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2016徐汇区高三物理二模试题(附答案 )

2016徐汇区高三物理二模试题(附答案 )
2016徐汇区高三物理二模试题(附答案 )

(A ) (B ) (C ) (D )


高三物理 试卷



1.答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必在答题卷上用蓝色或黑色的钢笔或圆珠笔清楚填写姓名、考号,并用2B 铅笔在答题卷上正确涂写考号。

2.本试卷重力加速度g =10m/s 2


第 Ⅰ 卷(共56分)

一、 单项选择题 ( 每小题2分,共16分,每小题只有一个正确选项。) 1.下列图中属于双缝干涉图像的是( )

2.卢瑟福通过α粒子散射实验提出了( )

(A )无核原子模型 (B )葡萄干蛋糕模型 (C )原子核式结构模型(D )玻尔原子模型 3.放射性元素



Po 衰变为20682Pb ,此衰变过程的核反应方程是( )

(A )210


206 82Pb +10n + 0 1β (B )210


Po 206 82Pb +4


He (C )210

84Po +2 0


206 82Pb +410n (D )210

84Po 206 82Pb +42He +41

n 4.在发现质子实验中荧光屏的作用是( )

(A )α粒子与荧光屏反应后产生质子 (B )阻挡α粒子

(C )统计核反应过程产生全部质子的数量 (D )质子通过荧光屏引起闪光



5.用不同频率光照射某一金属发生光电效应时,光电子逸出最大初动能随入射光频率变化的图像如图所示,则图中图线斜率的含义为( )

(A )普朗克常数 (B )逸出功 (C )极限频率 (D )极限波长

6.如图所示,木板 P 下端通过光滑铰链固定于水平地面上的 O 点,物体 A 、 B 叠放在木板上且处于静止状态,此时物体 B 的上表面水平。现使木板 P 绕 O 点缓慢旋转到虚线所示位置,物体 A 、 B 仍保持静止,且相对木板没有发生移动,与原位置的情况相比( )

(A )A 对 B 的作用力减小 (B )B 对 A 的支持力减小 (C )木板对 B 的支持力减小 (D )木板对 B 的摩擦力增大

7.如右图所示,固定着的钢条上端有一小球,在竖直平面内围绕虚线位置发生振动,图中是小球振动到的最左侧,振动周期为0.3s 。在周期为0.1s 的频闪光源照射下见到图像可能是( )

8.一根横截面积为S 的铜导线,通过电流为I 。已经知道铜的密度为ρ,铜的摩尔质量为M ,电子电荷量为e ,阿佛加德罗常数为N A ,设每个铜原子只提供一个自由电子,则铜导线中自由电子定向移动速率为( ) (A )


ρN A Se

(B )



(C )


M ρSe

(D )


M ρ

二、单项选择题( 每小题3分,共24分,每小题只有一个正确选项。)

9.一物体以初速度5m/s 做平抛运动,在第1秒内,第2秒内,第3秒内的位移大小之比为( ) (A )1: 2 : 3 (B )1: 5 :13 (C )1: 5 :3 (D )1:3:5

(A ) (B ) (C ) (D )

10. 两颗互不影响的行星 P 1 、 P 2,各有一颗卫星S 1、S 2绕其做匀速圆周运动。将每颗卫星到行星中心距离r 改变后,卫星做匀速圆周运动的加速度 a 也随之改变, a 与 1


2 关系如

图所示,图线1、2分别表示S 1绕P 1运动、S 2绕P 2运动的情况,则( ) (A )S 1的质量比 S 2的大 (B )S 1的质量比 S 2的小 (C )P 1的质量比 P 2的大 (D )P 1的质量比 P 2的小

11.如图所示,甲从A 地由静止匀加速跑向B 地,当甲前进距离为S 1时,乙从距A 地S 2处的C 点由静止出发,加速度与甲相同,最后二人同时到达B 地,则AB 两地距离为( )

(A )S 1+S 2 (B )(S 1+S 2)2

4S 1 (C )S 12

4(S 1+S 2) (D )(S 1+S 2)2

(S 1-S 2)S 1

12.如图(甲)所示,足够长的木板B 静置于光滑水平面上,其上放置小滑块A 。木板B 受到随时间t 变化的水平拉力F 作用时,木板B 的加速度a 与拉力F 关系图象如图(乙)所示,则小滑块A 的质量为( ) (A )4kg (B )3kg (C )2kg (D )1kg

13.如图所示,一质量为m 的匀质金属球C 的左端由长为L 的水平轻杆AB 栓住,杆的一端A 可绕固定轴转动,金属球搁置在一块质量也为m 的水平木板D 上,木板置于地面上,当用水平拉力匀速将木板拉出时,下列哪种情况拉力最小( )

(A )拉力方向向右,金属球与木板之间摩擦系数为μ,木板与地面之间光滑 (B )拉力方向向右,金属球与木板之间光滑,木板与地面之间摩擦系数为μ (C )拉力方向向左,金属球与木板之间摩擦系数为μ,木板与地面之间光滑 (D )拉力方向向左,金属球与木板之间光滑,木板与地面之间摩擦系数为μ

1/r 2

a O






F/N a/(m ·s -2





6 8 图(甲)


14.如图所示,两个电荷量相等的负点电荷分别固定在绝缘的粗糙水平面上A 、B 两点。在AB 连线中点O 左侧的P 点由静止释放一个带电小滑块,滑块由静止开始一直向右运动到AB 连线上的某一点M (图中没有画出)而静止。下列关于电势说法中正确的是( ) (A )P 点的电势一定高于M 点的电势 (B )P 点的电势一定低于M 点的电势 (C )P 点的电势可能高于M 点的电势 (D )P 点的电势可能等于M 点的电势

15.如图所示电路中的电源为恒流源,不管外电路的电阻如何变化,它都能够提供持续的定值电流。电压表、电流表都为理想电表,当闭合电键后滑动变阻器R 的滑动触头向右滑动时,电压表V 示数变化的绝对值为△U ,电流表A 示数变化的绝对值为△I ,下列说法中正确的是( ) (A )A 示数减小,△U

△I = R 1

(B )A 示数减小,△U

△I = R 2

(C )A 示数增大,△U

△I = R 1

(D )A 示数增大,△U


= R 2

16.如图所示,气缸上下两侧气体由绝热活塞隔开,活塞与气缸光滑接触。初始时活塞和两侧气体均处于平衡态,因活塞有质量所以下侧气体压强是上侧气体压强两倍,上下气体体积之比V 1∶V 2=1∶2,温度之比T 1∶T 2=2∶5。保持上侧气体温度不变,改变下侧气体温度,使两侧气体体积相同,此时上下两侧气体的温度之比为( ) (A )4:5

(B )5:9

(C )7:24 (D )16:25

V 1

V 2 R 1

V R 2





? ?



三、多项选择题(每小题4分,共16分. 每小题有两个或三个正确选项。全选对的,得4分;选对但不全的,得2分;有选错或不答的,得0分。)


v ,纵坐标表示速率v 处单位速率区间内的分子数百分率,图线1、2对应的

温度分别为t 1、t 2,由图可知( ) (A )温度t 1低于温度t 2

(B )图线中的峰值对应横坐标数值为氧气分子平均速率 (C )温度升高,每一个氧气分子的速率都增大

(D )温度升高,氧气分子中速率小于400m/s 的分子所占的比例减小 18.如图(甲)所示,静止在水平地面上的物块A ,受到水平拉力F 的作用,F 与时间t 的关系如图(乙)所示。设物块与地面间的最大静摩擦力f max 的大小与滑动摩擦力大小相等,则( ) (A )t 1时刻物块的速度为零 (B )物块的最大速度出现在t 2时刻

(C )t 1~t 3时间内F 对物块先做正功后做负功 (D )拉力F 的功率最大值出现在t 2~t 3时间内

19.一列沿x 轴正方向传播的简谐横波,其振幅为2 cm ,波速为30 cm/s 。在传播过程中有平衡位置相距30 cm 的两质点均在x 轴上方距离x 轴1 cm 的位置,此时两质点运动方向相反,如图所示,则下列说法中正确的是( ) (A )此波的周期可能为0.5 s

(B )此波的周期可能为1.5 s

(C )从此时刻起,经过1.25 s 质点b 可能处于波峰位置处 (D )a 质点速度最大时,b 质点速度可能为零

20.如图(甲)所示,平行光滑金属导轨水平放置,两轨相距L =0.4 m ,导轨一端与阻值R =0.3Ω的电阻相连,导轨电阻不计。导轨x >0一侧存在沿x 方向均匀增大的恒定磁场,其方向与导轨平面垂直向下,磁感应强度B 随

y /cm 2

1 a b 0 x /cm -1 -2










B /T x /m

O 1.0 2.0

v ×100m/s )

f (v )


1 5

10 15 20


位置x 变化如图(乙)所示。一根质量m =0.2 kg 、电阻r =0.1 Ω的金属棒置于导轨上,并与导轨垂直,棒在外力F 作用下从x =0处以初速度v 0=2m/s 沿导轨向右变速运动,且金属棒在运动过程中受到的安培力大小不变。下列说法中正确的是( ) (A )金属棒向右做匀减速直线运动

(B )金属棒在x =1 m 处的速度大小为0.5m/s

(C )金属棒从x =0运动到x =1m 过程中,外力F 所做的功为-0.175 J (D )金属棒从x =0运动到x =2m 过程中,流过金属棒的电量为2C

第 Ⅱ 卷(共94分)


21. 一物体沿x 轴做直线运动,其位移随时间的变化规律为x =5+t 2

,(式中各量均采用国际单位制),则该物体在第2秒内的位移为__________m ,第3秒末的速度为__________m/s 。

22A .质量为m 的小球A 以速率v 0向右运动时跟静止的小球B 发生碰撞,碰后A 球以v 0

2 的速率反向弹回,

而B 球以v 0

2 的速率向右运动,则B 的质量m B =__________

,碰撞过程中B 对A 做功为__________。

22B .牛顿在发现万有引力定律时曾用月球的运动来检验,物理学史上称为著名的“月地检验”。已经知道地球的半径为R ,地球表面的重力加速度为g ,月球中心与地球中心距离是地球半径K 倍,根据万有引力定律,可以求得月球受到万有引力产生的加速度为__________。又根据月球绕地球运动周期为T ,可求得月球的向心加速度为__________,两者数据代入后结果相等,定律得到验证。 23.如图所示电路中,电流表和电压表均为理想电表, R 3=4Ω,开始闭合电键时,电流表读数为0.75A ,电压表读数为2V 。后来由于某一电阻断路,使电流表读数变为0.8A ,电压表读数变为3.2V 。则断路的电阻是__________(选填“R 1”、“R 2”或“R 3”),电源电动势是__________V 。

24.在某介质两列相向传播的简谐波A 、B (A 为半个波形的脉冲波,B 为连

续波),t =0时刻所形成的波如图所示,两列波的传播速度均为v =1.0m/s ,则在t =0到t =20s 内横坐标位置x =18m 的质点通过的路程为__________cm ,在这段时间内A 波波峰与B 波波峰相遇的次数为__________。

25.如图所示,两根间距为L 、长度足够的光滑竖直导轨MN 、PQ 之间存在垂直于导轨平面的匀强磁场,磁场下边界CD ,上无限,磁感强度大小为B 0。导轨下端连接阻值为R 的定值电阻,质量为m 长度为L 阻值也为R 的导体棒可沿导轨在竖直平面内自由滑动并保持良好接触,其余电阻不计。使棒从位置AB 以初速度v 0竖直向上运动,AB 与磁场下边界CD 相距d 。由于从棒开始运动起磁场同时开始随时间有规律的变化,使得棒恰好向上做竖直上抛运动,经过一定时间到达最高点,此后在AB 下方的磁场随时间变化规律再次发生变化,AB 上方的磁场则保持上述过程末的数值不再变化,使得棒在最高点保持静止不动,重力加速度为g 。则磁场B 在棒竖直上抛过程中随时间t 变化规律为__________,在棒静止t' 时间内AB 下方磁场B ' 随时间变化规律为__________。


26.(6分)在验证力的平行四边形定则实验中,如图(甲)、(乙)所示,某同学分别用弹簧秤将橡皮条的结点拉到同一位置O ,记下(甲)图中弹簧秤的拉力:F 1=2.0N 、F 2=2.6N ;(乙)图中弹簧秤的拉力:

F'=3.6N ,力的方向分别用虚线OB 、OC 和OD 表示.

(1)请你按图中的比例尺,在图(丙)中作出F 1、F 2 的合力F 与F'的图示.

(2)通过多组实验,得到规律是 。




1N 2N



27.(4分)如图(甲)所示容积未知的烧瓶内有一个大气压的空气,瓶口塞子上方竖直插入注射器,它的活塞质量不计,截面积为S ,开始时注射器和容器内封闭一定质量空气,注射器内气体体积为V 1,当活塞上加质量为m 的砝码后,活塞下降,读得减少的体积为△V 。依次更换不同质量的砝码,重复多次刚才的实验并记录数据(每次更换的砝码质量比前一次大)。已知重力加速度为g ,大气压强P 0远大于mg


(1)通过多组数据画出△V-m 图像,如图(乙),得到图线的斜率为K ,则烧瓶的容积为___________。 (2)若实验过程中由于摩擦生热,导致后一组实验数


28.(6分)如图所示是饮水器的自动控制电路。左边是对水加热的容器,内有密封绝缘的电热丝发热器和接触开关S 1。只要有水浸没S 1,它就会导通;水面低于S 1时,不会加热。饮水器的使用原理是同时满足水位高于S 1及水温较低,饮水器对水加热。 (1)R x 是一个热敏电阻,低温时呈现高电阻,右边P 是一个___________(选填“与”、“或”、“非”)逻辑门,接在0~5V 电源之间,图中J 是一个继电器,可以控制发热器工作与否。R y 是一个可变电阻,低温时

R x 应_____________(选填“远大于”、“远小于”)R y 。

(2)为了提高加热起始温度,变阻器R y 应该调的_____________(选填“大一些”或“小一些”)。

29.(8分)现准备通过以下实验验证动能定理,物体A 放在带滑轮的固定水平粗糙长板上,用跨过滑轮(滑轮的大小可不计)的细线将A 与另一个物体B 相连。开始时B 离地面高度为h ,A 离长板右端距离也为h ,从静止释放B 后,B 会带动A 做加速运动,当B 落地时A 正好离开长木板,最后A 也落地(A 在空中运动时细线始终处于松弛状态,A 、B 落地后均不会反弹)。A 与木板间摩擦因素为

μ,重力加速度为g ,测量工具仅有刻度尺和天平。

(1)欲通过该实验验证A 、B 两物块组成系统满足动能定理。需要测量物体A 质量m A ,物体B 质量m B ,










R y










S 2


S 1

R x











31.(13分)如图所示,足够长的对接斜面AO 和BO 均与水平方向成角α=53°,质量为m =2kg 的小物块由AO 上高度h =4m 处静止释放。小物块与斜面AO 间摩擦因数为μ=13 ,

斜面BO 光滑,每次经过对接O 处前后瞬间小物块的速度大小保持不变。求: (1)小物块第一次冲上斜面BO 所达到的最大高度h 1;

(2)小物块在斜面AO 和BO 上运动足够长时间后滑过粗糙面的总路程S 1; (3)小物块在斜面AO 和BO 上运动足够长时间后所经过的总路程S 2。

32.(13分)如图所示,不带电物体A 和带正电的物体B (带电量为q )用跨过定滑轮的绝缘轻绳连接,A 、B 的质量分别是m 和2m 。物体A 静止在水平面上,物体B 在外力F 作用下静止于倾角为θ的绝缘斜面上,斜面上与物体B 距离L 固定一正点电荷C ,使得 B 所处位置电场强度大小为

mg sin θ


。绝缘轻绳恰好处于伸直状态,物体A 离开滑轮的距离足够长,不计一切摩擦。已知重力加速度为g ,场源电荷C 形成的电场中各点的电势表达式为φ=

k Q


(式中K 为常数未知,Q 为场源电荷电荷量未知,r 是离开点电荷的距离)。当撤去外力F 以后物体A 和B













c 速直线运动,速度达到v1=10m/s后保持v1做匀速直线运动。导轨



(2)导体棒ab保持v1做匀速直线运动时外力F的功率P F;








三、多项选择题(每小题4分,共16分. 每小题有两个或三个正确选项。全选对的,得4分;选对但不全的,得2分;有选错或不答的,得0分。)

第 Ⅱ 卷(共94分)

四、填空题(每小题4分,共20分) 21. 3m ;6m/s 22(A). 3m ; -3mv 0



22(B). g K 2 ;4KRπ




23. R 1 ;4V 24. 52cm ;5

25.B =B 0d d + v 0t - gt 22 ;B '=B 0d

d + v 022g

- 2mgR ( d + v 02

2g )t '

B 0L 2d 2

五、实验题(共24分) 26. (6分)





误差范围内近似相等。说明力的合成遵循平行四边形定则。(2分) 27. (4分)




-V 1(2分)(说明:式中漏去V 1,不得分) (2)偏小(2分) 28. (6分)

(1) “与”(2分);远大于(2分) (2)小一些(2分) 29. (8分)

(1)射程x 、长板离地高度H (2分)(说明:射程用S 或其他符号表示均可)

(2)m B gh -μm A gh = x 2g (m A +m B ) 4H


(3)μ﹤m B m A (2分)(2分)(说明:写出相关x 不等式正确但是不详细给1分,

“﹤”与“≤”混淆不得分) 六、计算题(共50分) 30. (10分)

(1)p 1 = p 0 - p h = (75-70)cmHg = 5cmHg (1分)

p 2 = p 0'-p h ' = p 0'-71cmHg (1分)

p 1V 1T 1 = p 2V 2T 2

(1分) 5×30300 = (p 0'-71)×29


(1分) p 0' = 76 cmHg (1分)

(2)p 3 = p 0-p h '' = (75-75cos θ)cmHg (1分)

p 1V 1 = p 3V 3(1分)

5×30 = (75-75cos θ)×25(1分)

cos θ = 0.92

θ = 23.07o(2分)

31. (13分)

(1)根据动能定理W G +W f =△E K

mg (h -h 1)- μmghctg α=0(2分)

h 1=3m (2分)

(2)经过足够长时间,小物块最终静止在O 点,对全过程由动能定理可知:

W G '+W f ' = △E K '

mgh-μmg cos αS 1=0(2分)

得S 1=20m ,所以小物快在粗糙斜面上的总路程为20m 。(2分) (3)根据动能定理W G ''+W f ''=△E K ''

mg (h OAn -h OA(n+1))-μmg (h OAn +h OA(n+1))ctg α=0(1分) h OA(n+1)= 35

h OAn (1分)

由上一小题可知:h OBn = 3


h OAn (1分)

S 2 =(2h (1+34




- h )/ sin53o=38.75m (2分)

32. (13分)

(1)G 斜-F 电-T =m B a ; 2m gsin θ- m gsin θ-T =2ma (1分)

T =m A a ; T =ma (1分) a =g sin θ



(2)F 电= m gsin θ;


L 2

= m gsin θ(1分) F 电'=2 m gsin θ ;



2 = 2m gsin θ(1分) L '=

2 L


(2分) (3)W 合=△E K

2 m gsin θ(L - L ')+q (KQ L -KQ L' ) =3mv 2

2 (3分);L '= 2 L


v =

2gL sin θ-4 2 gL sin θ



33. (14分)

(1)c 流向d (2分)

(2)P F = Fv = B 2L 2v 12

2R = 125W (2分)

(3)当 μB 2L 2v 2


= m 2g

v 2=

2m 2gR

μB 2L 2

= 8m/s (2分)

即t 1 = v 2a 1

= 4s 时cd 速度最大(2分)

(4)对cd ,由m 2g - μB 2L 2a 1t 2


= m 2a 2(1分)

可知a 2 =(10-2.5t 2)m/s 2

(t 2≤5s) (1分)

a 2 = - 2.5m/s 2 (t 2>5s) (1分)

作a2-t图像(图略),当t轴上方面积与下方面积相等,(1分)即t2 = 12.5s时,cd停止运动。(2分)


浦东新区2015学年度第二学期教学质量检测高三英语 录音文字 I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.M: Excuse me,can I open a checking account here? W: Certainly. Your ID card, please. Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place? 2.M: Let me see your papers, please. W:Here you are. Here is my visa application and m y acceptance letter from Yale’s undergraduate department. Q: What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers? 3.W:I have watched most of your films. I enjoyed them, especially the recently-released one. M: Thank you. I was a journalist who traveled a lot in the film. Q: What is probably the man’s job? 4.M: So would you like to be my lab partner with the next experiment? W: Sure. I just can’t believe you still want to work with me after I messed up last time. Q: How does the woman feel about the man’s invitation? 5.W: Mike is running for chairman of the student union. Would you vote for him? M: Oh, I can’t decide right now because I have to find out more about the other candidates. Q: What does the man imply? 6.W: I would like to go with you to the concert, but I have to attend a lecture tomorrow evening. M: That’s too bad. I wish that you could come along. Q: What’s the woman most probably going to do? 7.W: Rachel’s voice sounds a wful. I could barely hear her. M: Yes. She’s got a terrible sore throat. The doctor said she shouldn’t even attempt to whisper. Q: What does the man imply about Rachel? 8.W: This bus schedule has got me completely confused. I can’t figure out when my bus to Birmingham leaves? M: If I were you, I would go to the ticket window and ask. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? 9.W: I decided to apply to graduate school in engineering for next year. M: More school? I’m going into business for myself. Q: What does the man plan to do? 10.M: We should buy a guide-book and study it before our trip to Thailand. W: We could, but itis not worth the expense. What about the library? Q: What does the woman imply?


Section B Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (B) Asia TEFL and the Far Eastern English Language Teachers’ Association 14th Asia TEFL International Conference and 11th FEELTA International Conference invite proposals for their joint conference on language teaching and learning: “Connecting Professionally on ELT in Asia: Crossing the Bridge to Excellence” to be held on 30 June – 2 July, 2016 at The Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS Conference Description The 14th Asia TEFL and 11th FEELTA international conference places emphasis on working towards special skills or knowledge in English Language Teaching through being connected professionally in Asia and worldwide. Professional networks link teachers from a variety of educational contexts, helping to develop research, advance skills and update knowledge. We invite educators, scholars and policy makers to cooperate and share teaching theories, excellent teaching ideas and relevant practices. The meaning of the ―bridge‖ in our theme is inspired by the place of the confere nce. The university campus is located on Russky Island ―across the bridge‖ from the mainland. It also refers to new horizons and perspectives in the field of ELT that we discover when we ―cross the bridge‖


闸北区2016年二模英语质量抽查试卷 II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions: Read the following two passages. Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word. For the other blanks, fill in each blank with one proper word. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct. (A) Have you noticed that your friends are like your mother’s friends? Study has found that the manner (25)______ ______ a mother interacts with her friends makes a role model for an adolescent child when building (26)______ his/her own peer friendships. Unfortunately, teens often pick up on the negative elements in a relationship, such as conflict and opposition, and then copy these attitudes into their own relationships。 The new study investigated a previously understudied association —how a parent’s friendships influence the emotional well-being of their adolescent children. For the study, researchers studied the development of friendships and (27)______ peer relationships during adolescence and their impact on psychological adjustment. They found that adolescents (28)______imitate the negative characteristics of their mothers’ relationships in their own peer-to-peer friendships. The finding shows that mothers (29)______(serve) as role models for their adolescents during formative years. Additional findings suggest that adolescents internalize their reactions to their mothers’ conflict with adult friends and (30)______they have learned might lead them to anxietyand depression. Actually, conflict is a normal part of any relationship —be it a relationship between a parent and a child, or a mother and her friends. But (31)______(expose) to high levels of such conflict generally isn’t going to be good for children. Parents should consider whether they are good role models for their children. Parents should behave well especially where their friends are concerned. (32)______ things go wrong, parents should talk with their children about how to act with their friends, but more specifically, how not to act. (B) Today, women are beating men in education and in the workplace, creating a new generation of stay-at-home fathers. It (33)______ (predict) that relationships and traditional household


2016年上海市黄浦区高考模拟考试英语试卷 (完卷时间:120 分钟满分:150 分)2016年4月14日下午 第I卷(共103分) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the questions you have heard. 1. A. March. B. May. C. June. D. July. 2. A. By car B. By bus. C. By train. D. On foot. 3. A. Choose a new dentist. B. Cure the pain by herself. C. Make an appointment with her dentist. D. Ask for the right way to brush her teeth. 4. A. A bus driver. B. An airline ticket agent. C. A post office clerk. D. A department store salesperson. 5. A. Close the window. B. Prepare their clothes. C. Lock the suitcase. D. Call a taxi. 6. A. Take a day off from work. B. Go and join the people in the office. C. Find more people to help with the move. D. Move to a new place at free time. 7. A. Find a larger room. B. Sell the old table. C. Buy two bookshelves. D. Rearrange some furniture. 8. A. He wants to spend more time with his family. B. He doesn?t think he is capable of doing the job.


填空 1. ______(find out) more about our university courses, write to this address. 2. ––Have you asked Peter for advice? ---No, he ______(talk with) someone, so I didn't disturb him. 3. ______ made the dining room extra special is its polished wooden floor. 4. You must learn to read people, ______ will be necessary if you work in a team. 5. Ann forgot ______ she had left the car and it took her half an hour to find it in the parking lot. 6. A notice will be put up_____(give) information about the closing dates for entering exams. 7.Social and cultural activities for senior citizens ______(conduct) ov er the past several years. 8. ––Do you mind if I smoke here? ––I suggest you go to the separate room ______ (reserve) for smokers. 9.The driver was really careless, otherwise the traffic accident _____ _(not happen). 10.Wait a moment. The director _____ her assistant pick up some sand wiches for the meeting.


2016上海高三英语二模翻译汇总(上) 【虹口二模】 1.现在人们已经习惯于将坏天气与空气污染联想到一起。(associate) Nowadays,people are accustomed to associating bad weather with air pollution. 2.汤姆错过了那场公众评价很高的电影,并非买不到电影票,而是因为交通堵塞。(available) Tom missed the movie (that) the public spoke highly of not because the movie ticket were available but because he met with/came across the traffic jam. 3.上海迪斯尼乐园肯定会成为一个值得多次游览的旅游景点(worth) Shanghai Disneyland is sure to become a place of interest/a scenic spot/a tourist attraction/destination (that is)worth visiting many times. 4.学生们难得有机会目睹那位著名的诺贝尔文学奖获得者(Seldom) Seldom do students have a chance to see the famous winner of the Nobel Prize for literature. 5.正是因为社会过份注重外表,不少年轻人改变了他们原有的饮食习惯(It) Lt is because society puts too much emphasis on appearance that many young people have changed their original eating habits. 【闵行二模】 1.在我们学校,教师和学生都可以免费上网。(access)


北京市东城区2015—2016学年度第二学期高三综合练习(二) 2016.5 第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分) 1. Which subject does the boy like best? A. Science. B. Maths. C. History. 2. Who is the boy with glasses? A. Ben. B. Mike. C. Tom. 3. What’s the date of Lisa’s birthday party? A. 21st June. B. 20th July. C. 21st July. 4. Where are the speakers? A. In a garage. B. In a parking lot. C. In a factory. 5. What present will the man probably choose? A. Flowers. B. Chocolates. C. Wine. 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分) 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. What does the woman like to be? A. A journalist. B. A teacher. C. A doctor. 7. What are they talking about? A. Why they should study. B. Where they should work. C. What subjects they should take. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. Where does the woman plan to go? A. Italy. B. England. C. Austria. 9. Where did the man buy his walking shoes? A. At a market. B. In a supermarket. C. In a shoe shop. 10. What does the man advise the woman to take? A. A jacket. B. A sweater. C. T-shirts. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。 11. What is the temperature in the north? A. 10°C. B. 13° C. C. 15°C. 12. What should the people in the east take when they go out? A. A hat. B. Warm clothes. C. An umbrella. 13. What will the weather be like in the west? A. Windy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy. 听第9段材料,回答第14至15题。 14. What is the destination of a coach tour? A. The beach. B. The castles. C. The old town. 15. What should travellers do to go on a walking tour? A. Book in advance. B. Gather at ten o’ clock. C. Get a map of the town. 第三节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)

2016-2017上海英语高考一二模 翻译汇编

2016~2017一二模及高考真题翻译汇编 倒装句 1.我再也抑制不住看篮球比赛的冲动。(no longer) 2.杰克难得去老师那儿寻求帮助,他觉得自学会使自己受益更多。(Seldom) 3.学生们难得有机会目睹那位著名的诺贝尔文学奖获得者。(Seldom) 4.我做梦也想不到会在这次化学竞赛中获一等奖。(Little) 5.他从未想到自己经历十多年的努力后,终于能在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,并赢得这么多 的掌声和鼓励。(Never…) 6. 任何情况下父母都不能强迫孩子去做超出他们能力范围的事情。(circumstances) 6.学校董事会没有批准这一提案,也没有做出任何解释。(nor) 7.他生来就有残疾,但从不沮丧,也从未屈服于困难。( nor ) 9. 垃圾分类不仅有助于环境保护还有利于废物循环利用,所以人人要行动起来。(Not only) 10. 志愿者活动不仅能使青少年学到如何帮助残疾人,还可以提高他们与陌生人合作的意识。(Not only...) 11. 中外游客们不仅领略了古城的美景,也对当地的传统文化和悠久历史有了一个大致的了解。(Not only) 12. 不但政府应该制定政策防止进一步污染,而且每个公民都该责无旁贷地保护环境。(Not only) 13. 只有充分利用你遇到的每个机会,你才能实现自己的梦想。(Only) 14. 整个团队只有互相配合才能按时完成这项任务。(Only) 15. 只有自己愿意投身其中你才能做好你正在做的事情。(Only)

16. 只有当他亲眼看见那些贴满小区的海报时,才真正相信中国诗词大赛是多么受欢迎。(Only) 17.只有相关各方更多地关注青少年,他们才能形成正确的价值观。(Only) 18. 他伤得很严重,应该马上送医院。(So...) 19. 手机在人们日常生活中起着如此重要的作用,没有人敢不带手机去旅行。(So...) 20. 他在那个偏远小镇过着如此宁静的生活以至于他都不想返回家乡了。(Such) 21. 他高中一毕业就迫不及待地出国旅游去了。(Hardly) 22. 这款手机一上市就吸引了世界各地的年轻人。(Hardly) 23. 直到他走出空调房间,才意识到今天有多冷(Not...) 24. 直到那位母亲确信她的儿子已安然无恙地到家,她才松了一口气。(Not until…) 25. 直到最近发生了一系列空难事故后,人们才开始关注飞行员的心理健康。(Not) 26. 在线预订出租车虽然很时尚,但许多相关问题尚待解决。(as) 27. 网购存在风险,因此下单之前的深思熟虑有助于避免不必要的损失。(exist) 28. 那个刚被批评的女孩哭着跑了出去,根本不知道这样其实让她的父母更伤心。(Out) 29. 她的内心深处一直存着一个疑惑,她可能是18年前被父母领养的。(In the depth) 30. 她一看完那个关于已灭绝物种的电视节目,就立志加入野生动物保护组织。(No sooner) (2013高考)


2016年沈阳市高三质量监测(二) A Jack was born without eyes. He was very lucky as he grew up having other kittens(young cats) to socialize(交往)with, and was used to people from the moment he was born. However, when it came time to find the kittens homes, no one knew where Jack would end up. That’s when I got an e-mail from my friend. All she asked was “Do you still want one of the kittens? There’s one here with no eyes and no one would like to take him.” Without thinking I told her that I did want the kitten. When we first brought him home, Jack stayed mostly in my room. After about a day he had no issues running around and climbing on everything. At times he gets lost in the house, he’ll stop. But we just call his name and talk to him and it isn’t long before he finds his way back to us. A few weeks after getting Jack, we got a new barn cat named Bear. Jack and Bear have become best friends. It doesn’t matter that he can’t see. He always knows when Bear is around. He’ll run across the yard straight to Bear and wrap his front legs around his neck in a big hug. They run after each other around and wrestle(摔跤).They’ll lie down in the grass together when tired Jack is truly an inspiration. I’ve owned lots of kittens in my life, but Jack is the happiest and most playful. He doesn’t feel sorry for himself. He doesn’t need pity. I think Jean, owner of Gumbo, an other eyeless cat, said it best when she told me that cats don’t have disabilities, they have adaptabilities. 21. Why did Jack come to our home? A. I cared for an eyeless cat. B. I didn’t mind whether he was blind. C. No other young cats kept him company. D. My friend begged me to take him home. 22. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Jack often wrestles with Bear indoors. B. Jack likes to play with a new eyeless cat. C. Jack quickly adapts to the new environment. D. Jack is good at talking and playing with people. 23. What does the underlined word “issue” in Paragraph 3 mean? A. Trouble B. Fun C. Luck D. Business 24. What does the passage mainly tell us? A. A cat has nine lives. B. All is well that ends well. C. God help those who help themselves. D. A good beginning makes a good ending.


崇明县2015届第二次高考模拟考试试卷 II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions:After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. (A) Happiness Is an Attitude The 92-year-old confident and proud lady, who is fully dressed each morning by e ight o’clock, with her hair fashionably combed and makeup perfectly applied, (25)_____ _____ she’s legally blind, moved to a nursing home today. Her husband of 70 years recently passed away, (26)_____ (make) the move necessary. After many hours of waiting patiently in the hall of the nursing home, she (27)_____ (smile) sweetly when told her room was ready. As she got into the elevator (28)_____ her wheelchair, I provided a description of her tiny room. “I love it,” she started with the enthusiasm of (29)_____ eight-year-old child having just been presented with a new dog. “Mrs. Jones, you haven’t seen the room…just wait.” “That ha s(30)_____ to do with it,” she replied. “Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. (31)_____ I like my room or not d oesn’t depend on how the furniture is arranged…it’s how I arrange my mind. I already decided to love it. It’s a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body (32)_____ no longer work or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones working. Each day is a gift, and (33)_____ _____ _____ my eyes open, I’ll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I’ve stored away…just for this time in my life.” (B) A sculptor has scaled new heights by building the world’s tallest toothpick (牙签) model. Stanley Hayes Munro, 45, from Syracuse, New York, is a toothpick engineer, who(34)_____ (hook) by toothpick modelssince he built his first sculpture in school when creating a structure that (35)_____ support the weight of an egg. Now, he has won the world record for the tallest toothpick structure with a sculpture of the BurjKahlifa, Dubai. For Stanley though, he has always been more concerned with the integrity(完整性) of his work. Stanley said: “I’ve never cared for counting toothpicks, wasting toothpicks, or the number of toothpicks (36)_____ (use) in any construction. But an engineering problem you’ve got to create a strong structure is a problem worth (37)_____(solve).” “I made my first toothpick structure in an art class when I was in Grade 5,” he continued. “The assignment was to build something 25 centimeters tall and to have it (38)_____ (hold) the weight of an egg. Mine held my desk and from that point I became interested in it.” 高三英语共10页第1页


北京市朝阳区高三年级第二次综合练习 英语学科试卷2016. 5 本试卷共12页,共150分。考试时长120分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第二部分:知识运用(共两节, 45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 共15分) 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 例:It's so nice to hear from her again. _____,we last met more than thirty years ago. A. What's more B. That's to say C. In other words D. Believe it or not 答案是D。 21. ––What would you like, beer or juice? ––______. Give me some Cola please. A. Either B. Neither C.Both D. None 22. You ______ worry about me. I've decided to join a local health club. A. Mustn't B. Can't C. Needn't D. Daren't 23. ______ more about our university courses, write to this address. A. To find out B. Finding out C. Found out D. To be found out 24. I wonder whether his hearing is okay ______ he has turned the television up very loud. A. unless B. although C. until D. because 25. ––Have you asked Peter for advice? ---No, he ______ someone, so I didn't disturb him. A. is talking with B. has talked with C. was talking with D. had talked with B.26. ______ made the dining room extra special is its polished wooden floor. A. What B.That C.Who D. Which 27. You'd better make the plants shorter, ______ they will interrupt the views from the house. A. but B. and C. so D. or 28. You must learn to read people, ______ will be necessary if you work in a team. A. who B. that C. which D. what 29. Ann forgot ______ she had left the car and it took her half an hour to find it in the parking lot. A. where B. when C. why D. how 30. A notice will be put up_____ information about the closing dates for entering exams. A. given B. giving C. having given D. being given 31.Social and cultural activities for senior citizens ______ over the past several years. A. conducted B. were conducted C. have conducted D. have been conducted 32. ––Do you mind if I smoke here? ––I suggest you go to the separate room ______ for smokers. A. to reserve B. reserving C. reserved D. being reserved 33.The driver was really careless, otherwise the traffic accident ______. A. didn't happen B. hadn't happened C. wouldn't happen D. wouldn't have happened 34.Wait a moment. The director _____ her assistant pick up some sandwiches for the meeting.

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