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Free talk汇总-题目

Free talk汇总-题目
Free talk汇总-题目

1.Why do we have PE lessons in school?

2Why do you study English so hard?

3. How to make friends?

4.Who is your favorite athlete?

5.Describe your mother/father./favorite teacher.

6.Tell me your favorite pets.

7. Do you like to play football? Why or why not?

8.Do you like music? Why?

9. Do you like to travel? Why or why not?

10.What would you do if you get lost?

11.What’s your plan for the summer vacation?

12.Introduce Shanghai to a foreigner

13Tell me differences between Chinese and western cultures

14.How do people celebrate Spring Festival in China?

15.What’s your plan for you r pocket money?

16 What can we do to make our city more beautiful and cleaner?

17 Why do we have to save water?

18 What do you want to be in the future?

19 What would you like to do if you have a million dollars?

20.. Which homework helps you most, why?

21. Who is your closed friend?

22.. Do you prefer being alone or being with friend?

23. Do you like to eat in KFC? Why? or Why not?

24. Do you like to go to the zoo? Why or why not?

25.Do you like rainy day? Why or why not?

26. Do you usually do some housework?

27. Do you like to play first or do your homework first after school?

Free talk汇总-题目

1.Why do we have PE lessons in school? 2Why do you study English so hard? 3. How to make friends? 4.Who is your favorite athlete? 5.Describe your mother/father./favorite teacher. 6.Tell me your favorite pets. 7. Do you like to play football? Why or why not? 8.Do you like music? Why? 9. Do you like to travel? Why or why not? 10.What would you do if you get lost? 11.What’s your plan for the summer vacation? 12.Introduce Shanghai to a foreigner 13Tell me differences between Chinese and western cultures 14.How do people celebrate Spring Festival in China? 15.What’s your plan for you r pocket money? 16 What can we do to make our city more beautiful and cleaner? 17 Why do we have to save water? 18 What do you want to be in the future? 19 What would you like to do if you have a million dollars? 20.. Which homework helps you most, why? 21. Who is your closed friend? 22.. Do you prefer being alone or being with friend? 23. Do you like to eat in KFC? Why? or Why not? 24. Do you like to go to the zoo? Why or why not? 25.Do you like rainy day? Why or why not? 26. Do you usually do some housework? 27. Do you like to play first or do your homework first after school?

四星口试Free talk史上最全话题归类整理

FREE TALK 自由表达话题归纳仅供参考 学习建议:学会举一反三,勤于思考,勇于表达。 教师寄语:希望通过这些话题的借鉴,能有效地拓展学生思路,提高其口语表达及运用能力,在学习中,请敢于自我展现,善于发现问题、提出问题、解决问题! Unit One School life 校园生活 1.What’s your favorite subject? 2.What kind of book do you like to read? 3.Why do you study English so hard? 4.How do you like studying Chinese? What do you think of studying Chinese? Do you like your mother tongue? 5.Which homework helps you most, why or why not? 6.Do you like to play first or do homework first after school? 7.What’s your summer vacation plan? 8.Do you prefer winter holiday or summer holiday? 9.What kind of activities do you like to do after class? 10.What activities do Chinese teenagers like to do in their spare time? 11.Why should we attend P.E lesson? 12.What are your favorite sports? 13.How do you get along with your classmates? 14.How do you like your school life? ..... 【1】Why do you study english so hard?你为什么要刻苦学英语? The reasons that I study english so hard could be many,among which,the most important ones would be the followings:First,English is the most widely used language.If I could use it well,I can understand more people and meet more people.Second,since english is the most widely used language,most information was written and said in this language,if i study hard,i could get more https://www.wendangku.net/doc/051592260.html,st but not least,only if i work hard enough,i could learn it well,as i always believe,no pain,no gain!Those are the main reasons why i study english so hard. The reason why I study English so hard is that it is the most widely used international language nowadays. It is the official language in many countries and the mostly widely used language in the world. Some people speak English as their own language, and some speak it as a second language. By learning English well we could enlarge our mental horizon and increase our knowledge because we could have a better chance of reading a variety of books, newspapers, and magazines. If I could speak English well, I won't have any difficulties when I travel around the world and talk with foreigners. Since English is so widely used in the world, you have to master the language.In a word, English is very useful and therefore I should try my best to study English well.

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所有人注意啦!包玉刚、复旦附中、平和、世外等沪上知名 学校面试真题汇总 下面,播播老师就针对沪上热门中小学幼升小、小升初、初升高往年面试真题做了归纳整理,并附上部分学校入学考试时间,有意申请的同学家长可以提前准备起来,希望对大家的升学有所帮助。 01幼升小 包玉刚实验学校 英文部分:1.英文基础问答(1)What's your name?(2)How old are you?(3)Which color do you like?And why?2.简单的单词听写(small、big等)3.给出一个字母,随意说以本字母开头的单词,比如G(good、goose)、S(small、smell)等4.跟读英文句子5.看图片回答问题 中文部分:1.合作拼图(1)一组小朋友合作,先把图形剪下来,然后拼成一个场景图(2)小组合作用拼图拼出海底世界2.图形补充老师展示一个残缺的图片,让小朋友在两个图形残片中选出一个拼在一起,使整幅图完整。3.听故事回答问题4.老师给出一组数字(比如5、8、9、1、4、6),让小朋友从小到大排序,然后把卡片收掉,再让小朋友把数字从大到小再说一遍。入学考试:从2016-2017学年起,包校将正式开启在线报名系统,并不再接受纸质的报名资料。中芯国际学校

全英文面试,外教加中教一起面试。第一题是看图说话,小朋友出现在各种生活场景中,要求用英文看图说话。第二题是阅读理解,老师发英文小书,书名cat and dog和一张阅读理解考卷,回答考卷上的问题。1、what does dog likes to do?2、What does cat likes to do?3、What does cat say to dog?第三题老师读,让孩子们听写字母。 上海中学国际部 语文:看图讲故事读短文数学:数字带入计算有条件走迷宫—和为10圈数英语:句子改错看图写句子—小女孩牵狗看图说话读短文根据指令画画—Draw the sun under the clouds看图写单词:雨伞单词和图片连钱活动:模仿动作合作搭圣诞树吹气球入学考试:将指定文件邮寄或送至学校并缴纳报名费,学校收到后,会发出入学测试通知,约定测试时间。 02小升初民办华育中学 面试人数:全天6批大约800——900人。面试情况:由同学英语自我介绍,问几个问题;写一篇短文(我的周末),150-200字,10分钟;数学是口奥,不是很难,要讲过程和推理。家长面试主要是核对证书,问些同学平时学习的问题。面试流程:1、孩子先登记报道,随后分到一张有号码的纸,一半给父母,另一半给孩子,颜色有蓝黄红绿四种。2、父母被领到二楼的预初教室候场。孩子们被带到三楼面试。3、

课前5分钟,Free talk自由谈

《课前5分钟,Free talk自由谈》 Free talk,是指课前3-5分钟的自由谈话,是学生用英语自由交谈的时间。上学期毕业复习期间,感觉上课时间比较紧张内容比较多比较杂,课前就没有用free talk,我发现在上课过程中学生反应很平淡,总感觉他们动不起来,课堂氛围很沉闷。后来我又尝试着用,通过与学生简单的交流,让每个学生都有发言的机会,他们在这短短的五分钟内就或多或少地有所收获。他们有学下去的欲望和信心,所以接下来三十多分钟的课堂气氛非常好,学生显得轻松又活泼。老师也感觉心情舒畅。 教师用好Free talk,可以有效地加强学生英语口语的训练和培养学生综合运用英语的能力。在这个环节中,教师的角色是引导者,引导着各种语言活动,引导着说话情景,引导着语言的组织,启发学生的思维,然后逐步放手让学生自由地说话。长期坚持下来不仅可以起到不断复习的作用还能使学生的基础越来越扎实。 Free talk的目的是交际。交际是双向性的,是说者和听者双向交流思想的过程。所以,单纯的教师问、学生答的Free talk已经不能满足这一要求。教师在准备Free talk时不仅要考虑教学内容、教学方法、学生的水平,还要考虑结合新授内容的材料的运用。好的材料应该是能够满足学生的需求、爱好、兴趣,能激发学生发言的欲望。教师可以根据内容设计小情景,如In a Park(逛公园)、Shopping (购物)等,让学生在这些小情景里自由表演。或者通过用简笔画、

实物、图片、互联网等手段给学生加以提示,让学生进行小组讨论和汇报等,都可以达到丰富Free talk形式和内容的目的。 一、复习旧知 古人云:举一反三,温故而知新。复习是英语教学中必不可少的部分,但如果是为了用上free talk 这一环节而简单、随便地说上几句,就算复习旧知。就让该环节失去它该有的价值了。因此,如何用好free talk 进行复习呢? 1、教师课前布置好free talk的话题,学生去讨论,待课上发言。这样free talk环节学生们就会在和谐的气氛中用朋友式的口吻对话,当然,他们所运用的对话内容大部分是自己所学习过的日常交际用语。因此,通过它不仅复习了旧知识还渲染了学习英语的良好气氛,同时也在潜移默化中训练了学生运用语言进行交际的能力,使学生真正能把学到的语言学以致用。例如:四年级 Unit1已经学过给老师送卡片,教师课前即可给命题你的同桌生日,早上你给他送礼物。 2、教师直接引导,师生对话交流。教师运用已学的知识,联系实际对学生发问,在大家都思考之后找学生作答。为了扩大学生的参与率,教师不要局限于找举手的学生来回答,要让他们人人参与,个个动脑,而不是坐享其成。例如:T:Look,here’s a pen.Whose pen is this? S1:It’s XXX’s.T:XXX,is this your pen? S2:Yes,it is.T:Here you are.S2:Thank you. 二、导入新课 在英语教学中,教师习惯以free talk导入新课。然而 free talk

英语口语课话题(free talk)

Some people said that Beijing is not a city suitable for living. Do you think so ? Give some reasons to support your view point. Yes 1 more job opportunities 2 better education for children 3 convenient for shopping 4 lots of hospitals medical treatment in time Well, I think living in a big city, such as Beijing , has both advantages and disadvantages. As for the advantage, firstly ,you will have more job opportunities in big city, that`s why most graduates choose to hunt a job in Beijing after their graduation. Secondly, parents living in Beijing believe that : children can receive better education in big city. teachers are commonly have good education background and they are experienced in teaching. Besides working, we need to relax in spear time. Living in big city, we can go shopping , go to bars very conveniently. Parks , go to the cinema Health service –health check No 1. house price higher and higher 2. working pressure 3. competition fierce 4. (heavy ) air pollution good environment 5. traffic jam

英语角free talk话题

Topics of the free talk Leisure (free / spare) time闲暇时间 1. How do you think about arranging (安排)spare time You may talk about : importance(重要性) 2. What do you usually do in your spare time Do sports: play basketball/ football/badminton/ volleyball(排球) / tennis(网球) Listening to musics(even favourite songs/ singers/ style ) Style: pop music 流行乐Jazz 爵士乐 Country music 乡村音乐symphony 交响乐 Classical music 古典音乐rock 摇滚乐 Folk music 民间音乐ethnic music 民族音乐Read books Have a date(约会)with someone Go shopping逛街…… Play Mobile phone to…… Play computer games Watching movies 3. To make your leisure time meaningful(有意义的), what will you do You may talk about:make a plan(schedule)and what is your plan Your major 1.what is your major words listed: department 学部major 专业 e.g. Foreign Language Department 外语学部 Material and Chemical Department 材料化工部 Engineering Education Department 工程教育部 Civil Engineering Department 土木工程部 Information Science and Technology Department 信息科学与技术部 Business and Humanity Department 商学与人文部 Design Department 设计学部 2.why you choose this major 3.how do you think of your major now 4.what will you do for your major 5.the ideal(理想的) job in the future

基础口译 freetalk 范文参考

How to reduce pressure As everyone knows, no one can escape from the fierce competition, especially for today. Competition is a double-edged sword, for it does not only bring chance and challenge, but bring much pressure as well. According to a survey, 45% of people under high pressure said they couldn’t work effectively or efficiently but felt nervous all the time. Are you one of the people with the same feeling? If so, let me tell you some ways to reduce pressure. In the first place, you can take up a variety of sports when faced with pressure. Many people say when they immerse themselves in sports, they can forget all the pressure miraculously. Sports can make the brain feel relaxed because it can help the brain to produce a certain matter, according to the scientists. Then try to go jogging when you don’t know how to handle the pressure next time. In the second place, soft music is another good choice. However, please pay attention to the kind of music you choose, for some music like rock songs, on the contrary, make the brain even more tired. You’d better choose gentle light music instead. The two ways mentioned above are easy but effective. Of course,there are a great many ways to reduce pressure. As long as you face pressure correctly, it will have a positive impact on your life.


What change do you foresee in the next 50 years? Wow. 50 years is such a long time. I don?t even know if I will still be around in half a century?s time. So this question is kind of challenging. Nobody knows for sure what?s gonna happen in the futu re, right because the future is unpredictable. But, let me try to answer this question. 1. Education will be a social welfare without any charges. Maybe this is just a Utopian Dream. But I strongly believe, as our society moves forward, education will eventually become a social benefit. Families will not have to pay for education of the kids, because when the kids receive good education, the society will be benefited as it receives a continual wave of talents. It?s only fair that the society take ou t some of the tax revenue and use it on education for young people. Since tuition is no longer a problem, more and more people can finally all go to school. This is what I call “educational equality”. 2. Education will become less time-consuming. One day I suddenly realized that each and everyone of us spend 20 years or so on education. 20 years! That?s crazy. Those years are probably the best time in our lives. So if you ask me what change do I want to see happen in 50 years time, I?d like to see education short. I believe education can become so efficient and well-designed that we can finish our education from ABC to master?s degree in just 10 years time. So by the time a person is 16, he or she will be ready to start living. Education will become a technical evolution. 技术的进化 Maybe I?ve seen too many science fiction movies, but I believe science and technology will revolutionize the way we receive education. And this will happen during the next 50 years. You?ll see! We can put all the knowledge of human kind into little computer chips, and we can open a socket to our, I don?t know, brain. So every time we want to use a particular knowledge, we just plug it in, you know, like a USB disk. Wouldn?t that be cool? 3. Science and technology will make it possible for all countries to share education resources. We often say that the world is flat now. What makes it flat? Science and technology, tele-communication, especially internet. So I wouldn?t be crazy to imagine that in the future 50 years, with the help of internet video conferencing, we can bring the image of a professor of Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, you name it, into the classrooms in China. Therefore, internationally famous professors and ideas can be shared globally. Q: What other types of relationships, apart from friends and family, are important in people?s lives today? 构思: 老师, 提供人生指导, 痛苦的时候给与鼓励, 迷茫的时候给与方向


英语口语面试基本话题(小升初入学考试必备) 话题一个人情况(Personalinformation) 能够向他人介绍个人的基本情况(姓名、年龄、出生日期、家庭成员、电话号码、爱好、邮箱地址、外貌、特征和自己的生活情况等),并能够写出自己简单的基本情况。 能够听懂他人的有关个人信息,并且记录简单信息。 话题二家庭(Familyandhome) 能够介绍家庭成员(姓名、年龄、职业、外貌特征、爱好等)的基本信息。 能够利用所学的语言,互相询问有关对方家庭的基本情况。 能够简单地写出家庭成员的基本信息。 能够介绍家庭住房的各种房间的名称,并能简单描述部分室内的物品。 能够简单介绍家庭成员平时经常在这些房间做的事情。 尝试着设计自己梦想中的卧室,调查同学家里房间的拥有情况。 话题三学校(Schoollife) 能够介绍自己的学校生活(学校名称、任课教师、专业教室的名称等)。 能够介绍自己的学习科目,喜欢和不喜欢的科目,并能简单单说明理由。 能够向他人介绍自己的课程表,并设计自己喜欢的课程表。 话题四朋友(Friends) 能够简单介绍自己的朋友(姓名、年龄、外貌特征、爱好等)。 能够简单地写出朋友的主要信息。 话题五天气(Weather) 能够谈论有关天气情况。 能够听懂简单的天气预报,并记录相关的信息。 能够根据天气情况,设计自己的活动计划(合适的着装、活动去向、活动目的等)。 话题六饮食(Foodanddrink) 能够表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的食物,并简单说明理由。 能够简单介绍自己一日三餐的饮食。 能够根据自己的喜好,为自己或他人点餐。 话题七:动物(Animals) 能够表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的动物,并说出为什么。 能够描述动物的外貌特征以及它们的习性。 话题八:购物(Shopping) 能够询问物品的价格。 能够描述自己对所需物品的看法(如颜色、尺寸、大小等)。
