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-------------精选文档----------------- 1. Shipper Insert Name, Address and Phone B/L No. EW 20 Shangdong Imp / Exp Corp 62, Jiangxi Rd, Qingdao, China (信用证下一般为受益人 即出口商) 中远集装箱运输有限公司 COSCO CONTAINER LINES TLX: 33057 COSCO CN FAX: +86(021) 6545 8984 ORIGINAL 2. Consignee Insert Name, Address and Phone To order of First Bangkok City Bank LTD., Bangkok (提单的抬头要根据信用证的具体要求填写 PAY TO ORDER …) Port-to-Port or Combined Transport BILL OF LADING RECEIVED in external apparent good order and condition except as other- Wise noted. The total number of packages or unites stuffed in the container, The description of the goods and the weights shown in this Bill of Lading are Furnished by the Merchants, and which the carrier has no reasonable means Of checking and is not a part of this Bill of Lading contract. The carrier has Issued the number of Bills of Lading stated below, all of this tenor and date, One of the original Bills of Lading must be surrendered and endorsed or sig- Ned against the delivery of the shipment and whereupon any other original Bills of Lading shall be void. The Merchants agree to be bound by the terms And conditions of this Bill of Lading as if each had personally signed this Bill of Lading. SEE clause 4 on the back of this Bill of Lading (Terms continued on the back Hereof, please read carefully). *Applicable Only When Document Used as a Combined Transport Bill of Lading. 3. Notify Party Insert Name, Address and Phone (It is agreed that no responsibility shall attsch to the Carrier or his agents for failure to notify) Nan Heng International Trade CO., 104 / 4 Lardp Rd Wangt BANGKAPI.BKK (通知人也要根据信用证的具体要求填写 NOTIFY …) 4. Combined Transport * 5. Combined Transport* Pre - carriage by Place of Receipt 6. Ocean Vessel Voy. No. 7. Port of Loading EAST WIND V19 QING DAO 8. Port of Discharge 9. Combined Transport * BANGKOK Place of Delivery Marks & Nos. Container / Seal No. No. of Containers or Packages Description of Goods (If Dangerous Goods, See Clause 20) Gross Weight Kgs Measurement NHIT BANGKOK NO 1- 9 900 dozen Tri- Circle Brand Brass Padlock in 9 wooden cases of 100 dozen each 900 dozen Tri- Circle Brand Brass Padlock Description of Contents for Shipper’s Use Only (Not part of This B/L Contract) 10. T otal Number of containers and/or packages (in words) Nine wooden cases only Subject to Clause 7 Limitation 11. Freight & Charges Revenue Tons Rate Per Prepaid Collect prepaid Declared Value Charge Ex. Rate: Prepaid at Payable at Place and date of issue QINGDAO DEC 31 ,2000


出货单管理规定 为了防止因管理不善造成单据混乱而给公司造成经济损失,考核出货单在整个流转过程中各相关人员的工作业绩,确保本规定的有效实施,特制定此规定。本规定中的出货单仅指纸质出货单。分别是第一白联存根,第二红联客户,第三黄联财务,第四蓝联仓库。 1、相关人员应把出货单视作发票和收据来进行管理。 2、事业部财务负责人负责监督和控制本事业部已从广州领的出货单据的流转过程,并妥善保存已用完和未用的出货单,如有遗失应及时上报并上报丢失情况说明,事业部财务负责人还负责将每次的十本出货单报事业群财务备案。事业部空白出货单只剩余三本时即要向广州申请领用。存根联要整本装订,仓库联也要整本装订。 3、事业部仓库负责人负责安排人员根据订单配货装车并指定人员认真填写每本出货单,按联次要求把该联送给不同的需求者。空白出货单只能用于出货,要妥善保管,不能被人用作它用。填单人员按照出货单的序列号顺序开具,不得空号、跳号,不得套写,不得大头小尾,不得随意篡改各联次,填写错误的四联应联合订在一起,并分别在出货单的四联加盖“作废”章。存根联留底,它是作为发生问题溯源的依据,不允许撕走。整本出货单按序编号存查。 4、事业群财务经理负责所有事业部出货单的备案工作,并严格按规定的本数(10本)批准发出空白出货单。 事业群财务经理在检查出货单时如发现违反本规定的将严格按

惩处办法执行。 1、相关负责人未按公司规定控制执行,经公司领导及相关部门评定分析,确属失职或有意的根据性质分别予以200-1000元罚款,如缺少一联或少一本将予以200-500元的罚款并降职或调岗处分,情节特别严重者,将按《公司法》追究其责任。 2、在工作过程中,如玩忽职守,粗心大意,不按上述规定填写,编号不正确、漏编、少编或多编,根据失职程度,每次给予10-50元的罚款。 本规定自2014年12月1日开始执行。 事业群财务部 2014年12月1日


产品出货流程图 一、目的: 服务公司客户的产品销售,满足客户的发货要求,保证发货的及时性、准确性和有效实施款到发货的原则,防止因管理不善和失误而给公司造成经济损失,确保公司发货流程的顺畅,提高公司和客户的经济效益。 二、适用范围: 公司所有涉及发货的工作。 三、职责与权限: 3.1 销售总监负责监督和控制公司产品及其它发货过程,负责对超额欠款客户发货的监督审查,并报公司主管领导备案。 3.2 销售部总监负责实施产品发货工作,对客户要求的发货《客户定货单》的审核并监督仓库发货过程,确保严格按客户要求及时发货,把《客户定货单》留底一份存查。 3.3 生产部经理负责人负责所有客户要求的产品生产工作; 技术部负责下单,安排控制所有合格产品质量和包装,确保发货的及时性、安全

性、准确性。 3.4 仓库主管负责安排仓库人员根据《客户定货单》配货装箱,确保严格按客户要求按质按量发货。 3.5 仓库管理员负责《客户定货单》的配货、装箱、打包工作并根据《成品仓库管理程序》中的发货程序具体实施。 3.6 采购部负责客户货物的运输、发送工作并严格按客户或公司的货运站及运输方式及时发送。 3.7 销售客服负责收集和登记客户的传真配货单,并及时交收件人签收。 3.8 销售统计员负责电脑统计《汇总发货清单》。 3.9 财务部主管负责汇总销售部发货单据,监督和控制客户欠款额度,并报主管领导备案。 四、工作程序: 4.1 客户的发货单传真,必须由销售统计员负责统一收集登记。销售部文员应根据传真货单及时交予该销售部经理签收确认。 4.2

销售部总经理收到客户交予或传真的要求发货的《发货清单》后,认真统计该货单的发货金额并评审该客户的货款余额,如在规定的欠款额度内应在《发货清单》上签字确认并及时交予仓库发货;如超过公司规定的欠款额度,应交销售总 监及主管领导审核同意后方可执行发货。 销售部经理应严格按规定的权限内签名批准发货,如发现违反本工作程序规定的将严格按奖惩办法执行。 4.3 对签名确认后或经主管领导审批后的发货单,销售部经理应及时交予仓库配发货,严禁无故拖延影响发货时间而给客户和公司造成损失。所有《客户发货单》销售部经理及仓库必须保存原单,作为发货和发生问题溯源的依据。 4.4 销售总监必须随时对公司各客户发货情况进行查询和监督,严格按规定的权限审批《客户发货单》;对发货过程中发现的问题应及时予以解决;疑难及重大问题应及时汇报上级领导,取得充分授权和批准后方可最后确定。 4.5 仓库主管收到销售部(经相关人员评审签名确认后)下达的《客户发货单》后应按仓库发货程序安排仓库人员及时配货,仓库人员应保证严格按配货单上的客户要求配货;仓库主管负责严格监督配货速度和质量,防止配错、漏配、短货和货单不相符的现象的发生。


货物托运单范本 托运单位:____________ 联系人:________________________ 电话:________________ 地址:_______市_______路______号 货物名称 包装式样 件数 每件体积(米3) 长×高×宽 重量(公斤) 托运总吨位 每件 最重件 实重吨 车辆吨 需要车辆数:________________________ 需要车种:__________________________ 起运地:_____________路___________号 到达地:_____________路___________号 发货单位:__________________________ 运到日期:__________________________ 委托注意事项:______________________ 1._________________________________ 2._________________________________ 3._________________________________ 4._________________________________ 5._________________________________ 6._________________________________ 运输距离:_____________________公里。 运费人民币(大写):________________ 经济责任:不按运输托运单规定时间和要求配车发运的,由承运单位酌情赔偿损失;运输过程中货物灭失、短少、损坏,按货物的实际损失赔偿。托运人未按托运单规定的时间和要求提供托运的货物,应偿付承运人实际损失的违约金。由于货物包装缺陷产生破损,因此造成其他货物和运输工具损坏,造成人身伤亡,托运人应承担赔偿责任。 托运人:_____________________(盖章) ___________年__________月__________日 承运人:_____________________________ 营业员:_____________________(盖章) ___________年__________月__________日



1. Shipper Insert Name, Address and Phone B/L No. EW 20 Shangdong Imp / Exp Corp 62, Jiangxi Rd, Qingdao, China (信用证下一般为受益人 即出口商) 中远集装箱运输有限公司 COSCO CONTAINER LINES TLX: 33057 COSCO CN FAX: +86(021) 6545 8984 ORIGI NAL 2. Consignee Insert Name, Address and Phone To order of First Bangkok City Bank LTD., Bangkok (提单的抬头要根据信用证的具体要求填写 PAY TO ORDER …) Port-to-Port or Combined Transport BILL OF LADING RECEIVED in external apparent good order and condition except as other- Wise noted. The total number of packages or unites stuffed in the container, The description of the goods and the weights shown in this Bill of Lading are Furnished by the Merchants, and which the carrier has no reasonable means Of checking and is not a part of this Bill of Lading contract. The carrier has Issued the number of Bills of Lading stated below, all of this tenor and date, One of the original Bills of Lading must be surrendered and endorsed or sig- Ned against the delivery of the shipment and whereupon any other original Bills of Lading shall be void. The Merchants agree to be bound by the terms And conditions of this Bill of Lading as if each had personally signed this Bill of Lading. SEE clause 4 on the back of this Bill of Lading (Terms continued on the back Hereof, please read carefully). *Applicable Only When Document Used as a Combined Transport Bill of Lading. 3. Notify Party Insert Name, Address and Phone (It is agreed that no responsibility shall attsch to the Carrier or his agents for failure to notify) Nan Heng International Trade CO., 104 / 4 Lardp Rd Wangt BANGKAPI.BKK (通知人也要根据信用证的具体要求填写 NOTIFY …) 4. Combined Transport * 5. Combined Transport* Pre - carriage by Place of Receipt 6. Ocean Vessel Voy. No. 7. Port of Loading EAST WIND V19 QING DAO 8. Port of Discharge 9. Combined Transport * BANGKOK Place of Delivery Marks & Nos. Container / Seal No. No. of Containers or Packages Description of Goods (If Dangerous Goods, See Clause 20) Gross Weight Kgs Measurement NHIT BANGKOK NO 1- 9 900 dozen Tri- Circle Brand Brass Padlock in 9 wooden cases of 100 dozen each 900 dozen Tri- Circle Brand Brass Padlock Description of Contents for Shipper’s Use Only (Not part of This B/L Contract) 10. Total Number of containers and/or packages (in words) Nine wooden cases only Subject to Clause 7 Limitation 11. Freight & Charges Revenue Tons Rate Per Prepaid Collect prepaid Declared Value Charge Ex. Rate: Prepaid at Payable at Place and date of issue QINGDAO DEC 31 ,2000 Total Prepaid No. of Original B(s)/L Signed for the Carrier, COSCO CONTAINER LINES USD 330.40 THREE LADEN ON BOARD THE VESSEL DATE DEC 31 ,2000 B Y COSCO CONTAINER LINES


D/O D/O:即delivery order得缩写译为:提货单,拨货单。

DELIVERY ORDER提货单,就是目得港口提取货物时需要得凭证,不可以转让。 货物上船之后,由船公司签发B/L给SHIPPER,SHIPPER将B/L转给CONSIGNEE,货物到达港口,CONSIGNEE 凭B/L去船公司换取D/O,凭D/O去港口提货。 二者在货物提取之前有且只有一个留在货主手里,只不过D/O不再就是物权凭证,货主领取D/O之后,说明船公司已经把货物放给货主了。 详细介绍 PSS = Peak Season Surcharges 旺季附加费大多数航线在运输旺季时可能临时使用 海运费ocean freight 集卡运费、短驳费Drayage 订舱费booking charge 报关费customs clearance fee 操作劳务费labour fee or handling charge 商检换单费exchange fee for CIP 换单费D/O fee 拆箱费Devanning charge 港杂费port surcharge 电放费B/L surrender fee 冲关费emergent declearation change 海关查验费customs inspection fee 待时费waiting charge 仓储费storage fee 改单费amendment charge 拼箱服务费LCL service charge 动、植检疫费animal & plant quarantine fee 移动式其重机费mobile crane charge 进出库费warehouse in/out charge 提箱费container stuffing charge 滞期费demurrage charge 滞箱费container detention charge 卡车运费cartage fee 商检费modity inspection fee 转运费transportation charge 污箱费container dirtyness change 坏箱费用container damage charge 清洁箱费container clearance charge 分拨费dispatch charge 车上交货FOT ( free on track ) 电汇手续费T/T fee


SALES CONFIRMATION 卖方Seller: DALIAN TEXTILES IMPORT & EXPORT CORP. 4 YING CHUN STREET, DALIAN, CHINA NO.: 03DRA207 DATE: 2003年1月20日 SIGNED IN: 一式三份 买方 Buyer: DAEHO APPAREL CO. LTD. C.P.O. BOX7155 SEOUL, KOREA 经买卖双方同意成交下列商品,订立条款如下: This contract is made by and agreed between the BUYER and SELLER, in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated below. Transshipment (转运): □Allowed (允许) ?not allowed (不允许) Partial shipments (分批装运): □Allowed (允许) ?not allowed (不允许) Shipment date (装运期): 6月30日 Insurance (保险): 由卖方按发票金额110%投保险,另加保险至货物通过船舷为止。 to be covered by the FOR 110% of the invoice value covering additional from to . Terms of payment (付款条件): □买方不迟于2003 年 4 月30 日前将100%的货款用即期汇票/电汇送抵卖方 The buyers shall pay 100% of the sales proceeds through sight(demand) draft/by T/T remittance to the sellers not later than April 30 □买方须于2003 年 1 月18 日前通过中国银行开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤消30 天期信用证,并注明在上述装运日期后21 天内在中国议付有效,信用证须注明合同编号。 The buyers shall issue an irrevocable L/C at sight through in favor of the sellers prior to indicating L/C shall be valid in China through negotiation within day after the shipment effected, the L/C must mention the Contract Number. □付款交单:买方应对卖方开具的以买方为付款人的见票后 3 天付款跟单汇票,付款时交单。 Documents against payment:(D/P) The buyers shall duly make the payment against documentary draft made out to the buyers at sight by the sellers. □承兑交单:买方应对卖方开具的以买方为付款人的见票后 3 天承兑跟单汇票,承兑交单。 Documents against acceptance:(D/A) The buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft made out to the buyers at days by the sellers. Documents required (单据): 卖方应将下列单据提交银行议付/托收。 The sellers shall present the following documents required for negotiation/collection to the banks. ?整套正本清洁提单。 Full set of clean on Board Ocean Bills of Lading. □商业发票一式三份。


1. Shipper Insert Name, Address and Phone B/L No. EW 20 Shangdong Imp / Exp Corp 62, Jiangxi Rd, Qingdao, China (信用证下一般为受益人 即出口商) 中远集装箱运输有限公司 COSCO CONTAINER LINES TLX: 33057 COSCO CN FAX: +86(021) 6545 8984 ORIGINAL 2. Consignee Insert Name, Address and Phone To order of First Bangkok City Bank LTD., Bangkok (提单的抬头要根据信用证的具体要求填写 PAY TO ORDER …) Port-to-Port or Combined Transport BILL OF LADING RECEIVED in external apparent good order and condition except as other- Wise noted. The total number of packages or unites stuffed in the container, The description of the goods and the weights shown in this Bill of Lading are Furnished by the Merchants, and which the carrier has no reasonable means Of checking and is not a part of this Bill of Lading contract. The carrier has Issued the number of Bills of Lading stated 3. Notify Party Insert Name, Address and Phone (It is agreed that no responsibility shall attsch to the Carrier or his agents for failure to notify) Nan Heng International Trade CO., 104 / 4 Lardp Rd Wangt (通知人也要根据信用证的具体要求填写 NOTIFY …)


Shipper 出口商或信用证上如果无规定时填写信用证受益人,如果信用证上以第三方为托运人则必须予以缮制 CHINA NATIONAL FOREIGN TRADE TRANSPORTATION CORP GA COMBINED TRANSPORT BILL OF LADING RECEIVED the goods in apparent good order and condition as specified below unless otherwise stated herein. The Carrier ,in accordance with the provisions contained in this documnent . 1) unertaks to perform or to procure the performance of the entire transport from the place at which the goods are tskec in charge th the place designated for delibery in this document ,and 2)assumes liablity as prescribed in this document for such transport.One of the Bills of Lading must be surrendered duly indorsed inexchange for the goods or delivery order. Consignee or order 按信用证填写 Notify address 进口商或其代理,严格按照信用证填写 Pre-carriage by 转船运输时填写第一程船的船名和中转港 Place of receipt 只有在转船运输时填写 Ocean vessel 承担本次运输的船舶名称和航次 Port of loading 实际装船的港口名称


1、托运人(Shipper),在信用证支付方式下,一般以受益人为托运人;托收方式以托收的委托人为托运人。 2、收货人(Consignee),收货人要按合同和信用证的规定来填写。 3.被通知人(Notify Party),原则上该栏一定要按信用证的规定填写。 4.船名(Ocean Vessel)即由承运人配载的装货的船名,班轮运输多加注航次。 5.装运港(Port of Loading),填实际装运货物的港名。 6、卸货港(Port of Discharge),原则上,L/C项下提单卸货港一定要按L/C规定办理。 7、唛头(shipping Marks /Marks &Nos.),如果信用证有明确规定,则按信用证缮打。 8.包装与件数(No. &kind of Packages),一般散装货物该栏只填“In Bulk”,大写件数栏可留空不填。 9.商品名称(描述)( Description of Goods ),原则上应按信用证规定填写并与发票等其他单据相一致。 10.毛重和体积(Gross Weight &Measurement),除非信用证有特别规定,提单上一般只填货物的总毛重和总体积,而不表明净重和单位体积。 11.提单签发的份数(No. of Origina1s B/L),提单签发的正本三份,在提交给银行议付时必须是三份正本。 12.提单号码(B/L NO.),一般位于提单的右上角。

