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This paper presents one case study to illustrate how probability distribution and genetic algorithm and geographical analysis of serial crime conducted within a geographic information system can assist crime investigation.Techniques are illustrated for predicting the location of future crimes and for determining the possible residence of offenders based on the geographical pattern of the existing crimes and quantitative method,which is PSO.It is found that such methods are relatively easy to implement within GIS given appropriate data but rely on many assumptions regarding offenders’behaviour.While some success has been achieved in applying the techniques it is concluded that the methods are essentially theory-less and lack evaluation.Future research into the evaluation of such methods and in the geographic behaviour of serial offenders is required in order to apply such methods to investigations with confidence in their reliability.


This series of armed robberies occurred in Phoenix,Arizona between13September and5December1999and included35robberies of fast food restaurants,hotels and retail businesses.The offenders were named the“Supersonics”by the Phoenix Police Department Robbery Detail as the first two robberies were of Sonic Drive-In restaurants.After the35th robbery,the offenders appear to have desisted from their activity and at present the case remains unsolved.The MO was for the offenders to target businesses where they could easily gain entry,pull on a ski mask or bandanna, confront employees with a weapon,order them to the ground,empty the cash from a safe or cash register into a bag and flee on foot most likely to a vehicle waiting nearby. While it appears that the offenders occasionally worked alone or in pairs,the MO, weapons and witness descriptions tend to suggest a group of at least three offenders. The objective of the analysis was to use the geographic distribution of the crimes to predict the location of the next crime in an area that was small enough to be suitable for the Robbery Detail to conduct stakeouts and surveillance.After working with a popular crime analysis manual(Gottleib,Arenberg and Singh,1994)it was found that the prescribed method produced target areas so large that they were not operationally useful.However,the approach was attractive as it required only basic information and relied on simple statistical analysis.To identify areas that were more useful for the Robbery Detail,it was decided to use a similar approach combined with other measurable aspects of the spatial distribution of the crimes.As this was a“live”case, new crimes and information were integrated into the analysis as it came to hand.


In order to modify the model existed,we apply serial new assumptions to the principle so that our rectified model can be much more practical.Below are the assumptions:

1.C riminals prefer something about the locations where previous crimes were

committed committed.

.We supposed the criminals have a greater opportunity to ran away if they choose to crime in the site they are familiar with.In addition,the criminals probably choose previous kill sites where their target potential victims live and work.2.Offenders regard it safer to crime in their previous kill site as time went by.This is true that the site would be severely monitored by police when a short term crime happened and consequently the criminal would suffer a risk of being arrested in that site.And as mentioned above ,the police would reduce the frequency of examining the previous kill sites as time went by.

3.Criminals are likely to choose the site that have optimal distance .This is a reasonable assumption since it is probably insecure to crime in the site that stays far away and that costs an amount of energy to escape and adds the opportunity to be arrested in such an unfamiliar terrain.And it is also impossible to crime in the site nearby since it increases the probability of being recognized or being trapped.As a result,we can measure a optimal distance in series perpetrations.

4.Crimes are committed by individual.We assume that all the case in the model are committed by individuals instead of by organized members.In this way the criminal is subject to the assumptions mentioned above due to his insufficient preparation.

5.Criminals Criminals'

'movements unconstrained.Because of the difficulty of finding real-world distance data,we invoke the “Manhattan assumption”:There are enough streets and sidewalks in a sufficiently grid-like pattern that movements along real-world movement routes is the same as “straight-line”movement in a space be discrete into city blocks.It is demonstrated that across several types of serial crime,the Euclidean and Manhattan distances are essentially interchangeable in predicting anchor points.

3.The prediction of the next crime site

3.1The measure of the optimal distance

Due to the fact that the mental optimal distance of the criminal is related to whether he is a careful person or not,it is impossible for him to make a fixed constant.Besides,the optimal distance will change in different moment.However,such distance should be reflected on the distances of the former crime sites.Presume that the coordinates of the n crime sites is respectively ),(11y x 、),(22y x 、……、),(n n y x ,and define the distance between the th i crime site and the th j one as j D ,i .The distance above we first consider it as Euclid distance,which is:


2,)()(j i j i j i y y x x D ?+?=With that,we are able to measure the distance between the th n crime site and the th 1-n one respectively.

According to the assumption 2,the criminal believes that the earlier crime sites have became safer

for him to commit a crime again,so we can define his mental optimal distance,giving the sites the weights from little to much according to when the offenses happened in time sequence,as:


1,n i n

i i D w SD Satisfying 121......?<<

is measured by week,we can have ∑

?==11n i i k

k t t w .

SD can reflect the criminal's mental condition to some extent,so we can use it to predict the mental optimal distance of the criminal in the th n 1+case.While referring to the th n crime site,the criminal is able to use SD to estimate the optimal distance in the next time,and while referring to the rest crime sites,the optimal distances reduce as time goes back.Thus,the optimal security of the th i crime site can be measured as the following:

n n

i i SD t t SD *=3.2The measure of the probability distribution

Given the crime sites and location,we can estimate tentatively the probability density distribution of the future crimes,which equals to that we add some small normal distribution to every scene of crime to produce a probability distribution estimate function.The small normal distribution uses the SD mentioned above as the mean,which is:

∑=??=n i i i SD r n y x f 122)2)(exp(211),(σ

σπi r is defined as the Euclid distance between the site to the th i crime site,and the standard difference of the deviation of the criminal's mental optimal distance is defined as σ,which also reflects the uncertainty of the deviation of the criminal's mental optimal distance,involves the impacts of many factors and can not be measured quantitatively.The discussion of the standard difference is as following:

3.3The quantization of the standard difference

The standard difference is identified according to the following goal,which is,every prediction of the next crime site according to the crime sites where the crimes were committed before should have the highest rate of success.When having to satisfying such optimization objective,it is

impossible to make the direct analysis and exhaustivity.Instead,we have to use the optimized solutions searching algorithm,which is genetic algorithm.


Figure1:The Distribution of the Population of the Last Generation

According to the figure,the population of the last generation is mostly concentrated near80, which is used as the standard distance and substituted to the*formula.With the*formula,we are able to predict the probability density of Whether the zones will be the next crime site.

Case analysis:

5crime site according to the4ones happened before Figure2:The prediction of the


6crime site according to the5ones happened before Figure3:The prediction of the


6crime site according to the5ones happened before Figure4:The prediction of the


According to the predictions happened before,the predictions of the outputs based on the models are accurate relatively,and they are able to be the references of the criminal investigations to some extent.However,when is frequency of such crime increases,the predictions of the outputs

23crime site according deviated the actual sites more and more,such as the prediction of the


to the22ones happened before,which is:

23crime site according to the22ones happened before Figure5:the prediction of the


Conclusion according to analysis:It may not be able to predict the next crime site accurately if we use Euclid distance to measure the probability directly.So,we should analyze according to the actual related conditions.For example,we can consider the traffic commutes comprehensively based on the conveniences of the escapes,such as the facilities of the express ways network and the tunnels.According to the hidden security of the commitments,we should consider the population of the area and the distance from the police department.Thus,we should give more weights to the commute convenience,hidden security and less population.In addition,when the commitments increases,the accuracy of the model may decrease,resulted from the fact that when the criminal has more experience,he will choose the next crime sites more randomly.

4.Problems and further improvements

With23crimes in the series the predictions tended to provide large areas that included the target crime but were too large to be useful given the limited resources the police had at their disposal.At this stage,a more detailed look was taken at the directionality and distances between crimes.No significant trends could be found in the sequential distance between crimes so an attempt was made to better quantify the relationship between crimes in terms of directionality.

The methodology began by calculating the geographic center of the existing crimes. The geographic center is a derived point that identifies the position at which the distance to each crime is minimized.For applications of the geographic center to crime analysis.Once constructed,the angle of each crime from the north point of the geographic center was calculated.From this it was possible to calculate the change in

direction for the sequential crimes.It was found that the offenders were tending to pattern their crimes by switching direction away from the last crime.It appears that the offenders were trying to create a random pattern to avoid detection but unwittingly created a uniform pattern based upon their choice of locations.This relationship was quantified and a simple linear regression used to predict what the next direction would be.

The analysis was once again applied to the data.While the area identified was reduced from previous versions and prioritized into sub-segments,the problem remained that the areas predicted were still too large to be used as more than a general guide to resource deployment.

A major improvement to the methodology was to include individual targets.By this stage of the series,hotels and auto parts retailers had become the targets of choice.A geo-coded data set became available that allowed hotels and retail outlets to be plotted and compared to the predicted target areas.Ideally those businesses falling within the target areas could be prioritized as more likely targets.However,in some cases the distribution of the likely businesses appeared to contradict the area predicted.For example,few target hotels appeared in the target zone identified by the geographic analysis.In this case,more reliance was placed upon the location of individual targets. From this analysis it was possible to identify a prioritized list of individual commercial targets,which was of more use operationally.Maps were also provided to give an indication of target areas.Figure6demonstrates a map created using this methodology.

It is apparent from the above discussion that the target areas identified were often too large to be used as more than a general guide by the Robbery Detail.However,by including the individual targets,it was possible to restrict the possible target areas to smaller,more useful areas,and a few prioritized targets.However,such an approach has the danger of being overly restrictive and it is not the purpose of the analysis to restrict police operations but to suggest priorities.This problem was somewhat dealt with by involving investigators in the analysis and presenting the results in an objective manner,such that investigators could make their own judgments about the results.

To be more confident in using this kind of analysis a stronger theoretical background to the methods is required.What has been applied here is to simply exploit the spatial relationships in the information available without considering what the connection is to the actual behaviour of the offenders.For example,what is the reason behind a particular trend observed in the distance between crimes?Why would such a trend be expected between crimes that occur on different days and possibly involve different individuals?While some consideration was given to identifying the reason behind the pattern of directionality and while it seems reasonable to expect offender’s to look for freeway access,such reasoning has tended to follow the analysis rather than substantiate it.Without a theoretical background the analysis rests only on untested statistical relationships that do not provide an answer to the basic question:why this pattern?So next we will apply a quantitative method,which is PSO,based on a theoretical background,to locate the residence of the criminal's residence.

5.The prediction of the residence

Particle Swarm Optimization is a evolutionary computation,invented by Dr.Eberhart and Dr.Kennedy.It is a tool of optimization based on iteration,resulted from the research on the behaviors of the bird predation.Initiating a series of random number,the PSO is able to catch the optimization with iteration.

Like PSO,the resolution of our residence search problem is the criminal,whose serial crime sites have been abstracted into 23particles without volume and weight and extended to the 2-D space.Like bird,the criminal is presumed to go directly home when he committed a crime.So,there are 23criminals who commit the crimes in the 23sites mention before and then they will go home directly.The criminals are defined as a vector,so are their speed.All criminals have a fittness decided by the optimized functions,and every of them has a according speed which can decide their direction and distance.All the criminals know the best position (pbest,defined as the residence known by the individual),which has been discovered so far,and where they are now.Besides,every criminals also know the best position which has been found by the group (gbest,defined as the residence known by the group).Such search can be regarded as the experience of other criminals.The criminals are able to locate the residence by the experience of itself and the whole criminals.

PSO computation initiates the 23criminals and then the offenders will pursue the optimized one to search in the space.In other words,they find the optimized solutions by iteration.Presume that in the 2-D space the location and speed of the ith crime site is relatively ),(2,1,i i i x x X =and ),(2,1,i i i v v V =.In every iteration,the criminals will pursue the two best positions to update themselves.The two best positions are relatively the individual peak (pbest),),(2,1,i i i p p P =,which is found by the criminal himself,and the group optimized solution (gbest),g P ,which has been found to be the optimized solution by the whole group so far.When the criminals found the two optimized solutions,they will update their speed and new position based on the following formulas.



([)]([)()1(,,,,,22,,11,,=++=+?+?+=+j t v t x t x t x p r c t x p r c t wv t V j i j i j i j i j g j i j i j i j i In the above,the w is inertial weighted factor,21c andc are positive learning factors,21r andr are random number which are distributed uniformly between 0and 1.

The learning factor can make the criminals have self-conclude ability and ability of learning from others.Here we make both of them be 2,as what they always are in PSO.The inertial weighted factor w decides the extent of the inheritance of the current speed of the crime sites.The appropriate choice can make them have balanced searching and exploring ability.For balancing the global searching ability and the local improving ability of the criminal in the PSO algorithm,

here we adopt one of the self-adapted methods,which is Non-linear Dynamic Inertial Weight Coefficient to choose the inertial weight.The expression is as following:

?????=≤????>avg avg avg f f f f f f w w w f f w w ,))*((,min

min min max min max In the above,the max w and min w are defined respectively as the maximum and minimum of w,f means the current functional value of the criminal,and the avg f and min f respectively means the average value and minimum value of all the current criminals.In addition,the inertial weight will change automatically according to the objective value,which gives the name self-adapted method.

When the final values,which are estimations of the criminal's residence,become consistent,it will make the inertial weight increase.When they become sparser,it will make the inertial weight decrease.In the meantime,referring to the criminals whose final values are worse than the average value,its according inertial weighted factor will become smaller,which protect the crime site.Oppositely,when referring to the criminals whose final values are better than the average value,its according inertial weighted factor will become bigger,which makes the criminal nearer to the searching zone.

So now,with the PSO of Non-linear Dynamic Inertial Weight Coefficient,we can calculate the minimum value of

22,)()(j j j i y y x x R ?+?=,j=1,2,3 (23)

In the above,j ,i R is the residence of the criminal.Thus,we have the output (x,y)as


We can see the residence in the figure 7.

Figure7:The residence in the map


This paper has presented one case study to illustrate how probability distribution and geographical analysis of serial crime conducted can assist crime investigation. Unfortunately,in the Supersonic armed robbery investigation the areas identified were too large to have been of much use to investigators.Further,because of the number of assumptions applied the method does not inspire enough confidence to dedicate resources to comparing its results to the enormous amount of suspect data collected on the case.While the target areas predicted tended to be large,the mapping of individual commercial targets appears to offer a significant improvement to the method.However,as they stand,these methods lack a theoretical basis that would allow the results to be judged and applied in investigations.Limitations such as these can be offset to some degree by the involvement of investigators in the analysis.In the end,we used a quantitative method to locate the residence of the criminal to make the identified areas smaller.So,due to the advantages and drawbacks of the above methods,we suggest that we should use different methods to help us fight again the crimes comprehensively.


全国大学生数学竞赛 百度简介


该比赛指导用书为《大学生数学竞赛指导》,由国防科技大学大学数学竞赛指导组组织编写,已经由清华大学出版社出版。 编辑本段竞赛大纲 中国大学生数学竞赛竞赛大纲 (2009年首届全国大学生数学竞赛) 为了进一步推动高等学校数学课程的改革和建设,提高大学数学课程的教学水平,激励大学生学习数学的兴趣,发现和选拔数学创新人才,更好地实现“中国大学生数学竞赛”的目标,特制订本大纲。 一、竞赛的性质和参赛对象 “中国大学生数学竞赛”的目的是:激励大学生学习数学的兴趣,进一步推动高等学校数学课程的改革和建设,提高大学数学课程的教学水平,发现和选拔数学创新人才。 “中国大学生数学竞赛”的参赛对象为大学本科二年级及二年级以上的在校大学生。 二、竞赛的内容 “中国大学生数学竞赛”分为数学专业类竞赛题和非数学专业类竞赛题。 (一)中国大学生数学竞赛(数学专业类)竞赛内容为大学本科数学专业基础课的教学内容,即,数学分析占50%,高等代数占35%,解析几何占15%,具体内容如下: Ⅰ、数学分析部分

一、集合与函数 1. 实数集、有理数与无理数的稠密性,实数集的界与确界、确界存在性定理、闭区间套定理、聚点定理、有限覆盖定理. 2. 上的距离、邻域、聚点、界点、边界、开集、闭集、有界(无界)集、上的闭矩形套定理、聚点定理、有限覆盖定理、基本点列,以及上述概念和定理在上的推广. 3. 函数、映射、变换概念及其几何意义,隐函数概念,反函数与逆变换,反函数存在性定理,初等函数以及与之相关的性质. 二、极限与连续 1. 数列极限、收敛数列的基本性质(极限唯一性、有界性、保号性、不等式性质). 2. 数列收敛的条件(Cauchy准则、迫敛性、单调有界原理、数列收敛与其子列收敛的关系),极限及其应用. 3.一元函数极限的定义、函数极限的基本性质(唯一性、局部有界性、保号性、不等式性质、迫敛性),归结原则和Cauchy收敛准则,两个重要极限及其应用,计算一元函数极限的各种方法,无穷小量与无穷大量、阶的比较,记号O与o的意义,多元函数重极限与累次极限概念、基本性质,二元函数的二重极限与累次极限的关系. 4. 函数连续与间断、一致连续性、连续函数的局部性质(局部有界性、保号性),有界闭集上连续函数的性质(有界性、最大值最小值定理、介值定理、一致连续性). 三、一元函数微分学


Summary Faced with serial crimes,we usually estimate the possible location of next crime by narrowing search area.We build three models to determine the geographical profile of a suspected serial criminal based on the locations of the existing crimes.Model One assumes that the crime site only depends on the average distance between the anchor point and the crime site.To ground this model in reality,we incorporate the geographic features G,the decay function D and a normalization factor N.Then we can get the geographical profile by calculating the probability density.Model Two is Based on the assumption that the choice of crime site depends on ten factors which is specifically described in Table5in this paper.By using analytic hierarchy process (AHP)to generate the geographical profile.Take into account these two geographical profiles and the two most likely future crime sites.By using mathematical dynamic programming method,we further estimate the possible location of next crime to narrow the search area.To demonstrate how our model works,we apply it to Peter's case and make a prediction about some uncertainties which will affect the sensitivity of the program.Both Model One and Model Two have their own strengths and weaknesses.The former is quite rigorous while it lacks considerations of practical factors.The latter takes these into account while it is too subjective in application. Combined these two models with further analysis and actual conditions,our last method has both good precision and operability.We show that this strategy is not optimal but can be improved by finding out more links between Model One and Model Two to get a more comprehensive result with smaller deviation. Key words:geographic profiling,the probability density,anchor point, expected utility


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数学中国MCM/ICM参赛指南翻译(2014版) MCM:The Mathematical Contest in Modeling MCM:数学建模竞赛 ICM:The InterdisciplinaryContest in Modeling ICM:交叉学科建模竞赛ContestRules, Registration and Instructions 比赛规则,比赛注册方式和参赛指南 (All rules and instructions apply to both ICM and MCMcontests, except where otherwisenoted.)(所有MCM的说明和规则除特别说明以外都适用于 ICM) 每个MCM的参赛队需有一名所在单位的指导教师负责。 指导老师:请认真阅读这些说明,确保完成了所有相关的步骤。每位指导教师的责任包括确保每个参赛队正确注册并正确完成参加MCM/ ICM所要求的相关步骤。请在比赛前做一份《参赛指南》的拷贝,以便在竞赛时和结束后作为参考。 组委会很高兴宣布一个新的补充赛事(针对MCM/ICM 比赛的视频录制比赛)。点击这里阅读详情! 1.竞赛前

A.注册 B.选好参赛队成员 2.竞赛开始之后 A.通过竞赛的网址查看题目 B.选题 C.参赛队准备解决方案 D.打印摘要和控制页面 3.竞赛结束之前 A.发送电子版论文。 4.竞赛结束的时候, A. 准备论文邮包 B.邮寄论文 5.竞赛结束之后 A. 确认论文收到 B.核实竞赛结果 C.发证书 D.颁奖 I. BEFORE THE CONTEST BEGINS:(竞赛前)A.注册 所有的参赛队必须在美国东部时间2014年2月6号(星期四)下午2点前完成注册。届时,注册系统将会自动关闭,不再接受新的注册。任何未在规定时间


如何准备美赛 数学模型:数学模型的功能大致有三种:评价、优化、预测。几乎所有模型都是围绕这三种功能来做的。比如,2012年美赛A题树叶分类属于评价模型,B题漂流露营安排则属于优化模型。 对于不同功能的模型有不同的方法,例如 评价模型方法有层次分析、模糊综合评价、熵值法等; 优化模型方法有启发式算法(模拟退火、遗传算法等)、仿真方法(蒙特卡洛、元胞自动机等); 预测模型方法有灰色预测、神经网络、马尔科夫链等。 在数学中国、数学建模网站上有许多关于这些方法的相关介绍与文献。 软件与书籍: 软件一般三款足够:Matlab、SPSS、Lingo,学好一个即可。 书籍方面,推荐三本,一本入门,一本进级,一本参考,这三本足够: 《数学模型》姜启源谢金星叶俊高等教育出版社 《数学建模方法与分析》Mark M. Meerschaert 机械工业出版社 《数学建模算法与程序》司守奎国防工业出版社 入门的《数学模型》看一遍即可,对数学模型有一个初步的认识与把握,国赛前看完这本再练习几篇文章就差不多了。另外,关于入门,韩中庚的《数学建模方法及其应用》也是不错的,两本书选一本阅读即可。如果参加美赛的话,进级的《数学建模方法与分析》要仔细研究,这本书写的非常好,可以算是所有数模书籍中最好的了,没有之一,建议大家去买一本。这本书中开篇指出的最优化模型五步方法非常不错,后面的方法介绍的动态模型与概率模型也非常到位。参考书目《数学建模算法与程序》详细的介绍了多种建模方法,适合用来理解模型思想,参考自学。 分工合作:数模团队三个人,一般是分别负责建模、编程、写作。当然编程的可以建模,建模的也可以写作。这个要视具体情况来定,但这三样必须要有人擅长,这样才能保证团队最大发挥出潜能。 这三个人中负责建模的人是核心,要起主导作用,因为建模的人决定了整篇论文的思路与结构,尤其是模型的选择直接关系到了论文的结果与质量。 对于建模的人,首先要去大量的阅读文献,要见识尽可能多的模型,这样拿到一道题就能迅速反应到是哪一方面的模型,确定题目的整体思路。 其次是接口的制作,这是体现建模人水平的地方。所谓接口的制作就是把死的方法应用到具体问题上的过程,即用怎样的表达完成程序设计来实现模型。比如说遗传算法的方法步骤大家都知道,但是应用到具体问题上,编码、交换、变异等等怎么去做就是接口的制作。往往对于一道题目大家都能想到某种方法,可就是做不出来,这其实是因为接口不对导致的。做接口的技巧只能从不断地实践中习得,所以说建模的人任重道远。 另外,在平时训练时,团队讨论可以激烈一些,甚至可以吵架,但比赛时,一定要保持心平气和,不必激烈争论,大家各让3分,用最平和的方法讨论问题,往往能取得效果并且不耽误时间。经常有队伍在比赛期间发生不愉快,导致最后的失败,这是不应该发生的,毕竟大家为了一个共同的目标而奋斗,这种经历是很难得的。所以一定要协调好队员们之间的关系,这样才能保证正常发挥,顺利进行比赛。 美赛特点:一般人都认为美赛比国赛要难,这种难在思维上,美赛题目往往很新颖,一时间想不出用什么模型来解。这些题目发散性很强,需要查找大量文献来确定题目的真正意图,美赛更为注重思想,对结果的要求却不是很严格,如果你能做出一个很优秀的模型,也许结果并不理想也可能获得高奖。另外,美赛还难在它的实现,很多东西想到了,但实现起来非常困难,这需要较高的编程水平。 除了以上的差异,在实践过程中,美赛和国赛最大的区别有两点: 第一点区别当然是美赛要用英文写作,而且要阅读很多英文文献。对于文献阅读,可以安装有道词典,


2011年东三省数学建模竞赛暨大连大学第11届数学建模竞赛 赛题论文格式规范 1.论文(答卷)用白色A4纸,上下左右各留出 2.5厘米的页边距。(文件--- 页面设置) 2.论文题目和摘要写在论文第一页上,从第二页开始是论文正文。(题目与摘 要间不可有空行,可调段后距离。格式——段落) 3.论文从正文开始编写页码,页码必须位于每页页脚中部,用阿拉伯数字从“1” 开始连续编号,注意,论文一律要求从左侧装订。(插入——页码) 4.论文不能有页眉,论文中不能有任何可能显示答题人身份的标志,打印时应 尽量避免彩色打印。 5.论文题目用三号黑体字、一级标题用四号黑体字,并居中。论文中其他汉字 一律采用小四号宋体字,行距用单倍行距。(格式——段落) 6.工具栏里绘图、符号及其他的显示。(视图——工具栏/工具——自定义)在 不用公式编辑器的情况下上标,下标的显示。 7.项目符号 8.论文表、图、公式均居中,表名置于表上,图名置于图下。表名、图名均为 五号黑体字。(图、表、公式示例) 9.提请大家注意:摘要应该是一份简明扼要的详细摘要,(包括关键词,关键 词需加粗),在整篇论文评阅中占有重要权重,请认真书写(字数大概为一 页的三分之二) 引用别人的成果或其他公开的资料(包括网上查到的资料) 必须按照规定的参考文献的表述方式在正文引用处和参考文献中均明确列出。正文引用处用方括号标示参考文献的编号,如[1][2]等;引用书籍还必须指出页码。参考文献按正文中的引用次序列出,其中, 参考文献中书籍的表述方式为: [编号] 作者,书名,出版地:出版社,出版年。 参考文献中期刊杂志论文的表述方式为: [编号] 作者,论文名,杂志名,卷期号:起止页码,出版年。 参考文献中网上资源的表述方式为: [编号] 作者,资源标题,网址,访问时间(年月日)。 10. 数学建模论文格式要求 2009-04-24 10:45:59 ●题名。字体为常规,黑体,二号。题名一般不超过 20 个汉字,必要时可加 副标题。 ●摘要。文稿必须有不超过300字的内容摘要,摘要内容字体为常规,仿宋, 五号。摘要应具备独立性和自含性,应是文章主要观点的浓缩。摘要前加“[摘要]”作标识,字体为加粗,黑体,五号。


全国大学生数学竞赛 第一届 2009年,第一届全国大学生数学竞赛由中国数学会主办、国防科学技术大学承办。该比赛将推动高等学校数学课程的改革和建设,提高大学数学课程的教学水平,激励大学生学习数学的兴趣,发现和选拔数学创新人才。 第二届 2011年3月,历时十个月的第二届全国大学生数学竞赛在北京航空航天大学落幕。来自北京、上海、天津、重庆等26个省(区、市)数百所大学的274名大学生进入决赛,最终,29人获得非数学专业一等奖,15人获数学专业一等奖。这次赛事预赛报名人数达3万余人,已成为全国影响最大、参加人数最多的学科竞赛之一。 竞赛用书 该比赛指导用书为《大学生数学竞赛指导》,由国防科技大学大学数学竞赛指导组组织编写,已经由清华大学出版社出版。 竞赛大纲 中国大学生数学竞赛竞赛大纲 (2009年首届全国大学生数学竞赛) 为了进一步推动高等学校数学课程的改革和建设,提高大学数学课程的教学水平,激励大学生学习数学的兴趣,发现和选拔数学创新人才,更好地实现“中国大学生数学竞赛”的目标,特制订本大纲。 1.竞赛的性质和参赛对象 “中国大学生数学竞赛”的目的是:激励大学生学习数学的兴趣,进一步推动高等学校数学课程的改革和建设,提高大学数学课程的教学水平,发现和选拔数学创新人才。 “中国大学生数学竞赛”的参赛对象为大学本科二年级及二年级以上的在校大学生。 1.竞赛的内容 “中国大学生数学竞赛”分为数学专业类竞赛题和非数学专业类竞赛题。(一)中国大学生数学竞赛(数学专业类)竞赛内容为大学本科数学专业基础课的教学内容,即,数学分析占50%,高等代数占35%,解析几何占15%,具体内容如下: Ⅰ、数学分析部分 1.集合与函数 2. 1. 实数集、有理数与无理数的稠密性,实数集的界与确界、确界存在性 定理、闭区间套定理、聚点定理、有限覆盖定理. 3. 2. 上的距离、邻域、聚点、界点、边界、开集、闭集、有界(无界)集、 上的闭矩形套定理、聚点定理、有限覆盖定理、基本点列,以及上述概念和定理在上的推广.


全国大学生数学建模竞赛论文格式规范 (全国大学生数学建模竞赛组委会,2019年修订稿) 为了保证竞赛的公平、公正性,便于竞赛活动的标准化管理,根据评阅工作的实际需要,竞赛要求参赛队分别提交纸质版和电子版论文,特制定本规范。 一、纸质版论文格式规范 第一条,论文用白色A4纸打印(单面、双面均可);上下左右各留出至少2.5厘米的页边距;从左侧装订。 第二条,论文第一页为承诺书,第二页为编号专用页,具体内容见本规范第3、4页。 第三条,论文第三页为摘要专用页(含标题和关键词,但不需要翻译成英文),从此页开始编写页码;页码必须位于每页页脚中部,用阿拉伯数字从“1”开始连续编号。摘要专用页必须单独一页,且篇幅不能超过一页。 第四条,从第四页开始是论文正文(不要目录,尽量控制在20页以内);正文之后是论文附录(页数不限)。 第五条,论文附录至少应包括参赛论文的所有源程序代码,如实际使用的软件名称、命令和编写的全部可运行的源程序(含EXCEL、SPSS等软件的交互命令);通常还应包括自主查阅使用的数据等资料。赛题中提供的数据不要放在附录。如果缺少必要的源程序或程序不能运行(或者运行结果与正文不符),可能会被取消评奖资格。论文附录必须打印装订在论文纸质版中。如果确实没有源程序,也应在论文附录中明确说明“本论文没有源程序”。 第六条,论文正文和附录不能有任何可能显示答题人身份和所在学校及赛区的信息。 第七条,引用别人的成果或其他公开的资料(包括网上资料)必须按照科技论文写作的规范格式列出参考文献,并在正文引用处予以标注。 第八条,本规范中未作规定的,如排版格式(字号、字体、行距、颜色等)不做统一要求,可由赛区自行决定。在不违反本规范的前提下,各赛区可以对论文增加其他要求。 二、电子版论文格式规范 第九条,参赛队应按照《全国大学生数学建模竞赛报名和参赛须知》的要求提交以


PROBLEM A: The Ultimate Brownie Pan When baking in a rectangular pan heat is concentrated in the 4 corners and the product gets overcooked at the corners (and to a lesser extent at the edges). In a round pan the heat is distributed evenly over the entire outer edge and the product is not overcooked at the edges. However, since most ovens are rectangular in shape using round pans is not efficient with respect to using the space in an oven. Develop a model to show the distribution of heat across the outer edge of a pan for pans of different shapes - rectangular to circular and other shapes in between. Assume 1. A width to length ratio of W/L for the oven which is rectangular in shape. 2. Each pan must have an area of A. 3. Initially two racks in the oven, evenly spaced. Develop a model that can be used to select the best type of pan (shape) under the following conditions: 1. Maximize number of pans that can fit in the oven (N)


河北省大学生数学竞赛试题及答案 一、(本题满分10 分) 求极限))1(21(1 lim 222222--++-+-∞→n n n n n n Λ。 【解】 ))1(21(12 22222--++-+-= n n n n n S n Λ 因 21x -在]1,0[上连续,故dx x ?1 02-1存在,且 dx x ? 1 2 -1=∑-=∞→-1 21 .)(1lim n i n n n i , 所以,= ∞ →n n S lim n dx x n 1lim -11 2∞→-? 4 -1102π ==?dx x 。 二、(本题满分10 分) 请问c b a ,,为何值时下式成立.1sin 1 lim 22 0c t dt t ax x x b x =+-?→ 【解】注意到左边得极限中,无论a 为何值总有分母趋于零,因此要想极限存在,分子必 须为无穷小量,于是可知必有0=b ,当0=b 时使用洛必达法则得到 22 022 01)(cos lim 1sin 1lim x a x x t dt t ax x x x x +-=+-→→?, 由上式可知:当0→x 时,若1≠a ,则此极限存在,且其值为0;若1=a ,则 21)1(cos lim 1sin 1lim 22 220-=+-=+-→→?x x x t dt t ax x x x b x , 综上所述,得到如下结论:;0,0,1==≠c b a 或2,0,1-===c b a 。 三、(本题满分10 分) 计算定积分? += 2 2010tan 1π x dx I 。

【解】 作变换t x -= 2 π ,则 =I 22 20π π = ?dt , 所以,4 π= I 。 四、(本题满分10 分) 求数列}{1n n - 中的最小项。 【解】 因为所给数列是函数x x y 1- =当x 分别取ΛΛ,,,3,2,1n 时的数列。 又)1(ln 21-=--x x y x 且令e x y =?='0, 容易看出:当e x <<0时,0<'y ;当e x >时,0>'y 。 所以,x x y 1-=有唯一极小值e e e y 1)(-=。 而3 3 1 2 132> ? <


优化和评价的收费亭的数量 景区简介 由於公路出来的第一千九百三十,至今发展十分迅速在全世界逐渐成为骨架的运输系统,以其高速度,承载能力大,运输成本低,具有吸引力的旅游方便,减少交通堵塞。以下的快速传播的公路,相应的管理收费站设置支付和公路条件的改善公路和收费广场。 然而,随着越来越多的人口密度和产业基地,公路如花园州公园大道的经验严重交通挤塞收费广场在高峰时间。事实上,这是共同经历长时间的延误甚至在非赶这两小时收费广场。 在进入收费广场的车流量,球迷的较大的收费亭的数量,而当离开收费广场,川流不息的车辆需挤缩到的车道数的数量相等的车道收费广场前。因此,当交通繁忙时,拥堵现象发生在从收费广场。当交通非常拥挤,阻塞也会在进入收费广场因为所需要的时间为每个车辆付通行费。 因此,这是可取的,以尽量减少车辆烦恼限制数额收费广场引起的交通混乱。良好的设计,这些系统可以产生重大影响的有效利用的基础设施,并有助于提高居民的生活水平。通常,一个更大的收费亭的数量提供的数量比进入收费广场的道路。 事实上,高速公路收费广场和停车场出入口广场构成了一个独特的类型的运输系统,需要具体分析时,试图了解他们的工作和他们之间的互动与其他巷道组成部分。一方面,这些设施是一个最有效的手段收集用户收费或者停车服务或对道路,桥梁,隧道。另一方面,收费广场产生不利影响的吞吐量或设施的服务能力。收费广场的不利影响是特别明显时,通常是重交通。 其目标模式是保证收费广场可以处理交通流没有任何问题。车辆安全通行费广场也是一个重要的问题,如无障碍的收费广场。封锁交通流应尽量避免。 模型的目标是确定最优的收费亭的数量的基础上进行合理的优化准则。 主要原因是拥挤的


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中国大学生数学竞赛竞赛大纲(数学专业类) 为了进一步推动高等学校数学课程的改革和建设,提高大学数学课程的教学水平,激励大学生学习数学的兴趣,发现和选拔数学创新人才,更好地实现“中国大学生数学竞赛”的目标,特制订本大纲。 一、竞赛的性质和参赛对象 “中国大学生数学竞赛”的目的是:激励大学生学习数学的兴趣,进一步推动高等学校数学课程的改革和建设,提高大学数学课程的教学水平,发现和选拔数学创新人才。 “中国大学生数学竞赛”的参赛对象为大学本科二年级及二年级以上的在校大学生。 二、竞赛的内容 “中国大学生数学竞赛”分为数学专业类竞赛题和非数学专业类竞赛题。 (一)中国大学生数学竞赛(数学专业类)竞赛内容为大学本科数学专业基础课的教学内容,即,数学分析占50%,高等代数占35%,解析几何占15%,具体内容如下: Ⅰ、数学分析部分 一、集合与函数 1. 实数集 、有理数与无理数的稠密性,实数集的界与确界、确界存在性定理、闭区间套定理、聚点定理、有限覆盖定理. 2. 2上的距离、邻域、聚点、界点、边界、开集、闭集、有界(无界)集、2上的闭矩形套定理、聚点定理、有限复盖定理、基本点列,以及上述概念和定理在n 上的推广. 3. 函数、映射、变换概念及其几何意义,隐函数概念,反函数与逆变换,反函数存在性 定理,初等函数以及与之相关的性质. 二、极限与连续 1. 数列极限、收敛数列的基本性质(极限唯一性、有界性、保号性、不等式性质). 2. 数列收敛的条件(Cauchy 准则、迫敛性、单调有界原理、数列收敛与其子列收敛的关系),极限1lim(1)n n e n →∞+=及其应用. 3.一元函数极限的定义、函数极限的基本性质(唯一性、局部有界性、保号性、不等式 性质、迫敛性),归结原则和Cauchy 收敛准则,两个重要极限sin 10lim 1,lim(1)x x x x x x e →→∞ =+=及其应用,计算一元函数极限的各种方法,无穷小量与无穷大量、阶的比较,记号O 与o 的意义,多元函数重极限与累次极限概念、基本性质,二元函数的二重极限与累次极限的关系. 4. 函数连续与间断、一致连续性、连续函数的局部性质(局部有界性、保号性),有界闭集上连续函数的性质(有界性、最大值最小值定理、介值定理、一致连续性). 三、一元函数微分学 1.导数及其几何意义、可导与连续的关系、导数的各种计算方法,微分及其几何意义、可微与可导的关系、一阶微分形式不变性. 2.微分学基本定理:Fermat 定理,Rolle 定理,Lagrange 定理,Cauchy 定理,Taylor 公式(Peano 余项与Lagrange 余项). 3.一元微分学的应用:函数单调性的判别、极值、最大值和最小值、凸函数及其应用、


1985~2015年美国大学生数学建模竞赛题目集锦 目录 1985 MCM A: Animal Populations (3) 1985 MCM B: Strategic Reserve Management (3) 1986 MCM A: Hydrographic Data (4) 1986 MCM B: Emergency-Facilities Location (4) 1987 MCM A: The Salt Storage Problem (5) 1987 MCM B: Parking Lot Design (5) 1988 MCM A: The Drug Runner Problem (5) 1988 MCM B: Packing Railroad Flatcars (6) 1989 MCM A: The Midge Classification Problem (6) 1989 MCM B: Aircraft Queueing (6) 1990 MCM A: The Brain-Drug Problem (6) 1990 MCM B: Snowplow Routing (7) 1991 MCM A: Water Tank Flow (8) 1991 MCM B: The Steiner Tree Problem (8) 1992 MCM A: Air-Traffic-Control Radar Power (8) 1992 MCM B: Emergency Power Restoration (9) 1993 MCM A: Optimal Composting (10) 1993 MCM B: Coal-Tipple Operations (11) 1994 MCM A: Concrete Slab Floors (11) 1994 MCM B: Network Design (12) 1995 MCM A: Helix Construction (13) 1995 MCM B: Faculty Compensation (13) 1996 MCM A: Submarine Tracking (13) 1996 MCM B: Paper Judging (13) 1997 MCM A: The Velociraptor Problem (14) 1997 MCM B: Mix Well for Fruitful Discussions (15) 1998 MCM A: MRI Scanners (16) 1998 MCM B: Grade Inflation (17) 1999 MCM A: Deep Impact (17) 1999 MCM B: Unlawful Assembly (18) 2000 MCM A: Air Traffic Control (18) 2000 MCM B: Radio Channel Assignments (19) 2001 MCM A: Choosing a Bicycle Wheel (20) 2001 MCM B: Escaping a Hurricane's Wrath (An Ill Wind...). (21) 2002 MCM A: Wind and Waterspray (23) 2002 MCM B: Airline Overbooking (23) 2003 MCM A: The Stunt Person (24) 2003 MCM B: Gamma Knife Treatment Planning (24) 2004 MCM A: Are Fingerprints Unique? (25) 2004 MCM B: A Faster QuickPass System (25)


2015年美国大学生数学建模竞赛赛题翻译 2015年美国大学生数学竞赛正在进行,比赛时间为北京时间:2015年2月6日(星期五)上午9点—2月10日上午9点.竞赛以三人(本科生)为一组,在四天时间内,就指定的问题,完成该实际问题的数学建模的全过程,并就问题的重述、简化和假设及其合理性的论述、数学模型的建立和求解(及软件)、检验和改进、模型的优缺点及其可能的应用范围的自我评述等内容写出论文。 2015 MCM/ICM Problems 总计4题,参赛者可从MCM Problem A, MCM Problem B,ICM Problem C orICM Problem D等四道赛题中自由选择。 2015Contest Problems MCM PROBLEMS PROBLEM A: Eradicating Ebola The worldmedical association has announced that theirnewmedicationcould stop Ebola andcurepatients whose disease is not advanced. Build a realistic, sensible, andusefulmodel thatconsiders not onlythespread of the disease,thequantity of themedicine needed,possible feasible delivery systems(sending the medicine to where itis needed), (geographical)locations of delivery,speed of manufacturing of the va ccine ordrug, but also any othercritical factors your team considers necessaryas partof themodel to optimize theeradicationofEbola,orat least its current strain. Inadd ition to your modeling approach for thecontest, prepare a1—2 page non-technical letter for the world medicalassociation touse intheir announcement. 中文翻译: 问题一:根除埃博拉病毒 世界医学协会已经宣布他们的新药物能阻止埃博拉病毒并且可以治愈一些处于非晚期疾病患者。建立一个现实的,合理的并且有用的模型,该模型不仅考虑了疾病的蔓延,需要药物的量,可能可行的输送系统,输送的位置,疫苗或药物的生产速度,而且也要考虑其他重要的因素,诸如你的团队认为有必要作为模型的一部分来进行优化而使埃博拉病毒根除的一些因素,或者至少考虑当前的状态。除了你的用于比赛的建模方法外,为世界医学协会准备一份1-2页的非技术性的信,方便其在公告中使用。 PROBLEMB: Searchingforalost plane Recall the lostMalaysian flight MH370.Build agenericmathematicalmodel that could assist "searchers" in planninga useful search for a lost planefeared to have crashed in open water suchas the Atlantic, Pacific,Indian, Southern,or Arctic Ocean whil eflyingfrom PointA to Point B. Assume that there are no signals fromthe downed plane。Your model should recognize thattherearemany different types of planes forw


中国大学生数学竞赛竞赛大纲(数学专业组) 为了进一步推动高等学校数学课程的改革和建设,提高大学数学课程的教学水平,激励大学生学习数学的兴趣,发现和选拔数学创新人才,更好地实现“中国大学生数学竞赛”的目标,特制订本大纲。 一、竞赛的性质和参赛对象 “中国大学生数学竞赛”的目的是:激励大学生学习数学的兴趣,进一步推动高等学校数学课程的改革和建设,提高大学数学课程的教学水平,发现和选拔数学创新人才。 “中国大学生数学竞赛”的参赛对象为大学本科二年级及二年级以上的在校大学生。 二、竞赛的内容 “中国大学生数学竞赛”分为数学专业类竞赛题和非数学专业类竞赛题。 (一)中国大学生数学竞赛(数学专业类)竞赛内容为大学本科数学专业基础课的教学内容,即,数学分析占50%,高等代数占35%,解析几何占15%,具体内容如下: Ⅰ、数学分析部分 一、集合与函数 1. 实数集 、有理数与无理数的稠密性,实数集的界与确界、确界存在性定理、闭区间套定理、聚点定理、有限覆盖定理. 2. 2 上的距离、邻域、聚点、界点、边界、开集、闭集、有界(无界)集、2 上的闭矩形套定理、聚点定理、有限复盖定理、基本点列,以及上述概念和定理在n 上的推广. 3. 函数、映射、变换概念及其几何意义,隐函数概念,反函数与逆变换,反函数存在性定理,初等函数以及与之相关的性质. 二、极限与连续 1. 数列极限、收敛数列的基本性质(极限唯一性、有界性、保号性、不等式性质). 2. 数列收敛的条件(Cauchy 准则、迫敛性、单调有界原理、数列收敛与其子列收敛的关系),极限1lim(1)n n e n →∞+=及其应用. 3.一元函数极限的定义、函数极限的基本性质(唯一性、局部有界性、保号性、不等式 性质、迫敛性),归结原则和Cauchy 收敛准则,两个重要极限sin 10lim 1,lim(1)x x x x x x e →→∞ =+=及其应用,计算一元函数极限的各种方法,无穷小量与无穷大量、阶的比较,记号O 与o 的意义,多元函数重极限与累次极限概念、基本性质,二元函数的二重极限与累次极限的关系. 4. 函数连续与间断、一致连续性、连续函数的局部性质(局部有界性、保号性),有界闭集上连续函数的性质(有界性、最大值最小值定理、介值定理、一致连续性). 三、一元函数微分学 1.导数及其几何意义、可导与连续的关系、导数的各种计算方法,微分及其几何意义、可微与可导的关系、一阶微分形式不变性. 2.微分学基本定理:Fermat 定理,Rolle 定理,Lagrange 定理,Cauchy 定理,Taylor 公式(Peano 余项与Lagrange 余项). 3.一元微分学的应用:函数单调性的判别、极值、最大值和最小值、凸函数及其应用、

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