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高级英语阅读unit 3

高级英语阅读unit 3
高级英语阅读unit 3


1 Courtesy 英['k??t?s?] 美['k?t?si]

1. a courteous or respectful or considerate act

2. a courteous or respectful or considerate remark

3. a courteous manner

n. 礼貌;好意;恩惠adj. 殷勤的;被承认的;出于礼节的

2 honorific 英[?n?'r?f?k] 美['ɑn?'r?f?k]

n. an expression of respect

adj. conferring or showing honor or respect

Adj . 1. 表示尊敬的;给予荣誉的

2. (对长者)尊称的,敬语的[亦作honorifical]n. 尊称,敬语

3 decadence 英['dek?d(?)ns] 美['d?k?d?ns]

n. the state of being degenerate in mental or moral qualities

n. 1. (文学、艺术、道德等方面的)衰落;堕落;颓废;衰退;腐朽

2. (19世纪)文学艺术衰落(或颓废)期

3. 颓废派艺术风格


4 burgeoning['b?:d??ni?]

adj. 增长迅速的;生机勃勃的

v. 成长(burgeon的ing形式);迅速发展

burgeon ['b?:d??n]

vi. 1. 迅速成长,迅速发展,扩展,增长,发展繁荣,兴旺:

2. 发芽,萌芽,抽芽,抽枝,抽条,长出蓓蕾(通常与out或forth连用):

vt. 发(芽),生出蓓蕾;抽(枝)

n. 新芽,嫩芽;蓓蕾;嫩枝[亦作bourgeon]

5 mill1 [mil]

n. 1. 磨坊,磨粉厂, 磨,碾磨机,粉碎机, 榨汁机

2. 机床,钱币压印机,(钱币的)压印花边机,滚扎机

3. 制造厂

4. (宝石的)磨光机,抛光机

5. 缓慢繁琐的程序;机械的例行公事

vt. 1. 碾磨;磨成粉,磨细;碾碎:to mill grain碾碎谷物

n. 1. a plant consisting of one or more buildings with facilities for


2. machinery that processes materials by grinding or crushing

3. the act of grinding to a powder or dust

v. 1. move about in a confused manner 2. grind with a mill

6 B.A Bachelor of Arts 文(科)学士

7 MA Master of Arts文学硕士

8 PhD Philosophiae Doctor [拉丁语]哲学博士(= Doctor of Philosophy)

9 nonetheless [,n?ne?'les]

adv. =nevertheless 尽管如此,但是conj. 尽管如此,但是

10 maestro1 ['maistr?u; mɑ:'estr?u]

n. an artist of consummate skill

1. 名作曲家;名指挥家,音乐教

2. (艺术的)名师,能手,艺术大师

变形: n. maestros maestri

11 magnifico [m?ɡ'nifik?u]

n. 1. 古威尼斯贵族 2. 高官,权贵,显要人物变形:n. magnificoes magnificos

12 rococo [r?u'k?uk?u; ,r?uk?'k?u]

n. 洛可可式建筑风格(18世纪在法国流行的一种建筑风格,特点是纤巧、浮华). 洛可可式文体;洛可可式艺术风格

adj.1. 洛可可式的2. 过分修饰的;华丽艳俗的 3. 过时的,旧式的

13 pastry ['peistri] 油酥点心;面粉糕饼

14 gilded ['ɡildid]

adj. 1. having the deep slightly brownish color of gold

2. based on pretense; deceptively pleasing

3. rich and superior in quality

adj. 镀金的,装饰的;富有的v. 给…镀金(gild的过去分词)

15 La Scala (意大利米兰市)卡斯卡拉歌剧院

16 Milan Corriere Della Sera米兰晚邮报

17 Prone [pr?un] adj. 俯卧的;有…倾向的,易于…的

18 predilection [,pri:di'lek??n] n.偏爱,偏好(for),嗜好

19 prosthetic [pr?s'θetik] adj. 1. 【语法学、韵律学】词首添音(或音节、音素)的、

20 surge [s?:d?] . a sudden or abrupt strong increase猛增;急剧上升

21 academe[,?k?'di:m]

the academic world n. 研究院;学院;学会(等于academy)



in an explicit manner adv. 明确地;明白地

occupational [,ɑkju'pe??nl]

of or relating to the activity or business for which you are trained

adj. 职业的;占领的


1 n . a source of danger; a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune

2v.. take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome

vt. 赌运气;冒…的危险,使遭受危险

n. 危险,冒险;冒险的事


a cruel and oppressive dictator

n. 独裁者,专制君主;独断独行的人

parody ['p?r?d?]

n. 拙劣的模仿;诙谐的改编诗文

vt. 拙劣模仿

explicit英[?k'spl?s?t; ek-]

precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable; leaving nothing to implication adj. 明确的;清楚的;直率的;详述的


n. an expression of respect

.Adj. conferring or showing honor or respect

adj. 尊敬的;敬称的

n. 敬语


1. a privileged class holding hereditary titles

n. 贵族;高贵;高尚


1. any monetary aid

2. the act of providing a subsidy

3. (law) a transfer of property by deed of conveyance

vt. 授予;允许;承认vi. 同意n. 拨款;[法] 授予物


. a courteous or respectful or considerate act

n. 礼貌;好意;恩惠

adj. 殷勤的;被承认的;出于礼节的

sorceress美['s?rs?r?s] n. 女巫;女术士;女魔法师

bland [bl?nd]

adj. 乏味的;温和的;冷漠的

vt. 使…变得淡而无味;除掉…的特性

vi. 变得平淡无奇;丧失特性


n. 馆长;监护人;管理者


Inflation n. 膨胀;通膨胀;夸张;自命不凡

A general and progressive increase in prices

Honorific [?n?'r?f?k adj. 尊敬的;敬称的n. 敬语

An expression of respect

full-fledged ['ful'fled?d] adj. 羽毛生齐的;有充分资格的;发育完全的

1. (of a bird) having reached full development with fully grown

adult plumage; ready to fly

2. (of persons e.g.) having gained full status

Deputy ['depj?t?] n. 代理人,代表adj. 副的;代理的

An assistant with power to act when his superior is absent

Vice n. 恶习;缺点;[机] 老虎钳;卖淫prep. 代替vt. 钳住adj. 副的;代替的

1. Moral weakness

2. A specific form of evildoing

Synonym 's?n?n?m n. 同义词;同义字

Two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous

relative to that context

Connote [k?'n??t vt. 意味着;含言外之意

1. Express or state indirectly

2. involve as a necessary condition of consequence; as in logic、

Ratio ['re?????n. 比率,比例

The relative magnitudes of two quantities (usually expressed as a



naming right :the right of naming 冠名权

vainglorious:too proud of your own abilities 虚荣心强的;非常自负的

arena:a building with a large flat central area surrouded by seats, where sports or entertainments take place竞技场

transit system: 运输系统

monument:a very old building or place that is important historically历史遗迹;不朽的作品

airborne :moved or conveyed by or through air航] 空运的;空气传播的;风媒的Oregon State university:俄勒冈州立大学

brewing company:酿酒公司

fermentation science:发酵科学

rubbermaid home products:乐柏美家居用品

Ohio State:俄亥俄州

Exxon Corporation:埃克森公司;埃克森石油公司;


1 close-knit ['kl?us'nit] adj held together as by social or cultural ties adj. 紧密的;严谨的;紧密结合着的

2 homespun ['h??msp?n] adj 1. of textiles; having a rough surface. 2. characteristic of country life adj. 朴素的,简朴的;手织的

3 plainspoken ['plen'spok?n] 1. using simple and direct language. 2. characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion adj. 老实说的;直言不讳的;说话直率的

4 token ['tok?n] 1. something of sentimental value n. 表征;代币;记号

5 appetite ['?p?ta?t] a feeling of craving something n. 食欲;嗜好

6 decadence ['d?k?d?ns] n.the state of being degenerate in mental or moral qualities n. 堕落,颓废;衰落

7 regime [rei'?i:m, ri-, ri'd?i:m] n.1. the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit

2. (medicine) a systematic plan for therapy (often including diet) n. 政权,政体;社会制度;管理体制

8 array [?'rei] n.1. an orderly arrangement n. 数组,阵列;排列,列阵;大批,一系列;衣服

9 guillotine ['ɡil?ti:n] n.

a closure imposed on the debate of specific sections of a bill

b instrument of execution that consists of a weighted blade between two vertical poles; used for beheading people n. 断头台;切纸机;截止辩论以付表决法

10 nobility [n?u'bil?ti] n.

a. a privileged class holding hereditary titles

b. the quality of elevation of mind and exaltation of character or ideals or conduct

c. the state of being of noble birth n. 贵族;高贵;高尚

11 surname ['s?:neim] n. the name used to identify the members of a family (as distinguished

from each member's given name) n. 姓,姓氏;绰号,别名

12 lofty ['l?fti, 'l?:f-] adj.

. of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style adj. 高的;崇高的;


13 astonishment [?'st?ni?m?nt] n.

the feeling that accompanies something extremely surprising n. 惊讶;令人惊讶的事物

14 barbarian [bɑ:'bε?ri?n] adj.without civilizing influences adj. 野蛮的;未开化的

n. 野蛮人


1.correspondence [,k?:ris'p?nd?ns] n. 通信;一致;相当n.

communication by the exchange of letters

2.équivalent [ekivalɑ,ɑ:t]

a.] 相等的,相当的;等价的,等值的,等量的

[m.] 相等物,等同物,相当物;等价物,等量物;同义语,对应词;当量

3.bullion ['bulj?n] n. 金银;纯金;金银块


1. a mass of precious metal

2. gold or silver in bars or ingots

consumer price index


4.monitor ['m?nit?] n. 监视器;监听器;监控器;班长

vt. 监控

display produced by a device that takes signals and displays them on a television screen or a computer monitor

5.inflation [?f la(ɑ)sj?] [f.] 通货膨胀;激增,飞涨

6.calculate ['k?lkj?le?t] vt. 计算;预测;认为;打算

vi. 计算;以为;作打

7.miscellaneous [,misi'leinj?s, 'mis?'leini?s] adj. 混杂的,各种各样的;多方面的,多才多艺的


constituting a grab-bag category

the usual collection of miscellaneous expenses

8.funeral ['fju:n?r?l] n. 葬礼;麻烦事

adj. 丧葬的,出殡的

a ceremony at which a dead person is buried or cremated

9.honorific [,?n?'rifik] adj. 尊敬的;敬称的

n. 敬语an expression of respect

adj.conferring or showing honor or respect

10.calculation [,k?lkju:lei??n]

n. n. 计算;估计;计算的结果;深思熟虑

the procedure of calculating; determining something by mathematical or logical methods 11.percentage [p?'sentid?] n. 百分比;百分率,百分数n.

1. a proportion multiplied by 100

2. assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group

12.corporate ['k?:p?rit]

adj. adj. 法人的;共同的,全体的;社团的

1.belonging to a corporation

2. possessing or existing in bodily form

3. done by or characteristic of individuals acting together

4. organized and maintained as a legal corporation

13.cadre [kɑ:(a)dr]m.] 框,框架;车架;集装箱;范围,环境;(电影的)画面,镜


14.vice [vis] m.] 缺陷,缺点,毛病;恶习;罪恶,坏事;腐化,堕落,放荡;


15.endowed [[in'dau]] v. 赋予;捐赠


provided or supplied or equipped with (especially as by inheritance or nature)

16.épithète [epit?t]] 修饰语,形容语;定语;称号,外号

[a.] 定语的

17.dictator [dik'teit?, 'dikteit?] 独裁者;命令者

n.. a speaker who dictates to a secretary or a recording machine


dis·ci·pline /d?s?pl?n/ ( disciplines, disciplining, disciplined ) CET4

N-UNCOUNT Discipline is the practice of making people obey rules or standards of behavior, and punishing them when they do not. 纪律

2. N-UNCOUNT Discipline is the quality of being able to behave and work in a

controlled way which involves obeying particular rules or standards. 自律

3. N-VAR If you refer to an activity or situation as a discipline, you mean that, in

order to be successful in it, you need to behave in a strictly controlled way and

obey particular rules or standards. 训练; 磨练

V-T If someone is disciplined for something that they have done wrong, they are punished for it. 处罚

V-T If you discipline yourself to do something, you train yourself to behave and

work in a strictly controlled and regular way. 训练

N-COUNT A discipline is a particular area of study, especially a subject of study in

a college or university. (尤指大学里的) 学科[FORMAL]

cor·rec·tive /k?r?kt?v/ ( correctives )

ADJ Corrective measures or techniques are intended to put right something that

is wrong. 纠正性的

N-COUNT If something is a corrective to a particular view or account, it gives

a more accurate or fairer picture than there would have been without it. 匡正


rou·tine /rutin/ ( routines ) CET4

N-VAR A routine is the usual series of things that you do at a particular time. A routine is also the practice of regularly doing things in a fixed order. 惯例; 常规

2. ADJ You use routine to describe activities that are done as a normal part of a

job or process 常规的

ADJ A routine situation, action, or event is one which seems completely ordinary, rather than interesting, exciting, or different. 平淡的[表不满]

N-VAR You use routine to refer to a way of life that is uninteresting and ordinary,

or hardly ever changes. 平淡乏味[表不满]

N-COUNT A routine is a computer program, or part of a program, that performs a specific function. 程序[COMPUTING]

N-COUNT A routine is a short sequence of jokes, remarks, actions, or movements that forms part of a longer performance. (一) 套

in·stance /?nst?ns/ ( instances ) CET4

1. PHRASE You use for instance to introduce a particular event, situation, or person that is an example of what you are talking about. 例如

2. N-COUNT An instance is a particular example or occurrence of something. 例

3. PHRASE You say in the first instance to mention something that is the first step in a series of actions. 首先[INFORMAL]

ad·just /?d??st/ ( adjusts, adjusting, adjusted ) CET4

V-T/V-I When you adjust to a new situation, you get used to it by changing your behavior or your ideas. 调整以适应

V-T If you adjust something, you change it so that it is more effective or appropriate. 调整

2. V-T If you adjust something such as your clothing or a machine, you correct or alter its position or setting. 调节

3.V-T/V-I If you adjust your vision or if your vision adjusts, the muscles of your eye or the pupils alter to cope with changes in light or distance. 适应

equiva·lent /?kw?v?l?nt/ ( equivalents ) CET4

N-SING If one amount or value is the equivalent of another, they are the same. 等

量物; 等价物

ADJ Equivalent is also an adjective. 等量的; 等值的

N-COUNT The equivalent of someone or something is a person or thing that has

the same function in a different place, time, or system. 等效对象

ADJ Equivalent is also an adjective. 等效的

3. N-SING You can use equivalent to emphasize the great or severe effect of something. 等效对象[强调]

mislead /m?slid/ ( misleads, misleading, misled ) CET4

V-T If you say that someone or something has misled you, you mean that they have made you believe something that is not true, either by telling you a lie or by giving you a wrong idea or impression. 误导

in·fla·tion /?nfle???n/ CET4

N-UNCOUNT Inflation is a general increase in the prices of goods and services in a country. 通货膨胀[BUSINESS]

lodestar ['l?udstɑ:] n.


目标;指导原则[亦作loadstar ]

sig·nifi·cant /s?gn?f?k?nt/ CET4

ADJ A significant amount or effect is large enough to be important or affect a situation to a noticeable degree. 重大的; 显著的

sig·nifi·cant·ly ADV 重大地; 显著地

ADJ A significant fact, event, or thing is one that is important or shows something. 重要的; 说明问题的

sig·nifi·cant·ly ADV 重要地; 说明问题地

moni·tor /m?n?t?r/ ( monitors, monitoring, monitored ) CET4

V-T If you monitor something, you regularly check its development or progress, and sometimes comment on it. 监控

V-T If someone monitors radio broadcasts from other countries, they record them or listen carefully to them in order to obtain information. 监听

N-COUNT A monitor is a machine that is used to check or record things, for example processes or substances inside a person's body. 监控器

N-COUNT A monitor is a screen which is used to display certain kinds of information, for example on a computer, in airports, or in television studios. 显示屏

N-COUNT You can refer to a person who checks that something is done correctly, or that it is fair, as a monitor. 监督员

lodge /l?d?/ ( lodges, lodging, lodged ) CET4

N-COUNT A lodge is a house or hotel in the country or in the mountains where people stay on vacation, especially when they want to hunt or fish. (乡野中的度假) 屋舍; 旅馆

N-COUNT A lodge is a small house at the entrance to the grounds of a large house. 门房

V-T If you lodge a complaint, protest, accusation, or claim, you officially make it. 正式提出(投诉、抗议、指控、要求)

V-T/V-I If you lodge somewhere, such as in someone else's house or if you are lodged there, you live there, usually paying rent. 借住; 租住

V-I If an object lodges somewhere, it becomes stuck there. 卡住

avail·able /?ve?l?b?l/ CET4

ADJ If something you want or need is available, you can find it or obtain it. 可获得的

avail·abil·ity N-UNCOUNT 可获得性

ADJ Someone who is available is not busy and is therefore free to talk to you or to do a particular task. 有空的[v-link ADJ]

quali·fied /kw?l?fa?d/

ADJ Someone who is qualified has a certificate, license, diploma or degree in order to work in a particular profession. 有资格的; 有文凭的

ADJ If you give someone or something qualified support or approval, your support or approval is not total because you have some doubts. 有限度的; 有保留的[ADJ n]

PHRASE If you describe something as a qualified success, you mean that it is only partly successful. 局部成功


I have two pictures in my photo album. Look at the first picture! It 1 is a picture of my family. My parents and I are smiling in the picture. 2 My parents love me and I love them, too. We have a happy family. 3 There are only two people in the second picture. They are my father and 4 mother. Where am I? Ha-ha, I was not born at that time. 5 1.I ____ two beautiful pictures. A. has B. have C. had D. have 6 to 7 2. The first picture is of my ____. 8 A. class B. father and mother C. family D. friend 9 3. We have a ____ family. A. happy B. good C. sad D. busy 10 4. There are ___ people in the second picture.A. two B. three C. four D. 11 five 12 5. My mother and my ____ are in the second picture.A. sister B. I C. aunt D. father. 13 One day, there is a car accident. Many people gather around. A man is 14 eager to have a look, but he can’t get close. So he shouts, “get out 15 of the way! I am his father. Get out of the way!” 16 Hearing this, people all laugh and make way for him. He is surprised 17 to see that there is a dog lying on the road but not a man. 18 根据短文内容判断下列句子。 19 1.There is a car accident. 20


Unit4 牛津 There are certain things in the world that are so praiseworthy that it seems a needless, indeed an almost laughable thing to praise them; such things are love and friendship, food and sleep, spring and summer; such things, too, are the wisest books, the greatest pictures, the noblest cities. But for all that I mean to try and make a little hymn in prose in honour of Oxford, a city I have seen but seldom, and which yet appears to me one of the most beautiful things in the world. 此世间确有诸多凡物,它们本身便是值得人们去品味和赞誉的,譬如说爱情和友谊、美食和睡梦、春色和夏日,还有如那些注满了智慧的书卷、注满了心血的画作和注满了圣意的城邦。也许对于这些凡物而言,再多的赞誉已无非是陈词滥调,荒唐可笑的,但我之所以还是想要对上述这些事物品味、赞誉一番,都是为了向牛津城表示我的敬意。牛津城对我来说,就是这世间极其罕见,又最为美丽的地方之一。 I do not wish to single out particular buildings, but to praise the whole effect of the place, such as it seemed to me on a day of bright sun and cool air, when I wandered hour after hour among the streets, bewildered and almost intoxicated with beauty, feeling as a poor man might who has pinched all his life, and made the most of single coins, and who is brought into the presence of a heap of piled-up gold, and told that it is all his own. 我并不想单独从牛津城里遴选出一些建筑来赞誉;我想要赞誉的是这块土地上所映射出的一种整体效果。这种效果在我看来,就好比是在一个阳光明媚、天气清爽的日子里,一连花上几个小时,徜徉在牛津城的街道上,痴迷、甚至是沉醉于这番美景之中。这感觉就犹如是把一位穷得一辈子衣衫褴褛、靠一角一分过日子的人带到一堆金矿旁,然后告诉他,这些财富都已归他所有。 I have seen it said in foolish books that it is a misfortune to Oxford that so many of the buildings have been built out of so perishable a vein of stone. It is indeed a misfortune in one respect, that it tempts men of dull and precise minds to restore and replace buildings of incomparable grace, because their outline is so exquisitely blurred by time and decay. I remember myself, as a child, visiting Oxford, and thinking that some of the buildings were almost shamefully ruinous of aspect; now that I am wiser I know that we have in these battered and fretted palace-fronts a kind of beauty that fills the mind with almost despairing sense of loveliness, till the heart aches with gratitude, and thrills with the desire to proclaim the glory of the sight aloud. 我曾在一些荒谬、无理的书里读到说,牛津城里如此之多的建筑都用易被腐蚀、布满裂纹的砖石砌成,这简直就是一场灾难。从某种角度来说,这倒确实是一场灾难,因为随着时间的流逝,用这种砖石砌成的建筑会渐渐破败,建筑的轮廓会很明显地变得七零八落,这便会惹得那些脑袋不灵活的笨家伙们想着整修或重建这些与牛津城魅力格格不入的“破玩意儿”。记得在我儿时游访牛津城时,我也曾这么想——这些建筑如此破旧不堪,几乎都是见不得人了;可现在,随着我年数和阅历的增益,我才知道在那些破旧不堪、磨坏受损的殿堂式房子里,蕴藏着一种别样的魅力。这种魅力乍看上去真是令人几近绝望,直到人们对这壮观之景开始心生感激时,才会猛地萌发出一种要高声赞誉这股魅力的念头。 These black-fronted blistered facades, so threatening, so sombre, yet screening so bright and clear a current of life; with the tender green of budding spring trees, chestnuts full of silvery spires, glossy-leaved creepers clinging, with tiny hands,


Passage 1 根据所给出的短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F) I am John. I have a good friend. His name is Ben. He is nine years old. We are in Grade Three, but in different classes. I am in Class One. He is in Class Three. Ben is a good student. He is clever and kind. I like him very much. Be helps me and plays with me. Both of us like football. We often play football in the afternoon. 1.Ben is John’s good friend. 2.Ben is ten years old. 3.John is in Class One, Grade Three. 4.John and Ben often play football in the morning. 5.Ben and John are in the same class. Passage 2 根据所给出的短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)Hello, my name is Wang Na. I’m a superstar. I’m from Shanghai. I usually get up at six and have breakfast at six thirty. I go to work at eight. I like singing, dancing and swimming. I like singing best. 1.The girl’s name is Wang Na. 2.She’s from Beijing. 3.She usually gets up at six thirty. 4.She likes singing best. 5.She likes running. Passage 3 阅读短文,选择正确答案。


小学三年级英语阅读理解专项训练 ( 1 ) I like animals very much. I like dogs best, but my mother does not like dogs, she likes cats, so we have a cat named (名字叫)Mili . Mili is very lovely but some times (有时)it makes me angry (生气的), so I do not like it. 判断正误, 正(√)误(×) ( )1. I do not like animals. ( )2. We have a dog named Mili. ( )3. My mother likes cats. ( )4. I like dogs. ( )5. I do not like Mili. ( )6. Mimi is lovely. ( 2 ) Tom: Look. I’m short and fat. Jerry: Ha, ha! I’m short and fat, too. Tom: How old are you ? Jerry: I’m nine. How about you? Tom: I’m eight years old. ( 3 ) Gao Wei: Hello! Kate: 1 Gao Wei: My name’s Gao Wei. Kate: 2 Gao Wei: 3 Kate: Glad to meet you ,too. ( 4 ) Li Yan : Hello, Peter. Is this 1 pencil? Peter : 2 , it isn’t. Maybe(可能)it’s Tom’s. Li Yan : Hello, Tom. Is this your pencil? Tom : Yes. Thank 3 . Li Yan : That’s 4 . ( 5 ) Hi, my frie nds! This is my room. It’s very small. The walls (墙)are yellow. The door is pink. The window is orange. The desk is purple. There is a picture on the wall. I like it very much. 根据短文内容填写单词 1. The window _______orange. 2. The walls are_______. 3. The_______is purple. 4.This is my .

高级英语6 unit4

MATRICULATION FIXATION Joe Queenan 1. Two years ago, I was languishing in the waiting room of a Philadelphia hospital when a complete stranger unexpectedly began telling me about his daughter’s college plans. As my seventy-nine-year-old mother was recovering from major surgery that afternoon, I could not give him my complete and undivided attention. But as the briefing session wore on, I did manage to garner most of the relevant details. 2. The girl, bright but not brilliant, had been accepted to a first-tier university without financial aid but had also been accepted to a local, second-echelon university where she was promised a free ride. Money being tight, with other college-bound children in the family queue, the man had persuaded his daughter to accep t the second university’s offer. Now he was worried that she would one day rue this decision. Because she would be graduating from a less prestigious institution, fewer contacts would be made and fewer doors would be opened. Her degree would put her within striking distance of the yellow brick road, but not physically on the road itself. 3. As a man of the world accustomed to being told the most intimate details about complete strangers’ marriages, careers, and hobbies, I had long ago acquired the requisite skills to mediate this crisis. I told the man that many of my high school classmates had graduated from the second-tier university in question and had gone on to live rich, full lives. 4. I told him that I myself had graduated from a second-echelon Philadelphia university not unlike the one his daughter was entering, and had managed to carve out a nice little niche for myself. I told him that my college days had been among the happiest of my life, that the sun never set without my thanking God for the illumination and inspiration provided by my talented, dedicated professors. Pressed for biographical data, I explained that I was a freelance writer, ticked off a list of my credentials, and said I was pretty happy with the way my career had turned out. 5. The man had never heard of me, had never read anything I’d written. Though he tried to feign interest in my pathetic curriculum vitae, I could see that he was devastated. By following an academic path similar to mine, his daughter, who was also planning a career in journalism, was going to end up as big a failure as I. 6. I never did find out why he was visiting the hospital. 7. I mention this incident because it illustrates the neurotic gabbiness that afflicts parents when it comes time to send their children to college. I know whereof I speak. Next fall, my daughter goes to college. Three years later my son will follow suit. I will


1.阅读理解并选择合适的选项 It’s eight o’clock. The children(孩子们) go to school by car every day. But they are walking to school ’s ten o’ Green usually(通常) stays at home in the morning. But she is going to the shops this ’s nine o’clock. Mr Green usually reads his newspaper at night(晚上). But he is reading an interesting(有趣的) book this evening. ( ) do the children come to school 8:00. 7:00. C:At 9:00. ( ) are they come to school today car. bus. C:Walking ( ) is Mrs Green going to the shops 8:00. 10:00. C:At 9:00. ( ) does Mr Green read his newspaper 8:00. 7:00. C:At 9:00. ( ) is Mr Green do this evening a books. a letter. TV. 2.判断正(T)误(F) Mike is a good student. He gets up at six thirty every day. He likes to wear his blue sweater. He goes to school at seven fifteen. He has English class at eight o’clock. He likes English very much. He has lunch at home. In the afternoon, he always plays football on the school playground. He does homework after dinner. He goes to bed at nine o’clock. ( ) (1) Mike gets up at 6:20 every day. ( ) (2) Mike has a blue sweater. ( ) (3) Mike has lunch at school.

初中三年级英语阅读 阅读理解及答案解析(二)

初中三年级英语阅读阅读理解及答案解析(二) Babies love chocolate and sometimes they also eat the paper around it. My cat enjoys a meal of good, thick paper, old letters, for example. She does not like newspapers very much Of course, the best paper comes from wood. Wood comes from trees, and trees are plants. Vegetables and fruit are plants, too, and we eat a lot of them. So can we also eat wood and paper? Scientists say, "All food comes in some way from plants." Well, is that true? Animals eat grass and grow fat. Then we eat their meat. Little fish eat little sea-plants, then bigger fish swim along and eat the ……Chickens eat bits of grass and give us…… Think for a minute. What food does not come from plants in some way? Scientists can do wonderful things with plants. They can make food just like meat and cheese. And they can make it without the help of animals. It is very good food, too. Now they have begun to say, "We make our paper from wood. We can also make food from wood. The next thing is not very difficult." What is the next thing? Perhaps it is-food from paper. Scientists say, "We can turn paper into food. It will be good, cheap food, too, cheaper than meat or fish or eggs." So please keep your old books and letters. (Don't feed [喂] your cat.) One day, they will be on your plate, if what scientists say may come true. 1. The writer asks us to keep our old books and letters because _______. A. they are useful for reading B. They may be used to feed cats C. We can make food from them soon D. we can read them at breakfast


【最新】人教版三年级上册英语阅读理解 一、根据对话内容,在表格内打“√”。 John:Look at the rainbow(彩虹). Tim:I see yellow. Mike:I see red. Sarah:I see green. Wu yifan: I see blue. John:I see orange. 二、阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。 Mum: Mike, happy birthday to you! Mike: Thank you, mum! Mum:There’s a big cake! Mike:How many candles(蜡烛)? Mum: Nine. Mike:How many plates? Mum:Ten. Mike:I like cakes. Mum:Let’s cut the cake!

Mike: Great! ()1. Today is Mike’s birthday. ()2. Mike is seven years old. ()3. Mike likes cakes. ()4.—How many plates? —Ten. ()5.—How many cakes? —One. 三、阅读对话,选择正确的答案。 Miss White: Hello, boys and girls! Boys & girls: Hi, Miss White. Miss White: Let’s go to the zoo! Boys & girls: Great! Mike: Wow, three big elephants! John: Look at that monkey. It’s so fat! Chen Jie: I like that red bird. Sarah: I like the pandas! They’re cute.(可爱的). Boys & Girls: We love animals! ()1. They are in the . A.school B. zoo C.park(公园) ()2.How many elephants? A. Three B. Two. C. Four. ()3. The is so fat! A. cat B. monkey C. pig


小学三年级英语阅读理解专项训练54篇 (1) It’s eight o’clock. The children(孩子们) go to school by car every day. But they are walking to school today.It’s ten o’clock.Mrs Green usually(通常) stays at home in the morning. But she is going to the shops this morning.It’s nine o’clo ck. Mr Green usually reads his newspaper at night(晚上). But he is reading an interesting(有趣的) book this evening. ( )1.When do the children come to school? A.At 8:00. B.At 7:00. C:At 9:00. ( )2.How are they come to school today? A.By car. B.By bus. C:Walking ( )3.When is Mrs Green going to the shops? A.At 8:00. B.At 10:00. C:At 9:00. ( )4.When does Mr Green read his newspaper? A.At 8:00. B.At 7:00. C:At 9:00. ( )5.What is Mr Green do this evening? A.Reading a books. B.Writing a letter. C.Watching TV. (2) Mike is a good student. He gets up at six thirty every day. He likes to wear his blue sweater. He goes to school at seven fifteen. He has English class at eight o’clock. He likes English very much. He has lunch at home. In the


v1.0 可编辑可修改 初中三年级全一册 Chapter 1 1.﹡disappointment n. 失望 2.employee n. 职工;雇 员 3.﹡agency n. 服务机 构;代理机构 4.﹡travel agency n 旅 行社 5.well-dressed adj. 穿 着考究的 6.enter v. 进入 7.﹡glance v. 匆匆一 看 8.﹡greet v. 和…打招 呼 9.sigh v. 叹气 10.senior adj. 级别高 的 11.prefer v. 更喜 欢 12.chance n. 机会 13.gesture n. 手势 14.appearance n. 外 貌 15.﹡rest v. 托 16.impression n. 印 象 17.﹡contact n. 接 触 18.﹡eye contact目光接 触 19.hesitation n. 犹 豫 20.without hesitation 毫不犹豫地 21.remind v. 提醒 22.﹡recognize v. 识 别 23.﹡ballet n. 芭蕾 舞 24.﹡graceful adj.优 美的 25.﹡classical adj.古典 的 26.century n. 世纪 27.beauty n. 美人 28.﹡muscle n. 肌肉 29.pronunciation n. 发音 30.false adj. 假的 31.false teeth 假牙 32.﹡bless v.祝福;保 佑 33.﹡underneath adv. 在下面 34.uniform n. 制服 35.date v. 注上日期 36.﹡sign v. 签名 37.﹡reminder n.提示信 38.﹡closing n. 结束 语 39.﹡membership card 会员卡 40.regards n.致意问 候 41.invitation n. 邀请 函 Chapter 2 1.round adj. 圆形 的 2.heart-shaped adj. 心形的 3.advertisement n.广 告 4.﹡hairstyle n. 发 型 5.suit v. 合适 6.hairbrush n. 发梳 7.﹡hairdryer n.吹风 机 8.﹡leaflet n. 传单 9.﹡lifestyle n.生活方 式 10.promise v. 保证 11.on top of the world 幸福到极;心满意足 12.expert n. 专家 13.depend on 取决于 14.﹡sociable adj. 好


学习资料 I have two pictures in my photo album. Look at the first picture! It is a picture of my family. My parents and I are smiling in the picture. My parents love me and I love them, too. We have a happy family. There are only two people in the second picture. They are my father and mother. Where am I? Ha-ha, I was not born at that time. 1.I ____ two beautiful pictures. A. has B. have C. had D. have to 2. The first picture is of my ____. A. class B. father and mother C. family D. friend 3. We have a ____ family. A. happy B. good C. sad D. busy 4. There are ___ people in the second picture.A. two B. three C. four D. five 5. My mother and my ____ are in the second picture.A. sister B. I C. aunt D. father. One day, there is a car accident. Many people gather around. A man is eager to have a look, but he can’t get close. So he shouts, “get out of the way! I am his father. Get out of the way!” Hearing this, people all laugh and make way for him. He is surprised to see that there is a dog lying on the road but not a man. 根据短文内容判断下列句子。 1.There is a car accident. 2.After the car accident, many people gather around. 3.An old woman is eager to have a look. 4.A cat is on the road. 5.The man is the father of the dog. 各种学习资料,仅供学习与交流

高级英语阅读unit 3

Preview 1 Courtesy 英['k??t?s?] 美['k?t?si] 1. a courteous or respectful or considerate act 2. a courteous or respectful or considerate remark 3. a courteous manner n. 礼貌;好意;恩惠adj. 殷勤的;被承认的;出于礼节的 2 honorific 英[?n?'r?f?k] 美['ɑn?'r?f?k] n. an expression of respect adj. conferring or showing honor or respect Adj . 1. 表示尊敬的;给予荣誉的 2. (对长者)尊称的,敬语的[亦作honorifical]n. 尊称,敬语 3 decadence 英['dek?d(?)ns] 美['d?k?d?ns] n. the state of being degenerate in mental or moral qualities n. 1. (文学、艺术、道德等方面的)衰落;堕落;颓废;衰退;腐朽 2. (19世纪)文学艺术衰落(或颓废)期 3. 颓废派艺术风格 P1---P3 4 burgeoning['b?:d??ni?] adj. 增长迅速的;生机勃勃的 v. 成长(burgeon的ing形式);迅速发展 burgeon ['b?:d??n] vi. 1. 迅速成长,迅速发展,扩展,增长,发展繁荣,兴旺: 2. 发芽,萌芽,抽芽,抽枝,抽条,长出蓓蕾(通常与out或forth连用): vt. 发(芽),生出蓓蕾;抽(枝) n. 新芽,嫩芽;蓓蕾;嫩枝[亦作bourgeon] 5 mill1 [mil] n. 1. 磨坊,磨粉厂, 磨,碾磨机,粉碎机, 榨汁机 2. 机床,钱币压印机,(钱币的)压印花边机,滚扎机 3. 制造厂 4. (宝石的)磨光机,抛光机 5. 缓慢繁琐的程序;机械的例行公事 vt. 1. 碾磨;磨成粉,磨细;碾碎:to mill grain碾碎谷物 n. 1. a plant consisting of one or more buildings with facilities for manufacturing 2. machinery that processes materials by grinding or crushing 3. the act of grinding to a powder or dust v. 1. move about in a confused manner 2. grind with a mill 6 B.A Bachelor of Arts 文(科)学士 7 MA Master of Arts文学硕士 8 PhD Philosophiae Doctor [拉丁语]哲学博士(= Doctor of Philosophy) 9 nonetheless [,n?ne?'les] adv. =nevertheless 尽管如此,但是conj. 尽管如此,但是 10 maestro1 ['maistr?u; mɑ:'estr?u] n. an artist of consummate skill 1. 名作曲家;名指挥家,音乐教 2. (艺术的)名师,能手,艺术大师

初中三年级英语阅读 阅读理解及答案解析

初中三年级英语阅读阅读理解及答案解析(三) In England recently three foreign gentlemen came to a bus stop and waited . About five minutes later, the bus they wanted came along. They were just going to get on when suddenly there was a loud noise behind them. People rushed onto the bus and tried to push them out of the way . Someone shouted at them. The bus conductor came rushing down the stairs to see what all the trouble was about. The three foreigners seem all at sea and looked embarrassed (窘迫的 . No one had told them about the British custom (习惯)of lining up for a bus that the first person who arrives at the bus stop is the first person to get on the bus . Learning the language of a country isn't enough. If you want to have a pleasant visit, find out as much as possible about the manners and customs of your host country. You will probably be surprised just how different they can be from your own. A visitor to India would do well to remember that people there consider it impolite to use the left hand for passing food at table. The left hand is supposed to be used for washing yourself. Also in India, you might see a man shaking his head at another to show that he doesn't agree. But in many parts of India a shake of the head means agreement. Nodding (点头) your head when you are given a drink in Bulgaria will most probably leave you thirsty . In that country, you shake your head to mean 'yes'- a nod means 'no' . At a meal in countries on the Arabic Peninsula, you will find that your glass is repeated refilled as soon as you drink up . If you think that you have had enough , you should take the cup or glasses in your hand and give it a little shake from side to side or place your hand over the top. In Europe it quite usual to cross your legs when you are sitting talking to someone even at an important meeting. Doing this in Thailand, however, could bring about trouble . Also, you should try to avoid (避免)touching the head of an adult (成人) --it's just not done in Thailand . 1. The British people tried to push the three gentlemen out of the way, because the gentlemen _________ . A. were foreigners B. didn't have tickets C. made a loud noise D. didn't line up for the bus
