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Effect of hypo-and hyper-saline conditions on osmolarity and fatty acid composition of juvenile shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei(Boone,1931)fed

low-and high-HUFA diets

Miguel A Hurtado1,Ilie S Racotta1,Olivia Arjona1,Mo nica Herna ndez-Rodr|guez2,

Ernesto Goytortu a1,Roberto Civera1&Elena Palacios1

1Centro de Investigaciones Biolo gicas del Noroeste(CIBNOR),La Paz,BCS,Me xico

2Centro de Investigacio n Cient|¢ca y de Educacio n Superior de Ensenada(CICESE),Ensenada,BC,Me xico

Correspondence:E Palacios,Centro de Investigaciones Biolo gicas del Noroeste(CIBNOR),Mar Bermejo195,Col.Playa Palo de Santa Rita, La Paz,BCS23090,Me xico.E-mail:epalacio@cibnor.mx


Litopenaeus vannamei(Boone)grown in ponds are ex-posed to salinities of less than5g Là1during inland shrimp culture or to more than40g Là1from eva-poration and reduced water exchange in dry,hot climates.However,dietary requirements for shrimp grown in low or high salinities are not well de¢ned, particularly for fatty acids.Feeding shrimp post-larvae with highly unsaturated fatty acids(HUF A) enhances tolerance to acute exposure to low salinity, as a result of better nutritional status,or/and speci¢c e?ects of HUFA on membrane function and osmo-regulation mechanisms.This study analysed the ef-fect of HUF A supplementation(3%vs.34%)on L.van-namei juveniles reared for21days at low(5g Là1), medium(30g Là1)and high salinities(50g Là1). Juveniles grown at5g Là1had lower survival com-pared with controls(30g Là1)or shrimp grown at 50g Là1,but no signi¢cant e?ect on survival was ob-served as a result of HUFA enrichment.In contrast, growth was signi¢cantly lower for shrimp grown at 50g Là1,but this e?ect was compensated by the HUFA-enriched diet.Osmotic pressure in haemo-lymph was a?ected by salinity,but not by HUFA enrichment.Shrimp fed HUF A-enriched diets had signi¢cantly higher levels of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid in hepatopancreas and gills.These results demonstrate that growth at high salinities is enhanced with diets containing high HUFA levels,but that HUF A-enriched diets have no e?ect on shrimp reared at low salinities.Keywords:DHA,diet,EP A,lipid,nutrition,osmo-regulation,salinity


Part of the life cycle of penaeid shrimp is spent in estuaries,where they are exposed to drastic environ-mental variations in salinities and temperature (Dall1981;Bouaricha,Thuet,Charmantier-Daures& Trilles1991).Shrimp grown in ponds are exposed to similar environmental variations from rain and evaporation or because of increasing inland shrimp culture that uses well water.Also,very high salinities can be found in some areas of aquaculture,for example,northwestern Mexico,where high summer temperature and reduced water exchange can result in salinities reaching44g Là1or more in ponds(Mart|nez-Cordova,Villareal,Porchas-Cornejo, Naranjo-Paramo&Aragon-Noriega1997;Ponce-Palafox,Mart|nez-Palacios&Ross1997). Presently,because of disease problems and land costs,Litopenaeus vannamei is grown successfully in low-salinity(less than5g Là1)inland waters,espe-cially when shrimp are adequately acclimated from the postlarval stages(Samocha,Lawrence&Pooser 1998;Laramore,Laramore&Scarpa2001;Davis, Saoud,McGraw&Rouse2002;McGraw,Davis, Teichert-Coddington&Rouse2002;Garza de Yta, Rouse&Davis2004).Successful acclimation of postlarvae can be a?ected by age(Ogle,Beaugez&

Aquaculture Research,2006,37,1316^1326doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2006.01568.x

r2006The Authors 1316Journal Compilation r2006Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Lotz1992;Laramore et al.2001;McGraw et al.2002; Garza de Yta et al.2004),the ionic composition of water(Davis et al.2002;McGraw&Scarpa2003; McNevin,Boyd,Silapajarn&Silapajarn2004;Zhu, Dong,W ang&Huang2004)and genetic di?erences (Bray,Lawrence&Leung-Trujillo1994;Samocha et al.1998;Chim,Bouveret,Lemaire&Martin2003). The e?ect of diet on performance of juveniles at low salinity has been tested,particularly in relation to protein and carbohydrate levels(Rosas,Cuzon,Gax-iola,Le Priol,Pascual,Rossignyol,Contreras,Sanchez &V an W ormhoudt2001;W ang,Shen,Shuanglin& Mei2004)and Mg,K,phospholipids and cholesterol (Gong,Jiang,Lightner,Collins&Brock2004).Shrimp fed highly unsaturated fatty acids(HUFA)have en-hanced tolerance to acute exposures to low salinities, as reported for postlarvae(Rees,Cure,Piyatiratitivor-akul,Sorgeloos&Menasveta1994;W outers,V anhau-waert,Naessens,Pedrazzoli&Lavens1997;Palacios, Bonilla,Pe rez,Racotta&Civera2004)and juveniles (Chim,Lemaire,Delaporte,Le Moullac,Galois& Martin2001).Increased tolerance could be a result of enhanced nutritional status(Palacios,Bonilla, Luna&Racotta2004),speci¢c e?ects of HUFA on os-moregulation mechanisms(Palacios,Bonilla,Pe rez et al.2004)or a combination of both.Several studies have analysed the e?ect of HUFA or other lipids on juvenile growth in L.vannamei(Lim,Ako,Brown& Hahn1997;Gonza lez-Fe lix,Gatlin,Lawrence&Per-ez-V elazquez2003)and in other penaeid shrimp (Chen&Jenn1991;Deering,Fielder&Hewitt1997; Merican&Shim1997).However,no work has been carried out to test whether HUFA supplementation can enhance the performance of juveniles during grow-out at di?erent salinities.This study analysed the e?ect of HUF A supplementation on the growth, survival and osmotic pressure of L.vannamei juve-niles reared under hyposaline(5g Là1)and hyper-saline(50g Là1)conditions over21days.

Material and methods

Experimental diets

Two isonitrogenous and isolipidic diets,termed low or high HUF A(Table1),were formulated based on

the nutritional requirements of L.vannamei(Akiyama &Dominy1989;Camba,Pedrazzoli,Y aguachi& Akiyama1993)using MIXIT-WIN s software(Agricultur-al Software Consultants,San Diego,CA,USA).Both diets contained sardine meal and soybean paste as the main protein sources.Each diet was enriched with ICES Standard Reference Emulsions(ICES1994)with two HUF A proportions,0%and50%for low-and high-HUFA diets,respectively,resulting in2.9%and34%of total HUF A on a per cent of total fatty acids(Table2). Before preparing the diets,all ingredients were ground in a hammer mill and passed through a250-m m mesh Table1Ingredient and proximate composition of experi-mental diets

Ingredients(g100gà1diet)Low HUFA High HUF A Wheat meal?40.040.0 Soybean paste?30.430.4 Sardine meal?15.8115.81 Grenetine(binder)w 4.00 4.00 Vitamin premix zz,‰ 1.80 1.80 Sodium phosphate dibasic‰ 1.20 1.20 Mineral premix‰,z0.500.50 Choline chloride k0.200.20 Ascorbic acid??0.090.09

BHT ww0.0040.004 Soybean lecithin zz 2.00 2.00 ICES emulsion‰‰(0%HUFA) 4.00–

ICES emulsion‰‰(50%HUFA)– 4.00 Proximate composition(g100gà1dry matter,except moisture, mean?SD)

Crude protein36.6?0.136.2?0.3 Ether extract7.9?0.47.9?0.5 Ash 6.3?0.04 6.2?0.01 Crude?bre 2.8?0.01 2.8?0.01 NFE zz46.4?0.246.9?0.3 Moisture7.4?0.67.6?0.1 Gross energy(kcal gà1) 4.6?0.1 4.6?0.1?Promotora Industrial Acuasistemas(S.A.de C.V.,La Paz,BCS, Me xico).

w Semillera de La Paz(La Paz,BCS,Me xico).

z Vitamin premix(except where units are given,values are in mg kgà1diet):vitamin A(Retinol)?,15000IU;vitamin D3, (Cholecalciferol)?,7500IU;vitamin E(a-Tocopherol)?,400;vita-min K3(Menadione)?,20;thiamin(B1)3,150;ribo£avin(B2)?, 100;pyridoxin(B6)?,50;pantotheic acid?,100;niacin?,300; biotin3,1;inositol3,500;folic acid?,20;cyanocobalamin(B12)?, 0.1;celulose?,1000.?ICN Biomedicals(Aurora,OH,USA).


z Mineral premix(g kgà1diet):KCl,0.5;MgSO


á7H2O,0.5; ZnSO4á7H2O,0.09;MnCl2á4H2O,0.0234;CuCl2á2H2O,0.005; KI,0.05;CoCl2á2H2O,0.0025;Na2HPO4,2.37.

k Choline chloride(65%active agent).


L-ascorbil-2polyphosphate,35%active agent),Roche-Vitamins(Parsippany,NJ,USA).

ww Butylated Hydroxytoluene.(ICN Biomedicals)

zz Soybean lecithin ODONOJAI s,Distribuidora de Alimentos Naturales y Nutricionales S.A.de C.V.,Me xico,DF,Me xico.

‰‰ICES Standard Reference Emulsions(ICES1994).

zz NFE was calculated as:100à(%crude protein1%ether extract1%ash1%crude¢bre).

HUFA,highly unsaturated fatty acids;NFE,nitrogen-free extract.

Aquaculture Research,2006,37,1316^1326Salinity e?ect on juvenile shrimp fed HUFA diets M A Hurtado et al.

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Journal Compilation r2006Blackwell Publishing Ltd,Aquaculture Research,37,1316^13261317

sieve(CSC Scienti¢c,Fairfax,V A,USA).The dry ingre-dients of each diet were mixed thoroughly in a food mixer before the soybean lecithin was added as de-scribed in Civera and Guillaume(1989).After the oil was dispersed,water was added(approximately40% of the total‘as is’ingredient weight)and mixed.The re-sulting mixture was pelleted using a meat grinder and a2-mm die.The pellets were dried in a forced-air oven at451C for12h.

The experimental diets were analysed for dry mat-ter,crude protein(N?6.25),ether extract,crude ¢bre,ash and nitrogen-free extract(NFE)contents according to standard methods(AOAC1995;Table1). Gross energy values of the diets were determined with an adiabatic calorimeter(Parr Instrument, Moline,IL,USA).

Lipids from pellets were extracted with chloro-form:methanol(2:1)according to Bligh and Dyer (1959),trans-esteri¢ed with boron tri£uoride^metha-nol(BF3in14%methanol;Supelco,Bellefonte, P A,USA)and the fatty acid methyl esters(F AME) were analysed in a Hewlett^Packard G1800B gas chromatograph equipped with an Omega W ax(30m length?0.25mm inner diameter,0.25-m m-thick ¢lm)fused silica capillary column(Supelco),mass se-lective detector(MSD),helium as a carrier gas and a temperature gradient of165^2201C at31C minà1. The identi¢cation of FAME was further veri¢ed by comparison of retention times with those of known standards(Supelco).The fatty acid composition of the two diets is shown in Table2.

Feeding trial and experimental design

A feeding trial was conducted in the Laboratorio de Mejoramiento de Semillas at CIBNOR(La Paz,BCS, Me xico).Juveniles of L.vannamei cultured in earthen ponds were acclimated for1week in60-L tanks (0.28mà2,0.7m?0.4m)at a density of16organ-isms per tank,25.4?0.61C, 5.9?0.1mg Là1 dissolved oxygen,30g Là1,a12:12h light:dark photoperiod and80%daily water exchange.Shrimp were fed daily5%total biomass of a commercial shrimp diet(35%protein,PIASA,La Paz,BCS,Mexi-co)before the feeding trial.

The trial was performed in18tanks containing 60L of¢ltered(5m m)and ultraviolet(UV)-sterilized water at a temperature of25.4?0.61C.Approxi-mately80%of the water was exchanged daily.A5-HP blower(Sweetwater TM,Apopka,FL,USA),and air stones maintained dissolved oxygen levels above 5mg Là1.A photoperiod of a12:12h light:dark cycle was used throughout the experiment.

Shrimp were individually weighed to the nearest 0.1g using a digital balance(Mettler Toledo,Greifen-see,Switzerland).Specimens with an average initial weight of(3.5?0.5g)(mean?SD)were stocked at a density of16per tank(stocking density related to bottom surface area:57shrimp mà2).After1week of acclimation at30g Là1,the commercial feed was replaced with the two experimental diets described above(low and high HUFA).Shrimp were gradually exposed to5,30(control)or50g Là1salinity at a rate of1.6g Là1hà1(approximately15h).These experi-mental salinities were established in a previous essay (unpublished data)as having minimal juvenile shrimp mortality in an acute1-h exposure test.To change salinities,a gravity drop system was used(Ra-m|rez,Avila&Ibarra1999).The water was prepared in advance with tap water for5g Là1,and dissolved unprocessed marine salt(Salinera Punta Arenas, BCS,Me xico)in seawater for50g Là1,heated to the Table2Fatty acids(%of total fatty acids)of low and high HUFA diets

Low-HUFA High-HUFA 14:0 5.5?0.4 1.0?0.01 16:021?0.0513?0.03 18:0 4.5?0.01 3.6?0.02 16:1n–7 1.9?0.01 1.5?0.01 18:1n–916?0.49.8?0.1 18:1nn-7 1.9?0.01 1.8?0.01 20:1n–90.4?0.01 1.2?0.01 20:1n–110.2?0.01 1.3?0.01 18:2n–639?0.925?0.4 18:3n–6 1.7?0.08 1.3?0.05 18:3n–3 2.8?0.04 2.0?0.05 20:4n–60.4?0.010.8?0.01 20:5n-3 1.0?0.0113?0.03 22:6n–3 1.5?0.0115?0.06 S SAT?33?0.319?0.01 S MUFA w21?0.417?0.2 S PUFA z46?1.364?0.2 S HUFA‰ 2.9?0.0234?0.14 n–3/n-60.1?0.01 1.2?0.01 20:5n-3/22:6n-3 1.6?0.01 1.1?0.01 PUI z128?4263?2

V alues are expressed as mean?SE(n56).

?Sum of saturated fatty acids.

w Sum of monounsaturated fatty acids.

z Sum of polyunsaturated fatty acids with two or more double bonds.

‰Sum of highly polyunsaturated fatty acids with four or more double bonds.

z Poly-unsaturation index.

Salinity e?ect on juvenile shrimp fed HUFA diets M A Hurtado et al.Aquaculture Research,2006,37,1316^1326

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same temperature as in the experimental tanks and aerated for24h before changing salinity.Three repli-cates were used for each dietary-salinity treatment (2?3?3518replicates)with15shrimp per repli-cate.

Shrimp were fed twice daily.Total daily feed was initially set at5%of the biomass in each tank,distrib-uted manually in two ratios(50%at09:00hours and 50%at17:00hours).Rations were adjusted daily, based on apparent consumption,where the added feed closely matched the maximum food ingested, with little or no feed remaining.Faeces,exuviae and dead shrimp were removed daily.During the trial, shrimp density was adjusted for mortality with tagged organisms,but these were not used at the end of the experiment for analyses.

At the end of the trial,growth rate(relative weight gain),survival,feed allowance and feed conversion ratio were determined for each replicate of each treatment as follows:growth rate(GR%)5[(¢nal mean weight^initial mean weight)/initial mean weight]?100;survival(S%)5(¢nal number of shrimp/initial number of shrimp)?100;feed con-version ratio(FCR)5feed intake(g)/total weight gain,(g).Total weight gain was corrected with the fol-lowing formula:corrected total weight gain5¢nal total weight1[1/2(average initial weight1average ¢nal weight)?number of dead shrimp]^initial total weight(Kitabayashi,Kurata,Shudo,Nakamura& Ishikawa1971).Apparent feed intake was estimated per day per tank,but it is reported as the mean of each treatment during the length of the experiment.

Sample collection

At the end of the experimental period,shrimp were starved for24h and then sampled and weighed(ap-proximately15organism per treatment).Haemo-lymph samples were withdrawn using a10m L pipette,from the pericardial cavity,and osmolarity was assessed using a vapour pressure osmometer

Table3Proportion of principal fatty acids(means?SE)in neutral and polar fractions of the hepatopancreas from Litopenaeus vannamei juveniles fed two diets and exposed to di?erent salinities(5,30and50g Là1)

Low-HUF A diet(g Là1)High-HUFA diet(g Là1)

S D S?D 5305053050

Neutral fraction

16:019?0.5b21?0.4a21?0.2a15?0.3c14?0.1c15?0.1c0.050.010.01 18:0 5.2?0.2a 4.9?0.1ab 5.3?0.3a 4.1?0.4b 4.6?0.4ab 4.5?0.1ab NS0.01NS 16:1n-7 3.4?0.2b 4.1?0.3ab 4.4?0.2a 2.5?0.2c 2.1?0.1c 2.5?0.1c0.050.010.05 18:1n-922?0.7a23?0.4a22?0.3a13?0.2b13?0.3b13?0.1b NS0.01NS 18:1n-7 4.9?0.3ab 4.7?0.3ab 5.4?0.2a 3.7?0.1b 3.4?0.1b 4.2?0.2ab0.010.01NS 20:1n-9 1.1?0.1b 1.2?0.1b 1.2?0.1b 1.9?0.1a 2.1?0.1a 2.0?0.1a0.050.01NS 18:2n-620?0.6b22?0.9a22?0.5a21?0.3ab20?0.6b21?0.3ab NS NS0.05 18:3n-3 1.8?0.1b 2.1?0.1ab 2.2?0.1a 2.1?0.1ab 1.9?0.1ab 2.0?0.1ab NS NS0.05 20:4n-6 1.6?0.3a0.9?0.1b 1.0?0.1b 1.1?0.1ab 1.3?0.2ab 1.1?0.1ab NS NS0.05 20:5n-3 4.3?0.8b 2.2?0.3c 2.2?0.3c11?0.4a11?0.6a9.9?0.1a0.010.010.05 22:6n-3 4.2?0.6c 3.0?0.4cd 2.3?0.2d12?0.4b14?0.3a13?0.3ab0.050.010.01 Polar fraction

16:012?0.4a12?0.4a11?0.2ab11?0.4ab10?0.4b10?0.2b NS0.01NS 18:07.7?0.37.3?0.47.7?0.17.7?0.37.2?0.37.5?0.2NS NS NS 16:1n-7 1.6?0.1b 2.0?0.1a 2.1?0.1a 1.0?0.1c 1.0?0.1c 1.0?0.1c0.010.010.01 18:1n-913?0.3b15?0.2a14?0.3ab7.4?0.1c7.0?0.2c7.0?0.1c0.050.010.01 18:1n-7 3.2?0.1ab 3.2?0.2ab 3.7?0.1a 3.0?0.2bc 2.6?0.1c 3.1?0.1bc0.010.01NS 20:1n-90.9?0.1b 1.0?0.1b 1.0?0.1b 1.2?0.1a 1.4?0.1a 1.4?0.1a0.010.01NS 18:2n-623?1.0b28?1.1a28?0.7a11?0.2c12?0.5c11?0.2c0.010.010.01 18:3n-3 2.2?0.1b 2.9?0.1a 2.9?0.1a0.9?0.1c0.9?0.1c0.8?0.1c0.010.010.01 20:4n-6 4.1?0.2 3.5?0.1 4.0?0.2 3.1?0.3 3.1?0.1 3.3?0.1NS0.01NS 20:5n-312?0.98.4?0.39.2?0.525?1.023?0.724? 22:6n-311?0.7ab9.1?0.4b7.4?0.5b18.6?0.3a22?0.6a21?0.4a0.050.010.01 The results of the bifactorial ANOV A are shown in the last three columns(n510individuals per treatment).See Fig.1for statistical analyses.

HUF A,highly unsaturated fatty acids.

Aquaculture Research,2006,37,1316^1326Salinity e?ect on juvenile shrimp fed HUFA diets M A Hurtado et al.

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(Model OM230B W escor,UT,USA).After haemo-lymph sampling,the uropods were sampled to assess moulting stage(Robertson,Bray,Leung-Trujillo& Lawrence1987)and only shrimp on intermoult and early premoult stages were considered.The rest of each organism was wrapped in an aluminium foil, labelled,frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at^701C for later fatty acid analysis of gills and hepatopancreas.

Fatty acid analyses of tissues

Gills and hepatopancreas were dissected on a cold plate and weighed.Lipids were extracted using chloroform:methanol2:1,butylated hydroxytolune (BHT)as an antioxidant and23:0as an internal stan-dard.Neutral and polar lipid fractions of gills were se-parated,fatty acids were trans-esteri¢ed and FAME were analysed using GC-MS as described in Palacios, Bonilla,Luna et al.(2004).Statistical analysis

Data are presented as mean?standard error.Per-centages were arcsine transformed for statistical analysis,but untransformed means are presented in tables and¢gures.A two-way factor ANOV A was ap-plied to analyse the di?erences in growth,survival, FCR,food intake,osmolarity,moulting frequency and fatty acid composition of the gills and hepato-pancreas,using low-and high-HUF A diets as the¢rst independent variable and the three salinity treat-ments(5,30and50g Là1)as the second independent variable.Means were compared by a post hoc Tukey’s multiple-range test(Zar1999).Signi¢cant levels were considered at P o0.05.


The proximate composition of diets was similar (Table1),and the main di?erence between diets was the fatty acid composition(Table2).Diets enriched

Table4Proportion of principal fatty acid(means?SE)in neutral and polar fraction of gills from Litopenaeus vannamei juveniles fed two diets and exposed to di?erent salinities(5,30and50g Là1)

Low-HUFA diet(g Là1)High-HUFA diet(g Là1)

S D S?D 5305053050

Neutral fraction

16:011?1.1a11?0.9a11?0.5a8.6?0.7b9.4?0.6b9.1?0.2b NS0.01NS 18:08.3?0.38.7?0.28.7?0.38.6?0.28.3?0.28.7?0.3NS NS NS 16:1n-7 1.1?0.2ab 1.2?0.3a 1.1?0.2ab0.7?0.1b0.9?0.1ab0.9?0.1ab NS0.05NS 18:1n-910?1.0a9.9?1.1a8.9?0.6ab 5.7?0.2b 6.7?0.4b 6.4?0.6b NS0.01NS 18:1n-7 2.7?0.2 2.8?0.3 2.8?0.2 2.5?0.2 2.9?0.2 3.1?0.2NS NS NS 20:1n-9 1.3?0.1 1.4?0.1 1.4?0.1 1.4?0.1 1.3?0.1 1.3?0.1NS NS NS 18:2n-614?0.8b16?0.4a15?0.4ab9.7?0.3c11?0.3bc11?0.4bc0.010.01NS 18:3n-3 1.1?0.1a 1.2?0.1a 1.1?0.1a0.7?0.1b0.7?0.1b0.7?0.1b NS0.01NS 20:4n-6 6.1?0.5a 5.5?0.5a 5.9?0.2a 5.0?0.5b 5.0?0.2b 5.4?0.2ab NS0.01NS 20:5n-319?1.3b18?1.4b18?0.9b27?1.0a25?0.5a25?0.4a NS0.01NS 22:6n-311?0.8b12?0.8b11?0.4b16?0.3a16?0.6a16?0.5a NS0.01NS Polar fraction

16:015?0.3ab16?0.5a15?0.2ab14?0.3b15?0.5ab15?0.1ab NS0.01NS 18:011?0.2ab11?0.2a11?0.2a11?0.2ab11?0.2ab10?0.2b NS0.01NS 16:1n-7 1.3?0.1ab 1.5?0.1ab 1.6?0.1a0.9?0.1b 1.1?0.1ab 1.1?0.1ab0.010.01NS 18:1n-913?0.3a13?0.3a13?0.4a7.9?0.3b8.3?0.1b8.1?0.1b NS0.01NS 18:1n-7 3.6?0.2ab 3.4?0.1b 3.6?0.2ab 3.4?0.1b 3.4?0.1b 3.9?0.2a0.05NS NS 20:1n-9 1.4?0.1 1.5?0.1 1.6?0.1 1.5?0.1 1.5?0.1 1.5?0.1NS NS NS 18:2n-619?0.6b22?0.5a21?0.4ab11?0.3c12?0.4c11?0.4c0.010.01NS 18:3n-3 1.0?0.2bc 1.6?0.1a 1.3?0.1ab0.6?0.1c0.7?0.1c0.6?0.1c0.050.010.05 20:4n-6 4.2?0.2a 3.2?0.1b 3.9?0.2ab 3.7?0.2ab 3.9?0.2ab 4.0?0.1a0.05NS0.01 20:5n-314?0.5c11?0.4c13?0.5c23?0.5a21?0.3ab21?0.2ab0.010.01NS 22:6n-39.4?0.5b8.3?0.6b8.3?0.3b15?0.5a16?0.5a16?0.3a NS0.01NS The results of the bifactorial ANOV A are shown in the last three columns(n510individuals per treatment).See Fig.1for statistical analyses.

HUFA,highly unsaturated fatty acids

Salinity e?ect on juvenile shrimp fed HUFA diets M A Hurtado et al.Aquaculture Research,2006,37,1316^1326

r2006The Authors 1320Journal Compilation r2006Blackwell Publishing Ltd,Aquaculture Research,37,1316^1326

with 0%HUFA emulsion (low-HUFA diet)contained 3%HUFA composed of1%20:5n-3[eicosapentaenoic acid (EP A)]and 1.5%22:6n-3[docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)]and a 1.6DHA/EP A ratio.Pellets enriched with 50%HUFA (high-HUFA diet)contained 34%HUFA composed of 13%EP A and 15%DHA and a 1.1DHA/EP A ratio (Table 2).

The HUFA levels in each diet a?ected the composi-tion of fatty acids in the hepatopancreas (Table 3)and gills (Table 4).In the hepatopancreas,EP A and DHA were three-to fourfold higher in the neutral fraction and twofold or more higher in the polar fraction in shrimp fed the high-HUFA diet compared with those fed the low-HUFA diet.However,the proportions of other polyunsaturated fatty acids such as 18:2n-6,18:3n-3and 20:4n-6(ARA)in the neutral fraction were similar in shrimp fed both diets while in the po-

lar fraction,these fatty acids were present in higher proportions in shrimp fed the low-HUF A diet.In the neutral fraction,ARA,EP A and DHA decreased with increasing salinity ,but only in shrimp fed the low-HUF A diet.A similar e?ect was observed in the polar fraction,but only for DHA.In gills,with the excep-tion of 18:0,18:1n-7and 20:1n-9in the neutral frac-tion,and 18:1n-7,20:1n-9and ARA in the polar fraction of gills,all other fatty acids in gills of shrimp were a?ected by diet,with a higher proportion of EP A and DHA in shrimp fed the high-HUFA diet.However,in contrast with the hepatopancreas,di?erences be-tween diets were not so pronounced,although more evident di?erences were observed in the polar com-pared with the neutral fraction.In relation to salinity ,a lower proportion of 18:2n-6in the neutral fraction was observed in shrimp exposed to 5g L à1compared with 30and 50g L à1.In the polar fraction,several fatty acids were a?ected by salinity ,particularly for lower levels of ARA and higher levels of 18:3n-3at 30g L à1but only in the low-HUFA diet.




6040G r o w t h (%)

S u r v i v a l (%)


120S N.S.N.S.











P<0.01P<0.05D S ×D S D S ×D 96


5 g L ?1

30 g L ?150 g L ?1

5 g L


30 g L ?1

50 g L


Figure 1Survival (a)and growth (b)of Litopenaeus van-namei juveniles grown at 5,30and 50g L à1during 21days and fed low-(white bars)and high-(hatched bars)highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA)diets.The results are expressed as means ?SE of three replicates and were analysed by bifactorial ANOV A,with the signi¢cances indi-cated in ¢gure:S,salinity (5,30and 50g L à1);D,diet (low and high HUF A)and interaction (S ?D)as main factors (P o 0.05).When the interaction was signi¢cant,means were compared with a Tukey’s post hoc test and means not sharing the same superscripts are signi¢cantly di?er-ent.NS,not signi¢cantly di?erent.




S ×D N.S.N.S.



O s m o t i c p r e s s u r e (m O s m /k g )

F i n a l b i o m a s s (g )










S ×D 5 g L ?130 g L ?150 g L ?1

5 g L ?130 g L ?150 g L ?1



Figure 2Final biomass (a)and osmolarity in haemo-lymph (b)in Litopenaeus vannamei juveniles grown at 5g L à1(206mOsm kg à1),30gwL à1(832mOsm kg à1)and 50g L à1(1547mOsm kg à1)and fed low-(white bars)and high-(hatched bars)highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUF A)diets.The results are expressed as means ?SE.See Fig.1for statistical analyses.

Aquaculture Research,2006,37,1316^1326Salinity e?ect on juvenile shrimp fed HUFA diets M A Hurtado et al .

r 2006The Authors

Journal Compilation r 2006Blackwell Publishing Ltd,Aquaculture Research,37,1316^1326


Regardless of diet,juveniles kept for 21days at 5g L à1had lower survival compared with controls (30g L à1)and shrimp grown at 50g L à1but no sig-ni¢cant di?erences between both diets were ob-served at any salinity (Fig.1a).In contrast,growth was signi¢cantly lower for shrimp grown at 50g L à1and fed the low-HUF A diet compared with shrimp grown at 5and 30g L à1,with intermediate values for shrimp at 50g L à1and fed the high-HUF A diet (Fig.1b).The ¢nal biomass was higher for shrimp reared at 30g L à1,with no signi¢cant di?erences in response to diet (Fig.2a).Feed intake was inversely related to salinity but no di?erences were observed in relation to HUFA content in the diet (Fig.3a).Feed conversion ratio was signi¢cantly lower at 30g L à1(global mean 1.3)than at 5(global mean 1.7)and 50g L à1(global mean 1.7).Although no signi¢cant e?ect of HUFAwas observed,a signi¢cant interaction indicated that the in£uence of HUF A depends on sali-nity ,with the highest FCR in shrimp fed the low-HUFA diet and grown at 50g L à1and the lowest for shrimp grown at 30g L à1and also fed the low-HUFA diet (Fig.3b).

Osmotic pressure in haemolymph ranged between

574and 980mOsm kg à1.Osmotic pressure was a function of medium salinity ,with signi¢cant di?er-ences between the three salinities,but without any in£uence of HUFA content in the diet (Fig.2b).Con-sidering water osmolarity (approximately 206mM for water with 5g L à1,832mM for 30g L à1and 1547mM for 50g L à1),the di?erence between haemo-lymph and water osmolarity (also termed osmoregula-tory capacity )was 439?10mM at 5g L à1and 733?10mM at 50g L à1.


Highly unsaturated fatty acids requirements of L.vannamei are approximately 6%of total fatty acids

(Gonza lez-Fe

lix et al .2003)and as high as 28%for good performance (Lim et al .1997).W e found that le-vels as low as 3%(or as high as 34%)of HUFA did not a?ect the survival and growth of shrimp grown at 30g L à1salinity over a 21-day trial.A longer trial might have had a more pronounced e?ect,but even with levels of 0.4%ARA,1.0%EP A and 1.5%DHA in the diet,shrimps had levels as high as 4%,14%and 11%of ARA,EP A and DHA,respectively ,in the polar lipids of the hepatopancreas or gills.These results in-dicate a high capacity of retention of these essential fatty acids in juvenile L.vannamei ,in spite of their

low levels in the diet (Gonza lez-Fe

lix et al .2003).Synthesis from 18carbons could also contribute to high levels of essential fatty acids in tissues,although shrimp have very low synthesis rates from18-carbon precursors (Teshima,Kanazawa &Koshio 1992;Deering et al .1997).

For salinity treatments,better performance or bio-mass was expected and obtained at 30g L à1,as this value is close to the isosmotic point of this species:25^26g L à1for juveniles (Castille &Lawrence 1981;Rodriguez 1981;Gong et al .2004),although the iso-smotic point does not necessarily correspond to the optimal performance (Bray et al .1994;Brito,Chimal &Rosas 2000).Nevertheless,it is assumed that shrimp near the isosmotic point will spend less energy on respiration and excretion (Rosas et al .2001),therefore exhibiting optimal growth rates and the most e?cient energy conversion.Additionally ,they have higher food consumption (Rosas et al .2001;W ang et al .2004).As salinity deviates from the isosmotic point,the osmotic balance in shrimp is modi¢ed,so it must expend more energy for osmo-regulation and less on growth.Accordingly ,respira-





S ×D S a




ab ab

ab ab


D S ×D 5 g L ?130 g L ?150 g L ?1

5 g L


30 g L


50 g L







C o n v e r s i o n R a t i o

F e e d i n t a k e (g )

Figure 3Feed intake during the whole experiment (a)and feed conversion ratio (b)of Litopenaeus vannamei juve-niles grown at 5,30and 50g L à1and fed low-(white bars)and high-(hatched bars)highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA)diets.The results are expressed as means ?SE.See Fig.1for statistical analyses.

Salinity e?ect on juvenile shrimp fed HUFA diets M A Hurtado et al .Aquaculture Research,2006,37,1316^1326

r 2006The Authors


Journal Compilation r 2006Blackwell Publishing Ltd,Aquaculture Research,37,1316^1326

tory rates are higher in penaeids at low and high salinities(Charmantier,Soyez&AQUACOP1994; Villareal,Hinojosa&Naranjo-Paramo1994;Rosas, Sa nchez,D|az-Iglesia,Brito,Mart|nez&Soto1997; Pillai&Diwan2002).Here,although haemolymph osmolarity was di?erent between the three salinity treatments,a high osmoregulatory capacity was ob-served,which is well known for penaeid shrimp (Charmantier,Charmantier-Daures,Bouaricha, Thuet,Aiken&Trilles1988).The energy costs of os-moregulation are suggested by a lower FCR in shrimp in the30g Là1treatment,indicating a better use of the ingested energy for growth.

The general better performance of shrimp at 30g Là1was also illustrated by lower growth at 50g Là1and lower survival at5g Là1.Survival of juveniles at5g Là1or less have been reported to be similar to controls(Bray et al.1994;Decamp,Cody, Conquest,Delanoy&Tacon2003).However,contro-versial results has been obtained for growth,which was signi¢cantly reduced(Laramore et al.2001;De-camp et al.2003)or increased(Bray et al.1994;Samo-cha et al.1998)when juveniles are exposed to low salinities.In juvenile L.vannamei raised at salinities of40^50g Là1,survival and growth were not signif-icantly a?ected(Mart|nez-Cordova et al.1997;Ponce-Palafox et al.1997;Rosas et al.2001).

To compensate for higher energy requirements, shrimp need to consume more food,which supports the results observed in this study in shrimp exposed to5g Là1.This could explain similar growth,but a slightly higher,although not signi¢cantly di?erent FCR compared with shrimp exposed to30g Là1. Lower growth in Penaeus indicus(Milne Edwards) reared at high salinities was attributed to lower food consumption(Kumlu&Jones1995).At50g Là1,no compensatory increase in food intake was observed. This could explain the lower growth rate and a slightly higher FCR,although HUFA supplementa-tion in£uenced this result,as discussed below. Highly unsaturated fatty acids supplementation partially attenuated the negative in£uence of high salinity on growth and exposure to5and50g Là1 changed the fatty acid composition of membranes in the gills and hepatopancreas,which suggests the particular in£uence of HUF A on osmoregulation. Fatty acid changes in membranes can a?ect osmore-gulation by modulating water and ion permeability (Di Costanzo,Duportail,Florentz&Leray1983;Por-ter,Hulbert&Brand1996),and the activity of the Na1/K1-ATPase(Hulbert&Else1999;Turner,Else& Hulbert2003).Morris,Lockwood and Dawson(1982)found that in an amphipod,there was a decrease in permeability to water after the animals were exposed to diluted seawater,an e?ect explained by a change in fatty acid composition of the gills.On the other hand, permeability to ions can also be a?ected by the fatty acids of the membrane bilayer;increased content of DHA in membranes can produce‘leakier’membranes to Na1£ux(Di Costanzo et al.1983;Hulbert&Else 1999;Turner et al.2003),but increasing the fatty acid length decreased Na1and H1permeability(Paula et al.1996).The importance of permeability in the osmoregulatory capacity or its associated energetic costs is also supported by the¢ndings that energy ex-penditure in Callinectes similis(Williams)is higher than in C.sapidus(Rathbum),which is a better hyper-osmoregulator(Guerin&Stickle1997),probably be-cause of the‘leakier’gills in C.similis(Piller,Henry, Doeller&Kraus1995;Sowers,Y oung,Isely,Browdy& Tomasso Jr2004).In this study,the osmoregularoty capacity at50g Là1was similar with both diets and thus could not by itself explain the better growth of animals fed the high-HUF A diet.Although perme-ability,ion£uxes or energy balance were not mea-sured,the better growth and lower FCR could be explained in terms of lower energy costs of osmore-gulation as a result of a lower membrane permeabil-ity in the gills of shrimp fed with an HUFA-enriched diet.

Additionally,fatty acids in membranes can modu-late the activity of Na1/K1-ATPase and other en-zymes embedded in the membranes(Hulbert&Else 1999;Turner et al.2003).In L.vannamei postlarvae fed HUFA-enriched diets,the fatty acid composition of gills was a?ected,but the Na1/K1-ATPase activity was not signi¢cantly di?erent between shrimp ex-posed to low salinity(10g Là1)and the control group at30g Là1(Palacios,Bonilla,Pe rez et al.2004).How-ever,no studies addressed the in£uence of HUF A on Na1/K1-ATPase activity in shrimp exposed to high salinities,although it seems unlikely that this me-chanism could have been operating because osmo-regulatory capacity was not enhanced.Highly unsaturated fatty acids supplementation also in-creased the osmoregulatory capacity of L.stylirostris (Stimpson)exposed to10g Là1salinity over4days (Chim et al.2001)in contrast to this study,where no di?erences were observed for osmoregulatory capa-city at any salinity level.Associated habitats of each species,acclimation procedures and shrimp size among other parameters could explain such di?er-ences as well as di?erences in survival found in this study(about72%with either diet,at5g Là1for21

Aquaculture Research,2006,37,1316^1326Salinity e?ect on juvenile shrimp fed HUFA diets M A Hurtado et al.

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days),compared with those reported by Chim et al. (2001):33%with low HUFA and58%with high HUFA at10g Là1over4days.

In conclusion,we observed a bene¢cial in£uence of HUFA on growth in shrimp juveniles grown at high salinities,probably because shrimp fed HUFA-enriched diets spent less energy on osmoregulation as a result of decreased membrane permeability in gills.However,HUFA-enriched diets have no e?ect on shrimp reared at low salinities.


We are grateful to Acuacultores de la Pen|nsula and to Programa de Mejoramiento Gene tico(CIBNOR) for donation of organisms,and to MathiewWille from the Artemia Reference Laboratory and Roeland W ou-ters from INVE,Ghent,Belgium,for donation of the ICES emulsions.W e are also grateful to Olivia Arjona, Angelica Pe rez,Dulce Luna,Jose Luis Ram|rez,Juan Maklish and Gabriel Gonza lez for technical support during the experiment and to the editor at CIBNOR for modifying the English text.This research was supported by grants from IFS A/3209-1,CONACYT I35666B and SEP-CONACYT40814-Q.


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Aquaculture Research,2006,37,1316^1326Salinity e?ect on juvenile shrimp fed HUFA diets M A Hurtado et al.

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水产养殖概论 一、基于课堂笔记综述水产养殖的基本概念,基本内容和基本知识。 基本概念:以水体为经营空间,投入饵料/肥料/天然饵料,辅以各项措施,饲养各种水生动、植物,取得水产品,实现养殖效益的经济结构。 基本内容:水产养殖品种,水产养殖关键技术,淡水养殖,海水养殖,水产动物营养与饲料,水产动物病害防控,设施渔业,水产品加工,特种水产养殖,城市渔业。 基本知识:基本特点: 养殖空间——水体多样而变化复杂,各具特色;养殖对象——水生生物,食物链复杂,生态位各异; 养殖设施——工厂化和机械化,池塘、网箱、网具等渔具;经济活动——销售—养殖效益。 二、根据你的理解比较分析水产养殖(与畜牧养殖相比)的优缺点。 优:1、栖息与养殖地共存,可合理利用单性水域,生产潜力大。 2、比畜禽耗料少,繁殖力大,科学养殖可持续增产。 缺:1、生产繁殖技术受水环境与人类活动影响大,稳定环境很重要。 2、水产品难保持冷冻、加工、运输基础设施,衍接于冷链物流。 3、捕捞养殖场受气候变化的影响较大。 三、描述淡水养殖主要品种及其养殖特性。 淡水鱼、虾、蟹、甲鱼、贝类(河蚌) 养殖特点:1、面积小而分布广泛; 2、产量较稳定、投资少、收益大; 3、适于精养、集约化程度较高,有利于人工管理和控制; 4、以鱼类养殖为主,生产水平较高; 5、按养殖场所分为:池塘养殖、湖泊养殖、江河养殖、工厂化养殖、网箱养殖等。 四、描述海水养殖主要品种及其养殖特性。 海水鱼、虾蟹、贝类、藻类(紫菜、海带) 养殖特点:1、面积较大,一般利用浅海、滩涂、港湾、明塘等海域 2、集中发展某些经济价值较高的鱼类、贝类、虾类及棘皮动物; 3、生产周期较短; 4、单位面积产量较高。 鱼类:梭鱼、鲻鱼、尼罗罗非鱼、黑稠、石斑鱼、鲈鱼等;贝类:贻贝、扇贝、牡蛎、文蛤等; 虾类:中国对虾、斑节对虾、长毛对虾、日本对虾、南美白对虾等; 蟹类:锯缘青蟹、三疣梭子蟹等;藻类:海带、紫菜、裙带菜等。 五、我国水产养殖有哪些主要模式? 1、池塘养殖:利用经过整理或人工开挖的小型静水水体进行养鱼生产的经济活动。 2、大水面网箱养殖; 3、围网养殖; 4、水库养殖; 5、工业化养殖; 6、流水养殖 六、何谓工业化(或工厂化)养殖? 工业化(工厂化)养殖:在室内海水池中采用先进的机械和电子设备控制养殖水体的温度、光照、 溶解氧、pH、投饵量等因素,进行高密度、高产量的养殖方式。 占地少,产量高,单产高,周期短,高效节水,循环水,减少废水排放,产品价格高, 经济效益可观,管理高,为技术密集型产业。 七、水产养殖新技术? 1、选好养殖种苗; 2、创造良好条件; 3、解决好水质和饲料的矛盾; 4、匀好资源,提高效益; 5、改善水质,防控危害; 通过良种化、水质调控、饲料平等,实施高效健康养殖技术 健康养殖:以科学理论,工程技术和科学管理为基础,以优质苗种,高效饵料,清洁环境, 合理养殖模式,病害防控等技术体系,生产出清洁优质的水产品。


虾苗生病应该是病原、机体和环境三者互相作用的结果。例如如果环境较好,机体的抵抗力也较强,那么即使有病原危害,很有可能也不会造成太大影响。如果机体处于不是很健康的状态,例如有机械损伤,那么病原就会趁虚而入,导致疾病的发生。 疾病有生物性疾病和非生物性疾病之分 生物性疾病主要包括细菌病、原生动物性疾病、真菌病、病毒病、其它疾病。 非生物性疾病则包括营养不良、水体环境异常等引起的疾病。 第一类、病毒类 一、对虾杆状病毒病 1、病原:对虾杆状病毒,是一种A型杆状病毒,据囊膜,核酸是双链DNA,病毒粒子棒状,大小约为74nm*270nm,病毒在肝胰腺以及前中上皮细胞内增殖,包涵体是四面体或三锥的金字塔形。 2、症状和病理变化:病虾的摄食和生长率降低,体表和鳃上有外部共栖生物和污物附着,病理组织切片,在肝胰脏和中肠上皮细胞中可观察到角锥形的包涵体。包涵体从锥底至锥顶的高度为0.5~20um,一般垂直高度为8~10um,该病引起显著的病理变化,主要是受感染的对虾肝胰脏的小管和前中肠上皮细胞的细胞核肥大,核内有一至几个角锥形包涵体。核仁被挤到一边,并退化或消失,染色质分布于核的边缘,成环状排列。被感染的上皮细胞受损伤或坏死,引起这些器官的功能性障碍,并往往引起继发性的细菌感染。 3、流行情况:对虾杆状病毒主要发生在美国的桃红对虾、褐对虾、白对虾、万氏对虾和墨吉对虾等的成虾、幼体和仔虾。在中美洲和南美洲的太平洋沿岸也偶尔发生。在对虾孵化场中,该病是万氏对虾幼体的严重疾病。 4、诊断方法:取患病对虾的肝胰脏和中肠切片,在相差显微镜或者明视野显微镜下看到角锥形包涵体,基本就可诊断。 5、防治方法:没有治疗方法,预防措施是对新近亲虾和幼体要严格检疫,已感染对虾要销毁并对池严格消毒。 二、桃拉综合病毒病 1、病原:对虾桃拉病是由Taura综合症病毒引起的,TSV为一个无囊膜的二十面体的粒子,直径31~32nm,为单股DNA,属小DNA病毒科。病毒主要感染南美虾的上皮细胞,引起对虾的大量死亡。 2、症状及病理变化:TSV病主要是发生在虾的蜕皮期,病虾不吃食或减少吃食,在水面缓慢游动,捞离水后死亡。在特急期到急性期,幼虾身体虚弱,外壳柔软,空胃,在附足上会有红色的色素沉着,尤其是尾足、尾节、腹肢,有时整个虾体体表都变成红色。在虾蜕皮前后表现的比较典型。患了严重的急性TSV病的虾,死于蜕皮期,个别幸存者进入慢性期,并出现恢复迹象。在这个时期的虾将会出现多样的、分布不定的无规则的斑点、坏死灶,体表的损伤部位开始变黑,虾体要经历发炎、再生和康复的过程。据试验证明,恢复期对TSV 有一定的抵抗力。 3、流行情况 南美虾幼体对TSV高度易感,累计死亡率超过95%,感染后,仍存活的个体终生带毒。传播途径主要是水平传播。大部分虾池在进水换水后出现感染。 4、诊断方法:桃拉病毒病有三个明显不同的阶段,急性期、慢性期和过渡期,各个阶段的症状不同,处于急性期濒死对虾有大量的红色色素出现,使感染虾全身呈暗淡的红色,而尾扇和游泳足呈明显的红色。用10倍放大镜观察细小腹肢,可以看到病灶处的上皮坏死。


xx白对虾养殖技术 一、生物学特性 南美白对虾(penaeus vannamei)原产于太平洋西海岸至墨西哥湾中部。是当今世界上公认的养殖产量最高的三大优良虾种之一(其它两种为斑节对虾、中国对虾)。该虾生长快、抗环境变化能力强、抗病毒病强、肉味鲜美、加工出肉率高,是中南美洲对虾养殖的主要品种,也是目前国际水产市场的俏销对虾品种。 南美白对虾外形与中国对虾相似,头短、甲壳薄、出肉率高,正常体色为浅青灰色。 南美白对虾适应能力强,能在水温为6~40℃的水域中存活,生长水温为15~38℃,最适生长水温为22~35℃。对高温忍受极限达43.5℃(渐变幅度),对低温适应能力较差,水温低于18℃,其摄食活动即受影响,9℃以下时侧卧。 南美白对虾自然栖息环境水深0~72米,能在盐度0.5‰~35‰的水域中生长,据报道2~7厘米的幼虾,其盐度的允许范围为2‰~78‰。经盐度驯化,也可以在淡水池塘中养殖。近年在两广地区进行的淡水池塘和低盐度水域养殖已获得成功,并取得很显著的经济效益。 南美白对虾对饲料的营养需求低,饲料的粗蛋白质含量25%~30%就可满足其营养需要。 该虾具有互相残食的习性,而且这种习性随着生长表现更为明显,但池塘养殖的成活率还可以达80%以上,该虾要求水质清新,溶氧量在5毫克/升以上,但忍受的最低溶氧值为1.2毫克/升,离水存活时间长,可以长途运输,可以活虾销售。ph值7.0~8.5,氨氮含量较低。 自然环境中海水、咸淡水、江河水、水库水、池塘水及井水等,只要不受污染,均可使用养虾。 南美白对虾生长快、个体大,自然海域里可捕到个体重100克以上的成虾,养殖个体重可达60~80克。在合理密度和饲料充足的条件下,水温25~35℃,当地幼虾经60天左右饲养,即可养成10~12厘米、个体重10~15克。


如东县南美白对虾养殖的现状及存在的问题 王剑 西南大学水产系,重庆荣昌 402460 摘要:目前如东县在南美白对虾养殖过程中存在苗种的选择、养殖技术、病害危害水产药物等多方面的问题,本文将对如东县南美白对虾养殖的现状进行分析并针对现状提出相应的发展对策。 关键词:南美白对虾;如东县;如东养殖业 江苏南通市如东县地处长江入海口,两面临海,毗陵上海,具有优越的自然生态环境和丰富的咸淡水资源。长期以来,如东的水产品都以其肉质鲜美、营养丰富而著称。特殊的地理位置和得天独厚的海洋资源决定了发展水产养殖业成为当地经济发展的主导产业。2010年开始规模化温棚养殖一举获得成功,从而带动了如东县的南美白对虾养殖业迅猛发展。 1如东南美白对虾养殖的现状 如东县在2009年开始有人养殖对虾,那时候的养殖规模甚小,自2010年开始,开始对规模化的温棚养殖研究,并取得重大的突破,从而促使了如东南美白对虾养殖业的迅速发展。 如东县南美白对虾产业经过5年多巩固发展,实现了从粗放养殖到高密度、工厂化、集约化养殖的飞跃。目前全县南美白对虾的养殖面积达到12.4万余亩,其中大棚养殖面积6.1万余亩,露天外塘养殖面积6.4万余亩,南美白对虾一代苗育苗场50多家,育苗总面积65000㎡,年培育虾苗120多亿尾,年产南美白对虾8.8万余吨,年产值近40多亿元,可实现利润15多亿元。从事南美白对虾育、养、加、销、储人数3.2余万人,形成南美白对虾育、养、加、销、储一体化的产业链。产品远销北京、上海、成都、郑州、合肥、青岛等四十多个城市,使之成如了远近闻名的白对虾集散中心,开创了农业和农村经济发展的新局面。 另外为了做大做强做优南美白对虾产业,在南通市及如东县两级海洋与渔业局的关心、支持、指导下,如东县于2013年1月注册成立了如东县南美白对虾协会。协会现有理事28人,会员单位31家,会员248人,其中党员40人,带动5000多位养殖户共同致富。协会成立以来,在渔业主管部门的指导下,协会的凝聚力和战斗力得到全面加强,党员创富带富作用得到了充分发挥,强有力地推动了社会主义新农村建设。协会以服务会员为宗旨,为会


内部编号:AN-QP-HT377 版本/ 修改状态:01 / 00 The Contract / Document That Can Be Held By All Parties Of Natural Person, Legal Person And Organization Of Equal Subject Acts On Their Establishment, Change And Termination Of Civil Rights And Obligations, And Defines The Corresponding Rights And Obligations Of All Parties Participating In The Contract. 甲方:__________________ 乙方:__________________ 时间:__________________ 南美白对虾养殖基地对虾收购合同通 用范本

南美白对虾养殖基地对虾收购合同通用 范本 使用指引:本协议文件可用于平等主体的自然人、法人、组织之间设立的各方可以执以为凭的契约/文书,作用于他们设立、变更、终止民事权利义务关系,同时明确参与合同的各方对应的权利和义务。资料下载后可以进行自定义修改,可按照所需进行删减和使用。 合同编号: 收购方(甲方): 养殖方(乙方):_____住: 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及其他有关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方在乎等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的基础上,就南美白对虾养殖、收购的有关事宜达成如下协议。 第一条产品基本要求:乙方养殖南美白对虾_____亩,乙方必须销售给甲方合格南美白对虾____吨。 第二条技术指导:甲方负责技术指导,乙


南美白对虾的养殖技巧 南美白对虾养殖已形成了大产业,我国南方每年常规养殖二造,在7月份和10月份的上市旺季,虽然虾产丰富,但价格较低;到了冬季,受到3-5次强冷空气影响,最低气温可下降至3℃;寒冷阴雨天气时,最低水温下降至7-8℃;从南美白对虾的生物学角度看,在此气候条件下是难以越冬的。事实上,有些虾农尝试各种规格的虾自然度冬,结果损失较大。为错开商品虾上市时间,争取较高的价格优势,利用虾苗场可以整年不间断提供虾苗的条件,通过采用保温措施,适当延长养殖周期、增加养殖造数(多养一造),可争取较高的经济效益。 目前,温棚普遍采用杂木、钢线、尼龙薄膜为主要材料;既坚固、透光、保温,又能降低成本。一般全套费用在2500元/亩左右,按平均产量500公斤/亩计算,相当于5元/公斤成本,但棚虾价格较高,一般售价为30—40元/公斤,比白水塘虾价高出10—20元/公斤。因此,只要掌握棚虾养殖技术,养出一定产量的成品虾,便可取得较高的经济效益。 经过多年的养殖实践,温棚养虾确实可行,有些养殖户宁可不养白水塘也要养温棚虾。 南美白对虾温棚养殖具有光照较弱、封闭环境(空气交换量少)、水温较低、养殖周期较长、敌害较少等特点,技术性较强,尤其是水质的控制和中后期病害的防治,是决定温棚虾养殖成效的关键。依据温棚养殖的特点,结合笔者多年的养殖经验,分析养殖户当前出现的一些问题,总结了温棚养殖白对虾的技术要点如下: (一)完备的保温和增氧设施 1、保温棚: (1)温棚要求坚固,可抵御5级阵风;(2)棚顶斜度平顺,不袋水;(3)温棚两头及两边薄膜可以随时开启透气;(4)棚脚高于排水河,可以排地面雨水,必要时挖浅沟排水。 2、增氧设施:配置叶轮式或水车式增氧机,1.5-2亩/台;附加管道增氧,10-15M2/头。实践证明,管道增氧可以加大新空气的有效交换而不造成应激,还可以提高水温。 3、带虾盖棚时,应有5-6天的过渡期,减少对虾的应激和水体的突变。一般要求每天盖1/4,盖完顶部2-3天才封闭保温棚两边的薄膜。盖棚前后应泼洒超级降解灵和超能高稳C,同时增加对虾的营养,保持较好的体质,减少应激。 (二)虾塘清整 1、塘底:(1)冲洗塘底,冲掉病菌滋生的有机腐殖淤泥及盐碱、金属沉积物;(2)充分晒塘,直到泥土龟裂为止。⑶生物清塘,进水10-20cm,每亩泼洒芽孢杆菌1kg(经活化)或利生素等微生物,有条件经常翻动池底,经15-20天的降解,可降解绝大部分的有机污染物,并将池底的营养盐释放出来。⑷池底消毒,杀灭病菌和矿化有机物。进水10-20cm,酸性池底,每亩施用生石灰100-200kg;其他池底,施用漂白粉每亩5-10kg。 2、塘基:(1)清除塘基杂草;(2)喷洒强力氧化杀菌剂(如聚合碘、二氧化氯、强氯精等),杀灭物种制约潜伏的病原体。⑶发现有蟹洞,可用敌百虫或聚酯稀释1000倍后用注射器喷入杀灭。 (三)幼苗用水处理。


南美白对虾生物学特性及养殖实用技术 南美白对虾是当今世界养殖产量最高的三大虾类之一。南美白对虾原产于南美洲太平洋沿岸海域,中国科学院海洋研究所张伟权教授率先由美国引进此虾,并在一九九二年突破了育苗关,从小试到中试直至在全国各地推广养殖。目前我广东、广西、福建、海南、浙江、山东、河北等省或自治区已逐步推广养殖,天津市汉沽区杨家泊镇养殖的南美白对虾世界闻名,有“中国鱼虾之乡”的美称,其中隶属南美白对虾的技术最为成熟。 南美白对虾肉质鲜美,加工出肉率可高达67%,适温范围广,可在18-32℃生长,适盐范围也广,可在盐度1-40‰条件下生长,是一种优良的淡化养殖品种。南美白对虾生长快,抗病能力强,现已逐渐成为我国南方的主要养殖虾种。我国厦门、北海、南宁和广州等地均有虾苗、虾无节幼体或亲虾供货 南美白对虾原产于美洲太平洋沿岸水域,主要分布秘鲁北部至墨西哥湾沿岸,以厄瓜多尔沿岸分布最为集中。南美白对虾具有个体大、生长快、营养需求低、抗病力强等优点,对水环境因子变化的适应能力较强,对饲料蛋白含量要求低、出肉率高达65%以上、离水存活时间长等优点,是集约化高产养殖的优良品种,

也是目前世界上三大养殖对虾中单产量最高的虾种。南美白对虾壳薄体肥,肉质鲜美,含肉率高,营养丰富。 南美白对虾人工养殖生长速度快,60天即可达上市规格;适盐范围广(0-40‰),可以采取纯淡水、半咸水、海水多种养殖模式,从自然海区到淡水池塘均可生长,从而打破了地域限制,且具耐高温,抗病力强;食性杂,对饲料蛋白要求低,35%即可达生长所需。是“海虾淡养”的优质品种,使其养殖地域范围扩大。养殖南美白对虾,放养虾苗规格要在2厘米以上,经淡化到零度的种苗,池塘以3-5亩为宜,水深1.5米左右,放苗时间在5月底、6月初,水温在20℃以上,一般养殖条件下,亩放虾苗2万尾,并搭养500-100尾花、白鲢,以投喂颗粒饲料为主,定期使用光合细菌和水质调节剂,调控水质,预防虾病。 亘据养殖条件的不同,在养殖模式上可采用主养、混养、套养等不同的养殖模式,目的是在不同养殖环境条件下即不浪费水体资源又能取得更高产量和效益。 混养: 混养模式为三种①南美白对虾与河蟹混养,不但充分利用水体饵料资源(水草、残饵等),还具有防虾病的作用,河蟹可将体弱多病的虾或死虾吃掉,减少病原的传播。②南美白对虾与刀额新对虾、罗氏沼虾混养,以增加虾的养殖品种和产量效益。③南美白对虾与花白鲢混养,在养殖期间,淡水池塘藻类易繁殖过盛,造成“转水”,利用花白鲢以浮游生物为食的习性,控制水中藻类数量,以调节改善水质。 套养:


江苏盐城地区南美白对虾发展现状与前景分析 一、江苏盐城地区南美白对虾发展现状 1、养殖概况 为了让诸位系统而明了的了解盐城市南美白对虾养殖概况,下面本人通过表格的形式简要的向大家介绍江苏省内陆特水中南美白对虾养殖情况、盐城市内陆特水中南美白对虾养殖情况、盐城市内陆淡水和特水及南美白对虾养殖分别占全省的比例情况、盐城市内陆淡水和特水及南美白对虾养殖分别在全省的位次、盐城市主产区南美白对虾养殖面积、产量及占全市的比例。(说明:以下数据来源于江苏省农村统计年鉴2008、2009、2010、2011) 表一:江苏省内陆特水中南美白对虾养殖情况 年份淡水养殖面 积/公顷 淡水养殖产 量/吨 特水养殖面 积/公顷 特水养殖 产量/吨 南美白对虾面 积/公顷 南美白对虾 产量/吨 2007 543369 415677 812121 20374 77951 2008 543381 437408 916069 20469 91187 2009 552622 453367 20375 88694 2010 557653 470942 18218 89493 表二:盐城市内陆特水中南美白对虾养殖情况 年份淡水养殖 面积/公顷 淡水养殖产 量/吨 特水养殖 面积/公顷 特水养殖 产量/吨 南美白对虾 面积/公顷 南美白对虾 产量/吨 2007 54555 432045 53294 165819 12302 52644 2008 57220 471543 53963 185093 12280 53879 2009 57553 525006 46905 208081 12660 54232 2010 58585 542049 53442 227236 10699 56576 表三:盐城市内陆淡水、特水及南美白对虾养殖分别占全省的比例情况 年份淡水养殖 面积占比/% 淡水养殖 产量占比/% 特水养殖 面积占比/% 特水养殖 产量/% 南美白对虾养 殖面积/% 南美白对虾养 殖产量/% 2007 9.81 16.82 12.82 20.42 60.38 67.53 2008 9.93 17.62 12.34 20.21 59.99 59.09 2009 8.49 18.71 10.35 20.35 62.13 61.15 2010 9.58 18.64 11.35 21.18 58.73 63.22 表四:盐城市内陆淡水、特水及南美白对虾养殖分别在全省的位次 年份内陆淡水特水南美白对虾面积产量面积产量面积产量 2007 第四第一第三第一第一第一2008 第三第一第二第一第一第一2009 第三第一第三第一第一第一2010 第三第一第三第一第一第一


南美白对虾养殖介绍 第一节主要养殖方式: 1、粗养 放养密度一般为5尾/米2以下。虾塘面积较大,一般10~30公顷(150~450亩),平均水深较浅,设施简陋。粗养不需投饵,完全依靠水域的天然生产力来达到生态平衡。这种生产方式通常是一年中多次投苗,连续生产,很少换水。产量一般为200~500公斤/公顷/年。粗养的优点为生产成本低,污染轻,很少发病;缺点是产量低,鱼害等严重。此种养殖方式新建池塘已较少采用。 2、半精养 又称人工生态系养虾法,是在粗养的基础上发展起来的,其基本原理是建立一个适合对虾生长的生态环境。放养密度一般在5-15尾/米2,虾塘面积一般在2-10公顷(30-150亩),产量一般为750-1500公斤/公顷。半精养虾塘的设施条件较粗养相对好些,放苗前需清塘除害,前期以施肥繁殖基础饵料为主,中、后期辅以投饵。此种方式山东以北的省份还较普遍。 3、精养 较先进的养虾模式,我国南方沿海及台湾省等地多采用此种方式。精养虾塘投喂配合饵料,且对饵料质量有较高的要求。池塘面积较小,一般在1.5公顷以内(多为2~10亩),要求虾塘能够完全排干,水深2米以上,设有进、排水系统及增养设备。精养虾塘的放养密度较高,一般在30尾/米2以上,产量可达5000~15000公斤/公顷或更高。江苏省海洋水产研究所2000年在10个(计14亩)池塘中进行循环水养殖,放苗量为75-13.5尾/米2,共收获南美白对虾14563公斤,平均亩产1040公斤,最低亩产811公斤,最高亩产1482公斤。2001年海南文昌的高位池养殖南美白对虾,有的亩产达1590公斤。 4、超精养 又称工厂化养虾或集约式养虾。超精养虾池一般在陆地修建的圆形或跑道式水泥池,面积一般在500~2000米2 ,能自动排污,充气,常流水,日换水量可达100~300%。超精养方式的放养密度大,一般200尾/米2以上,产量可达3公斤/米2以上。德国Mega Fisch公司室内高密度养虾产量可达13公斤/米2以上。我国的广西、山东等地也进行了工厂化养虾,仅东营市利用虾蟹类育苗场或鱼种场进行南美白对虾养殖的面积达15000米2,产量一般为2-6公斤/米2。青岛胶州市的一养殖户建面积4670米2,池深1.5米三个长方形水泥池,进行工厂化养殖,产量2公斤/米2左右。我所2001年在中华绒螯蟹繁育有限公司,利用其闲置的育苗车间,放体长1.0-3.0cm 的南美白对虾苗种,成活率一般在80%以上,产量2.5-5.5公斤/米2。不过,此种模式,生长容易分化,生长速度也明显慢于生态养殖,同时,投资成本高,技术含量高,风险大。 在我国的华南地区年养殖2-3茬,甚至4茬,浙江以北地区年养殖1-2茬。近几年养虾投入加大,养殖方式由粗养向精养、集约式发展,海南的高位池亩投入一般在3万元,工厂化养殖亩投入3-5万元。投喂配合饵料,饵料系数为0.8-1.3,虾饲料成本在3-4元,每亩利润达数千元至1万元以上。高产高效益刺激了养殖面积和投苗量大幅度增长。 第二节养殖场地的选择和改造 1、养殖场地的选择 参照中国对虾和斑节对虾。精养池的面积为2~20亩,水深2~3米左右;半精养池的面积为30~50亩,水深1.5~2米左右。本种的原产地水温较高,因此南方比北


南美白对虾的生物学特性 南美白对虾(Penaeus vannamei),又称白肢虾(white-leg shrimp)、白对虾(white shrimp),以前翻译为万氏对虾,原产于南美洲太平洋沿岸的暖水水域,主要分布秘鲁北部至墨西哥湾沿岸,是目前世界上三大养殖对虾中单产量最高的虾种。它具有生活力强、适应性广,抗病力强、生长迅速、对饲料蛋白含量要求低、出肉率高、离水存活时间长等优点,是集约化高产养殖的优良品种。 1、分类地位 南美白对虾(Penaeus vannamei Boone,1931),分类学上隶属于节肢动物门(Arthropoda)、甲壳纲(Crustacea)、十足目(Decapoda)、游泳亚目(Natantia)、对虾科(Penaeidae)、对虾属(Penaeus)、Litopenaeus亚属。 2、主要形态特征 外形与中国对虾、墨吉对虾酷似。成体最长可达23cm,甲壳较薄,正常体色为浅青灰色,全身不具斑纹。步足常呈白垩状,故有白肢虾之称。 额角尖端的长度不超出第1触角柄的第2节,其齿式为5-9/2-4;头胸甲较短,与腹部的比例约为1∶3;额角侧沟短,到胃上剌下方即消失;头胸甲具肝刺及鳃角剌;肝剌明显;第1触角具双鞭,内鞭较外鞭纤细,长度大致相等,但皆短小(约为第1触角柄长度的1/3);第l~3对步足的上肢十分发达,第4~5对步足无上肢,第5对步足具雏形外肢;腹部第4~6节具背脊;尾节具中央沟,但不具缘侧剌。 3、生活习性 自然栖息区为泥质海底,水深0~72m,水温25~32℃,盐度28‰~34‰,pH值8.0土0.3。成虾多生活在离岸较近的沿岸水域,幼虾则喜欢在饵料丰富的河口区觅食生长。该虾白天一般都静伏池底,晚上则活动频繁。蜕皮都在晚上(上半夜),两次蜕皮的时间间隔为20天左右。南美白对虾性情温和,实验条件下很少见到个体间有相互残食现象发生。 4、食性与生长 南美白对虾属杂食性种类,对动物性饵料的需求并不十分严格。饵料中蛋白质的比率占20%以上,即可正常生长。其生长速度较快,在盐度20‰~40‰、水温30~32℃的自然条件下,从虾苗至成虾的180天内,平均每尾对虾的体重可增至41g,体长由1cm增加到14cm。 5、南美白对虾的养殖生物学特点


南美白对虾养殖历史回顾(2001年以前) 在20世纪80年代,对虾养殖业发展 曾给我国的水产养殖业写下辉煌的一 笔,极大地带动了沿海地区的经济发 展,并带动了沿海地区育苗、饵料生 产、冷藏加工等相关产业链的同步发展,它所起到的作用是不可磨灭的。可是,进入90年代,特别从92年起,由于对虾病毒病在全国各地的蔓延,水产工作者一时又找不出合适的对策,导致对虾养殖业大伤元气,经济效益一落千丈。因此,水产工作者们一方面刻苦钻研对虾病毒病,另一方面探索对虾养殖业新的替代品种、新的经济增长点,于是南美白对虾的养殖浮出水面。 南美白对虾(L.vannamei),学名凡纳对虾,是世界养殖虾类产量最高的三大种类之一,原来分布在中、南美洲,太平洋沿岸水域,外形似中国对虾,正常体色为浅灰色,壳薄体肥,肉质鲜嫩,出肉率高达65%以上,营养丰富,深受国内外市场欢迎;生长速度快,60天即可达上市规格;适盐X 围广(0-40),可以采取纯淡水、半咸水、海水多种养殖模式,从自然海区到淡水池塘均可生长,从而打破了地域限制,且具耐高温,抗病力强;食性杂,对饲料蛋白要求低,35%即可达生长所需。是“海虾淡养”的优质品种,是很有发展潜力的养殖虾类。

近年来,南美白对虾(penaeus vannamei)在我国不论是海水,还是低盐度海水及淡水中养殖都取得了一定的进展,而且有取代罗氏当虾养殖的趋势。目前,南美白对虾的养殖已经成为水产养殖业的热点。要使我国南美白对虾的养殖生产持续健康的发展,如何配制优质的饲料及获得健康的虾苗是关键。 在20世纪80年代末,美国政府出资由美国夏威夷海洋研究所负责承担SPF(specific pathogen free)虾苗研究和生产,1991年美国夏威夷海洋研究所开始提供SPF南美白对虾苗和亲虾,至1994年尽管提供的SPF虾苗不多,但是其成虾养殖却取得了高产,SPF虾苗养殖产量比非SPF虾苗产量高出30%以上。生产SPF虾苗必须做到以下5个项目:(1)放养高度健康的虾苗管理方法防止病原进入养殖区,包括营养、水质、环境和管理方面;(4)持续监测虾的健康状态;(5)一旦发现疾病,立刻采取措施。SPF虾苗的生产必须是在非常严格的隔离下进行的,按照SPF生产程序要求,1996年美国SPF虾苗生产的成功率只有1.66。最近美又提出,运用人工育种的方法,筛选出高品质、高产量、生长快、抗病力强的种苗,即SPR(specific pathogen resistance)种苗,预计将此技术运用到对虾养殖生产上,大约只需要15年时间。 1988年7月,南美白对虾由中国科学辽海洋研究所从美国夏威夷引进我国,1992年8月人工繁殖获得了初步的成功,


南美白对虾养殖全过程基础技术问答 南美白对虾是国内海虾淡养的主要品种,南美白对虾旧译名凡纳对虾、国外叫白脚虾,俗称白象虾。原产于中、南美太平洋沿岸水域一带,以厄瓜多尔沿岸的分布最为集中,是世界上养殖产量最高的三大虾种之一(即斑节对虾、南美白对虾和中国对虾)。 一.南美白对虾适应什么养殖环境? 南美白对虾体型与中国对虾酷似,在人工养殖条件下,一般可达11-13cm。南美白对虾为广盐性热带虾类,常栖息在泥质海底,白昼多匍匐爬行或潜伏在海底表层,夜间活动频繁,喜静怕惊,人工饲养时的水温为16-35℃(渐变幅度),盐度0.5-40‰(渐变幅度),pH 值7.3-8.6。 二.南美白对虾对饵料的要求是什么? 南美白对虾食性广而杂,对食物的要求低,饵料中只要含有25—30%的蛋白质成分,即可正常生长。但在人工高密度养殖条件下,饵料中蛋白质成分应在40%左右,以利于虾的快速生长。 三.如何选择南美白对虾的养殖池塘? 养虾池塘可新开发也可利用原池进行改造,养虾池每个池塘的适宜面积为5-30亩,长方形或正方形,池深2.5-3.0米,养殖期可保


-2.5米,池底平整,堤坡完好,保水性能强。虾池设进排水系统,进排水闸要有过滤网,也可不设进排水系统,用泵提水即可。虾场最好要有蓄水池,以供养虾换水用。 四.什么样的水质适合南美白对虾的养殖? 养虾用水为无污染的河水或与经曝晒过的井水混合后使用,水质的主要技术指标为:pH值7.6-8.6,盐度>0.5‰,氨氮<1mg/l,溶解氧>5mg/l,其它指标应不超过国家规定的渔业水质标准。 五.放苗前清淤整池的目的是什么? 虾池中的残饵、对虾排泄物、动物尸体、死亡的藻类和枯死的水草等是综合形成淤泥的基础,也是造成虾池老化、病害发生和低产的原因之一。清淤的目的,就是要把这些有害的沉积物清除掉。 六.清淤整池的具体做法是什么? 具体做法为:收虾之后,应将池内积水排净,封闸晒池,维修堤坝、闸门,并彻底清除池中污泥与杂草,清淤的深度为10-20厘米,对投饵马道和池塘死角进行重点清理。新建池塘可不清淤,但需药物消毒。 七.放苗前为什么要消毒除害? 由于虾苗下塘时仅为0.7


编号:HT-202103452 甲 方:______________________________ 乙 方:______________________________ 日 期:_________年________月_______日 南美白对虾养殖基地对虾收购合同 (标准版) Other special terms will be listed bellow.

南美白对虾养殖基地对虾收购合同 合同编号: 收购方(甲方): 养殖方(乙方):_________住: 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及其他有关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方在乎等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的基础上,就南美白对虾养殖、收购的有关事宜达成如下协议。 第一条产品基本要求:乙方养殖南美白对虾_____亩,乙方必须销售给甲方合格南美白对虾________吨。 第二条技术指导:甲方负责技术指导,乙方应当听从甲方的技术指导,严格按规程生产。 第三条饲料使用:为确保养殖质量,甲方推荐乙方使用甲方提供或推荐的饲料,并收取相应的饲料款。 第四条质量标准:按照南美白对虾的通常上市标准作为质量标准,乙方必须按照南美白对虾质量标准捕捞销售,并将正次品分开。 第五条收购价格:按照市场价格协商优惠办法或者双方协商订价。 第六条收购地点: 甲方所在地的收购站或者是甲方指定的收购场

所。 第七条检验方法:根据质量要求当场进行验收,边收购边检验。 第八条违约责任: 1、乙方必须按合同约定进行南美白对虾的养殖生产,本合同签订后,双方都需要严格执行合同。由于单方面变更合同造成的损失,由违约方承担。乙方不按期、不按量、不按指定要求履行合同,其损失由乙方承担,甲方不承担任何责任。甲方不按本收购合同约定的数量收购南美白对虾给乙方造成损失的,由甲方承担责任。 2、因发生自然灾害、重大疫情等不可抗力的,经核实可全部或部分免除责任,但应当及时通知.对方,并在合理期限内提供证明。 第九条争议解决方式:本合同项下发生的争议,由当事人双方协商或申请有关部门调解解决;协商或调解解决不成的,依法向当地人民法院提起诉讼,或按照另行达成的仲裁条款或仲裁协议申请仲裁。 第十条本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,履行期限至______年______月______日止。未尽事宜,由双方共同协商签订补充协议。本合同一式两份,甲方一份,乙方一份,具有同等法律效力。 第十一条其他约定:_________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __ 甲方:乙方


南美白对虾对虾工厂化养殖模式分析 工厂化养虾占地少,产量高,效益好,可以避免传统养虾方式带来的虾病和水体污染,减少天气对养殖的不利影响。我国沿海的对虾养殖经过多年的发展,工厂化养虾具有一定的基础,部分地区工厂化养殖已达世界先进水平,但总体上基本采用“水泥池+温室大棚”为核心的精养模式。经济效益较好,但还存在曝气设备能耗过高、废水多数得不到有效处理等问题。欧美等西方国家在工厂化循环水对虾养殖系统方面所作的诸多尝试和研究,值得我们借鉴。 在虾病肆虐的当下,全程可控的工厂化养殖或许是一个新的思路和方向。 就单一养殖品种而言,南美白对虾在2008年的全球产值是最高的,达90亿美元。虾类是世界上最重要的水产品贸易商品,约占15%的世界水产品贸易总额。目前对虾养殖受到虾病的困扰,从20世纪90年代起,厄瓜多尔、泰国、中国等地受到日益严重的对虾疾病威胁。据估算,90年代亚洲的一些国家和地区由于病害原因造成的损失高达几十亿美元。对虾工厂化养殖是用工业手段控制池内生态环境,为对虾创造一个最佳的生存和生活条件。在高密度集约化的放养条件下,投放优质饲料,促进对虾顺利成长,争取较高经济效益的养殖模式。在虾病肆虐的当下,全程可控的工厂化养殖或许是一个新的思路和方向。 欧美等西方国家在工厂化循环水对虾养殖系统方面已经做了很多尝试和研究。工厂化养殖的方式大致分为三种形式:流水养殖、半封闭循环水养殖和全封闭循环水养殖。流水式养殖的全过程均实现开放式流水,用过的水不再回收处理,流水交换量为每天6-15次;半封闭循环水养殖方式对养殖用水不是完全开放,而是对部分养殖废水经沉淀、过滤、消毒等简单处理后再流回养殖池重复使用;全封闭循环水养殖方式的养殖用水经过城店、过滤、去除可溶性有害物、消毒等处理,再根据对虾不同生长阶段的生理要求,进行调温、增氧、和补充适量的新鲜水,再重新输送到养殖池中,反复循环使用。 对虾循环水养殖系统应能有满足对虾生长的水质、水温、盐度条件,并保证有一定的水流,促进养殖池的排污和满足对虾生理需求。环道式养虾系统,佛罗里达三阶段养虾系统,以及基于微藻的循环水对虾养殖系统等都取得了较好的养殖效果。目前我国工厂化养殖系统发展水平尚处初级发展阶段,近些年对虾工厂化循环水养殖系统研究也取得不少成果。 工厂化对虾养殖应当根据不同地区的水质条件和养殖习惯,因地制宜形成适宜当地推广应用的封闭循环水养殖模式。例如在南美,多采用跑道式循环水养殖、常流水养殖、微流水式的封闭循环水养殖等模式;我国东海、黄渤海地区多采用封闭式循环水养殖;热带、亚热带沿海地区多采用封闭、半封闭的微换水工厂化养殖模式。我国华南沿海地区水温高、光照时间长、海域中生物资源丰富,可根据其特点充分利用自然地理资源,减少控温设施降低能耗,引入微生物、富有藻类、大中型水生植物等元素,从而构建一个适宜亚热带地区特色的环境友好型对虾封闭循环水养殖模式。 水处理技术


南美白对虾养殖基地对虾收购合同 [模版仅供参考,切勿通篇使用] 合同编号: 收购方(甲方): 养殖方(乙方):_________住: 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及其他有关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方在乎等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的基础上,就南美白对虾养殖、收购的有关事宜达成如下协议。 第一条产品基本要求:乙方养殖南美白对虾_____亩,乙方必须销售给甲方合格南美白对虾________吨。 第二条技术指导:甲方负责技术指导,乙方应当听从甲方的技术指导,严格按规程生产。 第三条饲料使用:为确保养殖质量,甲方推荐乙方使用甲方提供或推荐的饲料,并收取相应的饲料款。 第四条质量标准:按照南美白对虾的通常上市标准作为质量标准,乙方必须按照南美白对虾质量标准捕捞销售,并将正次品分开。 第五条收购价格:按照市场价格协商优惠办法或者双方协商订价。

第六条收购地点:甲方所在地的收购站或者是甲方指定的收购场所。 第七条检验方法:根据质量要求当场进行验收,边收购边检验。 第八条违约责任: 1、乙方必须按合同约定进行南美白对虾的养殖生产,本合同签订后,双方都需要严格执行合同。由于单方面变更合同造成的损失,由违约方承担。乙方不按期、不按量、不按指定要求履行合同,其损失由乙方承担,甲方不承担任何责任。甲方不按本收购合同约定的数量收购南美白对虾给乙方造成损失的,由甲方承担责任。 2、因发生自然灾害、重大疫情等不可抗力的,经核实可全部或部分免除责任,但应当及时通知.对方,并在合理期限内提供证明。 第九条争议解决方式:本合同项下发生的争议,由当事人双方协商或申请有关部门调解解决;协商或调解解决不成的,依法向当地人民法院提起诉讼,或按照另行达成的仲裁条款或仲裁协议申请仲裁。 第十条本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,履行期限至 ______年______月______日止。未尽事宜,由双方共同协商签订


海水南美白对虾体重、体长、日摄食量、每斤尾数 最适水温:22?30C 渐变范围16?34 C亦可生长 盐度:0.5?40 %。(渐变幅度)均可良好生长 pH值:最适7.6?8.3在7.3?8.6范围内可生长 溶解氧:3mg/L以上 化学耗氧量:5-30 mg/L 营养盐;磷酸盐 0.1-0.3 mg/L,硅酸盐2.0 mg/L,氨氮(NH3+-N计)0.2mg/L以下, 池底硫化氢:不超过 0.1mg/L 池底表土有机质含量:不大于 5mg/L 异养菌:103-4CFU/ml 重金属离子浓度:符合国家渔业水质标准 透明度和水色:透明度 25?35cm,水色要结合生物优势种群的观测来确定。 病害防治 南美白对虾在养殖时应贯彻预防为主,综合防治”的原则,做到无病先防、有病早治。从池塘、水质、苗 种、饵料及日常管理等方面把好关,杜绝疾病的发生。放苗前做好清塘消毒工作,放苗后定期进行水体消 毒。放苗30天后消毒一次,以后每隔15-20天消毒一次。并定期在饲料中添加大蒜素、维生素 C、恩诺 沙星等,以增强对虾的抗病能力。一旦发现虾病应立即查明原因对症下药。目前养殖过程中出现的南美白对虾的疾病主

要有:营养性疾病、寄生虫病、细菌性疾病和病毒性疾病。 5.1营养性疾病 5.1.1黑鳃病 通常是由水质恶化及饲料中缺少维生素C引起。其症状为虾鳃组织变黑、鳃丝萎缩糜烂。防治可用0.8mg/l 臭氧复合剂全池泼洒,同时饲料内添加0.2的稳定型维生素 C,连续投喂7-10天。 5.1.2软壳病 病因是由于投饵和换水量不足,池水pH升高及有机质下降,水体内形成不溶性磷酸钙沉淀,对虾不能利 用磷而引起。症状为虾壳变软,体色发白,虾因脱壳困难而死亡。防治时可适当加大换水量,改善养殖水体的水质,泼洒降氨灵0.5-0.8mg/l及硝化细菌 0.5-1.0mg/l或在饲料内添加磷酸二氢钙,其添加量为 0.5%-1.0%,连续投喂5-7天。 5.2寄生虫性疾病 5.2.1纤毛虫病 病因由于钟形虫、聚缩虫、单缩虫或累枝虫等寄生所致。症状为虾的鳃、体表、附肢上出现一层黑色绒状 物,鳃部变黑,病虾呼吸困难。防治:(1)可全池泼洒纤毛净 1.2mg/l,10天后再泼洒一次。(2)全池泼 洒硫酸锌3-4mg/l,5天后再泼洒一次。(3)以上两种药用过后再全池泼洒 0.2 mg/l的二溴海因一次。(4)若纤毛虫很多,可用 1.2mg/l的鳌合铜泼洒一次。 5.3细菌性疾病 5.3.1肠炎病 病原是多种杆状细菌。体长3-6cm的对虾易患此病,病虾肌肉发白,肠道变粗,外观肠道颜色较深,解剖 后发现肠道无食物。肠壁上有大量黑色素细胞沉积,使肠道呈黑色,有的肠壁内出现糜烂现象,多数病虾中后肠肿胀。防治措施:(1)每100kg饵料添加100g复方呋喃唑酮,连续投喂 5-7天,病情严重时可加倍使用。(2)全池泼洒0.5mg/l的溴氯海因或0.2mg/l的二溴海因,同时投喂二酰甲喹,添加量为每公斤饲料 lg,连续投喂4-5天。 5.3.2红腿病 病原为副溶血弧菌,鳗弧菌和溶藻弧菌。病虾附肢变红,尤以游泳肢最明显。头胸甲鳃区呈淡黄色,血淋巴稀薄,凝固慢或不凝固,病虾在水面缓慢游动或旋转或上下垂直游动。防治措施:全池泼洒二氯海因 0.6-0.8mg/l。同时内服环丙沙星,添加量为每公斤饲料0.3g,连续投喂3-5天。 5.4病毒性疾病 5.4.1红体病(又称桃拉综合症) 病原为TSV病毒。病虾不摄食,肝胰脏肿大、变白。体表色素扩散,尾、足发红。通常表皮、鳃、附肢及 肠有坏死性损伤。幼虾一般急性死亡,成虾一般死亡较慢。防治措施:(l )用0.2-0.3mg/l的二溴海因全池泼洒两天,然后全池泼洒枯草杆菌0.2mg/l,光合细菌2mg/l,沸石粉20mg/l。 表1 不同体长幼虾的日投喂量参考表


南美白对虾耗氧率和窒息点的初步测定 陈琴1,陈晓汉2,罗永巨2,黄钧1,李贵福1,宁良坤1 (1广西大学动物科技学院,南宁530005;2广西水产研究所,南宁530021) 摘要:对2种规格南美白对虾的耗氧率和窒息点进行了测定。结果表明,南美白对虾的耗氧率随体重的增加而减小,耗氧量和窒息点随体重的增加而增加。平均体长53133mm、体重1148g的南美白对虾耗氧率是014493mg/g#h,窒息点016663mg/L;平均体长70188mm、体重3149g时,耗氧率为013004mg/g#h,窒息点110186mg/L。南美白对虾的耗氧率呈现明显的昼夜变化规律。 关键词:南美白对虾;耗氧率;窒息点 中图分类号:S917文献标识码:A文章编号:1003-1278(2001)02-0014-02 南美白对虾(Penaeus V annamei,自1997年起更名为L itop enaeus V annamei)属白虾类,亦称万氏对虾、白脚虾,原产于中、南美洲太平洋沿岸的暖水水域,以厄瓜多尔沿岸分布最为集中,与斑节对虾、中国对虾并列为目前世界养殖产量最高的3大优良虾种之一,是集约化高产养殖的优良品种。1988年7月我国首次从美国引进南美白对虾。南美白对虾以其壳薄体肥、肉质鲜嫩、生长快、群体增长均匀、抗病能力强等优点近2年而逐渐成为南方主要养殖虾种,深受国内消费者的青睐。近年来对南美白对虾在生物学特性和养殖技术方面已有不少资料[1~4],但对南美白对虾的耗氧率和窒息点的研究尚未见报道。我们对此进行初步研究,以了解南美白对虾的基础代谢水平,为南美白对虾在养殖生产中的合理放养、水质管理和活虾苗运输等提供参考依据。 1材料和方法 实验在广西水产研究所中试基地虾苗场进行。南美白对虾取自基地当年自繁的苗种,挑选个体健壮、附肢完整的虾进行试验。分为平均体长51133mm、平均体重1148g和平均体长70188mm、平均体重3149g2种规格。 实验用水为充气曝气72h以上的自来水,以海盐配成018盐度。以北京产的水质测定盒测得pH值为811,硬度为9176德国度,氨态氮<0120mg/L,初始溶氧为513mg/ L。 实验虾试验前停喂并在苗池中静养半天,实验前2h 把虾放入580mL的呼吸室,待其适应其中的环境后再进行测定。耗氧率的测定在2个相邻的面积6m2、容水量5 m3的室内虾苗池中进行(其中1池作实验用、1池作补水用),实验装置仿陈宁生、施王泉芳[5]并稍作改进(图略)。整个实验(包括实验前2h适应)均在流水条件下进行,实验苗池的水位保持恒定以保证呼吸室的水压稳定。呼吸室能完全排出其中空气,流速可控制,流量为5000mL/h 左右,使出水口溶解氧维持在415mg/L以上。每1h测定1次水温、流过呼吸室的水量及呼吸室进出水口的溶氧量。实验设2个平行,每个平行进行3次重复测定,取结果的平均值,连续测定24h。 窒息点的实验装置同耗氧率,在耗氧率试验结束后关闭进出水口,待呼吸室内虾半数死亡时,测定其中的溶氧即为窒息点。溶氧均采用碘量法测定。 实验期间水温在2619~2715e,实验虾无粪便排出。 实验结束后,用滤纸吸干虾体表水分,以油标卡尺测量体长并在精度为0101g的莎多丽斯电子天平上称重,然后按下列公式计算虾的耗氧率及耗氧量: 耗氧率(mg/g#h)=(A1-A2)@V/W 耗氧量(mg/尾#h)=(A1-A2)@V/M 式中:A1、A2分别为进水口和出水口的溶氧量,V为流量,W为虾体重,M为虾尾数。 2结果与讨论 211不同规格南美白对虾的耗氧量和耗氧率 南美白对虾的耗氧量和耗氧率与其它鱼虾类具有相同的特性,并与十足目的刀额新对虾[6]、脊尾白虾[7]、澳大利亚红螯螯虾[8]等耗氧值相近,即依个体的大小而有所不同,个体增大耗氧量提高而耗氧率降低。在水温2619~ 2715e、盐度018的条件下,对南美白对虾进行连续24h 的观察测定结果见表1。 方差分析表明,在同等条件下,小规格南美白对虾的平均耗氧量仅为大规格个体的56135%,差异极显著(F= 79.6272,p<0.001),而耗氧率却极显著地高于大规格的个体(F=39.7812,p<0.001)。 212耗氧率昼夜变化 实验表明,南美白对虾的耗氧率有明显的昼夜变化规律,且不同体长组南美白对虾的耗氧率在一昼夜中有相似的变化规律,都在19时、21时出两2个高峰值,而且第1次比第2次略高(图1)。其中平均体长为51133mm的个体耗氧率高峰平均值为016711mg/g#h,显著高于日平均耗氧率(F=7.6645,P<0105);平均体长70188mm个体耗氧率高峰平均值014310mg/g#h,也显著高于日平均耗氧率(F=6.4705,P<0105)。低谷值出现时刻不尽相同,规格小的1d中有5个较为明显的耗氧低谷,分别在4时、8时、11时、12时和16时,其平均值为01318 1mg/g#h,极为显著地低于日平均耗氧率(F=10.4160, # 14 #(总第114期)水利渔业2001年第21卷第2期 收稿日期:2000-09-13

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