二处省略号省略了_____________________________________________。 4.把全文分成3段,用“‖”表示。 5.同学们对厨师刻的月季花都赞叹不已,原因有两点:(1)____________________; (2)_________________________________________。 6.写出文章的主要内容。 _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 7.这位某饭店青年厨师的光荣称号是_______________。本文记叙他雕刻萝卜花做出 成绩的事,说明___________________。


(英语)高三英语阅读理解专项训练及答案 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 The setting was a packed gymnasium just before the start of a game against another school. There were five girls who were members of the Danville High School basketball team—all of them starters. They were not in uniform to play that night and would not be on the team for the rest of this season. They were there to admit their breaking of team rules. They were there to support their coach's decision to take them off the team. They were there to let the town know there was a problem in their little community that needed to be addressed. And they did it with sincere regret rather than defensiveness. While the school had been out for the New Year's holiday, the five girls had gone to the party with several of their friends. There was alcohol there. And they all drank some. Coach Rainville has a zero tolerance rule on drugs and alcohol for her members though it was a hard decision to make. When classes resumed and accounts of holiday parties were shared, rumors about the five girls began closing in on them. The coach said she couldn't back down on her rules. And the players—two junior students and three senior students—agreed. That night in the gym was part of their public support of the coach's decision. “We hope you will understand that we are not bad kids. What we did was definitely not worth it. We hope this event will make everyone realize that there is a big drug and alcohol problem in our community,” one of the senior students said, “And if you work with us to try to solve this problem, you will help us feel that we have not been thrown off our basketball team for nothing.” The five left the floor to deafening applause. The team may not win another game this year. But they've learnt something about personal responsibility, the effect of one's action on others, and honesty that will serve them well throughout life. (1)It can be inferred from the passage that the five girls who were kicked off the team were ________. A. very good players on the team B. addicted to alcohol and drugs C. three junior students and two senior students D. scolded by their parents for drinking alcohol (2)What did the girls do to support their coach's decision? A. They didn't fight for Danville High School any more. B. They all gave speeches to apologize in the local press. C. They admitted their mistake in public in the gymnasium. D. They would never drink any alcohol throughout their life. (3)Which word best describes the coach Rainville? A. Indifferent. B. Strict. C. Stubborn. D. Cruel. (4)Which would be the best title for the passage? A. Growing up with pain B. A bad mistake C. Team rules are everything D. Basketball girls in high school 【答案】(1)A


———————— 娘,红当的

参考答案: 1. 花坛 2. 弯弯曲曲低头不语害羞的 3. 略 4. 略 《丑石》节选 这使我们都很惊奇!这又怪又丑的石头,原来是天上的呢!它补过天,在天上发过热,闪过光,我们的先祖或许仰望过它,它给了他们光明,向往,憧憬;而它落下来了,在污土里,荒草里,一躺就是几百年了?! 奶奶说:“真看不出!它那么不一般,却怎么连墙也垒不成,台阶也垒不成呢?” “它是太丑了。”天文学家说。 “真的,是太丑了。” “可这正是它的美!”天文学家说,“它是以丑为美的。” “以丑为美?” “是的,丑到极处,便是美到极处。正因为它不是一般的顽石,当然不能去做墙,做台阶,不能去雕刻,捶布。它不是做这些玩意儿的,所以常常就遭到一般世俗的讥讽。” 奶奶脸红了,我也脸红了。 我感到自己的可耻,也感到了丑石的伟大,我甚至怨恨它这么多年竟会默默地忍受着这一切,而我又立即深深地感到它那种不屈于误解、寂寞的生存的伟大。 1..画出选文的中心句。

2.为什么天文学家说它是以丑为美的? 3.“奶奶脸红了,我也脸红了”。他们为什么会脸红呢? 4.读了这篇文章,你有什么启发? 参考答案: 1.丑到极处,便是美到极处。 2.因为它不是一般的顽石,不能去做墙,做台阶,不能去雕刻,捶布。它不是做这些玩意儿的,所以常常就遭到一般世俗的讥讽。 3.“我们”为之前对丑石不屑一顾的态度感到羞愧。 4.我们做任何事情都不能用世俗、浅陋的眼光去看待,要去挖掘它的内涵。 《世界上第一个听诊器》节选 一天,雷奈克缓步从一个花园走过,突然被两个正在玩跷跷板的男孩吸引住了。只见他们一个站在这头,弯着腰,把耳朵紧贴()跷跷板,一个蹲在那头,用一枚铁钉在板上轻轻地划()着。原来,通过木板,在另一头能清楚地听到划木头的声音!雷奈克试了试,声音果然沿着木板传了过来。他高兴极了,马上跑回医院。他把一本笔记簿卷()成筒儿,一头靠着病人的胸腔,另一头凑近自己的耳朵。啊!呼吸声、心跳声都听到了! 1.在括号里给画线字注音。 2.雷奈克通过观察小朋友们玩跷跷板的样子,发现了什么?


PEP小学英语六年级上册一单元阅读理解 How do we get to the Peopl'es Park Zhang:Excuse me,how do we get to the People's Park ? Man: You can go there by the No.5 bus , or you can go on foot. Zhang: How do we go on foot ? Man: It 's easy. Turn left at the traffic lights. The park is near a tall office building. John: Thank you very much. Hurry up, Zhang Peng! Zhang: No! The light is red. Stop! John: That's right. We have to wait. Zhang: Now it's green. Let's go! (1)John and Zhang Peng ca'nt go to the park by the No.5 bus.( ) (2)John and Zhang Peng want to go to the park on foot.( ) (3)The People s' Park is near the traffic lights.( ) (4)John wants to go at a red light. ( ) (5)Zhang Peng follows the traffic rules. ( )


【部编语文】五年级下册阅读理解专项训练及答案 一、五年级语文阅读理解训练 1. 忽略 夕阳斜照在玻璃窗上,再反射在阳台上的瓷砖上,幻出一片红红亮亮的先芒,很美,很好看。 孩子跪在椅子里,痴痴地望着阳台上沐浴着夕阳的花盆,无限美好的夕阳毫不吝啬地把光芒洒向花盆中的紫罗兰,使得本来就很美的紫罗兰更添几分美好,但孩子的心思完全不放在这里,他只顾痴痴地看着花盆中紫罗兰叶下的几根嫩绿嫩绿的小瓜苗。这是孩子几天前吃西瓜时随意吐进花盆中的,没想到竟会长出瓜苗来。孩子满心欢喜地看着,不禁叫出了声:“要是瓜苗慢慢地长出小西瓜来,那该有多好啊!”接着,孩子咯咯地笑了,满眼的憧憬。 孩子的母亲见了,走过来:“看什么呢?” 孩子忙把母亲拉到花盆前,开心地说:“妈妈,看,花盆里长了好多小苗苗!以后它们会长成大苗苗,结出小西瓜给我吃的。” 母亲皱了皱眉,笑了笑:“傻瓜,那些瓜苗过几天就会死掉,根本长不出西瓜。” 孩子咬了咬嘴唇,接着笑了,睁大眼睛:“会的,小瓜苗一定会长出西瓜的,我会天天照顾好它们的。” 母亲笑着摇了摇头,转身就到厨房去了,身后是孩子表现出的坚定与信心。 一天下午,孩子从学校回来后,照例跑向阳台,奔向花盘。顿时,孩子傻了眼,花盆中紫罗兰在夕阳下耀武扬成地炫耀着。却不见了青青的瓜苗。孩子揉了揉眼睛,怀疑是自己看错了,但事实如此,嫩嫩绿绿的小瓜苗不见了。孩子“哇”的一声哭了。 之后,孩子哽咽着问母亲:“妈妈,小瓜苗怎么没有了?” “被我拔了,这有什么好哭的。那些小瓜苗长在花盒里,影响紫罗兰的生长,那些个小东西,别管了,你也是,就知道哭。乖,别哭了。”母亲笑着责备孩子的淘气,拿手帕擦擦孩子的眼睛。 此后,孩子总爱往花盒瞟,并且想把那株讨厌的紫罗兰给拔了,孩子也几次用手捏住它,但终究没有拔,这也是一个生命呀,孩子想。 几天后,孩子画了张画,画中是一个大大的花盒,花盒里长着一棵小小的瓜苗,嫩嫩的,绿绿的,旁边写了一行小字:“我虽小,但我也是一个生命。”老师惊讶于他的想法,给了他满分。孩子把画拿给母亲看,母亲看了看分数,关道:“不错啊,真厉害,得了满分啊。妈妈待会儿带你上街,给你买冰淇淋。” 夕阳斜照在玻璃窗上,再反射到阳台上的瓷砖上,幻出一片红红亮亮的光芒,很美,很好看。 孩子呆呆地望着花,觉得心里空空的。 1、文章开头与倒数经二段都描写了同样的景物,这样描写有何作用? 2.文章中孩子关注的“主角”是小瓜苗,作者却为什么对紫罗兰进行多次描写


阅读理解训练 I. Where is Love? How can we find Love? Once a little boy wanted to meet Love. He knew it was a long trip to where Love lived, so he got his things ready with some pizzas and drinks and started off. When he passed three streets, he saw an old woman sitting in the park and watching some birds. She looked very hungry. The boy gave her a pizza. She took it and smiled at him. The smile was so beautiful that he wanted to see it again, so he gave her a Coke. She smiled once again. The boy was very happy. They sat there all the afternoon, eating and smiling, but they said nothing. When it grew dark, the boy decided to leave. But before he had gone more than a few steps, he turned around, ran back to the old woman and gave her a hug. The woman gave him her biggest smile ever. When the boy opened the door of his house, his mother was surprised by the look of joy(快乐)on his face and asked what had made him so happy. “I had lunch with Love. She has got the ,s son was also surprised at his At the same time, the old womanmost beautiful smile in the world.”,s pleasure and asked why. mother“I ate a pizza in the park with Love,”she said, “and he is much younger than I expected.” If the world is full of love, we can enjoy a better life. 1.When the little boy saw the old woman, she was . A. looking for a seat in the park B. passing the street C. looking at some birds D. having a pizza 2.The little boy gave the old woman a Coke because . A. the old woman still felt hungry B. he wanted to see the smile again ,t like the drink C. he didnD. the old woman paid him for it 3.The old woman gave the little boy the biggest smile . A. after the little boy went home B. before it grew dark C. when she was drinking Coke D. after the little boy hugged her ,s mother was surprised to see her son was very 4.The boywhen the door opened. A. pleased B. sad C. unhappy D. angry 5.Which of the following is TRUE? A. The little boy failed to find Love. B. Both the little boy and the old woman found what they wanted at last. C. The little boy decided never to go home. D. The old woman gave the little boy a hug to thank him. II. Dick was born in a poor family. His father had a small boat and went fishing in the morning


小学语文阅读理解答题万能公式+阅读专项练习及解析语文阅读解题步骤点拨 1.通读文章了解主要内容,揣摩中心思想。 2.认真通读所有题目,理解题意,明确题目的要求。 3.逐条解答,要带着问题,仔细地阅读有关内容,认真地思考、组织答案。 4.检查,看回答是否切题,内容是否完整,语句是否通顺,标点是否正确。 某句话中某个词换成另一个行吗?为什么? 动词:不行。因为该词准确生动具体地写出了…… 形容词:不行。因为该词生动形象地描写了…… 副词:如(如:都,大都,非常只有等):不行。因为该词准确地说明了……的情况(表程度,表限制,表时间,表范围等),换了后就变成……,与事实不符。 (注:有些是可以换的,不要一律写不能换,要根据题目及文章含义看看具体能不能哦!) 动词理解 XX生动表现了人(事)物X X的特点(情状)(或描绘出一幅……的场景),反映了人物……的心情

一句话中某两三个词的顺序能否调换?为什么? 答:不能。因为: (1)与人们认识事物的(由浅入深、由表入里、由现象到本质)规律不一致; (2)该词与上文是一一对应的关系; (3)这些词是递进关系,环环相扣,不能互换。 (注:有些是可以的,不要一律写不能,要根据题目看看具体能不能哦!) 句子分析 这样的题目,句子中往往有一个词语或短语用了比喻、对比、借代、象征等表现方法。答题时,把它们所指的对象揭示出来,再联系上下文,围绕主题,挖掘出句子深层含义,再整理一下自己的语言就可以了。 例题:请问文中划线部分用了怎样的修辞手法,表达了作者怎样的心情? 不同修辞的作用及答题格式: A、比喻、拟人 作用:生动形象; 答题格式:把XX比作(把XX拟人化)X X,生动形象地写出了(事物)……的特点,表达了(人物)……


五年级阅读理解练习1 Name_____________ Mark_________________ Passage1 Hello! My name is Sun Wei. Here is an American boy. His name is David Smith. He is twelve. And I am twelve, too. David is in Class Three, Grade One. I am in Class Three, Grade One, too. He is Number Eight, Row Five. I am Number Five, Row Four. ( )1.David an American boy. A. is B. am C. are ( )2.He is . A. ten B. eleven C. twelve ( )3.Sun Wei is Class Three, Grade One. A. in B. on C. of ( )4.David is in Row . A. Four B. Five C. One ( )5.Sun Wei is Number . A. Four B. Five D. Eight Passage2 My name is Jim Green. I am twelve. That is my mother. She is a teacher. That is my father. His name is Jeff Green. He is a teacher, too. He is an English teacher. ? That is my sister, Kate. She is eight. This is Polly. It is a bird. It is a parrot. ( )1. Jim Green is eleven. ( )2. His mother is teacher. ( )3. His father is a Chinese teacher. ( )4. His sister is twelve.


中考阅读理解专项训练五 A There are many wonderful literature works(文学作品)in the world, and they are still popular after so many years. Robinson Crusoe is one of the most famous adventure(探 险)novels in England. It was written by Daniel Defoe, an English novelist. The novel has been popular for centuries. The main character in it is an Englishman named Robinson Crusoe.It tells about his adventure on a desert island after his ship was broken in a terrible storm. He is a hero fighting against nature and human fate(命 运).He is one of the most successful characters in English novels. Alice's Ad v entures in Wonderland is a work of children's literature by a British writer,Lewis carroll. It tells the story of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit-hole into a wonderland. Many strange things happen to her and she also meets many playing cards and creatures(生物)that can talk. Finally,she finds everything is just a part of a wonderful dream. Harry Potter is a set of fantasy(魔幻的)novels written by the British author J.K.Rowling. She was born on July 30,1965.The success of the novels has made her the most highly-paid novelist in history. The idea for Harry Potter came to her in 1990 during a train ride. The story is about seven years' life of an orphan (孤儿)Potter who learns magic. There are seven books in total. . A. on the ship B. on a desert island C. in the forest D. along the river ()2.According to the passage, is a man who is fighting against nature and fate. A. Robinson Crusoe B. Daniel Defoe C. Harry Potter D. Lewis Carroll ()3.In fact, Alice's Ad v entures in Wonderland is a story of a .


高考英语阅读理解专项训练及答案及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is gaining global popularity. According to a government white paper, TCM has been introduced in 183 countries and regions around the world. Westerners' understanding of TCM, however, may be limited to acupuncture, cupping and massage(针灸,拔罐和按摩). For instance, the purple, injury-like marks left on U. S. swimmer Michael Phelps,back from cupping for the purpose of relaxing his muscles and reducing pain became the center of attention during the Rio Olympics in 2016. As a matter of fact, Chinese herbs play a more important role in getting rid of diseases and keeping the body in good condition in the TCM treatment system than physical treatment. It is therefore disheartening to know that while 103 World Health Organization member countries have given approval to the practice of acupuncture, not many recognize Chinese herbal medicine. TCM falls far behind Western medicine owing partly to the slow development of Chinese herbs. Herbs are made into pills, powder and soup, and the kind of herbs used, their quality and quantity, and the processing of the ingredients (原材料) jointly determine the effectiveness of the prescription. Compared with Western medicine, which has standardized drug production processes and treatment methods, TCM lacks standardization, with the chemical composition and functions of its medicines being unclear and their effects being unstable. Fortunately, standardization has improved in recent decades, with an increasing number of factories producing patented TCM drugs. Another factor that has prevented the development of TCM prescription drugs is the lack of creativity. While Western medicine-making companies come up with new products every year, TCM drug producers tend to make medicines according to prescriptions handed down from the past. Chinese chemist Tu Youyou's winning the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her research into malaria (疟疾) treatment may drive creativity to some extent in China's TCM industry. However, the current state of affairs cannot be changed within a short time. (1)Why does the author mention the example of Michael Phelps? A. Because he was injured in his swimming. B. Because cupping is a kind of important TCM treatment. C. Because westerners know a little about TCM. D. Because westerners attach great importance to TCM. (2)Why don't some member countries of WHO recognize Chinese herbal medicine? A. Because Chinese herbs can get rid of diseases. B. Because they only approve the practice of acupuncture. C. Because Western medicine is more effective. D. Because medicine made out of Chinese herbs develops slowly. (3)Compared with Western medicine, what is the weak point of TCM in Paragraph 4? A. The methods of planting herbs. B. The effectiveness of prescription. C. Lacking in standardization. D. Its stable functions.


小学语文阅读理解专项练习题 1、种辣椒 常识课上,老师对植物的讲解,把我带到植物世界里。听完课,我动了心,决心种点什么,仔细观察它的生长过程。 回到家,我找到了两个花盆,满心欢喜地种下了辣椒籽。下种后,我每天都要给它浇些水,盼望种子早些发芽。一天中午,弟弟告诉我花盆里出小苗了,我飞一样地跑到窗台前,只见一棵小嫩芽拱出土,又过了两天,好几棵小芽出来了。小芽越来越多,我给小辣椒间苗,把太密的小苗小心翼翼地拔掉了一些。 到了盛夏,每株辣椒已有半尺多高了,它们的茎上都缀满了欲放的花苞,几天后,一朵朵雪白的小花,先后开放了。大约又过了四五天,辣椒就开始结果了,出现了青绿的椭圆形的小辣椒,一个个缀在茎上,真惹人喜爱。 秋风吹进窗来,带进一股香气,辣椒开始由青变红,看上去更让人喜爱。一个个两寸多长的小辣椒挂在枝头对我微笑,感谢我对它们的辛勤培育。收获的时节到了,我满怀欣喜地把成熟的辣椒一个一个摘下,竟收了小半筐。 我看着筐里的辣椒,心想:这多有意思呀!知识来源于实践,而实践又必须付出辛勤的劳动,这难道不是真理吗? 1.找出文章中点明中心的句子,在下面画横线。 2.把文章分成三段,在段尾用“‖”表示,并写出段意。 3.读下面句子,在括号里写出各运用了什么修辞手法。 ①小辣椒挂在枝头对我微笑,感谢我对它们的辛勤培育。() ②我飞一样地跑到窗台前。() 2、蒙蒙的小雨 蒙蒙的小雨正落着,陈红骑着自行车悠然于柏油路上。她没有穿雨衣,因为她觉得在这样细雨中骑车很浪漫。她望着路两边来去匆匆的行人,心想:这些人真是的,干嘛要东躲西藏的。 忽然迎面一辆的士飞驰而来她猛地拐向路边但车把挂在树干上她摔倒了小妹妹没事吧一个小伙子站在她身边问道陈红白了他一眼,没有理他。心想:谁是你的小妹妹?她一翻身想站起来,可左腿的剧痛却使她不得不重新坐在地上,她接连两次试图站起来,都没成功。最后,只好放弃了努力。小伙子一笑,“别逞强了,还是送你上医院吧。”接着,拉起陈红的车子,又扶陈红坐到车架上,推起车子向医院走去。温柔如丝的春雨淅淅沥沥地落着。陈红已不再潇洒,只感到沉重。她坐在车上,望着前面推车的小伙子,不知该说些什么。 她发现小伙子走路不太自然,仔细观察,只见小伙子左腿的袜端与裤腿之间不时地露出一段刺目的棕色。那是什么?啊,他装着一只假腿。陈红想问问他的腿,却不愿张嘴。这时,只听到小伙子自言自语地说:“三年前,我也喜欢在细雨中骑车,那的确很潇洒,可是我却重重地跌倒了,像你一样。不,还不如你。”“噢,你的左腿——?”停了一会儿,小伙子说:“就在那次跌倒时被后面的汽车轧断了。”听了这话,陈红陷入了沉思?? 医院到了,小伙子搀着陈红进了急诊室。“我去通知你父母,你知道他们的电话吗?”陈红把号码告诉了他。不一会儿,陈红的父母风风火火地赶来了。见到女儿腿上雪白的绷带,忙问这问那。陈红把经过告诉了他们,又说,“要不是那位大哥哥,我真不知该怎么办好,哎,他呢?”这时,只听护土小姐说:“那个小伙子,看见你爸妈来后,他就离开医院了。”陈红怔住了:“我还不知他叫什么呢!” 父亲背起陈红,母亲在旁边扶着,一家人走出医院的时候,他们多么希望在人流中再次寻到那小伙子的身影。 1.给第二自然段中没有标点的地方加上标点。 2.联系上下文解释加粗词的意思。


PEP小学英语六年级阅读理解一 How do we get to the People's Park ? Zhang:Excuse me,how do we get to the People's Park ? Man: You can go there by the No.5 bus , or you can go on foot. Zhang: How do we go on foot ? Man: It's easy. Turn left at the traffic lights. The park is near a tall office building. John: Thank you very much. Hurry up, Zhang Peng! Zhang: No! The light is red. Stop! John: That's right. We have to wait. Zhang: Now it's green. Let's go! (1)John and Zhang Peng can't go to the park by the No.5 bus.( ) (2)John and Zhang Peng want to go to the park on foot.( ) (3)The People's Park is near the traffic lights.( ) (4)John wants to go at a red light. ( )

(5)Zhang Peng follows the traffic rules. ( ) PEP小学英语六年级阅读理解二 There are six friends in the Green Woods. They are happy. The bird is the singer. She sings songs in the tree. The dog is an artist. He draws pictures on the ground. Look at the monkey. He is so funny. He makes the animals happy. What does he do? He's an actor. The street is so clean. Who is the 鹦parrot(The leaves. fallen the sweeping is bear The cleaner? 鹉)is a reporter. She reports news every day. What does the black cat do? Look! He is patrolling(巡逻)With his handgun(手枪)by his motor cycle. He's a policeman. ( )1. The bird is a singer ( )2.The monkey is an actress. ( )3.The parrot is a policeman. ( )4. The dog draws pictures on the ground. He's an artist. ( )5. The bear is cleaning the fallen leaves.He's a cleaner. PEP小学英语六年级阅读理解三 My name is Tim. Tomorrow is the weekend. We have no

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