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[2010.04.08] Protection racket 保护的喧闹

Eating lots of fruit and vegetables may not help stave off cancer, after all


Apr 8th 2010 | From The Economist print edition

FOR snivelling children and recalcitrant carnivores, requests that they should eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day have mostly fallen on deaf ears. But those who did comply with official advice from charities, governments and even the mighty World Health Organisation (WHO), could remind themselves, rather smugly, that the extra greens they forced down at lunchtime would greatly reduce their chances of getting cancer. Until now, that is. Because a group of researchers led by Paolo Boffetta, of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, have conducted a new study into the link between cancer and the consumption of fruit and vegetables, and found it to be far weaker than anyone had thought.

对于哭哭啼啼的小孩和顽固的肉食主义者,每天吃五种不同的蔬菜和水果的要求他们基本上会当做耳旁风。但是那些遵循慈善团体、政府、甚至是权威的WHO的官方建议的人会沾沾自喜的提醒自己午饭时候硬塞进去的绿色食品会极大的减少患癌症的几率。到现在为止,确实如此。因为由纽约西奈山医学院的Paolo Boffetta带领的一组研究人员进行了一个癌症与蔬菜和水果的消费之间关系的研究,并且发现这个关系要比想象得弱得多。

In the past, veggie-associated reductions of cancer-risk rates as high as 50% had been reported. But it appears that some of these early investigations may have been biased by the use of “case-control” studies. Such studies try to identify the factors contributing to cancer by comparing people who have the disease with those who do not, but are otherwise similar. The problem is that they can easily be biased if researchers do not adequately establish that the two groups being compared are, indeed, otherwise similar. Walter Willet, at the Harvard School of Public Health, says it appears that earlier investigations were more likely to use health-conscious people as their controls. These types of people are, unsurprisingly, more likely to agree to be interviewed about their health than slobby couch potatoes.

过去曾有过蔬菜能够减少高达50%的癌症发病率的报道。但是现在看来先前许多的研究都用了“病例对照”而产生了偏见。这一类研究通过对比其它条件相似的癌症患者和健康人试图明确是什么因素导致了癌症。问题是如果研究人员没有适当地建立两个组,也就是其它因素都相似,研究很容易产生偏见。哈佛公共卫生学院的Walter Willet说,以前的研究似乎都喜欢用有健康意识的人来作为对照组。毫不意外,这类人比那些懒在沙发里面吃薯片的人更喜欢坐健康的研究。

Dr Boffetta and his colleagues have therefore carried out a different kind of study, known as prospective cohort study, which they report in theJournal of the National Cancer Institute. Their work follows a group of individuals over time and looks at how different factors contribute to different outcomes—in this case, the development of cancer. Analysis of dietary data from almost 500,000 people in Europe found only a weak association between high fruit and vegetable intake and reduced overall cancer risk.



Green with envy


According to Susan Jebb, of the British Medical Research Council’s Collaborative Centre for Human Nutrition Research in Cambridge, the new study suggests that if Europeans increased their consumption of fruit and vegetables by 150g a day (about two servings, or 40% of the WHO’s recommended daily allowance), it would result in a decrease of just 2.6% in the rate of cancers in men and 2.3% in women. Even those who eat virtually no fruit and vegetables, the paper suggests, are only 9% more likely to develop cancer than those who stick to the WHO recommendations. 来自英国医学研究会的剑桥人类营养研究合作中心的Susan Jebb说,新的研究表明如果欧洲人每天增加150g的蔬菜和水果的摄入量(大约每日两次,或者是WHO推荐摄入量的40%), 这将只会降低男性2.6%、女性2.3%的肿瘤发生率。研究显示即使是那些几乎没有蔬菜和水果摄入的人,他们的癌症发生率比坚持按照WHO推荐摄入量的人仅仅高出9%。

On the face of it, that is quite a blow to the smug salad eaters, and the health lobby’s spin-doctors were out in force in the wake of the paper’s publication, to play down its conclusions. Before racing to the food-recycling bin with the contents of an ageing fruit bowl, they pointed out, there are a number of other factors that nutritionists would urge that you consider.


One is that this kind of study has attempted to adjust for every possible factor that might contribute to the relationship, and isolate only the contribution that fruit and vegetables make. This means that if people who turn away from fruit and vegetables end up eating more processed meats or foods high in fat instead, they probably will increase their cancer risk, even though the direct cause is not the consumption of less fruit and veg.

其中一个因素是这一类型的研究试图调节好在这个关系中的每一个因子,于是孤立了蔬菜和水果在其中所起到的作用。这意味着如果把吃蔬菜和水果转而变成吃更多的精细肉类和其他高脂食物,会增加癌症的发病率,即便直接的原因并不是蔬菜和水果的摄入过少。More importantly, there is still good evidence that fruit and vegetables protect against heart disease and strokes by reducing blood pressure. A separate investigation of the people involved in Dr Boffetta’s study suggests that those who eat five servings a day of fruit and vegetables have a 30% lower incidence of heart disease and strokes than those who eat less than one and a half servings. It is also possible that some specific foods, such as tomatoes, broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, do offer protective effects against particular kinds of cancer.


As a consequence, the best advice is probably still to eat your five a day. But for snivelling children and recalcitrant carnivores the fleeting thought that you might not have to was nice while it lasted.


[2009.10.29] The unrepentant chocolatier 不思悔改的巧克力制造商

Oct 29th 2009 | LAUSANNE AND VEVEY

From The Economist print edition

The world’s biggest food company is betting on an emerging class of health and nutrition products to spur its growth. But risks abound


IT IS a curious blend of kitchen and laboratory. From one room wafts the bittersweet smell of chocolate being gently heated and stirred by chocolatiers. Around the corner it is all science. A double row of cubicles contains human guinea pigs who sniff and taste from little tubs, scoring each on criteria such as sweetness or bitterness to produce complex flavour charts. Down the corridor, women in comfortable chairs talk about how chocolate makes them feel. Cameras and microphones record their most minute gestures for the scrutiny of psychologists and anthropologists


This is the science behind Nestlé’s 110-year-old chocolate factory next door, which each morning exhales the aroma of roasting almonds and cocoa beans over Broc, a

chocolate-box-perfect Swiss village where even the weeds in an overgrown lot seem orderly. It is in these laboratories, where a pinch of art is mixed with SFr25m ($23.6m) of technology, that new chocolate recipes are devised. At a nother Nestlé research centre in Lausanne, meanwhile, researchers have been working out how chocolate affects metabolism and the behaviour of gut microbes—in other words, analysing chocolate as a pharmaceutical product, rather than a treat


Investment in this kind of research may seem indulgent, particularly in a recession. But it exemplifies Nestlé’s strategy for future growth. Although the company is best known for chocolate, ice-cream and sugary snacks, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, the firm’s chairman, and Paul Bulcke, its chief executive, hope to transform the food company into the world’s leading health, nutrition and “wellness” firm. It is tempting to dismiss this as a mere marketing stunt—an effort to make people feel better about eating things they really shouldn’t. Yet there is a sound commerc ial logic behind Nestlé’s shift towards health and nutrition.

在这种研究上投入资金似乎是败家之举,尤其是在经济萧条时期。然而,这是雀巢为促进未来成长的战略缩影。虽然雀巢是以巧克力、冰激凌、甜食著称,但是董事长Peter Brabeck-Letmathe和执行官Paul Bulcke希望把公司从食品企业转为世界顶级保健、营养和“健康”公司。人们很容易将此举理解为营销的愚蠢行为(努力让消费者觉得吃不应该吃的食品没什么大不了的)。然而,在雀巢转型成为保健、营养型公司的背后有一套行之有效的商业逻辑

Sales of foodstuffs that have been intentionally modified and improved by manufacturers to provide claimed health benefits—known as “functional foods”—are, in many cases, growing far more quickly than foods sales as a whole. Sales of functional foods in western Europe grew by 10.2% a year between 2004 and 2007, whereas sales of packaged food grew by 6.3% a year over that period (see chart 1), according to Euromonitor, a market-research firm. Some categories are growing even faster. In America, sales of functional foods that promote “gut health”, for example, grew by an average of 15.8% a year between 2002 and 2007, according to a recent PricewaterhouseCoopers report, compared with overall food-sales growth of 2.9% a year, according to Datamonitor (see chart 2). The PricewaterhouseCoopers report predicts that the global market for functional foods will grow in value from $78 billion in 2007 to $128 billion in 2013.


Looking further ahead, Nestlé sees great potential in the idea of “personalised” nutrition. Just as drugs companies have long talked of devising drugs that take account of genetic variations between people, the firm wants to do the same with food. That is why it is investing in the nascent fields of metabolomics and proteomics with the aim of providing foods, diets, devices and even services for particular subgroups of the population. It forecasts that by 2017, global sales of nutrition for “specific need states” could reach $100 billion. Existing examples include Musashi whey-protein supplements and PowerBar snacks for athletes; Sondalis and Nutren Glytrol liquid diets for diabetics; and Optifast powders and shakes for dieters.

雀巢看到在未来“个性化”营养的潜力巨大,医药公司一直在谈论的、根据个体基因的不同改造药物的做法,而雀巢打算在食物上采也取同样做法。这就是该公司在代谢学和蛋白质组学的新生领域投资的原因,其目的在于通过这项研究,雀巢能够为特定人群提供特定的食物、节食食品、器具甚至是特定的服务。该公司预计到2017年,能够达到“特定需求状态”的营养食品的销量将达到1000亿美元。目前这类食品包括Musashi乳清蛋白补充剂、运动员专用PowerBar点心、糖尿病人专用的Sondalis 和 Nutren Glytrol流食以及为节食人群设计的Optifast牌奶粉和奶昔。

Switching to a new diet


This shift in emphasis towards health and nutrition will, Nestlé hopes, transform it from a purveyor of low-margin, commoditised foodstuffs into a provider of high-margin products and services. (It already owns Jenny Craig, a chain of American weight-loss centres, which it is now expanding globally.) The firm needs new sources of growth. Sales of bottled water, which are about 10% of its business, are falling in rich countries because of the recession. They may yet bounce back, but analysts fret that bottled water, which is now firmly in the sights of environmental groups, may go the way of the fur trade.

雀巢希望通过这次重点向保健和营养的方向转型能够把公司从一个售卖利低廉食品的公司转型为高利润产品和服务的供应商。(雀巢已经将美国减肥中心Jenny Craig收归旗下,该


Nestlé also seems to be losing market share in other products, though company officials dispute the assertion. Pablo Zuanic, an analyst at JPMorgan, reckons that in the second quarter of 2009, 44% of Ne stlé’s product lines lost market share in America, and none of its products gained market share there, according to surveys of retail-data by ACNielsen, a market-research firm. Scepticism about Nestlé’s prospects can also been seen in its share price: its shares trade at a lower multiple of earnings than those of its main European competitors. One reason is that investors are concerned that it may invest some or all of the SFr30 billion it is likely to receive next year from selling its share in Alcon, an eye-care firm, in businesses that are less profitable than the ones it already has.

似乎雀巢其他产品的市场份额页在下降,虽然公司高管对此予以否认。摩根大通的分析师Pablo Zuanic表示,根据市场调研公司ACNielsen,的零售数据显示2009年二季度44%的雀巢产品线在美国的市场占有率下降,所有产品的市场占有量无一上升。人们对雀巢未来的担忧在股价上便可见一斑:股票盈利低于其主要欧洲竞争对手数倍。原因之一是投资者担心明年雀巢可能将抛售Alcon公司(眼部护理公司)的股份收益(300亿瑞士法郎)部分或全部投资到比目前利润更低的业务上。

Investors are also worried that Nestlé has become too large and unwieldy. The firm has 30 product lines that each generate more than SFr1 billion in annual sales, from Nescafé coffee and Nesquik m ilk to Purina pet food and Pure Life, a bottled water that is sometimes made from stuff that comes out of taps, rather than out of the ground. Consumers have been trading down to cheaper, unbranded foods in recent years, a trend that accelerated in the recession, potentially undermining the value of owning big brands.


So the company has seized upon evidence that incorporating healthier ingredients into its products could help it get its sales moving in rich countries again, and win over hearts and minds in emerging markets, too. These ingredients include live bacteria in yogurt, extra calcium of a form that is more easily absorbed by children’s bodies, and sterols (a kind of plant fat) that reduce blood cholesterol.



A study by Harvard Business School found that between 2004 and 2007, sales of Nestlé’s products containing such “functional” ingredients increased by 23.7% a year, compared with growth of 6.2% a year for its ordinary foods. Sales of Nestlé’s functional foods grew by 20% in 2008. And on October 22nd the company announced that in the difficult year to September 2009, in which the underlying growth rate (stripping out price changes and currency movements) across its food and beverage product lines was 0.7%, functional foods still managed to eke out growth of 4%.


Other companies are benefiting from the same trend. Results released on September 23rd by Danone, a French diary and yogurt company, showed that its bestselling yogurts are those with live bacteria that are said to strengthen immunity or ease constipation. Even drugs companies are eyeing this new market. In March the chairman of Sanofi-Aventis, a French drug firm, mused about acquiring food and nutrition firms as a way to pursue growth.


Few companies, however, are spending the sort of money that Nestlé is to develop foods that are tailored to improve health. Even so, Mr Brabeck-Letmathe’s grand plan to reinvent his company must navigate several dangers. Does it make sense to invest in costly, long-term research for a market that may not materialise? Another risk is that a sceptical public will not be convinced by Nestlé’s grand health claims, prompting a backlash强烈反对集体反对 from the public or activists. There is also a danger that the new strategy might damage the firm’s blockbuster已经成功的 legacy brands, such as Nescafé, which have taken decades to build.

然而,鲜有公司效仿雀巢的做法投资开发能够改善健康的食品。尽管如此,Brabeck-Letmathe 先生重新打造公司的庞大计划也存在着诸多危险因素。耗费巨资长期研究一个可能不会成型的市场是否有意义?另一个危险因素是雀巢产品保健功效的宣传可能无法打消公众的疑虑,反而招致公众或激进分子的强烈反对。新战略可能对也已成功的传统品牌造成损害,例如雀巢咖啡,这个牌子耗费了数十年才建立起来。

Profit or peril?


Start with the cost of research. If Nestlé were content to battle it out with Kraft, the world’s second-largest food firm, in the business of just selling food, then its outlay on research and development (R&D) would be difficult to justify. But Mr Brabeck-Letmathe saw a decade ago that the food industry was becoming a commoditised grind with diminishing margins and little scope for disruptive innovation. So he began pushing Nestlé to develop functional foods with higher profit margins, and he increased spending accordingly. In 2008 Nestlé spent just under SFr2 billion on R&D, a sum that has more than doubled since 1998. At about 2% of sales, this is considerably more than rivals are spending: in 2007 Danone spent about 1% of its sales on R&D, and Kraft spent about 1.2%.


Richard Laube, the head of Nestlé’s nutrition business and a former pharmaceuticals executive, describes a “pipeline” of some 75 research p rojects. Borrowing terminology from the drugs industry seems appropriate, given the time required to develop these new products. Unlike the quick development cycles usually seen in fast-moving consumer goods, which typically take one to two years, products in Nestlé’s nutrition pipeline may take four to six years to develop.

之前是医药公司执行官,现在雀巢营养业务的负责人的Richard Laube对大约75个研究项目“渠道”进行了描述。考虑到开发这些产品的时间,从医药行业借用专业术语似无不妥。与快速消费品的研发周期只有1至2年不同,雀巢营养渠道产品可能需要4至6年方可成功。

Mr Laube acknowledges that the pursuit of functional foods means that R&D expenditure must go up, not least because regulators on both sides of the Atlantic are taking a tougher line towards them. In October, America’s Food and Drug Administration warned that it was reviewing health claims made by food companies; it plans to announce stricter guidelines soon. The European Commission has forged ahead with strict rules on nutrition claims, and is in the process of tightening up the claims allowed on health grounds too. Companies wishing to make claims related to disease (“reduces blood pressure”, “cuts risk of heart attacks”, and so on) will have to provide solid scientific evidence to back them up. That takes time and money.



But it will be worthwhile if consumers prove willing, as they seem to be, to pay more for products with health benefits. Another benefit to such long-term research, observes Mr Laube, is that it tends to produce the sorts of innovations that pay dividends for longer than the minor, fleeting improvements made to consumer goods. He points to the formulas for whey protein, used in Nestlé’s PowerBar r ange, and for hypoallergenic baby food. In both cases consumers continue to pay premium prices for these products a decade after their initial introduction.


Nestlé is used to playing a long game. Take Nespresso, an almost instant espresso that is made by machine from a little capsule of coffee. Nestlé started working on the technology in 1970 and filed its first patent in 1976. It was another decade before it was ready to start selling Nespresso pods and machines. Thereafter the business lost money for a decade. But now it is one of Nestlé’s fastest-growing products. Sales have been increasing by 30% a year (even though Nespresso is a premium brand) and are expected to reach nearly SFr3 billion this year. Consumers are, presumably, making coffee at home and trading down from more expensive coffees sold by the likes of Starbucks. “It took off very, very slowly,” says Mr Bulcke. “It was 20 years of conviction that got us there.”

雀巢惯常打持久战。以机器加工成小袋的雀巢速溶咖啡为例。这项技术始于1970年并于1976年申请了第一个专利。而开始销售这种速溶咖啡和和机器又花费了十年的时间。此后,这项业务一直处于亏损状态长达10年之久,然而现在却是雀巢增长速度最快的业务之一。销售额的年增速在30%。(虽然速溶咖啡是较高端的品品牌)。今年的销售额有望达到将近30亿瑞士法郎。消费者很可能在家自制咖啡,像星巴克这种的昂贵咖啡销量便走下坡路了。“这一过程相当缓慢,大概要花费20年时间,才能看到效果。” Bulcke先生如是说。

The tigh ter regulatory outlook for functional foods could, in fact, benefit Nestlé because few of its rivals have the deep pockets necessary to invest in such research. The Swiss firm could end up in a strong position—provided, that is, it can develop functional f oods with genuine benefits that consumers are willing to pay for. “The more science wins, the stronger Nestlé’s position,” reckons Peter Killing of IMD, a Swiss business school.


发展学院的Peter Killing如是说。

Another risk to Nestlé’s strategy is that of overreach, arising from two particular vulnerabilities. One is the legacy of the firm’s past scandals involving the sale of milk powder in poor countries, which led to painful boycotts. The other involves the food industry’s experience of a backlash against genetically modified (GM) crops.


“Breastfeeding is best! We will salute and say this every day, but the world won’t believe us,” laments Mr Laube, describing the lingering suspicions harboured by some about the company’s behaviour in the developing world. The firm’s founder developed its trademark milk substitute not to replace mother’s milk, which health experts agree is the best food for babies, but to feed only those newborns who cannot be breast-fed safely. This is not company propaganda: the World Health Organisation confirms that “there will always be a small number of infants who have to be fed on breast-milk substitutes.” But the firm was caught in Africa and elsewhere promoting its milk powders so aggressively that t hey did, in fact, replace mother’s milk inappropriately—hurting the health of babies and, when the powder was mixed with unsafe water or in too weak a dose, leading to malnourishment or death. The firm insists it has mended its ways.


Nestlé’s d eep reach in the developing world goes back decades and gives it a head start over most of its rich-world competitors when it comes to exploiting growth. Its early embrace of globalisation had less to do with planning than with the coincidence of being based in a small country and selling a highly tradable commodity. As early as 1919 Nestlé’s condensed-milk business had exhausted the supply of milk from local farmers, forcing it to open factories in Australia, England, Germany and Norway. Soon afterwards it bought the leading 27 condensed-milk factories in America, prompting this newspaper to note that year that Nestlé “is no longer a Swiss milk company; it is a very powerful international investment trust.”



Today less than 2% of Nestlé’s sales are in its home market, compared with 60% of Kraft’s. Enforced globalisation taught Nestlé far earlier than its rivals just how markedly tastes differ across the world. Its trademark line of Nescafé instant coffees, for instance, comes in a bewildering array of more than 500 flavours. The legacy of its powdered-mil k scandals, however, is that Nestlé actions in poor countries are scrutinised like those of few others. That means any grand new effort to rebrand the firm’s offerings as “healthy” will face scepticism, in emerging markets in particular.


Nestlé’s strategy this time round is to work more closely with health authorities ac ross the world. Its aim is to localise “wellness” in much the way it has adapted its coffees to various markets. It is, for instance, greatly expanding its efforts to add essential micronutrients—ranging from iodine and iron to vitamin A and zinc—to its basic foodstuffs. Some 2 billion people suffer from deficiencies of such vitamins and minerals, with impacts ranging from blindness to premature death. The firm had dismissed infant cereal as a niche product, but now its researchers are using that product as a “carrier” for probiotics and vitamins for children. It is also developing cheap, single-serving packets of nutrient-rich food for the very poor, another market it had previously stayed out of. Mr Laube says the defensiveness of the past is gone: “Now we have a noble cause.


That may help in the poor world, but could Europe’s hysteria over Frankenfoods (as the British media dubbed GM foods) also stand in the way of Nestlé’s wellness

products, if they are perceived to involve too much scientific meddling? The firm is t reading carefully. Peter van Bladeren, head of Nestlé’s main research centre in Lausanne, insists its functional foods will “only improve nature” by adding healthy ingredients: “no weird stuff”. Unlike GM crops, which mainly benefit farmers, functional foods are intended to provide benefits to consumers. And the need to produce solid evidence of benefit to satisfy regulators should reassure shoppers, says Eric Scher of Sanford Bernstein, a research firm.

那也许能够帮助贫穷世界,但是如果人们认为雀巢产品的科技干涉过多,欧洲人对转基因食物的过度热情会妨碍雀巢保健食品的发展吗?雀巢正在小心前行。位于Lausanne的雀巢总研究中心的负责人Peter van Bladeren坚持认为功能产品只有通过增加健康元素才能改善自然:没有古怪的东西。转基因植物主要对农民有利,而功能食品则对消费者有利。研究公司Sanford Bernstein的Eric Scher表示:必须出具确凿的证据才能达到管理者的要求,令消费者放心。

Stretching the brand

Fi nally, there is a risk that Nestlé’s new strategy could damage the firm’s blockbuster brands, which have taken decades to establish. This could happen in several ways. If some of the firm’s functional foods fail to pass muster with the regulators or, worse, turn out to cause harm rather than do good, then consumers could turn against all its products, even those that make no health claims at all. That could hurt, because most of its revenues will still come from selling treats like chocolate, ice-cream, coffee and flavoured milk.


That points to导致 another potential snag问题困难. If a company known for selling indulgence wants to reinvent itself to symbolise wellness, does that not send mixed messages to the consumer? Mr Bulcke insists that there is no contradiction, and that taste will always trump nutritional benefits in the development of new products. Carmakers, after all, see no problem with marketing new cars on the basis that they produce fewer greenhouse-gas emissions without compromising on performance.


Mr Brabeck-Letmathe is convinced that all of Nestlé’s brands can be made to fit into the wellness strategy. “You don’t have to stretch,” he insists, “if the discipline of every product is to be healt hier.” Every product must undergo what he calls a “sixty-forty-plus” analysis: at least 60% of those tasting it must prefer it to a rival product or the one it is replacing, and it must also be more nutritious. The company has, for instance, produced a new way of churning its ice-cream that produces much smaller ice crystals than the usual method. As a result it can still taste creamy even though it has half the fat.


Critics question, however, whether, in aggregate, Nestlé can deliver on its ambitious health and wellness promis es. “The goals of food companies and the goals of public health are fundamentally different,” says Marion Nestle (no relation), a nutrition expert at New York University who is a noted critic of big food firms. “There is very little evidence that eating th ese things makes people healthier. If you want to do something for your health, you don’t eat as much, and you don’t eat processed food.”

然而,批评家怀疑雀巢是否能够大体实现其雄心勃勃宣扬地保健和健康功效。“食品公司和公共健康机构的目标大相径庭。实用这些食品有益人体健康基本是不可靠的。若要健康,则少食,并且不吃加工食品”纽约大学营养学家、以批评大型食品公司著称的Marion Nestle (与雀巢无关)如是说。

That might indeed be healthier—but for many, perhaps, less pleasurable too. Mr Brabeck-Letmathe, a former ice-cream salesman from Austria, is unrepentant. Every single morning, he says, he enjoys dark chocolate and coffee made by Nestlé: “We don’t have to be ashamed.”


[2010.04.15] Extrasolar planets 系外行星

Mankind’s ability to look for planets like Earth just got five times better


Apr 15th 2010 | From The Economist print edition

First rock from the sun


THREE centuries have passed since the polymath Sir Christopher Wren predicted that

“a time will come when men will stretch out their eyes—they should see planets like our Earth.” By most astronomers’ accounts, that time is just about nigh. Indeed, detecting big planets orbiting other stars is no longer tricky—nearly 450 such exoplanets have been catalogued. Smaller, rocky planets orbiting at a comfortable distance from their stars—as the Earth does—remain more elusive. 三个世纪前,大数学家Christopher Wren爵士预言道:“当人类极目远望,发现类地系外行星的那刻必将到来。”根据大多数天文学家的说法,这个时刻就在眼前了。其实,发现大型系外行星已经不是困难的事情了——已经有450颗这样的系外行星记录在案。但是,以合适的距离围绕母星公转的类地岩石行星的行踪依然捉摸不定。

Most exoplanets have been discovered by inferring their presence from the rhythmic wobble their gravity imparts on their home star—like a waltz between two dancers of markedly different weights. The problem is that this method favours the discovery of large planets close to their stars. As a result, the catalogue of planets is filled with “hot Jupiters”, huge bodies baking brightly in the light of their sun. 大多数系外行星都是通过一种叫“摆动方法”的测量方法发现的。这些行星的引力在他们母星上造成的节奏摆动就像是两个体重相差悬殊的人在跳华尔兹。天文学家以据此推测出系外行星是否出现。但是,这个方法只对那些靠近他们母星绕行的大型行星有效。因此,系外行星分类表里都是“热木星”——那些沐浴在他们母星阳光下的明亮的巨人。

To find places that might support life it is necessary to look for planets a little farther away from their stars, but not so far away that they are frozen lumps of ice and rock, like the dwarf planet Pluto. But it isn’t easy. Spotting the light from a tiny planet across astronomical distances is akin to discerning a red-hot pinhead right next to a floodlight from many kilometres away.


Astronomers have partially solved the problem of looking at objects near to a star’s bright glare by inventing the coronagraph, which focuses all the incoming light around a dark spot in the telescope’s innards, neatly clipping off most of the central starlight and passing on much of the planetary glow. For exoplanet hunting that is not quite good enough. Some of the starlight still gets through, easily obscuring planets that are millions of times fainter than their parent stars. 天文学家用日冕仪一定程度上解决了观测恒星强光附近物体的难题。在望远镜内部,日冕仪精巧地阻挡了中央绝大部分的恒星光,让更多的行星光进入望远镜。这样一来,日冕仪就能分析圆形黑暗区域周围的光。但是对于狩猎系外行星来说这还远远不够。有些恒星的光芒依然能够进入望远镜,非常容易遮蔽比它暗百万倍以上的行星。

A novel approach plays with the peaks and troughs of the light waves to do the job more effectively. This week, in Nature, Eugene Serabyn of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California and his colleagues describe a stunning implementation of what is known as an optical vortex coronagraph. In place of a dark spot, this uses a disk of glassy material, etched with a carefully designed pattern which changes the phase of the incoming light, in effect twisting it back onto itself and creating a dark hole in the centre of the image. This blots out the starlight more effectively,

making it easier to see any nearby planets.

另外一种分析光波峰波谷的新式技术更能有效的解决这个问题。本周Nature杂志刊登了来自加利福尼亚喷漆实验室的Eugene Serabyn和他同事共同发展的一项效果极佳的新技术——漩涡光学日冕仪。它把一块用特殊图案蚀刻的玻璃碟片放置在(望远镜)的黑暗区域上。经过仔细设计,这种图案能够改变入射光的相位,也就是说把光线上打了个结,造成了成像图片中心的黑洞。这个技术可以更加有效地遮挡恒星心星光,使得观测附近的行星更加容易。In order for this technique to work, the distortions imposed on the incoming light during its passage through the Earth’s atmosphere must be removed using a trick called “wavefront correction”. The researchers did this using a small part of the giant Hale telescope in California, with which they examined a star called HR 8799 in the constellation of Pegasus. When images showing three planets orbiting this star were obtained in 2008, it was the first time exoplanets had been directly observed. The researchers could also see the planets—and their telescope was in effect five times smaller than the telescopes used in 2008.


With a two-metre telescope—small by modern astronomical standards—Dr Serabyn and his team say they could spot a planet 33 light-years away orbiting its host star at a similar distance to that at which the Earth orbits the Sun. Such a planet would fall into the so-called “Goldilocks zone” (neither too hot nor too cold) where the interesting chemistry should happen. As well as bringing planet-hunting within the reach of many smallish telescopes on Earth, the new technique also means that smaller, cheaper, or perhaps more numerous space telescopes—entirely free of deleterious atmospheric effects—could be employed to stretch out the eyes of men and finally fulfil Wren’s prediction.

Serabyn博士和他的团队声称,仅仅用低于现代天文标准的2米口径望远镜,他们就可以发现距离母星33光年绕其公转的行星。【译者注,这个很有可能是economist的笔误,因为33光年大约等于2086920倍从地球到太阳的距离】这个轨道半径同地球到太阳的距离非常相近。类似这样的行星是位于不冷也不热的“可居住区域”(Goldilocks Zone),适合发生神奇的生命化学反应。这项新技术不仅意味着把地面小型望远镜带进了狩猎行星的行动中,也意味着更小更便宜可能数量众多的完全不受有害的大气干扰的太空望远镜也加入到拓展人类视野的行动中来。最终实现Wren的预言

[2010.03.25] Ethiopia: Forget about democracy 忘记民主吧

The chances of a fair vote in the coming election are fast receding


Mar 25th 2010 | NAIROBI | From The Economist print edition

THE United States, the richest and most powerful nation on earth, is also the most generous donor to one of the poorest, Ethiopia. America says it gives $1 billion in aid every year to Africa’s second-most-populous country, which also happens to

host the African Union’s headquarters.


Yet Barack Obama’s administration has barely stirred itself to protest against recent attempts by Ethiopia to jam programmes in Amharic, the country’s main language, beamed by the Voice of America, a respected state-funded broadcaster. Ethiopia’s prime minister, Meles Zenawi, brazenly says he will continue to jam the signal for as long as it incites what he calls hatred. He has compared the Amharic service to the hate speech spewing from Radio Mille Collines, which helped provoke Rwanda’s genocide in 1994. The State Department called the comment inflammatory but seems loth to make Mr Zenawi suffer for it.


One reason is that the Pentagon needs Ethiopia and its bare-knuckle intelligence service to help keep al-Qaeda fighters in neighbouring Somalia at bay. Many of Washington’s aid people argue that, though Mr Zenawi is no saint, he still offers the best chance of keeping Ethiopia together; even now, as one of the world’s least developed countries, it cannot feed itself.

其中一个理由就是五角大楼需要埃塞俄比亚及其情报机构的帮助,以便将基地组织控制在其邻国索马里。华盛顿的许多智囊人员认为,尽管泽纳维不是圣人,但他仍然是维持埃塞俄比亚统一的最佳人选。作为世界上最不发达的国家之一,埃塞俄比亚至今未能解决温饱问题。Human-rights campaigners think the limpness of America and European Union countries, especially Britain, in the face of Mr Zenawi gives him a free rein to abuse his own people. This week’s report by Human Rights Watch, a New York-based lobby, claims that, after 20 years in power, Mr Zenawi’s ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front has “total control of local and district administrations to monitor and intimidate individuals at a household level.” With a general election due on May 23rd, opposition supporters, says the report, are often castigated as subversives by the government, denied the right to assembly, and harassed. The press has been “stifled”. Newspapers avoid writing about opposition parties or people the government says have terrorist links.


Furthermore, says Ben Rawlence, who wrote the report, “Meles is using aid to build a single-party state.” Foreign governments, he says, have colluded in eroding civil liberties and democracy by letting their aid be manipulated by Mr Zenawi. Because

of his party’s stranglehold at village level, its members can decid e on entitlements such as places for children in school and the distribution of food handouts. Peasants who back the opposition get less. Farmers complain they are denied fertiliser for the same reason.


The Ethiopian government has denounced the report as outrageous and ridiculous. Mr Zenawi says that groups such as Human Rights Watch interpret human rights too narrowly. The only way to guarantee Ethiopia a free future, he argues, is to keep it stable while it continues to develop. His political calculations are straightforward. He reckons, for instance, that reporting by the Voice of America does more harm inside the country than outside criticism of his censorship.


In any case, Mr Zenawi has signed up for a code of electoral conduct and invited foreign election observers in. He still has time to win over critics before the election, for instance by freeing an imprisoned opposition leader, Birtukan Mideksa, as a goodwill gesture.


Aid-giving governments, for their part, are unlikely to change their minds. Even after hundreds of protesters were shot dead by the police after the last elections in 2005, aid to Ethiopia was only repackaged in different forms, not suspended. Besides, foreign politicians have promised their own voters that they will dish out large amounts of aid and argue that at least Ethiopia is less corrupt than many other African countries. Mr Zenawi understands this well—and exploits it.


[2010.03.18] Africa: When feeding the hungry is political 当喂饱饥民成为政治工具

Mar 18th 2010 | NAIROBI | From The Economist print edition

At least they’re getting something


THE World Food Programme (WFP), created by the United Nations in 1962 to save lives, has since grown into the behemoth of the aid business, envied and disliked in almost equal measure by many of its smaller peers. It says it feeds 90m people a year in 73 countries. Yet some query whether it always fulfils the high ideals of its humanitarian mandate.


The WFP has had to get used to fierce criticism, particularly of its operations in Africa. The main complaint is that food aid creates a dependency culture among the poor. The WFP employs large numbers of press officers in its headquarters in Rome and elsewhere to jump to its defence. Even so, a recent scandal over its work in Somalia has pricked it. An internal UN report accuses the WFP of abjectly failing to get food to starving Somalis. The report says that systematic collusion between local WFP staffers, Islamist militants and food transporters has led to the diversion of up to half of the food it ships to Somalia, with some of it going to jihadists. The WFP has hotly denied the allegations of corruption, but it has ceased working with three transport contractors who are alleged to have been involved in arms trading.

世界粮食计划署需要让自己习惯于听到尖刻的批评,特别是关于他们在非洲的种种行为。其中,主要的牢骚是粮食援助会让穷人培养出一种对外界的依赖性。世界粮食计划署在位于罗马的总部以及其它地方聘请了大量的媒体人员为穷人们辩护。即使这样,最近揭露的关于其在索马里的工作让该机构如坐针毡。一份联合国内部报告指责说,世界粮食计划署无法为挨饿的索马里居民提供食物,以至于让人民陷入悲惨境地。报告指出,世界粮食计划署的驻本地人员、伊斯兰教民兵组织与食物运输单位之间的密切谋划,导致了该计划署运到索马里一半的食物被转移,有些还供应给了圣战组织。世界粮食计划署颇为激动地否认了这种关于其腐败行径的主张,但该机构已经停止了与三家据说参与过军火买卖的运输单位之间的合作。The truth is hard to tell. Visiting Somalia i s dangerous. The WFP’s operation there is run from Nairobi, capital of neighbouring Kenya. It has to contend with pirates at sea and armed groups on land. A spat with the militant Shabab group, now allied to al-Qaeda, means WFP is no longer supplying food to 1m of the 3m Somalis who need it.


The danger for the WFP is that the row over its work in Somalia will impede its massive operations in Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, Congo and beyond by prompting calls for extra scrutiny there too. Sudan alone accounted for $635m of WFP’s $2.2 billion spent in sub-Saharan Africa in 2008. Diplomats there have long suspected that food aid has been siphoned off by officials in south Sudan and by armed groups in Sudan’s western region, Darfur.



The whole business of food aid to Africa has come under additional scrutiny recently after a BBC report alleged that up to 95% of the cash provided to buy food for rebel-controlled areas during Ethiopia’s hor rendous famine in 1984-85 was in fact used to buy weapons. The WFP says it had little involvement in that episode: it was feeding government-held areas. International charities have denied the story. Bob Geldof, a musician and anti-poverty campaigner, worries that the claim will be exploited by those who want to cut aid.


But the rebels in question, who hail from Tigray, a northern province, have run Ethiopia since 1991. And the country’s prime minister, Meles Zenawi, a rebel leader in 1984, faces charges that he is using food aid now to buy support before elections due on May 23rd. Human-rights investigators, including those of the American government, say they have documented the withholding of food and other benefits from opposition supporters. The Ethiopian government denies it, and says that the BBC allegations come from a political opponent of Mr Zenawi.


The WFP says it wi ll welcome any investigation into its activities in Somalia. “The integrity of our organisation is paramount,” insists Josette Sheeran, a former State Department official now heading the outfit. About $2 billion of its $5 billion global budget is provided by America, most of it in sacks of surplus American food. But the WFP—and Somalia’s Shabab rebels—would prefer the American government to give cash, as the Europeans do, which can then be used to buy local food, rewarding farmers who produce surpluses. Geo rge Bush’s administration agreed but could not persuade Congress to concur.


Quite apart from the allegations over its role in Somalia, the WFP is failing to meet its target for donations this year. So school meals and other programmes will

be cut. America is unlikely to be as generous with cash as it is in kind. Europe’s contribution of $1 billion may be slashed too. This year’s WFP budget of $2.6 billion for sub-Saharan Africa is $1.1 billion short. And the outlook for Africa’s own production is grim. Its food output will fall by a fifth over the next four decades, reckons the International Food Policy Research Institute in Washington. Climate change, it says, will make food even scarcer in semi-arid countries such as Sudan. The question of how to feed the starving will not go away.


[2010.03.31]Genetic Shock 基因大休克

Mar 30th 2010 | From The Economist online

A surprising court ruling in America may loosen the drug industry’s grip on important genes


PERSONALISED medicine has proved an elusive dream. Since the decoding of the human genome, biotechnology companies have claimed that by matching a person’s genetic make-up with specialised treatments, they can tailor drugs to maximise benefits and minimise side effects. Alas, researchers have discovered that the link between a given person’s genetic make-up and specific diseases is much more complex than they had hoped. The tantalising vision remains out of reach.


A rare exception has been the success that Myriad Genetics, an American firm, has had with two genes called BRCA1 and BRCA2. Certain versions of these genes, it has been shown, are associated with a high risk of breast and ovarian cancer. The University of Utah has patented the genes and licenses them to Myriad. The firm uses that exclusivity to create expensive genetic tests for cancer risk which only it offers for sale (the patents and licensing conditions are different outside the United States).

一个鲜见的成功特例是一个名为Myraid Genetics的美国公司,这家公司拥有两组叫做BRCA1和BRCA2的基因,已有研究表明,这些基因的某种变体和乳房癌和卵巢癌有重大关联。尤他哈大学已为这些基因申请了专利并将其授权给Myriad生物制药公司。公司利用这种独一无二的专利权为癌症患者进行昂贵的遗传药物治疗,这些治疗只能标价出售(美国境外的专利和授权条件则不同)。

The BRCA patents have long frustrated medical researchers, cancer lobbyists and

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