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3.1054 年,东部教会宣布脱离罗马教廷,史称“东西教会大分裂”。

4.17 世纪,巴洛克文化席卷欧洲,文学艺术中产生了古典主义。


成为艺术创作的范本, 其影响之深,乃至引起了著名的“古今之争”。

6.1848年的民族统一运动直接威胁到德意志各邦国统治者的利益,遭到他们联手镇压。奥地利首相梅特涅在各邦君主的支持下,通过了“ 卡尔斯巴德决议”,以扑灭大学生运动,限制民众的政治活动。

7.1918年11 月7 日,慕尼黑爆发革命,革命蔓延到柏林,威廉一世众叛亲离,不得不仓惶出逃荷兰,在欧洲历史上叱咤风云两个多世纪的霍亨佐伦王朝宣告覆灭。

8.1919 年6 月28 日,德国代表团经过长时间的谈判,终于在巴黎郊外签署著名的《凡尔赛条约》。

9.1939 年二战爆发前夕,希特勒提出:一旦发生战争,就要彻底消灭欧洲的犹太人,即所谓“最终解决”。

10.1945 年以后,就有一大批相当出色的瑞士和奥地利德语作家在德语文学界占据了重要地位,例如瑞士作家马克斯·弗里施和弗里德利希·迪伦马特和奥地利作家托马斯·贝恩哈特、著名的奥地利女诗人英格博格·巴赫曼,以及当代最惹人争议的奥地利作家彼得·汉特克等。

11.1949 年,布莱希特形象地提出了“砍光伐尽”的文学主张。

12.1970 年12 月7 日,联邦德国总理威利·勃兰特在华沙向华沙无名烈士们和华沙隔都死难者纪念碑献花圈时,突然跪倒在地,代表德意志民族和国家向华沙死难者认罪。

13.1989 年12 月,在莱比锡传统的星期一游行中,“我们是一个民族”的口号取代了“我们才是人民”。

14.1990 年12 月,分裂多年的德国终于实现了统一。

15.1996 年春,人称“统一总理”的科尔大胆提出“ 一揽子节约措施”以节约开支,增加就业机会。


17.存在主义哲学是马丁·海德格尔和卡尔·雅斯贝斯在两次大战之间创立的,后来在法国得到了进一步的发展,其思想渊源可追溯到19 世纪和20 世纪初欧洲的反理性主义思潮。







22.德国早期启蒙运动的哲学代表是黑格尔,他堪称名副其实的“ 通才”。

23.德语在公元8 世纪发生了第三次音变,以德国北部为一方,南部和中部为另一方,德语的发音产生了较大的变化。


25.凡是教民,均需向教会缴纳其收入的1/ 10,称“国民税”。





30.公元1 世纪末,为防范日耳曼人的进攻,罗马帝国曾在莱茵河与多瑙河之间修


31.公元2~3 世纪,日耳曼诸部落在同罗马人的战争中组成了三个规模较大的部落联盟,为以后日耳曼民族的形成奠定了基础,分别是:阿勒曼、萨克森、法兰克。

32.公元6 世纪,东罗马皇帝查士丁尼下令对过去的法律、皇帝的敕令进行整理,


33.公元前450 年,在罗马产生了《十二铜表法》,标志着罗马法的产生。

34.公元前500 年,罗马帝国取代罗马共和国。

35.公元前6 世纪,罗马人建立了罗马帝国。



38.古希腊哲学产生了两位伟大的哲学家,一位是早期的希波主教圣奥古斯丁, 另一位是后来的托马斯·阿奎那。




语中意为“ 救世主”。








47.卡尔四世于1347~1378 年间就任德国皇帝,在海德堡建立了德国历史上第一所大学。






52.罗马帝国皇帝君士坦丁大帝最终于313 年颁布敕令,结束对基督徒的迫害,接







56.希腊人始终不渝地探索宇宙的本体,不断提出“ 世界是什么”、人是什么”、

“世界从哪里来, 到哪里去”这样的终极问题,从而创造了一个被称为“ 形而上学”的哲学传统。












64.在德语在其发展过程中,经历了三个重要的阶段:1.古高地德语 2.中古高地德语 3.新高地德语。










“九十五条论纲”“四D”计划“帝国理念”《西方的衰落》 1914年理念水晶之夜



I. Diktat (5 P)听写 II. H?rverstehen (5 P)听力 1.Was ist die Frau da? 2.Geht Peter heute ins Theater? 3.Wo findet dieses Gespr?ch statt? 4.Wann f?hrt der Bus ab? 5.Wann ist die Tochter geboren? III. Kreuzen Sie die richtige L?sung an! (10 P)选择题 1.–_____ ist Ihr Name bitte?–Mein Name ist Schmidt. a)Wie b) Was c) Wer d) Wen 2.Man nett das Velo auch __________. a)das Auto b) den Bus c) den Zug d) das Fahrrad 3.Die Mutter ist in der Küche und _________ das Essen ins Wohnzimmer. a)holt b) nimmt c) bringt d) leiht 4. Wir fahren nach Hamburg. Der Zug f?hrt nur bis Frankfurt. Da steigen wir ________ . a) ein b) aus c) um d) an 5. Fr üher _______ er viel Geld, aber ______ Zeit. a) hat, keine b) hatte, kein c) hatte, keine d) hat, kein 6. – K?nnen Sie mir den Kugelschreiber mitbringen? –Ja, ich kann ________ mitbringen. a) Sie, es b) Ihr, sie c) Ihr, es d) ihn, Ihnen 7. H?ngen Sie das Bild ________ die Wand! a) über b) um c) auf d) an 8. Wie lange m?chtest du _________ Schweiz bleiben? a) nach b) in der c) in die d) ins 9. Haben Sie heute zwei Stunden f ür mich? – Nein, so _________ habe ich nicht. a) viele Zeit b) viel Zeiten c) viel Zeit d) vielen Zeit 10. – M?chtest du keine Pause machen? - _________, aber nicht jetzt. a)Ja b) Nein c) Nicht d) Doch 11.Welcher ist falsch? a) Jetzt ist es Viertel vor Zw?lf. b) Jetzt ist es eine Uhr. c) Jetzt ist es drei Minuten nach halb eins. d) Jetzt ist es zwanzig nach drei.


I. Choose the correct answer from the options given: (20 points, 1 point each) 1. Which of the following is NOT considered a characteristic of London ? A. The cultural centre. B. The business centre. C. The financial centre. D. The sports centre. 2. Which of the following is NOT true about the characteristics of Britain ? A. Economic differences between north and south. B. Differences of social systems between Scotland and Wales. C. Class differences between a white-collar worker and a blue-collar worker. D. Cultural differences between immigrants and the British. 3. In 1969, the first British soldiers were seen on Northern Ireland Street They came first _______. A. to maintain traffic order in Northern Ireland B. to protect the Catholic people C. to protect the Protestant people D. to replace the Royal Ulster Constabulary since they were unable to keep social Order 4. In the early 1970s, the IRA _________. A. killed many Protestants and Catholics B. burned down the houses of Catholics’ C. murdered individuals at random D. carried out a series of bombing and shooting and attacked the security forces as their main target 5. Why did the British government decide to replace the Power-Sharing policy with “direct-rule” from London ? A. The Power-Sharing policy was not accepted by the majority of Protestants. B. The Northern Irish Parliament could not govern the province effectively. C. The Power-Sharing policy couldn’t be carried out. D. All the above.


英语国家概况考试题型如下: 1.选择题(30 X 1’) 2.填空题(20 X 1’) 3.简答(10 X 2’)--必须回答完整的句子 4.分析题(6 X 5’)-- 必须回答完整的句子 总分100 分 主要内容包括: 一.U.S. Geography 1.Full name of U.S.. 2.Number of States: 50 states. 3.After President Jefferson brought the Louisiana territory from France there was a desire for territorial expansion among many frontier men. 4.The U.S. has a land area of 9.3 million square kilometers. The fourth largest countries. 5.Taxas is the largest mainland state of the U.S.. Alaska is the largest state of the U.S.. 6.Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean. 7.America’s movies are mostly made in Hollywood near the city of Los Angeles in south California. 二.U.S. People 1.The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the US is the Blacks (Afriican-Americans). 2.The “first Americans” were the Indians. 3.The Asian-Americans are the fastest-growing racial and ethnic group in the United States. 4.The first permanent settlement in North America was established in today’s V erginia in the year of 1607. 5.The “Three Faiths” in the U.S. refer to: ?Protestan ?Catholic ?Jewish 6.The majority of the Catholics in the U.S. are descendants of immigrants from Ireland, Italy and Poland. 7.American society is a stratified one in which power, wealth and pestige are unequally distributed among the population. 8.WASP stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.


《英语国家概况》课程习题集西南科技大学成人、网络教育学院版权所有 习题 【说明】:本课程《英语国家概况》(编号为12010)共有单选题,名词解释题,简答题,填空题2等多种试题类型,其中,本习题集中有[简答题]等试题类型未进入。 一、单选题 1. Celts were different groups of ancient people who came originally from________ A. France B. Denmark C. Ireland D. Germany 2. Who invaded and conquered Britain for the first time in 55 BC? A. Emperor Claudius B. Julius Caesar C. King Alfred D. King Ethelred 3. Who is the author of Murder in the Cathedral? A. Christopher Marlowe B. T. S. Eliot C. Ben Johnson D. Thomas Becket 4.When Oliver Cromwell died in 1658, and was succeeded by his son, ______, the regime began immediately to collapse. A. Henry B. Hamilton C. Richard D. Charles 5. The 18th century saw selective breeding of cattle, sheep and houses by _________. A. Jethro Tull B. Thomas Coke C. George III D. Robert Bakewell 6. Which of the following is not one of the members of the Lords Temporal? A. all hereditary peers and peeresses of the England, Scotland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom (but not peers of Ireland) B. lire peers created to assist the House in its judicial duties C. senior bishops of the Church of England D. all other life peers 7. Two years after the ending of the Hundred Years’ War with France, England was thrown into another series of civil wars, ________. A. the War of the Celts


口语 第一部分:听力 利用播放例题的时间和两道题目之间的间隔,快速浏览题目和选项,大致知道要问什么,听时抓住关键词。如果你的英语听力就很好,那么德语听力也能很容易抓住关键词。 第二部分:阅读 词汇量大的JM当然这部分没有问题,对于词汇量一般的姐妹,建议多掌握与日常生活相关的名词和动词,太学术的词先别记了。一些常用的介词也很重要,如an, ab, vor, bis, 等等。第三部分:写作此项有两题组成。 第一题相当于阅读,能读懂题述的话,填写表格没有问题。一般不会让你都填文字的,总会有空格是填写数字的。 第二题是写短信或者便条。我词汇量小得可怜,知道的句型也少。于是,我把题述中的内容用自己的话重复一遍,人称什么变一下,再加几个简单的句子,基本上题述里的名词动词我都利用了。没办法,我想不出其他的词。我的写作分数最低,但也及格了。 以上三部分都在上午进行,下午会先公布上午考试通过的同学名单,通过的同学留下继续考口语,不幸挂了的同学离开教室。听力、阅读、写作和口语各占25分,据说每项都及格才能通过考试。所以,上午任何一个单项正确率低于60%的话,都会被淘汰。A1考的是综合能力啊。第四部分:口语 口语是四人一组考试,围坐一圈。 第一项是自我介绍,这个一定要事先背熟,给考官一个良好的第一印象。根据所列提示,四位考生逐一介绍自己,内容包括姓名、年龄、来自哪里、住址、语言、职业、爱好。之后,考官还问了我们各自的电话号码和家庭地址(就是XX市XX街XX号),这个也可以事先背好。 第二项是询问并给出信息。小组里的四位考生按座位顺序一个接一个提问,轮到时,先抽一张卡片,然后用卡片上的字向你右手边的考生提问。如果卡片上写着Sonntag,你就可以问对方“星期天你计划干什么?”像我这种菜鸟,首先要祈祷卡片上的字你认得;其次祈祷坐在你右边的搭档德语还不错,这样你的提问他能听懂然后回答你;再次祈祷坐在你左边的搭档提问时不要用太难的词,让你听不懂,不知道怎么回答而扣分。 根据模拟试卷,我事先准备了一些特殊疑问句的句型,熟记在心。(这里要感谢LG,我把英文句子发给他,他帮我翻成德语)下面,列几个句型供大家参考: 1. Wieviel kostet das? 2. Was hattest du zum Frühstück gegessen? 3.


内蒙古广播电视大学2010-2011学年度 第二学期《英语国家概况1》期末试题 ⅠThere are 20 questions in this part. Each question is followed by four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the correct answer to each of the questions and write your answer at the corresponding place on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points) 1.The following were the founding fathers of the AmericanRepublic except _____. A Thomas Jefferson B George Washington C William Penn D Benjamin Franklin 2.Which of the following statement was NOT correct? When the War of Independence was over, _____. A each new state had its own government B each new state made its own laws and handled all of its internal affairs C the national government was called the Congress with little power D the relationships between the states and the national government were clearly defined 3.Service industry does not include ____. A banking B management consultation C airline D steelmaking 4.Three of the following authors were Nobel Prize winner except _____. A Ernest Hemingway B Eugene O’Neill C William Faulkner D F. Scott Fitzgerald 5. ____ invented the telephone. A Samuel R.B. Morse B Alexander Graham Bell C Thomas Alva Edison D Reginald Fessenden 6.The main mountain range in the west of US stretching from the Canadian border to New Mexico is ____. A The Appalachian Mountains B The Rocky Mountains C The Green Mountains D TheBlue Ridge Mountains 7.Both public and private universities in the U.S. depend on the following sources of income except____. A investment B student tuition C endowments D government funding 8.____ was NOT written by Hemingway? A Light in August B The Sun Also Rises C A farewell to Arms D For Whom the Bell Tolls 9.In the United States school system, which of the following divisions is true? A Elementary school, grammar school B Elementary school, junior high school C Elementary school, secondary school D junior high school, senior high school 10.Which of the following does NOT belong to the white-collar crime? A bribery B tax evasion C false advertising D robbery 11.Which of the following was written by Thoreau? A Nature B Walden C The Scarlet Letter D The Fall of the House Usher 密 封 线 内 不 要 写 参 考 内 容 《英语国家概况1》第1页 共6页 《英语国家概况1》第2页 共6页


《英语国家概况》复习题及参考答案 一Multiple choice ( 30’) ( ) 1 As a result of the Black Death, much land was left untended and there was a terrible shortage of ___ in England. A grain B farm tools C houses D labor ( ) 2 In the late 17th century, two of most famous literary works were Pilgrim’s Progress and _________ . A the Jew of Malta B the School of Archery C Novum Organum D Paradise Lost ( ) 3. In 1836, a group of skilled workers and _____ formed the London Working Men’s Association. A householders B tenants C small shopkeepers D office workers ( ) 4. In the Industrial Revolution, changes occurred earliest and quickest in the industry of ______. A. pottery B hardware C textiles D chemicals ( ) 5. In Britain police officers are not allowed to join ________ or to go on strike. A a choir B a political party C a trade union D a club ( ) 6 The Great Carter of 1215 is also known as _________. A People’s Charter B Magna Carta C King’s Charter D the Declaration of human rights ( ) 7 Henry Ⅱwas the first king of the ________ dynasty. A Malcolm B Plantagenet C Windsor D Tudor ( ) 8. __________ is the most typically English of sports A Cricket B Golf C Tennis D Horse-racing ( ) 9. By the Treaty of ______ of 1842, China ceded _______ to Britain. A Nanjing, Hong Kong B Tianjing, Hong Kong C Nanjing, Macau D Tianjing, Macau ( ) 10. In _______, the name Great Britain came into being. A 1689 B 1702 C 1701 D 1707 ( ) 11. The serious economic crisis in the late 1920s and the beginning of 1930s was first brought about by ___. A the farm failure B the bank failures C the stock market crash D the high unemployment ( ) 12.What are the problems that the U.S. economy has faced from time to time? A Inflation B Depressions C Recessions D all of the above ( ) 13.The real American literature began________. A after the war of Independence B after the Westward Movement C after the Civil War D after the Civil Rights Movement ( ) 14. In 1900, the United States ranked first in the production of ____ . A coal B electricity C oil D wheat ( ) 15. In the United States, if the parents don’t send their children to school at certain age, ________ . A the state government will be responsible for it B they will educate the children themselves C they can save a lot of money D they are breaking the law ( ) 16. The U.S. and China established their diplomatic relations in _____. A 1974 B 1972 C 1978 D 1979 ( ) 17 In his inaugural speech, ______ said that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” A Woodrow Wilson B Theodore Roosevelt


《英语国家概况》模拟试卷(二) (考试时间150分钟) (英语专业) I. Direction: Read the following unfinished statements of questions carefully. For each unfinished statement of question four suggested answers A; B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on your answer sheet (25%) 1. There are ______ political divisions on the island of Great Britain. A. one B. two C. three D. four 2. Magna Carta had altogether 63 clauses of which the most important matters could be seen in three of the following except _______. A. no tax should be made without the approval of the Grand Council; B. no serf should be arrested, imprisoned or deprived of his property except by the law of the land C. London and other towns should retain their ancient rights and privileges D. There should be the same weights and measures through - out the country. 3. The first steam engine was devised by Thomas Newcomer at the end of the 17th century, and the Scottish inventor ________ modified and improved the design in 1765. A. Abraham Darby B. James Watt C. John Kay D. Richard Arkwright 4. In some areas factory farming methods are used, particularly for ________. A. growing crop B. producing milk C. catching fish D. rearing poultry 5. By tradition, the leader of the majority party is appointed ______ by the Sovereign in the United Kingdom. A. Prime Minister B. Member of Parliament C. Lord of Appeal D. Speaker of the House 6. Under the Anglo - Irish Treaty, Britain established _______ with dominion status in Ireland in 1921. A. the Anglican Church of Ireland B. the Irish Free State C. the Irish Republican Army


u n i t7 1 (1)What are the purposes of the British education system (2)Please comment on these purposes. (3)What are the main purposes of the Chinese education system (4)Are there any differences or similarities in the education of the two nations 答:(1)The purpose of the British education system is to teach children practical skills and socialize them. (2)Children learn practical skills, and the rules and values they need to become good citizens, to participate in the community, and to contribute to the economic prosperity of an advanced industrial economy. (3)The purpose of the Chinese education is to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills they will need to become active members of society. (4) In china, people think school is just about teaching children what are often called” the three R’s---“reading, writing and ‘arithmetic”(reading, writing and arithmetic). 2. How does the British education reflect social class British education reflect the deeper divisions in British society in which social class is still very important: class inequality can be erased or continued according to education policy. What’s more, the enduring feature of British education is the continuing debate over how “equal” educational opportunity should be. In British, the accent you speak with, the clothes you wear, and the schools you attend are all markers that identify your social class. The school (or college)tie is a clear marker of social class. Even on informal occasions you will sometimes see men wearing their school ties as belts to hold up their trousers –proudly displaying their attendance at a certain school. In Britain, where you are educated is very important to you future. 3 what are the major changes that have taken place since World war 2 Is British education moving towards more progress or more equality Pick up some examples from the text to illustrate your points. Other major changes to the British education system were caused by world war Ⅱ。This time, the new system would emphasize equality. The result was the 1944 Education Act which made entry to secondary schools and universities”meritocratic”. Children would be abilities they displayed. All children were given the right to a free secondary education and the main concern was to make sure more children had access to a good education. In the 1960s,comprehensive schools were introduced all over the country, which ended the division between grammar schools----where the most academically capable pupils were sent to be prepared for university----and vocational school where less successful pupils were sent to learn allowed to let children "compete" for places. 4. Why does the author say that universities in Britain have been rather elitist 答:Most students were from the middle classes, attended good schools, performed well in their A-levels and received a fully-funded place in a university. In recent years, great efforts have been made to increase the numbers of and kinds of people that pursue higher education. Access for mature students and students without traditional A-level qualifications is widening. 5. (1) what is the Open University in Britain (2)What do you think of this system (1)The Open University offers a non-traditional route for people to take university level courses and receive a university degree. People can follow university courses through textbooks, TV and radio broadcasts, correspondence, videos, residential schools and a network of study centre. (2)It was the Open University which provided the inspiration for the founding of China’s TV and Radio University. Unit 8 British Foreign Relations 1.What and how did the British empire end How did the British react to this reality How did the end of British imperialism influence the psychology of the British and the making of Britain's foreign policy (1) The end of the great British empire was surprisingly rapid. In 1946, Jordan, in the Middle East, was granted independence. The following year, India and Pakistan followed suit. In 1948, Burma and Ceylon


;学习不但需要积累,更需要总结,总结句型语法、单词词组、难点重点、考试题型等。 考试中常碰到一些提问方法,类似于在英语中以W开关的特殊疑问词。由于在听力考试中和口语问答中,这些词都是相关关键的,所以希望大家将以下这些问句称为W – Fragen 务必记住。 ( 1 ) Wie,相当于英语的how,表示“一种方式”。 例如: z. B. Wie kann man Kaffee kochen ? 人们怎样煮咖啡? Wie kann man Deutsch gut lernen ? 人们怎样能学好徳语? ( 2 ) 还有一类很重要的是Wie + 形容词,一般表示“事物的属性”。 例如: ( A ) Wie lange 表示“时间长度”,时间的持续性 z. B. Wie lange dauert der Film ? 这部电影持续多长时间? Wie lange dauert die Autofahrt ? 这次车程持续多少时间? ( B ) Wie gro?如果问人,表示“身高”;如果问物,表示“体积大小” z. B. Wie gro? ist sein Sohn ? 他儿子有多高? Wie gro? ist das Zimmer ? 这房间有多大? ( C ) Wie alt 如果问人,表示“年龄”;如果问物,表示“历史悠久” z. B. Wie alt ist deine Frau ? 你太太多大了? Wie alt ist die Kirche ? 这座教堂多久了? ( D ) Wie lang 表示“长度” z. B. Wie lang ist die Stra?e ? 这条街多长? Wie lang ist das Kleid ? 这连衣裙多长? ( E ) Wie teuer 表示“价格高低” z. B. Wie teuer ist das Auto ? 这辆车多少钱? Wie teuer ist diese Wohnung ? 这套房子多少钱? ( F ) Wie hoch 表示“垂直高度” z. B. Wie hoch ist das Haus ? 这幢房子多高? Wie hoch ist der Preis ? 价格有多高? ( G ) Wie oft 表示“频率” z. B. Wie oft gehst du ins Kino ? 你多久去看一次电影? Wie oft fahren Sie nach China zurück ? 你多久回一次中国? ( 3 ) was 相当于英语的what,只能表示事物,不能表示人。在徳语中,was只有第一、四格,而没有第二、三格。因此,使用was的关键就在于辨认它的格。很明显,was 只能用于对及物动词第四格宾语的提问。 z. B. Was ( N ) ist das ? 这是什么? Was ( A ) m?chten Sie ? 您想要什么? 如果was 用于提问人的时候,只是会表示人的职业,经常后面会用von Beruf 的结构

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