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大学生英语精读4复习资料2 - 副本.doc

大学生英语精读4复习资料2 - 副本.doc
大学生英语精读4复习资料2 - 副本.doc

Vocabulary (Unit1)

1. A thoughtful person thinks before speaking and considers the feelings of others.(一个考虑周到的人总是先思考再说话,而且总是考虑到别人的感受。)

2. The library is closing. We might as well go home. (图书馆关门了,我们最好还是回家)

3. I?d like to draw your attention to the fact that there is some sense after all in the speaker?s nonsense. (我想让你注意到这样一个事实,在演讲者的胡言乱语中总有一定的意义)

4. Harry has a vivid imagination; he can make up marvelous stories. (哈利具有丰富的想象力,他能编出奇特的故事)

5. Although Margie was swimming so well, she failed to win the first prize and had to settle for the second. (尽管玛吉游泳游的很棒,但他未能获得第一,而只能屈居第二)

6. I?m quite determined to have the thing finished and done with before leaving the office. (我坚决完成此事并且要在下班前做完)

7. Competitive sports are recommended to young adults to prepare them for the competition world of college and business. (年轻人应该多进行一些经济性的体育运动以适应充满竞争的大学生活和商业活动)

8. It pained me to admit that I was such a fool as to repeat the mistake(承认我是个重复犯同样错误的傻瓜,这使我感到痛苦)

9.My boss paid me and added a bonus for the new customers I had signed up(老板付给我工资并发了奖金奖励我签了新客户) 10.A soldier should never shrink form the duty of defending his country even in the face of certain death(即使面对死亡,一名战士也不应该逃避保卫祖国的职责)

11. Due to exceptionally bad weather, the ship arrived late and the delivery of goods was not on time(由于天气突变,船到晚了,货物无法准时送到)

12.My wife was rather embarrassed when she overheard some of our guests say they didn?t like the meal she?d cooked for them(当我的妻子无意中听到一些客人说他们不喜欢她做的菜,她相当尴尬)

13.People in my hometown tend to eat more sour food on hot summer days presumably because it could help quench their thirst(在我的家乡,炎热的夏天人们好吃酸的食物,因为酸的食物有助于解渴)

14.In the United States it is quite easy to find a place for rent ,but the high cost keeps many young people away(在美国,找到一个地方居住根容易,但高昂的价格使许多年轻人止步不前)

15. The professor was reluctant to stop grading the stack of papers on her desk, but she was really too tired to read on(教授


16. Bacteria reproduce themselves by splitting into two.(细菌靠自己分裂成俩个进行繁殖)


1.Her suggestion may sound reasonable in everybody else?s

eyes I?m afraid it may seem ridiculous.(对你来说他的建议听起来有道理,但在别人的眼里恐怕就太可笑了)

2.Some doctors believe it is brutal to tall dying patients the

truth about their condition because they may become so distressed as to commit suicide.(一些医生认为告诉垂危病人实情是残忍的,以为他们可能会因非常沮丧而自杀)

3.We note with satisfaction that all those activities have helped

to promote mutual understanding and friendship between our two country(我们满意的注意到所有这些活动有利于我们俩个国家间的互相理解和友谊)

4.Contrary to the belief of some doctors, even very old and sick

people want to know the details of their illness so that they can prepare for death in their own special way(一些医生的观点相反,即使是年纪很大,病情严重的人都想知道他们的病情的详细情况,这样他们可能以自己特殊的方式准备死亡的降临)

5.Corruption in government is not tolerated any country that

wants to achieve rapid economic growth and improve the life of its citizens(政府的腐败是任何一个希望经济快速增长,人民生活提高的国家所不能容忍的)

6.Mary betrayed her friends by going back on her words(玛丽


7.The author brings the first chapter of his book to a close by

giving a brief account of the advances science has made since liberation(作者简单的介绍了解放以来所取得的科技成就,以此来结束其著作的第一章)

8.In that accident, Julian risked her own life to help a disabled


9.It pays in the long run to introduce new techniques.(引进新技


10.Mrs. Queen gave us a distorted account of what had

happened; that?s why we no longer believe in the sincerity of her utterances.(格林夫人给我们一个与事实不否的描述,这就是为何我们不再相信她的话的原因)

11.In every country parents always remember the first time

their child utters the word “Mama” or “Dad”.(在每个国家,父母亲总是记得他们的孩子第一次叫妈妈或爸爸的情形)

12.At times the oral English class was noisy, with everyone

participating in an activity at the same time, but at others, the class just sat there and didn?t say anything.(有时英语口语课吵吵闹闹的,大家同时参加一项活动,但其他时候,学生们都坐在那里,一句话不说)


1.1.The nurse on duty hurried to Mr. Spenser’s ward in

answer to his bell.(应斯宾塞先生电铃的召唤,值班护士急忙赶到病房)

2.Catching sight of its mother ,the little child stopped crying

and toddled to meet her (看见他的妈妈,小孩停止了哭泣,蹒跚着走过去迎接她)

3.The football players were trying to make impression on the

national coach(足球运动员正在努力给国家教练留下好印象)4.Banks have to think of ways of making long-term savings

more attractive individuals and businesses.(银行得想办法使长期储蓄更吸引个人和企业)

5.Though he had done a day?s hard work , ha said he

wasn?t in the least tired.(尽管他干完了一天繁重的劳动,但他却说一点也不累)

6.Mr. David in the habit of knitting his brows whenever he

concentrates on a difficult problem.(大为先生只要一专心思


7.Mother always taught me to be thrifty ad not to live beyond

my means(母亲总是教育我要节俭,不要入不敷出)

8.Fruits is best and cheapest when it is in season.(水果当季


9.All of a sudden train jerked to a stop and in the same instant

everyone on the train knew that something must have gone wrong(突然火车急刹车,此时车上的每一个人都意识到一定出事了)

10.We would have succeed in fulfilling the task ahead of

schedule if the weather had not take a hand in our plan(如果不是天气阻碍了我们的计划,我们将会提前胜利完成任务) 11.The two kidnappers thrust him into the back of a jeep and

then drove off at full speed(俩个绑架者将他猛的推进吉普车,然后全速开走了)

12.The night was very dark ,and suddenly a flash of lighting lit

the sky (夜很黑,突然一道闪光照亮了夜空)

13.The Browns were very hospitable to us when we visited

Chicago in the summer of 1995.They showed us around most of the city(当我们于1995年夏天到芝加哥时,布朗夫妇对我们很热情,带着我们逛了大半个城市)

14.Ways must be found to assure our children a decent start in


15.In some countries, the constitution forbids the military use of

nuclear energy(在一些国际宪法禁止将核能运用在军事设施上)


1.Some teachers claim that recreation is necessary for children

to be able to learn in school but others do not feel that leisure activity is all that important(一些老师声称娱乐活动对孩子们能在学校是必要的,但其他人却未感觉到娱乐活动实施如此重要)

2.In order to stabilize the economy, the government has

worked hard to lower the rate of inflation(为了稳定经济,政府已努力降低通货膨胀率)

3.At first thought the problem may seem far too involved but it

can certainly be solved whale, out of existence(乍一想,问题似乎过于复杂,但若严肃处理是一定能解决的)

4.There is no commercial excuse for hunting an endangered

species such as the whale , out of existence. (决不能以盈利为理由捕杀像鲸鱼这样一些濒临灭绝的危险物种)

5.Manmade or artificial fibers such as nylon are not as popular

nowadays as natural fibers like wool or cotton(现在人造纤维,如尼龙,已不如绵、羊毛这样的自然纤维那样流行了)

6.The book is too difficult for the children. We are trying to

simplify it(这书对孩子们来说太难了,我们正努力使之简单化)

7.The film has been exposed to light. How can you expect the

photographs to develop?(这胶片曝光了,你怎么能盼着洗出相片呢)

8.It seems to me that the Americans area highly mobile people.

Most of them like to travel whenever they get the chance(对我来说,美国人具有很强的流动性,只要有机会,大多数人都会去旅行)

9.The convenience of living underground may not be attractive

to people who can not stand being away from natural sunlight(生活在底下的方便性对那些无法忍受远离自然光的人来说说也许是没有吸引力的)

10..“Did you say agreed with him?”“Yes, but mind you , I

didn?t make any commitment(“你说你同意他的观点?”“是的,但请注意,我并未做出任何承诺。”)

11.As these vases are handmade, each one varies slightly(这些花


12.After such a long delay the house was finally ready for



1. Dana came back from her holiday with renewed strength and decide to go on with the experiment.(

2. Mary is as vain as a peacock and always wants to be the focus of attention

3. Timothy?s letters indicate that he loved his daughter and took pride in her and her work

4. Jim had to exert all his strength to pull the drowning man out of the river

5. Jane experienced a loss of identity after giving up her career to get married

6. like food, fuel, etc. water is a basic necessity of life

7. Our organization seeks to improve the social status of disabled people by providing them with better employment opportunities 8. The hall did not have the capacity for such a large number of people so we had to look for a larger auditorium

9. Thomas Jefferson argued that the greatest contribution you can make to your country is to preserve freedom by continuing your education and taking care that your children receive the highest level of education possible

10. When Albert got a position in London all of his friends envied him because the job would offer him more opportunities to go abroad

11. If you feel you have any cause for complaint about the service you can call the head office of the company

12. In the absence of any substantial evidence ,the suspect was found not guilty

13. Therapies like acupuncture do work and many patients have been healed by them


When Dad told us about ___1___ work it sounded easy, just a piece of cake .The trouble was , we did n?t take care to____2_ just how much material was__3____ .Before long trucks seemed to be_4_____ up outside our house all day long, leaving___5__ of advertising. It seemed we would have no chance of meeting the_6____ .Then we had this __7____idea. Hiring local kids to help would enable us to get the job done on time .True, it would _____8 _____ our profits, but there was no alternative. Things seemed to be going well, but then we had trouble over a pay claim. Our workers ___9___five dollars an hour, but fortunately for us they were ready to settle for less .As for as, when we finally ___10___ our accounts we ended up earning less than the __11___wage for all our efforts. I guess we should have _12____better than to believe that big bucks come easy.

1, delivery 2,inquire 3,involved 4,pulling 5,stacks 6,deadline 7,marvelous 8,cut into 9,demanded 10,settled 11,minimum 12,known


Whether or not to tell the seriously ill about their true condition has long been a ___1___ for medical professionals .Many doctors Believe that __2____ the facts from those patients will benefit them psychologically and may help them recover. But new studies show that _____3 ______ this widespread belief, the overwhelming majority of patients want to be told the truth, even in the case of ___4____ illnesses. If they are not , they feel-___5____ and misled. As it is,lying makes it difficult for patients to make choices___6____ their own health . And keeping a dying patient in the dark __7____ him from making decisions about the end of his life. Lying can also cause doctors to lose their __8____ and credibility and does harm to ___9__ who are honest with their patients. In the long run, lying hurts the entire medical profession. As a __10____of the current concerns, many hospitals have adopted patients? bills of rights, but patients still need to be wary because the days of physicians _11_____ patients are certainly not over yet and may never be.

1, dilemma 2, concealing 3,contray to 4, grave 5, betrayed

6,concerning 7,prevents 8, integrity 9,colleagues 10, consequence 11,deceiving


While attending a play, the author __1____ sight ___2___ a woman he had taken to luncheon twenty years before . At that time his first ___3___of her was that she was not very ___4____ , around forty years old and over-talkative . He had been too inexperienced to __5____ himself __6_____turn down her request to meet at an extremely expensive restaurant .She started their conversation by __7_____ him that she would eat only a ____8___

For lunch .But as she chatted away, she soon appeared to ___9___her small appetite and kept on ordering more food .And she seemed to be ___10____ to older the most expensive food and drink ,such as salmon not in ___11____ and champagne .In fact ,the wick woman ordered so much that when the author picked up the bill, he was startled to see that he had only just enough money to pay and tip the waiter a __12____ three francs .Even then the woman did not in the ___13____ realize that his modest salary was used up and it would be difficult for him to keep _______ __14___ ________ together for the rest of that month .But finally he has his __15____ :now she is quite

overweight .And he ,of course ,no long feels ___16___ to say yes to a woman just because he is flattered by her attention.

1, caught 2, of 3, impression 4, attractive 5,bring 6, to 7, assuring 8, trifle 9, overlook 10, inclined 11, season 12, mean 13, least 14, body and soul 15, revenge 16, inclined Unit 8

Can you ___1___ what the world would be like if we all lived underground?____ __2___ ______ it may not appear an attractive idea , but someday it may be ___3___ on us as the buildings we construct come to ____4___ ______ more and more of Earth …s surface . _____5 ______ , life below might not be all bad .In some ways it could ___6____our lives .For one thing , __7____light would enable us to get away ___8____ the need to adjust to different local times as we travel around the globe .For another ,___9___ from the surface would save us from being ______10 _____ unfavorable weather conditions .As for other ___11___ , they would benefit from our absence and there would be more wildlife for us to see and enjoy whenever we felt the need to return to the surface for___12____.


1, visualize 2, At first thought 3, forced 4, take up 5, Mind you 6, simplify 7, artificial 8, from 9, withdrawing

10, exposed to 11,species 12, recreation

Unit 10

Most people __1____work __2___ punishment or think of it as a necessary burden. But the truth is work provides people with personal satisfaction and, in __3____ , a sense of accomplishment. ___4____ ______offering __5____support, work can keep us healthy not only physically but also mentally. For example, patients suffering from depression can often be __6____ when provided with gainful employment. The___7___ is also true. Retirement and __8____ can be ___9___ to one’s health. People with no chance to _____10_ ______ excess energy and derive __11______from a job may suffer from the ___12__ of a __13____ illness even though they are not physically sick. While ___14_ _______ , people tend to enjoy the company of other _____15___ because the relations among them are not so complicated as those in other areas of life. Besides, people want to work with a winner—a best work group or in a well-known __16____-_____17_ ______ a loser, for a successful unit can bring us status as well as self- confidence.

1, associate 2, with 3, particular 4, Aside from 5, financial 6, healed 7, reverse 8, unemployment 9, harmful 10, work off 11, status 12, symptoms 13, acute 14, at work 15,

staff 16, institution 17, rather than



We were informed(我们接到通知) that the Minister of Finance was to give us an audience (接见我们)the next day.


I thought it odd(我觉得很奇怪) that he didn?t seem to remember his own birthday.


Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term papers, but most students have hardly made a dent(几乎无进展) in the work so far.


It pained the headmaster(校长心里很难受) to find the number of students shrinking.


Cash is commonly used in paying bills in that country, but checks are becoming more popular and will, in a short while, replace cash as a way for people to settle their accounts. it is not responsible for


The company claims that it is not responsible for(不是他的责任)the pollution in the river.



I am convinced that, contrary to expectations

(与期望相反), the so-called informed decision (这所谓明智的决定)will bring very grave consequences.



It? true he once deceived yo u, but he has admitted he has done wrong and apologized. So you shouldn?t always treat him with suspicion (所以你不应该老是以怀疑的态度对待他)


He had taken a stand on(表明自己的立场)the issue before it was openly debated.


In the course of their investigation, they discovered various forms of political corruption and exposed a number of corrupt officials (揭露了许多贪官污吏)


Mary?s dilemma was whether to betrayed her colleagues by telling her boss the truth or to betrayed his trust by keeping him in the dark(让他蒙在鼓里) about it.


Now, in the first place(首先),what has made you think this program will promote reforms, and in the second(其次), how do you know these reforms will benefit the whole county?




The court’s judgment aroused anger(法庭的判决引起气氛)among Mr. Smith's friends, who believed that he was innocent.


2.As we passed the expensive restaurant, father hurried us along saying that it was well beyond our means(大大超过我们的经济能力)to have dinner at such a fancy place.


A teacher may evaluate and grade an essay on the basis of his general impression(根据他的总的印象)rather than on a detailed analysis.


I was inclined to get angry at the puppy(我正想对小狗发火)for ruining my painting but he was cute that I could not help but laugh and pick him up.

5.爱德华常常喜爱在那间可以眺望大海的房间里朗诵诗歌。Edward was in the habit of reciting poems(喜爱朗诵诗歌) in the room overlooking the sea.


6.Anthony stayed up all night because he just could not make his mind(举棋不定)whether or not to take a hand in the matter. (对于是否插手此事)




Someday people need not get away from the city to find peace and quiet. When we withdraw into underground dwellings(当我们撤到地下居所时),the surface ground now occupied by cities

can be turned over to park and wilderness (可让位于公园和荒野)

for recreation.


Not all of the students, mind you(请你注意),are willing to attend the graduation ceremony, so the school has to require that all graduating students attend the ceremony(毕业生都得出席)if they want to receive a diploma.


Many of the ideas we have about the role of women in society are derived from feudal times (来自封建时代)and are not relevant in today?s society.


People today are more mobile than ever before(流动性比以往任何时候都大),perhaps this is why mobile phones have become so common.


Virtually every child has dreamed of traveling(几乎每个孩子都

曾梦想去旅游)in space and experiencing what it would be like to live in a gravity-free environment.

6.我们学校鼓励学生独立思考,不要受老师观点的束缚。Students of our school are encouraged to do independent thinking and not to be restricted by the teacher?s points of view(不要受老师观点的束缚).



The absence of the crucial witness(关键证人的缺席)was likely to weaken the case against the defendant.


To prepare us for the debate, the coach wanted us to be always aware of arguments that are quite the reverse of ours.(要我们经常注意与我们自己的论点相悖的论点。

3.尤其是,人们指望你表现出能激励和领导一班人的潜力。Above all you are expected to demonstrate a potential

(人们指望你表现出潜力)to motivate and lead the team.


A doctor often prides himself on the ability(为能力而自豪)to cure his patient of a rare disease.



大学英语精读第三版第四册答案 Unit1 翻译 1) 我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。 We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to give us an audience /receive us the next day. 2) 我觉得很奇怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日。 I thought it odd that he didn't seem to remember his own birthday. 3) 学期论文最迟应在下星期二交来,可是至今大部分学生却几无进展。 Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term papers, but most students have hardly made a dent in the work so far. 4) 看到学生人数不断减少,校长心里很难受。(pain) It pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking. 5) 在那个国家一般用现金付账,但支票变得普遍起来了,不久会代替现金作为人们结账的一种方式。 Cash is commonly used in paying bills in that country, but checks are becoming more popular and will, in a short while, replace cash as a way for people to settle their accounts. 6) 该公司声称,这条河流的污染不是它造成的。 The company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in the river. Unit2 翻译 1) 比尔已是个成熟的小伙子,不再依赖父母替他做主。 Bill is a mature young man who is no longer dependent on his parents for decisions. 2) 这个地区有大量肉类供应,但新鲜果蔬奇缺。 There are abundant supplies of meat in this region, but fresh fruit and vegetables are scarce. 3) 工程师们依靠工人们的智慧发明了一种新的生产方法,使生产率得以提高。 Drawing on the wisdom of the workers, the engineers invented a new production method that led to increased productivity. 4) 他花了许多时间准备数学考试,因此当他获知自己只得了个B时感到有点失望。 He spent a lot of time preparing for his math exam. Hence he was somewhat disappointed to learn that he got only a B. 5) 我们有充裕的时间从从容容吃顿午饭。 We have ample time for a leisurely lunch. 6) 地方政府不得不动用储备粮并采取其他紧急措施,以渡过粮食危机。

大学英语精读4 书后cloze吐血整理

When dad told us about the delivery work it sounded easy, just a piece of cake. The trouble was, we didn’t take care to inquire just how much material was involved. Before long trucks seemed to be pulling up outside our house all day long, leaving stacks of advertising. It seemed we should have no chance of meeting the deadline. The we had this marvelous idea. Hiring local kids to help would enable us to get the job done on time. True, it would cut into our profits, but there was no alternative. things seemed to be going well, but then we had trouble over a pay claim. Our workers demanded five dollars an hour, but fortunately for us they were ready to settle for less. As for us, when we finally settled our accounts we ended up earning less than the minimum wage for our efforts. I guess we should have know better than to believe that big bucks come easy. While it is often said that love makes the world go round, scientists take a less romantic view. To their minds, energy is the fundamental force at work. All animal life is dependent on obtaining sufficient energy from food. Deer, like other wild animals, do this through eating as much food as possible in the summer, when food resources are abundant. Any excess of energy over their current needs is deposited in the body in the form of fat. Then, when food becomes scarce in the winter, they can live off the fat. In addition, nature helps them to survive the winter by slowing down their metabolism, assisting them to pull through the cold weather. However, when the winter is particularly harsh, deer may have to draw on the fat they have built up more heavily. Under such conditions, only deer in good condition are able to survive to give birth to a new generation. In his essay George Orwell starts off by citing Bernard Shaw’s remark that people are more superstitious today than they were in the Middle Ages. They promptly accept the opinions of experts without asking any questions themselves. Obviously Shaw exaggerates just in order to prove his point that we should not always fall back on the theories of well-known authorities. Rather, we should aim at finding out some things for ourselves. By way of illustration, Orwell outlines arguments against the Flat Earth and the Oval Earth theories, thus throwing light on the fact that much of our knowledge actually rests on authority rather than on reasoning or on experiment. Finally, Orwell draws his conclusion that ours is a credulous age partly because we have such an exceptionally heavy burden of knowledge. The last time Lyz saw her husband was as he waved goodbye to her from the steps of their house. He was due to fly off on business later that day. Unluckily for him his flight was cancelled and he found himself having to take United Flight 93 the following day. It was from on board that ill-fated flight that he telephoned with the news that hijackers had threatened to blow up the aircraft. Cursing his bad luck, he nonetheless realized that his fate was in his own hands. Hoping that the terrorists were bluffing when they claimed to have a bomb, he and some other passengers decided to act. Without hanging up, he set off with the others to attack the hijackers. From the telephone came the sound of screams. Then silence.


1.Can We Know the Universe? - Reflections on a Grain of Salt Carl Sagan Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge. Its goal is to find out how the world works, to seek what regularities there may be, to penetrate to the connections of things - from sub-nuclear particles, which may be the constituents of all matter, to living organisms, the human social community, and thence to the cosmos as a whole. Our intuition is by no means an infallible guide. Our perceptions may be distorted by training and prejudice or merely because of the limitations of our sense organs, which, of course, perceive directly but a small fraction of the phenomena of the world. Even so straightforward a question as whether in the absence of friction a pound of lead falls faster than a grain of fluff was answered incorrectly by Aristotle and almost everyone else before the time of Galileo. Science is based on experiment, on a willingness to challenge old dogma, on an openness to see the universe as it really is. Accordingly, science sometimes requires courage-at the very least, the courage to question the conventional wisdom. But to what extent can we really know the universe around us? Sometimes this question is posed by people who hope the answer will be in the negative, who are fearful of a universe in which everything might one day be known. And sometimes we hear pronouncements from scientists who confidently state that everything worth knowing will soon be known - or even is already known. Let us approach a much more modest question: not whether we can know the universe or the Milky Way Galaxy or a star or a world. Can we know ultimately and in detail, a grain of salt? Consider one microgram of table salt, a speck just barely large enough for someone with keen eyesight to make out without a microscope. In that grain of salt there are about 1016 sodium and chlorine atoms. This is a 1 followed by 16 zeros, 10 million billion atoms. If we wish to know a grain of salt, we must know at least the three-dimensional positions of each of these atoms. (In fact, there is much more to be known - for example, the nature of the forces between the atoms - but we are making only a modest calculation.) Now, is this number more or less than the number of things which the brain can know? How much can the brain know? There are perhaps 1011 neurons in the brain, the circuit elements and switches that are responsible in their electrical and chemical activity for the functioning of our minds. A typical brain neuron has perhaps a thousand little wires, called dendrites, which connect it with its fellows. If, as seems likely, every bit of information in the brain corresponds to one of these connections, the total number of things knowable by the brain is no more than 1014, one hundred trillion. But this number is only one percent of the number of atoms in our speck of salt.


Unit1翻译 1) 我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。 We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to give us an audience /receive us the next day. 2) 我觉得很奇怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日。 I thought it odd that he didn't seem to remember his own birthday. 3) 学期论文最迟应在下星期二交来,可是至今大部分学生却几无进展。 Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term papers, but most students have hardly made a dent in the work so far. 4) 看到学生人数不断减少,校长心里很难受。(pain) It pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking. 5) 在那个国家一般用现金付账,但支票变得普遍起来了,不久会代替现金作为人们结账的一种方式。 Cash is commonly used in paying bills in that country, but checks are becoming more popular and will, in a short while, replace cash as a way for people to settle their accounts. 6) 该公司声称,这条河流的污染不是它造成的。 The company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in the river. Unit2翻译 1) 比尔已是个成熟的小伙子,不再依赖父母替他做主。 Bill is a mature young man who is no longer dependent on his parents for decisions. 2) 这个地区有大量肉类供应,但新鲜果蔬奇缺。 There are abundant supplies of meat in this region, but fresh fruit and vegetables are scarce. 3) 工程师们依靠工人们的智慧发明了一种新的生产方法,使生产率得以提高。 Drawing on the wisdom of the workers, the engineers invented a new production method that led to increased productivity. 4) 他花了许多时间准备数学考试,因此当他获知自己只得了个B时感到有点失望。 He spent a lot of time preparing for his math exam. Hence he was somewhat disappointed to learn that he got only a B. 5) 我们有充裕的时间从从容容吃顿午饭。


大学英语精读第四册课后翻译答案 unit 1 1.我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。 We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to meet us the next day. 2.我觉得很奇怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日。 I thought it odd that he didn’t seem to remember his own birthday. 3.学期论文最迟应在下星期二交来,可是大部分学生却至今几无进展。 Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term papers, but most students have hardly made a dent in the work so far. 4.看到学生人数不断减少,校长心里很难受。 It pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking. 5.在那个国家一般用现金付账,但支票变得普通起来了,不久会代替现金作为人们结账的一种方式。 Cash is commonly used in paying bills in that country, but checks are becoming more popular and will, in a short while, replace cash as a way for people to settle their accounts. 6.该公司声称,这条河流的污染不是它造成的。 the company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in river. unit2 1.比尔已是个成熟的小伙子,不再依赖父母替他作主。 Bill is a mature young man who is no longer dependent on his parents for decisions. 2.这个地区有大量肉类供应,但新鲜果蔬奇缺。 There are abundant supplies of meat in this region, but fresh fruit and vegetables are scarce. 3.工程师们依靠工人们的智慧,发明了一种新的生产方法,使生产率得以提高。


UNIT 2-1 一场关于男人是否比女人勇敢的激烈的讨论以一个意外的方式。晚宴我最初听到这个故事是在印度,那儿的人们今天讲起它来仍好像实有其事似的——尽管任何一位博物学家都知道这不可能是真的。后来有人告诉我,在第一次世界大战之后不久就出现在一本杂志上。但登在杂志上的那篇故事, 以及写那篇故事的人,我却一直未能找到。故事发生在印度。某殖民官员和他的夫人举行盛行的晚宴。跟他们一起就座的客人有——军官和他人的夫人,另外还有一位来访的美国博物学家——筵席设在他们家宽敞的餐室里,室内大理石地板上没有铺地毯;屋顶明椽裸露;宽大的玻璃门外便是阳台。席间,一位年轻的女士同一位少校展开了热烈的讨论。年轻的女士认为,妇女已经有所进步,不再像过去那样一见到老鼠就吓得跳到椅子上;少校则不以为然。“女人一遇到危急情况,”少校说,反应便是尖叫。而男人虽然也可能想叫,但比起女人来,自制力却略胜一筹。这多出来的一点自制力正是真正起作用的东西。”那个美国人没有参加这场争论,他只是注视着在座的其他客人。在他这样观察时,他发现女主人的脸上显出一种奇异的表情。她两眼盯着正前方,脸部肌肉在微微抽搐。她向站在座椅后面的印度男仆做了个手势,对他耳语了几句。男仆两眼睁得大大的,迅速地离开了餐室。在座的客人中,除了那位美国人以外论证也没有注意到这一幕,也没有看到那个男仆把一碗牛奶放在紧靠门边的阳台上。那个美国人突然醒悟过来。在印度,碗中的牛奶只有一个意思——引蛇的诱饵。他意识到餐室里一定有条眼镜蛇。他意识到餐室里一定有条眼镜蛇。他抬头看了看屋顶上的椽子——那是最可能有蛇藏身的地方——但那上面空荡荡的。室内的三个角落里也是空的,而在第四个角落里,仆人们正在等着下一道菜。这样,剩下的就只有一个地方了餐桌下面。他首先想到的是往后一跳,并向其他人发警告。但他知道这样会引起骚乱,致使眼镜索受惊咬人。于是他很快讲了一通话,其语气非常威严,竟使所有的人安静了下来。我想了解一下在座的诸位到底有多大的克制能力,我数三百下——也就五分钟——你们谁都不许动一动。动者将罚款五十卢比。准备好!”在他数数的过程中,那2 0 个人像一尊尊石雕一样端坐在那儿。当他数到“……280……”时,突然从眼然处看到那条眼镜蛇钻了出来,向那碗牛奶爬去。在他跳起来把通往阳台的门全都砰砰地牢牢关上时,室内响起了一片尖叫声。“你刚才说得很对,少校!”男主人大声说。一个男子刚刚为我们显示了从容不迫、镇定自若的范例。”“且慢”,那位美国人一边说着一边转向女主人。温兹太太,你怎么知道那条眼镜蛇是在屋子里呢?”女主人的脸上闪现出一丝淡淡的微笑,回答说:“因为它当时正从我的脚背上爬过去。” UNIT2 杰斐逊很久以前就死了,但是我们仍然对他的一些思想很感兴趣,杰斐逊的箴言, 布鲁斯.布利文、托马斯.杰斐逊美国第三任总统,也许不像乔治.华盛顿和亚伯拉罕.林肯那样著名,但大多数人至少记得有关他的一件事实:《独立宣言》是他起草的。虽然杰斐逊生活在二百多年以前,但我们今天仍可以从他身上学到很多东西。他的许多思想对当代青年特别有意义。下面就是他讲过和写到过的一些观点:自己去看。杰斐逊认为,一个自由的人除了从书本中获取知识外,还可以从许多别的来源获得知识;亲自做调查是很重要的。当他还年轻的时候,他就被任命为一个委员会的成员,去调查詹姆斯河南部支流的水深是否可以通行大型船只。委员会的其他成员都坐在州议会大厦内,研究有关这一问题的文件,而杰斐逊却跳进一只独木舟去做现场观测。你可以向任何人学习。按出身及其所受的教育,杰斐逊均属于最高的社会阶层。然而很少跟出身卑贱的人说话的年代,在那个贵人们除了发号施令以外。杰斐逊却想尽办法跟园丁、仆人和侍者交谈。有一次杰斐逊曾这样对法国贵族拉斐特说:你必须像我那样到平民百性的家里去,看看他们的烧饭锅,吃吃他们的面包。只要你肯这样做,你就会发现老百姓为什么会不满意,你就会理解正在威胁着法国的革命。”自已作判断。未经过认真的思考,杰斐逊绝不接受别人的意见。“不要相信它或拒绝它。

现代大学英语精读4 Unit1-14课后翻译答案

1、我知道,不管发生什么,我都可以指望我的兄弟会支持我。 I knew I could expect my brother to stand by me whatever happened . 2、一般情况下,年轻人总是对现在和将来更有兴趣。 As a general rule, young people tend to be more interest in the present and the future. 3、如果他们双方不妥协,就都会遭损。 Both sides will stand to lose if they do not compromise. 4、我们希望使我们的全部课程和教材都成为一个统一的整体。 It is our hope to make all the courses and teaching materials integrated. 5、中国的书面文字一直是国家完整统一的一个重要因素。 The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating our nation. 6、在中国的传统艺术中,竹子往往代表道德上的正直、刚正不阿。 In traditional Chinese art, the bamboo often stands for moral integrity and uprightness. 7、绝大多数人都赞成深化改革。 The great majority of the people stand for further reform. 8、伊丽莎白一世女王统治英国45年。在她统治期间,国家十分繁荣昌盛。 Queen Elizabeth the First ruled England for 45 years, and the country prospered under her rule. 9、真理一开始总是掌握在少数人手里。这是一般的规律。 The truth is always in the hand of the a small minority at first. That's the rule. 10, 民主意味着由多数人来治理,但是少数人反对的权利仍然得到尊重。这两条基本规则同等重要。 Democracy means that the majority rules , but the minority’s right to disagree is also respected . These two basic rules are of equal importance . 11、一个国家不可能强大,除非她不但地理上是一个整体,而且经济上,政治上和文化上都是一个很好的整体。 A nation cannot be strong unless it is well-integrated economically, politically and culturally as well as geographically. 12、那次晚会很乏味,所以她悄悄溜出房间回家了。 The party was boring, so she slipped out of the room and went home. 13 路很泥泞,他一滑掉进了河里。 The road was muddy . He slipped and fell into the river . 14、有一天,我因为破产正在一家饭馆力借酒浇愁,他突然过来把一叠钞票悄悄塞进我手里。One day I was drowning my sorrows in a restaurant because I was broke when he came and slipped a roll of money into my hand. 12、佛罗里达州的法院裁决,票数需要重新统计。 The Court of Florida ruled that it was necessary to recount the votes. 13、认为太阳绕着地球转的观点统治了古代学术界达一千多年。 The idea that the sun moves round the earth ruled ancient scholars for more than a thousand years. 14、日子一天天过去,可是我仍然没有多少进步。 Days slipped by and I still had not made much progress. 15、他怕犯错,每个字都仔细推敲。 He weighed every word carefully lest he should make a mistake. 16、她的身体糟糕到了冬天都不敢见太阳,免得中暑。 Her health was such that she wound not go out in the sun even in winter lest she get sun-stroke.


Unit1 课程开始之际,就如何使学习英语的任务更容易提出一些建议似乎正当其时。 Some Strategies or Learning English 学习英语绝非易事。它需要刻苦和长期努力。 虽然不经过持续的刻苦努力便不能期望精通英语,然而还是有各种有用的学习策略可以用来使这一任务变得容易一些。以下便是其中的几种。 1. 不要以完全同样的方式对待所有的生词。你可曾因为简直无法记住所学的所有生词而抱怨自己的记忆力太差?其实,责任并不在你的记忆力。如果你一下子把太多的生词塞进头脑,必定有一些生词会被挤出来。你需要做的是根据生词日常使用的频率以不同的方式对待它们。积极词汇需要经常练习,有用的词汇必须牢记,而在日常情况下不常出现的词只需见到时认识即可。你会发现把注意力集中于积极有用的词上是扩大词汇量最有效的途径。 2.密切注意地道的表达方式。你可曾纳闷过,为什么我们说我对英语感兴趣是I'm 湩整敲瑳摥椠?湅汧獩屨,而说我精于法语则是???潧摯愠?牆湥档?你可曾问过自己,为什么以英语为母语的人说获悉消息或秘密是汜慥湲琠敨渠睥?牯猠捥敲屴,而获悉某人的成功或到来却是汜慥湲漠?潳敭湯?环猠捵散獳漠?牡楲慶屬?这些都是惯用法的例子。在学习英语时,你不仅必须注意词义,还必须注意以英语为母语的人在日常生活中如何使用它。 3.每天听英语。经常听英语不仅会提高你的听力,而且有助你培养说的技能。除了专为课程准备的语言磁带外,你还可以听英语广播,看英语电视和英语电影。第一次听录好音的英语对话或语段,你也许不能听懂很多。先试着听懂大意,然后再反复地听。你会发现每次重复都会听懂更多的东西。 4.抓住机会说。的确,在学校里必须用英语进行交流的场合并不多,但你还是可以找到练习讲英语的机会。例如,跟你的同班同学进行交谈可能就是得到一些练习的一种轻松愉快的方式。还可以找校园里以英语为母语的人跟他们随意交谈。或许练习讲英语最容易的方式是高声朗读,因为这在任何时间,任何地方,不需要搭档就可以做到。例如,你可以看着图片18 / 1 或身边的物件,试着对它们详加描述。你还可以复述日常情景。在商店里购物或在餐馆里吃完饭付过账后,假装这一切都发生在一个讲英语的国家,试着用英语把它表演出来。 5.广泛阅读。广泛阅读很重要,因为在我们的学习环境中,阅读是最重要、最可靠的语言输入来源。在选择阅读材料时,要找你认为有趣的、不需要过多依赖词典就能看懂的东西。开始时每天读一页是个好办法。接下去,你就会发现你每天可以读更多页,而且能对付难度更高的材料。6.经常写。写作是练习你已经学会的东西的好方法。除了老师布置的作文,你还可以找到自己要写的理由。有个笔友可以提供很好的动力;与某个跟你趣味相投但来自不同文化的人进行交流,你会学到很多东西。经常写作的其他方式还有记日记,写小故事或概述每天的新闻。 语言学习是一个积累的过程。从读和听中吸收尽量多的东西,然后再试着把学到的东西通过说和写加以运用,定会大有收益。 Unit2 弗朗西斯·奇切斯特在六十五岁时开始了只身环球航行。本文记述的就是这一冒险故事。 Sailing Round the Word 弗朗西斯·奇切斯特在独自驾船作环球航行之前,已有好几次让他的朋友们感到吃惊了。他曾试图作环球飞行,但没有成功。那是1931年。 好多年过去了。他放弃了飞行,开始航海。他领略到航海的巨大乐趣。奇切斯特在首届横渡大西洋单人航海比赛中夺魁时,已经五十八岁。他周游世界的宿愿重又被唤起,不过这一次他是要驾船环游。由于他患有肺癌,朋友们和医生们都认为他不该去,但奇切斯特决意实施自己的计划。


Unit1 Phrase 1.猛然敲门bang the door 2.向国王陛下欢呼cheer His Majesty 3.凝视那雕像contemplate the statue 4.设计/发明一种新方法devise a new way 5.获得一种名声gain a reputation 6.鼓舞人民inspire the people 7.低下头sink one’s head 8.象征/代表国家symbolize the nation 9.暖和双手warm one’s hands 10.毁了某人的健康ruin one’s health 11.扮演重要的角色play an important role/part in 12.解决这个问题settle the issue Sentence 1.I know I could rely on my brother to stand by me whatever happened. 我知道,不管发生什么情况,我都可以依靠兄弟的支持。 2.As a rule, the younger generation tends to be more interested in the present rather than the past unlike the older generation, but both generations will stand to lose if they do not respect the other’s needs. 一般来说,年轻一代与老一辈不同,他们对现在而不是对过去感兴趣。但这两代人如果不互相尊重对方的需要,就都会遭受损失。 3.The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating the whole nation. 中国的书面文字是国家完整统一的一个重要因素。 4.In traditional Chinese art and literature, the bamboo and the pine tree always symbolize more integrity and uprightness. 在中国的传统艺术和文学中,竹子和松树往往象征着道德上的正直和刚正不阿。 5.Queen Elizabeth 1 ruled England for 45years, and the nation prospered under her rule. 女皇伊丽莎白一世统治英国45年。在她统治时期,国家十分繁荣昌盛。 6.Democracy means that the majority rules. But that’s not all. Respect for minority’s right to disagree is also an integral part of democracy. The two rules are equal importance. 民主意味着多数人来治理;但不仅如此,尊重少数人反对的权利也是民主不可分的一部分。这两条规则同等重要。 7. A nation cannot be strong unless it is well-integrated politically, economically, culturally as well as geographically. 一个国家不可能强大,除非她不在地理上,二十在政治、经济、和文化上都是一个整体。 8.The party was boring, so he slipped out of the room and went home. But the road was so muddy after the rain that he slipped and fell into a ditch. 晚会十分乏味,所以他就偷偷溜出房间回家了。可是雨后的路非常泥泞,他脚下一滑,掉进了沟里。 9.Her health was such that she would not dare to be exposed to the sun even in winter lest she got sunstroke. 她身体糟糕到了这种程度,以至于冬天都不敢见太阳,怕中暑。 10.I was drowning my sorrow one night in a small restaurant when he came to me and slipped a


大学英语精读4 汉译英练习答案 UNIT 1 1. 我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。 2. 我觉得很奇怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日。 3. 学期论文最迟应在下星期二交来,可是至今大部分学生却几无 进展。 4. 看到学生人数不断减少,校长心里很难受。(pain) 5. 在那个国家一般用现金付账,但支票变得普遍起来了,不久会 代替现金作为人们结账的一种方式。 6. 该公司声称,这条河流的污染不是它造成的。 1. We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to give us an audience /receive us the next day. 2. I thought it odd that he didn't seem to remember his own birthday. 3. Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term papers, but most students have hardly made a dent in the work so far. 4. It pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking. 5. Cash is commonly used in paying bills in that country, but checks are becoming more popular and will, in a short while, replace cash as a way for people to settle their accounts. 6. The company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in the river. UNIT 2 1. 比尔已是个成熟的小伙子,不再依赖父母替他做主。 2. 这个地区有大量肉类供应,但新鲜果蔬奇缺。 3. 工程师们依靠工人们的智慧发明了一种新的生产方法,使生产 率得以提高。 4. 他花了许多时间准备数学考试,因此当他获知自己只得了个B 时感到有点失望。 5. 我们有充裕的时间从从容容吃顿午饭。 6. 地方政府不得不动用储备粮并采取其他紧急措施,以渡过粮食 危机。

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